I The. Journal New Today Ads j JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS TEE BEST SELLING mm W MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISINQ SATES Kate per word Hew Today: Each insertion le One week (( insertions) 5c One Booth (20 insertion 17e The Capitol Journal will not bo re aponsiaU for more than one insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements Bead tout advertisement the first day it appear and notify us immediately ii error occurs. Minimum charge, 15a. FOR SALE Loganberry tips. Phone 373. tf JAS. LYON'S, practical painter. Phone 704. SIS WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will pay top price. Phone 1339J. U FOR plowing or orchard work with tractor, caU 17F14. 5 23 FOR SALE Milk cow, 4 gallons per day. Call 87F24. 5-12 I BUY young calves. C. C. Bussell, Phono 3F3. tf SliOK shop for sale clicai; doing good business. 12S0 Stuto St. a 12 W. BEAVER well driller, phone S27 J, 1165 N. 19th St., Salem. Or. 66 FOR SALE flood 2-Bentcd, rubber tired surrey. Phone 71 F3. 45 14 GIRL wanted for housework. Phono 103 or call 883 Court St. 5 12 LOST During April beaver fur. Phone 382. tl FRAMH your photographs, 30 cents up. Huron's, Com. St. tJ-lU WANTED A team of good work horse, about 1300 or 1400 lbs. Phone KF2. 5 13 FOR BALE 3 room modern cottage $700; terms. Call room 304 Hubbard bldg. W. H. NorrU. f FOR RENT i teres, all In cultiva tion, eloee to car line, fine 'vegetable land. 8ocolofky, Payne bldg. tf FOR SALE Modern 6 room bungalow See Chas. Hebel 355 Chemeketa. 5 22 W ILL PAPER 13 cents per double roll upward. Buren'i Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf WANTED Leaky radiators to repair, Salem Auto Radiator shop, 198 S. 12th. 69 FOR 8ALB Ford touring car, A-l con dition. Inquire Reed or Klingcr ait Ed J Messing billiard parlors. tf WHEEL for sale, good bargain. In quire 1973 N. Com'l. Phone 806W. 5 13 4-YEAR, old mare, with saddle and bridle for sale; price $50. Phone 38 F25. 5 12 STREETS gnrage, all kinds of auto work, Chandler and Fords a special ty. 420 S. Com. Phono 278. 5-15 WANTED Experienced truck driver, one with shop experience preferred. Watt Shipp Powder Co. 5-12 MAN with ton and a half truck wants work by day or month. Phone SO". 510 FOR SALE Auburn touring car, in first class shape. Highway garage. tf HAVE your roof repaired, cleaned and tarred. For particulars phone 1440. 40 ACRES good berry and prui.e lnnd for sale. Will sell in email tracts or whole piece. Phone 2381J. 5 19 WANTED Loan of oOO on real es tate, good security. Call at 247. N. Commercial. tf WANTED To buy mohair. Eost Sa lem Tannery, 25th and Oak St. Phone 2160M. tf FRE3 BOOKLET ' Care Baby Chicks' 544 Slat St. Telephone 400 Headquarters for baby chick, tf FOB SALE Three quarter ton truck. Ia first etas, shape, $200. Highway garage. tf WANTED Several teamsters for gen eral farm work; pay $40 per month and everything furnished. Phone Cottage Farm 30F2, Lee M. Lane. . 513 rHt II H It .1 llr M ' M I WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WEAL- TiW VfiTT TO PAY $10000 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS HAWiONS AM) 314 Masonic Bldg. HOIVEKEKPER wanted. Address M 11 care Journal. 5. GARDENS plowed and harrowed. 1 hone 1601. g.jj FOR SALK Cheap, Singer shoe sew ing machine. 404 Court. 5-U WANTED Electrician and wireman at once. Phone 1205. 5-14 LADY solicitors wanted; write Deni n. 222 N. Liberty St. or phone i-9 between 5 and 6:30. 5-13 WANTED Experienced delivery driv ers, middle aged men preferred. Peoplee Cash Store. tf FOR SALE 10 acres with house and barn. 3H miles south of tiulein. See owner 306 State. 5.12 FOR SALE Or trade for Salem prop erty, 60 aero farm. 45 acres in cul tivation. No buildings. Vddress G care Journal. tf NOTICE Wunted, hauling contracts, have new 2i ton Day-Elder truck. Inquire Marion garage opposite Ma rion hotel. Phone 302. 5-12 uv.vw ij io.uvv iianan prune trees 1 for fall delivery. Fruitland nurserv, L ?A AAA TV fK nnn r. .. I nuiee east or state penitentiary. 