Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 08, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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fce Down Early
Hear Our New
Orchestral Photo ,
Player Pipe Organ
It's About as Tame as
a Bunch of Wolves
Fighting a Bunch of
Wild Cats
Rex Beach's
"Laughing Bill Hyde"
It's another "SPOILERS" A trenendcrs drama cf the Alaskan Go d Fields
Who says:
"I ain't one of these here mov
ie cowboys that can jump on a
horse from a fer distance. The
kinda horses I ride ain't there
when you jump."
i " s j
j: i'- !
if?- "NrV I
IS.: iv
. J!
Better be Careful About Your Kidr.cvs
(By X. B. ClKiK, M. It.)
Kods taken into the slums' a go thru
various rhvmical changes, and sun nt
tkoe ihitiiscs are otMins ths- must in-
it'tcd out an 1 a spoed of. It is the
dutr of the kidney to do th's. When
the kidneys do not fully perform their
vital work, death mar be only a fear
hours away, Happily, nature has pro
vided warning alarms tolling people
when'theur kidneys are not well. Thee
warnini.ni eome ia the form of dragging
ruins m the small of the tack, weak
stomach, low spirits, thills, nausea.
headache, scanty urine and frequent
desire to pass it, short breath, numb
ness, cramps, coated tongue, bad
breath, puffs under the eyes, thin blood
dry skin, ringing in the ears spots be
fore the eyes and many other symp
toms. All eome from the one cause of
kidneys that are not filtering the pois
ons out of the system. To overcome
these troubles. Dr. Pierce, of.Buffato,
X. Y., compounded what he calls An
unie Tablets. .Xo other kidney medi
cine ia its equal in giving relief and
reestablishing healthful work in the
kidneys. The treatment is very sim
ple as you need nothing except watjr
when taking Anuric Tablets a glass
of water with each tablet. This wa-dt
es and flushes the kidney while the
medicine itself is dissolving the uric
acid poisons and driving thtm out.
Anuric Tablets are niado double
strength, so that they dissolve uric
ai-id the same as hot water dissolves
salt or sugar. Most people need Anurie
Tablets because most people Lave ura
acid. Better get that poison out of
your body for safety's sake, and bet
ter begin today.
To gently and agreeably coax the
bowels back into normal activity, take
Dr. Vicrco'i Pleasaut Pellets. They
are just as good for eostiveness as his
Anuric Tablets are good for kidiie dis
orders, and that is saying a great deal.
a a !i! 0!ii
miiing Din r ai smis
i Ye Lifoertyi
Clean Taste
(Continued from page oue)
a equals. Thut represcuta tho range,
of tho Oornians' emotions in their first
appearance at Versailles since 1871.
Deepest silence reigned in tho con
ference room at tho Trianon Palace
hotel litis afternoon after the alied dele
gates had been seated.
As the doors opened, signalling the
approach of tho enemy representatives,
an usher, resplendent in a blue uniform,
preceded them and cried:
" Messieurs loss plenipotentiaries do
L'Alleninngel "
Thrusts Agitate Clemenceau.
Count Brockdorff-Hantaiu, his face
aslien whito and his eyes rimmed with
dark circleB, was the center of tho Ger
man group. His hands were clasped in
front at urms length as ho slowly Uowcd
his head. It was not a bow of greet
ing, but one of abject resignation.
The Germans took their seats and lis
tened with unchanged expression to
Premier Clemenceau 's speech. When
When Brockdorff-Rant7.au rose to reply,
his hands trembled. His voise was
husky and uncertain. The German in
terpreters initiated their own system of
translating by sentences.
As he progressed, the county became
moro certain of himself and his voice
grew stronger. The atuche who trans
lated his words into English bitterly
emphasized bis thrusts at the allies.
It was apparent tlir.t some of the
delegates had been prepared to be
bored, but as tho speech progressed a
buzz of conversation passed around the
table where the nllied delegates sot.
'Expressions . of surprise appeared on
.some faces. Clemenceau showed open
displeasure at some passages. But not a
muscle of President Wilson's lace
! moved.
omething of Timely ji
t to Mothers
We have a largeand complete stock -of Boys' and Girl's "Play Suits", they
are of good weight and just like their daddy's only made to cover them all up.
They come in dark Blue trimmed in Red, Khaki with Red, and Blue and White
stripe, also in medium light Blue in solid colors.
They are made full and roomy, double stitch
ed and heavily reinforced at the critical points,
good length of sleeves, and fully finished
throughout and are all fast colors.
We have a full line of sizes in all four styles, and it's especially desirable
to get your wants filled right now, as the weather permits the children play
ing outside. They will save many hard hours of washing, it's wise policy to
invest as the time saved to say nothing of the bad effects and - aches you
avoid, and have more time for important work. You cannot afford to be
without them.
If Bishop ses them, they are Always GOOD
Salem Woolen Mills Store
For a Sprained Aiikie
As soon as possible after tho injury
is received get a bottle of Chamber
lain's Liniment and follow the plain
printed direct (" 'which accompany
tho bottle.
EE 10
Wedding Of Maior A. A. Hall
And Miss Jessie KoIcoir.b
To Be Solemnized. .
EE ililD
Miss Jessie llolcomb of 1210 North
Capital street und Major A. A. Hall of
Portland, assistant to tho adjutunt gen
eral df Oregon, will be married at 7
o'clock this evening at tlic, homo of
Miss llolcomb s parents, Mr. ami Mrs.
W. B. Holcomb. The? ceremony will bo
performed by tho Kov. W. C. Kantner
of the First Congregational church, and
will bo witnessed only by immediate
Major Hall arrived by automobile
this noon accompanied by two of hi
military friends. After tho wedding
tho party will drive back to Portland
this evening. The major has already
prepared and furnished a homo lor his
bridge at U2 East 47th stroet, -North,
Portland, in tho part of tho city known
as linso City Park. However before
settling down to housekeeping Major
and Mrs. Hall will spend a short Honey
moon visiting Meattle and other Hound
Before the Mexican bolder troubles,
Major Hall was a corporal in Conipuuy
M of the Oregon Xr.tionul Guanl and
went with the company (is corporal
when tho regiment wus culled to tho
When the Oregon Guurd was organ
ized Citrporul Hall was elected first
lieutenant of what was then known as
Company D, of which A. T. Woolpert
was captain.
When the battalion was orgnuu.
Lieutenant Hall was elected captain anil
later when the regiment was organized,
Captain Hall was promoted with the
rank of major. After a few months
service in the Oregon Guard, he was
transferred to service with tho same
rank, to the Oregon National Guard.
Ho is practically in charge of tho of
fice of Adjutunt General May with the
rank of major and assistant to the ad
jutant general.
Mitts Holcomb was born in Ohio but
has lived for the past years in Rulem.
Both Miss Holcomb and Major Hull
have a host of friends in the city. The
B. Kearney,
e Corner Building j
Salem's Greatest Women s Apparel Store
Several hundred fine Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Tub Silk Batiste and Yoile Blouses
selected for this sale at very low prices
It seems incredible that fresh, new blouses of splendid materials should
be selling at the price of far inferior qualities yet these actually are. The
reason our New York buyer, ever on the alert for opportunities to exploit our
"Sell for less" policy, hastened to take advantage of a most unusual offer in
the blouse market. And even at that they are below wholesale cost.
Delightfully smart with their neck lines, crosswise pleats, touches of
hand embroidery and beading. There are models for all types-rail sizes. New
est colorings.
May Sale of Waists and Skirts
1 "
New and pretty Georgette Waists, regular $5.00 values, special $ 2.95
Batiste And Voile Waists
$2.00 values, sale price $1.48
$6.00 values, sale price $1.73
$7.00 values, sale price :.$5.75
$7.50 values, sale price $6.23
$9.00 values, sale price $7.75
$10.50 values, sale price $8.50
$12.50 values' sale price $9.00
$4.50-$3.00 values, sale price ..$3.'
May Sale of Ladies Fine Dress Skirts
If you need a skirt buy it now and you save money.
Manv Smart Models for General Wear, Including
.Taffeta Skirts
Gabardine Skirts
Serge Skirts
Povlin Skirts
Novelty Plaid Skirts
Striped Skirts
Belted Skirts
. Pleated Skirts "
Tailored and Dress Skirts
Reg. values $ 5.50, sale price....$ 4,
Reg. values $ 6.00, sale price....$ 4,
Reg. values $ 7.50, sale price....$ 5,
" Reg. values $ 8.50, sale price. .. $ 6,
Reg. values $10.00, sale price....$ 7.
Reg. values $12.50, sale price....$ 9,
Keg. values $lo.00, sale pnce....$ll,
Reg. values $18.00, sale price....l4,
May Sale of Silk Petticoats
We are known far and wide for our vast assortment of Petticoats, and in our
buying we always plan for wonderful sales, just to serve as a reminder that
we are the Petticoat store of Salem. On sale beginning Friday two hundred
Satin Petticoats arranged in two groups for your inspection.
Group 1. Group 2.
Black and Colored Satin Tetticoats Black and Colored Satine Petticoats
regular values $1.50 and $1.75. Sale Cotton Petticoats. Values $2.50
price Sale Price
. May Sale of Silk Petticoats
$1.23 $1.95
One hundred Petticoats of Tub Silks, changeable and plain Taffetas. Some
with Messaline and Jersey flowers attractively shirred, tucked or gathered.
Reg. $5.00 values, sale price....$3.45 Reg. $6.00 values, sale price....$4.98
Reg. $7.00 values sale price....$5.75
Get Well
IT is indeed hard to stand at one side
while the stream of life flows by. A
man or woman condemned to sickness
that does not permit him or her to per
form the active duties of life, to do his
or her share of the world's work, U a
pothetic tiiure deserving of sympalhy.
Much sickneis, pain and misery
result from disordered kidneys and blad
der. Failure of the kidneys to io their worll
firoperiy and fclter tmpuriliM out ol the blood
ca J. to rheuiwic paio.. bickache. lore r.iclcl.
Hill of twoilen ioioti,pyliineM under eyet, float
til tpecki, I ii'WMieu, bladder wrabnetl, orrw
Cj.net, or other lymptuoa of kidney tro-ille.
LrweffectHrtfc rcoifM!i'cni of the trouble
f r ihey f'rcRjt'.t'.ert tid inviriorite weik or
f'cnt.'.J r.!Lfir:i id H!p I'lem to ncrr al
(jftct.n;rn o ih t'oo! it re in ia ptirilfd
Haiti the ciJ c.f ti.iwuic removed.
F. M. Piefte filrrkemsn), Sec'y. 8w!tcHfnn
Ur'on, 5' j i.-Iairc St., I corit, 1. 1., rite!: 'T vO
t.frttl.". ol P.-iey Ktiiney Piiii re icvd tiiitynsEr
tjoii tfry luUncy and !jU3tkr trouble. np?: 2
t&t b.k tche and pmt, corroctin knin-.y
lotion, c.csrinjj ftvercuons. I am m'tto IreaiioJ.
t'iiriiacH aid ttonting gpecka bc'orj my tyc.
f.ley Kidfiey rMia curtd rc and bar sir
icaruurt nMwmmcdauoa."9f
J. O. Perry rf
wtMhliiitf phiriH hitvH I"1'" kt'pt an nl-no-
luto mrft wit Hfin.eliow Homebody told.
nml todny Mi mi !iotoinh lint been hit?
riM'i'ivinif nnnrniliMHtlonn.
- m "
Charges Filed Against
Accident Board Members
Portland, Or., May 8. T-c-y E.
Keclcv, Portland attorney, sent ft state
ment todav to Governor Olcott demand-
inK the discharge of 'hnirniun Heck
with and ('uminissioncr llarsliall of the
state industrial accident, commission.
Keelev ihiirccs Ilerkwith and -Marsh-
r.-ll with condtieting the commission with
!.,. ilisreirard for the workinif man,
and with (playing into the hands of cor
Washington. MnV 7. (I'uited I'ros.)
The following or(jniiiziitions have
l,een assigned to early convoy: Hales
i-ommiKsnry unit 1.11; lmtehers company
iilft; veterinary cxiiruation awtiun o.
8; companies C and D, 528lh en((iiieers;
emnnanv I). 51.1th eiitfincrs! Iieadiniar-
ters third listalion; Seventh, Kilihth and
Ninth comtmriies and third battalion
medical detachment, 20th enKiners,;
. . . 'nitv tT on r nr s irci
evneiiiitKiu hospital Zl anil z.ij sauiiiiry i Li v j, OilLiriitl AljtV i V I O
r,4 and camp hospitals 4- and I1.
When you reel
something's Wrong?
Look Into Your
Habits of Living
Someiimes coffee drinking upsets
one's feelings, though unsuspected.
If coffee disagree, use
A ttn days' trial of Postum instead
of coffee often does -wonders in
determining "what's the matter."
"There's a Reason"