: 5250 CIRCUUTION (25.000 BEADER3 DAILT) " Only Circulation it Salem Guar- anteed by the Audit Burean of Circulations. a) : FULL LEASED WIRE, t DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL- LEX KEWS SERVICE. A ip filter ; : Oregon: Tonight ' A Tiiurs- dav bowers; cooler Thursday; moderate southerly w-.nds, in- creasing ia force. I FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 101. "ON TBATX3 A S I) KS stand m CUT SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY MAY 14. 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS HUN PLANS OF LEAGUE OUTLINED Germans Would Include All Belligerent States And Neu trals Now Members ' Hague Tribunal ADDRESSED TO ALLIES Clever Labor Note, Designed To Win Sympathy Among World Radicals, Presented To Conference. By William Philip Siiwns (I'nited Tress Staff Correspondent.) St. Germain, May 11. The Austrian peace delegates arrived here shortly be fore 6 o'clock this e veiling. By Fred 8. Ferguson (I'nited Tress Staff Correspondent.) Tans, May 14. The big four today received three new notes from the Ger-! man delegates relative to the Peneo! terms. Their nature was not disclosed. I Seven communications concerning the I S ''Z'SgrJSSStS: InoiMaiority Caucus Prepares fir.-t two was promptly refused. The X' nd two. dealing with labor und Ger- inau war prisoners was referred to a si ial comiiiiKsioii of experts. Ii was believed a reply to the labor note might be made today. - I 'no f lili.iipn u na nYn.u.i.l in liirvh ...wrters that, notwithstanding the nrcs.l ent flood of eonimiiiiientioiis from tho'!i,lt"" caucus today unanimously ge Oeminiis they will eonipleto their oh-jlectod Senator Cummins, Iowa, as presi jectioo to the terms well within the M-',i,,t ,ro tcm of tllc SPmltc.' 1'ormnl clec ilav tune limit and that tho allies rffl ,. , . have made fullv replv wtihin another """ "im'ly aw""s ""vening of. tho ten days. 1 "'"J' senate. The same authority admitted the Senator Cummins was nominated by cleverness of the labor note, which may, Borah, on behalf of progressives. Ter be used as a wedge for more objections, i feet harmony marked today's oigamza also as a means of winning the sym-jtion civucus, senators declared, mithy of certain radionl elements' The following additional slate oi ot- throUKhoiit the world. League Plans Detailed. The German plan for a league of na- timis, which was referred to tho allied, league commission, sets forth the fol- Senator Curtis, Kansas, party whip. Inn ing principles, it was learned today. Committee Heads Named. First Prevention of international 1 Senator Lodge was authorized to ap disputes. "oint a committee on committees con- Seeuiid Universal disarmament, sisting of nine, a steering committee of Third Freedom of traffic and gen- nine and a patronage committee of oral equality of economie'rights. j three. Senator Rrandegee, ConnecVeui, Fourth Protection of natiounl minor-j will be chairman of the committee on ities. ! committees; Senator Mcl'nmber, North Fifth Creation of an international Dakota, chnirman of the steering eom woi kers bureau. hnittee, and Senator New, Indiana, chair Sixth Kegulntion of colonial ones-j man of the patronage committee, tionj. j The caucus re-adopted proposals for Seventh -Union of existing and fu-, changes in the senate rules, first adopt ture interiiationr.l institutions. ed last session but not iieted on by the Eighth Creation of an international senate. One prevents a senator wno pnrlinment. lis chairman of any of the "big ten'' The league, under the German plan, eonnnittes holding; membership on hhj would comprise all belligerent states, 1 other of the " bin ten. " This is to pr imlmliuu those established as a result vent concentration of power in tlu? of the war and i.ll neutrals, comprising . hands of a few senators. The other pro Tlie Hague world arbitration league. 