1 Phone 111F21. Et. 6 Salem. tT WANTEDOood team of young mares !f'i 'uo- ,0''ms weight about 1350; also harness. 1 0,j? "cr,,'s .ln ""-year old cherries, tl,- W. L. Fuller. Phone 35F32. Brooks I Or- -.5-12 BUY your tomato plants from the j greenhouse, all mandard varieties,' large lots a specialty. Phone 71F5. tf FOR SALE-Overland model 79, 5 pas senger, in first class condition. Streets gnrage, 420 8. Com. St. Phone 278. u-15 WANTED To hear from owner hav ing 10 to 15 acres for sale, with good house; land all cleared, part in bear ing fruits, on good road, not too far out. Write X 33 care Journal. 5-13 GOOD rooming house to lease, 30 rooms partly fumisnea; will leoso very reasonable. Inquire 506 N. Coml St. or phono 1549M. tf FOR SALE 50 goat , 150 ewes, 12 cows and few good heavy horses. Phone 43F42 by 6 a. tn. or write A. T. Savage, Hilverton, Or. tf WANTED Man to work on farm, by niontn; must ibe good with team; good wages, Address E. E. Bines, Marion Or. 3-16 FOR SALE 4 room house, good lo cation, bearing fruit and berries, 1000; ensy terms. F. L. Wood, Hayne bldg. 5-13 AJAX TIRE DEPOT First class vulcanizing; first class welding nt Commercial Vulcanizing and Welding Shop, 341 N. Com'l St. 5 16 5 ROOM house, 2 lots, fine garden, fruit and well; clear title, on 22d street. Write owner, 'box 40 or phono 1393. 5-16 PRUNE ranch for sale; 10 acres bear ing prunes, 10 acres in cultivation. Liberty district. If taken soon $300 per acre; terms. Phone 155UM. 5-12 FOR SALE Nearly new 7 room, mod ern bungalow; fireplace, gas, pave ment, largo lot, garage, fruit, bcr rii 3, convenient and sightly located; 2000 . Address Box 32. Phone 1000 M. 512 MAN of wide experience, recently dis- charged from army, wishes to serve as secretary or correspondence clerk. Complete satisfaction given as to character and qualifications. Ad dress 223 care Journal. 516 WE buy. sell and exchange autos and parts of autos. If you have a ma chino to dispose of bring it in and wo will sell it for you on commission Give us a trial. Stcinbock Junk & Auto Wrecking Co. Phone 305, 320 N. Com'l St. tf MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PA PER MILLS, 42c HOUR, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR.H. A. 8W AFFORD AT MJLL OFFICE ACROSS RIVER rnOM OREGON CITY. COOD HO TEL PROVIDES CLEAN BEDS 20c; BEST MEALS 35e. tf LOANS-6 PROMPTLY. ROBERTS Salem, Ore. WANTED Middle aged woman to care for invalid. 2090 Ferrv. 3-13 WANTED A woman to rook for six or eight people. 'hone 3F11. Ad dress box 43, Kt. 2, Gervais, Or. tf FOR r?ALE Two modern house, 5 and 8 rooms. Prices not inflated, ltone 159SM. tf FUR SALE Cheap, 6 cylinder Cole, T passenger car in perfect condition, cord tires; a snap. See- it at 102 N. Commercial street. 3 14 FOR RALE Wagon, 2 horse cultiva tor, 14 in. plow, 2 section drag, good cow (fresh soon;) also want hauling nd iVlivering with 2 ton truck. Phone lOOttM. 5-17 WILL the person who picked up mack- innw coat hi iugniand u na tion Saturday morning, please re turn it to 20f3 5th street. Reward. 5-13 FOR SALE 5 acre tract, 4 room house, barn, chicken house; acres cherries prunes, apples, berries; horse, fresh Jersey cow; terms. Plume 111F14. No agents. 5-1" GET BUSY! 15 acres all in cultivation, fair im provements, a good family orchard, ginpee and berries; this is 6 miles out on highway ami if sold aeon, goes for 10 acres; 2 acres in 3 year old prunes acres in loaans. 2 awes in stuinns. balance in cultivation, fair improve ments; this is a dandy place. Price' 6 acres; 2 in cultivation, 5 miles out; $tkH), $2u0 rash balance three years at 6 percent. 100 acres; 95 in eultivation, balance timber; A-l improvements, 4 miles from Independence.' Valuable stock, machinery and crop goes if sold now 15,500. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 404-5 Hubbard building GOOD BUYS IN USED CARS One 5 passenger Chevrolet, 1917 model One roadster, Chevrolet, 1916 model These ears are in fine condition. We are in position to do your auto repairing 'by an experienced workman. All work guaranteed, (five ns a trial. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE 00. -197 8. Com'l Bt. HORSES FOB BALE The undersigned will roceive sealed bids for one team of horses, weight about 2900 pounds, now used by tke citT of Siilem In the firA rfanArtmAnt. I up to 5 o'clock, p. m. May 19, 1919. 5-12 City .Recorder. MONEY to loan nt 6 percent on Bp proved security. House for sale on easy terms. 5 room house and 8 lot with barn and fruit to exchange for laud in the country or will take good auto in part paymnt. W. A. Linton, 484 Court St. 5 10 FOR SALE Cadillac truck 475 Rco roadster 1375 Cadillac touring car ISO Franklin 700 .American roadster $575 Marion Garage, Phone 302 tf 7 PASHF.NGER, six cylinder Cole in A-l condition, 6 eord tires almost new. A snap if sold soon. Inquire at 102 North Commercial St. Sa lem Velio company. 5 12 FI'lfNITUKE FOR 8ALE 1 Decker player piano, nearly new, with cabi net nnd music, mahogany case, cash or terms; rocker, 2 tnblc. mirror, chinn. silver, cocking utensfls, smnll runs, garden tools, wriur. r, bmket and .board; umbrella s'and, mahoga ny nettle. Cull Sunday and Monday 170 Sooth 15th St. near Stnte. 5 10 FOR SALE Cheap, our large brick block, the new Mariin garage, OnO feet of floor space; large 5 ton elevator, 12 large office rooms; the most complete and largest building in citv. Half ensh balance trade or long time. See H. R. Ryan or P. J. Koonta for terms. ' 516 SALB1 AUTO EXCHANGE GEO. SPICE R, Mgr. 229 Slate Street Wo buy your car or sell on commis sion. SPECIALS 1917 Dort 1575 IP 16 Overland 523 Maiwell, good as new, tV"0 ''.-ton new delivorv car, -75 TWENTY OTHERS TO PICK FROM First class auto laundry and polish ing. LOOK ERE 10 acres; a highly improved, tightly home, 9 room new boose, basement, bath, toilet, large halls and eloeets. Spring water to house and barn; t acres timber, good family orchard and berries. Improvements eost more than price asked for property. Own er must be in Seattle Saturday; if yon want this come get biuy. Price .1000. John H. Scott Realty Co. 404 5 Hubbard bldg. ( - : ) 0 WANTED- By a midd'.e age lady house work in a small family in or near teowa. Call at 2164 State St. er drop a line to .Mrs. L. Drvdea. WANTED Experienced grocervman la anawering state age, 'experience ml r.1 f.r.m,- !. week. L. E. H. J. Hamilton, Al- bony, Or. Sl2 A IOlliE, a living ana a bank aecount 40 acres a few miles from Salem, 14 acre ia prunes, fine crop this sea aoa: 4 acres of mix! amKb..1. tn,i improvements; fine spring and well! watr. The price is less than any land adjoining. Terms to suit. H. S. Radeliff, No. 4 Bayn- bldg. 513 MEN WANTED As agents ia territor ies ia Oregon to distribute the In diana silo. A boni fide money mak ing proposition. No investment re quired. Excellent territories open. Build up a business of your own and be assured of steady income. Of par ticular interest to progressive farm ers. Write or call at (has. K. Spaulding company. Silo department. tor iurtner information. 5-17 HOUSE BUYS 5 room modern bungalow, corner lot. paved street, east front. Price I'.'OOO: one half cash. 5 room plastered eottnee. iust out side city limits, private water system; sightly locatiou. Price .41300: LHI0 down. 4 room modern bungalow, basement. South Salem, east front. Price 12,r)0; 150 down, balance lj per month at 0 per cent interest. 7 room modern house located at 1655 Fir street, east front, paved street, bearing fruit. Price $3600. 5 room house, lot 73 by 150 feet, east front, bearing fruit, located South Sa lem; large barn. Price 1400; 500 down, balance 6 per cent inteiest. 8 room modern house located South Salem, large lot 75 by 138 feet, corner lot, paved street, silghtly location. Price 3500. Fine 9 room modern house located at 1725 Fir street, large lot, east front, paved street. Price 5000. If you want to bur a house, tee W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 273 State street 512 GOOD BUYS Improved 3 acre tract located close in, good modern house, bearing fruit. Prioa 43600. I aeree Italian prune orchard locat ed south of HaJem. Price $1400. 