Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 08, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Tradu
Your Mppey's W rtli
aA National Standard at the Price"
New Wirthmor Waists
$1 Effl The Same Price
Auv the Nation over
Here's a new group of those winsome, worthy- white wash Waists of the famous WIRTHMOR make. Splen
didly made of quality fabrics that will withstand repeated tubbings. Every one distinctive, every one depend
able ; every one guaranteed to give complete satisf action ;every one true to its name WORTH MORE for $1.50
Today in the Nation's Style Ceters
New Welworth Blouses
Go On Sale
And today these self same
same Styles will go on sale at
our store. This is an import
ant feature of these superior
Blouses, but more important
and interesting to you is the
fact that they are sold at the
Selfsame price that prevails
in the largest centers of pop
j7fn? I Styles will go on sale at
New Shipment of
Wirthoven $1.00 Waists
First Cousins of the Firttmor
Though these Wirthovej Waists have
been on the market but a short time,
they've already made a host of friends,
tiid they're destined to make a great
manv more here and everywhere. Ev
erybody who buys one is going to buy
mora, for they possess a great many
good qualities that one would hardly ex
pect to find in a Blouse costing so lit
tle, and that make for complete Blouse
satisfaction. Not alone because they
are prettily styled, but because iu addi
tion to this they are SPLENDIDLY
hesitutinly recommend them.
( Continued from page one)
State Street
determine the period wtihin which the
final answer must be given by his ueie
fation. Han Reply Lengthy.
I "I wih to add that when we receive
aay observation from the Ueruuia ueut
gation on any point of the treaty we
shall not wait until the end of the f if -j
teen dsys to give oiir answer. We shall
' at once proceed in the way indicated in
this document."
I The reply of Foreign Minister Urock
! dorff-Bantsau, head of the Gorman eom
) mission, was ef much greater length
than had been anticipated. Possibly
the most sensational portion m
speech was t virtoal demand for iinine
diate admission of Germany into the
j league of nations.
' 'Only if the gates of the league of
I nations are thrown open to all who are
!of good will can the aim be attained
end the dead of this war will not have
died ia vain,'' he declared.
"A peace which mny not be defended
is the name of right always calls forth
! new resistance. Mobody will be capa
Ule of subscribing. to it wits cut.
science, for it will not be possible of
'fulfillment. Nobody could be able to
take upon himself the guarantee vt V's
execution, which ought to lie yt its sig
nature." Mandatories Arranged.
Shortly after conclusion of the meet
ing at the Triuuoa Palace hotel, offi
cial announcement was made of the
"big three's" decision regarding dispo
sition of mandatories over former Ger
man colonies, under the league 01 na
Great Brituin and Frame w ill make a
..joint recommendation to the league of
I nations regarding the future of Tugo-
lauu ami me lameron.
The British will exercise a iiiandaM
over German East Africa and I'leasuut
, Island.
i Japan will control the German Paci
fic islands north of the equator.
I German colonies will be apportioned
among British dominions as follows:
German (Southwest Africa to th Un
ion of South Africa.
German .Samoa u islands to New Zea
land. German Pacifio islands south of the
equator, exclusive of the Samoa us and
; Pleasant islands to Australia.
Slip-On Sweaters
Changeable weather with July noons and October
evenings make May a desirable season for sweater
wearing and in these smart new styles one is becom
ingly dressed on almost any occasion. Note the very
reasonable prices
$1.75 $2.48 $38 $5.75
Women's and Misses good quality Slip-ons in Rose,
Nile, Flesh, Peacock, Turquoise," Buff, Tan, Rasp
berry and King Blue. Made of good quality yarns,
and without sleeves.
Sleeveless Models, $1.75 to $2.4S
With Sleeves, $:5.98 to $5.75
Quality Popular t
Merchandise Prices
Liberty Street
Skin Sufferers
To will alf h w'th relief at tt list
ucl touch ef D. O. D the soothlnf
wukMf alls, aUar of oar ciu toman
trunk for Ui Is ad?lc. You wilt ta.
Trr U. I. O. t rMmlH th. flr.t
"ttto. Sec, too mm) list. Aik for D.D.U,
Mi lotion tbr Shin Disease
3. L . Perry s.
: society. :
A most interesting and unusual pro
gram will km given hv a favorite young
colored musician, Miss Agnes Hfllsrll,
at tho Kirwt Jongrexation church.
i.ky, May Ihh at H:13 p. m. The
program will consist of both pano and
vocal number in which this young rrm
sieian is equally talented. The hitter
part of tliu progrum will be arranged
from compositions by negro compos
era, iu which Miiis Iliilsell is much in
trrnotcd. Hhe is working hard to make
lierself proficient in both vocal and
piano and in deserving of much coin
mendatioii. Tho public is cordially Jn
tiled. The Ohcmeketa chapter, Daughters
of the American Revolution, will give
a luncheon and reception, Saturday,
May 17th, in honor of Mrs. Isaac Lee
Patterson, newly elected vice presi
dent general of the nation ill order. An
effort will be made to reach all wo
men who are eligible to membership
in the order.-
Mrs. Carlton Smith, accompnnied by
hi'r sister-ill law, Mrs. llurold H.
I.ooney of Jefferson and Mrs. 1). II.
Looney, are in Portland awaiting the
arrival of Major (.'nrlton Miuith, who
has been with the mcdicnl corps in
t'riinee, Tho" patty is domiciled at the
.Several sorority dances will interest
the college folk at O. A. C. this week
end, and a number of Salem folk will
go to 4Jorvllia to attend. Chi Omega
will entettuin with its annual dance at
the chapter house rkiturilay night. Pa
trons and patronesses for the affair
will be Mrs. Mary E. i'awcett and
Iean and Mrs. George Peavy, Heveral
Male in girls are member of (hi Omega
Pi beta Phi also will entertain with
dancing party on the same evening.
I he inter -fraternity clnnce will be an
event of May 17 at ). A. ('. More
than a doaen men's Greek letter soci
eties will be hosts for the affair.
Mrs. P. M, Wilkins. state regent
of the Ihtuxlilers of the American Rev
olution left Kugene ycMcrdny for Sled-
ford for the purpose of organizing a
chapter of the order in that city. She
will lie the guest of Dr. and Mrs.
Fred Thayer while there.
Mm. William Kuril lift Kv auto this
morning for a week end visit with
friends in Ruseburg. .''he was accom
panied by her son, Hurry Eeh.
Felicitations are being received by
Mr. and Mrs. A. Reynolds of Portland
upon tho arrival of a son. Mrs. Hey
nolda is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Zosel of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomns WaNh of St.
t'harles, Minnesota, spent a few days
last week, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, F. J, Irons. They wcro much
impresHitd with the Willamette val
ley. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walsh aio en route
to Minnesota ofter spending tho win
ter in ban JJicgo, California.
After spending two years and one,
month in the service, twenty months
of which was spent overseas, ttergeant
Lewis Me Admin of the 3:lst aerial
squadron arrived in Halem last u.gM.
Dr. and Sfrs. Floyd t'tter and two
small children have returned from
three davs visit in Portland.
Dr. R. K. Lee tSeiner ia a guest at
the Imperial hotel in Portland.
w w
All plans have been completed lor
the entertainment in Centralis, from
.1 one 17 to 20 of the annual convention
of the state federation of women's
eluln. The complete program will be
announced about June .1,
The art committee has secured the
Kilts cluhroomt for a display of needle
work, tapestries and china. The fcJks
will hold a reception for the delegates
on Thursday evening, June 19, A pic
nic dinner will he served in the audi
torium oti .Friday night. An elm tree
has been planted in the Mia street
park and will Iw dedicated to the sons
of the fedsratnd club members who
fought in the world war.
V- i
Beautiful Women
of Society, during the past
seventy years have relied
upon it for their distin
vaix-htd appearance. The
Soft, rcflnesl, pearly
renders Instantly, li
always the source ol
nattering comment
Constipated Children Gladly Take
"California Syrup of Figs"
I For the Liver and Bowels
: Tell your druggist you want j;enuiad
: '"Cilifornia Syrup of Figs." Full directions
; and dose for babies and children of all ages
j yho are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue.
coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on
the bottle. Look for the name "California'
and accept no other 'Ti Syrup." " ;
(Continued from Page 1.)
a question that no one can answer with
certainty. The chances are that the
treaty will be accepted by both. Its
terms are hard, but deservedly so."
ht. l.ouis tllobe-Deniocrnt: "The most
cursory examination should Impress one
with the extent of tiermany's disaster.
Yet, K'vcre as tho tprius are, few ran
say that they are not necessarily just In
view of the rnlnssnl calamity which Oer
iiirnv brought upon the world."
St. Louis Republic: "The time con
sumed was not excessive. The agree
ment which was attained Is rrnaraahle
and the result which flows from the
eoiiferetieo will affect the history of
the world in every quarter of it for un
known centuries to come andthis is trne
whtther tho treaty works as It is intend
ed to work or fails "
chances of ratifying such an agreement
are slim.
The attitude here of senators on the
agreement as a whole was shown by
senator Boruh who said he would
make no comment until he had a
chance to study the text of the treaty
itself. Borah reiterated his intention
to try to get congress to authorize a
national referendum on the league of
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Stnyton, May 8.- (Mrs. O. h. Trask
who hn been ill for several months,
was able to sit at the table for din;
ner Sunday.
Mrs. Sarah Cox has returned home
from a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
T. II. Thnmas, in the Jordan valley.
E. W. Swallow, an employe at the
Woolen mills, has teen confined to his
home by injuries' roceived from a fall
while working at the mill.
J. R. Miller left Monday for Me-
hama, where he will build a house for
Mrs. Susan Pen ton. Mrs. Fenton J
long been a resident of Mchama, and
has decided on having a new and mod
ern home iu which to spend the re
mainder of her days.
Airs. Drydeu and son of Salem, moth
er and brother of Mrs. V. A. Uoode,
spent Sunday at the Woodo home.
J. E. Sloper and wife returned Mon
day 'from their two months visit in
California,. Mr. .Sloper says the Sun
Joaquin valley is very attractive and
that if he was foot loose here, would
not mind living there, He says that
there seems to be plenty of money in
circulation there. i
A number of members of the Mason
ic fraternity from this place attended j
the funeral of H. U. Thomas at Tur- j
ner Tuesday. Mr. Thomas was well,
known and well liked here, and a fre
quent visitor to .Suit ia in lode.
Mrs. Mary Fery was in town the
fiisst of the week. the expects soon to
return to Portland to reside, having
rented her Lome here.
The senior class of th high school
is planning an outing of several days
on tne fantiain near Magara.
C has. and Ben Oehlen made a trin
to McUullcy mountain Werhesday. "
V. A. Ooodo made a business trip
to SaTcm Monday.
Mrs. A. C. Peterson wv. in town
the first of the week looking after
business affairs. She has gene to
Gervais to reside.
Henry Smith, who was confined to
his home for several day vith tIiaii.
niAtiltl. ia nnw ulila In )u Am tltn 1
streets again.
David lilies, who has been living in
th.e Alsca country for some time, has
sold his ranch there and has been vis
iting friends here the past few days.
Mrs. Floyd Crabtree left Wednes
day with hex children for a visit of
several days with relatives in the
Waldo hills.
Do You Enjoy Life.
A man in good physical condition is
almost certain to en joy life, whilo the
bilious and dyspeptic nre despondent,
do not eujoy their meals and feel mis
erable a good share of the time. This
ill feeling is . nearly always unneces
sary. A few doses of Chai:T)rrlain
Tablets to tone up the stomach, Im
prove the digestion and rcgultite the
bowels is all that is needed. Try it.
