Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 13, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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For Constipation! Physic
Purge or Laxative?
Ewryoue now and then become constipated, and mU
haa are chronically in that condition. The prrrlexirg
question arise what to use.
Purgatives and cathartics are drastic and lutoJly came
reaction. Saline water are rapid in action but do no more
than empty the bowel.
Just aa certain an effect, and certainly a much more
pleasant one, csn be obtained by the uae of a combination of
simple laxative herbe with pep in sold by druggists under the"
name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Prpain. It acts gently, without
griping. It is an especially ideal medicine for children,
women, old people and others who find purges too powerful.
Only a teajpoonful is required, and by morning the move
snent is free and complete. A bottle in the bouse is insurance
for the whole family against constipation, indigestion, head
aches, flatulency and other digestive ills.
Th druititt mill nfund our mans? it it Iml
to aa as promised.
In spit of s"hr
biercatrd laboratory
oata due to UM War,
by aaonacina profits
n abaorbin twar
taaea wa ban ataat.
laawt the price at
Hues, thai family lu
anva haa bean aoU by
dnaniata (or the pact
ro yaara. Two i
5 and It 00.
SDr. Caldwell' $
The Perfect JT Laxative
FREE SAMPLES If yoa km am Med
Dr. CaMwrU'. Syrup Prpaia and far a fra trial
bottJa to Dr. W. B. Caldaw. 461 Waahnctoa
St.. MoMicrllo, III. If tbrra ara habka at home
aak far copy of Dr. CaMwtUi book. Tha
Care of Baby."
tContiaued from Page 1.)
mission to mat them ia &a area man
ner. Lt- aine's P"aee proposa, to the allies,
through tha Bu.litt mission, according
to Makoariski, was as follows:
The ba.sheviki would sere U oT
u aeors oi tne o-a regime
Tha Troubles Women Have
(By L. MAC LEAN, M. D.)
Probably ao naa is America tins
ever better qualified to sueceWuliy
treat the diseases peculiar to women
thaa 1H. l-ierce, of Buffalo, if. Y.
The eases that tome to aim ma into
Approximately one hundred and f if-' """"T thau-sards, givin him an experi
ty out of tosra" delegates from Dallas, knee that rarely fuairs to any one man.
Independence, hilverton, teio, Lebanon j 1 lerre lound tnat in nearly every
, CArrrrv
1111 EVUIU l :ii , ,i ... . ... .k ....l.l.
h Han,. r,rt! in ..l awownsviue, raits lity, sLorvallis ana ere erriam ifsfnnip
- t - j ... iraiitr in
Kugene were present today at the an- igroaths which rarely failed to (five
The bolsheviki would keep their am- "T auKrJT' t,'nvfnuo ' V 7" j J" -" leiu.n.ae ..r-
;.. k. I. ,. Tho business session owned ! ders from whirh so many women suf-
I?, , ' . ,.h!.bT'nd?r? ' 'this afternoon and will be followed i fer. He eomb.ned thes root, and herbs
independent or joia Kussiaa soviet
"onfe deration.
The soviet g v r-iment would also
agres to withhold its propaganddsts
from ether countries.
DemobJintion of tke boUheviki
srmy w uld take plare ah soon as the
alius withdraw their forees.
Allies Asked to Withdraw
On the part of the allies it was
proposed that they evacuate Russian
territory, cease financing or eneouraw
in opponents of the soviet govern
ment, lift tha bloekade ami permit the
bo.imcviki ta buy railway equipment
and other machinery. The boUheviki
further asked tho allies to reeovet 1,
OiK),(H)0 rubles in gold, captuftd by the
("iwhoSlcvaki at l'rzeniysl and now
held in Siberia, to be used in payment
of KiiHsia's debt to the allies.
SBaaBaaaBaaBaBBBaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBSS "The bolheviki Will make no inva-
ininn of Germany or any other eoun
event in the program of attractions, and try," said Mukowigki. "The Germans
this seitson it pruniises to bo eual to ami llio hiads of other slates know
anything presented in the pat. There that, even if the neoola do not. On all
nre two other reasons why it shou. a-e sides our enemies arc on our soil the
j greeted with a packed house; it is a S&- allies at Archangel and in southern Rug
ll.lll I ll.t I lltlll.l .... ... L I l U... 1 kA ...... 1 .k- l
......tMiiwu aifu ua ouen lias always " ".iii"iib uiuiifr me iub-
bcen ready t0 assist in any wav in enm- ian lxirder. We have an army of lit-
muuity activities; again, it has been do- " ovrr mi linn men, all workmen,
Kted in order to place tlio concert ""t commanded by officers of the old
could be held ia territories surronndinf I Jt ".T V T u
it. By th pl.iiiscit., SiberU, UkraJ Jhf ' ' ot Pr,1ndr W,'U
is, i . viand and til other boffer state. T k . v ' , , r'
in the former Russian emp.re eould .V'Il f Eo,eT,rl6 -nd Mrs.
