Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 12, 1919, Image 1

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    :, 5250 CIRCULATION
Only Circulation is Salem Guar-
enieed by the Audit Bureaa of
Circulations. $
Oregon: Tonight and Tuesday
fair, light to heavy frost, geni e
westerly winds.
! A
I V 1J II Jl li H II tt I m
Peace Terms Will Provide
economic Rehabilitation V
Former Dual Monarch) nt
Austrian Army Will Be Reduc
ed To Mere Police Forces
And Maintained On Volun
teer Basis.
By Fred S. Ferguson
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
(Copyright 1919 by tho United Press.)
I'uris, May 12. The AustroHungr,r
iau peuco terrus, while desigucd to re
due the former dual nioiiurcliy to the
status tif third class nation, will pio-villi-
its economic rehabilitation, it was
learned from rii authoritative source to
il a v.
The treaties, though not Vet complet
ed, arc expected to be ready for presen
tation this week. The outstanding fea
ture naturally will be the definition of
boundaries. This will officially estab
lish tho independence of Hungary and
the two republic of Czechoslovakia and
Jugo Slovakia. No doubt will tc allow
ed to reiutiu regarding the independ
ence of German Austria. Kot only was
this specified in the German treaty, ne
cessity for approval by the council of
1h league of notions of any uuiou with
Germany will bo provided In tho Aus
trian treaty.
As in the Gorman treaty, the first sec
tion of the Austro-Huugniiiin pacts will
be the league, of nations. Other snlient
points, tho United Htates is able to
state, will bo as follows:
Austria will be reduced to what Is
now known as German Austria. Ilanst
mid TenuiBvar will be awarded to Jugo
slavia. In the Hungarian treaty n large
part of Transylvania will go to Ruma
nia. Tyrol will become Italian. Re
gs idloss of the outcome of the Fiume
dispute, Austria and Hungary will be
given access to the sen. This would he
in the form of the right to uso the rail
wnvs and docks in Fiume.
The Austrian and Hungarian armies
wi'l be reduced to mere police forces.
They must be maintained on a volun
teer basis, as conscription woujd be
abolished. All munitions and artillery
will be surrendered, Including any re
maining big siege guns. Hungary will
be required to reduce her fortifications
on the Rumanian frontier.
Ail except nominal number of war
ship! will be surrendered.
Tlie economic provisions will be along
the same line us those of the t.erinany
treaty, sate that the conditions will bo
(Continued on page three)
Opportunity only knocks once, but th'
wolf hain't so particular. When WO-
wan says, "I hain't menttouin' no
Eatnes," It hain't ntwessary.
Abe Martin
Paris. Mar 12. Belgium has
issued an official protest to the
allies against the plan of the
German republic to use Bel
gium's national colors, for its
new flag.
The Germans wished to re
. place the present flad of red,
white and black with the old
federation flag of red, gold and
black. Gold is not practical for
a flag, go yellow was suhsttiuted
making it coincide with Bel
gium's colors red, yellow and
tfcmjBl SALEM
Congregation Will Have Inter
esting Program Through
out Week.
The present week will bo a memorable
one in the history of the First Presby
terian church of this city, as it includes
the 50th anniversary of the founding ot
this church. Fifty years ago o as.iy
15th this church was established in Sa
lem with a group of 20 charter members,
all of whom have passed r.way with the
exception of one J. M. Patterson of
The Dalles, who is expected to be pres
ent on Thursday evening. At this time
the ladies of the church will spread a
sumptuous banquet in the Hunduy school
rooms, at wCich time there will be,
toasts, speeches and reminiscent talks.
This occasion will be made the more in
teresting by the presence of tho min
ister who argiuiized tho church llev, T.
J. Wilson, now of Eugene. Rev. II. T.
Babeock, of Merced, C'al., who was pas
tor of the church for a period of eight
years, has also been invited to be pres
ent. This promises to be one of tho
liveliest events in the history of the
church, uad it is hoped that every uiem-i
ber aud former member of the church
who can get to Salem from other parts
of the state will bo present at the ban
quet. The invitation has been mart a
broad one, including tho futilities of the
congregation, each family to provide a
certain share of provisions for tnu
tables. The addresses and musical num
bers will follow immediately after the
banquet, which is to be served promptly
at 0 o'clock.
