Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 12, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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The fallowing casualties are reported
ty the commanding general uf the
American Expenditiouary Forces:
Killed in Action
lttcd frviu Wounds ,
Lost r.t Sea
.23 3
Wounded Hmnlr ..... 11
WomuKd (decree uudeteiuuueJj..
Wounded Slightly
Total number of casualties to date, ia
eJudiug 103 reported above:
killed iu Action (including SSI
at sea)
lied of Wounds .
- 32,333
Iicd of Disease .
IHed from Aecideut and Other
VVouimV iu Action (85 avr cent
returued) IPS.Tyo
JtiK.-ing (not including prisoners
released, and returned) 4,133
To.,1 to date 51
Killed la Action.
Irviu F Donaldson, Cusbiug Okla.
John C Ellis, Fitckbuig Mass.
Ceph K Hill, Troy Ala.
Julius Seaman, Baltimore Md.
Died of Wounds.
Wagoner Brandt Cakea Galloway
Brownsville N Y,
William J Ellison, Watkiiis N J.
Lost at Sea,
Km rence Palmer. K;,v,.ni,.l tv- v.
TiH frnm 1IJ. .j wt. .
Mechanic Clifford R Smitl, ivm!,
Ali I Is Tex.
t'liarlis Ciuhick, Chieagu III.
Claud W Heilupetli, Nocona Teit.
Frank 8e.ygiel, l'erliaiu Miua.
Died from Accident and Other Causes.
Corp William H Russell. Detroit Mich.
Walter Chnse, Lebanon, Kan.
Alouzii Franklin, Ivesdale 111.
John Larbrou, Marlboro Mass.
Died of Disease.
Sgt Fred Butts, reoria IU.
Corp Jeff Brown, Madison Ark.
Corp Walter L Cassidy, Aew York N
Peter Alnhonas Cnvanaiiyh.
ids, Mich. r
Karl A ( hurleswortli, 8t Jo.sepli alu.
muierr it t omtis, Jon Iowa.
Floyd L Fletcher Halina Kan.
Harry 0 Nelson, Philadelphia P.
Vitcor Vanderlin Butler Pa.
ltolM-rt K Curtin, Ripley Tei.a. "
Mehiu Green, hiem S I.
PkH High, Danville 111.
William V Mdlee, Jasper t;.
Walter Hmith, Locust (irove Oa.
Dr.niel Wnglit. K'mii .uouiilaiu Tcnn.
Wednesday nioruiii of l(sl week,
Marvin Zohner, son of Mr. and Mis.
S. W. Zehner, came to towu on his
Wheel on his way -to ichool. He did
nut attend school that day, however,,
but seems to have fallowed a prc.ir
n.nged plan to take a trip. Pefme go
ing Marvin went to Hcvwtt's store
ml tisNed Mr. Hewett for ti saving
he wanted to get some things ia Wooit
burn. He was given the iiionfy, being
recognized as a- home lioy of responsi
ble parents. This is the last clew to
tho whereabouts of the lad. Mis. JCth-1
er had been in Portland the two '
weeks previous and returned Fr'ninv.
His failure to come home Wedtiesdny
evening caused a gooil deal of inquiry
to be made. Wince Friday morning a
systematic search has been instituted
to get some trace of the latl, postal
cards with his description and 'bills
have been sent out offering a reward
of -) fur information leading to find
ing him. It is hoped the means employ-
O'l will be successful as the -bov's ab
Bcnce lis causing much uneasiness tit
h one. Hubbard Enterprise.
Palis, May li. The allies, intention
n ly or unintentionally apparently have
for the first time officially recognized
a bolshevik! government the Hungar
ian soviet report coinmittee.
A formal invitation was forwarded to
B-idapest, simultnneously with the one
to) Yie'niis. to send a delegation to the
p. ac e conference, it was learned today.
Af first it was reported the invitation
was muile under the impression that Be-
lakun had been ouaied, but the jTenrr.
foreign office later staled that this was
lu.t the cas'. '
Everything in Building Material
Paints and Varnishes.
11c per pound.
