THE DAILY CAPITAL JOUKNAU SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 8. 1010. fAHE FfVh NEW TO. i NEXT ATU JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING HEDHU IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS DAY RDAY Is CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISIHG RATES Kate per word .New Today: Eaeh insertion 1 One week ( insertions) 5e One month (26 insertion 17c The Capital Journal will aot be re sponsible tor mors than one insertion,' for errors n Ciasfied Advertisements Bead your dvertisement the first day it appear and notify us immediately if rror oeura. Minimum charge, 15c. FOR ALE Piano. Phone 1902M. 5-8 FOR SALE Loganberry tips. Phone 373- , tf JAS. LYON'S, practical painter. Phone TO. 5-16 WANTED All kinds of ehlekena. Will pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf FOR plowing or orchard work with traStor, c&U 17F14. 5-28 WANTED 1917 fiVo passenger Ford builv. Phene 310. tf FOR SALE Milk cow, 4 gallons per day. Call H7K24. 5 12 I BOY young calves. C. C. Bussell, Phone 3F3. tf 5 ACRES eloso to West Salem for sale or rent. loue 64F4. 59 PIANO for sale, 623 S. ISth . Enquire after 6 p. m. 5 9 FOR 8ALR Milk eow and empty bee hives. Phone 53E6. 5-9 TO LOAN $500 to $1000 on good se curities. 319 lluubard bldg. 5 8 WILL pay cash for second hand piano at 415 Court St. 5 9 A GOOD wheel, new tires, can bo seen At 1230 N. Liberty. Phone 888. 5 8 BIIOB shop tor tale cheap; doing good business. 1280 Stalo St. u-12 W, HHA.VMR well driller, phone 827 J, 1165 Jf. 19th St., Balem. Or. 6 6 WANTED Electrician . Thone 1265. 58 WANTED &rl I lady for House work. Call 6So Center street. 5-8 GOOD team for sale cheap; also some splendid rsjibits. Phone CM. 10 FOR SALE 30 head goatt at $2.50 each. Phone SF4. 5-10 FOR SALE! 3-year lease on 195 sore , farm. Gee. Doerfler, Shaw, Or. Rt. 1, box1 47. 518 FOR SALE Ford chasms, A-l condi tion. Inquire for Reed or Kllnjjer at Ed Blessing ' billiard partors. tf FOR SALE Auburn tonrlng ear, in first da shape. Highway garage. J1AVE your roof repaired, cleaned and tarred. For particulars phone 1446. tf 40 ACRES good berry and pruLS land for gale. Will sell in small tract, or whole piece. Phone 2381J. 5 19 FOR SALE 2 lots with good 6 room houw!, garage, family orchard. Phone 800. " tf HAVE your roof repaired, cleaned and tarred. For particulars phen' 14-it. It WANTED-Loan of $500 on real es tate, Rood security. Call at 247 N. Commercial. tf WANTED To buy mohair. East Sa lem Tannery, 25th and Oak 8t. Phone 21 COM. tt FREE BOOKLET 'Care Baby Chicks' 544 State St. Telephone 400 Headquarters for baby chicks, tf FOR SALE Three quarter ton truck. In first clasg shape, $200. Highway garage. tf FOR SALE 10x14 new box tent, cost $37.50, for $25. Also small gent's gold Hampton watch, $20. Phone 10x4. -, 5-9 WILL pay spot cash for good 5 pass enger ear; must be in A-l condition. What have Tout Write to A P care Journal, giving full description. 5 10 FOR BALE Modern residence at 1370 State St. furnane, fireplace and built in Cash or terms. Write Oeorgo U. Poet, 434 Harrison St. Portland, Or. &8 StHH SI WE LOAN MONEY FOR LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE OM THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. . HAilLNS AND 314 Masonic Bldg. FOR SALE-A good 10x14 tent. Call 23-i3 S. CW1 St. a 8 flX.iKR shoe sewing machine for sale! cheap. 44 Ccnrt. 3 g ; LO-ST Round pin set solid with tur quoise, one stone missiug. Leave at Journal office; reward. 5-8 j FOR SALE 100-egg incubator for $9,1 been used verv little. Phone 81PJ5, Jl. M. Magee, Rt. 5, Salem. 5 8 1 LOST Screw cap on gasuKue tank of ilitchell car. Return to Journal of fice. 5-8 "J GENTS hunt taa suit. six 40. slfl .Society Cleaners and Overs, 1272-1 State St. " 5 9 FOB SALE Six room modern house with garage; a snap at $1400. F. L. Wood, Baync bld. 5-9 FOR SALE 10 acres fine loganberry land four miles out, $1400, F. L. Wood, Bay no bldg. 5 9 WANTED Party to raise potatoes on shares and to clear land, Inquire 152 8. Church. 5 10 PARTY known 'who took tire and rim off a Ford. Please return 785 H. 19th to avoid trouble. 5 9 FOR SALE 5 room modem tortage $700; terms. Call room 304 Hubbard bldg. W. H. Norris. , tlf FOR RENT 5 acres, all la eultiva tion. close to car line, fine vegetable land. Socolofsky, Bayns- bldg. tf FOR SALE-r-Modorn 6 room bungalow See Chas. Hubel 355 Chemeketa. 6 22 WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf FOR RENT Two nice, clean furnish ed rooms 292 N. Church St. Phone 522R. 6-9 CLARK "3 seedling strawberry plants (Wo a hundred, $5 a thousand. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front. 5 9 FOR SALE Or trade for Salem prop erty, 60 acre farm, 45 acres in cul tivation. No buildings. Vddress O care Journal. tf A BARGAIN For sale a concrete mix er, one half yard capacity, in good working- condition. Inquire 1740 State street. . ' ' 5-8 "NOTICE .Wanted, hauling contracts, have new 2 Hi ton Day-Elder truck. Inquire Marion garage opposite Ma rion hotel. Phone 362. 5-12 50,000 TO 75,000 Italian prune trees for fall delivery. Fruitland nursery, 1V4 miles east of state penitentiary. Phone 111F21. Rt. 6. Salem. tf WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill ran for sale, at a bargain. Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South High St. rhone 14O0. tf GOOD rooming lions to lease, 30 rooms partly furnished; will lease very nioscnable. Inquire 506 X. Com'l Mt. or phono 1549M- tf WE PAY highest cnh Vtie fnT W' pnrk, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Co., 171 S. Uih St. Phone 14(H). tf TO THE PUBLIC The office hours of the American Ruilnuy Express com pany, commencing Monday, May 12, 1919, will be 8:30 a. in. to. 5:30 p. m. 3-8 ONE acre home for sale, cn e:isy terms or exchange. 8 room modern, house. On paved street near car line and school. All kinds of fruit and berries. Address M care Journal or; phone Owner 2440. 5-7 HOMESTEAD in Canada foi $125. This includes fare to Alberta; board, tiwveling end locator's expenses.1 Fine mixed farming district. Partic ulars at my office, only. C. W. Nieuieyer, Masonic building. tf MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PA-. PER MILLS, 42c HOUR, 8 HOUR j DAY. SEE MR. H. A. SW AFFORD i AT MILL OFFICE ACROSS RIVER j FROM OREGON CITY. GOOD HO-1 TEL . PROVIDES CLEAN BEDS . 20c; BEST MEALS 3.'c. ' tf j BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS LOM - 6 FIVE YEARS. WE AL ROBERTS Salem, Ore, 2M, Saturday is DOLLAR DAY BUNGALOW APRONS LADIES' WAISTS' Made of good quality Made f rom ' ' " J1.00 Standard , $1.00 Striped Dimity Fercale " : LADIES' KITCHEN APRONS made from . LADIES' TAILORED Gingham and Per- iyO WAISTS, slightly 00 cale, 2 aprons for mUSSCd ' DRESS GOODS . Il&itds1 checks sincl LADIES' SLEEVELESS stripes, 2 yards . Jl 00 SUP-ONS, blue for--' - yarn fancy $1.00 C0TT0N VESTS for sum mer wear. tl A( LADIES GAUZE VESTS Sleeveless, 5 for SLSfirfTr im TOILET SUNDRIES wedr. o lor n i- o1 Combinations. Six oz. bottle Ponds Extract INCENSE BURNER with 2 large cans $.09 American Incense Talc Powder r ,:a fl 1 Aft " """" ' pine woods incense.... LADIES' SILK HOSE "Ironclad" white brown or $1.00 Palm Beach .7 LADIES' BLACK COT TON HOSE "Ironclad" $1.00 3 pairs for You Can Always I FOR SALE 10 seres with house And I born. 3Vj miles south of Salem. I See owner 350 State. 5-12 FOR SALt; The W. J. Ouher farm, 101 Vi seres on Salem and Macleay road, terms. Phone lW.V.V,or S1F 25. M. M. Magee. Rt.5, Rnlem. ii 10 LAITY left with me to sell, light sprinjf suit, size 40; would eoi $i;0, new, been worn 4 times in southern Cali fornia, $17..0 will buy this su't. 1272 State St. Society Cleaners. 5 FOR SALE Good stock farm, tonsist inj? f 1'W) Seres, (rood honse, 2 jrood barns, lots of Rood out range, plenty of water, and about 40 acres in hay. LL ABGAR22 Fait THE, BARGAINS Do Better At Must be sold at once. Address, if interested, 226 care Journal. 58 PRUNE ranch for sale; 10 'acres bear ing prunes, 10 acres in cultivation, Liberty district. If taken soon $300 per arre; terms. Phone 15J9M. 5 12 WANTBI team weighing about 120O, 4 to 8 years old. Address T H (are Journal. 5 8 LADY solicitors wanted: write Deni son. 222 N. Liberty rt. or phone 7M ltweea 5 snd 6.30. 5 13 WANTED Tieasy radiators to repair, Halem Auto Radiator shop, 198 H. 12th. 6 6 A. TEIAT MTAIDS 1ME I 1 W a . MEN'S POROS KNIT Union Suits. Jl (V) Sizes 36 to 42 ' , Men's all Linen Handkerchiefs JQQ :i for IRISH EMBROIDERIES 3 yards $1.00 for : ; TOILET PAPER Good quality, put up in large rolls Jl 00 12 rolls for WOOL POPLINS Plain colors. $1.00 36-in wide, yd OUTING FLANNEL Colors, pink and ' blue, in stripes $1.00 and checks, 7 yds LADIES' ROUND COL lars of fine organ die in blue, rose and white. Trimmed with double row of val $1.00 lace. 2 for CHILDREN'S UNDER wear, vests, drawers and union suits. H of $1.00 either garment PURE MERCERIZED Wax, with Lustrite S 1 .00 nail enamel Men's Linen Collars $1.00 5 for Train Leaws 9 a. m. Stops Ranging 8 p. m. ijQiiar WANTED Experienced delivery driv ers, middle awd men preferred. Peoples f.ih Store. tf FUR RENT iKiirnished aid unfurnish ed housekeeping rooms, to pallid! without elulilrcn. inuirc after 4 p. m. .r,2 H. Church. 5 10 W)K SALE By owner, two modern houses, 8 and !i rooms; will taie uit in part payment, some ti rtris en Lri 1 ance. Tel. l.MtnM. if MAN of wide esperienne, recently dis charged from army, wisbes to serve as secretary r correspondence clerk. . '-omplete sntisfaetion given as to character and qualifications. Ad dress 223 ears Journal. 5 16 fW Train Leam 9 a. m. jUilB fi At the BIG ST0R We are the "Originators" of the Dollar Day in Salem A few items a "DOLLAR" will buy Saturday All "Meyers Quality" Men's Shawknit Hose $1.00 3 pairs for Lace Net 6 yards $1.00 for LADIES' WHITE KID Gloves. A clean up on broken sizes $1.00 per pair CHIFFON CLOTH 40 in. wide, all $1.00 colors, per yd LADIES' COLLARS AND Cuff sets, voile and organdie, trimmed , with neat val lace and . hemstitching $1 00 2 for ' LADIES' ENVELOPE Chemise. Embroid ery trimmed $i.oo at v CURTAIN SCRIM White and Ecru scrims. Limit 10 yards to a custom- $1.00 er. 5 yds for PEPSODENT TOOTH Paste, with Cal Cit rus Cream, Wood bury's Facial Powder and Danderine Hair Tonic. Entire $J Combination TaBaiM 1 1 r-T You Can Always Do Better At WE buy sell and oxel.nnge autos and parts of auto. If you have a ma chine to dipe r( bring it in anr! we will nell it (or you on commission Give us a rial . rSteinbork Junk h Auto Wrecking Co. Phone 305, 32''. N, (V)m'l St. tf WANTEI Position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor. IteH ref erences, g od euok, neat. clean, re fimd. 2'il eiro Journnl. 8k: FOR SALE Nearly new 7 romn, mod crn bungnlow; firejilare, gas, javc mciit, large lot, garage, fruit, ber ric, convenient and sightly located; $2iXN). Address Box 32. Phono J(.0 if. 0 li Boys' Bib Overalls Ages 3 to 8 $1.00 29-in.- Percale. Strined Patterns. Black, blue and Brown. 6 $1.09 yards for . Children's Handker chiefs. 3 Handker chiefs in a box. 6 Pft boxes for . LADIES' KID GLOVES In assorted shades, Sizes are broken $1,00 Per pair ..... BLEACHED HUCK TOWELING, 18 inch wide. Soft Finish 8 Yards for $1.00 LADIES' COLLARS AND Vests of voile trim med with lace, tucks and hemstitch- $1.00 ing, 2 for MODEL BRASSIERES Heavy Lace $1.00 Trimmed CRETONNES Beautiful Cretonnes in new designs $1.00 2 vards-for 3 Cakes 4711 White ROSE GLYCERINE Snan with nnp inr Pompeian mas- $1.00 sage cream V CHILDREN'S HALF Mercerized white trimmed in colors $1.00 3 pairs for Broken lines of INFANT'S HOSE $1.00 6 pairs for l"OI SALE Furniture, dresser, Eng lish china dinner set, common diehes, croking utensils, garden tools, ga stove, rugs, pictures, drapery, eoucU cover, lamp shade, curtain stretcher,, fruit jar, jelly ulusses nnd other ar ticles. l,i H. l.,th, near cjtate St. 5 M HORSES FOR SALE The uniL'riigncil will receive sea'eil IriiU for ono tcsm of horses, weight atKiiit 2!'H pmind". now nscd by tho city of Halem in tho fire department, up to 5 o'clock, p. in. Mav 19, 191!). ' EARL R.U -tJ. 5 12 Sty Aeeorder. (Continued on page seven)