1Y' r.vTA .NJ CHAEI.F3 H. FlJ-HES Fii'itor ad PuU'shi aitonai rage or l he vapital Journal WEDNESDAY Uv 7, EYENI.Va 1919 FX) - If Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. Address AU Commr-iicttioDf To (Lljc Dailn MvM Ilournal ALXM 130 S, Commercial St. OEEGON obtained, and that it represents at least a prettv good th p of i'on and v,st start in the right direction. " ' I'r,,si' ,0 ruland- Ti ...mi . . l . , . . '.if Germany cedes Mi'int'l to 1 he associated It Will trpt tnp rirmnns in vnrkinr rrxyptnpr lnsrpnrl nf c-- ----- te powers. subscription bates J!1. I t Carrier, ner Tear $5.00 Per Month.. Daily by Mail, per year- $3.00 Per Month... FILL LEAbKD W1KE TELEOKAMl KEPOBT FOREIGN BEPBEEENTATTVES W- D. Ward. New York, Tribune Building. H. Btockweil, Chicago, People's Oat Building n Daily Capital Journal carrier boyi are instructed to put the paperi on the; forth. If the earner uoei not ao ims, muues you, or uegn-cis koiu8 iui yir to yoo on time, kindly pbone the circulation manager, as thia ii the only way ... ..l - ? u i Ti i i l uiruiiy aun&i cacu outer, it proviues me necessary j lrw Us. Cf itui.g watoiwaye ami machinery for co-operation and, no less important, estab- ir Clitics ate assured to Poland, lishes a system of compulsory publicity for international' hZJfi'tion f affairs. The rest we may hope, will come in time. Ex-j aii reserve right SOr a.a to ob- DPiipnri u-ill i-ovpqI rVio ctrnnir orl ...b nnln t the. t!"' reparation from Germany. I v " ",-; v" " , . 6 . . Vi Hermariv n-nuui.ee. to China of Boxer 45e I League, and little by little it can be transformed until it indemnities. 35e ; fulfills its intended function, as well as anv purely human' Holding ' , , i i t. r r ii ( Hermanv renounces to China all pub- appaiaiUS tan Ue exueciea in miS imperieCt WOria. lie pro-rtv and eoueeionj in China ; except Kiao Chau. I Speaking of the "Covenant of the League of Nations". lJ"m"y ,enounc,'s n" ritfMs ,B M-i I Wilson comes naturally bv a propensity for that sort of' ermnr reeounizes British proreetor "See here,55 says the Good Judge i things. His ancestors were covanters. "before 7:30 o'clock and paper will be aent you by epecial messenger if the j America and gl'OW Up With the COUntry. Bllt Suppose the rr.er kai miucd yon. IcountiT objects to erowiner UD with Joachim Soon the George Washington will be making a fare well address to France. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL la the onjy nerrapapcr in Balem whie circulation ii guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulation! GERMAN INDEMNITY IDEAS. While Germany is protesting against the "exhor litant" demands made by the Allies at Versailles, it is veil to keep in mind what those same Germans proposed ioing if they won, as they expected to do. One of the most illuminating bits of evidence in that line is a mem crandum written by Mathias Erzberger in 1914. Erz l erger, it should be'i emembered, is one of the most prom inent members of the present German government and until lately expected to be at the head of the Peace Con ference delegation. After explaining that Germany would be obliged to :nnex Belgium and other neighbors with the French tcast as far as Boulogne, the iron mines in French Lor raine, various French, Belgian and British colonies in Africa and a few other odds and ends here and there f.bout the world, he came to the question of indemnity the point of greatest inteifst at the present time. "In fixing indemnities," he said- "the actual capacity "f a state at the present moment should not be considered. Besides a large immediate payment, annual installments spread over a long period could be arranged. France would be helped in making them by decreasing her bud get of naval and military appropriations, the reductions to le imposed in the peace treaty being such as would enable iter to send substantial sums to Germany. Indemnities should provide for the repayment of the full costs of the var and the damages of war, notably in East Prussia, the redemption "of all of Germany's public debt and the cre ation of a vast