THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 1:1. 1919. PAGE SEVEN 1B First 1 .4 n Revere tires are made by First Hirst "Motorlife" in 519 TO HAVE CLEAN HEALTHY BLOOD Bright Eyes, Clear Complexion Take Famous Springtime Tonic and Blood Purifier "Celary King" Tliree times n week for three week', j brew yourself a cup of Celery King and drink it just before retiring. Give it. to the children too. You'll be sur prised how gently vet effectively CELERY KING crates u normal action of the bowels, Cleansing and strengthening of the system, vanishing pimples, scrofula tind oilier Mood disorders, (Celery King i;ees the blood pure and rich by free ing the system of nil wast? matter. ROLL OF HONOR The following casualties are reported by the commanding general of the American Expeditionary Forces: lulled in A tion 1 llied of Accident and Other Causes 2 Died of Disease 3 Wounded Severely 4 Wounded (degree undetermined) " Wounded Slightly 71 Missi'ii; in Action 1 Total .107 Killed in Action. Titus A Truman, Pruviiidence R I. Died from Accident and Other Causes. Clyde Kerlle, Oklahoma City Okla, Wounded Severely. David Sutton Shackelford, J',1 Reno OMn. Villi! Cr.stilnno, Mntinto Ilnlv, Vied W Kclnil., Brooklyn X Y. ' John ,T Slatterv, Brooklyn N V. Died of Disease. John W Tartar, Iliirtline Wash. Kune no K Starke, Bristol Vu. Ernest Stewart, Tipton Kan. SHOES FOR THE MiLY . From Foochow, China, come? litis letter from R. E. Gardner. Foochr?. College: "Nefilin Soles have solved tlie shoe problem forme. Other sole? wore out quickly on the rocky roads here, and I had no end of trouble with them," he writes. Where other soles fail, Neolin Soks always stand the test of hard wear wrj rough uage. This fact pomlsth; way to economy. Buy Neolin-soled sfc.ics for the whole family, and so rave shoe money. And have Neolin Soles put on your old shoes, too. These durable, flexible, and water 'proof sohs are Vientifical!y mad.? by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co'. Akron, Ohio, who also mike Wirurhio. HeeU, guaranteed to outwear all o'h-.r heels. Ileolin Soles I fc (1MW. TFT) CLARK'S TIRE HOUSE to Announce A REDUCTION OF 15 PER CENT EFFECTIVE TODAY one of the oldest Rubber in In your gas tank means money North Commercial Street : STATE HOUSE NEWS The attorney general's office, through Assistant Van Winkle, has given an opinion, based upon precedent, that all county measures may be placed upon the same ballot with the state measures to lie voted. upon June 3rd- Tito I.ftnd Settlement eoinmiksinn, re centlv appointed bv Governor Olcott completed its organization at n meeting held in Portland yesterday and the first steps: wero taken in carrying out its plana of farm extension under the pro visions of the new law, Work will he- gin at once upon the first of the ''farm home" tinils on the 62 acre tract near Independence. Among other mutters of business was the discussion of utilizing iogged-off hinds which are plentiful in vaiiirtis irts of western and southern Uivguii.- Superintendent 0. L. Wheeler, of the McCormiek Lumber company, ap peared before the commission with a de tailed statement as to the possibilities of these lands, and his plans were con- : firmed by Professor Seudder of the 0. I A. C. The coiniuiiSsion named as un ! commit tee to investigate these lands I.Mr. Wheeler, l'rof. Seudder, Kay Miur son, t'has. T. Early und Mr. Kversou. Ralph Moody, of Portland, is the lat-esl-attorney to file a brief in the friend Iv controversy between Governor Olcott and Treasurer Hot f. Moody places stress upon the constiiitionnl provision tlint the envrrnor must be not less than IK) years of age and have resitted in the state for at least three years. These qualifications are not reouired of the 'secretary of state; hence ue nows lijiameui aieiu, dim h oi me original iouite possible that these provisions town site of Salem is bounded by Court, might b' contravened in the passing of the office of governor in lact to me in'isou of the secretfry or state, ror Ciis reason he contends that the