Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 10, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    " " " " " " " I
1 A TN
1 1
: r
jst of Delay
mZm -w-,
Iffjf Jp'.l !
Ill Hte.v i
Our customers have helped to
build up our business
What we have is due to their
Patronageto their
Confidece la Us.
Therefore we believe and ac
cept as a
Principle i
that our interests are linked
with those of our patrons. By
helping them we help our
selves. When you buy a suit :
Be sure they are all wool for
all wool means
See that they are either
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Bishops Ready Tailored Suits
They are absolutely guaran
teed to be all wool and give
good service
A guarantee by
Means that his last dollar will
be behind it.
That's why when you
clothes, you always think
News that we receive direct from New York every day indicates that clothing will
retain their price, the recent sale of 4,500,000 pounds of wool by the government,
choice spinners sold at $2.05 making that one of the record prices on the open
market. Prices in clothes are bound to raise so why WAIT. Priced 55, $10, $ 15,
and $50.
Cooke & LaGrange
Pearl Dayton
Sg't Art Priddy
2:15 -4
2:45 7:30 9:15
to bo built and will probably be under
T.. n.W-- n r-
construction within W davs. Hcsidos 1WU UiiUdd DOVS tlVcfl
Salem Woolen Mills Stor
Commissions As Second
Lieutenants With A. L F.
(Cuiital Journal Special Service.)
Pnllus, Or., May 10 itolativca of Ray
this outlay of timber this company lias ;
luilroad aud grade construction tor Toy!
UOO,(J0O feet which they expect to log I
during 1919 beforo using any of thoj
timber on the pond. A crew is building I
moro railroad while 17 men are repair-'
iug tho roads which are already built. '
The camp has Clarence Powell an sup- I
"7;m"'' "a" ":"ur,u .V1 Scott and Forest Martin, two Dallus
Z , . VJ T i Li! iul'ro""-' ,u,m- high school boys who enlisted in the
to. ' ! bhDH r"S' 7 W"r f" ' ith 0y t breaking out,
I! .tW...b.ai,hhr,t' ,W? "U",g -x-'vcd word this week that tliev !,
T b ",k , , iui., r(,ccivc,l commissions as second lieuton
blncksnuth Shop and oil house, a 1 port- . i i... i 1 .
.hi. Th.- u L ., ..n. ' a anti tnd have been assigned to units of
Solno With 20 Vupi U ;rJL, A-.ri. force, .till in Prance.
. k;i, j. , iT..'' , u.iT. oto young men were also with com-
Dnlln. fih-.rv.r P1"1? L on Mexican border and left
i - this city with the-local coninnnv as
sergeants. In the communications enti
"Friendship Campaign"
home the youthful soldiers stated that
.i . . T.
k.j t f.i ,u,r peiea 10 remain in iTan. fjr
rians neariy tompleted somo ,ime to eo
Announcement wan made yesterday
bf Itcputy Secretary of Ktate fain Mo
nor that the wailing of the topic of
the proposed constitutional amend
uonU and measures submitted to tko
voters of Oregon at the special lec
tion to be held June 3, baa been coin
lrtod. Notwithstanding thfc law pro
viding for the holding of wich special
ejection requires that pamphlet copies
nf the nmenclinent4 and measure shall
Im mailed to tho votors of the state
ten days prior to such election, thcee
.pamphlets will 4e in the hands ef the
elector snarly a month -before mi"-a
election, which will gjre them a great
er time within which to arrive at a
conclusion regarding the important
nuNMuroM upon which I hey are to tti
their npfiroTal or disnent. The Mil for
mailing the! pamphlet, amount to
3108. 59, on A eent postage being re
quired tot each separate jauipMct mail
The we'kJy report from the snilnsr
trial aix:ldiHit commission ahowa that
during tho een dny eriod there were
IWt afli'icleiiU roported throughout the
stale. Uuly one of tluste retiultcd tu
tally, that of Hairy H. White, luntber
msn, of Kerry, Of the wholo number
475 were anbiect to the provisions of
1 tho rompeiumtion act.