Our motto is "Service to our Customers."
"Everything in Building Material
A. B. KELSAY, Mgr.
Phone 813 .9 South
West Salem 414 . 12th Street
Awards Of Certificates, Pins
J P,,Hn T IK
And Battens To Winners
The progress being made in the Sa
m scuoois in )fBiaanlip W most
'gratifying, and is Win? slimii!t,,l K'pensitv to "kirk'1 in hi. .v...n ...
,S(CU1 ot tt.V(.ir,, 1B thj, fi)ru of
certificates, p'ms and buttons, as shown
liv ,.n i- . . '"'"' louay. mere waa an unusuM at
4'3C7ifae, L t V'LL"Zn, ThfUendanprobnblv in anticipate f
.u. ,me or tne schools do not
s" '"ge uumber of rewards this
1 5TZ
branch, for in the net e
'"ools a,,v be in
the end
Washington Junior High
Business and high school certificates
Kihel lleimer. Uah Horn..
Hope? Kuth
Kulin. Ruth lVck. Ivsdell Vror.icr, Mai -
rie .S huldermaii.
Stmlent eertifi,.t,,.lin.,ii, d..
Mary Peek. Helen .'ui'ng, Frank Kein -
hurt, Doreile Anderson, Keta Alkire,
. ,.,,r, , r.Mufr j-.ncK&on, iatn
erine Hartley, Iris Page. Mary McKin-
."". '"' Itallinjer.
,'lUrlcs i -I
cs t.'rosby, Klsie I.eisy.
"u P - i'orotnr t.slielman,
irtiis r.vans. name Vons.
Uupton, Mildred eitanton, Margaret
Johnson, iHornice Kirkwood. Charlotte
Doncaster, Theodore Smith, tiladys Hil-
ueDraiKt, Alice Wultiueyer, Mario Ar
nold, Clario Ritchie, Luella Voiing,
Constance .Richmond .
Palmer method buttons Thelma
Daily, Cienevieve Mulkey, Kstella llat
liner, Marie Kiehs, Clifford Fitts, Lora
Toelle, Wilmena Cox, Louise Herreu.
Grant Junior High
Student certificates Kiln Pletz,
Mary Warner. Margaret Frolimader.
Progress pins Beatrice Livingston,
I; . ,, il",,r,so"' 1H'ssie Wot, Henry H. Mcl.erclien told whv he withdrew
Kiihlke. Hie ma Owen, Donald tichaupp from the Commercial club, and incident
Charlotte Runde, Kate MeCaricry, ally told how that organization should
Theodoro Runde. i be rim. Hl li.n, .V. '
J'nlmer r,.ll,.1 Tll . nf..: .
iluier Method Bultons-Lnita K.rk jected to the pie because it was too con-
Knhn,r"waU enTh 1 M "n "' a"d " thp " ,,w' waa too
I Ha r "n MAordrU 'tret. etc. Mr. Hntchason came to
V . '..ytj ,fU?M" front with a very catchy little orig-
Karl Tucker, Melviu Finley, CinrtU
lolinsou, Earl StraslaugU, Virgil Cre
sau, I'oris nnaw, ,
Lincoln Junior High
Student certificate Flon nee Jones
Progress pins Krma Meek, Miriam
Holder, Florence Roberts.
Palmer method buttons 'Paul Wood
ward, Lnvd Sntterlee, Alvin Marr, John
M into Marv Smith, Opal Lucas, Mau-
ning Dross, Morris Stapleton, Kverett
Anderson, (jillis Kuapp, Smith JStaple-
ton, Carl Douglas, Ruth Hazelton, Ma
bel Wolf, Harold Mclntyre, Helen
Throckmorton. Margie Marr, Arthur
Hluinbeig, JYi ry Wuli-her, Fred KreP
ela. Highland School
Progress liiu Kihel Cooper.
Palmer method button Martha Bur
ger, Wis Hockett, Margaret Pro, Win
ifred Ritchie, Eva Burger, Harry Stoy
ker, Edith Hurdel, Louis Dodger, Kula
Pence, lioali Davison, Moneta Williams
Clifford Flake, Mildred Cooper, Orpha
Harvey, Ethel Cooper, Lottie Weber
Garfield School
Progress Pin Evelyn Johnson.
Palmer method button Janet
Richmond School -
Palmer method buttons Mae Grun
hou, Orville Fisher, Pauline Fiudley,
l.overna Kind, Helen nmfield, Olive
Camficld, Margaret Wells, Hubert Ash
nv, ( upiti.ia Alien .
Park School
Palmer method buttonsAlpha Iter
Iboldt Edward! Aiumann, 1'imices
Ma pes, Mildred JVarsona, Mildred
Craybill, .luanitn Miipman, James
Cuuijibcll, Lois Lcppold, Phoebe lviser,
Emery i nmi'bell, .Norman Hastings,
Edna Olinghouse, Martha Ammann,
Marvell Edwards, Kenneth (iraber.
Englcwood School
Palmer method buttons Veda Per
mil, Ora Sharp, Wilbur Loy, lola Jtog
ers, lien Arnold, Leo (iraber, MnrKirie
Wakey, Hazel Rogers, Ada Sharpe:
iri. .,..:.. r v.,..;,.nr TT..t.v 1,na
. '.,i hB .....npil f Mt. I
Angel to draw up plans for the city for
a water system that will insure a ikisi
tive and -nianeut supply of water fur
the municipality. The plans content
pbited cull for n (en-inch driven well ,
' ' ..
Commercial dob Luncheon At
Bf ! It i I T 1 w ,
Marion Hotel Today Had
The faet that every hnuian being car-
rier more or less nf a pmn-k .
,,.....i., ,fU ueuionstrateu at tho Com
mereial elub luncheoii at the Marion
aotei today. There wag an unusual at-
firewnrk. , . - k ,w.: "
'and ther w.. . , .ZZll 1.'
"ST. liV? ? tmospho
i - mere waa anything
I wrs'TosT aient T"
i"5' lost sight of in the barratre of
I repartee and sarcasm and laughter.
Ln W0.re ,fks from the
1 1"1"8 Wnst about everything mun-
llfi - ,hC T- "U8t f the Pie
. tbo "llwn administration. Super-
I '"tenrteiit Todd had a prowl about tnn
! q,,C8tion of ''"hfts' salaries.
. .v... . uan a protest coming be
cause of the lack of gvmnasium facil
ities in the schools. F. C. Deekcbach
lambasted the committee in charge i
the function for one tki.,,r .i....
taptain Bloom, of the River Transports
. v. aui'iui'i.
turn company, had a grievance because
the people of Salem and vicinity were
not giving greater patronago to the
iMints. Postmaster Huckestein called at
tention to the carelessness of people in
addressing parcel post packages, which
was causing no end of trouble for the
Department. Mr. McGilchrlst ronsiru
uie imptitace in general for their hesita
tion in coming across with subscriptions
i me rourtn ot-JuIy fund. Robert
IVulus, full of prunes as usual, had a
kick coming because California men and
rnpital were allowed to conio into Ore
go:! and grab tbe fruit business. Wm.
T " . .. ' ."' "'v """', OO
toiu iioeni will) a "KICK" to it.
Other speakers CBme in for tack
pointed remarks and banter, and alto
gether it was about the most varieguted
affair thr.t has been pulled off, and a
vote of thanks was due to the originator
of the idea. The committee for the next
luncheon w ill be Judge Scott, Mr. Daney
and David Kvre.
Grant School To .Give
Exhibition Of Work Done
In Physical Training
The following progrnm will hi iriven
on the grounds, at (5 rent school at 7:30
Wednesday evening. The purpose is to
demonstrate the work of tho physical
education department. The public is in
Grand March, Dance of Greeting,
tirades .land 4 Rabbits ia Nests, Chimes
ot Dunkirk, Oradea o and 6 girls Formal
Work, Peter Pan Gavotte, Gnssles 5 and
fl boys Marching. Stride Relav. 9A Enir
Dramatization, The Judgment of Paris
(Grecian), Jumon H. S. boys Drill ami
Ladder, Junior II. 8. girls Formal Work,
Ostend, Pull Me Over Relay.
Hero it is asked that patrons assom
ble in room 6 w here music, reelings and
addresses will be given.
todayYbaseball score
R 11 E
N'ew York 3 9 0
Brooklyn 2 5 1
Barnes and McCarty; Marquard,
Grimes and Kreuger. 10 Innings,
Hoston J hiladelphia postponed, rain.
uncngo 2 7 u
""ul"K J 11 l
Hemirix and Haly; Cooper and
Schmidt. 11 innings.
I liiladelptiia-New ork postponed,
'n I
St. Louis 3 9 2
Gnllia and Billings; Schcllenbaek (
and Schalk j
and a large concrete reservoir on the
The timbers supporting the present
tank, hnve been deteriorating consider
ably of lute end immediate action along
j these liwvs is necessary. Bonds will very
I likely have to be issued to cover the
cost of this improvement as well us it.
I take cirre of outstanding warrant in
debtedness. The engineer is also drawing
I plans ami making estimates for en ex
pensive addition to the present sewer
I system, which will likely be taken up
as soon as the water works proimaitio
'is disKsod of. Rilverton Tribune.
I County detks throughout the state
have received the following from the
jfisli and game commission:
I "Inquiries have been directed to his
'office regarding age limit of applicants
for hunting and angling licenses. All (
ipersons or ine age oi n years or more
I must have licenses to limit or iisii in inc
'state of Oregon. The only exceptions
lure that persons may hunt or fish on
I their own land, and that no license is
j required of a w oman to angle. Veterans
of the Indian and Civil wurs and pio
neers of this stato must have n license,
' but no charge will be ininle for the issu
ance thereof. .Under the present law
these last named licenses are issued for
' l. f i'.f.i ..r tl., hniimnl iiintpn tl uf frtitii I f
I"" ' ,
:..-ar 10 ' .. .
- , . at. tin. t.niN Oin tmiI
fish and game laws are to become effec
tive May 2th.
Strawberries ni'y come a little high
this year. It is said that the canneries
in the city hsve alioot eornere.1 the
1 market and contracted for about ev-
ercythine in sight. The two cmm.r.g
plants expect to op. for the season
with gooseberries abor.t Jum 1 to be
loiluweu 1J jiraw ucri' j.
Work has already started on the
court house lawa on the wvst side, re
moving the sod for two beds whieh
are to be planted in poppies as pait of
the memorial to those who took part in
the late war. Each of the two beds
will be 75 feet Ion" and 25 feet wide.
This rear the seed will rome from
Portland, but next year, the War Moth
ers propose to secure the seed from
the fields of -Handera. It is hoped
this year to have both beds of poppies
in full bloom bv Jolv 4 when the home
r"r"" "v '"'"'"i. -
J" ""HW there will
coming event will be eelebrated. Me
be a eirclo of cement 25 feet is diam-
eter. and ia the middle if this will
phced bronie tablet mpon which e','' J B1'' ' penitentianr
will be inscribed the names of every without an official reeord, and even the
soldier, sailor or marine in Marion dismissed against hint, Georrige
county who was in the service. The j Harrison will have to serve Out his sen
names of thosewtio died will be ia- jtence of two years for assault with
scribed in gold. It ia understood that j deadly wx-npon. The habeas eorpus pro
this bronze tablet has been given by a reeding came no before the circuit
promineut citizen as a memorial to hisj:cotirt this morning and were dismissed.
The Phez company has filed sever &1
prune contracts for record in the coun
ty recorder's office as follows: C. K.
Dcnhain, route 1, Turner, 36 tons Ital
ian primes from 14 acres, at $1.75 a
bushel of 60 pounds; .X. E. Abbott.
tons of Italian prunes from 3 acres, at
$50 a ton; D". C. Minto, Italian prunes
from 50 acres at $i!(i.ti6 a ton, buyer to
accept delivery at ranch gates and to
furnish big boxes; W. H . Farr of Ma-
cleay, 5 acres of ltaliau prunes at $50
a ton; D. Rogers rural route 9, (Salem,
Italian prunes from o acres at $bb.tb
a ton.
After owning a 229 acre farm for 60
years, Abner Lewis sold it Saturday to
George Dozler who recently came to
this miuntry from the east. The farm
is about 11 miles south of Salem in
township 8 south of range 1 west. The
consideration was close to 20,000. For
the INist 15 years Mr. Lewis has liv
ed in tsalem. Mr. Dozler who bought
the place is a broter of the man wao
purchased the Adams burns place about
a year ago.
A thief entered the home of a man
by the name of Robinson on the road
between Prinze nd the reform school
last night and carried off a 50 liber
ty bond, several war savings stamps
and jewelry. He was traced to Aurora
this morning and an officer sent in
to investigate. It is thought he Was a
traveling hobo judging from the de
scription given.
Lieutenant Carl D. Gabrielson arriv
ed homo this morning with his dis-
chure from the Presidio. Ho has seen
service in Liberia and visited Japan
and the Philippine Islands on his re
turn trip.
The following Portland people are
recent arrivals at the Capital hoiel:
Wm. Henderson, F. F. Smith, ('. B.
Dillingham, Frank Flood, J. T. Hmith
U. 8. Krickson, H. M. Freeman
O. Evexhard and Wm, Myers of Mill
City were recent arrivals in Salem
That prt of the population that has
been "bumping the bumps" over the
( onimorcial street bridge for several
years past will bp gratified to know-
that the city has finally provided for
the relaying of the east side of the
driveway with tjirce inch planking.
Work was begun uku the structure
this afternoon.
In the diyorce proceedings of Edith
Eyre White against Dr. B. H. White,
tho defendant lins answered the com
plaint by asking the court to strike
out 12 sections of the eomplaint. John
H. McNnry represents tho plaintiff
while the defendant is represented by
MeC-timant, Brnnaugh and Thompson
of Portland and Walter C. Winslow
and Page and i'ngo of Saloin.
J. C. Stapleton of Marshall, Masou-
ri, who was slain 'by two robbers, was
a brother of J. V. Htnpleton of 101
Fir street and 11. C Klapleton and
.Mithan Stapleton, both of rural route
4, Sulcm. According to newspaper c
counts Mr. Mtnplcton with tho sheriff
had two (prisoners in charirn and were
returning with them from Loxinfftnn to
4 7 1. Marshall. Mo. when the rob)Hn over-
powered them and killed both officers.
According to last accounts a posse of
i-uii men were out hunting for the
t Born J
GAKAMOBST To Dr. and Mrs. J.
It. Gnmjobst, May 11, 1019, at the
Deaenncs "hospital, a daughter.
She has been named Ruth Gene. Dr.
(iurn.jebst who is with the American
forces in France doing X-ray work lins
ben sent a telegram.
tJEXXETT To Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Bennett, .May , 1919, a daughter.
She has been named Billie Frances.
Mr. Bennett is assistant engineer at
the Oregon state hospital.
T r -r -r -r t -- j
GARDNER At the home of his son
at 2220 Maple avenue, May 11, 1919,
(ieorge C. Gardner, at the age of Sli
lie is survived bv three sonr T. S.
uuroncr or caieni, .sa a. narnrier or
i ti. i ... , . , .
Oregon i ity ana ,ionn A
s-'... ... 1 ri a
Gardner of 1
Frederickston, Ohio
He was a member of the G. A. R.
and was past department commander
of the Wm. H. Baker post, department
of Kansas. Ho enlisted during the civ
il war in company I, of the H(lth Ohio
The funeral services will be heid
Tnesdav afternoon at 3 o'clock at the
TWwillitrcr home end will He conduct-1
fli f,r the Ref Thomas A. Atcheion
MONDAY. MAY 12.1919.
of the Jason Lee Memorial church,
burial will be ia the Cty View cem
etery. WILKINSON At the sanatorium Mav
11. 1SM9. Lewis WLIkiasou, at the
age of 35 years. He was a bachelor
aud is survived by a brother living
in the city.
The funeral -services will be held
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock Trora
the Kigdoa chapel and will be conduct
ed by tho Rev. R. .. ATison. Mr.
Wilkinmu came to JSlera about one
year ago and has been in ill health for
several months.
Bungling Of Records
Dees Net Aid Harrison
Although the court records of Mult-
beiB"Rh county were pretty badly bun-
A short time ago Harrison was taken to
Portland and Judge Morrow errored
what is known as a-"una pro taao"
order, which mean that an order Issued
bv a judge can be dated at some time
in the past. Anvfcow regardless of the
efforts of his attorney to get him out
"f the pen. and the ca-relessness of a
clerk in the Multnomah conntv court
and the faet that Harrison was serving
a sentence when there was no record.
Harrison will now be obliged to serve
out his sentence.
Portland, Or., May 12. The
northwestern members of the
IMh engineers, railway, will ar-
rive in Portland at 10 o'clock
tomorrow morning. Company D
is composed of Seattle men and
and companies K and F are from
Portland. The engineers en route
total 435.
Many tonus of entertainment
hnvo been provided for the .men
of the ISth, who will spend ft-
morrow- in Portland and then
resume their journey to Camp
Lewis where they will be dis-
chr.rged. .
l ,!,
Auto Licenses GahT
J100,0fl0hFoar Months
Records of the automobile registra
tions for April have just been mnde
iup in tho office of secretary of state,
showing that during tho month there
were 5574 registrations filed, of which
24(17 were 'by the owners of newr vehi
cles, tho total receipts in fees amount
ing to 143.322. Of the total registra
tion of motor vehicles, 28 Were bv
denlers, 234 by chauffeurs. 434 by mo
torcycle owners. These figures bring
the total registrations for the four
months of 1919 up to H5, 1 Tip motor vo
hides. 2513 motorcycles, 1171 chauf
feurs, 470 dealers. The total receipts
for the department for tho four months
amount to 47,945.5n as against 374,
551.50 for the same period Inst year,
Nearly l(K)0 members of the Siberian
expeditionary forces arrived an Van
couver, B. C, Tuesday from Vladivos
tok. Twenty three women nurses, eight
of whom were from Spokane, arrived in
New York Tuesday from France.
Cattle Run Is Liht
With Prices Lo'wer
North Portland, May 9 There was
a light run of cattle on the market
Monday, receipts consisted entirely of
medium and common kinds. The local
and Wound ipaekers were out of the
market and the outlet was confined
to small outside buvers and prices rul
ed only steady with the close of last
week. It takes strictly primo steers to
bring (13 to 113.50, and exccptinnully
goon class selling trom if I. to 13; me
dium classes from $10.50 up. It takes
strictly choice dehorned cows to bring
better than lie, bulk of the sales of
top grades going from $10 to lnr.50,
a very good cla sidling from 9 to
$10, with common and medium grades
frrin . to S. The demand for bulls
is very stock and prices range from
0.50 to 7.50. Prospects are not verv
favorable for higher prices iu the next
two or three weeks
There wero about 1H cars of hogs un
the market Monday, and the mnrket
started off very brisk nt tJ0.25 fo
JO. 50. This was due to the fact (hat
the eastern mnrket was considerable
higher, but it slacked off before the
day was over until it took awful good
hogs to bring 20.25. This was due to
the fact that there were too mi.nv hogs
on the market to supply the demand.
We look for about a steady market
for next week.
t The Capital Journal J
J Daily Market Report J
Wheat, soft white ti.10
Wheat, lower grades oa sample
Oats SOtTiUSe
Hay, cheat 24
Hay, oats $23
Barlev. ton (.12
Mill run . 43M4e
Butterfr.t r,c
Creamery butter 57(r 58c
Fork, Vaal aud Mutton
Pork en foot 18(SIe
Veal fancy 17c
Steers . 7frV9c
Spring In in Im lie
Ewes 5c
Sheep, yearlings 8(a9c
.rvm mrA Pfttfllm
Eggs, rash 38e
al jW ant
Quick Reference To Firms That Ch Service On Short
Where Buyer And Seller Meet-We
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salem Electrio Co, Masonie Temple,
oraer Commercial and Trade s tresis
tfUla payable meathly ia advaaea.
Phone 60S.
FOR SALE 120 acres of No. t lnit
located ( miles from Salem, on good
'i) " good location, good house
nd barn and othtr buildings, farm
implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, S year-
"ugs, ju uraa or nogs, round 500
cords of wood readv cut, all at
bargain. Writ M W cars Journal.
FOB SALE A goad double team har
ness, will trada for hay or grain,
or will exehanga for good dry wood
See Squara Deal Realty eompaa
Phone 70
22 acres all in cultivation, all woven
wire fenced, 7 room house, fair barn
joining Auui$vi!!e, known as the C.'
M. Miller place, all the ciop goes,
only $3500.
24.15 acres. Hi cultivated, 5 acres
iu logans, 5 in 3-year oid prunes,
some family orchard, 8 acres in lim
ber pasture fair (i room house, ibarn,
good chicken house, hoiscs, hogs,
cow, chickens ell implements, tools
go, close to school, church; 1 mile
nom station; will take small acre
nge, or city property; price 700C.
25 acres, all cultivated, all fcnccl,
good house, barn, plcii'y of out build
ings; good team, cow, culf, 100
chickens, all implements and tools
cream separator, acres In orchard,
mostly prunes in bearins; I mile
from town; will take a residence not
over $1500. Price 50110.
40 Rores all cultivated. H acres in
bearing prunes, fair tl room house,
good barn; priced for a hort time
7500. Are yon going ta be slow
enough to miss this snap.
50 acres, 43 cultivated, 13 pasture,
some timber, splendid barn, fair
house, 25 acres line bottom or brav
erdnm, family orchard; 1 mile from
town, 17000. Will take ncreago near
Htilcsn, must be priced -right .
4 room partly modern hoiire, some
built in conveniences, 580 Sagiuaw
St. 750, easy term.
iO acres timber, well located, to trade
for Salem residenco, will assume;
Price I500.
For best buys see ,
Bayuo ibldg
HAT BLOCKING I clean and block
ladie' and Men's hats. Just re
ceived a lint renovating machine. It
gets the dirt, Try it once. C. B.
Ellsworth, 495 Court St. Salem, Or.
Hens, live :.. 28(S,10c
via roosters lac
Stags 22(Tl25c
'Broilers 35(i!Cc
.Strawberries 14.00
Radishes, dox 30c
Rhubarb 3e
Potatoes 11.85
Onions, local $3(f4
Green onions doz 40e
Cabbago (Hi(o'V4c.
lurnipg ... a 8 e
Head lettuce 2.75
Boets 3c
Winesap apples, btix 5.50
Celery, crate 10
I rnj
Oranges $."f5)7
Lemons, boa 5(g0
Bananas .. Ve
(Jalifornia grape fruit s)-l (ff-4.26
black figs lb. ... 10;a'lc
White figs, lb. . 19(o;20
I'aekage figs per bx 60 pkg 4(a8.0
uNiey, extraetea ........,
Betsu rrlces
Eggs, dozen .... .. 45c
Creamery butter 65c
Country butter 50(a55c
Flour, hard wheat :i(u3.15
roruana uaraei
Portlnnd, Or. May 12. Butter, city
creamery 5oYu.57c
Eggs selected local ex 41(5 13c ,
Hens 30e.
liruileis .'I.'di 40c
Geese 1720e
Oheeso, triplets 356737c
Receipts W5
Tone of market steadv ,
Best steers l3tl3.50 '
(food to choice steers 1 1 (7 ll.fiO
Medium to good steers 9."Ki(a l0
Fair to good steers tHCa9
Common to fair steers l7.50(fiS
('hoii-e cows and heifers llOfx it
Good to choice cows ard aeiferi
Medium to good eow and hsifsrs
Fair to medium cows aad hsifert
Canners Ifo 4
Bulls 5.5nro 8
Culves mn 12.50
Slockers and feeders $il(u8.50
Receipts 2152 " "
Tone of market stesdv
Prime mixed 20.25 20.50
Medium mixed $20(a 20.25
Rough heavies 18.25ii 18.50
Pigs 18.5ori 19.75
Bulk 20.25ri 20.50
Receipts 270
paje seve:j
-Main U0
127 North High-
of piano, a new and logical ctiod
for both pupil and teaaaer, snakis
clear all basic principle tuamir
io a musical education, and giving
the "music teacher" something
teach. 421 Court St. Phona 852.
For bargains in new and seeondhaad
goods for the house, furniture, aang
es, heaters and stoves, rorw, aewtBf
machine graniteware, dishes, amt
eases, trunks and tools. W want
your old furniture and stoves, will
pay you highest cash price, pea
last. Peoples Furniture Btors, 871
N. Commercial St. Phone ?34.
NO CASH REQUIRED Good overcoat
shoes and suits, all kinds of aetrsia
al instruments, shotguns, riilea, heat
ingnstoves, gaa stoves, suit tA.se and
1000 other useful articles to sell or
trade. What have yout Tha tnpitaJ
Exchange. 337 Court St. Fob 493.
THE SOLDIER BOY 9 Pool aad bil
liard parlor is sow open uixfer ew
management and it renders veu and
the general public a congenial gtae
to pass away a few leisuis haiv.
Tho basement of Oregon flhteiria
depot, corner of State and High
Phone Wm. Lavotk, piej.
50 years experience, Depot NfiOtiaJ
and American fence.
Sires 6 to 58 in. high
Paints, oil and varnish, I.e.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Worlii
250 Court street, Fhone lit. ' '
J. A. Rowland Furniture Store
Buys, sells and exchanges sow and
2d hand furniture. All kinds of
repair work, light grinding, filing,
and brnsiug a specialty. Right
prices. 247 North Comiocisial St.
Phone 16.
refnse of all kinds removed on mfnta
ly contracts at reasonable ta(,ej.
Cess pools cleaned. Dend aittMdfi re
moved. Office phone Main 1(57; .
On Good Real Estate Security
Over Ladd ft Bush bank; Salem Crpgoa
cent interest. Prompt servis jHH
years time. Federsl farm loaa BOsda
if or sale. A. C. Bokrostnilt, 01 Ma
sonic Temple. Salem, OtegSrf.
formation about Life Insiitdaee aeo
J. F. Hntchason, diist. wraragax Jor
the Mutual Life of N. Y., SttwA at
371 State St., Salem, Ore. CJa'fca
phono 99, residence 139C. a4
HOP LEE, expert laundrynfaa, 43i
Ferry St. I par ton market nrice for
enicsens ant r.ggs, Uffics
13.W, residence 133.U.
piions loeoB
Our Prices are Rlgt
M. ZANDLKR, Prorjiiatr
1255 X. Summer Street, Salons, Srgo
just installed a machiiia (tat will
sharpen lawnmowers the same t Hh
factory puts them out aaw. JNrfng
all your light repair work to ate. Al
vin B. Stewart, 347 Court St. rMibnsj
Me'ornsck hall on every THCsday
at 8. P. Andrescn, C. . F. J.
Kuntr, K. R. t 8.
RJYAL Neighbors of America, ra
gon Grape camp No. 1300 meat tilery
Thurs-lay eveslng in McCosnasll lull
Elevator service. Oiacle, Mjs. Car
rie E. Bonn. 648 Union S; reor
der. Mrs. Melissa Persons, nk N.
4th St. Phone 1430M.
Tone of msrket steady
Prime lambs 14(a 15
Fair to medium lt,mbs $13(g 13.5
Yearlings ll((i l2
Wethers 11
Vwes infolO
Bucks i"i
Des Moines, la.. May 12. M. G. Thar
mer, assistant cashier of the lows. State
bank, is in jail, chsrged with sobbery
and larceny in connection with the rob
bery of the bank bv bandits.
Itadits entered the bank just befora
it opened for business on March 25, and
according to employes made Phurmef
and an assistant open a vault from
which thev took 43,0OO.