To Review Activities.
On Friday afternoon there will bo an
especially attractive meeting of tho La
dies Missionary societ?, at which Mrs.
Geary and Mrs, Becley, of Portland, will
he present and address the ladies on im
portant topics. It is expected that this
wil lalso be a feature of the jubilee,
as it will bring' up something of a
view of the missionary activities of tti
church during the half century.
Saturday everting thore will be a so
cial and entertainment in the Hunday
schonl rooms, in charge of the youTtg
people, who extend nn urgent invitation,
to everybody to attend, promising t
good time. Then on Sunday morning
there will be an appropriate address in;
keepiug with the occasion, together with
I he reception of new members.
Hunday evening, as the crowning fea
ture of the anniversary week there will
be a speical song service by the choir, market 204,00,000 pounds of armj icat,
who will present one of the most beau- bought by the war department and no
tiful programs ever undertaken in the bjuger needed, it was learned today,
church, including solos, quartets tndi This was disclosed in a statement
chorus numbers. For this program, niudv by the war department show'inj
which has entailed a great deal of ex- that millions of pounds of meat, at the
tra work for the leader, Miss Miilcr,jpi,r(crs' request, will be restricted t
and the choir members, a silver offering ' exnort, at least temporarily und shiuld
will be taken, the proceeds going to de
frnv the expense of new music.
Along with this program will be sev
eral brief addresses in line with the
jubilee occasion mid with tho future
work of the church.
In the line of church history, in con
nection with the foregoing, A. O. Condit
who has served as clerk of the session of disposing huge surplus wtihout at
for a long criod of years, has been ' fe. ting niei.t prices in this country. The
gathering d'lta from the records which j enormous stores of meat represent two
will Jie presented tt the meeting on rears' output of the big packing plant'.
Thursday niaht. Anrong other memor-iand the pa'-kers protested strongl;
andn he notes thnt the church was or- against turning it loose on the market,
eanir.ed in W! as a United rresbvler- declaring it would seriously affect
inn church, with Rev.'T. J. Wilson as prices.
its first pastor, but in the year imJ Might Export It.
it r hanged Its denominational affilia-j Packer representatives urged that till
tion. During the half century of its ( army export this meat to fninine strick.
existence the church has been served by (en countries. If this develops to be inv
fourteen nntors. including the present practical, the director of sales of the
incumbent. Rev. T. 8. Anderson. Attae'wnr department
iubilee banquet Thursday night Mr.
Condit. who will preside over the meet-
ing, will give a detailed account of the The Surplus meat stores are summnr
early church experiences, and this will ized by the war department in an offl
be supplemented by an address by Rey. cial statement as follows:
T. 3. Wilson, of Eugene, who is now 82 j Roast beef, 12.0UO,000 six pound cans,
-ears of nge, stid will bring up a long,
list of pleasant memories. Further data
.Ml V.
snd reminiscence 01 a laier uaie win ue
contributed bv Rev. H. T. Babeock. who
was the predecessor of Rev. Carl Elliott
in the mili.it. and who is now castor of
r. church in California. These pastors, ;2U,H20.v one ana two-pouna cans; do
together ih the older members of the con, 47,218,820 pounds,
church, will make np a complete story! Five Month Output
of the church life. "The foregoing quantities of packed
1 'product represent tho combined ourpui
GERM AH MINISTER MAT RESIGN of the packing houses for five montaa
London, May 12. Berlin dispatches during the war. when the plants were
receivert here TOiifiv reporreo mui resin-
nations of Foreign Minister Brockdorff-
pnntzau and nossiblv Herr Landberg
t, members of the German peace dde-1
g .'om i considered inevitable.
Work For Everyone . (
Is Report Of Agency!
Portland, Or., May 12. Anyone who
really wauts to work in Oregon caa find!
s job, according to the Portland oi.iuj
of the Tinted States employment .-rv-i
According to figures which were aa-' 1,1'nited Press Staff Correspondent.) tie cocks, keeping the German govern
nounccd today by the local employment Paris, May 12. The "big four" to- nient posted on progress of the official
bureau, there are 'only S35 men out of iday took under consideration the lr. test . translation of the treaty end whatever
employment in the state, and there is German communications regarding the J information is gathered by the dele-
worn tor everyone of mens ir tney are
aot too particular aa to the kind.