In No Other Form
do you et such an
easily digested, s
ready-to-eat blend
of wheat and barley
as in
4 1
A food designed
for health building
More pleasing to the
taste than many
foods whose chief
aim is to tickle the
- palate.
"There's a Reason
Ifollowing eloseJy upon the big ibatch
f load contractu recently let by the
highway coinmimioa will Iw another
group, which according to estimate,
will cull for l,r00,000. la this group
will be Included 41 miles of paving.
The proponed projects are as follows:
Wood Jtiver to Oaacade Locka pav
ing, 2 miles. '
Hood Kiver to top of Wilson hill,
griding, two inilixt,
Rniuior to Ktaaie, p, 12
From folk and !toiitoa county line,
paving, 1 '-j mill' north in l'olk cotuity
Yntnliill to MoMinnville, paving, 6
Arlington til Morrow c.outty line,
grading, 12 mile.
Koseuurg to Winchester, grading, 6
Uoseliurg to Dillsrd, grading and ma
rnrfntn, 7 miles,
l'inia to Drain, grading and macad
am, 3 miles.
JJewberg to West Dayton, grading
ami maendnw, 0 miles.
Tho committee ia charge of tie' DbUm 807 Arrives in Hew York.
Friendship Campaign" to be out on rs- Alice I. I)enipy received a tele-
by tire "Y" club of the Salem high 8mm rrom kw "on, Sergeant Clnud
school have iet the date for Wcdues- I'mwey, Tuesday evening stating tn,
day, Thursday and Friday, May H-16, ko had arrived in New York aud-that
and have enlisted the services of the ke would be discharged and sent home
following citizens: Mr. Newmvcr. ot at an early date. Sergennt Denmsev i kome in the ftre
the state Y. M. C. A. work: 8ecretarv went to France with Colorado trooDs' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams will
Compton, of the local Y. M. C. A.; Coach kaving enlisted with a cavalry nnit ot,0Te for Tilluuiook next week whev.
Circuit Judge Harry II. Belt and Miss Teto went through tho severe fighting
lllnncho Barrett, eourt reporter, went to with his division and came out of tlio
McMinnvillo today to hold a session of frucas without a scratch,
circuit court for AlcMinnville and Yam-1 1 1
hill county. . j Tiers and other property of the Ham-
Mrs. Clifford Kmith left tho first of burg-American line at lloboken, .N. J.,
tho week for lonu, eastern Oregon, for.kavo been taken over by the govern-
a visit at the homo of her paronr.
Mrs. Klla J. Metager of McMinnvillo
was a Unllas business visitor in Dallas
this week.
Dr. L. A
The purchaso prico was 2,")0t),-
The war department announced S;itur-
Bullmun left the first of day that demobilization of the nimy l.r.s
tho week for Seattle for a short visit returned 1,942,391 officers und men to
with relative - j civil life.
Laird Woods went to Eugene, Thurs-
day to attend a reunion of former stu
dents of tho university wlio have Ucvu
in Uncle Sam's fighting forces.
Mrs. I. N. Woods went to Portland
tho first of the week for several days
visit with relatives.
Attorney Osear Hnyter went to Mo
Minnville this morning for a Bhort busi
ness trip.
William K labor, aformcr Dallas citi
zen, who has been making his home In
Seattle for the pwit year, returned to his
home here.
Mr. and Mus. Joseuh Reminaton nud
family have moved to this city from
Oregon City and will make Dallas their
Matthews and 1'rof. Matthews, of Wil-i'kc breaking out of the war with Mei
lnmotte University, Joe. Albert, of tho''Co ""d ""ved severnl months on the
tlovrrnnr Olcott is receiving many
eummunications from over the state
with regard to tho matter of retaining
the battleship Oregon, a number of
them opposing the proposition on the
sriimid that tho nuicunt said to be
needed for upkeep-J0,U0O is ex-
i.....it..... .l.:t ...i ...1.- .I.- 1
""'"V "V r, 1"" Kvnn. Milton Grallo
that it is something that should not . ,. . ,, .,,
be put -p to the school children of ""
iih..ri.., v;,i.:.. - .1 lw.ii. .
