THE DAILY CAHTAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 12, 1919. PACE SIX mini I j inn linn w- mm mum Mil I m I PI IPU THFATRF - bLtljii I iiLA I iltl tomorrow BURNS BROS. Memphis Minstrels A whirlwind of fun, music, singing, dancing and the most laughable colored comedians CARRYING THEIR OWN BAND AND JAZZ ORCHESTRA WATCH FOR THE STREET PARADE This is a regular road show but will be shown at small prices, l)5c and 75c We pay the war tax. GRAND OPERA ROUSE ONE NIGHT WEDNESDAY. MAY 14. LE CCKTE4 FLESKER-Zteawf THE GORGEOUS r rrfTACLE SMART Sf A SHOW TUNEFUL SONG-HITS I Hi PONY BALLET -FEATURES- FlIRTATION WALK-AM AERIAL FLIGHT 6IRLS' AVIATION CORPS INACTION. BALLET OF BEWITCHING BEAUTIES. BRIGADE Of WONDERFUL GIRLS Trices 50c, 75c, $1.00 aud $150 Scat Sale Opens Monday A. M. Opera Homo Pharmacy. REDMOND ill BOY l STATE MEET I O D 17 -4lfc. Churchill Working To Get Battleship Oregon;;;; IS::1 M.pcriutendent J. A. Churchill, A CLEAR CO of public instruction, reply- to h co.ui.iunicittion I ruin ilayor rtland regarding tin- bnt- Hii ys: 1 wish to acknowledge the receipt of ttio (,f your letter under date of May li, tn- 'pother with a ropv of a letter from m-. Moiioe doldstein to you. In reply will say Hint lum most heartily in sympathy with the movement to meet tne Features And Novelties In "My Soldier Girl' eminent' plan of Riving the historic I be Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eye3 Most Women Can Have Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known Ohio Physician Dr. F. M. Edwards for 17 years treated score of women for liver mid bowel ailments. During these year he gave to hia nntimtB nrescriDtlon made of a few well-known vegetable Ingredients mixed j nipted again ami ngiiin .1 Containing mure than a seme nf nov elties ami olnburnto s-enic ideas, the military iiiu-vii-itl spectacle ''My Sol liicr ;itl" the 'lwiii 'i greatest sue-ees-i coming to tile (iranil opera house Wednesday evening. May II, ia prob ably the ni't nr.vod attraction of the entiie M'f'Hi. T!ie pruduecrs, Lo- 1'i. iiie ami Klesher, have gone into lie- javelin tail Arthur Tuck Is Marvel Per former Of Oregon Klh School Athlete. 1'nivers.ity of Orejoi, Eugene May 12. Arthur Tuck of Redmond, repre senting the Redmond high school, won the state championship iutcscholastie track meet hero R-mtrdaT afternoon single handed, lie placed first in seven events, second in one. and smashed three state records, taking IS point-. Jefferson high school of Portland was second in the meet, with 34 points. Other sehools scoring points were: Franklin, Portland, 21; Washington, 1'nrtlaud. H; North Bend. 10; Mood River, ti; Lincoln, Portland "; Med ford 6; Lebanon, 5; James John, Port land. 3. Tuck's work against a field of 120 entries Is considered to be most excep tional. Tuck placed first in the 100 yard dash covering it in the record time of 10 seconds flat. He also took first ia tho -shotput. with a heave of 1 feit 4 inches. In the Mali hurdle ho again led the fn-ld, doing the dis tance in 10 3 5 seconds. Jn the high jump he defeated Onssoway of Hood River, who placed second, clearing the bur nt 5 feet S inches. Javelin Hurled Tar Tuck established a new mark for the discus, his best heave of the afternoon being 12S feet 10 inches. He also took first honaVs in the 220-yanl dati, his , i.r this event .beitr; 2.1 2 5 second I His seventh first place was in the javelin, which he threw 174 feet ti ! inches, beating the best previous rec 'ord, held by Hubs'' Mulkcy of Mon j month by HO foot. This murk for the is about .W teet better man ts to their stage settings, the first !anv intide Saturday in the meet lo- battleship Oregon to Oregon. Wnysnnd act presents a scene from the stago ! tiveen the Viiiver-Mty of Oregon ami mons should be found whereby the . or the roof of the -New. York theater, Oregon Agricultural college. The ea-t- iimiiitaiiianeo expense of 20,000 ti year .showing a high art interior and a in'torior . . . . it . ...... i . 