TAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 10. 1919. 'Li-0' : There's A Difference Det ween Thermoid tires and other tires. Its the Z CROLIDE COMPOUND that makes it Gruelling t tests made with the CROLIDE COMPOUND Tkux them as toueh as raw hide, buoyantly resilient and absolutely impervious to oil and water. Ordin- X ary compounds readily absorb water and oil. A new individual handwork system each cas- ing being built entirely by one man, who is paid not according to how many tires he makes, but how well he makes them together with rare chemicals used in Crolide, makes THERMOID casings the most cost- ly to build in America. r Yet they are the most ECONOMICAL for the tire user. In the end your speedometer reading will t show they've saved you money. I 6,000 miles guaranteed. (Ford sizes 7,500.) I J. B. Hileman 211 N. Commercial St. Phone 787 TOTAL OF 57,500,000 Hand Cars Heavy This Year TO BE SPENT ON ROADS Highway Commission Lets Contracts la Excess Of Transfer nvorleJ in the automobile rcj-srrmtioii di-jartmeut of the re tarr of state's office ior the month uf April re the greatest in the his tory of the dt'partnient for ny one month, indicative of tht larfe trafiie lis uaed ears. During the omnia J'wl motor vrhii-l and il motorcvrle li- ieeni were transferred. The state highway eommiiou con-1 ;ew registrations during the month hycludi'd is work in Portland yesteiday i for motor vehieWa were 3447 out of l.v !..ft..rii, mKtl miitructM wliifh will (total of 5574, while 2107 were re- BEAUTIES OF HOOD (Continued from Taj 1.) raved to point about wile beyond the Multnomah coutny liu and the re maining 23 miles into Hood River are of well maintained maeadam. One rot alone the highway mz.it a strong ai'peat to Mr. Oillert and he is roeoutnieuding that eery motorist u make tho trip phouM stop there. This is iaigle I'twk. about 3i milea out oi l'ortlnnd. where free and compietei) equipped tamping ground are matn tained for the convenience f tourists. Cverythin? from stoves and free .-all for the exne.iJitt.re of ai-roximnte-?r r?'.ruo" J" x to tables tie furnished to tie picnic par- niciMt i'rniT in Ttravi(iua Tram. rwx l - v. -tn k4A I ta nnnn nrirr ..e,..rtn,.nt for April 7? ZZZ I t v 1 vj i- - - J t I.S.TO.iiOO. and eovering about CO miles of road, of whu-h 4i nines is pav ing. These contracts eollreted by the .u. tit ' s . .r.lKii,wmX- tU .ill bring the to-! KeB,str.tos were made m follow. mliture, u,. to .bout j. nn he monU.: Motor vehies Si)nd htion to these, there -'J i niotorrj. les. 434 ehautieurs, 2M Thousards Visit. tal projected expemiit 7 '.irtl lUUI In ftiljtitiikti are several units thut were rejected on motor vemtio aimers, wi rrS. s unt of excessive estimates i.ud will' tratien for the year up to this lime The tea eontrue;s let,r'-: venn-ie. eleles. MIS: rhautfeurs. 1U1I: motor r t p a t" r Starting Lighting Battery Serrice ."",. TNONT put up with ny little "De.il of J O II IXMtbt" ill your .tart Ing buttery you don't rme to. An "t.MOC ' lialtery is "the (Hint that Uvea In a box." It will make a reality of that reliable sen lee nlxiut which you've dreamed. It will live you tnnilnium power and will exert thut power on instant demand. It Is easy to care for easy to repair. Let us demonstrate Just how you can make ymirelm tinft battery "doubt proof." Weutler free Inspection of all batteries. R. D. BARTON 171 Suulll CollHIIITcilll St. 5tl EASILY HANDLED IN TRAFFIC The narrowed fore-frame of this sturdy Oakland Sensible Six Roadster enables it to turn in a circle only 8! feet across a feature that U responsible for a lure part of its noted ability to weave rapidly through traffic and to slip in and, out of tight places with ease. AMERICAN AUTOMOIHLK CO. riionc :)W If 7 S. Ciminiercial St, if ' . , .jL-mm0r J. i,i ., ,,.,. i .. - e y "- wr ...... twif- .- ee4eee .4 j Buy Your Tires OF TSic Salem Vulcanizing Works : 474 Ferry Street. Hume i Ik reudvertised. are ss fallows: jHii-tion City to Benton tmumj line, irradiriK ntd nini'ud:uiiuin'4 o.O hii-h; Waihburu & Hall, $45,254. Oakland south, grsuinR and mteada miini; 1.2 miles; John llackeuson, t--1,-305. Ashland to Green Springs road, pav- niir 'i X . Illl !.! ll.kEir IIUIIIT. V ll.tlil.'. vehicle dealers. 