'posed change would limit committees to Ne v members would be admitted by 17 members. Some are now so large t wo thirds vote. Entrance of the Holy that it is practically impossible in a. See would be held in reserve. Tho busy session to obtain a quorum to IcaKUe would be composed of two bodies, I transact business. a congress of states and an international - Inn linment. All secret treaties would' By L. C. Martin be abrogated. SO TRADE AGREEMENTS Russians Want Commercial Alliance With United States, Says Agent. , By Frank 3. Taylor I'nited Tress staff correspondent) Berlin, April 11). (By mail) The Russian bolsheviki are planning to seek a commercial alliance with the United .States, which would also in- f.ide Germany and Scandinavia' ac cording to M. Makowski. secret agent of the Leniiie government in Berlin. Should the league of nations fail as the bolsheviki believe it ill Makow ski expressed the belief that such a conunc mal pact might grow into a military nnd political alliance. The bol-lieviki, according to Makow- eki, mipToys Premier Ienine's phrase in describing the league of nations as '' league of capitalists." Pie-dent Wilson and his idea of the league are heartily supported by (C'ontiauei oa page two) Disabled Transport Puts Into Boston Harbor With Troops After 16-Day Trio Boston, May 14 The trans Jort V. Uickoiibach, r- rived today with troops from western states after an event fill voyage of 16 days. The first day out from France the Luckenbach ran in- to a storm in which the ship rolled and tossed to such a de- gree that 700 bunks collapsed, injuring many soldier oeeu- pants. On? man hid an arm fractured, evnother his jaw, and many suffered minor ems and bruises. Col. W. T. Mol- lison of Minnesota, in charge of the troops declared it was miraculous) that none of the aien were killed. n, Of Jn midoceau the starboard O i-je was disabled and the 'V' forced to proceed with , ?C' "Vg'ne. A sail made n , As of canvas help ed siv "a The i. JDrought the 12(fth infan.. ,.mus the third battaliou and .oops from oth er western states. The 120th was the only na tional guard unit to cross the Rhine. These troop saw gome of the hottest fighting of the war, having taken part in the cap ture of -Fiames. They were al so in the Afgonne line for 21 days. PRESIDENT PRO TEH Slate For Senate Offices To Be Fiiled At Special Session Next Week. ' ' Washington, May H.-Senate repub fieers was chosen: (leorne A. Sanderson, Chicago, secre tary of the senate; David S. Barry, Washington, D. C, sergeant at-arms: (United Tress Staff Correspondent.) Washington, May 14. Progressives united on Senator Cummins, Iowa, as their candidate for president pro tein nt meeting in Senator Borah's office early today. They were unable to reach Senator Lenrott. who is on his way here from the Tacific coast and did not wish to nominate him without knowing how he felt about accepting. Jtegular republican leaders indicated tlu. t ('nn, oiius Kill be acceptable, to them. Party harmony was expected to rule the conference of the senate republicans today to name a slute of senate offlcxic !j be voted on when the session opens next Monday. Progressive Issue Smothered. The issue raised by progressives (Continued on page two) Investigation Of Seattle Street Car Collision Opens Seattle, May 14. Investigation ,s un der siv todnv to determine responsibil ity for the street car collision tlmt killed Harold Carroll, Broadway high school student, tnd injured 18 other pus Sengeis here lute yesterday. A Capitol j Hill car, out of control, rac.,l down (Tine street bill and crashed into tne rear end of a "one-man" Capitol Ji ill 'ear, pushing the wreckage two blocks. ITwo aatns were hit bv the runaway car e: its down hill flight. REPUBLICANS NAME TWO MORE PLANES WILL ATT TRANS-ATLANTIC TRIP Dirigible C-5 and NC-4 Leave Bases For Trepassey Bay To Join Fleet: Washington, May 14.Two American aircraft today were speeding up the north Atlantic coast, the crews of both hoping to participate in trans-Atfantic flights. The dirigible C-5 left Montauk, N. Y., at 8 a. m. for St. Johns, N. F., undi 1; orders to attempt a flight to England the present cruise showed it advisable. An hour and five minutes later sea plane NO 4 held at Shatham, Mass., for! several days by engine trouble and bad weather, got away for Trepassey Buy. Commander Towers with seaplanes MM and NO-S ready to sturt on tne long flight to the Azores, was still at Trepassey. With the NC-4 at last under way, it was believed Commander Towers might post ixine until tomorrow the jump off, .... 