PACE EIGHT. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 10. 1919. Go to Church Sunday The Only "h.k MiJr With a Ventilator OO You . ... p.- . t '71 ? S i I ' i 1 k - 4 1 ! V "Suro! Its A W , Harley-Davidson! Dad Saqs It's America's Finosi Dicijolo" Dad knew what he was talking about wheti he said that. And every Amer ican boy who owns a Harley-Davidson bike knows it, too. He's mighty proud to own America's finest. .The Harley-Davidson Bicycle is built to the measure of the American Boy. It's sturdy just the bike to stand hard, slam-bang, every day use just the companion you want al ways ready. Bring dad with you to see the 1919 models. HARRY W. SCOTT 147 S. Com'l. St. Thone 08 Subjects of Sermons and Where They Will Be Delivered in Salem Houses of Worship, Tomorrow Central Congregational Cnurcn. Corner wuth 13th and Feiry its. H. '. Stover, minister. This church ob serves Mother' Day Sunday Maw 11. Sunday w-houl at lu a. in. Mrs. Burton E. Edwards, supt. A Mothers Pay pro gram ut 11 o'clock. Addresses by some mothers of the Sunday school and Dr. F. E. Blown. Music bv Donald Alli son, Elbert Larhele, Olive and Helen Camfiold. Christian Endeavor at 7:15. Evening service at 8. Addiess to mo thers. Subject The Welfare of the Child. Nolo by Mrs. Eveiett Crann, music by liill's chorus. Thursday even ing service at 8 o'clock. United Evangelical Cot tn go Knd Center streets. Rev. 0. Lovell, pastor. Sundav scno,,, s; li) a. m. Diinc worship and pleaching at hi n. in. t hn.stian Endeavor ut 7 p. m. I'aiiline Remington, leader. Even ing worship anil sermon at 8 i. in. The shepherd Psalm illustrated vt tit lantern Choice, slides. l'rayer meeting on Thursday evening. 2 o'clock p. m. Please note the change of time for services. Salvation Army. Open air meeting at 7:30 p. in. At the hall at 8 p. m. oi Saturday even ing. Sunder niornins open air meeting at 10:,'!0. Holiness racctiuv in the hall at 11. Sundcy schot i at 2 p. m. United Mission Meeting a 3 p. m. V. P. L. meeting at 6 p. m. pen air meeting at 7:30 p. m. Snlvt;ion meeting at the hall at 8 p. m. Come and we will do yon goocf. Cnpt. and Mrs. Cunter. offi cers in charge. SHAW NEWS ITEMS. (Capital Journal Spec ial Service.) Shaw, Or., May 8. One of the very pleasing events of the pnst week was an evening" party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ponterson's Saturday evening, May 4, ut which nil hud a most enjoyable time. The evening was spent :.. 1).. f ...!,,.,. .nl nf n ,.o m and Hike were served. Thone present were Mr. unrt Mrs. H. A. Kuns, Mr. ttnd Mrs. O. A. lloyes, Mr. sml Mrs. Win. Huwd, Miss Helen llowd, Mr. inn! Airs. J. liukle, Mr. and Mrs. Ivnu I'i it tin in mid Mr. and Mrs. H. A. llliiin. Mrs. l.tiuni Mny Fryer, who haa been ill for some time pnst, is able to be out sud greet her many friends. All gli;d to see her 'doing so nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fryer, Mr. anil Mrs .T. II. Fryer, Mr. nrnl Mrs. O. A. Noyes, Mr. and Mrs, Finest Peterson, Mi', and Mis. K. A. Itli'viiiM spent Nundny at the Hill Top fnrm, the home of Mr. and Mrs. I vnn I'litnnni. FAIRFIEDJEWS NOTES. f Capital .Toiimnl special Service) Fuiifield, May . Miss Margaret Mintlialer spent the week end villi her parents. Miss Ai'cs DitK'i'tle allended Jun-1 ior week cud at O. A. C. The little son of Mr. and ilrs. Jus. Muliony hns 'been quite, ill the pust week, but is much better, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Outsforth and Frank Cutsfortu visited at John Im Inh's riunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tfulion Short spent the latter part of the week at Mill City. Mr. .Short hits bought a stock in mil there and will move there the coming full. SAD CAST OF TURNER BOY. Wo Icnrn tliul licv. Harris, ago 20, a son of Mr. and Mis, W. II. Hurris, who has been for some time at the I,ctter mini ii 1 at the Presidio, California, is not improving and but recently hits been mentally unbalanced. While In the army at Vancouver barracks, he had charge of a wind in the hospital. While there he was nptmited