5250 CIRCULATION (25-000 EEAD03 DAILY) Only Circulation in Sale m Guar anteed by the Audit Burets of Circulations. FULL LEASED WIRE. DISPATCHES 8PECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY kewjj stavica n SI Wea&er Report r Orcm: Tenight ad Patur- dav fair; co!;!,r east portion t- night; moderate southwesterly winds. -PI a . ' ! mm I it m v .w j ri a mm ma mm a s s - FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO, r : oTr txt tt,v ,f.vn s,v. hvWAiaifiii3 TRANS-SEA mum Yankee Machines Delay De parture CVond Leg Of ; Ocean Flight Jvturday, Or Later. ' FIRST TWO PLANES REACh' HALIFAZ IN NINE HOURS NC-4, Crippled By Trouble, Lands At Chatham Naval Station Early Today For Minor Repairs. W i,liiugto. May 9. (United Prons.) Jump off" of tlit navy seaplane nn the second leg of the trans-Atlantic flijht has been postponed until tomor row, the navy department w informed from Hnlifux by radio this afternoon. Conditions Favorable. . Washington, May 8. (United Tress.) - Vivv officials here ndised the trans A t !n fit it- fliers at Halifax er.rly today tint weather conditions nre avort.ble the second leg of the flight. A twenty mile wind ts blowing. The fl'iem were ulso advised that the weath er icny not be so advantageous tomor row. N ivy officials here expected the fli er, in stmt uff from Halifax at any llllllM.'llt. Two Reach Halifax Halifax, X. S., May W . ( United I'nss) The MJ-li ami NjC-1. success ful cu.plnncs in the flight here from liorkaway Beach, X. V., were to leave hen- early today on the second leg of their overseas flight for Trepassey Hai, weather conditions being iavor able. T'ic Xl' 1 and NV-.'l took on enough gasoline to carry them to Trepassey Mn .v immediately on their arrival hero. Tliev were supplied tf rum the cruiser Hallimoro, which nas waiting for them in,' 'the Ihafbor. Cnuinuuidei Towers, chi.if of the expedition, led his men board the Baltimore, where they hnd dinner and went to bed. All were, very tired. Arrival of the cruft whs the signal for .1 great turnout of Halifax resi di'iils and a noisy welcome from har bor bunts. Whistles on shore and in the harbor shrieked and the crowd cheered as the NC3, leading, flashed into view and took the water with n cloud of spray. tshe alighted in the harbor mouth off McXnb's Jslaud at 7: o'clock (Halifax lime), nine hours J i -r the start from uoi'liaway. Ten minutes later the second plane cuine' into view and made the same mom to Eastern bay. ISoth plane came into the harbor in the tueo of n strong wind. ' NO-4 Tunis Back ( I allium. Mns.. Mac . (United Pren) The trnns-Atlaiitie seaplane I N ' I, which became ili-nblod while flying from Kockaway Beach to Hali fax, landed at the naval air station here at 5:18 o'clock this morning. T'ie NC-4 was forced to turn ba-k 'on account of engine trouble, it was stated iby nuvnl officials. The plane lauded here to make minor repairs, af ter wliii'h it will nil for Kockaway Beaidi, N. Y., where pernnnent re pairs will lip completed. According to plans made known , ,, , :,i.l t., Bn mm. nere ,.,e oane w . i.e .., . ..... nM(1 mrt m:M amillIlition train; from Kockaway Ben h as soon as re detachment. 78th di- tho N'C-i "hop oft" on the long jour-.tcrs. one casual company; 1..S casual of ner across the Atlnntic. it will join in,t'r- v....; the flight. Should the plane arrive Transport Powhnttan, St Xa.a re for ..-.. ,i. ...i..... !... . it -,! Newport News, due May 18 with: head- said that no attempt will be made to fi.Hnw them The crew of the C 4 were feeling 114th infantry headquarters; third Dat fit when the big plane glided to the tnlion and detachment supply company; surface of the l.a-bor here ju,t as the detachment 138th infantry; mobile vet first streaks of dawn appeared in the east. A good lauding wa made and the crew was soon quartered at the naval air -talion. The machine carried food sni water and its crew did not suffer for 'ack of thee necessities. DITTO, LTJDENDORFF London. May 9. When the Berlin correspnodent of the London Chronicle attempted to interview General Lndendorfr, he reported today, Lndendorff sent him the following message! "If these are peace terma t ien America cr.n go to hell." VHHsta Bandits Secure 69,000 From American Bank In Raid On Cananea 'Nodules Ann', Mav 9. (United Press) -Vilhsu" band- its raided Cananea, Mexico, at daybreak this Dlorninir ncni.it. iag to word reachins? here at BOOR . Sirtr thousand dollars taken from a bank owned by J. M. ti-ibbs, American consular agent at Cutanea, was the chief loot. The three principal stores were sacked. The commander of the band is not known. Details are mea- ger -but indicated no Americans hud been killed. WILSON EXPECTED TO Senate Leaders Looking For Presidential Opposition On Ground Of Unnecessary De iay Involved. By L. C. Martin (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, May 9. President Wil son is to be asked by senate democrats how he regards the proposal for a na tion referendum on tlie lcHgue Oi na tions covenuut. Leaders today said they expect the president to oppose it, probably on three grounds that it necessarily in volves separation of the treaty and the covenant; that it would cause long de lay in getting the league under way and that it is wholly unnecessary because the' people have mesne of expressing taeir views to congress on the league, and have expressed them. Opposition Weakening. Congressional sentiment favoring a nation-wide vote has been growing re cently. This sentiment increased today among some senators, who .after rend ing the pence treaty summary, believe it will be possible to separate the treaty and the covenant. Senator Hitchcock said today he be lieves those regarding the two as "r-pnr-able will be disappointed. ''Those who delay the league will delay the final peace," he snid. Senator Kenyon, who doesn't oppose the covenant in its amended form, fav ors the referendum as a niei.ns of re moving all doubts that the final action of the senate shall represent the peo ple's will. Kcimtor lioinh, who will introduce a bill providing fur the referendum ,faln Borah Wants Separation. "The treaty and covenant nre separ able if the senate has the nervo to sep arate them. The treaty could then be ratified without delay and the lcaguo be accepted or rejected on its merits." The suggestion was made today tiat the senate might ucccpt the suggested "triple alliance" hetwen this country, France and (.treat Britain in lieu of the league of nations, the alliance to hold good only until opportunity for a refer endum and the consequent senatorial ac tion hud been given. Senators Lodge and Brandegee nre understood to have assured advocates of the referendum of their approval. Saving Of Three Troop Ships To States Announced Washington, May 9. (United Prees.) Trnn'port sailings were announced to day r.s follows: transport Yale. Brest for New York, due May 1(1, with three casual compa nies. Transport President Wilson, Marseil les for New York, due May IM with de- l . 1 :. 1 :..!.! nviatnrir Lrirriwl,- IUI lllllt'lll J-l.UU III "I """',' quarters flth division; hecdquarter, lK,al dct aclimen tt h division; erinary section iui; evacuation aiiinu li.rc company fi7; 2Pth military police company, two casual companies; seven convalescent detachments. CHICAGO CHOSEN FOB NEXT MEETING OF AMERICAN LEGION St. Louis. Mo.. Mav 9. (United ' Press.) Chicago will be the next iiwei- ing plact of the first national conven- tion of the American Legion. ! The convention committee of the Le- gion. in session todav, decided to hold !, .nmiol onnvention there N'ovcmoer .11. 12 and 13. Declaring that the pelice are syste matically deporting members of the negro ra'e from Spokane, prominent nros have appealed to the city coun cil that the practice be stopped. CORONER'S JURY SAYS HANNAH IS SUICIDE Dead Man Attacked Mrs. Stot ler In Jealous Rage Is Woman's Story. A verdict of suicide was returned yesterday afternoon by the jury fail ed by Coroner A. M. Clough to de termine the cause of the death of Jeff J. Hannah, who died Wednesday eve ning at 6 o'clock from a bullet wound m his head. The shooting occurred at the home of Josie SStotler, 860 Trade street, who was also shot in the head but not seriously wounded. The cause of the suicide and attempt ed murder was due to jealousy oa the part of Hannah, Mrs. tSotler testi fied at the inquest. Hanuah had seen another man walking with Mrs. Htot ler and in a fit of jealousy, when in the Stotler yard, he had tluowa her down, chocked her end is a iight in the back yard, had torn a locket and jewelry from her neck. K'nuatt Badly Scratched In tho .back yard fight, Hannah's face was scratched and -bleeding. While she