41... a..:.. ............ I. a 4. .:.. imi mi' nip twiuB tur Auuuiu-. By A. E. Johnson (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Aboard U. S. 8. Prairie, Trepassey, r.' P., May H. This is the day set in' naval orders for the start here of the j American trans-Atlantic seaplanes. Weather conditions were fuvorablo at an early hour and indications were early ' plans would ba adhered to. Tonight a run moon win iiitiminato tne ocean ana the fleers will be favored by its light tT.mrta huvit hnnn Atituvtnina.l I. n I might be possible to make the start shortly after dusk If the NC-4 reaches here from Chat hr.in in time, she may make tho start mImH Ciliiininniln. Tnwnva if ia KntinvArl would delay his flight Ion enough to allow the crew of the NC-4 to rest and to give time for repairs of the usual sort. It is believed the NC-4 will at tempt a flight direct from tf.atliam to Trespasser when timo comes for her hop-ot'f. Naval officers here said they did not know whether the NC-4 would fly to Halifax nnd then to Treptssey Bay, or direct from hero to Trepnssey. The distance from here to Trespassey In a direct line over sea is approximately 9.10 (standard) miles. Tho distance to Mulifax is about 37.1 miles. , Direct Flight Possible. ' It was believed that Commander Rend (Continued on Page 2.) Investigator Says Packers Cot Iliegitmate Profit On Food Supplies. Los Angeles, May 14. The govern ment overlooked a chance to give tho poor man an opportunity to buy Imcou and canned meat at a reasonable pricu hen the war department agreed to ho d from the American uiuiket surplus lurmv canned beef anil bacon, Francis J. Henry, who investigated the packets, told the I'nited Press today, j Throwing this meat on the market, if widely distributed, would have no I serious effect on pi ices to the producer iof meat, Henry declared, because, con Isidered beside the total meat cousump !tion, the amount is suiall. I Hcney charged the (tliicngn puckers I have already made two profits on iiim I meat involved. The first profit was wnen tin government fixeil tne price I for the meat. This price, he said, con templated the packers paying JH per jliuudicd pounds to the pioducer for , beef. I "I am informed that the packers real jly paid an average of U.7.5 per hundred pounds lo. than the H contemplated by the government for this beer,-- no, derlared. "That mean an illegitimate profit of approximately .1,.liiO,i). j " Pia' ti'-ally the same thing oecurrtd a.i to bacon. "It seems to me the government shou'd le a bit more solicitous above the labor market and need not worry so mu'h altotit the market for meat," ' Heney added. "Meat is withheld from jthc market because it might disarrange ; market conditions. Hut nt the same time I do not hear any wail from pack eis or other profiteers over the gov Jeniment's police jn throwing discharged 'soldiers onto the lnbor maiket without regard to the labor maiket a condi tion." AMERICAN IT NC-4 OUT TO SMASH j FLIGHT UK, SETS NEW RIO RECORD ai - rtt p n I JNaV? llafl til KOUlC sTOni - Chatham, Mass- To Tres passey Receives And An swers Message In 2 Min utes. Washington, May 14. The navy, out to establish a world's record with a flight across the At'siiMe, today set up a new nuwk in wireless communication ,n? " "I""'"0 z'Ppn'g aionR the north Atlantic coast to join fellow fliers in cross-sea flight, Actina Secre tary Roosevelt grew anxious as to Com mander Head's progress. A wireless as t0. ,nc ronW ananswer in two minutes. The machine was off Seal Is land, going at tho rate of 8.1 miles an hour. Within one minute the wueit,,e Imd flashed the news to Panama, San Diego, Cal., and ships at sea as well us to Europe. Nnval officials sr.id no such sliced had evcr been attained iu a wireless communication. At 11:10, Acting' Seerctaiy of the Navy Roosevelt sent a message to the NC-4 ns follows: "What is your position! All