Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 08, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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The Stock of Builders Hardware, Paints, Brushes- Granite and Silverware
at the
Spencer Hardware Co.
Will not last much longer so prepare for your present and future needs now
in 50 foot lengths Axe Handles, Special at Single Trees, each
$7.50 25c . . 45c :
In oil, per gallon Boileis, special offer In sizes and
$2.93 $6.45 32x4 at
16-inch Cut, $12.50 AN ITEM Screen while it lasts at
li-inch Cut, $9.50 3c Per Foot
LLIX'TRlCfAN' wnntd rwt class wir
ulao . Address 2T2 cure Journal. 510
lKtl! &AJ..K Shetland pony; wilftuke
liberty bonds. Vy 07, Moia. 510
TO IiKNT M odern f u rui-licd
incut. 010 X. :om'l.
iTkono M'ill.
A. C. broon- sow.
ItMt SAI.K Choice cIocUd wci corn.
Phono yiJI'll. ' . ' 5-9
H.'lEKr for sale, also s-'td potatoes.
Addro.-s C. K. Mclhvuin, Gorvnis,
lit. I. 0-8
WANTED Large tent, must bo reas
onable and in good condition. Phone
U34W. 510
1VR SALE Team, harness mid wagon
.1. I'. Aspinwall, Brool, Or. Phone
.;3K12. 510
V'AXTED Capable fcii-1 for general
housework in f'Hinilv of four. J'lione
009 or call 130 K.'lTtli 6l. 59
1KMI SALE Sheep dog, i months old,
just right to stsrt training. 8 A
fare Journal. 0-8
V KI.UuW Icnt seed corn, ano 1000
lognnberrv tip for sale. Phone Go
1". ' 5-1 0
VANTKD About loot) feet f owl
pil e H or 3-4 inrh, also wstor tank
filMJ til MM! gallons. I'bonc" 0'ii'it. 510
i.iAl.i;ii'. ioii SSAI.K Twi ivv 7.v
Inini lines, two Klemi.Ji does, ant
youngster at 33c eacli. 1'l.one I'JiMi.
':i!l M'O Oak St. !"-
iH-MtOAIV Am moving to my acre
n'e, w ill sell my six room modern
bungalow, fine location, half "Hock
to ear line and paved street, rant
fiont, built iu fixtures, fiue garden.
13 frutt trees and berries; small
narn alio cinenen ijiun.
prs and cement walks,
1'lior.e 2415
S 10
Taere i3 an American Service Behind
Gnien Watches.
Ajijt Gruen tan be Repaired
SUm tA Pal. Crun irhnt trmin AmrfnMtWa
MrfiMMmllMllA S
vcniTHiN wav
We are Salem 'i Exclnsive
Jewelers and Opticians
ISVV. Ciiriie, Mate aad Liberty hi.
i IT-
n hi co.
FOR HALE S room house, burn and
garage, 3 acres Inud. on cailinc and
pnvod atrvi't, a 'bargain. W. A. Lis
tou, 4S Oourt St. 510
YVANTKD Lady for housework or
would consider married couple for
work in ti pic orchard. A. H. liitch
field, Kt. o, box 92, .Saleui. Phone
90K2. oh
FOR SALE 43 acres of splendid riv
cr bottom lund for hops or berries,
J'L miles from Independence; forms
Owner, Thos. A. Roberts, 314 Ma
sonic bklg. 5-810
M.ONEV to loan at 6 percent on ap
i - ....... ii. i- .... '
ptOVPU sceilliry. noose nor imir uu
cosy terms. 5 room house and 8 lots
with burn and fruit to exchange for
lund in the country or will take a
pood ituto in fart paymnt. W. A.
l.iston, 4H4 I'ourt St. 5-H
VOb AI,E 2N5 aeres in I.iun county,
splendid building; 170 in (food fall
crops, 1 mile to Pacific highway and
town; crops go with plane if gold by
July 1st; one of the few bargains,
$:,"' per acre; terma. Owner, Thos.