was looking for. the locket, Hannnh went to her home, Mrs. Stot ler testified, to wash his lace. At the same time dt eeems he went to her bed room and took from the dresser draw er a revolver. Later when Mrs. Stotler came to her room, Hannah stood on the threshold of the room while Mrs. Stotler was on tho other side in front of the dress er aud shot her. According to the tes timony of dr. C. II. Robertson, the cailbre shot struck her a glancing blow on the right side of the head, penetrated underneath the scalp and came out on the right forehead. No powder marks were found on Mrs. Stotler 's head. Alter firing the shot which he thot hail killed Mrs. Stotler," it seems that Hannah placed the gun to hn right side of his head and fired, as his face was powder marked. Tho shot pene trated the skull, ranged upward thru the upper part of the brain, 'bift did not penetrate through the scalp. He lived two hours after shooting him- sof Threats Often Made Other witnesses. wort celled who testified that iHannnh had said that the Stotler woman had broken up his home and was now trying to throw him down. That he had talked often of killing .lesie Stotler. After hearing all the evidence the jury quickly returned a verdict of sui cide. Mrs, Wtntler will ibe released from custody and nn charges filed against her. On the jury were Ralph Thompson, II. '. Marvin, Jus J. ln grev, Edward Hnrtlev, A'. .Xadstnnok and H. ('. Pugh. , The body of Hannah was sent to Jefferson this morning and the funeral services and burial will be tomorrow. STORES AT SILVERTON AND HUBBARD ROBBED WEDNESDAY Burglars robbed two stores Wednes duy evening, one at Kilverton and the other at Hubbard. The C. M. Wray store of Silverton was robbed of V' pocket knives, fountain pens, a collec tion of razors and a general coltecriott of jewelery, including a hand curved paper knife which had been sent from France, At Hubbard, the store of J. Selioll & Son was robbed of fiO JMH-ket knrves, several safety razors and other hard ware sinal articles. An officer was sent this morning to both of these plaecs to i investigate. There is also a report mat denti'l thieves have been working in the neighborhood of Mnrslifield. FUNERAL OF CARL B. Dallas Turns Out En Masse To Honor Departed War Veteran. Unllns, May 9. Fuueiul services over the remains of the late Carl Ji. Feiiton were held Tuesday afternoon at two thirty o'clock from the familv home at the corner of Court and Jef- f(, t,.(,(.ts miiita,.,, orrf,.r The sorvces were of a and were conducted Jiv Kev. D. A. MacKenzie, pastor of the First Presbvtcrian church of this eity assisted by Kev. Chos. P. Johnson of the Methodist church. Never in the history of Dallas has such a large crowd of friends and rela tives gathered to par their last re- jspeita to one beloved by all ho kuew him and the big Fenton homo was found inadequate to hold the aiscmb jly and the services were held on tho porch, th lawn and the court house grounds across the street being crowd-J ed with sorrowing friends. The body was accompanied to i's i... - :.. K... t... - ....t i ... iiusi i-sung (line- it n iiai.i yi iiuiivi .compose,) of members of Mr. rcnton s ;old comrades in Company L. led by a portion of the old Third Oregon band under the leadership of B. A. Dow ney. The pall bearers were also sol dier comrades of the deeea-ed. being Captain Conrad Htafrin, Lieutenant (Continued on psge two) oftM, RtAiu, fMu.Ai, ti3. rKlUfl TWU UEflTS STINT-FIYf CN"T I . 1 I OTP AUSTRIAN TREATY TO BEHED 'Big Four" Oriers Drafting Of Terms To Be Presented To Former German Allies Ccm enced At Once. : BOUNDARIES QUESTION . PRACTICALLY SETTLED Interational Law Expert Says rroposed Alliance To Pro tect France Adds Strength To League. By Tred S. Fergufoa (United Press Staff Correspondent.) 1'aris, May 9. The "big four" today ordered the drafting of the Austrian treaty to be started. The boundaries ouestion hi;s been practically settled, it was learned. The responsibilities nor- Hon is similar to that in the Ue...i treaty with the exception of the polit ichI aspect. The full text of the German treatv. it is understood, provides that Oernmnv shull recognize the inuliemible inde pendence of Gerinnn-Austrin unless an nexations are aproved bv the lenrue of nations council. By Fred S. Ferguson (United Press Staff .Correspondent.) Paris, May 9. Work on the Austrian peao treaty is rearing completion, it wns learned toduv. The "big four" called in its economic und reparation experts to go over mint details of that section of the pact. Aside from dissatisfaction with tho apportionment of mandatories over for mer German territories on the part of some of the nllieX tho German treutv apparently meets with full approval of the allies delegates themselves. The Belgians have filed a protest with the "big four" against awarding tho Brit ish the mandatory over German Afiicu because of the important part played by Belgium in the conquest of that icgiion. Unofficial reports also have been circulated that tho Italians resent being cut off entirely from man datories. Alliance Defended. Oscar Straus, American iiitornat.uwu law expert, wc.s asked for a Btatenitnt on the proposed ngreement by the L'ni ted States' and (ireat Britain t aid Frame in case the latter is ntiui.rt by Germany. "Contrary to weakening, such an en gagement strengthens the leugi f nr-i lions, being the initial example of the I munition of secret treaties." Straus suid. "It is necessary, just like the Monroe doctrine, due to the peculiar conditions of the country most directly concerned. France is the greatest bltffi ier from the war. Most likely she would ngnin be the worst if Germany should repeat her nttiick. The proposed agreement is n complete vindication of the league's principles." Abe Martin We're goin' t' find out how artificial a whole lot o' affability his been when th" saloons close. A rejected suitor alius marries too soon. IM DDFCQ DITTFD ULULM HU.00 UllILll Q ON TREATY COMMENT One Paper Views Treaty As Overstepping Blackest Expectations. Berlin. May 9. (United Press) The Berlin press was unanimously bit ter today in denunciation of the peace terms, an official outline of which was published. "Acceptance means poverty, hunger and slavery," said the Tages' Zeitunj. "The terms could not tie worse." "Wilson's fourteen points are invis ible," observed the Tsjlische Runds chau. "The most humiliating point is the demand for tho kaiser's surren der." "The treaty oversteps the blackest expectations," according to the Ta?e blatt. "The delegation must do its ut most to change the terms." "The entente, who, through Wilson, prated of justice and rights of people, is unmasked," declared the Vorwaerts "Wu may be forced to sign through fear of hunger, but we will refus in wardly. We Jiiust trust the interna tional proletariat to bring real peace" "Compared with the Brest-Litovsk treaty, the terms are moderate, " said the radical Fieiheit. "But several parts are in violation of Wilson 's four teen points, " Italy Peeved Wren Excluded From Administration Of Colonies. Rome, May 8. (United Press.) Italy's exclusion from tho apportion ment of mandatories ovor former Ger man colonies has created tho most pain ful impression hole. "It is-inr4ieable, since Italy for mi.lly asked for a mandate,' declared the Epoca. "Italy renounced compensations un ibj' in tide Mil so she might act as tho mnniliitory for East Africa," snid the Idea Ma.iouale. "This had practically' been giunted, but Monday the 'big' tnree' excluded Italy." The Epocn also sees the peace terms as containing the possibility of engen dering future wars. "The treaty contains gorins of new and countless wars," the newspaper said. "It is. not likely Germany will re fuse to sign, as the economic isolntion she would face would mean her death. Wilson is still unalterably hostilo to Italian claims." ''The terms are linrd and will not bo accepted without a fight," is the opin ion of the (nornalc I) Italia. "Jiut (ienni.ny must sign, as she cannot es- npo her fate." SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR Commercial Club Committee Reports Slow Progress In Fund Drive. If the business men want a big Fourth of July celebration bad enough to go down in their pockets and con tribute, there will be put nn the great est Fourth jubilee ever held in the city. If they do not, there will be none, At the meeting of the column ..! Inst evening at tho Commercial dull tin re was considerable doubt ns to whether the merchants really wanted a big Fourth. As it takes $3mt) to put on a proper celebration, and tho merchants nre supposed to pay for it, there was some doubt, from the fact that the com miltee soliciting funds had not met with n very liberal response. The office holders at the state house were not inclined to be interested In what Salem did or whether there was any Fourth celebration in the cnv. one office holdr drawing down tnno a year subscribed 2, and another who' is on the state payroll for toOO a year kicked on giving anything, hut finally came across with t-'.iiO, The general opinion of the state house employes is that the Fourth is none of their rw.si nessand if Hnlcm wants one, let tho loin merchants pay for it. Notwithstanding the rr.ther pessimis tic view by some members of trie eom miltee, arrnngements are going right ahead and today the chairmen of sev eral committee went to Portland to ar range for air'danes and to see those who will wr.nt concessions. The finance committee reports that already Mud hss been raised and it feels confident of bringing the total up to UmiO, the amount necessary. It was siiguested that if the auto mobile firms would like a littie extra advertising, thr.t each offer a tire if a rar the agent handles happens to win (OontiaueJ on psge two) Borah Would Tirniigate" Self And Leave Ranks Of G.0P. If League Approved . - Washington, Mav 9 (Unit- ed Press) Senator BoreV, Ida- ho, today publicly announced that if the republican party surrenders" ou the league of nations he will "fumigate" himself and "get out." " Borah made his statement in a letter to James T. Williams, Jr., of Boston, in which he said: "If the - republican- party could even through defeat save the sacred traditions of Am- erica, preserve American insti- tutions and maintain uninipair- ed the dependence, and the un- trammelled sovereignty of the republic, it would reuder a ser- vice, second not even to its he- roic service uuder the leader- ship of the blessed martyr." GARRISON ASE TO CO TO JURY LATE TODAY Mental Responsibility Of Girl Slayer Is Single Point At Issue. Scuttle, Wash.. Mav 9. "She belongs in an asylum, and not within prison as a crtiuimu." So declared Defense Attorney A. B, llilen St. noon tndnv tit fulilrA.sini rue nry which la to determine tho fate of : ----- j - - 18-year-old Ruth Garrison, slayer ef Mrs. Grace Storrs. Prior to the opening of court this morning, Attorney Thomas Askren, also "What becomes of the exchange of of counsel for defense, gave the first g du run tees mentioned in the funrta intimation that the defense would not pointf Despite Wilson fifth point, (!er ask for absolute liberty of the girl, .many loses her colonies and rights la Under the instructions the jury can Africa." find her not guilty and at the tame RAutiau'i Stand Upheld, time declare her not safe to be at large. I "Count Brockdorff Hantzau faithful- jly interpreted the.... feeling of the em Seattle, Wash., May 9. Unless sched pirc aud the government," continued tiled plans full through, the fnte4f Ruth J Sehicdeniunii, "when. he said that w Garrison, slayer of Mrs. Grace Htorrs,wi!l examine the terms with good will, on the afternoon of March 18 in the The government earnestly wishes a just tea room of the Bon March, will be in peace." the hands of the jury about 4 o clock this afternoon. Deputy Prosecuting At torney Charles K. Claypo'ol began his aildresB to tho jury at KiilO o'clock (his deepest point in the fall of Germany," morning, after counsel for state and de-! he said. " 'Yes,' or 'no' can lead us fense had agreed upon two hours argil- 'lower until we face utter annihilation, meiit on each side. Deputy Prosecuting w ith no hope of getting up. If the eol Atlorney John 1). Carmody will divide i lateral conditions are in the same spirit their two hours as suit themselves. the main conditions we will face tha Thoinas M. Askren and A. H. llilen, tomb of the German people." counsel for the defense, mr.v divide their time evenly. Clavpool opened for the state and be will be followed by Attorney vrllen, for the detense. llilen will be loiloftuit bv Attorney Tskreu and Carmody will man peace delegates, quotes llerr Uiea close for tho state. berts as saying: Jury's Task Simple. I ''We must make peine with Kussiit The jury will have a single question 'and Invito Russian troops into Gcr lo determine and that is Huth's mental ninny." responsibility at the time she planned I H""" Lnndsberg is quoted by the c sti vclinine sulphate in Mrs. Stores' fruit respondent ns follows: cocktail. There is no question as to I "The terms are beyond tho most pea the commission of the crime, for tV s'liuistic. forecasts. After our observa voniig dol'eiiilnnt ccjinly admitted the tinns tho only alternative for us will b murder on the witness stand with a answer yes or no." wenlth of detail which will long remain in the minds of those who heard her j confession. The jury will be culled up on to decide one iinitinM -ilid Rutli (Inrrisbn know the difference between rinht and wrong when she ended the life of the woman who stood betwetn her and the mini she loved! The Inst witness to stop down from II,,. Ml,,.,. I U'H llr I.1-,...!, M 11 .l pronounced himself u diagnostic inn, and ,',"B "7 ' ' , M't who was ral to the stand by Prose-' h,,l,,w 7"" '"""""Th t ctor Carmody. He was asked to n-he WIW 'l"' T" "'.'l i"1 "Ttl,! swer for the s.nte the hpyotheticnl que,"1'!''""1 ""i ZU!k tin,, propounded bv the defense. S,rol.d ou s.de ag.un wh.ch threw it back- Bourns declared that, in his opinion, I If nth Gaiison was "mentally respnnsl bio lit the time she poisoned Mrs. Ktorrs. Bootlegger Is Given Five Days la JaiiAnd Fined J100 If you liuiiiM-n to liave a few dozen bottle, of 01,1 ( row, place 'lieu, m tho garret of tho dog house, chain a vicious dog thereto and when the officers come around looking for booze, warn them to keep awny from the growling dog. This s the plan attempted by II. J. Mutchler of Htayton, but it did not work. On a hunch given by Constable Henry Hmith of Stayton, Sheriff Needhnm aud Dep-1 uty O. 1). Bower went to Htayton to look into the bootlegging proposition. They wont to the home of Butchle, and while the officers were searching for t nn loriniiiien DM crow, Mutchler kept naming them to kep awnv from the dug. The 40 quart bottles were finally found nicely stored away in the garret of the dog house and the dog was there on duty protecting his quarters. Mutch ler acknowledged having the booze aft er the officers found it, although he hud strenuouslv denied at first hr.ving any thing of the kind on his premises. He uH'pnred before Just ire Uuriih this aft ernoon and plead guilty. The justice sentenced him to spend five days ia jail and pay a fine of SUM). Nino ubmnafn ehnters en rnnfn to Bremerton from the North Atlantic, ar- rived at Kverett Tuesday. USSR SPIRIT OF DEFIANC Enemy Delegates IsstrcctcJ To Make Counter Prepssls And Demand Oral Discus sion Of Terms. SCHEIDEMANN DECLARES 14 POINTS ARE VIOLATED Veiled Threat Of Resistanci Seen In Proposal Of Ger man Envoy To Seek Aid Of Russian Soviets. Berlin, May 8. (United Press.) Tha government has instructed its delegntr to mske counter proposals' and eluiat the right of oral discussions, dectaied 1 Chancellor Hchic.lemnnn in . .t. ... ; "We are fienlinir with an enemy blinded by selfish policies," ho said. -Referring to President Wilson four teen points, fichiedenmnn asked: He charged the allies with being 'blinded by selfish policies." "Versailles toduv represents ta Russian Alliance Proposed. Berne, Mav 9. (United Press.) The Versailles correspondent of the Berlin Tuges Zeitung, interviewing the Ger- Monmouth Man Painfully m Injured In Wocdsaw Kixup ' (Capital Journal Special Service.) Monmouth, Or., May P. Mr. Vntlllpa was very painfully injured Thursday while sawing wood with his gasoline , V . r' " ' ". I . .. was struck by one of tho jaggeu lueih which Incernted the cnlf of one ot hla legs nud scratched him up considerably in several other places. KILBANB PICKS WILLARD AS WINNER OF CHAMriON8HIP GO Cleveland .Ohio. May "T pi Jess Willard to win the big fight from -v ,,.. Johnnv Kilbane, fer.th- nrW(,i ht ,.,,Hm)in, t()ld the Cnited p todav mB J" prediction in spite of ,. .hat wnuM rRth(r Demn- y wi thfl fiKnt(.. RUbane said. "I hpifve R Rpmpsey victory would be for hfl w in,cr(,,u of the boxing game, ,,Ht j tBnnot overcome the feelinu at Wjl8rd will still he fonnd h hPavywPiKht champion after be ani i)omp!M,y KPt through. I do not say wil be a knockout." LIBERTY BOND QUOTATIONS " N'ew York, Mar P. Liberty bonll quotations: 3i.j' OS. 72; second 4 ', 04.00; fir.t (1.7. SO; secoml 414 's 94. (IS; thirst 4'i's 95.14: fourth 4V 's H.06. Berry growers and farmers of Clat sop county will gather at a nnquci as 1 i.l.rU fi.r 1 (. when blisinese and farmers will discuss berry eultnra and market conditions.