. . ?3 J Wealisr Report 5 Oregon: Tou'.ght ard edncs-.. day fair; waraser east portion tonight; light to heavy frost nt luirtum: irt'Ctlr westerly : 5250 CIRCULATION (25.000 EEADF.R3 DAH.T) 4c Only Circulation ia Salem fjuar- talced by the Audit Buret of Cirealatioas. (Tif 1 UJUU L1WUM4IS II AAU 1 UUj LUUiif II 1AL DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL- LEy NEWS SEBYICK. VAV winds. . FORTY-SECOND YEAR fco. 95. ON TRAINS AND STANDS ITVl CINTS SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY. MAY 6. 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS 0 TOft 4 I dirt hll ' ;J1r IICIPALI OCKSPLAN Council Receives Communica tion From Commercial Club Relative To Traffic Im provements. WAR DEPARTMENT READY TO ASSIST FINANCIALLY City Fathers And Chief Of Po lice Gash. Force Is Order ed Reduced After Heated Debate. Municipal docks for Sulcm mid the question its to whether the city should make any effort to own its own docks ..,.,K,., ir uiacuiwiun at inoj meeting of the city council Inst even-j '" j Iviilore (ireeiilinuni. rcnresenlinir the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' r & Kiili-ii Commercial club, prcned a in the outlying parts of the county, communication which the club had ro-jTwo .thirds of the money raised in the oeivcl from the war department. In: Salem district will be used in building this it is pluiul.v stuted that the wan market roads in what is tct-mcd the 8u ilopiutmcut looks with favor on cities,' lem district. owning their own docks, but before any! By this arrangement, which is up city may receive tho bouefits of the proved by the county court, the weak tia i inn- act pnsscd Match 2, itil, theer road districts are materially aided city itself must show n proper interest ' 'y tfaleni . in iis water facilities. I On a ffve year program it is estimat- ('lf we do not own our, mimic mil ed that 1,713,058 will be used in the docks, this money will be withneta jrom work of constructing 100 miles of ns," said Mr. Green bauni, who had , hanl surface and 50 miles of high grade tieii granted by the council the courtesy gravel roads. Of this amount fSoO.OOO of the floor. "The traffic on the river j' I'lnced in the bonds to be voted on has been strangled. But we should en- t '" 3 "l thc remainder to be spread .i.uiiige it and help to build It up. Tbe"v,r fivc years, in order that there lit,., represent. Iinnw r,.ff! xri,;i may be no material increase in taxes. niitn trucks may cany much froight, tiny will not carry this extra henvv t raff if." Committee Is Named. It whs also suggested by Mr. Green baiini tlliul one advantage of river traf fic mis in keeping freight rates down. He said it was a matter of importance ... k.,1..... 4- ..n.n A... A. J I'll" ill IU IIP WHU UOCB. BIIU thereby seciiry nid from the Wderd , lllliril 1 , When the action of the war depart ment was brought to the attention of the Comnievcial club, a committee con-tii.-tiin; of 1. (.ireenbnum, Otto J. Wilson mi. I ljiiuis I.nchmund were nipointed to t-ike up the matter with the city cnnm-il. Mayor Albin appointed a cmn niit tousisting of Kdwurd Hchuiike, Kalph Johnson and Otto J. Wilson to ciii.jii'iicte with the Commercial clubU:: while iSalem will and t find out whether it is the wish' of tlie community to take up the matter ! iTimisly, and it so, what would be the pioper way of going at the ownership f, of municipal docks. (Continued on page two) HUNS TO PAY CLAIMS OF AMERICA IN SHIPS? United States To Hold Vessels Confiscated For Part Cf Damages. Washington, May 6. (United Press.) Payment of cliiims of the ' United States a!iiinst Germany will be made: in part through the transfer of German1 hip, acciinliui; to authoritative reports here today. Hcported decision of the ln-ai-e conference automatically adding, Kit seized German ships to America's fleet for a "money consideration" will ' help cover the United States' bill ofi dimni'fn against Germany, officials say. I Although details of the conference neci.iinn nr.ve nor neon receivco, aip-Itlukv, pin board officials said the United i Attendance at each school probably Mates would be awarded 654,000 tons of (W;n ,,lt fXPPPd 1.VH1 men. shipping under its terms. Brazil, also, -to come in for a large amount of ton-itif f t 1 C1 " nasc under the reported decision, wiii War Department Seeking get atioot uiMi.iMiij tons, it is