1 1 ..... x v I. ..;.. raised lV tne people or inn M:nc. innn niiiiniiMi in .m-h inm euv "I was somewhat relieved on reading in the distance. This scene changes to the third paingrapli in your letter to the balmy ntiiiosphf of .Miami, i'la. I err n that there me other wavs of pro-, pic I uring 'o!. Stone's, home near ttie viding oionev for the ship, since all of vi:ition ramp. The lust act is a novel the schools have hud their work inter I electrical effect, presenting a bew.l- liirniL' the past ' '"'ring scene ot a ilcsoiaii! iiattieriem, , tiering scene of a desolate l with Olive Oil. naming them Dr. Edward: I venr through the epidemic of inf lacuna I 'oueliere in J' ranee. the feature Olive Tablets! Yott WiU know them by and fo, n large part of the remuiniiig;'',l'';iH ;. "y. ;l";l,l,,,,"K,,lu' t'"''' illn f .In, v fnr t ie liurnnse Of MSSlSt .in.n. M..I...MKV ing in promoting war activities through ' '' Mlen.li1.3 fr.,... the stage the school. 1 ..... sure that von are so '''! rw''' " '" "l" . ,,. ..... ... ... .... 1 ,lilllt ttnt ,. t'trium . rln novelty nriwiits many rn 1 11 111 1 1 1 11 r 1 1 11 uii 1 11 m 1 1 s s in... . , , .,... i. 1., .i.;.,,. , ! ,,' n j 1 1 1 ri ft 1 iii in 11 1 1 1, 11 1 1 1 1 louut'uN mnki1 their ytnv on tho wnlk Charles Ray Vaudevill f 1 A w Pearl Dayton C03IEDIENNE CHARLES RAY in "THE SHERIFF'S SON' 7:30 p.m. Cooke & LaGrange FUNSTERS LLOYD COMEDY PATHE 9:15 p. m. THE R E GO K,iic aIiua rnlnr. .... .. - - . , These tablet are wonder-woricer on ir.c liver and bowels, which cause a normal action, carrying off the wtute and poison ous matter in one' system. It you have a pale face, sallow look, dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a ItiUcss, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, inactive bowels, ou take one of D,. Kdwardg' Olive Tablet nightly for a time and note the pleasing results. Thousands of women as well as men take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the suc cessful substitute for calomel now and into detail as to the splendid assistant' they asked to undertake to ussist in pro moting tho war. " For these reasons T feel that the schools should not be failed upon to carry the burden of financing the niovo to secure the liuttleship Oregon un til the meeting of our next legislature. It is (uilo urgent thut teachers and pil f (-Sf l L 1 1 muiraiiiuiD . t ' I L.tumu " 1 . in i hi then just to keep In the pink of condition.! pils give themselves over to their tasks IOC and HOC per DOS. All druggists. Moving the renin. nmg days of the school M s Work 4 4444444-4 44,4.4444-444-44-f4-4 44-4-4444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 : 4 t 4 X 4 t 4 X -4 4 The girls' aviation corps in novel drills ami cleverly staged dances a.e a treat to look upon. The aerial flight in o modern airship .is one of the stirring scenes in this musical play when the captain of the girls' aviation corps is seen seated nt the wheel. The famous "pony" ballet from the Hoof of tho New York theater, is revelation, while tlio cleverly selected east is all thut could 'be desired to make "Aly Soldier liirl" a success. Reserved seat tickets arc. now ou salo nt the Oprtn House Pharniacv. t t 4 4 : 4 4 X 4 X X X X 4 4 4 4 4 That will withstand hard usage, will protect the feet and yet be very comfortable. These are the required conditions and they can be nicely met in our Lion Brand "Hardy Hide" work shoes. Either good heavy army style $7 and $8 Hlack or Brown Grain. I'-Pl lli double soles $6.50, $5.50 ifiacK or urown brain. as low as $1.50 4T'fii A U'lL Jdl WILLAMETTE GIRLS TO HAVE TRACK MEET All underclass girls will be required to tnke psit in s special gills' truck meet which loach Mathews plans to J.old in the near future. This igirls' track meet is a new feature at Wil lamette. Tho tub's and regulations will be drawn up 'by a committee consisting of Ma.jorie Minion of Hale.n, Vivian Isl.ani of lrn.tts Pass and lna Moore of .Seaside. 