Dallas, Max 8 R. B. Strumway
who was hired at n recent mec.tirg of
the Pallas city council to act as a
speed fdt fleer on the city's streets
this summer presented his resignation
at the council meeting Monday night
and the tame wa; accepted. Mr.
Strumwny's action in resigning wai
caused by a propo-itioa for yearly em
ployment being offered him as a traf
fic official by the authorities of Wash
ington county. While in Dallas tli
officer made the arrest of Henry
Gohrke for exceeding the speed limit
and put a stop to speeding on several
of the principal streets of the city.
For Itching Torture
There is one remedy that seldom
fails to stop itching torture and relieve
skin irritation and that makes the skin
soft, clear and healthy.
Any diuiTgist can supply you with
Zemo, which generally overcomes all
skin diseases. Eczema, itch, pimples,
rashes, blackheads in most cases give
way toZcmo. T rc irT!le, minor blem
ishes disappear d . -' r.ig1' t. Itching us
ually stops instar.tiy. Zemo ia a safe,
antiseptic liquid, cicun, easy to use and
dependable. It costs only 35c; an ex
tra large bottle, $1.00. It will not stain,
is not greasy or sticky and is positively
safe for tender, sensitive skins.
The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland. O.
m-i ' inM!t tmt
(Continued from Tage .)
serve th.i territorial integrity of all J
other members against external ag- ;
grcf,ion. !
Senator oJhnson, California, snid: j
"This very al iaice propositi was ape-1
eificalh- and allutely denied bv the!
prrsi lent recently and I cannot be
lieve bis denial made in the very
face ef the fne's. "
Senator Curtis, Kansas, predicted
Stop dandruff and double
beauty of your hair
for few cents.
Dandruff causes a feverish irritatij
of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, mos
en and then the hair comr out fast.
To stop falling hnir tt onre and rid
the scalp of every pirlcle of dandruff
g'-t small bottle of "Dandorino'' at
xry drug store for a few cents, pour
a lit tl ia your hand an. I rU it inio
the scalp. After several applications
tha hair slops coming out asd yon
can't find any dandrnff. Your hair
nppeart soft, giiwsy and twice as thick
tiiu abundant. Try it!
HpHE Hughes Electric Range effects a wonderful saving over
A- other fuels in meat shrinkagefrequently as much as a
pound on a single roast With meat at from 25c to 35c a pound
. the saving on meat bills each week is a very appreciable one.
The remarkable oven, with walls as heavily insulated and heat-conserving
as a tireless cooker, retains all the rich juices of the food usually carried
off by air currents, and the delicate flavor often spoiled by gaseous fumes.
This is but one of the many unusual cooking advantages of the Hughes
Electric Range. You can bake bread evenly without turning it; roast meat
without basting; brown cake as evenly on the bottom as the top; cook
cabbage and onions in the oven with very little water and no odor at the
imicuuuuiiiin tidier navorea ioou man you nave ever before known.
Think what it means to get resulta like thia, with etwn frs work
than any other method of cooking requires. Think what a relief
w irmi lorever irom ir danger of Barnes or the bother of
Vt ' V carrying dirty fuel, to bo rid d the film of soot or gummy
V 1 aspoaita on range, walla and wocdwork-to hare a dirties rarge
I It nd an immaculate kitchen. The Hughe Electric Rang will
rwu wjiiniencea; ana in addition, a cooler kitchen,
purer air, more time away frcra yoot kitchen.
The Hughs Range has been used and endorsed by the country
greatest cooking authorities, Marion Hania Neil, Janet McKenii
Hill, Ahc Bradler, Mis. Le-ncke-Barkhausen. It has been ap
proved by Good Housekeeping Institute, and given the world'
highest official award, the Psnama-Pscific Gold MedaL Let s
Ml you why it baa woo all these distinction.
r- x m
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--( r -wm. i hi ii wmmnmn
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