470, as ajjainst 50,. w motor vehicles ":!l motoreyrles, IM- ehauffeurs and 415 motor vehiele drsj ers for the same period in IHlx. Kur the motor vehiele divis.on of the Thousar.ds Visit. Ilood itiver people may be over en tlitisastie, in the opiniim of Jvr. '."I bert, but the ieople of the valley esti mated tfat they were hosts to 70,000 people fr.'.'m various parts of Oreicon und Washington last Sunday and Mr. Gil bert is inelined to tiike their word ror it. There was got a hotel, restaurant, HIGHWAY OPEN TO CAR OWNERS "' I I..- ... lirwn Springs road to (. aliloriua line,.' , m , pa -in;r ll.it miles; Oskar lluber, !CONYONVILIE UNIT OF FAClflC l.i. Monroi- to ue emiiity line, ruttin ii i iK h ; Ilenlou enmity, $.!:, U80. t'nnistock I'iivs, i!n;ilin and nn-.-n-vv-m'u.inix 1 mile; A. Anderson, TlotiO. tiold 1 f ill to Joseph rouiity line, rnd inn and pavinic, 12.2 miles. Reheu I'nl vert. 274,204. . Island City to I,a limiide, paving 5 miles, Warren Cimstniel ion loinpnny, .II'.I.IS. lliliibiiro to Korest (irove, paving 4..1 lriles. Warren nnstrnctioii company, !:s,7'.ii. i;ui,'eue to (Inaheii, itiviny 4.!' iiir.es, ! (itiv l'vle, '.I7,W:'. Hate department up to the pn-sent nor ny other place or lie nature in thiip this year reeeipts total 47S,!54. jllood Kiver last week-end that was not .Vi anainst ;'.74,551 .50 for the same jammed to the doors, he said. And oa I the mijhwmy tne cars were sirunc ior i miles, one right after the other and not CONDITION OF WESTERN OREGON ROADS. Roseburg-Peel. Open entiro lmgth, ami iu good con Ution. Row River. Open nml ill Kn(ll eonililion between Cottage drove and Disston, except for about one iiiile which is still very rough, but passable. Ssntiaiu Wagon Road. Closed to all but foot traffic between f'un'inlia and eastern bounluiv of the SiiuliHiii Nnlinniil forest. Should not be used bv vehicles at present, becntiso of several dangerous bridges. Will be in fair condition for travel about July 1. McKenzis Highway. Open and in good condition from Ku uene to lllue Kiver. Fair condition, Blue Itiver to Lout Creek Ranger Sta tion. Closed bv snow between Lost I That the Caiivonville-Oalesville road iu southern Oregon, which is a section of the l'aeifie highway under construc tion through the forest reserve, will be i. pen for traffic part of each day until Ijime 1, and that thereafter the mr.4 jwill be oien for travel continuously, i j tlu information given by the l'ortlnml 'office ot the Vnited States forest. This section of the l'aeifie highway lis being constructed by John Hamp shire, who is rushing the work to com pletion iu an ef fiirt to have it uosolute- ly unobstructed when the lug rush oi tourist automobile travel starts. Offi l. .1.. , .....pl.i. f . . 1 ttPmitl. fiats oi luc imesi M-i c iv f. ly interested in the matter aim nave granted the contractor numerous conces sions and fc'tne to considerable trouble in keeping the highway open. The traetor bearing division ot the Hvntt Hooler Bearings company has is sued from its headquarters in Chicago a service handbook on Hyatt equipped tractors. A feature of the book Is the emphasis laid on the fact that service on Hvntt benrings can he obtained by individuals and garages from the twenty-two branches and 750 distributors of the company in the Vnited States and Cannda. more than a few feet apart. From the Hood River garage the par ty made two side trip into the orchard belt, one of 17 mile, and the mini to Tucker's bridge, the Devil 'a Punr Howl, Dee and I'srkilale over the .Veal Creek r"l. distance of 47 miles. lir. liilbert covered about 3;l) miles on the entire trip out of Halem and says that the jaunt is perfectly sunt-., .j the motorist of this city who wants to hop in the "old bus" Saturday after noon, go "somewhere" and get back Sunday evening. .Highway projects :,(f'onUcued from jxage ono) section, 4. R miles long in the-Oeheco national forest nt an estimated cost C All! 000 In l.n nni.t nn n Aft. Tift KnaiB Creek Hanger Station 1 the summit. jbl,vml tll(. statt. ani Mnu govl,Tn. Grants Pass Crescent City. 