.bvidc waether they wanted to. remain i Jof.B,e UKhson, nor, of Cor-
vail is were present.
Convention officers are Bayrl Marks,
Jennie Hughson, Zelda Oartiner, Julia
Hilyeu, Jennie Parker, Ella, MetleerT
and iBird Thompson. Grand Chief Su
sie E. J'armenter of Halem is the chair
mas of the convention and her com
mittees are as follows: Reception,
Mary Anderson, Cor TucEer, Lela
Jerman, Alice Iisher, Cecilia Barbour;
refreshments, biimt Summerville, Flor-
mt a temperance medicine that he
called Dr. Pierce "a Favorite Prescrip
tion, for that is precisely what it as.
This medicine, is sold ia both liquid
and tablet form by druggiyts every- k
where. Favorite Irecrii'tion is a dis
tinct remedy for women and acts ill-,
rectly upon the organs that character-1
ize the sex. Jt is not necessary to take!
a lonjp course of treatment with this
standard medicine. A weakly, sickly.'
backachy, headachy, nervous, de!ond-'
wenrsjt, with regular or irregular paius
with feminine disorders that come in j
youth or middle agi is pretty sure to
find in Ir. iierce's Favorite Prescrip-1
ence iShipp and Mae Ratkliffe; pro-;tion the exact remedy that her eondi
P V tie a n (1
f Cai'I CSr lllCn A0PC2r rOriwi,lliB ,hc rvuci ot everybody, to niUo arll,y "ho muvt worli ar0 K,aJ f
I T f If . i unifoi in price of 25 cents for seats anv They get the same pay as the
vi I iniu r. miunrpirn I I : .1 . 1 . -1 n ... . ... ,
am iiiiib 1U UlillCiOllJ
Gee Club.
Every friend of Willamette I'niver-
hero in the building, although it is cus T""i vatt". I!ut this srmy will bo dis-
tomarv to make a ehargo of from 50 ''aiided n-t soon as the allies and Ger
cents to a (Inllnr for a program of this n""! withdraw their armies."
kind. i a i -
me ciuo now includes J8 memlmrs. nnv.nms MAN riTTn rw bt -dsttt.
ivy aim every lover or vocal biuhic will piaetienn an or the old members and
look forward to tho date of May 23-; well-drilled through formor tours, and St. Paul, Mav 13.-A man registered
the day when the Liuversity Men's cmituns the best talent to be found in us R. K. Cox. Portland, Or., died of
Clee club will appear at the armory In ,th university. Tho group, has had the apoplexy shortly after entering his room
the eourso of its a nnur.1 concert tour, j must thorough training under Professor at a local hotel. A railroad ticket indi
Th.s concert has always been a bright j John . H.tes, who expresses himself as.ted he hud just come from Portland.
, - V'TV well pleased with their .. and ' - m ,
. leulla tlmi. .mm, u I : . I
I . r musirui. T. .. f -, u
I iresentation. I, V . , "";
work, tliero will be a number of snlns ' '
and readings. Tho renditions will he I "
alily supported by Miss Florence Shirley
as i ccompnnist. ' j
A prominent feature of tho concert
will be the numbers of the Premier
in the
flour stomach (heartburn), Helehing,
Dwelling and full Keeling, so frequent
ly complained of after meals relieved
in Two Mlrrtea. ilimui s.i.. ....
lief from i'nins in the Htomurh caused I tlmr,l't wh"'l' """C i ihout 150
by utidvreated fund. towns in Oregon and Washington dur-
ON 30 DAYS' "'c l,ast yoars. This is the last
'appearance of this quartet in its present
I KI AX, personnel, as It will be clinnged next
Send'lOc for Postage nnd Wnr Ta:f, jv,'"r. a"d ""'it friends will bo er.fier
name and address, nnd wo will semi j tnkB opportunity to hcnr them
you on appnnal our stomach prepnis 1 1 "rr-
tion, Jo to, for .'III il.i.va, i,t which tiinel T'10 ',nf' will give a number of con
you arc to aend us tl or return tlio uu- in tho stato, but owing to tho
used portion if not perfectly satisfied. hi of tlio season will not bo able
Address: BeUUigham Chemical Co., o fill all demands for its aiiiwe-"
BeUingham, Wash. l.nst season they sang In 33 different
The) Beauty
can he yours. Its
wonderfully pure.
soft, pearly white ap
pearance, free from all
blemishes, will be com
parable to the perfect
beauty of your skin and
complexion if you will use()
I . v ' -l arft-f
VU v,t i a.
gTam, elda. Gardner, blizabeth Levy;
decration Dell L. Shellburg, Nellie
M. Knox, Mary E. Cox, Harry Levy,
F. T. WriehtmaB.
The program for the day is as fol
lows: Flatf salute
America, led by Myrtle Gifford
Roll eall and registration
Reading of minutes
Instrumental solo, Lena Hewitt
Address of welcome, Alice S. Fisher
Response Alice Gaily, G. C.
Vocal duct, May Wilson, Golda Can
field Paper, Altruihtie Work, Alpha Tem
Reading, Una Hall
Papers "Love" Helen Wright man
" Equality," Miriam Crandell
"Fidelity"' Julia M. Davis
"Purity," Charlotte Davis
Instrumental duet
Question box, Alice Gaily, G. C.
Dinner, 6:30
Toait master, W. M. Cake
"Welcome to the Cherry Cty,"
Mayor C. E. Albin
Instrumental solo. Fern Holler
Solo dance, Genevieve Harbour
Vocal solo. Dr. L. E. Harricl!
Violin solo, Winona Claire Smith,
(pupil of Miss Levy)
Reading, Mrs. Inland W. Porter
Vocal solo, Myrtle Gifford
Reading, Margaret Kelly
Veeal solo, John W Orr
Paper, The Flowers of our Order,
J. Reichart,
a a a
Mrs. F. A. Legg received word to
lay from Mrs. B. L. Steeves staling
that she and the doctor nnd reached
Richmond, Virginia, in the course of
their trana-eontinental tour. About
sixty miles fiuth uf Richmond, they
wer hailed hy tho occupants of a Fnrd,
and returning, found them to he Mrs.
Harry Miuto, of a!eni, and ler sister,
Mrs. Wrightman. The two women
were motoring alone and had been trav
eling for thirteen' months. They nod
seen tho "Oregon" pennant on the
back of the Hleeves car and took a j
chance on kt being someone thev knew.
Mrs. Hteeves states that tho trip is
highly enjoyable and that, she and the
doctor nrc making the best of every
pleasurable opportunity offered.
tioa calls for, and to find it after a
very few doses are taken. Why wo-1
men should allow themselves to stay i
sick whea a very little money spent j
for this remedy will probably tnukej
them well, is something no one can ex- j
All wouica who suffer from fenii-1
nine disorders are invited to w rite the I
faculty of the Invalids' Hotel, Buf
falo. X. Y., for free confidential coii-l
sulfation and advice, no charge being,
made for this high professional ser- j
vice. Ibis will enable every woman
to benefit by the advice of the ilis
tinguished corps of physieiai:s which
Dr. Pierce has gathered about him in
his celebrated Buffalo institution.
When constipation is present with
feminiue disorders, Dt. lHercc's Pleas
ant Pellets should be taken along with
rnvorite Prescription . Try them now!
tr Pi
Slipon Sweaters
Middy Sweaters
$1.75 $3iS $5.75
Just in Another shipment of Women's and Misses
Slipcn and Middy Sweaters. A fine line of colors
and sizes.
J1.75 $m $5.75
Colors white, pink, or blue with colored trimmings.
Sizes 16, 18, 40, 42. Price $3.45
"Where Shopping Is a Pleasure"
1. (g. i4!itHj Gk
Mrs. Ksther Allen Jobcs, who has
been attending the national congress
of the D. A. B. at W a.h:ngten, D.
C, will reach Portliuid tomorrow.
Xfrs. Jobes was recently elected na
tional historian of the Daughters of
a a a
L. T,. Thomas of iTarshfieid. Mr.
and Mrs. Alvio Thomas and little
Louinet of Wayton visited with their
parents, Mr. aiid Mrs. W. E. Thomas
of Salem over the week end.
a a a
Tho missionary society of the Jason
Lee M. K. church will meet- tomorrow
afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs.
Roseoe 'Die key 1440 North 5th street.
The meeting will ope.u with the pre
sentation of .the mite boxes.
Electric Cooking Cuts Meat Bills
'"pHE Hughes Electric Range effects a wonderful saving over
x other fuels in meat shrinkage frequently as much as a
pound on a single roast. With meat at from 25c to 35c a pound
the saving on meat bills each week is a very appreciable one.
The remarkable oven, with walls as heavily insulated and heat-conserving
as a fireless cooker, retains all the rich juices of the food usually carried
off by air currents, and the delicate flavor often spoiled by gaseous furnes.
This is but one of the many unusual cooking advantages of the Hughes
Electric Range. You can bake bread evenly without turning it; roast meat
without basting; brown cake as evenly on the bottom as the top; cook
cabbage and onions in the oven with very little water and no odor-at the
same time obtaining better flavored food than you have ever before known.
Think what It maana to ct rstiulta liks thia, with siwn faaj work
Hum any olhar method o( cooking requires. Think what a rtlief
it is to bs fraaj forever from the danger ot thirties or lha bother of
carrying dirty fu.l, to ba rid of lbs film of soot or gummy
dopuiiis on Ian;, walla and woodwork to fcavs a dirties ranr
and an immarnlna kitchen. Ths Hughes Electric Ranns will
Rtv you all tl.cw conveniences; and, In addition, a coolsr kitchen,
purer air, mors tlm away from your kitchen.
Th Hughes Ranr has been used and enilonwd t7 ,h country's
fi""M authorities, Marion Hanis Nail, janat McKamis
HilL Abe llr.lley. Mis. Lemcka-Barkhsusen. It has been an.
provsd ty Qood Hoiisrkerln(j Ins'itute, and (riven th world's
hiKhast ofhil sward, the Panama-Pacific Oold Medal Ltt us
till you why it has w jn all lh.se Uisunetiona.
z mm
II I t 1
ii It c
n lyjij
arr .
Salem club women will be interested
in itho account of the luncheon given
hy tho Portland federation of womens
clubs, Saturday, where Governor Ol
cott and Mrs. Alexander Thompson
were tho principal speakers. Concern
ing tho affair the Portland Telegram
speaks as follows:
Two hundred and fifty women gath
ered at luncheon given by tho city
federation of woimi c'.ubs in the
Portland hotel Saturday noon when
Governor Ben Olcott made his initial
appearance l-efore women's organiza
tions of Portland. Approximately 3000
women were, represented tiy niemtiers
of the federation. Governor Olcott
spoke directly to women voters regs'd
tng the bond issue to he voted on t
tha coming state election when the
fate of many public buildings, includ
ing tho erection of a new penitentinry
at Hulem, hangs in the balance.
Mrs. (I. .1. Prankel, first president
of the city federation of women's chili
who was recently reelected to serve
another term, outlined pinna of the
federation s work for tho coming year, j
reportiiii conditions met by tlic Jeder
Since its remarkable astringent and
tonic properties became Jmnwri, clever
women all -over the country have ueen
using the snxolito face Imth to "tone
up their tnce.s, remove wrniKies nun
draw flabby checks and neck back to
norma!. Afler using the solution, the
face immediately feels much firmer.
Tho skin tightens evenly all over the
fnce, thus reducing lines and saggi
ness. The formula is: Powdered snxo
lite, one ounce dissolved in witch ha
zel, one half pint.
These, ingredients are of course per
fectly harmless and there is no diffi
culty in obtaining t hern at any orng
. !
Former Salem Boy Is
Now Servmg In France
(Manmee (Ohio) Advance.)
Luther Myers has received a letter
from his young friend, Sgt. Ralph W.
Mason, in Prance, extracts from which
are here given:
Lcllavre, Prance, April 9. Dear
Friend: 1 received your letter ami gold
en wedding card several duys ago, and
was nioro than pleased to hear nw
NVe are now in an operating pink
where they operate more than 100
trucks, and there is something uou.g a' I
the time. Wo were stationed here from
lait July till November. Then we went
to Koucn. Then we were over to what
is called motor reception pi. ik. That ii
i " i
lmWkJ whs,
If v v i'. i ' i ' A ii ii'.
k j-
ii,"- f f"jfi ' ,! r
I? ft ; , A v
S SnV0 THK iK-VN;1) 01K,iA UOUSK'
atton dunnir tlio mat Tear. ;
She said there are aproxim;i'My , where all gasoline equipment that came
250 dancing parties a month in Port- to this base section fco. 4 was nsscm
land and that the danc hall eondi- j bled. I had charge of assembling and
tin" iro tiilonir1n. , hud over 3.ri0 men under me. We turned
Mayor Oeorgo Baker addressed tho out some trucks and cars, too, I tell you. I
women tipou civic, affairs. Mrs. Alex- At one time we received one convoy of I
ander Thompson, a member o the state thirty boat loads of tractors, trucks, I
l legislature, gave "side lights on the ears of nil kinds and ambulances, and
last term of legislature. Mis Jessie you ean get some idea of what we were'
McGregor, chairman of the lunehdon doing. Although we never got io the'
committee, introduced the spcakiVs. front, we worked night and day mst tu iW i,ot r.n .
"always hesh'
Packed in Air-tight Light-proof Can
oerve It With All Your Salad, ,
Sold Everywhere
The musical program was given by the same. ith -h J f ttttlV7 '"'on unjustly imprisoned ia jails 'and
following guests: IMph Thomas, bnri-j I r,m sergeant mechanic of onr com-, I don't know -ko -1 .., asylums fur nine years.
tone; Mrs. r.. 1,. Knight, violinist; pnuv, and we are supposed to hate 78 but as I se it now ii i, ' ",,s0" n'bges he has beea powerless
M.sa Ihusy lib,, contralto; Miss men. but since we were reorganized to time at least sit mill . o take any action regarding the alleged
Khea Anderson Mrs. H. Urockctt, the u,otu, transport corps we hate hud I don't ear for Frnnee i . "-"i-s to asylum inmates because of
JJ0r':'.J"',f'fB yUMy "."d I!"!" 'Jv'lZ: 8 !n'k f W the other directors.
"""'"j -nuii ciuo cnorus under tne lu H k' 1 LIU DflvrC1 TA ... r- . ""O ume
direction of Mrs. Ho tMmaen Heed. UlitUd in. IXUCLJ IU 1 , V . a0ne ",v l,,i w
Mis. Henry Hell, who has been vis-'
iting in Portland, has returned heme. '
ciCls 5
" "- 4
A gionp of Portland folk motored to
Salem Sunday and were the gucsls for
I the day of M's Kathrvn Uuunell and
j.Mrs. J. I,. St.nkton.'l'reviotis plans
I for a picnic were alwuidoned because
jof the unsettled weather but the dny
j wa pleasantly spesit with a picnic din
ner indoors, mii,,, and a drive about
the city. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs .erator. Mis, Myrtle Johnson,
,Mis Warner, Norman Allison, Profes
sor Urant t.leason, Mr. Carter, Mrs.
Anna Oifbertson, beoa Tulliertson. B.
B. HflbK Mrs. J. I.. Stockton, .Mi.
Zoe Stwkton and Miss Kaihtva lun
Mrs. I. It. lloUmaa (Celia Haines)
of Portland hs returned home after a
few days visit with her parents, Mr.
ianti .sirs. i,. r. llaines.
a a
The first dinner dame of the" sea
son will be given st the lllihee Coun
try club tomorrow evening.
Only Cos' a Tew Cents M"ke It Your
tU Sana as Ordinary Tea
to. I've come and done my
I'm ready to go home.
sJT. KAI.l'H t' fsnv
6H3 M. T. C, A. P. t). 7.).
'Asylum Authorities Face v
Cruel Treatment Charges
Ak gtaadina nb.nt Ih-. I'art... '. k
B li-n and she will tell vou that
thousands of people used it as'a spring!
.cleaner and tonic in her voutie.-r dirs,
w'rt TV fam,""" ' Rb" J'" Cal- Mr 13.-8ensat.oii..
, i : V '""r"-,J- ennrgea .it utilise of patients by attend-
! To drive out of the system the ae-jant, nt the Agnew st,e ins,u. (,,,,"',
igood advice, and ,ple who want bef-! Webster, fisthtin, for r..l..... Z ' IS.
" ' "mil 1 Uf
ins.tution, and liorsce Wilson, a dir...
'm VI
ter blood a n,l keener eujovment of life
shounl aot nejilct taking at least a
two weeks' treatment of p ii;lc health
building K B Ta.
IHutkista will tell ye.t Hint scores of
people enjoy a cup : be. Is, me biiause
it keel's liver end Imi--;s in ,rop: r con
dition and ends hi i us ntm.ks and
iek headache.
live it to the cl'u.-fu; thev like it.
aii.l it acw very gently on th'( ir lirtle
biwel. l!o sure von jfr
Dr. Carters K. &'B. Tea
tor of the ssvlum. Webster ni..
court fij;!it here loday, charging he has
Die from Eczema
"I went to Johni Hnpklni Hnrpltat. I .
wnttataraUoctorf. I tried othrf '
rrmeflirC I ttioutht I wovld dia. D.D.D.
cored ma after I had tivra ap all hos .
m"'"x Mm on aarth.-Mrs.
Kaima V, in. stt Frauklia St. Baitiaora. ,
m. , ' " tisrt srrs D. D. D. beal a many
IT,,?., L""". that wa know it
will help voa too. In r-t wa ausrutc b
tut iKitlla. sse, Mc and tl ss.
Iotlca.&r5K!n Piseaso!
Terry 'i.
QcH. eWsxt, c.. Trav. K. Y.