reported Cl iinis of this government against Germany einbruce the loss of 350,0(K) ton of shipping through submarine Washington, May (United Press.) in St. (icrmain on May 13, being pre aink.ngs. They Blso include unsettled -right thousand men with previous ceded about three days bv ihe An-trian debts, originating n fng ai a. the military training are desired by the envoys, work on the Austrian and Hun sitik eg of the Lusitania, officials said.'srmv ta enlist for 3 years for service 'gnrinii treaties will proceed simultane Aiiong the seized ships which appar-ji-i Siberia, the war p department an- ously. entli aie to be permanently added to nounced todav. ' I Marquis Imperial!. Italian amar.ssa- the American f!cet are the now famous! Oe.vje Washington. America. President tir.'irt. President Lincoln and the viaihan. All of the ships hay r?fn re- ftiritrncd nnd their ncn-nnme will re-! main now that they are the property of llus internment, GJfmals Mid. Heads Of Rome Delegation Rushing Back To Paris Rome, Majr 5 (United Perss) Premier Orlamto and Foreign Minister Sonnino left for Paris oh a special train at 10 o'clock tonight. Dispctehes received from Scbanico today said that all societies, ia a mass meeting at which Mayor Louibardi pre sided, passed resolutions declar ing the city annexed to Italy. Scbanico is the second Dalmv tiau city to declare annexation .to Italy. Sara waa reported to f taken that step in dis- Sjf O-Ses received yesterday. Jav 6 (United Press) Ci " ' of the Italian peace v ,Jnte were submitted to the Gtrman plenipotentiaries this morning. . DISTRIBUTION OF CITY EXPLAINED IN DETAIL One-Third Of Money Raised In Salem, If Proposal Is Ap proved, To Be Used Weak Districts. ' In Should the voters of Marion county vote in favor of good roads, one third of the money raised in Salem would be ll..f,.,t t i,.,i i... .-i, !;.,;,. Aoi'nriiing to tne scneniiie prcpareu by Judge Bushey and the county com- misHioners and which has then approv al the aid to be given the market roads in the Sulcm district is as fol lows: Kiverside Drive, Liberty road, road districts 2K'i, 28, 37, 38 and 44; Salem will give $tit),4'.,o covering the .five V(,aJ. ij jo rJ)1(j ( from time to timei while districts themselves will be called on for 7,72. Pacific highway south, road, dis tricts 27 and 27!: During thc tire years $.17,141 will be used in this dis trict. Wulem will give 17.077 of this amount . Twelfth street, feeble minded jnst "V " roa.l ilLKtru-tH unit nocessarv tule road, Turner road ."itt, 7)1 and ,")!: Of the amount necessur the district will be called on for $20,- give !S,207. to Turner, road Asrlum farm road districts 4(5 and ' j of 21: Salem gives $17.1 10 for the five y-ur period while the district will give 1,2s3. Macleny road, of road district 21 and district '!: Snlem gives lfl,fl27 and the district IS,lu0. Fur the -penitentiary anil flier road ! out of Salem, the city will pay $21, 520 of the necessnrw ")2,02tl. spread along a period of five years. The Kniitlnnd road includes iou'1 listricts 20, of 22 and 13 of .t: I. Ml I will be used during the five ars of construction and Sulcm will Par tl."i.07S. the Pratum road, which will include road districts 41, 1-3 of ."2. V, of ljt ... i 1 ..r wit -.:ll k. i"u hv ' illlll 'J Ul nn, win (,- -v Salem nnd use $:'.3.3!Kl' of its own monev. (Continued oa page two) i Six Training Camps For Officers Are Designated Washington, May 6. (United Tress.) ', ' - . . ' Six summer officers training camps will open June 21 for a six weeks course at the-following camps, thc wur de partment announced today; -en'. F,',n,ton. Kansas: Lee. Virginia: rrcsulio. lalifornia, and lay lor, Ken 8,000 Men To Go To Siberia Seven thousand of these are to be fnntrvmen. Three year enlistments of Lp-'niio infantrymen for service in Alaska also are desired. T,e Kiluiri.ii .nliitmpnti nre desired to reiurce men enlisted for the duration of the war. f - ALLIES BRING PRESSURE FORCE SIGB OF PEACE TR Blockade Section of Sup reme Council Prepares To Cut Off Enemy Supplies. Terms To Be Submitted To Germans Tomorrow After noon At 3 O'CIock. Italian Delegates, Now Speeding To Paris, To Be Among Allied Representatives. Thirteen Nations Besides Germany To Have Envoys In Attendance. Correspondents Admitted. By Ed L. Keen (United Press Staff Correspondent) Paris, May G. The Germans must sign the treaty or face economic isolation. This was made plain today when the blockade section of the supreme economic council was instructed to draw ud Dlans for economic isolation of Germany to be put into effect if the enemy attempts to carry out its threat to refuse the peace terms, Recent United Press dispatches from Berlin have indicated the confidence of the Germans in their ability to ovndc the terms of the treaty was basco on the belief that public opinion ia allied countries would not permit further mili tary action against Germany. Today's, developments showed the allies will not depend on the direct action of 'anus, but the indirect action of an iron bound blockade to enforce the treaty. Hun Situation Critical. Information from various Germun sources. Indicates the country is in a crious condition financial.v, lnnustnal ty and politically. Allied commercial and financial aid is needed to restore industrial conditions to normal. The allies have been sending largo quanti ties of food into Germany for- ime time. Sudden re-estnblishment of tho econo mic blockade possibly more rigorous even than during the war, would forco the Germans into quick submission, it is believed. As an indication, however, that thc blockade will be renewed Only as a lust resort, it was simultaneously announced today that pending accept ance or refusal of the treaty certain fi nancial restrictions on Germany, will be further relaxed. Italians Reinstated. The final step toward full restoration of Italy's rights in the pence confer ence was taken this morning hen thc credentials of her delegates wuic sub mitted to thc Germans. The other allied representatives had icxclmngcd credentials with the Germans; j k T nl. )hus ,lt, i ...... .... a united front wnen tne treaty ia sun mitted to the Gcruitviiis in Versailles at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon as Pro-1 inicp Orlando and Foieign Minister1 Sonnino were en route to Paris. The Austrian and Hungarian peace delegates are expected here early next week. They will be quartered at St (iermain, near Versnilles. By Fred S. Ferguson ( United Press Staff Correspondent.) Paris, May H. With the Italian dele gates speeding back to Paris, the final step was being taken today in preparing the peace treaty for presentation to ths Germans tomorrow. This consisted of a secret iilenary session of the conference at which the pact was presented to rep resentative of the lesser powers for rati fication. Premier Orlando nnd Foreign Mini Hter Aonninn who left Rome last nitrlit will arrive in ample time for participa tion in the ceremony of submitting the ; term, to the German delegates, sched-1 tiled for 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Admission to this meeting will be fined to plenipotentiaries of the United states, Great Britain, her dominions, hu Int. Jmmn. Hehrium. Brazi . !.., I.l..nl l,.f(n Hiimi,,, Ii .... ' . ur,.,. ,,,: ..... , .. fi,.1, mill VIIV Wt inui j n' it, dia j v ma tt Mclegates and newspaper correspond- . . ... , .,. .. . . ents. ine latter will inciuue ininy ior ' w,'r dominion., ten lor powers wnn special iniercsis iniercsis and five Germans. Hungarians Invited. Preiidoiit Wilson will head the Amer ican delegation and will be accompanied by Colonel House. Secretary Ijinsing, Henry White and General Bliss. Hungarian pence delegates have been summoned to the conference, i. as an- noiinced. They are ex(ected to trrivc in-'dor to France, was given the seat of honor st yesterday's meeting of the or-j ganizatiwn committee of the league of nations, on motion nf Colonel House. The American delelrate called the meet-, ing ta order and asked Foreign Minister i n-iion to iukc ine cnnir. rir r,i ic :-'ai-L, ..re."?-? peace Pnimmond was invited to occupy his place as secretary-general and Imperinli was seated at Pichon'i right. Dmtnmond to Call Leaaua. , .. , Druuunond was autliorned to proceed with temporary arrangements, such as appointing temporary secietanea and araruging for temporary quatcis. Care was taken to avoid any action anticipa tory of ratification of thc covenant and the treaty. Thc next meeting ii sched uled to the cull of Drumniond and fur ther preliminaries probably will be dis posed of in Loiuloi. before the initial meeting of the leagno in Washington. Those who attended the session yester day were House, richnn, Imperinli, Drummond, Lord Robert Cecil, Viscount Chimin, Rolin Jncqueinines of Belgium,! Premier Venibelos, Senor Magnluaes of i Brcr.il and Senor De Leon of Spain, I RETURNING VESSELS Housatonic Lands 1,300 In New York Today. Other Ships Soon Due. Washinuloii May o. Over ),nno: men fimii the A. K. F. tod.'iv a re on t he. Atlantic on their way from' Fiance, the'ant K. P. Stone, Lieutenant W. Hinton,1'" '"mmdng export business, war department announced. Fifty three per cent of the army has been demobilized since the armistice was signed, the wnr department stat- ed. Housatonic In Port. Xe York. Muv f. The t in n -port Housatonic arrived here today wini 1.3MU officers and men aboard. She sailed from Bordeaux April 23. The compliment of thc Housatonic in-ludcd: First anti aircrnft machine gun bat- tulioir; 113th field imitation, xK" corps; Fifth air service casual cmn- puny: lutli aero squaiii-un; j.i.iru arm squadron. Four Transports Bail. Washington, May TransiMii t sail ings were announced bv the war de partment today as follows; Transport Eastern Sea, Bordeaux to New York, due May 20 with ordnance detachment Transport Exiague. Lc Havre to Xew York is due May 14 with: casual coin-, con-ipany 3IMH; special casual companies W3 nd SHjtt, dis-harges; six casual of " cnsuai. Bicst to Pliil - I rilli-spui i uifin with 107th En - I BOCI lllia. Ill I gineers conudete; 107th engineers train; imnuul romnaniCK 1019 nn M.I. motr ... . m,,n rnT? taTT"! iv n " ! , f ' hosiutnl 400: twenty-nine casual m- twenty-nine : - . cers and six cssuais. rvLni.tm Mt VnvatrA In . Mjiy ,., wi(h. 1(l7) I machine gun battalion, field and staff. headquarters, medical and ordnance I detachment and companies A and B; 113th infantry headquarters headquar ters supply and machine gun compan ies, ordnance and sanitary detachni"nt and companies A and B; lOMih field artillery supply company and battery (special casual companies fiSO and fiM, C; headquarters :,in inianiry nngaoe, discharges; fi7B. furloughs;; fi77 nuir ines, discharges, and 07 s, colored dis charges. GARY RIOTERS SENTENCED Gary, Ind.. May 6 Sentences of from jq fine to 2"U and six months ia jail were being served today by five of the Id men arrested in the radical riot here ' Sunday. Trial of the other eleven was postponca to I riany. ON HUNS EMY Seattle Couple Married In Taxi Hitting 25 Per San Francisco, Mar 6. (United Press. V Wedded in a taxu-ab hitting 25 miles an hour: producing the rins at Powell street; hearing the "I pronounce! you words as they shot by the ralace hotel; arrival at the ferry building ia time for the nuptitd kiss, and a Los An- gclea boat, Ihese were features of the wedding of E. B. Kluckhohn, Seattle national bank employe, and Mrs. Doris $ Pattison also of Seattle. - The speed came when they discovered their boat was due to leave a few min utes after the license wr.s secured. Eight Lose Lives And 14 Injured In Hotel Blaze Columbus, Ohio, May C Eight per sons are known to have been, killed, 14 were injured and at least one person ts missing in a fire which ruined tho Phil adelphia apartment house early today. Police and firemen today aearched the ruins for udditionul bodies. About 20 children are known to have lived in the building, a six story structure and mr.ny of these aro unaccounted for, it was said. itl - i-..!i i: j l. ... mi-. . . I inv uuumiiji nsu uui una lire escape. it was in tho rear of tho building and flames spreading through the structure cut off his avenue of escnpe to thuso in the front part of the building, , American Navy Planes Keep To Hangars. Patrol Ships Aground. Rockaway Bench, N. Y., May 8. United Pres.. ...) The three American nnvy planes will not start for llt.lifax today preliminary to their trans-Atlantic fight, it was announced. Head winds forced a postponement. The three machines aro all ready to start, it was announced. Tho damage done by fire in tlie hangar yeBtorduy was speedily repaired. Commander J. II. Towers, "admiral" of the flotillu, will fly In tho NO il, ac cording to present plans. Others in this machine n ill be Commander II, ('. Rich ardson, Lieutenant H. I). McCollough, LiiMitiMimit Commander it, L, Lavendar, 1.. K. Moore, Lieutenant B. Rhodes. The NC-4! will bo handled by Lieu- , tenant Commander A. C. Relfd. Lieuten- Knsign 11. C. Rhodd, Chief Bpecial Me-! chanic K. II. Howard and Licutenaut j I"""' "r facilitating foreign trade lndi .1. I.. Breeze. i rates continued interest on tne part of The NC I goes in commnnd of Lieu-1 manufacturers, both large and small, in tenant Commander 1'. N. L. Bellinger, I ""' development of nuirkets abroad. " with the following crew Lieutenant Commander M. A. Mits clier, Licutcnnnt L. T. Burin, Lieutenant II. M. Sndeiiwater, Chief Machinist Mnte C. J. Keslcr, Machinist U. Chris ten sen. Weather conditions for Wednesday and Thursday were reported its unfavor- u,,. f, starting the flight. By A. E. Johnson Aboard U. S. S, Prairie, Trepaswy lii. v, X, 1'., May fi. Weather conditions f,,.