'mcnt. Open betwen (limits l'nss and Crea-1 " Eoad Lieg jjj porest cent City, and in good condition, except j fh,, (;,nnts I'uss-Crescent City road, tor a :i nine stretcu noincon ivein.v i.im jruv, i,,i section, 2.4 miles in length Capital Journal Want Ads Will Get Ycu Wtat Yo j Wan! Wuldo and about five milt m on Oregon Mountain, which are rough. Anna Creek-Crater Lake. Open nml in fnir condition between Kliiuiath Kalis and Fort Klniuatli. Closetl by snow between Fort Klniiiu-. ,. anil ('niter l.nke Park. No detouis possible. Should be open by July I. Crater Laka Highway. Open and in fair condition bettvoeu Mc.lfiinl and l"uinn Creek. Closed by .lunv belneen I'niuii Creek and Tars, boundary. No detours possible. SliouM be open b Jul v 1. Riddle Drew. Open mid in fnir condition. Kiddle to( Tiller. Closed by a condemned bridge, bclw ecu Tiller ami lrew. i Wlllautetto Road. Open and in fair condition, Kngene to1 !:ig.lo:i, Closed by snow between Kigdon :nil mi in in i t . Three Rivers. The approach to Three Rivers road is impnsMil'lo through the (iraude lionde j Indian Agency, owing to heavy rains,' .. i..i ),..r.,,-i..r uf i l.o rniid bed. and, lack of nnv surfacing niateriul. It will ' . . . . ' .ii.i i mm.:.. ...... A piiioaoiv he passaeie june i. iia uu is closed for constriictinu Hoik beiwe i liolph nml Helm. No iletour is possible :il preM'iit. Later in the season the l.it-( tie Nestn. a r'nd will be open to travel and the Tiliainonk country can be reach j ed in this e. i Lugene I ioren.ee. Open between Kugene and Ooldson r.nd in fair condition. Closed betweef ("ioblson and Florence by mud. No de tours possible. Should be open Juno 1. This road should not be attempted nt nnv season of the vear except by experi enced drivers. The.ro arc many narrow, long, steep grades and sharp turns, and tew turnouts, on some of the sections. Bcottsburg Allegany. Open and in fair condition between Mlcgunv ami l."n Lake. Closed In- . . i .i.... 'tween I.ioii i.aue anu se,imK, u'o Ito henvv wahiii. bv winter rains ami j the rough steeu nature of the loudbcil. ill is now in ilangerous cmidnioit tor Inagou travel and should not be at I ten. pled bv lv.otorisls. i Alsea River. ' Open und in f:iir etuulitiou between jCoini'lis t.nd Alsea. Closed around I Missouri Head and over Tidewater Hill. I No dcloiu possible. Should be 0hmi iJtnic for light cars. Ror.d is very nar I row and in mnne pbu-es there are few i.letoiirs. Should be attempted only by I exjtorience'l drivers. Barlow-Osk Grove. (tien and in fair condition between roitlaiid and Twinbridges. Closed on . ceount ef snow between Tw inbridges , Sad t'amas frnirie. Will not be Ui-n li..f.,ii- June 15. Auti ii'.obilists slmulil a'w.ivs ,oiiiv their ctinins 011 this road. In case one blaJ of the fan breuKs lit: il i Hsibl to make an emergency re p.ur bv lemoving the b'.sd opp isite the broken one. This bfil;i"ce the fan and, thtvigh it reiliK-es the tl of air. the pari can be use! until a new fan eat! le installed. miles of which lies in the Siskiyou national forest. The estimated cost is 52,.VH. In addition, the agreement provides for a survey to be made of the Kngene I'bireuce road, Work will commence uhout the same lime on the Aloiuit Hood loop road to be const nicted under a similar cooper alive agreement, which the secretary of agriculture signed about a week ago This roiid will encircle Mount Hood ami open up some of the most wonder ful scenic attractions of the north west within a few hours' drive of Portland. WHEEL TRACTORS (Cuut iiued from jiage one) j the oilier two tractors lire bury on other, jobs. This makes your power more elas- tie and speeds up the farm schedule. j Not only is t'tis true iu plowing and seeding time, but also holds g I at harvest time, There lire one Pr two makes of two plow tractors that have ample power at the pulley to run a' good si. -.ed grain separator. While It la; doing so the extra tractors are ousy! hauling in the gmia from the fields er' I hauling the threshed grain to the gran ! I r. iv , and the saving is here enhanced 1 bv the triotors that can haul a good load nt a speed of two and one-half to ' 'three miles an honr, and when returning I with empties can throw the gears into; high and tiavel nt the rate of six lu ;S-ci miles mi hour. ! The fanner must also bear in mind tint there are hundreds of mid power .i"bs thai aie done on the farm every year such ns running the silo (utter, the woodsaw, torn shelter, feed grinder, pumping water and hauling the manure spreader; nay one of these jobs er.n be easilv liainHcil by the two-plow tractor. It is true that one six plow tractor can often he handled by one man, wherens three two plow tuietors will take three nicn to handle. The two two-gong plow is handled easily and conveniently by the mi.n operating the tractor. (Quality in the wearing parts is one of the next things that, must