10 aorea of fine berry land, all cul tivated, rock road, 4 miles' south. Prioa s)1450. 63 acres of first close prune land, all cultivated, house and barn, rock road. Priee s)H5 per acre. 140 acres of first elass farm land; 100 acres under cultivation and in crop, balance creek bottom, beet of soil. Price 85 per acre. Well improved 20 acre tract, all cul tivated, 5 acres prunes, 5 afres logan berries, good bungalow and barn. Price 48000. 5 acres of bearing cherry orchard, 4 milee eolith, rock road. Price 41300; terms. 320 acre farm, good buildings, 240 acres cultivated Alliance pasture, on main highway, best of aoil. Price 34, 000. 15 acre tract located on main high-j way, close to Sulum; 10 acre prunes. 1 Price $6500. If vou want to buv, trade or sell see I W. H. CRAEEMKORST & CO.! 273 Stato street 1-12 nt Taw Hmmu a W PV Cbi NT DAIRY BUTTER, i'lir Creim Vail I lira POULTRY. PORTLAND. ORE. rlti for prices and Tags Sells Douglas Farm And Comes To Salem Quite nn important real estute deal was made today whereby Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge F. Peed sold their fine 21U acre ranch in the Ten Mile, country to James Sprague, a recent arrival hero from Phoenix, Ariz. It was a cash deal. The Peed ranch is considered a valuuble property and the new owner, who ras already taken possession, will specialize in pure bred cattle nnd hog. Ho hiv tilans for building a big silo so that the feed problem will be overcome, and will also put in nn electric lighting system j EXPERT : JBYELRY I REPAIRING : OLD JEWELRY Made over into new de ; signs. Bring us your old ; jewelry. Designs gladly I submitted. HARBIANBR0S.C0. J f IfCVYClCia W VII.1V.1C1113 A I XTlIf n Pi.l. J N.W. Corner" State and Liberty Streets P Lrf SPECIAL CLEARANCE RACK SUITS selling up to $45.00; Also a Ene of COATS, TO CLOSE All this season's Models . . SUITS and COATS LESS Art Department This Department is showing some NEW NOVELTIES Just Received (nt the farm buildings and bring run ning nuter into the house. Mr. and Mis. feed will leave for Kalem early next week where they own other properties. expecting to reside tlicro permanntly. Mr. Hprngue has sent for his. family v.ho nre expected within a few days. Koseburg News. EUSINESSTELEPHONE (Continued from page one) business service, ns a ten pnrty'linc is plueed at a rent of t.l.I.I a month, with tho 25 cents entrn for a desk set. No change has as yet been niude iu residence telephones and ;i.';e will be mude at ler.st for one yeai. in addlnH $1 a mouth to the rent for the business telephones, the public service commie sioii estiildislied the present roiwneo rule, which means they cannot bo low red or raised for one year. Ways Considered) In granting tho apidication of the telephone riimpauy for an advance in rr.te, the public service commission took into the wae advances of the past year, It was estimated that the eost of tele phone service constitutes from 55 to 60 per cent of all ciTse. It wni airv estimated that waxes at the protcnt time are 33 per cent higher thaa two years ago and there ia now pending a rccmest on the part of electrical wora ers for an increase of from 50 cents to $1 a day. In rendering its final order on the ap plication for an advance in the rates the order permitting the advance il signed by Commissioners Pred O. Bud tel and 11. H. Corey. Pred A. Williams, commissioner, rendered a separate opin ion. However, he concur in the order issued by the com mi union, advancing the rates of business telephones tl a month and establishing for year the present rate for residences. W0ODBT7EH BADLY BEATEN. The Wondbara baseball team took an awful licking at the hands of the Cen tral iJoor A I-omber eowipany team of Special Clean-Up High Grade Novelty Suit! SMART NEW STYLES SELLING TO $73.00. The fabrics are those stylish and dependable cloths now in demand. Serges .Tricotmes, Gabardines, etc. in the season's accepted shades, in cluding "Sand" and "Rookie". They are the very latest, some braid trimmed with vestees. Others belt ed, button trimmed with vestees. Dolmans Are included in this selling. "Full