secrc tarv of state" cannot become in fuct. The office of secretary of state has recently received the monthly state ment of sales and taxes due from the Cnimi Oil company of California, show ing that they have sold in Htm minw during the month of April a tola 1 OT :tG;t,75S gallons of gasoline and 60,51 gallons of distillate, which under the tux provision returns a tax of :I941.H6 fr the month. i lo the list of future date' for the (public service coiiuoiision wtfl be h i hearing of the matter of a spur floss I in,; i t Xesbilt tomorrow, and the henr jing of :i Soiithrrn lV.vifie crossing case I at Woodburn May 15. , ... . . Among the list of papers filed in the e ;rpoiutioii department during the past w. ek the n.ost important are: illatn jitte Vnliev Transfer company, l'oit ilaiid. Iio,oiiii; Owl Printing Co., As toria, -5,'",i; Multnomah Film Corjior atioti. Portland, tS.i.WM: AlcsKa Her ring k Importing Co., Portland. "ift.OoO; IiiiiiImi Wood Co., Portland, j.tit; Universal Click lrinting Co., Portland,! 5i).0H; Sanborn Dock 'o.. Astoria, ' 25,Oimi; Sampler Cold Dredging Co.,! Baker. VtO.ntMi; Valley Motor Co., Sa- leni, liO.OiHI. Court Honse Notes I Grace E. Seats has been granted a di ON ALL I ires companies in the U. S. uatay. rvice in the bank For to Stoinaeli Bloatinfi, Gas, Coated Tongue, Sick Headache, Bad Breath, Bilious reu, Indigestion or Constipation toko FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS They cleanse the bowels, sweeten the stomach and invigorate the liver. Do not gripe or sicken. P. 8. Meehen, Elm St., Hancock, Mlch.l "I have givea Foley Cathartic Tablets thorough trial and can pottthrcly state thai they are tae Sett laxative. J. 0. I'crry's voice from Richard (1, Seats. In its conclusions, the court found that Soars had brought men to bis homo and per ntitted them to force their attentions upon his wife. She finally had to leave home. Site alleged Mr. Sears wus mak ing $133 a mouth. The court granted her 812.50 a month alimony lor hot four children. L. M. Creson has brought suit for a divorce from W. J. Creson. They were married in 191)5 and have one chlla u.o veurs of ago. Sho alleges he told her to lenve his home and that for the past three years he had contributed only towards her support. She usks for $'M a iiuuith alimony and $125 to carry on her law suit. The udininistrtitor of the cstato of Susan Stniger, deceased, reported to the court that claims amounting to tlil'.IO.H.i remained unpaid against the estnte. He asks for on order of court permitting mm to sen tun west nair or tno west half of lot 1, block G'.i, of the original town of Salem. The lot bus an estimated State, Front and Water streets and lot 1 is on the northeast comer of this block. June 21 was the (lute set for a hearing. Kdward K. Keves, administrator of the estate of W. T. rYrriiiyJun is to be given his discharge and relieved of all responsibility as aittniiiistrator as soon as he pays 1.10.75 to each of the follow- TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORE National K II K ('hicago New York I Alexander, Murtiii and 'I fl 0 3 10 3 Killifer; jbenton and MiJ'nity. l iiii'iunati .1 H (I I Brooklyn 4 It) " Fisher and Wingu; Pft ffer and Krue Igor Pvttobiiri 2 3 0 Philadrlpliia I! H 0 (lllliiton ,, Mmit ; Jacobs and :.(.,nl( Kt bonis 4 K) 2 Boston 2 9 4 Goodwin and demons; Xehf, Killin- gim and ilson American Cl.tvnlnnd i Ootroit 4 Conmbe andO'Ncil; Iaus and Ains- worth (Sixth inning) St'. L'jiii 2 9 2 Chi-ago 1 2 Da'ven")rt and Maver; Robertson, I Kerr and Mi-balk i Onlv two games scheduled BUY IN SALEM ALWays jBUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS OrJy Sixteen Per Cent Of Oregon Bojs Rehimsd To Stales, Says Miss Curtis Governor OU-ott lias jut received id vices from Mis Evelyn I'. Curtis secre tary and member of the Oregon Wel come comniissicn at Now York, that W. L. Whittlesey, who has continuously ,,. voted himself to the work of the com mission since the inauguration of the Oregon headtiucrters in New York City, has lieon se'ected as its chairman to suc ceed 0. 0. Lciter, resigned. Mis Curtis also sends the interesting information that up to date only about sixteen per tent of the Origin meu in the service overseas have so far return ed to New York, bnt she states ehe ex pect the final debarkation of Oregon troops during the mouth of September, provided the peace is signed within the next tliirtv or forty days. She states that many Oregon units have been re turning almost daily during the recent period. Commenting further upon the work of the commission Miss Cunts says: "We daily are serving scores and sometimes several hundred Oregoa mea in a way which we feel is sending them back with an appreciation of what the state is doing for thorn and an added loyalty and devotion to their country for having been received in somewhat nearly a home spirit here. "You will also be pleased to know that wc have been able through our ef forts to got the back pay of n number of our (rogon sailors and of some soldiers, who have lost tlioir records, and were considerably embarrassed by such a sit uation. Senator Chamberlain has taken up the problem of discharges, and throughout our work has been most ef fective in handling those problems, which we forward him at Washington. "The l'lst division has left its east ern camps and the 18th engineers will leave here on Thursday morning. A large number of these men will arrive in Oregon verv nearly or actually out of funds, except for the government bonus. They are hopeful of Oregon's fulfilling a promise to give all her old veterans a job when they return." ing: W. 0 Phillips, Muttio Farrington land Jennie Sharp- The Klerath Steel and Iron company of Portland has brought suit asuinst Max Sidof. Tho complaint recites thait the defendant agreed to sell them 000 tons of scrap iron, located at Salem, Woodburn and Silverton and that 500 was paid in advance for the consign ment. This was in October of 1918. The complaint recites that there was concealed in the car from Woodburn 21,420 pounds of worthless scrap iron and in another car two boilers weigh ing fitlOO K)unds which were not in the pile of scrap iron when originally bought. Also that the defendant in voiced a ear at 5ft 300 pouncls when it enlv weighed out 50,90s pounds. They usk for damage in three amotints, 343.42, fur 50( and for 0.52. In the matter of the suit of C. I. Loaveugood agninut Sam V. Ohles, tho defendant replies Hint he told Mr. i ..,...,1 i,nt he woubl eive him five or ten dollars if lie would got him a purchaser for his farming implements That ho did bring a pretended purchas er, but that the sale was finally made to another person. He asks that the suit be dismissed. ' Levi It. Hnns'iii bus brought suit against Howard K. (.nark and Mark A. Paulson for H5. balance claimed due on a nolo of S1000 MK" at Bngt)y, X. D. and dated .Tan. 2, 1915. Lot 3, Mock SU in the city of S. em has been appraised at 5l)0U as pnrt of the estate of Iva F- Turner. The lot is on the west side of Capitol atveet between Chemeketa and Center, about the iniiMle of the block. The apvai" ers were U. W. Eyre, F. N. Derby and W. M. Smith. The balance of the estate consists of 1000 in lilrtr bond's and Jo. 82 in cash. The estate of John Dayton Hubert son, nged nine months, is valued at about 2200. The father John Robert son, has been appointed guardian. Tn the matter of the estate of Ralph Edwin Merrill all beirs have con'tt ed to the sale of real eslate. This consists of 80 cre. the HK of the WW ..,.;., oi T 7 H H 1 K and an other tract of 20 acres in section 21, T 7 H B 1 E. The cstato of H. I'. Gray, deceased, has been appraised at 7509.72 by W. J. Culver, W. H. Byars and J. 11. Dnnlnp. Included in this appraisement is brts 5 and 0, block 17 of the t'ni versity addition tn the city of Salem, on which a valuation of 4000 was placed. . Manager Eobt Paulus of the Salem .. - .i ...... u- t' Lm ir riitt l inon, fs,'i'ri ii.T .." of tho WillaitHstle Prune association, Snpt. Allen of Hunt Bros. PacicinK Co. anal Manager Urager of the Drager Vrtiit Co., left this morning for (Port land where they will attend an Import ant meeting of the Northwest Pack ers association. Among other things under discussion is tho mutter of nni formity in pin-king -and shipping con tracts. Root PatUug reports an lntcrestlnl meeting of the Butte Falls Prune as-, social ion at Seotts Milb lt evening, which he addressed nn the subject of j cooperation in production and market j ing. There was a good attendance and i evidence fliat the growers out that way ir i,ln .'ib tn their own interests. ! You oxp"et the local mer chants to take your produce. Help them do it with your pat ronage Build up Marion coun ty. Seattle housewives have l.0 applica-1 tions on file with the federal employ ment bureau for housemaids ami domes tics." , Seattle's municipal railwa- employes, are demanding an eioht hour day and titne and one half for overtime. KEEP IT SWEET Keep your stomach swpft today and ward off the indi gestion of tomorrow by the new aid to digestion. As pleasant and as safe to talc u candy. WABt BY SCOTT ft teWNI MAKER OP SCOITS (.MULXOH LYONS f Capital Journal Sivrial S-rvic.) Lyons, Or, May 12. Miss Nets Lewis who bus been visiting her sister, Mrs. LloviTrask of Lyons, has returned to hvr home nt Scotts Mills. Miss Jessie Canning is visiting her Uncle, Eugene Canning of Fox Yalely. The weather permits so Ed Trask has again started the road work. We are k-11 looking for much improvements. William Elder of Gooch passed through Lyons Wednesday. Mrs. F. E. Hills and little son ef Se attle are visiting her uncles the Messrs. Hiatts of Lyons. Miss Dclma Grimes, who has been home for tho past two weeks, has again returned to Si.lem. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Surry of Fox ... ley, rejoicing over the arrival of their little son. Mrs. A. L. lliatt has returned to her home after spending several days visit ing her sisters of Portland. Mrs. George Perling, who has boon on the sick list for so long is slowly im proving. W. 11. Trask 's successors are making some changes ill the store. The King Brothers of Mehama are seen driving new Ford. Mrs. Ella Lyons is spending the week in Salem. I.. O. lliatt of Portland spent Friday evening with his brothers of Lyons, Mrs. Fetiton of Meliama is having a new bouse built. Mrs. Pete Jerngworth of Portland Is assisting her father, Mr. lirothcrton, is the store. Miss Pearlie Grimes made a trip to Stayton Saturday. There were several who attended the short .program given in the primar ruoin at school Friday afternoon. Mrs, I). 11. Monroe of Lyons mnde a trip to Albany Thursday and reports her daughter doing nicely. J. O. Climes made a trip to Albany Saturday. Roy Wiley is at Brownsville working in a gi'.ruge for a while. Albert Ring of Lyons, who made a trip to eastern Oregon, has rel timed to his home. ,11. A. and S. I. Brown of Lyons are doing some logging in Gates. George Thomas, who is winking nl Mill City, was iu LyonsSuuduy looking after his fiirutiure. Mrs. B. F. Beriuger ami sona of Me hninii spent Sunday with Mrs. L. D. Waterman. THIN PEOPLE OF SALEM Bitro Phosphate should give yrm a snitil steady increase of firm, healthy flesh each day. It supplies an essen tial substance to the bruin and nerves in the active form in which it normal ly occurs in the living- cells of the body. 'dtitroiPhosphtite. roplneos nerve waste and creates new strength and energy. Sold by druggists under defi nite guarantee of results or money back. With a quota of 42,750, the little town of Gardiner subscribed for JS3, 650 worth of victory bonds. SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS FROM THE LIVER Ivoryono ohould drink hot wator with ahoophato In 1 boforo breakfast j ie root aa rue ao toe prorartnai in ;Ha, wo must kp tho lirer washed clean, 'almost ovary morning, to prevent its afpooi-Uko potto from alofging with In bugoatiblo auterlal, sour bilo and pois boon toitna, says a noted physician. F If yon got hsadaebas, It's your lirer. 