be ti.ken into consideration, and the farmer should insist on knowing what is inside the machine. If the points where the greatest friction or wear comes are not supported by bull or roller bearings, lie must remember that the larger the ma chine and the heavier the load it pulls, the more quickly is trouble coming in his bearings. Possibly the most important factor to the tractor owner is service the ability to obtain quickly expert mechan ical assistance und repair. If service is lacking the tractor owner is not only justly dissatisfied, but he loses no time that one of the main advantages of the tractor to him may be lost for the entire season. If the tractor dealer has a num ber of tractors working in hi& territory he is far more apt to keep on hand eon tinuiJly a sufficient supply of parts to meet the needs of all the farmers to whom he bus sold tractors, than is the dealer who has only a few machines out and, of course,- could not afford to keep a large supply of parts in stock, so would be obliged to send away xu nr. some of the parts that might be needed &t a critical time, thus holding up the work of tae machine, for several hours, if not for a dny tr more. There are undoubtedly many cases in which a mnn's judgment in purchasing a large tmetor may well bo justified, but it would be of considerable intetesi and of great benefit to every farmer if some of the owners of the two-plow tra-lors, at the end of the season, would compare notes wilh their neighbors who own the larger machines nnd let us know the compr rtitive uiniainl of work done by each and tlif expense of opera lion and repairs. Only On 42k OJJ1T one completely new fter-tlt-war ear his been announced since the sisnin ef tlie &i .ntstic. That is the Hew Elgiu Six, embodyuig 36 dis;uict im provements and refinements, developed by E!ia Designing, Engineering and Executive Sf.ffs while the Elgin factories were making war trjekj. The New Elgin Six is uniE?.tcheJ fr Comfort, Dura bility, Besuty and Economy of fuel. With more power, latest body design, handsome finish and line urho4stery, it is year and half ahead of the times and posiir.'ely the best motor car Talue on the market today. Come in and see it. An inrection is wed worth your time. No Elgin buyer has ever regretted his choice. Ask for "Inside InlarmatioB," Sent on reqnest. . New Elgin S ix 1. J ZZTl V 'f, r - Vr fjJ AJr".' ""f'r"rr g';-f- ''f LEE L GILBERT, Distributor s. a. If your battery,- magneto or generator is not work- ing as it should, call 41:1 or stop at 1 The Battery Shop j 263 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. I We can duplicate any battery used on any car with a PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERY The Battery built for strength and durability. Hae your electrical system looked over before the Hot weather begins. It will pay you. .f --- "-4 CORD TIRES THE REVERE CORD.' Tires have no Superior REVERE Tires are Quality Thru and Through IOTORLIFE" Will save you money CLARK'S TIRE HOUSE ::10 X. Commercial St. Don t Delay it H NOTICE We have opened a first class auto radiator repair shop and are now ready to repair bent, twisted or leaky radiators. We make them like new by the factory method. No plugging of tubes or cells. Gas tanks and fenders also repaired. See us before buy- f ing new ones. I SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP j IPS South 12th Street : Bring in that used car and let us sell it quick. Ii you want a used car here are just a few of the bargains we have to offer. 1016 Maxwell, perfect condition- $550. :-4 ton truck express body and top, $300. Studebaker, 6-cylinder, 7 passenger, cracker jack buy. $:75. Buick roadster, $285. A car that will make good 1-ton truck, $200. Model 90 Overland, $650. Brisco touring, first class shape, $575. Buick touring, good condition, $:50. White gas perfect condition, $500. Studebaker, 4-cylinder starter and lights 100 2 Fords, 1914 and 1915, $275 and $375. We have the handiest blowout shoe ever invent ed. Put the shoe around tire and lace up. Pump up and go on. You will have to see it to appreciate it convenience. Guaranteed to run :5000 miles on its own fabric. Sizes to fit any tire, 85c to $1.85. REMEMBER WE WASH CARS. Salem Auto Exchange 229 State Street X CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING YOU RESULTS. I BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS