LEM. ti, ;GON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1919. CAGE EIGHT a'bc DaUn 2in!ol Ifournal I All Around Town Gale & Company jJmisS: Look At a few of things we the will give you for AND YOU CAN GET TIIEM ANY TIME YOU WANT THEM. WHEN EVER IT IS CONVENIENT WITH YOU. They Are Bargains EVERY DAY Women's Union Suits Women's Fiber Silk Hose (Armor Plate Hose) Women's Voile Waists Camisoles "Niagara Maid" Silk Gloves in black, white, grey, pongee, taupe and brown. Fancy Colors. Boudoir Caps Women's Purses 2 Bath Towels, heavy 22x44. White Table Damask, per yard. Mercerized Napkins, per dozen Wool Challies, per yard. Men's Dress Shirts. Men's Work Shirts. Men's Underwear, 2-piece, either fine Balbriggan ribbed or mesh, per suit. Men's Muslin night shirts. Boys Pants. Children's Play Suits. Men's and Boys Caps. Silk Poplin, per yard. Sheppard Check Suiting, per yard. Children's Rompers. Girls Fancy Parasols. fttifa,lnlilnnlln..l.iiLi..t..i.iiA.i.i...inm. i ym na" )een .demon- etintvu u'in nuiiiut'r has occasions. We conduct our businoss In a straightforward fair manner. Our services ar of the highest character and meet with th spproval of all. E3 S3 s - . The following Is a list of lata arrtv- Mrs. B. E. Btnnlcv, Tillamook; W. als at theUlitjh hotel: Georjro S. Hart, tiroen, Bend: J. Buwur. Bank: P. K. Lot Angeles; H. A. Parrot t, Los An gelloa; James 8, Htewnrt, Corvallis; WHEN IN SALEM, OREGON Stop at BLIQH HOTEL "A Horn Away from Home." Strictly Modern $1 per Day ' 100 Roomi of Solid Coffort Only Ootel In Business IHstrict Chapin, Falls City and B. it. l'nrkcr, Airuo. SOCIETY CLEANERS AND DYEE3 Particular work for purlieu- lar people Auto delivery 1272 State Pt. Fnone 1084 8 29 Trailers For sale and made to order at WOODKY'S AUCTION MAR KET. Bee these before you buy. Trices right Ferry and Liberty Streets, Balem, Oregon. Ml We will pay full value for Liberty Bonds in trade. PEOPLE'S CASH STORE 186-194 North Commercial St. 4 L.M.HUM eare of Yick So Tong 4 Chinese Medicine and Tea Oo. lias medicine which will cure any known dtseas. Open Sundays from 10 a. nr. alii a p. m. 153 South Hiih SI. Blom, Oregon l'hons IS P 1 GENERAL PUBLIC ATTENTION If you have any Junk, Hides, Rubber, Metal, Machinery or Old Autos or I'arta of Autos CALL 309 We pay highest cash prices and guarantee satisfaction to ev eryone. Don't make a mistake. rnoNE 30s STEINBOCK JUNK AND AUTO WRECKING CO. 326 N. COM'L ST. SALE!, ORE. BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS Do not spend yourself saving the price of a One Minute Kloctrio wash er. W. Ouhlsdorf, :W N. liberty Ht. Dance Wed. May 14, at Querrys hall four miles south, good music and good flo-r. 51a Dane Wed. May 14, at Querrys hall four miles south, good muBic and jfnod floor. 5.13 Ola Olson has sold hjs interest in the Salem Auto Exchange at 2'J!t Ntate street and go no in,to business for him self at 319 iNorth Coniiuoreiiul street. Ho will mnke a Beiulty of buying for cash used cars and selling on com mission. 0 - A CRACKER JACK BUY A nice 5 acre tract sot to strawber ries, loganberries, n acre in garden, house, barn and good well on place, 1S0O. Address Owner 3"6 care Jour nal, tf Enunett ft White will ship hogs and cattle this week Haturdnv May 17. 1'hone 14LTM. ' 5 15 No trace has as yet been found of tho hobo who robbed tho home of 11. 0. Robinson, cast of Salem. When last heard of he was heading north, having passed through Aurora. His descrip tion is os follows: Middle age, mod mn size, slightly stooped, gray stubby hoard, shiiti'h lint, carrying pack with gray blanket. He stole from the Rob inson home n tM) liberty bond and several pieces of jewelry. Au open Invitation to the thrifty, economical Women to a Me ml the spe cial demonstration of the One Minute Klectric warher at Oiihlsclorf 's store. i:i N. Liberty. 514 TONIGHT Meeting of Business Men's Leaguo at Commercial club. May 14 Monthly meeting members Commercial Club. May 14 "Our Sodlior Girls" at Opera, House. May 14 Oregon State School for the Blind program at High School Auditorium. May W 23 L O. 0. F. Grand Leave eoiniwsa. May 30 Memorial Day. Job J Special state alee tloa. Jaa 6 Apollo Concert, Opera Hmso. ord of 100 per cent. Members of the school who took the club werl- and as sisted ia making the perfect record re: Lena Heravk, Liliite cchulti, ! Blanche Johnson. Robert Kamsden, Al- ! ice ivhulti, Jiertha Sehults, Alice Uersch and Carl Kamseyer. The cer tificate was issued late last faJl nd among other siiruaiures, Dears the luune 0 James Withycombe, governor. CHAS. SAY IN ! 'THE CSXEIFT'S SON' : COMEDY FATUE I -J . f "Tho beat" la m you can do hen death come, r.n . . u" voea Phone 120. " " "ousb Lo; tf Phona 77 Orecron TVrt Co. for quick service. Spectal moaUag of spiem lodgo No. 4, A. l Ik A. il., this evning. Work in Tio M. M. d.-ffree. Visiting brethren woJcomo. L. E, Springer, deutlat, Moore corner Court and Lihnrf j it dentist, Moore and Liberty. tf Dr. bid. i'hone 114 Dr. bldg. I'hone 114. L. E, 'Springer, corner Court Business at the Tr n .mi oureau continues oonrl .nj i.i. ing for cniploymont as well as those who are in need of help are finding that the bureau helps both wavs. Yes terday .13 men and 3 fd in i-owiMons by tho burwiu. These lucludfd farm finmU.. - cnsiMil workers, 2 workers in wood, 1 helper, 1 tenmster ami a cook. Two women wero placed in domestic ser vice anil one position found for a nurse lst) Friday 14 were placed in posi tions and Inst fluturdny 10 were found work. The blackboard at itho U. 8. labor bureau offioe shows liiilir -w what tho calls are for labor. Linoleum Our stock is full and com. plete, with ithe Tery ibest patterns. i-ricos from 65 cents up. C. 8. Ham ilton, . I buy Junk of all HnSs, rags and bottles, lnetul, iron, broken down autos and parts of autos. Give us a triul. Hteinlim'k Junk Co. 3l'8 N. Com. 8t. I'hdiio 305. tf 0 "The Funeral Beautiful." Webb ft Clongh Co. (f L E. Ooodhna at 51 & 17th 8t. for subscriptions to all mag azine. Phone T41M. Sat tf 0 . Prices on fish lowers. Ling cod or red cod sliced 15c. Whole fish 13c a pound. Fitts Market. tf 0- The men and women's clasa of the First Christian church Bible school will serve a banquet in the dining room of the church Wc-dnesday evening May 14 at 7 0 clock. A program ha been arranged o follow the banquet. Dr. Oarl E. Miller has opened his dental office at 610411 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 341. . tf 0 - - Dr. Mott offices moved to Bank of Commerce building, rooms 407 8. tf Patton Plumbing company are now ablo to take care of your plumbing wants in their new location, -M N . Commercial street. Phone 1608. ti II. W. Bumslde of Ottumwa, low, is in the city, just looking around. He is a clothing merchant and feels that he would like t locate in Nilcm or some place in the valley and is tak ing a few weeks off siring up Oregon, the Willamette valley and especially Salem . Fred Durbin who recently sold bis Howell Prairie farm, bought 17 acre prune orchard south of falem from George Norris, W. H. Grabcnhorst 4k Co. handled the deal. Let's go, get acquainted, big dance, fine time, best of music, Hum hull, Thursday eve May V). Admission 15 23c K. and L. of S. a 14 One of tho most up to date and most modern school houses in tho county hns not been occupied as a school house sinee its