A. Roberts, 311 Ma.son.ic folds.
Cadilliie truck l!47.")
Keo roadster 373
Cadillac touring car 13
KrnnMin $700
American roadster V'j
Million (iarage, l'hone Ml
TO KX( IIAMiK For a 0 or 7 room
hrue close in, a beautiful. S room
bimgulow ami lot 5O-"O0; fruit;
near car line. "Client waiitiujt to
buv a 6 or 7 room modern bungiilow
on' paved street. List your property
with me. H. Had. tiff, Jlaynf
1ddg. 58
00 acres on bottom, 3 miles out On
Rivt,r roa,i(.i23 per acre; good terms
Y. take crop, this is good.
33 acres 5 miles out, good improve
ments, fine family orchard, WiOO. 18
acres crop, balance stump pasture and
timber. This won't last long. Take it
40 acres all in oats, a "fine house and
barn, modern; choice .family orchard
of 1 ai re, .right at milroad station, 8
miles from (salcni. 9000; good terms.
71 acres, 50 in hearing prunes. This
i mime niy, f-JOO per
2t'4 acres, 2 bearing prune, 1 p-inere sent to ivt.iloiiia for a consign
ples and cherries, 1V4 logsns, 1 straw- j meat of baby White Leghorn chicks
berries; fair house and barn, 1 , who h an ivel in due time. They were
miles from city limits. A snap, idJZOO ; about a week old, and on opening the
Oct I' R .iioney's worth in house ef- j crate one of the -birds startled the con
fered by us for quick sales. We deliv- i signce household by ttraigbtening up
er the oods. letting loose a series of shrill crows,
1AUM II CrATT DC 4 1 TV lA l 'ust u' '( t t'"'"1 knew bo belonged to
JUnil II. UVVI I UL ALII ,U. i the spurred sex. end came from the
404 5 Hubbard building
4S0 acres of good land in Jifferw.n
ennnty, Oregim; 1.W acres in crfp,
40 bend good grade Durham cows
and 1 registered Durham bull; fsrm
...l and
barn. V':. mil from school; fine
..l.c to run cattle, for 0-'O c.i-h.
Act qui'-k if yon wani si wsrgmn.
S.-e adv. manager Journal..
If. Frank Pautmeier was found in
dvirig condition in his orchard near
AH'sr.v but Haturday. Knife wininds
on h fcodv Jed to th elief thst bo
stabbed himsiif while iii-anc.
29 State Street
If you -want to buy or aoll a
ear come and see me.
19lrt Maxwell, perfect condition
3-4 ton truck express body and
top $300
Ntudchaker, (i cylinder, 7 pass-
enftor, erackerjack buy, $375
4 Fords, 1913 aud 1917 models,
:VO and 35S
Buick j-oadster t283
A car Hint will niako gooj 1-ton
truck, i200
Model 90 Overland fr"0.
l',i ton truck trade for touring
Brisco touring, first clasi ahnpe,
Studebaki'r, (food aiew, JoOO
Buick touting, good condition, $330
o htiTo tho uiedieiiM) for tiro trou
ble Lots of otlicm, come nnd ace D
Open till 9 evening'
- Phone 807
10 acres; a highly improved, sightly
home, 9 room new house, basement,
bath, toilet, large halls and closets.
Spring water to .house und barn; 2
acres timber, jfood family orchard
and (berries. Improvements cost more
than rrico asked for property. Own
er must ibe in (Seattle Haturday; if
you want this come get Hutv. I'ricc
3000. John- II. Mcott Jtealtv Co.
404-3 Hubbard Wdg.
t CitvNews J
A group of about IS junior and sen
iors of Willamette university were en
tertained by the l'liilodorian Uterary
society in, their hull last night and a
very enjoyable evening upeni. The lit
tle one act farce play ''Graft", was
put on under the direction of Knlpli
Thomas who played the leading (part
and made a decided hit. Howard .Molt
was on hand with bis one-man "jazz"
band, and Tasker was on the pmgruni
for a short talk. Light refreshments
were served at the close.
Anyone who has ever met up with a
real live aliforaian knows what is
mesnt by the "California spirit." A
a re on long iniiai miuipic oi ii iiirneii up receui
ilv over in .South Walern. A ladv over
greiit state of California.
The first steps in the movement for
a grand obrvntion of the 73th an
niversary of the founding of Willam
ette university were taken ly the i..i
mereinl club yesterday afternoon, when
President Carl (1. 'Doner appeared be
fore the body and outlined the scope
tnd plun for thtiig celebration, which
.t is hoped will call together hundred"
of former students and friend,; from all
(-" . u-e,,.,
aentt d a request that the club get back
... . ...
!'' the publicity end of the affair and
Isliould get into the hands of all old
settlers and former residents of Salem.
Thi,i the club cheerfully agrerd to do.
'.Vork is already under way through
Prof. Ihdla Onwdrr Miller on a rplcn
ir.d historic pageant to be staged in
connection wits it.
frincip! Nelsod, of the high school,
who attended the ehampior.siip debate
at Kiiiii-ne last nifjit and acted as one
of the judges found himself eon--r-ing
a very ret;tlle contest, froth
sides showiujr fousiderable merit. The
subject was "Revived, that the Veil
ed states should advocate internatioa
al police for the league of nation."
and the aemi-of filial contest was be
tween Eugene and Corvallis, and be
tween Bead aud Ashland. ugene woo
in the former round, and Ashland in
the latter. Tonight the winner con
test for the championship.
BestOB 2
New York 2
(Tenth inning)
Jietif and Wilson; Dubite and Mc
Carty R Jl K
Philadelphia 15 1
jHrooklva ,-. 2 7 0
I Watson and Cady; Pfefi'er and Oroe
Iger. I st. Louis 2 5 1
I I'itNburg 4 8 0
!herdell, llorstman and Snyder;
! Hamilton and .Schmidt
I t'ineinnati-Cliieago postponed, rain.
I American
I Washington 0 9 1
I Huston 3 5 1
Johnson, Craft aad Agnew, 1'icinich;
Jones and Walters
IXew York - 2 7 2
jl'hiladelohia 0 1 4
j tihnwkey and Hue!; (Jeary and Mc
(Avoy. Chicago 4 JO 1
IClevcland 1 f 2
I Cicotte and Schalk; Covaleskic and
I Detroit St. Louis postponed, rain.
j Supt. J. A. Churchill is spending
several days in Multnomah county vii
jiting public school.
of Real Property on Foreclosure
Xotice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an execution duly Issued out of