- tin. Iinn.-Atlnntir flitlit have been uiiprninising so fur, rain and fog pre duiniiiating. The destroyer Foote was driven i ashore early today by a westerly gnle i which reached its maximum intensity at 1 r.. in. Naval men expect to re float the Foote at high tide, when the weather moderates. Three destroyers dragged their anchors in the storm. The Kulb, Meredith, Bosh, Unwell and , 1 .''addox were ready touny to ncpnrr. ior 1 the Azores to form part or tun long eolmn of navy craft placed at filty mile j intervals, which is intended to make the j sens safe for the American planes when they actually stmt across the Atlantic. . There was considerable interest mani fested todi.v in Ihe rumor that the Brit ish aviators. Hawker nnd Kayiiham, wh() have been at St. Johns for weeks to start across with their Hopwith and Martinaydr planes will tnnke the jump! as soon n the Aiucricnn "bridge of, boats" is properly placed, so they would be taken carp of in event of accident. State Of Seie Declared Over Petrograd, Report Tsarkue, Selo, May 4 (United Pres.-) A stnte of siege has been proclaimed in Petrograd, it was announced here to day. Tsarkof Selo, 12 miles south of Tctro grad, contains two former Imperial pal aces, I The Roiimaninn army is reported to have occupied Budapest. Bomb Plot Suspect Held In Portland. Arrested For Murder In Chicago - Portland, Or., Mar . (Uni- ted Press.) "Big jack" Phe- lan, alleged I. W. W. leader, was arrested here last sight oa the chr.rge of murdering Lee Phelaa at Chicago April 21. A letter which was found in Phelan'a pocket leads the police to believe the man under arrest was involved in the recent na- 41 tion-wide bomb plots. Tho letter refers to a mysterious packago 4c 4c which a friend ii holding for 4c 41 him in Chicago. 4c PheUn hat bruises tbout his 4i head, and the police says be ad- 4c niits they wero received in a 4r fight with Leo Phelan the day 4c the latter was shot and killed, but he denies he had anything 4c to do with the murder. " 4c 4c Unprecedented Era Of Pros perity Predicted By Re serve Board. Washington, May 6. (United Press.) American business apparently has largely recovered from the shock of war and is set for an unprecedented year of prosperity, according to reports reaching the federal reserve board. Increasingly largo volumes 0f raw materials on dock for export; prospects for a record grain crop and "surpris ingly sutisfactory " industrial n(U tions combine to present a "reassuring sltuutiou" to the nation, according to a statement given out by the board today. The nation 'a recuperative powers were liriiii.rht Iwin f..1l 1 .11 : ,t ,ini imjr niiu uusincss ( generally is on a better footiug," the i statement said. The, hoard entertain no fewi as to unemployment. The floating supply of labor, threatening trouble in February mid March, has been largely absorbed, the board statement shows. Export Trade Large. Rectification of conditions will con ditions will continue most of tho sum mer months, tho board bolieves. Plans for building operations and expansion in industry, held in abeyance during the war, are beginning to materialize, the board says. Relative to export trade, the state ment says: " Export trudo during tho month has been large, although it ronalstod lurgoly of ruw materials. Nevertheless Interest in export trade is growing and several impoitnnt developments havo occurred during the month (April). Skipping rates have shown a decidedly downward tendency which the organization of a investment trust for tho purpose of en couraging tho absorption of foreign se curities lias mailt- a practical beginning Tho or- ,"""",l"n association for the pur TRACTOR CRUSHES MAN Forest Grove, Or., May 6. A tractor which Rene Cropp was driving up a hill yesterday afternoon, in an orchard ncr.r this city, turned over backward nnd crushed Cropp to death. Mrs. Clara May Xoah, supposed to have committed suicido at Cheney, Wash., is declared to have been mur dered. The body was exhumed and lountl 10 i.e ciiveren wnn liruiscs. Who remember, when you bad t' take patent medicine t git your picture in th' newspaper? Tb' trouble with most people is that they prepare fer th' best instead o' th' worst. FACwS I Abe Martin . mm . w a. mi If TOLEDO SELECTED AS L0CATI0:i OF BATTLE ON FOURTH OF JULY Fighters Satisfied Bat Sc; Patrons Of Ring Case Kkk At 12-Rcund Limit Under Ohio Laws. VETERANS OPPOSE WILLASD AS WAR SLACKER. San Francisco, May 6. Ui ted Press.) Holding that Wili tud was a "slacker" during the thc war period, soldiers, sailor, and marines are considering a determined campaign to halt hi. Fourth of July match with Jack Denipsey, according to local leaders in war veteran associa tion work. A meeting of veteran, will ba held in Alameda, where a peti tion will be prepared, asking an ex-service men to combine and bar the big Kansan from the ring in the United States, it i. planned. This will be sent to soldier-, ailor sana tions throughout the country. The Miltary Order of Foreign War In Philadelphia is said to have agreed to aid in the auti Will::rd campaign. 4t- By H. C. Hamilton (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Xew York, Mny 6. lex rues a re) has spoken nnd .Toledo is tho place where Jess Willuid and Jack Dempsey will battle on July 4. Full many a wail of protest is scheduled to take the air be tween now and ladependehco Day. But the very fact that Richard declined ta confirm rumors of thc selection as tha Ohio city until the Inst detail had been; attended makes it unlikely that unfore seen obstacles will appear in the path of the bout. Tlriire is an under current tif oppojl- tion to thc battle that is likely to give some trouble, but only in a passive way. There ia said to be men em... i'e with the pugilistic game who have striven to throw impediments in the way of the famous promoter, but these men are not exieeted to do any great harm. Iiu-knrd has withheld their names, but has promised to give them publiritv in statement if their efforts to block him continue. N Opposition Slight. Sonic opposition to n hour lu amy 13 rounds, even with a decision attached, already has been spoken in this section. but this is rather far fetched in view ef the prowess of Dempscy. Richard could have built his arena in Idaho for a bont of 25 rounds, but by pjacing it iu Okie the crowd will be greater and accommo- lations better for the huge crowd he expects to hnndle. The promoter believes an arena to sent 40,000 to .Vl.OOO is the largest fee can construct and still make It possible (Continued on page three) TROOPS GUARD PAIR WHO KILLED TtACHER Irate Neighbors Cf Pretty Era- ma Austraw Demand Double Lynchin. Greensbiirg, Pa., May Heavily guarded by a troop of ntatu police and score of armed civilians, .lames . raw- ford, 37, alleged confessed slayer of Miss Emma Austraw, pretty 19 year old I. ut ml. c school teacher, and an alleged iii-complice, John Hay, 17, were confined in the state police barracks hero today. Xews of the arrest of thc ai.cged murderers, which was announced shortly before midnight, aroused the entire couiiti v side. Hundreds of cil-ixeus ate reported to have gathered st Isitrobe, tell miles cast of here, intent of lynch ing. Early today a truck loaded with a score of men drove into the city anil da- nmiided release of the prisoners. State troops puid no attention ann snon the party left, going back toward Ijatrcjpe. Information charging Crawford aid liny with murder was sworn today by Sergeant J. T. McClnughlin, of thc state IHilice. Acording to Mcflmighliu, Crawford confession shows fnat the two men seiz ed the girl on Monday afternnmi, npnl 2t, and dragged her into the cellar of an abandoned og cabin on a farm near here. After 'he girl hud been attacked, the men knotted a buck skin tircmtrn her arms, tied them behind her hark and carried her unconscious to the shed. After placing her under the floor, a bal let was fired into her neck. McCiaugh- Uni asserted. Crawford, the police say, accused Ray ,of shooting the girl. I A total of 15.000 sheep will be shear ed in Deschutes county this year.