5'o. Men's DRESS SHOES In the desirable colors and sty les from $13.50 down as low as? 1.50 ; AFTER SUFFERING A WHOLE YEAR ft ft P X ; k HOYS' liRF.SS AND SCHOOL SHOES Black or Brown, in either English toes, round toes or army lasts, and priced all the way from '$5.50 down to $2.i)3. All shoes warranted for Satisfaction. . . . i 4 . V, 82ND DIVISION HOME New York, May 12. Two transpotts, the Ah.skan aud the Arcadia, bringing men of the sji.d division, Alaliainn anil Tennessee, home, reached here today. The Arcadia brought 700 men of the 'It 1 7 1 It uniniuuitioi. lillin. year in order thai the pupils may coin plele the work of the venr nnn tm at least fairly well prepared for the work of next, I think 1 should give also as another reason that the last legislature enacted a law w hereby no funds may bo solicited by the teacher from the pupils i or by one pupils from another, without j they first secure the consent of the i board. era Oregon phenouh non was second in the broad jump with a mark of a lit tle better It li li is feet made in the qualifying round. , One' of the best rases of the after noon and the only one ifi which Tuck appeared to be pressed at nil tvus the H.O yard dasli in w hich ( oult . -i of Jef ferson high came; in a close second. In the mile run the field led by Wright of Jefferson, but he was dis qualified for crowding Peake, ho was closing in on him on the home stretch. Wright crow.b'd over two lines in or der to keep from being passed and the judges ruled him out. With his five points Jefferson high would have tak en the meet. Governor Presents Awards In the races in which Tuck was etr tered the best running was se'-n in (he fiL'ht for second position. The Oregjn track was in fine 'shape for-the meet j and "illill" Hay ward ran off the fin als iu just two hours. Tho awards for places, relay and individual Irgn point winner were awarded at the junior prom by (lovernor Olcott. Jefferson high school l.a.l pnnuaoi.r tho best balanced team in the meet and they fought hard for the first pi.teo James John did not snow as wen as was exported, although they were run ners up in nearly every event. In the relsv the Hill military academy of Port land, hud a clever team entered and they crowded Jefferson for first place in this event , , During the inetnt, Ralph JSpcarow of Multnomah dub, tried for the world's record in the pole vault. Spenrow's record in this event still standi in the iiiterschnlnstic circles and was not en dangered Wutmdoy. He nlsu is Wider of the coast record for the polo vnutt, established last Saturday in Portland in tho meet between the I'niversity of Oregon and Multnomah club. The high est mark at which he was able to cross the bar Hntnrdny was 12 feet 3 inches, lie made several tries with the pole rcsti.iL. nt IM feet .1 inches, .but was not able to clear the bar. Matter Of Junior High Gymnasium Being Held Up The matter of tl.e proposed gymnas ium buil, lings for the junior hicn schools of Salem seems to havo remain ed in innocuous quietude during the past few weeks, the Initial steps being hung up between tho committee in charge, the school bouid and the inter ested citi.ens. There has ben no dis the unit of Chairman Clark to call a special meeting of the board,! as it was certain that a full meeting could not be niranged. The t'i the contmitte has not considered it good policy to make li definite move in the matter until through petitions, and the ,.-, in n,ui. .iu in i,. I , V wijpjjiguflrw Iul .jr -.-. M 6 Bellans Hot water Sure Relief SELL-AN S WFOR INDIGESTION Mrs. KingVVa, Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham't Veg etable Compound. lola. Kansas. " I was a constant suf ferer from fen.nht trouble fur about a I had pains in ippviuniii V l! till Y venr. back and attunach, in fnet all over me, and was all rundown. A friend of mine was! cured of the same trouble by I.ydia E. I Pinkham' Vcgeta-! ble Compound. I took it and it gave me health and strength and made t4 t' i cannot praise your , eeotar. ouotnnouna toon.cmy, ana you 1 1 may publish my testimonial as it may oe Uie means oi neiiung some otner suffering woman. " Nf r. Ikkne Kino, lt5 West Campbell Street, lola, Kansas. The preat number of unsolicited tes timonials on file at the I'inkham Lab oratory, many of which are from time to time published by permission, are proof of the value of Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound, in the treatment of female ills. Every ailing woman in the United States is cordially invited to write to the I.ydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mas., for special advice. It i free, ready to bring you health and may ave your life. circulating of petitions is a matter that they expected to be taken up bV the interested citizens. It was tho hopo of these citizens when the matter was pro pounded in public meeting that the board would arrange for a special elec tion before tho close of tho schools. But as the casliest date upon which such an election could not bo callecl would come within n few days of the general school election, it is felt that the extra expense is not warranted. Should the promoters of the idea get rapid action on petitions during the next three tlavs, it may be possible to get enough signatures on petitions to be presented j.t the regulnr bonid meeting on Tuesday night so that tl.e matter can be put on the bnljot nf the regular school election. Both tho school board and the com miltee are non-commital on the question of establishing the gymnasium build ings, recalling what has been tl.e tem per of the taxpayers in tl.e past with regard to extensions of school facilities. There is no question us to the need of the equipment and the benefit to be de rived, and they are very ready lo push the project provided the mass of tax payers are disposed to take hold of it -fill 1 v- and unanimously.- bv V. K. France of Arlington, who w'as the "dark horse" of the shoot. France broke 117 out on the first day and was lending .Scnvey by two birds until the seventh mid eighth events, when the strain proved too much and he dropped five out of Jo targets had gone straight up to that time. Seavev, in winning tne cuu.iipuiiisinp accomplished what a great number ot his fellow club members believed he would do, 'but it lie score he made was three birds higher tha na majority of them figured would win the honors. I The suit was entered when the Tri bune, in an editorial, referred to Fort ' as an anarchist because of Kurd's ' stand on military preparedness during I the Mexican border trouble. .. .. , i. . f ...lnl He I Action was tnst .iiongui m ...;. court at t n.cngo, inn inter j .... red and ibrought into the Michigan court. Both sides have engaged big legal talent to represent them. It was expected three weeks will bo necessiiiv for a final selection nf the inrv. The trial itself will extrnu, over two uiontlis, it was oeui'M-.i. Ford's Libel Suit Opens Again In ML Clements Mt. Clements, Mich. May. 12. Henry Ford's million dollar libel su't against the Chicago Tribune, which was first brought in "10 Hi, opened in circuit court here today, Judge J. O. Tucker presiding. ASK FOR and GET Itfor.ick's Tha Original Halted Milk For Infant and Invalid OTHERS are IMITATIONS James W. Seavey Champion 0 State Shooters' Tourney Portland, Or., May 12. Averaging IT 2-3 per cent, .lames V, Seavey of Portland Onn club won the 1IH9 Ore gon State Trapshooting championship from the largest field of shooters ever entered in a state tourney. This was the first tourney under the rules of the American Trnp"li noting as sociation, which caH-for .'lOO-taget in tl.e stnite championship event. Sea vey 's score on the .'Ml was 'M, one bird better than the score registered If your skin itches just use I . n 'fi a . " Co. ' . a For trill Irte, write Dept. 7-R, R htnl. Baltimore, Md. Resinol Ointment, with Resinol Soap, usually stops itching inslmilly. Unless the trouble is due to some serioul internal disorder, it quickly and easily heals most cases of ec zema, rash, or limilar tormcritini kin or scalp eruption, even when other treatments have given little relief. Physiciansrwrniv Resinol extensively. Sold by all druggists. ii.ii . . ' ' ' """"" "' " 1 """ ' J ' : -:. ' ',. . . . t ' ...... r f : i I ii .r-if,v : v (jv. i u ). ii 1 I ( r; ,ji ' . ' 1 '.! '- J -" ' 'i l ill TI1F t-LFVKR "PONIKS" o FLIRTATION W ALK THF, ILU'MINATK 1 Rl'XWAY E.XTKVDIXO FROM THE KTAOF, XKARLY TO THK BBAR WALL OF THK T1IEATFR ONK OF THF. MANY FKATI KF.S WITH THK 1'iC. MISK'AL SPECTACLK "MY SyLPlER filRL" COMING TTO TUB GEAND OPERA HOVSE, W F1M1AY Mt.ilT MAY 4. I