the circuit court of the state, of Ore
gon, for tho county of ilarion nnd to
me directed on the 29tU day of April,
1919 ,upon a judgment aud decree, duly
rendered, entered of record and docket
ed in and by iid court on tho 14th
day of April, 1919. in a curtain suit
then in said court pending, wherein
J. L. Quirk was plaiutiff, and Martin
P. l'inckney, Klizabcth R. Heise, B.
J. Caldbeck, R. B. Ryan and Lizzie
V. Ryan, his wife, Southern Pacific
company, a corporation, United States
.National Bunk of Palem, Oregon, a
corporation, Kred Ochcvler, l'acifie
Mutiwl Life Insurance company of
California, a corporation, were defend
ants in favor of plaintiff aud against
said defendants by which execution 1
am commanded to sell the property iu
said execution nnd hereinafter dwar rib
el to jay the sum due tho plaintiff of
fifteen hundred (fl300) dollars, with
interest thereon at the rato of 7 per
cent per annum from the 1st day of
July, 1917, until paid less the sum of
15 before paid, and tho further sum
of 120 attorney's tees, together with
the costs und disbursements rf said
suit taxed at $29.73 nd eosts and ex
pense of said execution. I will on
Saturday the 31st day of May, 1919,
at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m of said
day at tho west door of tho couuty
court house in tSalem, Marion county,
Oregon, well at public auction to tho
highest bidder for cash in hand on
the day of sale, all the right, title, in
terest and Cftato which said defendants
aud nil persons claiming under them
subsequent to the date of plaintiff's
mortgagn in, of and to said premises
hereinbefore meiitioned and described
in aid execution as follows, towit:
Beginning at the northwest corner
of bit number ten (.o. 10) In block
number eighty two (No. 82) in the
city of Salem, iu Marion county, state
of Oregon; running thence cairly,
along the north line of staid lot, eighty
eiiht (X.n feet: thencn southerly Dftr-
aliel with the west line of said block,
seventy two (i2) feet; thence wester
ly, parallel with the north line of said
block, eighty eight (88) feet to the
west line of said block; thence north
erly, along the west line of said block,
seveufy two (72) feet to the northwest
corner if s-aid Uwk and place or Tie
ginning. Said sale being made subject to re
demption in the manner provided ty
Dutrd this 30th day of April, 1919.
Sheriff of Marion county, Oregoa,
tiy O. I). Bowers, Deputy.
First publication May 1
Last publication May 29.
In the Circuit Court of the fitata of
Oregon, For Marlon County
Joseph Schmid, plaintiff va Henry
Rrebs and Bophie Krebt detendants,
To Henry Krebs and Sophie Krobs,
iu the name of the state of Oregon,
voj are hen bv reijoired to appear and
janswer complaint filed against yon in
Itho above entitled suit oo or before
the 2i!d dsy of May, 101ft, nnd If you
fail so to appear ind am.wer the said
complaint for want thereof the plain-
tiff will apply to the court for the re
lief prayed for in his complaint, a tub
stantial statement of which is as fol
lows, towit. i
First: For the sum of 1114.75 and
interest thereon at the rate of eight
per cent per annum, from the 1st day
lof November. 191 1, ana the s'im or C-o
jspwial attorney's fees aud the costs
land disbursement of this suit.
' Second: That the Usual decree may
Ibe utiulv for the sale of said premise,
J towit: Beginning at point en '.lie
least line of 13th street in the city of
.Salem in Marion county, Oregon, which
'said point is 183.5 feet south of the
south line of Nebraska street in Said
'eity nnd running thence easterly and
'parallel to Nebraska street 130.18
feet to the alley; thence northerly
nl'ing the west line of said alley 73.5
feet; thence westerly and parallel to
(Nebraska street 136.2 feet to the cast
line of 15th. street; thence wutherly
along the east line of 13th str"et 73.5
ft-et to the place of beginning) ty the
sheriff of Marion eftnnty, Oregon, ac
eordiug to law and the practice of
this court. That tho proceeds of sa'4
sale may be apieil .o .u-j payment
of the ameunt doe the p.atniiu and
that said defendants and ail porwina
claiming ander them subsequent to the
execution ef said mort& on said
premises, either ae parchaeers, incum
brancers, or otherwise may be barred
and foreclosed ef all right, claim or
equity of redemption in said premise
aud every part thereof, and that tie
plaintiff may have judgement and ai
ecutioa agaiwrt said defendant j aad
ewch of theiu for any deficicnty which
mar remain after applying all of the
fproeeeds of the sale of said property
ur premises properly ajpucabl to u
atisfa"tioa of this decree.
Third: That the plaintiff Lave suet
jother and further relief in tho premis
es as to the court may seem meet aad
That you are further notified taat
this ummon i seTved npoa you by
publication thereof in the Capital
journal, a daily newspaper, printed
and published in the city of Salem,
Marion county, Oregon, and that the
date of the first publication ef tail
summons is the 10th day of April, 1919,
and the last day ef publication thereof
will bo the 22d day of May, 1919.
This summons is so published and serv
ed upea you purenant to the order of
llonnrftblo Percy R. Kelly of said
court, whieh order was made and en
tered of record in said caue on the
3d day of April, 1919.