'If Ton satoh sold aasllr. It's rour llrar. lf yon wako op with a bad tasto, furred torJtne, loot breath or stomach bt- EM raactd, Ifs four llvor. Ballon i, andd ootaploxlon, watory ajei lenoto llrsr uaclanllnss. Tour Uvtr M tho moot Important, auto tho aaoo ibood and B'glcetod organ of the body fw know Its functioi or bow to relet s tho tfatntntd-np body waste, bile and toi Ins. Moot folks rtoort to vloUnt cslo Dad, wbleh la dangerous, oallratlni ihomloal which eaa only bo used orcrt rtosallf booaooo It accvmulatoe la tin Josuoa, aloe attacks tho bones. I vary mia and woman, sick or well, hould drink oaoh mirnlng before bretk aat, g'aao of hot water with a tea poooful of haaottono pbospbato la It, tc rub from tho liVer ana bowels tho prevl too day! tndlgesUblo material, tho pols rtio, aoar bllo and toxins; thai eloaaslng, iwootonlng and freihonlng tho tntire all aontary canal boforo putting mors food nb tho ttomach. ., Zimsotono phosplaiiy Voo Dot restrict ho diet like oaiomtl, Vtcauoo It caa not jJiTato, for It la barmlst aad tod eti at anyth'ng iftorwardi, It lo laoxpcn In tad almost tastelsss, and any phar nioici will sell you a qnarur pound, ihieh l( lufflclrat for a demonstratloi Lhow hot watsr and limestone phoe- eloasa, itinulatei sod froobiM ao trrti, kH-lag yon feeling fit ok ia ia4 4a out. aJNtH adrortUwmoati jottmalg Want, ids Quick Reference To Firms That Gi?a Service On Short Where Buyer And Seller Meet We Recommend Our Advertisers. EVEBTTEINO Salem Eleetrie Co., lissome T;mple, WATER COMPANY 111XM WATER PonrAXT-Offie oracr Commercit'. aad Trad streets Bill pybla monthly la adrvae. FWs 606. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 120 acre of Xo. 1 laid located 6 miles from Salem, on good road, in good location, good house and barn and othr buildings, farm implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, I year lings, SO head of hogs, round 500 ords of wood ready cut, all at bargain. Writ M W eare Journal. tf FOR SALE A good double, team har nest, will trade for hay or gran, or will oxchange for good dry wood Pee Square Deal Realty eoaipa, Fhono 470 The freeze of last Saturday night I killed fully 30 per cent of Cove's cher ry crop. Other fruits were not serious ly damaged. PLUMBER THOUGHT HE NEEDED NEW PIPES "My stomach and intestines were always full of gas and 1 often had se vere colic attacks. Iho pain and sore ness caused mo to think 1 needed a new get of pipes. Since taking Mayr's Wonderful all this has disap peared and my only trouble now is to make enough dough '.o buy all the food I d like to eat," it is a simple, harmless preparation that removes tho catarrhal mucus from tho intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all tsomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. Ono dose will convince or money refunded. J. C Perry, Cap ital urug More, and drtmgiats every where. The Capital Journal Daily Market Report Orals Wheat, soft white S.10 Wheat, lower grades oa sample Oats aOfa 85c llay, cheat 24 Hay, oata 2S Barley, ton e.12 Mill run 4344e Butterfat. Itutterfnt 57c Creamery butter 58(5!c Pork, Voai and Mutton Pork on foot 18l!e Veal fancy 17c Stoers 79c Cowi 5":' Spring lambs I2c Ewes Sheep, yearlings ki and Poultry Eggs, cash Hens, livo Old roosters ' Stags 'Broilers : : Vegetables .... SQtJk 3Uc 2s&30e lac 22(a2jc SjfeMc Strawberrieti 3.50((i3.75 Radishes, doas 30c Rhubarb 3c Potatoes l.5 Onions, local 1(fi,4 Green onions dor. 40c Cabbage 5Mi('i 'Hue Turnips . 2 Me Head lettuce - 2-76 Beets 3c Winesap apples, box 5.M0 Celery, crate lO Iron Ornnges $5(5)7 Lemons, boi . 5(uit) Bananas ...... Vt California grape fruit l(o4.25 Black figs lb. . . 10(a) 18 White figs, lb. . 19(a20e Package figs por bx BO pkg M(wQM Hney, extracted 20 Retail rtteoi Eggs, dozen 45c Creamery butter - 05c Country butter i"f 55c Fltiur, hard wheat $3(n3.15 Portland Market, Portland, Or. May 13 - lluttcr, city creamery StKo.wc Kggs selected local ex t'.Yoltc Hens 30c. Broilers 35( )e Geese 17((i20o Cheese, triplets 35(fi37e DAILY LIVE STOCK MaXEXT CattU Receipts 32 Tone of mniket steady Best steers l.'ltl3.r,0 tiood to choice steers f 1 1 rVr 11.50 Medium to good steers 9.50(i 10 I'uir to good steers ( !) Common to fair stoera 17.50.8 Choice cows and heifers Hl(;i 11 Good to choice cows ard bcifero 8(Ti 9.75 .Medium to good eow and beifori icoi 7. Fair to medium cows and heifer 5rfi.5.50 I dinners 3(i-l j Bulls 5.5(i(u 8 Calves !(fl. 12.50 Stockers end f-.tera (5 8.50 Hogs Receipts 3ii3 Tone of market steady Prime mixed 2061.-20. 25 Medium mixed 19.50(i20 Telephone Maia 100 ELECTRICAL 127 North High.. DORA DEAN MeCTTCHEON. taaeher of piaao, a new and logical method for both pupil and teacher, saaktai clear all basic principle necessary to a musical education, ana giving the "music teacher" seaMthinf t teach. 421 Court St. Fhono 352. PEOPLES FURNITURE STORE For bargains in new and secoadhaat goods for the house, furnituie, rang es, hunters and atoves, rups, tewrtnf machine, grauiteware, diskes, suit cases, trunks and toots. Wo want your old furniture and stovsa, will pay you highest cash price. e M last. Peoples Furnitore Store, til X. Commercial St. Phone 734. SECOND-HAND GOODS NO CASH REQUIKKD Good orercoal hoes and suits, all kinds of ainsio- al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat ing atovos, gaa stoves, suit cases and 1000 other useful articles to sell or trade. What have yout The upital Exchange 337 Court St. phono 493. HATS BLOCKED, REPAIRED HAT BLOCKING I eleaa and block ladicV and Men's hats. Just re ceived a hat renovating machine. It gets, the dirt, Try it once. C. P. Kllsworth, 4U5 Court St. Salem, Or. AMUSEMENTS THE SOLDIER HOYS Poor and bil liard parlor ii now open under new management and it renders you aad the general public a congcuial plaea to pass away a few leieuio hours. Tho basement of Oregon Eleetria depot, corner of State- and High Phone 628. Wm. "Livock, prop. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND HE PAIRED CO years experience, Depot National and American fenea. Sizes 26 to 53 in. high Paints, oil and varnish, e4,e. Loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court Btieot, phone 124. J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, sells and exchanges new sad 2d band furniture. All kinds of repair work, light grinding, filing, and brazing a specialty. Right prices. 217 North Commercial St. Phone 16. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed oa axoota ly contracts nt reasonable gats.' Cess pools cleaned. Dead amnala re moved . Office phone Main KT. MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate fioeurity TIUH. K. FORD Over I.add Bush bank; Salcn Oregoa FEDERAL FARM liOANa-SJi per cent interest. Prompt aervl. WV4 years time. Fodernl farm looo bimds for sale. A. C. Bohrnatedf, 4Qt Ma sonic Temple. Salem, Oicgot. INSUUAN(!E COUNCIL For Jreo In formation about Life Insuiinoo sco J. F. Hutchtison, dist, mvvp for the Mutual Life of N. T,, ollioe at 371 Blate St., Balem, Ore. Oaiico phono 99, residence 1396. tf LAUNDRYIilAN nOP LKE, expert latindryrnan, 438 Ferry Pt. I pay top market prico for chickens and Eggs, Office phono 1339J, residence 1333J. WOOD SAW PHONE 1090R Our Prices are Right W. M. ZANDLER, Proprietor 1255 N. Summer Street, Salem, Cregoa REPAIRING 8TBWARTTB 'RKPAXK H1IOP Have just installed a machine that will sharpen lawnmowerg the same as th fnctory puts them out now. .Bring all your light repair work to Bie. Al vin Ii. Stewart, 347 Court St. Phons 493. LODGE DIRECTORY KNJGIITU OF PYTHIAS MKCT AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andresen, C. C. F. J. Kuntz, K. R. t 8. ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore gon Grape camp No. 1300 meet every Thursday evening in McCorniiek hall Elevator ar-vice. Oracle, Mrs. tar rie E. Bonn, 618 Union St; recor der Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 N. 4th' St. Phone 143M. Hough heavies lK(n 18.23 I Pigs 81 8.50fii 19.73 Bulk 20.25(o .20.50 Bleep Receipts none Tone of market steady Prituo lambs 811(515 Fair to medium b.inbs 813fi, 13.50 Yearlings 811('t 12 Wethers '"Ml Vvircs fiwlO Bucks 45 BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS