SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1919. PAGE EIGHT. (Ll)C 3ailiiiHal Houraal if V I I MEN AND BOY ALWAYS APPRECIATE THE FACT THAT THE J. C. PENNEY & CO. ENABLES THEM TO SUPPLY THEIR WANTS IN FURNISHINGS AT PRICES THAT MEAN A GREAT SAVING TO THEM, AT THE SAME TIME GETTING UP TO DATE MERCHANDISE OF THE BEST QUALITY MEN BOYS Will be glad to see the following: Can always have their wants sup- , pliednote the following Athletic Union Suits AOiIetic Union Suits Of good quality striped and checked 0f checked Nainsook and fine raesh Nainsook' and Egyptian Mesh MrnnA "Ac 79c, 89c, $1.19 and $1.49 Men's B. V. D.'s $1.69 dkS And sport blouses that please at Dress Shirts 59c and 69c With and Without Collars of good ; quality, Percale, Madras and Soisette Play SmtS 98c, $1.25 and $1.49 Of best materials in blue, khaki- drab and blue stripe Work Sbirts tteartim Of Chambray, Khaki and Satine nrt-0 79c, 98c, $1.49 and $1.69 , , ,0 2 for 2oc; 39c and 49c Mens Suits Boy Suits To see and feel our suits will convince We will always fit the boy out with a you of the unusually good values. nifty suit. We have them from $17.50 to $32.50 $1.98 to $11.50 SHOES NOWHERE ELSE CAN YOU GET SUCH GOOD VALUES IN THIS IM PORTANT LINE OF MEN'S AND BOYS'FURNISHINGS AS WE GIVE YOU. fj Incorporated U. S. National Standard Fig Club Holds Rousing Meeting Here Saturday' (superintendent Smith is also a lriilit I cnu?ht no fish. star in 1'ig flub circles. I .a Moine Clark wr.a present at yell iiiHtruew ino.ntg ninny friends with, her gracious porsun allly. W. C. Huppes, industrial field worker for tho state department of edit- full of Tho U. 8. National Standard Via club 1 ' '". ('"' "'. l''" I v u . mn . . . , epiif rums ami uik( or soiut oooit sense. Which met 10(1 Hlrnntf at tnm l.nmmor. .. .. .. ,1.1 ,b,h ,.. I K,?l fi..,i.. 1 .Mr- 1 !:" ul the bumucss pnrtwer- . I slim cxistmir between the mr nri is ill. 'ill only if the bov forgot the niir May 3, wrs lirirn full of enthusiasm Elmer If of h is president of this organ izatinn, Francis Kniith, secretary Irons urer, at J Frank Kggor is vice-president John W. I,. Hinith is emergency assist.' ant county club leader, whilo 0. W.I iiyre la "daddy" of tUo Tin club. W. T. EIGDON b CO. Undertakers 2.V2 North High Street , BOCTETY CLEAVERS AND DYERS Particular work fur purlieu- lar people Auto delivery 1272 State St. Phone 1084 8 id 1 at meal time ho ran expert "tho pig will equeal on him! " Mr. Todd of Fruitlntid, in a clever well told tale, related his mporoneoa Kith experience with razor back hogs in the swamps of Arkansas. J. W. L. Smith Hinted that the I'nitcd Statea National bnnk Pig club i present the Indent in Oregon and from nrexent it.dientiotis bids fair to he the largest in the I'nited Ktiitos. Dr. Uttor, dentist, lias returned af ter devoting a few days mi Portland with Dr. I'inott, ilniiijj special X-rnv work. 5( 1 Belter Have Your Eyes i You can depend upon our sincerity of purpose to administer to your eye needs and to pre scribe glasses only when Necessary. Our work is guaranteed DH A. McCULLOCH Optometrist 2M-5 Salem Bank Of Commerce Bldg. ? PERSONAL "r. r. u l iter ih home from I'mt I land, havinu pent aeveral dav there! tnk iti upecial study in X rnv work. j Mr. and .Mm, J. V. rembe'r and amiaj of Monmoiilh are reKiatprrd at the in i tin. . J. '. Rnaelaml of Silvertoii wan in tlie city yelenlay. Hubert M. Duncan, captain of in fa ii try and amintant camp adjutant re turned to Camo l-owin th in llinrniiiir I leaving over the Orcein electric. Mr. and Sin, Kd Hoffman cif Jrffer Kon were in rinlein lu-t evenini; attend' ing the dance j;iven at the Klks' Imleo. Mr. and Mm. Victor I.ooney ncrc n I be cilv yenterdav frm .(.ff,-r.,m l)nr 1 '"K hp evening tyhe hi tended the I dunce ((iven at the Klka' lodp'. I 1 The last iimtitute of the .hod year' f'r Marion county teacher will he held ' Saturday at Woodlmrn, Addr. be delivered hy I'rof, Miepnrd. head of nianual traininif work of the (). A. ('. Kmik Welle of IVtland and by 'rf.' Hriimbach of the O. A. I', educatioiml d i "par tin cut. Wait S. Low Mjrs there U nothing to the atnry that he wa ehnicd by a Jersey bull a few day ao and had to climb a tree. He ay the real truth i about as flh: that while finking! aning trio Ain iia in company with Hill . Zwicker and Krank Slie.lcck, they rainc'? to pimtiire in which the Jemcy bull j I wa knijr of all he urvevcd. That said bull chiim d Zicker and She leek over f tho fence into another field. That i 1 1 Miss Afrucs Hal.sell, the young musician of Sulcin will be presented in concert, vocal and instrumental, at the Firat Coiinrenp.tional church Fridnv oveniiijj, May 9. The proKontntion will be under the direction of Mis Minolta Mu;erH, with whom Mis Hnlsell lnif been atudyiiiK in Portland, Miss Beat rice Shelton, of thin city. The eoncerl was originally planned for next Moniluy but it wna Inter decided to make the date Friduy evening of thin week. Owing to the expense of putting on the entertainment it ha been decided to charge 1!." cents for the dottlile bill to be presented by the students of the high school, at the hi;h school audit oriiiui Thursdiiy evening. It was ori innlly announced there would be no ad mission charge. The double bill includes the operetta " l.ndy of Shnllot " and the play 'Hunch of Hoses." M. J. DeLapp who has b-en with the I'rice Shoe store for the pat six Jeais has nccipied a position with the shoe house of Soiiiincrs and Kaufman at San Francisco. All Around T own I co&mra events Saturday Bicycle for the Blind program at High School Auditorium. May 18-23 L a O. F. Grajid Lodge eeaaiona. May 30 Memorial Day. June 3 6peenJ state election. tance to be two boy end a girl. He' iia righteously indignant over the mat- ' : ter specially as s.niilar deatruetiua is s ) reported from other people in that ne:ghborhood. There is likely to tie a good deal of this sort of vandalism $ as flowers come into bloom aud steps i jsnoula Dp taken by the police dopart- Mty 10 races. ilay 11 Sunday Mother's Day- May 14 Oregoa State School ent or by a self constituted tommit m o OREGON TIIEATiiE NOW LJXA LEE IN "PUPPY LOVE" Dr. Hott offices moved to Bank of Commerce building, rooms 107 8. U Patton Plumbing company an sow able to take eare of your plumbing wants ia their new location, S2Q N. i Commercial street. Phone 1063. tf; At an, assembly meeting In the high school auditorium this morning the Hi , 1 chub took the first steps toward the I annual "Friendship C ampaign a ' movement that n;ay re ftf deep signif licence to the boys in school. Cards jwere distributed bearing a list of fonr ; questions or topics, one of which is to j be selected by each student as a sub ject for a possible intervuew with some : business or professional man of alem. !The idea is to enlist a number of prom inent men who will volui.tcer to give ; their time to any boy who wishes I brief interview men who have had (broad educational advantages, who have seen much of life or have had business experience, so that out of their own life and observation they will be in position to give sound ad vice to boys along tho line of relig ion, business activity or tho choice of an advanced course of study. Las; Phon 77 Oregon Taxi and Transfer 'year those inu'rviel,s proved -very Co. for quick service. w helpful to boys who took advantage of mem, as ku uruuiu uui uu a mimon Gals 8i Co's EVERY-DAY VALUES Men's heavy cotton w ork sox, pair 13c Men's flannel work shirts, each 9Sc Men's Chambray work shirts, each 79c and 98c Men's and Boys' Jersey Sweaters, each 69c Ladies' Hose, pair 19c Ladies' Summer Vests, each 15c, 23c, 33c Pepperell Sheeting Bleached 81 in. wide, yd 59c Percales, 06 in. wide, yard -23c and 29c Hope Muslin, 36 in. wide, yd 19c Fancy Outing Flannels, yd 19c Indian Head, yard 29c Silk Poplins, 36 in. wide, all colors, yd $1.00 OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST GALE & COMPANY PHONB 1071 Commercial and Court St&, formerly Chicago Stort "The host" Is an too. can do when death eomee. Call Webb It Clough Co. Phone 120. A, E. Watnon, age bout 63, whose home is in Fairmount, was seriously in jured at Oregon City last Sunday, when crossing the street an automobile eomfing up from behind struck him vio lently, throwing him several feet. He struck the pavement with such force that he was unconscious for. several hours. He was brought to the city and is now at his home in Fairmount. lie is under the constant care of a physi cian and it is thought that he will re cover with proper care and rest. For the past few mouths Mr. Watson has Ueeu wurking at Oregon City, I of speeches before the assembly this morning. buildinga today, enjoying a picnic din ner at noon. Watch this pper for our ad Friday, No-Vary Grocers, 383 Court St. Phone 49. 5-8 Mir. and ABU G. E. Terwiiliger, gid- give one or two concerts at other points in the county this week. At a meeting of the aopnomore class at Willamette University yesterday noon Laurence Daaiels of ft. Helen and Miss Fay Peringer of Belliughaui were nominated for editor of the li-l nate morticians and funeral directors; Wallulah; Ivan Corner, Robert Fisher, 770 Chejueketa St. Phone 724, i Paul Flcgel aud Harvey Cooper were o nominated for manager. The election is Fred C. Baker, editor of the Tilla-to bo held Tuesday Mav 13 in Jmook Headlight, is in the city boosting Hull. for the Koosevelt highway. He says o tho people on tho coast are strong for A permanent poultry aud egg nssocia tho proposed military highway as itjt;n was orfiaiiized ut Greshani Satur- whi no niuen ior ine niury ana cncese.j.jy icut ... , w . . - v isincsw. lH-sioe omisunu ivi uie mm- The Funeral Beau til ul." Webb ,. i,;v. i ,i, ,. i. H iker has the pleasure of being alivo aiier mo postal auinoruies nau nun Dr. B. F. Pound, just returned from service, announces reom'ning of his Ideutal office 5th floor V. S. National bank blag. Phone 5-11 Clough Co Yesterday waa the warmest day we, have had in JSalcm this year with the l d as dead, and "".?u "' -'7' Allowing notation, 'One F. C. Haker, official mavunum temperature reading ? ,4. The highest .temperature in Janu-: ,,, a(ro,lt ,,,.,,, A full million dollars will be spent in Aberdeen this year on street construc tion k nil new buildings. TVnnna in T.nne ennntv firn flrooio mf id on his letters the bll(Vi anJ thc p wil," bc far shortl.r , 'One 1. t. Haker,.. :.. filv Mtinm tod. Or. L. E. Sprlnget, bldg. comer Court Phone 114. dentist, Moore and Liicrty. tf Prices on fish lowers Ling cod or red cod sliced, 15c. Whole fish 12o a pound. Fitts Market. tf arv was 60, in roUruurv 53, m March 7(1, and in April 71. As there has ueeu no raini'ull since April "i, the river is rapidly fulling and today noon is 3' feet above low water level. While and Morrison streets, Portland, John W. Todd, conductor of the AiMilln clnh nnnnlini'M thnt the second concert wnll be eiven at tho opera I f Wo buy liberty bonoa. 314 Masonic i(dg. lem experienced a iiiuximum tempera- j house Fridny evening, June fi. As ut the ture vesterdav of 74, the ninximtim rec-1 first conc.t rt, odniission will be only to ords elseivhere for vesterdav arc as , honorary members nud their guests, follows: Haker, Or. ikiise, Idaho jtJ4, Chicago ii, lukima 1 1, un Fran Ipiu,,,, Ittl l.r, t, .!,. v It t I'ti'U.niY OIL i; Among the multitudinous public af fairs and attractions coming before the Fenrfnir hit hi. if. mii,i bi .lS;in 1!'0 U- I'"rtla" l 74,ledforil M, ; people of Kalem in the next few weeks, f L 'vfi T '.S.' kldDaP U'Kl Marslifield (is . I !,e' ,fmt should be kept in memory and o j provided for in advance is tho semi- The state encaniprucnt of the Spanish ! annual concert of the Apollo club, to War veterans will be held in Sraiem he given in the Urnnd Opera house on July 3 and 4 instead of in Juno as Friday, Juno 6th. Nothing more would the two children pending divorce pro ceedings, lr, 11. II. Whito changed tho locks on several doors of their home on Capitol street in order that his wife might not gain access. Yes This change in be Accessary in this connection than L.M.HUM care of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. Has medicine which will cur any known disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. m. until 8 p. m. 153 South High St. SaJem, Oregon Phone 282 dute is due to, the effort of state i to snv that it will be un to the slund- comiiiauder Harvey Wells, and niem-iard of past appearances; but it is the! terday when Mrs. Edith Kvra White 0"Kin!ly unnouiicca attempted to enter thi. house to visit hir chililrmi. thn Lov tin.1 t.,in rvinu to her hciiw. wnnl.i ami u,.in.k ibers of llul Hilibard cnii 'p. W ith the i policy of tho club to make each con tho doors and St was found necessary I """' f ,ht' Oregon .Spaui.-h wa vet- :ceit a littlo nioro attractive than the to call Dr. White to his home to nn-i1'"" ,0 'SnU'm 0,1 J"ly 3 R'"1 4' "'Oipast; and they have been at work fori lock the doors. Officer Thompson who K"'t homecoming event under the aus- months past with this aim in view". accompanied Mrs. White made no at-1 Pj"' . of Wn,r '"'''"s club and o , me iuikh'-bi jui.iiu i u.uj u,u. At a recent meeting or tne wenster ever staged in falcm, to be put on un- ian . Society of Willamette Osenr Olson, dcr the auspices of the Commercial : prominent junior from Woodlmrn, was club, thc first four or five days of I ci,,cf0(i ai) president. Olson is at present July promises exuting times for the I maim(jer 0f , ),e Three Squares Club and C1'y' I president of the Junior Class. The K4-f f4--f tempt to enter the house, but remain ed on tho outside for an hour or so while Mrs. White was in tho house and while she went to a neighbor's house where ono of tho children was playing. According to injunction pro ceedings neither Mrs. Whito nor the loctor are to remove the children from the jurisdiction of the court, pending the divorce trial or until further or iel s of the court. Warner's corsets' are really better. 1.50 up. Oale & Co. Commercial and Court streets. tf ! o Orange dance at Macleay Saturday night. Hood music. Good lunch. 50 cents. 5S Among recent transfers of ranch property in the vicinity is the salt" on to a telegram received by his mother, ilie Joe Hlair place of five acres to , Mrs. I). C. Hewitt of South iSnleni. Mr. lledine; S. F. Fnko has purchas-i He was wounded sliithtlv while fight- We will pay full value for Liberty Bonds in trade. PEOPLE'S CASH STORE 186-191 North Commercial St. One of the Portland papers refers to Hubert C, I'aulim, manager of the Sa lem Fruit Union and president of the Commercial cluji, as the "Wizard of tho Willamette." The "wizard'' part of the name seems to be due to the fact that as mnmigrr of the Walem Fruit Union, there was a dividend of other officers elected were Paul Flegel, vice president; Kenneth rower, cor responding secretary; Clare (iilletle, treasurer. Harold Dimick, marshuil and Harry Howers critic. The Men's Gleo club, of Willamette University, which has been winking hard on their mutual concert program GENERAL PUBLIC ATTENTION 1 you have any Jnnlt, Hides, Rubber, Metal, Machinery r Old Autos or Parts of Autos CALL 305 We pay highest cash prices and guarantee satisfaction to ev eryone. Don't make a mHakc. PHONE 305 STHNB04 JUNK AND AUTO WRECKING CO. 326 N. COM! ST. SALEM, ORE. ed Jhe tieorge Mason tract of seven j acres on the Turner road; Joe Hrffguu jhns pir.chascd a 24 acre tract from O. ,H!iu. near Oak drove. All of these i sales were made through the iocolofsky agency. j Wanted $800 on gilt edge securi ties. J H care Journal. Dr. L. B. Bpringer, dentist, Moore bldg. comer Court and Liberty. I I'hone 114. 'tf praeticaHy In3 per cent declined for,hnV( arran,,Prt to givc their conceit in the year llMSjojhe stockholders. Salem on Friday, May .L'3rd. Their pro fl 'grain as usual will be a varied one, vo- Elton Hewitt, who has been with tho , nl numbers bciiiL' interspersed wiih army of occupation in Germany, arriv-1 readiiiL's and comedy stunts. The chief ed in New York yesterday, according feature will be the work of tlte otinr- tot which is doing some excellent work, as shown by their reception on the re cent tour south. The organization now has IS members, with Miss Florence Shirley as accompanist. They expect to Phone 312 R. Kcs. Phone 1332 W W. BAXLANTYNE PIANO TUNER Players a Specialty With Oierrington 1'uino House, 421 Court St., Salem, Oregon ing on the Nomine, Sept. 10. C. Z. Randall, formerly an attorney j in Salem with offices :n the Sulnii Hank of Commerce building, and who j went into the service early in the war h is formed a law partnership with the district attorney at Pendleton. Mr. ' Randall served with Company L of Dallas. "I w l WELCH ELECTRIC CO. FOR ELECTRIC IRONS ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS Phone 053 S79 State St. First Lieutenant James D. Fletcher, a former Willamette university student left this morniuir for Cumn after Emmett k White will ship fat hogsla hort visit in the city. He is a veter and stock hogs and Cattle Saturday. I an of the Argonne forest wheTc he was May .10. I'hone 4.,"M. 5 8 , wounded in the right arm 4v a machine gun bullet. His home is at tfiieridnn. Saient has recently received a desir able new citizen in a Mr. Mchukev who W. H. Cook will go to Ashland this dropped into Naletn to investigate, j week to remain indefinitely for the; wa won owr bv- the climate and beau- i benefit of his hcnlth. He hn never! tiful surroundings, and at once ne jtiated for the purchase of the Wright property at I'os Hush street, through the Fleming agency, and is now in pos 'ion. Mr. Schukcv is a well to do fully recovered from the effects of the influenza last winter. E. C. Wigan, of the noted English f.rm of hop dealers, Wigan, Richard the field was a l"t of rooks and men. safe on the other side of the f( the! , ence. i nrnceM.lml Ia VI. If. .11 t beat it for more quiet pastures. The men ' I lhi.n t. :.!! ..,... iti-m ami pro- . Ceeded with the fishing, although the; j WHEN IN SALEM, OREOON tftop at ELIGH HOTEL "a Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern II pey Pay 100 Rooms of Solid Coffort Only Hotel la Diurioes District farmer from the vicinity of Meadow, sen Co. arrived in the citv lat Crove Nebraska, has retired from act-(evening in company with his wife and ive work and will spend the balance! were guests at the Marion hotel. Jt of his life In the Willamette valley. hn been the cus'om of this firm to o isend one of 5ts members to Oreuon on ArtLrlcJal teeth, have expert plate a tour of inspection rf the hop area, man, with over 35 years eiperlcnee, ' but this is the firt trip made by Mr. at my office. Dr. D. X. Heehler, den-1 Wigan since the beginning of the war ust, 3Ua u. , fiat. Bank bldg. tf in 1!H4. He will probabiy spend a 0 week in the vnllev, stoppimr some time E. H. Kennedy la back at The City 'at the huge Wiaan hop ranch at Inde- ClcaBin works, 1261 Stats St. Phone jpendenee. ne expres himself as very W3. j- tf j favorably impressed with the valley as o la wliole and csoe.-inlly with the eoulT Bt. Carl E. Miller fias opened his ! try Jntweea Salem and Imb-wndence. The 10th of May Is the last day you can subscribe to the Victory Liberty Loan. And your last chance to obtain the best security ever offered investors. Don't delay, but let us take your subscription today. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J. H. Albert, President Jos. H. Albert, Cashier dental office at 510 511 U. 8. bldg. Phone 341. bank tf which in tunny n-spect ia similar to the intensive farm nections of land. The civics class of the Lebanon High school, under the supervision of their R W. Carey, of South 11th street, reports the wanton destruction of some of his finest flowers on a recent eve ning hy a group of vandals, reported, instructor, Mrs. E. K. Coad. are making by neighbors who saw them at a dis- a tour of thc state institutions and citv. I ROUTE YOUR FREIGHT VIA Willamette Valley Transfer Co. Express Service at Freight Rates Long Distance Hauling Only PHONE 1400 4-4