Attorney for plaintiff, Salem, Wre
gon. 5 22
Xotice is hereby given, thut the un
dersigned lola ti lesson has filed her
final account a8 administratrix of the
estato of Thos. ttleason, deceased, in
the comity court for Marion eouaty,
Oregon, and said court has duly vt the
time for hearing objections thereto and
the final settlement thereof, for Mon
day, Juno 9, 1919, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m. of said day in tho court
room in said court at ISalem in said
couuty and state.
Uatcd this 24th day of April, 1919.
Administratrix of the estate of Thos.
OlcaMm, deceased. 5 22
No. 14370
Iu the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Marion Ootmty
Department No. 2
P. O. Regoway, plaintiff, vs K.
Rogowny, defendant. Summons.
To K. Rogowny, defendant:
Iu the name of the state of Oregon
you aro hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in tho above entitled cause, within six
weeks from tho date of the first publi
cation of this summons, and if you fail
so to answer for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
tee rolicf demanded therein, towit:
For an order dissolving tho partner
whip existing between plaintiff and
defendant under the name- end style
of tho Independent Meat Market at
Snlcm, Oregon, and that tho business
e.ffiiirs thereof bp. settled; that a re
ceiver be appointed to take ituinedUte
possession of the property of anid firm
and eell the same and apply the pro
ceeds to the iwymeut of the debts and
expenses of said firm pro rativ togeth
er with tho expenses of said receiver,
and tho surplus, if any remaining, be
divined equally netween piuintur ann
defendant, and for such other and fur
ther relief aa may appear meet and
equitable herein.
You are hereby further notified that
tho summons in thii cause is served
upon you by publication thereof by
virtue of an order duly made by Hon
orable tieorgo (1. Bingham, judge of
the above entitled court, on the IRth
day of April, 1919, which said order
requires the summons. in this cnuse to
be published once each week for six
consecutive weeks, in the Daily Capi
tal Journal, a newspaper publinbed at
Salem, Oregon, and that the date of
the first publication thereof is tho
24th day of April, 1919, and that the
date of tho lust publication thereof
will be the 5Ui dnv of June, 1919.
Residing at Halem, Or. Attorney for
plaintiff. 0-3
In the County Court of the Stat of
Oregon for the county of Marion
In the matitor of the estate of 1'runlt
Harding, decoaoed.
Xotice is hereby jriven that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator with the will annexed of the
above entitled estate, upon ancillary
letters of administration having been
issned and as such administrator has
duly qualified, according to law. All
persons having claims ngninttt tho es
tate are hereby notified to preitent
same duly verified as by law rcquireil,
to tho undersigned at 503 flerlinger
building, Portland, Oregon, or at 306
U. H. bank ouildiug, Halem, Oregon,
within six months from date hereof.
Dated and first published thig 17th
day of April, 1919.
Administrator with the will annex
ed, of the ewtata of Frank Harding,
John C. Wiilloek,
Attorney, 5"3 OerHnger bidg., Port
laud, Oregon. 5 16
t The Capita! Journal
J Daily Market Report t
Wheat, soft white 3.10
Wheat, lower gradss oa sample
Outs aClfiR.ic
Hay, cheat . $24
Hay, oats 123
Barley, ton T2
Mall run . - 3jr;44e
liuttcrfiit 5W
C'reamerv butter - 57(58c
Fork, Veal au4 Mutton
Pork on foot AHn 19c'
Veal fnney 17c
Hteers i(u 9c
Cows .... OfriHc
Spring lambs r 14
Ewes 5( 7e
hheep, yearling ...10ft l2cj
liggt and Foffllry
Lgg. caih 38e
journal -Yant Acls
Quick Reference To Firms That Grrc Sendee On Short
Where Buyer And Seller Sleet We
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salem El ec trie Co., Hasonie, Temple,
oner Commercial and Trado at reels
Bills payable monthly la advanca.
Float 60S.
FOR SALE 120 acres of No. 1 land
located 8 miles from Salem, on good
road, in good location, good house
ad bara and other buildings, farm
implements, 4 horses, i cows, 5 year
lings, 50 hrad of hogs, round 500
cords of wood ready cut, all at
bargain. Write M W care Journal.
FOR SALE A good double team bar
nesa, will trade for hay or grain,
or will exchange for good dry wood
See Square leai Realty company
Phone 470 '
2 acres all cultivated, good house,
lots of fruit; $2000. easy U-rms.
84 acres all in crop, on paved road,
close to falcmj $2000, teruis if de
sired. 10 aeres all cultivated, oil fenced, 3
miles out, oaly $1300.
10 acres; good modern house, logans,
prunes, family orchard; $5300.
12 acres all in cultivation, fl room
house, 2Vj acres family orchard, 1
miles from fialem; $3500.
8 acres; 6 acres, in prunes, in
peaches, logang between; it acres in
maple timber; the best of river bot
tom, on graveled road, just the place
fur an investment that will bring
returns, only $1200, easy terms.
15 acres, 6 acres in 7 year old Mer
ries, 6 in 7-year old prune.., 4 straw
berries; louse, barn, close in; $3750.
18 acres, 5 acre, logans; small house;
8'ii acres timber, close in, $380u.
4 acres, 10 cultivated, balance tim
ber pasture; hotufl, barn, family
fruit; $2250.
20 acre, ltd miles from town, trade
for Salem residence not over $1500.
15 acres all cultivated family orch
ard, acres strawberries, 6 acres
grain, 1 acre potatoes, family gar
den, 5 room house, barn with hay
fork, fruit house, wood shed, chick
en house; best Muck gravel soil; close
to school; equipped with stock and
tools and all household furuituTo,
70 acres, 50 tillaMe, 1,000,000 feet
aaw timber; will trade for acreage or
Hiilem residence and assumo inort
gngo or pay wish difference.
For best buv see
Buyne building
HAT BLOCK I NO J elean and block
ladies' and Men's huts. Just re
ceived a bat renovating machine. It
gets tho dirt, Try it once. C. B.
Ellsworth, 495 Court Sit. Salem, Or.
Hens, live 28(3,30c.
no cuoaiers -
rJtags 22(d.Soc
Mtrnwberries... $4.00
Radishes, dots 30c
Khubarb 3c
Potatoes $1.85
Onions, local . $3'
'ireen onions dox -tOe
Cabbage , b'j(o7VC
Turnips il 8 4e
Head lettuce - $2.75
Beets - . 3'je
Wlnesap apples, box $30
Celery, crate - $M
Oranges $-"'7?7
Lemons, box $A(34
Bananas . Vc
California grape fruit $i(oM.25
Black figs lb. lfl((i)l!e
White figs, lb 19(.(20e
Package figs por ti 60 pkg $4(90
Hcoey, extracted E0
Retail rricea
Eggs, dozen . .. - 45c
Creamoty butter 65c
Flour, hard wheat $3(0,3.15
Portland Market
Portland, Or.. May ft.Hutter, city
creamery, fi5(o.5(!e
Eggs selected local ex 41(ii 13c
liens 00c
Broilers 40s
Ueese UtaUQc
Cheese, triplets 35(1 37c
Receipts 107 .
Tone of market sfeudv
licit steers $l3$13..r0
(iood to choice sters $11(211.50
Medium to good steers $9.'i0(ul0
Pair to good steers $H(o .9
Common to fair steers $7.50(3$
Choice cows and heifer $lodi II
,...i to choice cows ard heifers
.uum to good cow and heifers
fair to medium cows aad heifert
$5(n 5.50
Cnnners $3(fi 4
Bulls $.i.50(u 8
Calves $9fn 12.50
htockers tnd feders $0(u 8.50
Receipts 5.U
Tone of market steady
Prime mixed $20.2.V 20.50
Medium mixed $20fu20.25
Rough heavies $18.25(11 18.50
Pigs $I8..W 19.75
Bulk 2i).2.'i(a 20.50
Receipts 722 " i '
1'nuiC lambs $11415
-liabi 120
137 North High..
of piano, a new and logical awtk4
for both pupil and taache,. nsakuif
clear all basin principle teseary
to a musical edueauoa, aad givtaa
the "music teacher" something m
teach. 421 Court 6t. fheaa 352.