Bulletins which have been received at
the Portland office, giving the latest
summary on lt.bor conditions in other
states, show none with less employment
than Oregon. Gonecticut has a labor;
surplus of 20,000, Buffalo, N. Y
uud Yougstown, O., 13,000. Other east
cm states and cities report surpluses
varying widely in numbers.
"Bugs" Were To Have Been
Sent To Allied Leaders
And Kings.
Los Angeles, May 12. Arrest in
northern California within a few days
of the so-culled "mastermind" in an
alleged plot to distribute disease germs
among the crowned heads of Europe
prior to the entry of the United Htates
into the war was predicted today br
ieorge T. Holiuun, department of jus
tice agent.
His statement followed the arrest o
Ir. Gustnve Hehrend last week at Ocean
Puik. Ii. Hehrend was held as a wit
ness to aid in the investigation.
Department agents declare the con
spiracy was hatched in Wilhclmstrnsse
to sentj germs to former Czar Nichols
then ruler of Russia; King George of
Kngland, and many allied leaders.
The germs, they alleged, actually were
propogntod in California laboratories.
mmm heat
War Department Would Dis
pose Of It Without Affect
ing Meat Prices.
Washington. Mav 12. After a series
of closed conferences, the big packers
have succeeded in holding off from the
this prove impossible, it would be sola
under war department direction, at regu
lar prices. ..l
Consult Packers.
The war department, it developed
called in representatives of Wilson, Mor
ris, Armour, Cuilahv and l.ibby, McNeil
& I.ilibv to advise as to some method
nt would then turn ovr,rThe force of paid experts, however, will
distribution by the pack-j be relieved slowly. Federtl reserve
the meat for
crs. retaining control over the prices.
17,33o,f)oO two-pound cans, 9,700,000
one pound cans, 378,000 twelve-ounce
. .1 15 flnrt AOO .:rr.in,V
cans; cmucii u,u",vvv i
vans, 18.000,000 twenty-four ounce cans;
9.oO,(M0 one pound cans 4,2.r),000,
twelve ounce cans, corned beer
corneil oeci nasn,
sepi iu ujn-iaiiwu iniiuiiuvuri, iu mcr.
the demands for army subsistence," i
war department officials statement said
(Continued o" Page 5.)
Hun9 Ask That 400,000 War Prisoners Be Repatriated As
Soon As Treaty Is Signed And That International
law L-onierence lie neia At unce in Versailles To
Revise Labor Section Of Peace Treaty.
By William Philip 8immi
I peace treaty, me Botes were later re -
ferred to a committee of experts which
will report back to the "big four."
These communications were contain
ed in two notes filed with the French
foreign office by Count Brockdorff-
Rantzau, head of the enemy delegation.
The first stated that Germany already
has many of the reforms contained in
the labor section of the treaty and pro
posed that an international law confer
ence be held in Yersaillea at once to re-
vise this article, ine sworn! asaen federation of the Seine department, it
that the 400.000 German war prisoners WRg ,nnounced, passed resolutions today
be repatriated as soon as the treaty is ! declaring the treaty worse than that of
signed, and that they also be guaran-iRrest-Lilovsk. According to the resolu
teed adequate food and clothing. tion the terms "violate self-determina-
Oermaais Hay Other Kicks.
The latest communications louowea
two submitted by the Germans last
week, .one of which asked immediate
admission of Germany to the league of
nations. The other declared that the
terms in general are not consistent with
the principles of right and justice. To
the first the allies replied by referring
the Hermans to the league covenant
which shows how Germany mty seek
membership. To the second tho allies
of their right to enforce the terms sub
stautiaUv as drafted.
Couriers Kept Busy.
Couriers are rushing back aud forth
Commander Towers Awaits Information Of Other Sea
. plane Before Giving: Orders For The Start Of The
Attempted Trans-Atlantic Flight.
Chatham, Mass., May 12. Weather
conditions today seemed likely to pre-
vent the seaplane NC-4 from hopping
off from Hulifax, although all repairs!
had been completed and everything wa
ia readiness for the flight.
The wind was from tho
nortneasr, ,
while ruin and fog addud to the unfavor
able conditions,
Commander Read and his crew were
obviously disappointed at the delay.