keenlv interested your progress Roosevelt, Answer Bight Back. Two minutes later the radio operator took the following reply from Com iimnder Rend, of t he NC-4 on the desk at the navy department: "Roosevelt, WashingtonThan k you tor good wishes. M 4 is 20 miles south west Seal island, making So miles per hour. Rend." One minute later this message was be inw relayed to all ships and the bid wireless stations in Europe and Central America. The operation was completed within three minutes and six minutes later messages were received from Pan ama and Sun Diego, confirming receipt of the message from NC-4. Radio officials explained that the original messr.ge to the N(J 4 was sent from Washington to the railio station nt Otter (lift's, Maine, ami relay en (Continued on pago seven) Very few people ever had ther pie.ure smilin' away It. Some folks' idea o' bein' pleasant it laskin' if yon 're been tick. 1 Abe Martin t ! ! W Uor lM it -v.: it m ii i i is t i sr iif. f it-: i -v-- r i i -n lit I i taken Rumor of New Party Hear din Washington By L. C. Mirtin (I'nited Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, May 14. lit considering the mcny possibilities of 19-0, prompt Washington politicians are paving con siderable attention to a question being heard more and more frequently as the weeks go by. It is this: Will there be a third party is 19-0 1 Loud crys of "No" accompanied by jeers, scoffing and other professional manifestations of ridicule ind disbelief immediately greet the questioner who ask democratic or republican party lead ers the question.. They psint airiry the incident of the Bull Moose party s though that closed the argument. Signs (re multiplying, however, that out where tho voters grow and vote there is considerable dissatisft'.-ction with both of the existing politics! par ties which some observers think might crystallize under certain circumstances in the formation of a new and very pow erful party by the time 1920 arrives. Members of congress who have re cently travelled thousands of mile; through many states report, that they huve found third party sentiment in a number of places. One senator, for in stance, was met in two widely separated western towns by delegations formed for the specific purpose of urging him to take the lead in formation of an "American party." These delegations were made tip 54 men of both parties. The reasons they gave for wanting a third party were: 1. They are opposed to the demo cratic policy of keeping the I'nited States permanently mixed up iu Euro pean iifnfirs. NISUI PROVING DIFFICULT Belgium And Oilier Wronged Countries Shun Role Of Prosecution. Tniis, May 14. Hanging tho former kaiser, or otherwise punishing him, is proving less simple a matter than tho ma jority of the responsibilities commis sion anticipated. The majority plan, adopted by tho big Iour over the objections of the Amer ican nnd Japanese members of tho com-' New yorki Mnv 14Ti,e transports mission, provided that one of t. Guissepe Verde and Pesnro, with H2H7 wronged. countries should act a. returning soldiers ttbourd, reached port prosecutor. Now it is difficult to fiiui today. The Calamares arrives Into to nny country willing to act in that ?a-(ny wilh oL.og ,,,, Tho ivsuro carried pncity. lleUium the obvious choice, liasj ,), t.01p(,ttt joHth field artillery and a allowed , it to be known that alio dora ! numlior of casuals, not want to assume tho role. Tll(, (;uiKse.o Verde carried the 78th It is apparent tlmt Belgium reuioni-, division 's theatrical unit; 3.trd mobllo bers she is a kingdom too and thr.t it j ordanee repair shop; 307th field nrtil would not be tt Wise policy to Staif rv. Ilnmh ir service .mixilron: fililllli treating kings as criminals. Iter's also is the possibility thnt Germany "may conn' back" seeking vengeance. No other country lias yet nadu known ils willingness to be tho prosecutor of the former kaiser, though Franco tnd England have been sounded out. Do spite the fact that Premier Lloyd lieorge wns practically forced by Lord N'ortheliffs during the Inst election to make punishment of the