erection last full. This school house with the latest system of win dow lighting, patent adjustable si'als, hard wood floors and panelled windows is in what is known as the Abiqua dis trict about six miles into the mountains from Crooked ll'inger, It even has nn oak dt-sk for tho teacher and a wood box made by a carpenter. The district was originally a, leaning camp and when several children were living there tho district voted money to build a school houso with nil modern accom modations, even with a Waterlnuy heating system. But so many men left tho district going to the ship yards, tho logging camp was finally deserted and no children were left to enjoy one of the best school houses in the conn-, ty. However, it is thought that the NEW TODAY BERT LYTELL m Business firms who will need print ed envelopes already stumped are ad vised thnt now is tho time to place their nrd-'rs with the post office for the new poHtngp rate effectivo July 1. Many (inns and professional men buy stnmp.'.l envelopes 'bv the thousand ' from the Hist office department, with SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP special return directions printed. The Badiators, Fenders and Gas Tanks post office department would like to Kepaired anticipate these orders for the ,to I Tractor Radiators a Snednltv rent iostiur, ,i !,, nri.,.. ,.i,.,i All work guaranteed. 118 H. 1'Jth t. 'now, lor Julr 1 delivery. Ir aaicm, Oregon. o iz "FAITH" A new type picture with appeal to alb v COMEDY and SCENIC YE LIBERTY BEST QUALITY SILK POPLIN 35 Indies Wide. $1.00 Yard A lustrous and high quality silk poplin. Colors: Black, White, Tan, Old Rose, Copenhagen, Pigeon, Plum, Brown, Taupe, etc 36 Inches Wide. $1.00 OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST GALE & COMPANY FHOOT 1071 Commercial and Court Sts formerly Chicago Store country will gradually fill up with homesteaders, and when they do thcar children will find the school houso awaiting them. Linoleum Our stock Is full and com plete, with the very best patterns, i'rices from 5 cents up. C B. Ham ilton. Bridge building is pretty expensive. In tho city budget for repairing bridg es in 1011 it was estimated that the 8outh Commercial street bridge could bo repaired and planked for about $7o0 The actual bill for planking just one half of the ibridjio last year wus $983. 71. Hence thero was but the part of tho bridge repaired. For this year there was a special appropriation for tho bridge nnd the lum'ber has been ur.'hased and the ity force under CuinmiMjioiior Low is doing the work. Tho fnneral services of Mrs Mc Donald who died in Los Angeles while on the way to talem to visit relatives, will bo private and will bo held VVed nesdny ninniing from tho chapel of Webb & Olough, I he services will be in charge of tho Hev. Iceland Porter and burial will be in tho City View emetery. The 'body will orrivo this evening. Tho word has boen given out in sort of a confidential way that tho Elks will initiate about IS new members at tho Thursday evening meeting of this week. Also, very confidentially, that he third degree committee has been rending up on the history of tho Span ish inquisition and that it hns several now ideas to he demonstrated alter the new members have been properly initiated into the lodge, o A building permit for $400 was Is sued yerterday to A. . Simpson for repairs and improvements to a dwell ing at 1543 Court street. Tho work . will be done by, day labor. o Wholesale fruit men say that local strawberries will ho on tho market Saturday and that by no means hnvo the canneries corralled the inarkM. Hut they may be a lit tlo higher than last year. o The estate of Maurice Klinger