upon for fluid of the stomuih, His condition not improv ing, he whs taken to the government hospital et the Presidio for export treatment. A few days ngo he under went another operation on the stomach for an abscess, liny Harris was born and grew to manhood in this city; was a young man of the best character and enjoyed A bum' circle of friends nho now regret to leant ot his present con dition and trust that lie may yet be successful iu his butt lo toward perman ent health. Turner Tribune, First United Brethren. Vrw.Park Bible school at 10 a. in. Preaching 11 a. in. Subject -The First Coniniiinilineiit with Promise -Eph. 6 1. oitng Peoples meeting at 7:.'iU p. in. M. Nickizcr, lender, followed by u slioii talk by the pastor. Mid ivcr. pnncr meeting every Thursday at 7:30 p. m. A hiutv welcome is extended to all who desire to eonfe and worship with us. First Congregational Church. Liberty and Center streets. V. C. Kantner, minister. 10 a. m. Sunday school, W. I. Ntnley, supt. Classes for nil ages. M a. ,. Mithcr's Day ser vice. 7 p. in. Cliristinn Endeavor. p. ni. Mr. I'inlev, : ;.(te biologist, the 'cutest r.uthoiily on outdoor life in Oregon, v.-iil present his remuricabie motion pictures illustrative of birds and oilier out door life. :''' a. in. church First Presbyterian Church. j Thomas S. Anderson, minister. Sab-1 bath school at 9:45, Jos. II. Albert, supt. Classes for all. Public worship at 11 a. m. Mother's Day will be OMtnt with appropriate sermon. music and flowers. Y. . H. C. E. at 7 and evening worship at 8 o'clock. Theme Solomon ' This church is planning to com memorate its loth anniversary wttn im propriate services Thursday, Friday t.nd Saturday evenings and special services cf public worship next Sabbath morning and evening. The public is invited to participate with us in nil these services of jubilee. IVi not forget the choir concert Monday evening. (- V. - - . 3 i-f. t.i-r . t "f hi tf - t i 1 U ..J.. Porch Before the Hot Weather Comes Be Prepared For Hot Weather for it is Coming VUDOR PORCH SHADES Ventilate and Shade your porch as well as screen it from outward view, yet you can see out. We hang them without charge. St. Paul's Church. Third (Sunday after Easter, 7 holy communion: i);4t a. m. school j 11 a. in. morning prayer and pre it then. sermon by the lector; 8 p. m. confirma tion and sermon by tho Kt. Kev. Walter Taylor Sumner, D. 1)., Bishop of Ore gon. Offertory solo in the evening by Mrs. Sumner Merrick. Everybody wel come. Clms, H. Powell, rector." First M. E. Ctturch. Corner State and Church streets. ! Class meeting !:4j a. m. Senduy school, a. m., J. W. Todd,: superintendent. 1 11:00 a. in., sermon, "Mothers lay,'' ! by Dr. R. N. Avison. 3:00 p. ni sr.cniment of the Lord's: Super at the Old People's Home by Dr. Avison. 7:00 p. in., at the Kuworth League, I (Ired Blake w ill lend in u discussion of I the institute program. The Junior1 League will be led by Esther Lisle. ' 8:00 p. in., the chorus choir with Prof. ! liobertsat the organ and Prof. John at. j Sites as director, will givo "Tho Cruci-' fixion" by Steiner. So effective was! this progrnni Good Friday evening that tht choir have been urged to repeat it for tho benefit of those who could noti Church of God . The revival services ure still going on with pood interest, and several con secrations have been made, and the mes sages on the chnrt on revelation have been very helpful to the children of Hod, showing them the iinit.vof (led 's eople, and tho evil of division. Hun day school at 10 a. in. Preaching ei vices at II, 2:30 i;nd 7:43. The moot ing will continue indefinitely and we extend a cordial invitation to all to at lend these services. J pastor. Christian and Missionary Alliance. I Rev. J. E. Fee will hold services on: next Thursday afternoon, May 15, at' 2:15 o'clock at 632 South Commercial street, Studv, Revelation 13th chanter.! All most cordially welcome. . First Church of Christ, Scientist. .. Sunday services are held at 410 X he mekela street at 11 a. in. Subject of Hie Bible lesson, "Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday school at I:43 a. in. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting lit 8 ii. in. Beading room 200 Masonic Temple, open every day except Sunday and holidays from 11:45 to 5 p. m. Ail lire invited to our services mid to our lending room. Jason Lee Memorial M. E. Church. Corner of Winter and Jefferson strets Thomas Acheson, pastor. Sunday school U:45 a. m., Churles Hiigemnn, superin tendent; classes for all ages under the care of capable leaders. Public worship, 11 a. m.. sub lent. "When American Motherhood Returns I from France." Epworth League devotional meeting, 7 n. m. A snccinl ritllv is ulnniuwl f'.. J. tiillespie.l this servii'O. Vitnmr iti.mtl.. a. i, II.-1 are cordially invited. Evening worship 8 o'clock, subject, "Oermany at the Bar of Justice." Mothers Day will be approprialedly celebrated at the morning service. 8po-j cinl music will be rendered- by tho choir, both morning Htid evening under I the leadership of Professor Clark. We cordially invite the public to worship with us. Every Man Knows from experience that buying inferior equipment to save money is like stopping the clock to save time. What he saves on the original investment he pays for many, many times over in extra repairs, delays, higher depreciation' and unsatisfactory service. One motor truck may sell at a low price and at the end of the year show a much greater cost for hauling (per ton mile) than a truck that sells for twice as much. Therefore, it is not the' price you pay, but the years of satisfactory service you get out of a motor truck that determines if you have made an investment that will do your hauling eco nomically. . INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS have never boon built with a view to being sold at a low price. Trice was never taken into consideration when they were designed. International engineers were instructed to design the best motor truck that could be built REGARDLESS OF I'RICE-and the International line of motor trucks is the result of this policy. International Motor TrWks are built in 1500, 2000, 3000 and 4000 lb. capacities Call and see this truck or write for literature J. E. Scott & Son Nazarene Church. Nineteenth and Marion, one block south of the Chemeheta car line at Istih street, Morning services Hmidnv. Mnv nunuuy school at v:i:, 11 iiaril.v, supt. Preaching at II and In the evening at 8 o'clock. Midweek prayer meeting at 8 o'clock on Wednes day evening. Everybody welcome to these meetings. A. Wells, pastor, Flor ence Wells, deaconess. Commons Mission. There will be meeting at the Commons mission, now occupied by the Salvation Annv, on Sunday afternoon. May It, at 3 o'clock. At this meeting Captain llnntes of the Salvation Army will preach.' This is the different meeting when people from the different churches get together to worship the Eon! and lo have a good time with Him Wells, supt. 1 17 S. Commercial St. Phone G8 Free Methodist Church. 1228 north winter street. Sunday sci vices Sunday school U:4"i. Love Feast 10:30 followed by preaching. Evening service at 7:30, our district elder. Rev. F. L. Burns, of Portland, I in charge. W. ,1. Johushin, pastor. Ltithcrn. Knst State iiml 18th sliecls. nunnn school at 10 n. m. Diine worship i.t 10:30 a. in. Subject The Cliristinn and 11 is Congregation. Lot her league nt i p. in. Miss T, Albers. lender.1 Evening seiivce at 7:30. Subject rutgiveness or tsius. r.veivlioity is welcome, (i. Kuchlor, pastor. Associated Bible Stiidmits.. I. B. S. A. A-soci-.t'i d Pilde students meet every Xund'iv for Bible study. Hoiits tw 10 to 12 a. in., in Moose Hall tnW.i Court and High streets. Piiud:;v, May 11 at 2:30 p. m. J. A. (iillespie, of Pittsbnig, will give a free public lecture at (lis hall on The Rcssurection of the Dead. As we see the many sorrow ing hearts in the world todnv of the loss of loved ones from the great war and the pestilence surely nil will want ! to know from t Sod's word in regard to I the rcssuroctiun of the dead. Public lcoine. Mothers' Day Services. Mothers' Dny will be appropriately observed by the First Buptist church lit the morning service. The Philntheal cluss of young ladies are arranging for the service which promises to be one of special interest. The pastor's topic, will be, "Our Mothers An Apprecia tion." The special musical numbers will consist of a duet by Mrs. Theodore Hoth and W. T. Jenks cud a solo by Mis. P. A. Cupper, Evening service, 8 o'clock, topic, "Christianity's. Challenge." Solo by William Harris. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Young Peo ple 's service, 7 p. in., topic, ' The Lure of the World," with instttlaltion ot new officers. Tuesday evening the Brotherhood will hold its last supper and program for this season. It will be an open meeting lo which the women are invited. Sim per will be served at 6:30. Au interest- . ing program lu;s been arranged which I A I :n - - ...i i ..!. I "i i imoMic iiiuong inner leiuures a vio-i liu solo by Miss Lillian Stege, atxoin panied bv Miss Evelyn DeLong, selec- The Leonard Cleanable - REFRIGERATOR Is one of the best makes on the market. Easy to clean economic to ice, and low in price. $1:5.00 up. SOME GOOD BUYS IN MOTOR ROBES See the Special Prices We Are Making DISPLAY IN WINDOW .sr)siiTii' pi!H''SH-i,ir' . 'V V , .s -u .-V. i. What machine to buy is often the perplexing prob lem to a prospective phonograph buyer.. We say to you that the Brunswick is the machine to buy because it gives you tone equal to the best machine made and you have every modern appliance on the Brunswick. It is ALL OTHER' machines in one. When you buy a Brunswick you get what you would have if you should buy all of the other four leading phonographs. In other words it task;s four phonographs of other makes to equal one Brunswick. i We Will Buy Or Take Your Used Furhiture In Exchange For New iamiiftoin Thursday evening, prayer meeting nt 7:3, choir rehearsal at 8:30. - State 8. 8. Convention at Corvullis May 1518. Daniel Poling Rally Day May 19. Bible school and Young Peoples' topics S. 8. lesson Sin and Its Consequences, Oen. 3:124. Romans 1:18 23. James 1:15. C. E. and H. P. Y. U. lesson The Lure of the World, 2 Timothy 4:10. 1 John 2:15-17. Epworth League anniversary Sunday. Special program. laii Poling Ri.llv Mondav evening May 19, all I voting peoples' societies participating. West Salem. Court Street Christian Church. Corner north 17th and Coutr siieeis. This Lord's Dny is Mother's Pay. Hoth the Ititili. niOiont lump nnil lireiiclii ill) tiens by Willamette fniversity oitartei, : , wi ,H, KiVt. ,0 ,,p(,,j program ....... K . , , .,. eve ..v.y, hu- ; ,(llor of ,otl,er. If vour mother is dress bv Lieut. L. II. ( ompton xiving W(,ur r,,(, flll,,r; A ,,0l)UI,t ,., I hursdav evening at 8 o clock prayer Kiv,,-, ,,, ,p ,10t1(,r ,,.,., with and conlerence meeting. . ,., , ,,Hi)V. to ,iu. tMl muth. " !er present; and to the mother with the, f. M. Moore, fell from a building a few I Leslie Metfcodist. j largest fr.mily present. The program I days since and broke u couple of ribs. I Comer South Comm. icia.1 and Myers will be about lis follows: 10 a. in. Op j He is gelitig along nicclv and will soon' streets. Hoince N. Aldri. h, psstor. I ening nf HiMo schiml. Opening excr-1 be able lo attend to his woi k. ! stnul.iv school convenes at M:4" a. in. ctses Lovnl )tiuih:erj (lass. Class per-1 Mis. Killings and dnughter, Miss Mc Internalioiiul uniform lissoiis. Organ i)d ".0 mitiiites. Reassembly. Announce-j Adams went to Corvalis Wednesday for i.ed classes with efficient lenders for ; itients. secretory a report, etc. 1 resell- a week s visit wth relatives uud friends. pupils (Capital Journal Special Service.) West Salem, Or., M;;y 10 Miss Lot tie McAdams of Portland has come up for u month's visit with her inuiaei, Mrs. Hillings. Miss Ruth Bedford was u Portland i isitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E Verlii, started Saturday for a six weeks visit to their old Canadian home. Mrs. Joseph Feunell, who has tie. a seriously ill, is convalescing. There have been a number of mild1 cases of