fund for incapacitated soldiers". The Allies seem to have found in this document the P'rm of two or three ideas worked out in -the treaty which . Germany received fur consideration today, though they i.ave stopped far short of the Gorman program. About the only legitimate use we can imagine for the red flag is at railroad crossings. THE PROMOTER'S WIFE BY JANE PHELPS BARBARA IS OBLIGED TO 00 THE MIDNIGHT TRAIN. TO "if I ilidn't it wouldn't bo mi hard to lute faith in li i nt. I wonder if he dot's i cure for Hlnmdie Ortou, porlu.ps Mr. Tli at ufternoon after my return home Frederick in mistaken about that. It 1 felt happy ut times because of my doesn 't weiu u if he would go there ao faith in Mr. Frederick; tlmf lie would much if ho wasn't." influence N'eil to end Ins intimacy with Tea ilc uud men of I. in kind; uuluippv at other timed when I dwelt upon tne fact that it had become a necessity. Alni.it nix o'clock the telephone laiijj. "Thia is Mr. Follies' office. He wish ed me to telephone Mrs. Forbes that he would nut he ut home to dinner." "Is Mr. Forbes in the office?" I rec- 1 couldn't read, and finally threw down the bonk in disgust. It wua grow ing lute. Should I try the club acniuf If Neil had not gone to Mrs. Orton's he might be there now, "Is Mr. Forbes in the lousof " I ask ed when they answered. "Will you pugo him please ao that I may be ure. I will hold the wire." It aeemeil they ate over Egypt Germany cedes to Japan all rights in Shuutung peninsula. ' Herman army niust demobilize within two months after peace signed. All Herman munitions establishme!;s must lie closed within three months aft- or peaceigned, except where otherwise sjivciucu ny tunes. No militaristic societies shall be per mitted in Germany. Herman warships may be replaced only ut expirutiou of twenty years for battleships and lo years for destroy ers. Allies will retain German hostages until iM-rsons accused of war crimes jirc surrendered. Keciproenl exchange of information regunliiig dead prisoners nud plnoes of burial, pmvidi'd for. Indemnities. Tulal of Herman indemnities to be detcriuincd bv an inter allied commis sion bef'ue. May 1, lPl'l, after a fair, hcj-.ring. Schedule will be fixed for discharge of Herman indemnity obligations within thirty years. HeruiKiiy irrevocably recognizes full authority of interallied reparations I want to remind you about that small chew of this good tobacco. It tastes better because it's good tobacco. Its quality saves you part of your tobacco money. It goes further and lasts longer. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco WB CUT is a long fine-cut tobaeo ognized the blonde stenographer's voice, would never come back to the telephone. No, ho went out with Mr, Tvarle about half nn hour ago." "Very well, thunk you." Regardless of what Mr. Frederick had told him of Temlo's character and repu tation, iSeu hud gono out- with him. amit waning nn uneonsciouaoic time a voice siild: "Hello Mr. Forbes is not in the hnuse. " I hung up disgusted that I had waited ignt have Known he witness ngaint him, and the man re fused to fight. This case made such a stir that the law permitting the "wager of ruutlo" was repealed. Let it be that the English punished the Irih criminals with severity, or even wt ill cruelty, they dealt in the mime w;..v with their own criminals. All were treated alike. It iB not an excuse fer Kngland that up to 100 yeart ago slie whs aa cruel as other nations but it is an explanation of a most miiiciit nble fact. Hut us to the Kngliyh invasion of Ire hind, "more than 700 years ago" Biuu W Van. ed. irk on a by t!0 addition in.ver hih school has l v n rar Yakima is oipinizing guard ompnny. Already enrolled. a national ! Hye beet Contracts amounting to 4299,111 were let by the Washington kifkituy commission Mondav. cmnm tuutrtn I Germnnv 'a initial indemnity pavmcnt : Bim manj 0Tr8 mlrply over: (twnn.v i.illim, ...,iiW .!, fc. ,.,!' " '1' '"' to the rer.son lw mat iu gold, goods and ships. Hermuny must pav civilians for acts of cruelty ordered by her representa- Three rrbberie last S:indnyi aetting the burglars nearly lf."itK, Bre reported from Aberdeen, It seined to bn such a reckless thing to wouldn't bo there!" I scolded. .lo. i, of course, did not realize that it isn't an easy thing to break off busi ness relu'ions ut liny time; that under certain circumstances it might bo al most impossible to accomplish any great change in the personnel of a company quickly, ho I dwelt upon the idea that nnxiety that Neil had decided to pay no nttcution to caused me wait until a Jittlo after eleven, then I would get -readv and go to meet his mint if he did not come in by that time. 1 started at every sound. There was no use fooling mvself. It we not IBs he met his aunt which muen uneasiness, it was Mr. Frederick, to me, or to what ho had t lie feeling that ho was at Blanche Or- been told others were saying. That he ton's. I was not at all timid. F.ven had decided to go along in tho sumo way had he been at homo I should probably ne nan neeu going a law unto him- nave gone with mm, so it was not disin- self. elinution to go out either which mndo 1 was the more distressed that ho did me nervous. It was the fear that he not come lioiiie us his aunt hud tele- was with another woman; a fear which I graphed while we were out to lunch that amounted almost to a suro knowledge. she wo. ihl arrive on the midnight train. If he had been with Mr. Frederick I I called his club hoping to envcu mm shouldn't have rnred, I sr.ld. After tho there. They had not seen him. 1 tried . clock had struck eleven I arose to pre one or ti other places. He slioi.1.1 pare fur niv errand. It Was strnnire hnw tives. Germany must pay for maltreatment of prisoners. Germany must pay damages for en forced labor by civilians for levees or fines imposed, To discharge her Indemnity obliga tions, Germany's domestic taxation system must be proportionately t.s great t ij nti that in nnv allied counrrr, X WOUid Mud, U,,1.J iln.j oki Germany must agree to build !!00,000 tons of shipping annually .r the ac count of the allies for five years. Germany must restore French flags taken in France-Prussian war of 1S70. Germany must pay eat ire cost of arm ies of occupation from date of urn.is tice. Germany to confirm ' renunciutiou of the treaty of Iluchnrest. All German concessions in Turkey, Russia. Brazil, Austria-Hungr.rv and Bulgaiin to be transferred to allied rep arations commission and Germany. invasion. Hadrian IV was elected pope in 1154, and died in 1159. Henry II was king of England. I'arties in Ireland begged Henrv to come over and take possession of the island. Before going, Henry consulted the pope. Hadrian replied that Irelivnd and the other islands belonged to St. I'eter and the holy church, and that it would be satisfactory to him if Heiry should ako and govern tho island, provided, he would gunrnnteo that tho popo Bhould receive as I'eter 's Fence a Eoman penny (about 15 cents) for every house in Ireland. . I Uenry agreed to this, and in time of-1 foe ted the conquest and occupation of the island. lie bought the goods in Opon 55 LOOK FOR THE RED BALL TRADE MARK ; mMfWJ TRADEMARK m l litai ms oMmmuniuuH m RU-!tlJ6t!.V.k! market of the professed owner, and cor- I pi A NQ P 4 PP AWT tainly no one on earth had a beter right I jl . TIIK LEAGUE A REALITY. The League of Nations may now be accepted as an i.;'cnmplished fact. The new draft of the Constitution has I ten unanimously approved by the Peace Conference and li incorporated ia tho treaty that Germany and her al lies will be rccjU'.'stod to sign. With the revision of many doubtful portions and the incorporation of amendments : nswerimr the principal objections of Americm critics, it: t iay perhaps be taken for granted the Constitution will 1 1 fflt thnt in 1 e ratified by the United Mates senate, ihe inenctiy at titude of the American public toward it is unmistakable. There is little indication of serious objections in any Gthor country. It is not likely that the plan, even as it now stands. i wlnillv s.-itisfiietorv to nnvbodv. Rut the maioritv of the people feel that it is probably the best that could be meet his aunt. It would be dreadful for he. to find no one tit the station. Finally I gi.o up trying to locate him. 1 utc my dinner, then sat 'down rtith n new magazine und tried to rend, lie mielit c-i.nie in i;nv minute. I said to . myself, knowing he would not. Of kite 1 lie I ad remained out the eutiro evening and far in In the niej.t when ho had not dined at home. "if he doesn't come 1 will go to the -t;ition," I said aloud. Then: won der if he is at Hlauclie Orton's." Just Hie thought made me so miserable the. us started. "Oh. what slmll I dol" how in every unhnmiv moment mv thoughts flew to him. Wns it hcrnuso 1 knew ho loved nief (Tomorrow Barbara Angers Keil By Calling Him nt Blanche Orton's.) HUN TERMS IN BRIEF (Continued from pne one) to p, taiiffs RIPPLING RHYMES t Ey .Walt Mason GOOD WORKMEN. When I am sick, in punk condition, when I am lame Mid blind and halt, I hire the city's best physician, then if I die it's not my fault. The big physicians charge like thunder, they charge each time they draw a breath, but they give value for the plunder; they show us how to side step death. When my old auto's in a panic, with many doodads breaking loose, I hire the very k-st mechanic that our small village can produce. He lias no conscience when he charges, or so, o&sfish, I sometimes think; but he can fix our boats and barges when they are strictly on the blink. Some other gents might do it cheaper, but when we count the final cost, we find expenses running deeper; the tinhorn workman is a frost. The tinhorn workman tauly botches all things entrusted to his care; he spoils -ur pants and hats and watches, and bungles when he cuts ur hair. When I decide to paint my stable, I'd hire a Titian at his best, some grand old master, amply able to luake all rivals seem a jest. I patronize the ablest baker in this country hamlet dwells, and when I die my under taker must be the on? who's wearing bells. ver was a woman sn nnx- im.s and worried. "If I itmn t love him so inueh!" 1 eiintiniu-d my solilquy, REX REACH'S LATEST rivar with- f tian d na- n & i I- i i V V i. i 'f. i : l r-1 ; Di ny I sin I one ol tin-so here movie cowboys that can jump on a horse from fer dWtnmo. The kinds horse 1 ride ain't there wheu Oeiiiianv must revert "ni'1,1 favored nations' out disi-riininutioi. . tleruumy must allow freedom o s;t llirougli her territories to ullii tionnN. tiermany must aTcpt highly detail- en provisions as to pre-war fields, un- fair competition and other ecniiomie iand finaneinl mutters. The ex k'liser to be tiiod by nn in ! lerna' lonal high court . I Other violators of laws of war to be tried. I Holland to lie asked to extradite the j es kaiser. I (iermany is responsible f,ir deliver ling other violators of international law Must Accept League Oennanv to neeopt the leiigue of na-. Hons ill piinciple, but without mem bership. lnlernnlioi.nl Inl'mr body created. V in 'oils international bodies to ex iv.itc provisions of the treaty. t oinniisshiii ereMted to govern the Sanr b.isin n'iiding n I'lebeseitc IS years hence. ! roiiiiuissioHs created for plebeseiteS ! iu Mali.iedy, Sehleswig and Fast 1'rus- j sis. Pelails of disposition of Hi rman fleet and cables left to allied (lowers. I Imposition of former German colon ics also left to allies. I Belgians Annex 382 Miles. j t ol.lUllJslons tO Supervise the Saar ..f (, In r..,.i-nllirl from lh rui , Valley. Ihuizig and oversee plebe itesi(.ng)pMi xf Sinn Feiners of Irelaad will ; act under direction of the league of llllv, ,,),. fwial accusntion agr.tTist ,"a,i('"- I the Knglish. More thr.n 700 vears m,o . Hermiuiy cedes to Belgium 3Si square j Kngland wrongfully invaded' Ireland, I miles of territory betweeu Luxeinlrg ,) a fYI,r ;,.,, tl, land in and llollnnd. jf'icting manv cruellies iqion the people. ! (eriiiaiiv ' cession to Foland isolates r.;ist i-russia from tne rcuiain.ler oi ter-: a i ll., rnlt;... ; d,:, n.i. Clearing houses to be established in all belligerent countries to handle ad justment of pre-wiif debts and con tracts. Allies may liquidate German proper ty to their nationals bot recompensed by Germany and for debts owed their nationals by German nationals. Fire insurance contracts not consider ed dissolved by the war. All sign;. lories ugree to international control of opium traffic. All (iorn.au ports, free before the war, must cnnlii.no in that status. Tarts of Kibe, Oder, Danube and N'ie nn n livers internationalized. The Rhine is placed under control of an allied-Herman commission. Belgium to be permitted to build canal connecting the Khinc and the j Meii-.e. ' Czechs Given Outlet t'.i eho Slovakia to have rai,I rights i in t Fieume nud Trieste, Germany must lease Cze'dio-Klovkia ( wharfage in Hamburg and Stettin for I I'll years. International labor office to be es tablished in (ieneva as part of league ,of nations organization. , Firs' meeting of the iiiloinnlioiiul labor body will be held in Oct nix r in I Washington .(simultaneously' with ' first league of nations meeting) to dis jcuss international oUht hour day.) ! Hcrmany to accept all decrees us to ! Herman ships by allied prize courts. ' The treaty becomes effective for 'each ration as that nation forieally i ratifies it. to sell Ireland than hud l'ope IladrtJn The Knglish title then is clear and un assailable in cither law or equity, and us the Irish, through these "more than 700 years" have continued paying to the pope, it is lata to complain now. "Hut the Irish people never consent- credited to a'"' do. "ot now consent," etc., oh I uiciw you, in inose goon out times nei ther kings nor popes worried about such trifling matters as a consent of the peo ple. Their motto was "Let him get who has the power, and lot him keep who can." l'ope Hadrnin snid that Ire land belonged to him, and when ho had a good offer be 'sold it, and there you lire. .1 A M KM I.lSl.K The grand jury at Chicago has indict ed 10 persons charged with election frauds in the February mnyormry pri maries. T FOR METnODISTS) it 4 ,".' f f: . ' ' H c - a -- - 3 f -V' " - ' ' ' ' ,J ' "V . v J -. "V - ; j y Vtv ; I- ' I fTVtker i I Open Forum Uj ; "HOW DOES VOUR GARDF.M ( CROW?" I Mary seem to be giving a garden Iparty. She is joined by millions of other home food growers, says the National War Garden Commission, Washington. &p.J&tieJ E.Cr lo show in striking, dramatic man acr that the present world unrest' merely repeati chapters in histoiT i the purpose of a stately, inspiring I pagennt which has been arranged U. Or. James E. Crowther of Seattl Wash., for presentation at the bis Jletlioriist Centenary Celebration ofi June (J-July 13 in Columbus, O. Un derttanding and comfort to the man ;i oewtldcred by the trend of modern f s tne essential Dr. ; esired to convey when be j most dignified Iotv ot J mtation. 1 ENGLAND AND THE SINN FEINERS To the Kditor: Disappointed in their I i yen jump ou Starting Tomorrow And Fri., Sat Nights at YE LIBERTY iiiiiuiiuiuo. in iit-iiin. us rimsiiieri n CV..-..UU, iv, .Uiivll.l ro.n- tne tlIllP, involved. Til T.ngrtU (tld ' pr.se "7.f.Sd miunre mib's: to France 0 ntf tn ,hc Irish than the Irish did j 5-IMl"nre ""!' (Alsace-Lorraine). ,to tl,p Kj.olish who fell into their hands! mJ Hern.nny r.msvnts to the trety et-thev did no more than other nations- j ti.bli.laug Belgium as a ueutrui state. , m iu yAe fMeU0 more than the Kr,g-; Luxemberg ceases to be a member of , tUe HfeN.d uf their own poo-' e (.erman tnrisf union. ,- , anl as,0 (h(,r( W(,r, All Ilohcnrollern proH'rty in Aisi.ee :,. 2; d.striet off.lis i,i worr. ! gm-s to Frnnce without vrin K.ul:,i.d. ounished with il.wih. Vn i AMERICA'S HQm SHOE POLISH Keeps your shoes good-looking II Makes them last longer If 1 EUck . Tan . White - Red . Brown 7 l.oi rninc incut. Treaty Abolished. France gains iH-ru'scenr pwvMvn of r-a .r roai mines rogar.uvss oi result oi.,,,,,.. hft ,.. nio,. t.nri,!.!.,,.- m, l..r Star plebiscite. 'ed another was s-t fr.-e when he chal-i Be.dc I pper Sile-na, Wcrmany codes 0P,eJ to mortal combat, the leading di r Oucen Klizubelli in a year cr put to tiath for ve ! i rantv ali'ii lu in Kntiland l tnnn 1 " i m;tn ho h:i I 't Everywhere fT rF Ti - ' c ' v J