lias boon appraised at $76,0112.1)3 by Ku gene Uckerlin, Chriartopher l'aulus and T. K. Ford. The Minger DlocK on State street, extending from the Ma sonic Templo to the alley west is ap praised at 13,000. The holdings of Mr. Klinger on North Commercial street which include what is known a tho Bishop clothing store and tho build inf on tho north are appraised at Out), and a half interest in one of the lots' in the middle of the samo block at 1 1,000. l'art of lot 3, block 47 on tho west side of South Commercial street, north of what ia known ia the Turner property' is appraised at 4000. On the southeast corner of Tony and Church streets, two lots arc appraised at i.WO. These arc lots 7 and 8, block 72. Thero was $2247.93 wish in bank, two liberty loans worth 17.80 each, nn account against the furniture of tho Klinger hotel for "00, a piano npprnis ed nt $150 and $100 worth of house hold furniture. BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS B. W. BALLANTTWE MA NO TUN Kit Players a specialty With Cherrington lino House, Court ft,, fnlem, Oregon We buy liberty bonds. SH. Masonic ldg. U,$l Warner's corsets ara really better. '11.50 up. Oalo & CO. Commeroial and ROUTE YOUR, FREIGHT VL Willamette Valley Transfer Co. Express Service at Freight Rates Long Distance Hauling Only PHONE 14C0 W. T. TUQDON k CO. Undertakers 53 North High Street City if lhone - WELCH ELECTRIC CO. roa ELECTR10 IRONS ELECTRIC TOA8TEBS ELECTRIC PEE COLLATORS E. II. Kennedy is back at The ( leanintr wnrk l'fll M1a K - The Salem Rifle club will hold meeting at the armory, Thursday May 1.1th, N p. m. sharp. Official business meting. All memlwrs be present. The Oak Ridge school about eight miles east of (Salem, has been granted a certificate of achievement for its! club work during the -past year. This certificate is granted from' the fuel: that in its club work furnished by the O. A. O. the club workers mad1 a rec- j Phona 0.13 379 State St. BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS , Bom Anderson At the home of Mrv and Mrs. E. J. Krest. 30fl North 0th street. May , 1919 to Mr. and Mrs. James W. Anderson, a son. He has ben named James Kresa An derson . II .ciSl Day "BURNS BROS. MEMPHIS The Big Fun Skw Ask anyone who saw it. Price 25c, 50c. A Full 2-Hour Show BUGH THEATRE HIGH CLASS A A I. n 9 rurnittire Miction 1177 North Commercial St. Thursday, May 15th 1:30 p. m. sharp Consisting ofl 6-hole Polished Top Range; 1 green upholstered Lounge Roll Edge; 1 Oak Library table; 2 Oak Rockers; 1 Oak Leather Seated Rocker; 1 Cane Rocker; 1 Oak Sewing Rocker; 1 Oak Round Extension Table, 8-ft; 6 Oak diners; 1 Oak Stand Table; 1 Free Drop Head Sewing Machine, new; 1 heater block and pipe; 1 Axminster Rug, 11.3x12, like new; 1 Brussels Rug, 11.3x12, like new; 1 White Ename Fall Leaf Table; 1 Kitchen Cabinet; 1 White Enamel Bed Coil Spring and Silk Floss Matress, good as new; 1 ernus Martin bedYum Yum and Silk floss matress, good as new; 1 large Oak Dresser, a dandy; 1 Oak Chiffoneer, like new; 1 Oak Cabinet; 1 Medicine Chet; 1 Grind Stone; 1 Bicycle; 4 Step Ladders; 1 Vheel Barrow; Linoleum, Garden Hose, Garden Tools, Lawn Mower, 46 quarts Home Can ned Fruit, 1 man saw, Hand Saws, Tools, Crow Bar, t?f? e n? Spra?' Hand Cu!.tivator, Cupb oar a, Kitchen Chairs, Snips, Lawn Clipper, Buck Saws, btone Jars Axes, Window Blind Curtains, 2 Rifles, Looking Glasses, Ironing Board, Portieres, Trunks, ami many other things. NOTE All the above furniture is like new and will be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. Mrs. T. J. Cheshire F.N. WOODRY the auctioneer 1177 N. Com! St phone 510 or oil Goods On Inspection Day of Sale Only" I