"i,iru. iTiiiiiu H-W Kli9 UUIU IUW,
Capitol National bankj.W. I. fcjtaley, of
me capital liusiness College, and Dr.
F. E. Brown.
On the dates stated these gentlemen
will be "at home" to any high school
lad who wihea to call upon hiin and
will devote tt least fifteen minutes of
his time to a discussion of any one of
the followiug questions:
Shall I to college, and wheref "
"What shall 1 choose as a vocation in
"What stand shall I take- iu religions
"What courso should I take in select
ing amusements!",
These are four of the most important
questions that any boy could consider,
and it is hoped -that a largo number of
the students will take advantage of the
opportunity to discuss them with men
who have a broad outlook upon lite uiiu
who have "been through tho mill."
Asido from conveying information and
counsel, these interviews mny be of the
utmost influence in nwakening the "big
brother" sphit on the part of our prom
inent citizens and setablishing a bond
between them and the student body.
The committee in charge of the cam
paign are I'resideiit Ralph Wilson, of
the high school student bodv, Donr.ld
Karl Sliaf ler und
border. - His regiment returned from
Fiance several weeks ago but he wr.s
kept behind owing to a slight attacK of
Mr. Wililams will have charge of s, new
bank recently purchased by his broth
er, E. K. Williams f Portland.
Pete Pappas, a Oreek who was a mem
ber of tho famous Dlst division, return
ed to bis hone iu Dallas this week.
Single Shot
Slide Action
I governor nm Hupt. Church.
down the gopher )esl with a
'tt imblic t,.leuient with rdTir.l tn this' "Cinngum nu.i.m
'..U1,,.ii;,i,. 1 I'"1"' cartridges.
-.1 -
Reducing Living
v J;;Kpto::1,;
iLirabfr Company Builds
Public debt of the United States gov
ernment reported Saturday by the trcae-
The log;hg eamp if the Valley 4
filets l.ueilier and Logging company,
located in the Hilet llasin, ia one of
the busy places in l'olk county, cites
slve preparation! being made f I1"
hiring on a scale unprecedented in this
lriin. Among otnor improveinenie is
Huge i! urn across roe nig l.ucKinmute
river, the construction of which has
already occupied s.-vcrsl months and
hick will be completed ty May 20
if present plana ' not miscarry. A
erew of fifteen wnrkmeii and a don
key engine have been engaged in build
ing this structure which has a height
f 41 feet a base 110 feet wide and a
length of SlH) feet. The purpose of the
tm it to create pnd covering 400
a re.
when the dsui i completed there
will be ?.VH)uKS feet of log. in the
posd timbermea bow felling at the rate
of 500,000 m day ea the eite of the
pond. There, are also fiK),0HXl,(HH) feet
f legs on the banks of the pond to bej
lofted iata it. 4 mw Mill U cxpteU
ItWardtOff Croop
Never put a cronrty child to bed with
out ivlsf a dot ot
Foley's HonevTar
MjliiTj know it top croup becausa
i: cu't Ilia thick choking mucus, clean
ts.roit cf pMe-n, cop tha boarsa
r::!;".!e cou'h, carcidiDcuit breathing,
i'.vit quiet alscp.
! -. T. Nn-Mr. T CU'rs. Wn., wtWmi
t'c-ffr's II. --ey 4 'isr CMMf4tcty w4
t'y b.r cf -ep atiiA ot .-r. "
t- Mr. ChM. Alien, t.iil.1. writ--
1 hvrm hm4 t-tttey't llowr mo4 Tir tor tb
r terra yra.na myld mat bm wiihiawt if.
Ii tax red m aar s auctcr'i kiU iuc rak.
as crowo."
, C. Perry '.
The high cost of living goes skyward if you
do net have proper refrigeration for eatables
and beverages in the heat of summer. Spoiled
food and consequent illness are the results of
storing food in an unscientific and unsanitary
ice box. The new
Belding-Hall Century
last a life-time and it does extraordinary ser
vice every day.
Ti :m 1
11 m -.aye jou a good percentage of jts cost in the food it saves vou in the
first season. See them in our south window. y e
You Get More
For Your Money
At Moore's.