For bargains ia aew and aeaaadhaal
goods for the house, furniture, rang
es, heaters and stoves, ros, sewing
machine, graniteware, dishes, suit
eases, trunka and tools. We vast
your old furniture and stovos, will
pay you highest easa pri. rtue us
last. Peoples Furniture Star, t7
N. Commercial St. Pbona XH.
N0 CASH REQUIREDGoed eveseoat
shoes and suits, all kinds of mwiia
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat
ing stoves, gas stoves, suit sines and
1000 other useful articles le sB or
trade. What have yonf The Capital
Exchange 337 Court St. Fhaa 4M3.
liard parlor is now open bmWi asir
management fend it render ya aadi
the general putdic a eongcaial alac
to pass away a few leietut hsaas.
Tho basement of Oregoa I)etn
depot, corner of State and High
Phone 628. Wm. Livoek, )p.
50 years experience, Depot KsrMsraaa.
and American fence.
IS lies 26 to 5s in. high
Paints, oil and varnish, et.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Bnlcm Fenro and Stove Wash
250 Court street, Phone 124.
J. A. Rowland Furniture Slcre
Buys, sells and exchanges aew and
2d hand furniture. All hiada f
repair work, sight grinding, ;,
and brazing a specialty. Itkt
prices. 247 North Commercta) (.
Phone 16.
refuse of all kinds removed a esowta
ly contracts at reasonable sHI.
Cesa pools cleaned. Dead aausauly re
moved . Office phone Main 11.
On Good Real Estate RnsasMf
Over Ladd A Bash bank; Balexa sioa
ecnt interest. Pronit aervisa.
years time. Federal farm loaa hoiMUi
for sale. A. C. Bohrnstedt, $91 Mv
sonic Temple, Salem, Oregva.
formation about Life Insantaa
J. F. Hutchason, dist. aawia far
the Mutual Life of N. Y., afaa tt
371 State St., Salem, Ore. -w
phone 99, rcstdonc 1.1M.
BOP Ll:E, expert laaadrymaa. 43
Ferry Bt. 1 pay top market trie Ibr
chickens and Eggs. Offiee 9
13.19J, residence 133.U.
Our Prices are Riglt
W. M. ZAKPLER, Propttataj
1255 ST. Hummer Street, Salem, VvToa
- . ... - . . .. a
just installed a machine that w.t3
shnrpi'n lawnniowers the sum In fe
factory puts them out new. W&if
all yonr light repair work ta a. Ai
vin B. Stewart, 347 Court Bt. Dnt
- . - ! a
ALL kinds of auto ispairing hy a ear
perienccd woikman. All wesb jtimr
snteed to be satisfactory. feHMaThah
er repairs a specialty. D. K. loir,
203 N. Commercial.
McCornack hall on every setjty
at 8. P. Andresen, O. . W. J,
Kuntit, K. R. S.
ROYAL Neighbors ef Amerisa, ica
gon Orape camp No. l.'IdO meet T
Thursday evening In MeOraMh holt
Elevator sivvico. Oiaxde, Msa. Car
rie E. Bonn, 61ft I'nioa St; aeeo
der Mrs. Melissa Persons, J4C N.
4th' St. Phone 1430M.
; Oregon Cedar camp No. 6$ tm
i every Thursday evening, I 'olaok
1 in Mc'ornack hall, ove Mroyert
' store. Ray A. Graat, V. C; X. A.
i Turner, clerk.
tly No. 84 meets every Thasmfeg at
8 p. m. In Masonie Tempi. Chma,
C. Nile M. A; O. A. Tfhbert,
secretary, 340 Owens street.
Fair to medium b.mbs $131 Jttl
Yearlings ll(.i l2
Wethers '"U