former kaiser one of his campaign planks, tho general moderation of the uritish charncter might impel the government to go stow through fear of a reaction of Hiitish natural sporting instinct. War Department Announces Sailing Of Troop Ships ' From France. Washington, May H. Transport 'niliMgt wire announced bv the iar department todav as follows: Transport Italia, Marseilles to New York, due Mav ii, with HIDth field sign-jl battnlion; nine casual compan ies. Transimrt Wiboney, Hret to Nw York due May 20, with Rltli infantry brigade detachment ; 130th infuinry: l.ld mai-hiiie gun battalion; clothing anl bath unit 330; detachment 3-tin field artillery and two casual compaa ies. Bigadier General Tdward L. King, c.i)ipirnander of the filth infantry bri c,ade, is a passenger on the transport Artemis, St. Nazaire to .Newport -News due May 24. with 111th infantry, 112th machine gun lejttalien; two casual companies. Transport Manchuria. Nt. .aznire to Boston, due May 22, with .'s;ti In fantry brigade headquarters, lotth en ameers, lOHh sanitary train; I'mn mobile ordnance repair shop; lOlth train headquarters: seven ordnance casual companies for California, I II i - j)i Minmsota mi l lows; seven St. Nazaire convalescent detachments. (Continued on Fagc 2.) S. They charge the democratic party with gross mismanagement of public af fairs, particularly with respect to rail roads, telephones and telegraph and fi nances. 3. They fear republican control nn der LooVe Penrose Smoot leadership means the immediate return of reaction ary policies. 4. They wait to create a party which will have as its sole aim the better ment of America for Americans. Other sources from which third party iclk has bee a coming include returned soldiers and private individuals in a number of states who have written cer tain progressive congressmen urging a break from old party leadership. These letters are not yet very numerous. They come mostly from tho "thinking west." This embryonic third party movement has so far found no sponsor in congress and may never find one. It has b num ber of influential friends there, how ever, one of whom today declared it should not he confused with bolshevist unrest or socialist propaganda. In fact a number of those letter writers who have urged the step have stated that neither of the two great parties seems to have any adequate program for com batting bolshevism in this country and declared the only way to do it in the Iniigungei of one of them "is to get men in power in this country who will attend to home affairs for the good of the American people, without thinking so much about reforming Europe on the one hand or about tinkering with the tariff for partisan advantage on the other." OREGON HEN OF 147 TH ARTILLERY ARE BACK i 'Fourteen Hundred Veterans Of Service In France Reach New York. riiiliidelphia, Mav 14. Tho battleship Kansas arrived here last night with 1400 men of the 147th" field artillery, mostly from South Dakota and Oregon. Governor Peter Norheck, South Dhkota, welcomed the troops. " ii i r service squiidron and six ensoul com panies for California, Pennsylvania, New Yoik, Kansas and Texas. The Calamares had aboard tho 307th machine gun battuliun; 113th lntamcy headquarters, supply and machine gun companies; sanitary and ordnance de tachments nnd companies A and B; lortth field artillery battery C und sup ply company; G7th infuntry brigi.de headquarter. Some casuals ulso were Included, Portland Traffic Expert Urges Phone Patrons To Refuse To Pay Increase Portland, Or., May 14. City Trafl'id Expert Cousins has advised every tele phone user in Portland to flatly refuse to pay the increased rental which the oublic service commission recently au thorized the Tacific Telephone & Tele graph company to mako. ''If everybody ignores the hills which are rendered this morning, the company will be powerless to enforce thn ad vanced rate," said Cousins, "as tho only alternative would bo to tako tho telephones out, and to do this all om town would nut the concern out of busi ness." To make the scheme more effective, Cousins suggests that