I inspection, in which every motor anil
By A. E. Johnson (every stay was gone over inch by inch.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.) (There was considerable talk of await
On Hoard U. S. Prairie, Trespasses j ig arrival of the NO-, which wns
V. F May 12 Commander Towers to-, forced ! stop at Chatham, Mass., .for
day awaited information as to tho prob- i
able time of arrival here of the seaplane .
N('-4 before giving orders for the start;
of the attempted trans-Atlantic flight, j machines can start together on the long
Tho NC-l and the NO-3 are ready to go, est hop of their trans Atlantic flight,
hut the NC-4 wns delayed at Chatham, , , ,
Muss., bv engine trouble. Towers sug-l
gested that Lieut Commander Head
Believed That Oversubscrii,!
tion Will Aggregate One
Washington, May 12. Demobilization
of the Liberty lonn army of 2,000,000
has been ordered by the secretary of tho
treasury. With the closing of the Vic
tory drive, Secretary Glass made ar
rangements for the "discharge" of the
great corps of volunteer workers today.
batik organizations wore awainpcd un-
der the job of tabulating loan subscrip-
Hons. Reports reaching tho treasury
showed that all of the federal reserve,
imnn nuu miuwripuuii rcorus 10 iminu
which would keep them busy more than
U week. Each mail was bringing in
I ,!.: -i?::..l 1- r 1...-I
t "
1 .... . . ,.ff::.,i - -1 . e ir
jipiuuiines or uiiici.ii rerorus irom iuc&i
banks, messages received here said.
No figures showing definitely the
amount of the oversubscription were
availablf today. Treasury officials, made by E. T. Bu-selle, but as yet no division; 327th infantry, detachment it by trade. They will be the eoneorva
however, believed that the surplus aetion has been Ukcn, machine gun company; 328th infantry, tivc "test, which will be pitted against
wniiiii aggregate approximately i.ouu,-
i lished something new in the way or a
While the minimum quota which the two pnrty lino for business houses. This
tn csury has agreed to accept is $4,500,-, monthly rate will be 3.50 with the us
000,000, officials point out again that Ual additional charge of 2i cents a
all subscript ions of $100,000 or less had
been alloted.ia full This will probably
j force the issuance of notes aggregating
j close to $4,470,uoy,yyo, officials be-
.between Versailles and Berlin like shut-
1 gates.
Both sides are now carrying on a pro
paganda as rigorous as that during the
war. Chancellor Hchiedcmann'a speech
to the actional assembly and German
editorial comment fall in this category
while the British and French prew
displaying great vindictiveuesg toward
the enemy. Despite this propaganda,
some factions of either side appear in
clined to depart from the accepted atti
tude rraarding the treaty. Tho socialist
I tion" and "show the imperialism of the
Present Proposal to Congress.
It was learned today that President
Wilson does not plan to submit an act
ual treaty of alliance, joining the Uni
ted States and Fngland with France' to
the toming session of congress. Instead.
lie merely Intends to present the propo-
sal for such an alliance. The senate
would then have an opportunity to di -
rnsa the matter and if it signifies ap
provnl of such a plan for defense of
France, the treaty could bo drawn np
and formally submitted.
tho NO 4 make a nonstop flight from
Chatham to Trepassey so aa to arrive In
time for the getaway.
Weather conditions in midocean are!
rough, according to latest reports. There ;
northwesterly wind. Knin is expec
01,111. Mechanics.
In preparation for tho long air trip
from here to the Azores 1200 mile
mechanics me equipped to repair motors
while flying mid even te change pro
pellers in the air if necesstary.
The huge planes were given another
motors. If the NC-4 makes a quick li
reel flight from Chatham to Trespnssey
it believed possible the three naval
INo Changes Will Be Made la
pa vuv3; lit mill.