chickenpox in the itcighbor- hood. Little (ienevievc Wood being the j latest patient. I Ernest Moore, sou of Mr. und Mrs. ington county are visiting relatives la this neighborhood. Earl Hushnell of Kingwond la. wa a Portland visitor Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and famiiy nt Sullivan county, Missouri, parents of Charles Phillips, have arrived and are occupying the Becken house near the fruit drier. Rev. Mr. Johnson of the Methodist church in Dallas was a visitor at the home of Rev. t; ml Mrs. Rnnton on Wed nesday. Mr. Johnson was aiding in the ir- tuit. Becken Will K','",''"a,'v wolk " the .West 8alem GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT i WEDNESDAY. MAY 14 LE COMTEK FLESHER-ZfettM THE CORCCOUS snd prayer. Original his parents and sister. em '' An Ode to Mother" Mrs. 1'. A. Baker. Solo. Sermon Mother. 12 a Mr laught nt the bedside of, Mr. Jacob's mother, and Mrs. Juntos Jacobs and ter. Miss Drssie, arc in Portland Scandinavian Tabernacle. loth. Bud Mill streets, The service will be held at i o'clock p. in. Rev. John Ovall, the former pastor, will preach. Sundry school will be held nt efficient lenders for ' incuts, secretary's report, etc. Piesen- f all sigrs and grades. E. A. tntion of t nidle Roll lertituates und Jiov Wood came up from ,. tt.ind Rlioten. sui.f. Primary department tin ' ban.iuets. Communion song und com-1 Saturday for an over-Siinilav visit with der the supervision of Mrs. Mason Bish-! amnion. Scripture op. II a. in. public worship, with ser mon til- ?lic ti;:t,.P Tli.P belli'. "Mo- thers' Diiv,, the tltenie will be Mother- in. benediction. Christian Endeavor 7; hood of tio.l. The devotional meeting p. m. song service and sermon No 'who is very ill. of the Epworth League nt 7 p. in. will Room for Christ 8 p. m. Those who still; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Painerall have the be led by Ralph Thomas. Anniversary . wish to make au offering for l.on.c mil-, sympathy of the community in their sad , Day w ill be the topic Leslie Spi iuger, ' sioi.s may hand the money to the pus-j bereavement, the death of their infant pres. S n. m. Miss Trevette. of Chicago! tor or E. Ilortou. The offering will not . son. ! be sent for u couple of weeks. Keiiiem- 1 lie Vt est Salem school, assisted by! ber prayer meeting and teacher training , fi iends, gave r. Mav Day fete Tuesday1 Thursday X p. m. Everybody welcome : evening. It was a delightful affair anu ! to the services. e expect 2ml. ill j all onlcd mucli pleasure. vi. u be oiief If vou are tiiii.lde to come Citv met in reaular session because you have no way phone the pas-1 Monday evening. In addition to regular tor, Ii'.Tj R a way will be provided. ! routine business, a petition was pre-1 will give an interesting proginm, rend iug "The Ninety and Nine" to musical a. oiiipaniinent ; also Henry Vi.n Dyke's "The Mansion," special music will be rendered by the choir. An oil. ring will be taken for the pano fund. First Christian Churcii. Center lind High streets. I elund W. Poller, pastor. Bible school at l:4.i a. in. Moulin wor-hip at II. Mother's Day sermon. ( bri-tinx Endenvor i t 7 p. in. Evening sermon at 8 - The Lure f the cBst. Wednesday evening, at i o'luovk, Lulav Men's Class Ban.juet. rrrTACLE . S m www m&m swat YSf)hK A show - swift If V or Tcrnrt7 R. U Piitmiui, pastor. Catholic Church. Corner Chemeketa and Cottage streets. and communion at 7:30 and Hgit Mass at 1":30 Sunday morning. Ben ediction following High mass. Rev. J. R. Hock, pastor. sented for the improvement of King wood avenue and other streets iu Klng-i wood Park, which was referred to the1 street ocmnuttee. J. R. Shields presented his resign!.--Hon as alderman. It was accepted ana Earl Wood appointed to finish out the unexpired term, Mrs. Frank Lamb an3 lioyi of Wash- TUNEFUL V POHY SONGitS DAJLLET -FEATURES- FLIRTATiCS WALK-AN AERIAL FLIGHT 6iRLS'AVlATI0H CORPS INACTION. BALLET OF BEWITCHING BEAUTIES. BRIGADE OF WONDERFUL GIRLS Prices 50c, 75c 11.00 and $1.50. Seat Sale Open Monday A. M. Opera House Pharmacy '