telephone users throughout the state refuse to pay the increase in rates. POLAND ASKS PART OF HON' MAVY TO FORM FIRST FLEET Pnrin, Mav 1 1. Poland 1ms filed a re quest with the pci.ee conference for a part of the German fleet, "for defen sive purposes,", it was learned today. Granting tit this request would give Poland the first navy in her history, which datiis back nearly 1000 years. CALIFORNIA O. A. R. MOURNS LOSS OF 385 VETERANS OF WAR Santa Ana, Cal., May 14. Four thou- s: nd six hundred and sixty veterans oi the Civil war make up what is left of i the Grand Armv in California and No- vndu. according to reports submitted by depart incut officers at the annual en campment of the G. A. R. A total of 3M.1 veterans hnve died in the last year. A convention of Japanese people from nine Washington counties will be depression " called forth by the en held in Puseo ill June lasting two days nouncement of the peace terms. AUSTR1S TO ACCEPT ALL TERNS Stand Of Chancellor Ren-:r, Declaring Intention To Ed Nation's Suffering, lo cates Position. DELEGATION EXPECTED IN PARIS THIS EVM? Request For Union With Ger many As Protective Meas ure, Most . Likely Point Cf Conflict. Paiis, May 14. Chancellor Reaner, head of the Austriau peace dclegatisa, declared in an interview with tk Basle correspondent of the Agrso Radio that he. intends to return to Vi enna with a peace that will end tk sufferings of his country. "I intend to follow the decisions of the national asosrbly while at St. Ger main and return with a peace cnrlisff tho sufferings of my country," he w quoted ns saying. "We want a union with Gormaay, although we did not want it two years uo. At that time we believed Aus tria would join with Cavcho Slovakia, .lugo-Skavia and Rumania, in a closa federation. Hut the Czecho and Jngo Sluvs are now our enemies and the sit uation, unfortunately is chun(?rd." By William Philip Simms United Press staff enrreepondrnt) St. Germain, Mar '14. The hour of the Austrian peace delegation ' arriv al in St.' Germain, scheduled for to day, was uncertain. Their train reach ed Basle Inst night in time for the to Brrive this morning, but it was be lieved they would be purposely delay ed en route sufficiently for them to reach their destination at night, tha sniuo as the German delegates. Special telephone, telegraph an wireless) facilities were in4alled here. The wireless will permit the uVdegatee direct communication with Altenburf, Austria. Tho delegates will hive in the Hotel Pavilion Henry IV, attai.hrs and correspondents will occupy the villa. The treaty will bn presented to the Austriuns in the chateau. Chicago Milk Supply Tied Up By Strike Of Drivers Chicago, May 14. Milk distribution is tied up hero today following strike of 2800 milk wagon drivers. Seven hundred drivers who were still work ing at nn early hour, were expected to join the strikers lute today. Refusal of the milk dealers to sign a new wage agreement, in which the driv ers demanded 3.1 meekly and commis sions in place of the present compen sation of $2(i nnd commissions, precipi tated the walkout, 15,000 Socialists Hold Anti-American Meeting Along Streets Of Berlin By John Oaiudens 4c (United Press Staff Correspond- ent.) Berlin, May 13. (Delayed.) Fifteen thousand muiKirity so- cialists made a demons! ration ia front of the Hotel Adlon today crying "Down with WUsonl Down with the Americans!" The tumult grew in front of the American hcudquai toi until .It) soldiers arrived and cleared the streets. The crowd had gathered for. a demonstration agBlnt the peace at terms in front of the reichatag. They were addressed by Richard Fischer, who said the confi- dence of tho Germans in Presi- dent Wilson hud been shumcful- ly abused and that the govern- ment would refuse to sign the treaty. The demonstration then surged toward the IlotclAdlon, hooting, jeering and shouting "rob- hers! " The tumultous scene lasted half an hour. Chancellor Sclieldemann later addressed a large crowd in front s of the reichstr.g. A "week of mourning'' has bona de creed bv the German government to I give pxnrcwion to the "sorrow and