(troops; railhead detachment S.'lrd ilivis- of life for everyone. The luxune will
Tho rate on business telephone has ion, three casual companies; lofith mo-' be distributed bv the card system,
been raised II a month and business mile ordnance repair shop; fivo con-j Credit Will Be Wortnleas.
houses who receive their Mcy statcmeut vulescent detachments. "Of course, our credit witn oiuet
will find the charge for tho month of. Valencia to Come May 21. 'countries will be worthless at first. But
May hilled at 4 for a wall set and1 Transport Valencia, Brest to Ncwwe will buy what wc need with gold
4.2-1 for a desk phone. Also a charge York, duo May 21, with tllllli machine 'and jewels which the slate now controls,
of t0 cents for nn extension of a wall gun battalion; 12(lth Infantry company You can huvo our gold. Wc do not want
set or tl.l for an extension of a desk K and M and medical detachment; five it. We are glad to get rid ot H. it
set. casual companies. (represents capital, and wc will gh-dly
This is due to the fact that lire Pa-
cjfic Tclephono company applied to the
public service commission some time
for nn increase in rates, mnkinir a
showing thut it was about to lose money
on itg present estimated revenue.
Heveral hearings were heard before
the commission in 1'ortiann, the city oe-
inK represented by H. W. Macy, city at
torney. It was the prospect "of b&vins
J . . . ...... m
11,1111-v. il " j.ii.nftfc , MWliiJt
.... . .....
a material increase in rates tnut iiroirgnt,
'the matter of a municipal tclephono be-
frc the city council. The council com-
mil lee hns ben Investigating the claims
The public service commission cstab-
nionth for a desk set.
Radical Raise.
i radical raise in suburban
There is
(Continued on paje five)
New York, May 12. A cut in
tire prices averaging 15 per cent
was announced today by the
Goodrich Tire 4 Rubber corn
pen v.
The Firestone Tire and Rub
ber company and the Miller
Rubber company also announced
that they would reduce prices.
Cut in production eosta due to
liftiug of government war con-
ttrat-ts and return to peace basis
is given as the reason for the
lowering of price.
Glass Aligns Himself With
Palmer And Hines Against
Peek AndRedfield. .
Washington, May 12. Sharp words
and a
wide difference of opinion be
tween members of President Wilson's
cabinet are the net results of creation
of the- department of commerce indus
trial board lower living eosti.
j Following dissolution of the bonrd,
(Ieorge X. Peck, its chairman has issued
a statement assailing Railroad Director
General Hines, Secretary of the Treas-
ll"'v tila"H' tbc irrelevant opinion of At
itomey General Palmer (which said the
proposed board was unauthorized By
law) and the democratic administration,
which hoNwys has failed to give over
the business of politics to the business
of government.
Glass reading Peek 'a statement, ro
toried, sharply aligning himself, Palmer
and Hines
and Peck.
against ctecroiury Keiirield
Glass says tho board was
hopelessly committed to an unsound and j munism and cqunlity for everybody. W
dangerous policy. As for Peek's part-; ll!:(V 01lt eveutniillv that boJaheviam
lug sMement on the board efforts, 'is m,t tho pr0(.,(,r ,;,, f, attaiui,
Glass said there ia scarcely one accurate ,. unl, Wc will then act tceordiagly
assertion or snno deduction iu-all the aml somehow reach communism by op
screed. It is not inexact to Bay Mr. I portunism, but always work toward
Peek hns persistently and consistently communism.
practiced deception in nearly every iK,iKVV tmt ultimately ev'ey-
public statement he has made. Thus thing must be specialized. Everything
the government effort to lower prieca ! mu,t Mong t0 tho on(i no ou
has ended. 1 must own anything. A person way save
Rumors todny that Redfield would re- nnvtliiiiir he wants simolv bv sskinir tat
sign but these wero scouted by admin
istrntion officials.
Debarkation Ports Gradually
Being Cleaned Of Soldiers
On Way Home.
Washington, May 12. Transport sail
ings wero announced today as follows: '
Transport Martha Washington. Paul-'
,.aic to New York, duo May 17, with'
.12 1st machine gun battalion; second
; battalion 2Uth engineers mid headquar
ters ami medical detachments; 307th
field signal batiilion headquarters, med
ical and supply detachments uud com-
panics A, H, t ; detachments 427th and
;i2ih infantry. to urn- money or it card system of dta-
I Transport Walter A. Luckcnliach, ' tribtition. In some things wc alreaify
i Bordeaux to Sew York, duo May 1, i have the curd system. But wc aro auto
jwith :127th infantry, field and stuff i matieally getting money out of uso by
hoiiiliunrtcrs, supply and inachiiio gun 1 printing it as fast as we can, Aa aoou
J companies; first ami second battalions as we can get more machines from
and sanitary detachment. I America we will print still more. Kveut-
Trunsport Mount Vernon, Brest to imlly it will become so plentiful and
New Turk, due Muy 17. with l,')2inl ia-' worthless thr.t nobodv will want it. By
IfiiMtry; 122nd mnchino gun battalion ;
124th maehine gun battalion; 33rd di-1
(vision headquarters and headquarters
Transport Kcranton, Bordeaux to New
York, due May 21, with 328th infantry,
first and second battalions.
Transport Matsonin. Hr. Vnroi.o
Newport News, due May 22, with 116th
.infantry; one easual company and 28
sick and wounded easuals.
Transport bierra, Bordeaux to New
- York, duo May 20th, with seven casual,
l"ll,miljr , HU XJIiriiCllllK CUTI VAICBCeni
... ..
aetaenmcnts; I7tli and O.lPth aero
squad sunadrons: 83rd division hcad -
quarters and troop, postal detachment;
42nd dctnehmpnf military nn)i,. .
field and staff; medical detachment and
headquarters company; Kllird infantry j
brigade headquarters; 161tU infantry J
brigado headquarters. I
Major General George B. Dunccn. ,
1 82nd division: Hriyadier (ienernl R.
.I.indsey, 164th brigade and Colonel R.
I). Walsh, commanding 103rd infantry
(Onitnineil on page fire)
Bolshevik Secret Aged De
clares Russia Is Seckb
Osly To Reach Gcal Cf
Ultimate Plan Is To Hake
Money So Plentiful Tkt I?s '
One Will Want It
By Frank J. Taylor
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Berlin, April 19. (By Mail) Tho
Rnssin soviet government will handoa
bolshevism if it finds that doctrine ia
not the proper method to reach it goal,
communism, M. Makowski, bolahevik
secret agent in Berlin, said ia aa inter
view toduy.
"The bolshevik i have no definite pro
gram, since Premier Lcuiue holds that
what is 'medicine' for this country to
day may be ' oison ' tomorrow and pli.t
foiius cannot be made permanent." said
; Mnkowski
"The uim nf , hn vit; i. .......
it. i nai is our uiopin, which we nay
not reach for it long tune, ofcourae.
Says Capital Is Enemy.
"We hold that the greatest enemy
of communism is the capitalistic sys
tem. Natorally the capitalists will sot
divide np equally, so we are abolishing
individual capitalists uud making thu
state the only cnptiitlist. Hiace tho statu
exists for everybody, the entire prolet
ariat benefits. We make everyone pio
letiian, or Worker, cither with tutt
hands Or their heads. The capitalist
whose weulth is tuken over by tho stulo
becomes a member of the proletariat aa
a skilled head of a plant.
''Thiit is the point we have reached in
Russia. We cannot make the uourplcte
step to communism in one stride. u wo
have begun by socializing prac.ticnliy all
the wealth. A few Industries aro still
uiisocialized. When they have been tak
en over. iiiiiI all the wealth is ti.uii
over and production hns been brougos
up a point nbovo nurm-.il, we will abol
ish money and will simply give every
mini what he wants. I'ntil we have pro
duced enough of everything ao that e-
'ervone has all ho desires, we will have
that time our system of stirte produ-
tion ill be so developed that there will
be more than enough of tho necessities
nav vou everything that represents
money value, until
i the kind left. Th(
we have nothing of
Then we will deal br
r..,i!f Tho will own AvertvhiaST
and by then we figure other states will
of necessity be ia the same status. At
'least all of Kurope will be so. It cannot
possibly get out from under the deuta
which this war heaped upon it.
I " 111IIV rOlllHIIIIllSIII mil BltW 'W,"f',r(
i .
a thomh (ireat liritaiii and America
'nrnhnhlv can rmeree from thcii load of
debts with a capitalistic system, sinco
... fa, H,.,t mid cjtn urof-
communist Europe.
Moultnn, Iowa. May 12. Three nea
were killed and two wero seriously in-
jured when a Wabash freight train
jumped the trnck two and a half miins
-IiiiiI nt here. Suiiili.y evening. A
y evening.
spreading rail causi d
the accident.