Satin Lined" in Velours and Silvertones Meyers9 Under Muslins The time has arrived to consider warm weather "un der garments". We have always enjoyed an excep tional good business in this department. Why? Because our styles are attractive BecauseOur materials are excellent. Because Our sizes are accurate Because The Workmanship is GOOD. You Can Always Portland, last ftinday afternoon, Hrore 10 to 1. The visitors got off to a (lying start 1 in t tic first inning when pitched "innw- Will ' i.iine hurt Ins arm after pitching a few balls. I'.vo errors nn d base hit filled tho banes with only one out, when liUird put the bull over the centerfield fence and cleaned the -sucks, After re tiring tho first man in the seeond in II ill I' 1 ,11 lie ri'tileil from tli. -..i.l lln. tiuire took up ths burden and held' tho visitors hitless and iunles until i the eighth when he Weakened mid Ihev gathered six more tallies. "Southpaw" I til uh nitehoil ttit- ninth iitii'.n.. n...l ' " k ; n cuiupauies no Bll'l lowed three hits and no runs. Wood- H'l, 'luarternuisler corps; 13th coin burn was unable to connect with Filth panr second regiment nir service mr. erlaud's pitching until the last inning, clianies; four casual companies. When a double by DeCuire and a sin I Transport Mexican, Bordeanx to New K" "r "''l."ir scored me only run. Ill Hot K II (In tl f PACKERSKOLD OFF (Continued from Pace 1.) "It Is exidalnei; t.v the committee packers that this amount was normal production of these plants over a per - iod of two vears and to idiire this noaii tity of packed meats on the market st this time would seriouslv atlWt Drice, this time would seriouslv atlWt price on both canned anil fresh meats. More than 100 men wen i rt.vi.lei! with work nt The Dal e, last month. 'm",r -0'1' "Kmeers; g(Mth pioneer In according to the report of 11... soldiers' ;a".,r'i ." engmers; 317th field bat and sailors einpU.vr nt bureau. ",llo 'nal corps; 27th field artillery 1.-. n'"l "-'"t mililnry police companies; Aonroxiinatelv sl ifinn l. ..( pended by the'eitv of Prinevillo lhis year for the imp. .vement of pnwtic ally every street. ith.n lis houiifuirie ' MANY 7JUNSFCRTS (Continued from page one) brigade, are passengers. Transport Santa Klena, Brest to New York, due Mav 24, with H punibn I automatic replacement draft engineers (September- 1 replacement draft eni $45.00 $14.95 oao LWo Do Better At liners melius engineers assigned rVptem tier 1, last, ns replacement troops); fivn casual companies. Beattle Carries 324th. Cruiser Heuttle, Hrest to New Yorl, duo .May 21, with 321th field artillery. Transport Kmope, Marseilles to New York, due May 20, with 300th niacliinn gun battalion; headquarters troops firs army; nhotograph section 18: three en.. Ulll coll' lill n ies Transport ltochnnibruu, Le Havre to p,,'w York, due May 20, with niotoi f ri' k company 381; company H, 162mi infantry, nnd medical detachment eon - MUIV II- mntr.. t...,.V .n. orK. fine May 21, with two casual ,,. t iuj rIa.,. Hill a ... - panics; 311th infnntrv ft. .1.1 ,i iKiidiiimrlers machine K,in and supplv companies medical detachment second and third battalions. TransiKirt Ohiocn. Bordeaux to Sew York, due May 20, with two casual com panics; 32Sth infantrv! hi..i v... . . , . . ....... f.'tiMjimi ; of snmtary detachment, supply and ma. chine gun companies. , - ! uv.i,;. . ,, . . . .. V. n',l""!"m' .-The folio organizations have been aligned to" earlv convoy: f. 1 1 i . . i , . . . . . . . '"iiureiun ami f ifty eighth com- Mention nmbulunce companies 69. 71 nnJ v-' previsional evacuation ambu- 1. 1- vuiupiiny iMi. j; auvance vcterin- rr nase nospitnis minilierf 3 and (5; base veterinary hospital No. 1; mohibj jveteriuary section lift; veterinarj- hos- rital So. 11; fourth and firth butiaiioim i2.'nd engineers. j Ninth corps headquarters and head j quarters trootis, bakery "company 3"5; Irnmnnnv A ."Olftt f..iirine.r. .m.ttinv 14 3ii4th supplv train and company D 311th enginers; hattr.Iion headquarters Rn.l company A 516th engineers servlco bat- talion; camp hospital No. 21. i E 1 1