THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 5, 1919. PAvJE jf JB ' ' "ir IV VvUl A U1U AYV,&AWrJi Alt VsAAA Itching, Terrifying Eczema? ,Thl Que lion It Ere? oq lha Upi of the ASScted, Eciema, Tetter, Erysipelas, tn3 other terrifying conditions af the skin, art deep-seated blood diseases, and application of salves, lotions tad trashes can only afford temporary re lief, without reaching the real teat of the trouble. But lust because local Irestment has done yen no (road, there i no reason to despair. You- simply have not sought the proper treatment, that I within your reach. You have the experience of othere who have (offered as you hare to rtiida yon to a prompt riddance of lood and (kin diseases. No matter ROLL 0FH0N0R Tiie following casualties are reported by the commanding general of the .A merit-nit Expeditionary Forces: Killed in Action - " Died of Accident mid Other Causes 19 Died of Disease 4 I Wounded Severelv 4!x. Wounded (degree undetermined Wounded Slightly Hissing in Action Tntt.l Ill Killed in ActLn. Mechnnie Edward L Kezaiika, Chica go Iil. Kuymond Lafayette Naugle, Walnut Bottom Pn. Died from Accident and Other Causes. Lieut Holla Berry Hull, Kansas City Wo. Knttulion Sgt Mnj Jsnnes Llojd Mc Allister, Meudon Mo, Corp C'lein A Beekinau, Colina Okla. Wade llnskel Allen, pliopolis 111. John C Ananstin. Ashton Nel. AVilliaiu II Kluekbiirn, I'cnoii l.'talt. Fled lawood, S'ttUvpll Ti-mi. Clifford L Helm, .Maauu City Iowa. Anthony Henueuzie, West urt Conu. Caleb W Pearson, Kwllnuds Cut. ' Mihenel 1'eifer, Brnoi!,n ' V. Wilb.iu II Hichmond, Dereno N M. CUBKENT CASUALTIES El;d cf Dij..U3. Sgt l'hilippe Sehnefer, New York X Y (iuivera Harrison, Slininbles tia. Charles II Myres, Maggie Va. Albert Waddell, tshreveport I.a. Died of Accident and Other Causes. John Bernard, Mexico Me. Lawrence J Burns, Boston Mass. " Joseph J Cvnova, Chicago ill. John Hun-inn, Racine Wis. William J Kirby, Albany N Y. James II Rogan, J'awtueket R I. Albert K Smith, Wyandotte Mich. The following casualties are reported liv the commanding generul of the American Expeditionary Forties: Kited in Action - Died from Wounds ' Died in Aeroplane Accident 1 Died of Accident and Other Clauses til Died of Disease " Wnmi.led Severelv if Wounded, Degree I'mleteruiinc . Wolindetl Slightly Missing ill Action Totni ... f ...20 1 ... 4 ...DOS Total niunbyr of casu ...allies to date, iii,-lii.liii.r those reported above: Killed in Action (including 881 nt sen) Died of Wounds Died of Disease Died of Accidents and Other 32,410 '22,7(17 UuS Causes "'. per cent 1 ..HS,34S . including and re- I timed Total ... 4,4;10 ;,soi Killed In AcUon. (iuv X Demark, Rochester Pa. Thomas F Putfell, Pottsville Pa. John J ttntli. Akron X Y. Joseph S Dushiell. l'lincess Anne Md. Tone Miimlucei, Dubois Pa. Died from Wounds. Sgt Roland A Williams, Clifton Forge Va. Coip Paul Horsey, Burlington Iowa. Horace V Collins, Danlanelle Ark. l'nsiiiale Di'orio, New York N Y. Died fTom Aeroplane Accident. ' Portugal's New yrcsiiVrt 't . a- SI i y t. ft. . it- Aiiii.uM Jo.cO l3 E. Cas .tro Kilva Antunes, wbo was pro claimed by the people of Portugal, j tThis photo vas just received in j New York. s 1 , how ferrifyine; the Irritation, no mat ter how unbearable the itching and burning of the skin, S. S. S. will promptly reach the seat of the trouble and forever font from the blood every trace of the disease, just as it has for others who have suffered as you have. This grand blood remedy has been used for more than fifty yean, and you have only to give it a lair trial to be re- ' stored to perfect health. Our chief medical adviser is an au- thority on blood and skin disorders, and he will take-pleasure in giving you ' such advice as your individual case ' may need, absolutely without cost. j Write today, describing your case to Medical Department. Swift Specific ' Co, 2iZ Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, . Ga, Lieut Carl 0 Nieiui, Kveletli Miun. Dieu to:u Accident utner Causes, Sgt Karl li K. hult, Berlin Iowa. Corp Leslie J Aalter, Farragut Iowa. Corp Edwin Earl Ferguson, j Hickory, Pa. Corp Virtfil Ivan Hauimoutiee, Adrir.n Mo. Corp Frank Johu Wagner, Buffalo N Corp Frank Packer. Hilliards Mieh. Hubert McDonald, Mckecsport I n. Chisleer L Barnes, McKinney Tex. Charles A llobbitt, Orofino Idaho. Albin Carlson, De Kalb ly. I!ay C Coleman, Sail Diego Cat. Iloiisoa Richard Congdon. Burlington Kan. William Allison Cootcr, iwiiie Mo. Alphouse J Fellmau, Leavenworth Kau. William Kenton, Blaine Kan. Joseph Fuchs, Melrose Miuu. Lawrence J Casey, South Kaufcauna Wis. Charles H Cassady, Paterson ?f S. Morrell B Jiickson, Calico Koek Ark. Ernest 0 Jones, Pickens S C. Henry Nelson Jones, Carteiville Mo. Joseph T Jones, Oliver Springs Tenn. Arthur Jordan, Conway S C. Joseph (Ireene, Now York X ....Y. Fred 11 Hayes, Ornndview Wash. Oscar Hilden, Ellemlale N D. John Johnston, Belford Iud. (ion.ales Lue, Davant La. William J Myers, Jennings X 0. Lee Leonard Penol'fsky, Joilet III. Joe Peradotti, Rutland III. Jilson Siidel l'iatt, 7'icnci- vm. William L I'rout, Catletlsburg Ky. Otto V Suucenuan, Sulheiliu Or. Prank Smith. St. Louis Mo. (Inner Jackson Sparks, Kreba Okla. Huston 11 Stephenson, Argonia Kan John Etcphcnson. Manitowoc Wis. Clifford Tavlor, Oskoloosa, Iowa. ' Anton Torgerson, Austin Minn. William H Woods. Milton Ky. Bert C Wootteu, Cloveland Ohio. Seth Judd, Wathena Kan. Iteibeit L Larson, Kiron Iowa. Itrvitn McCnrthv. Wauliesha Wis. Charles (I MeCnrver, Frederiektown Mo. Harrv F Marsliall, South Brewer Me. Edwin O Parker. Hnrrodsburg, lnd. llnrland (I l'funtz, State Oi-nter Iowa. Tliomns Witchec, Lincoln X I. Died of Disease. Wagoner Clarence, II Oswald, Bagley Wis. Hubert Bailey, Huntington W V. Lisle L Best, Coeur d 'Alene Idaho. Robert Christenseu, Tibier Or. Andrew W Mayer, Philadeluhia IV.. Detner T Meals, Eau Claire fa. John Smith, Cavce S Polk Warcllaw, Dallns Tex. I'nink Colonel, Beaufort S C. Francis L Cnnbov, Kansas City Mo. Died, Previously Reported Missing in Action. Lieut Willford AleFadJen, San An tonio Tex. Sgt Hiirry K Hobait, I.udluw Vt. Corp ('live A Buyer, Tebbetts Mo. Oren Clark, Eaton lnd. Dan S Hart, Taeoma Wash. Edward Sclmier, Pittsburg Pa. Arch C Wright, Montevideo Minn. Wagoner Elwvn S Wheeler, Hollis X II. Otto C Anthes, Audobo Iowa. Sidney (llenn Brnman, Iiosi liii Kan. Harry I, Blister. Burkltart Ohio. Charley Block, Lenveuwortlt Kan. Francis Elliott Campbell, Bridgetou N J. . . . Jsuac I. Cauady, Reidiville X C (ieorge Ckounos, Seattle Wash. Edward F Clark, Paulding Oiiio. Rnvmond William Clemens, Defiance Ohio. I.eary Clifton, Freejiort I'la. Frank H. Craig, Coal Creek Teun. Charles Criswell, Martins Ferry Ohio. ,Okey p Crookshunks, Cornstalk V V, Carl Crowfoot, Rising Sun Ohio. (Ieorge A Davis, Carthage Mo. Charles Dennro, Hrookiyu N Y. Hurshell H Dickinsun, Asher Okla. James E Dolan, Xew York N Y. Eihvard P Donovan, Daggett Mich. Henry E Dumout, Aurora 111. i'atiirk J Dunn, Brookliiie Mass. Frank () Kngstrom, Ratvlings Wyo. Vigiiln Feriaii, Central Park .V Y. Henrv A Fifield. West Thornton X II. Oke C Freeberg, Houtrdale Pa. Mitt'o l,irgih, Allison Pn. Ah in (bicdib l, Waterloo 111. Percy Charles Graham, Xew York X (. Frank fl Cualtieri, Syracuse N T. Joseph E Hamilton, Hector Ark. Sciitt Ilarrod, Millville Ark. Hurry C Harter, Mr.rshalltowa la. Denis Heiily, Han Fiuneiseo Calif. William II.m kinan. Accident Md. Joseph A Hoian, Terryville Conu. Jacob Hughes, Coiaopolis Pa. Albert Hnssman, Hoffman III. (ieorge W Irwin, Payette w. Jovan Ivkovic. Wall IV. Oscur Jiii-kson, Susanville Or. . Charles if Jacques, Portland Or. Rudolph J Jasper, Vendy III. Steve Jendro, Flenbiirg Minn. Thtdore Jolinsou, Rothay Minn. Arthur H Jones, Philadelphia Pa. Samuel I Jopp, Chester Pa. Ceorge Jorgenm-n, Waukesha Wis. Wikite. Kurasuk, Hartford Conn. Horace M Kielfer. Fleetwood I'a. Harry II Kitchen, Edom Ohio. Joseph Kowaleski, Meriden (onnv Ignae Km-liar'ki, New York Mills X Harry H LnBuv, Rosbolt Tfifc Roy L Ijtsity, Calamiae Ark. Wilbur Lvfeber, Norfolk Conn. John A McMillan. Emmet t Mich. Lawrence Audrvw Matusciuk, Buf falo X Y. Michael J Maye, Jersey dty X J. Peter M Melhus, Eu Claire Wis. Theodore V Mill. Chicago Hi John W Moore, Warrvntown Va. Jonathan E Morgan, Higgius Pa. Albert F Nelson, Leonard X P. Homer B Olmstead, Southborry Conu. Leopoldo Pasolini, Beverly M;;ss. Ewell Patton, Fort Gibson Okla. William McKinlcy Penrod, rrinity Kv. William L Vies Yelolw Jacket Colo.1 The Hilhs eighteen acre traet has Camillo Posterivo Chicago 111. lbe"'B oM ,0 Mr- Pllt,;he,, f 1 "ft- V.8"""0.1.. U lllc ? 'land for $6000. Nine acres of this Henrv v iratnor xtora 111. Arthur A Prochuow. WatertoWn Wie. James C tiikes, Edenburg Miss. Charlie R Smith, Tenne-sse LI. Johu A Smith, Kingston Ark. Chester M Southwick, Trenton N J. James Stedr Chicago 111. Theodore Tollefson, Hayfield Mm. Peter P W'illiuius, Wilkes-UM'" a Charles W Wiseman, Mnrston Mo. Vauirlui C Wvatt, Greenborp Md. Arthur C Wymnn, East Boston Mass. Hugh X York, Ritchey Mo. MARINE COKPS CASUALTIES 1 ne lOiloiilt rasuHima aiv . -.,. bv the t-ouiinandiiig general of the'.,. -,.i,. , : i-..,.i;i;..,.rv Wee- .Aiiii-t ivni, .v. . f Killed in Action Died of Wounds Received in Action Missing in Action Total Killed In Action. Corp Howard Swier Dorsey, West Philadelphia Va. Edward (ieorge ApplePoe, Hint Mien. Ralph Orion Hill, Potsdam 1. James E Phalen, Chicago 111. Died of Wounds. Sgt Michael Joseph Stiller, Xew Or leans La. Corp Martin Peterson, Minneapolis Minn. Bugler Charles H Knapp, West Xew- burv Muss. Jack Bamforth, Xew York X . Kenneth J Jacobson, Salt Lako City Vtah. Dewey Jay Jones, Canal Dover Ohio. Patrick A Kennedy, Richmond Va. Joseph Allen Mulford. Tacoma Wash. John Bartholomew O'Shen, Maple Lake, Minn. John Maxwell Stearns, Syracuse X Y. Bert Thoiucs Sutton, Milwaukee Wis. Huvinond Stacv Thorn, Philadelphia ra. James Ambrose Vigneau, Gilbert Cove, Nova Seotia. Fred Albeit Witson, Louisville Ky. D0N,LD NEWS ITEPflS. Donald, May 2. A beautiful sur prise was given airs. a. Auiruuc ''mamma" to all of Donald April .11), her ":id birthday. The ladies gath ered at the home of Mrs. .1. C. Moore While .Mrs. (1. Page escorted "mam ma" to spend the afternoon with Mrs. Owens; when till was au readiness an excuse brought Mrs. Pagt', "mamma" and Mis. Owens to Mrs. Moore's; the mom wiijt dark with the exception of the 73 candles brightly burring on a large birthday cako in the center of the room nnd the surprise was complete and appreciated by Mrs. Aufranc. The afternoon wus spent in pleasant conversation. "Maninva" was present ed with .some 'beautiful bouquets and many tributes of love and respect from those present. Delicious jce cream and coffee were served with the fine birth duv cuke. Mesdumea J. C, Moore, O. ((. Freeman, Gertrude Pago woro'host cssob for the afternoon. Thirty or more ladies were invited for the occasion. . Mr. uud Mrs. J. E. 'Foss were strr.ngers visiting Donald Hat unlay; they were looking over tho business situation and hope they may decide to cast their lot with us. Dr. Bowman of Mnlom gnve a short Sunday school address at the Donnld church Holiday a. m. Page Dilley of Carmlls, Wash., spent the week end visiting his uunt, Mrs. F. T. Mercer, at the Hiingnlow hotel. P. P. Hall of Portland was visiting hi ister Mrs. Hoy Garrett, over Wednesday night. He was doing o goo.l business with the Donald miT ehnnts while here. .Mr. uud Mm. Jeff Pooler were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. John son '.Sunday p. m. The J . Moore family motored to Yamhill Huntley. Mrs. Davton Walker went to Port land Sunday, returning Wednesday evening. The following program was given at the teachers institute which met a Donnld Suturdtty: Picture study, Miss Alta Kanisby, Waconda; tducarlvc seat work M.'uw Bern ice Hammer, Ger vitis; technical grammar, M:ss Emma Broch, Eldridge; the teacher, Super visor .1. V. L. Kmith, Salem; stand ard club meeting, Donald stamrard cookery club; demonstration of poem work in the primary grades, Mrs. V. Come nnd pupils! address, Supt. W. M. frimith, .Stl ; review of years work. Luncheon was served in the Imsement of the Donnld church hy the conking cluss of the Donald school, which wns very fine conidering th short time they have been at work. The following menu was served: fruit cocktail led nee salad, hot biscuits, bread, butter, meat loaf, mashed pot a toes, cauliflower and cream an"e, ice cream, cake. J. F. Jones, district sealer of vci'its ami measure, was in Donald Wednesday. We nr.- glad to state he found the scales of the Donnld mer chants nil o. k. and could attach his red seal. We are sorry to note that while in Portland attending the grnnd lodge of the Maccabees, Mrs. A. E. Feller had her new auto badly wrecked by a liuie ear running into it; front wheel broken and other damage, but fortu uttely the driver, Harlan teller, was Mini.iurcf!. luhnson Of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Por'lai'd spent S'iiid-iy afternoon am! night with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. John son of the brick otore. Mrs. Geo. ljtmb end Mrs. Earl ' one autoed to Silver! on Saturday eve ning bringing Mr. Cone back with them, who remained until funday eve j-.vhen he returned to the jirece camp si?iin . Another event of intercut to many of the Donald laities was the straini lodge of the women of thr Maccabees, which met in Portland the is an. I 'J9. Mew danirs A. K. Feller. J. P. Keller, Al ice Cone Bon Uppers. Avis Moore, Os borne, Walker.' Francis Mercer, John Miller and Emma Evans attended from the Donald lodge. They feel highly honored that their couitnatidcr, Mr A. E. Feller, was elected by a major- j ity of 200 vote, to represent the state or tiregon at me supreme loosrc i meets in Port Huron, Mick., in July Miss Bina West, fupreme onunander, Port Huron, Mieh., and Mrs. Adaylotte of California were in attendance. , , , , ; has very f u.e loganbe. nea and. is eouslered a good buy at that price Mr. Beutley of noodbura was in Donald Wednesday eontracting all the loganberries he could secure. Mr. and Mr. Fred Yertjcn were week end guests of friends in Portland, driving down in their new Overland. Miss Mary and Johu Xaylor came out from -Portland Saturday to visit hheir mother, Mrs. J. Xavlor. who re sides near Donald. t Ira (smith of Portland moved his family It tthe Ac.kvrson house last week. Mr. 8mith has the contract for , ,a 1 1 I l. 9 1 they are getting about 13 cords a day jy'at present. 2 Miss ldell Lamb spent Friday in Salem nt the home of II eo. Young; " " - she whs accompanied home by Oeo. Young, junior, who visited over tho week end in the Lamb home. O. L. Xregness of the Oregon Elec tric, and J . L. Weber spent Sunday in Donald, visiting W. A. Weber, who has charge of the depot at this place. R. E. and Eugene Neat ot Portland and (jus Whalen of Xew York city were guest a at the bungalow hotel the latter part of the week. tmith & Son of Chainpoeg shipped carload of hogs from Donald Sunday. Mrs. Fred Yergen and Mrs. Earl Cribble attended club meeting at Au rora Wednesday. Mi-s. Gertrude Pago and Mrs. J. C. Moore, spent Monday afternoon and evening in Portland. Hov Oarrett and W. Winan return from Bend Monday; they think Don ald is good enough for them. Report plenty of snow over there. SILYERTON NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service) ISilverton,' May 2 Miss Marie Jones arrived in the citv Wednesday evening nnd Thursdny morning resumed woiK in the post office. Miss Jones comes to relieve R. G. Allen, who finds it im possible to hold, the position of assist ant postmaster. He will devote his wholo time to the garage business in the future. Dr. Wrightinnii performed an oper ation on Mrs. E. A. Nesheim at the suniloriuin last Friday. The patient is recovering nicely, Frank Wolcott returned to the city Wednesday evening after visiting in Eugene for several days with hie broth er, Chet Wolcott, Mrs. Georire H. Htreet was in tho city Wednesday conducting her usual singing classes. Mrs. ntreet now in; Ktructs regular ringing assembly in the high school 011 Wednesday, of each week , Miss Madge Scott was a Portland visitor tho fore port of tho week. Sergeant Walter L. White, a nephew !of C. M. Coy of the Silver tails ho tel, is in the city nnd will make his home here indefinitely. Ho luia hcen in the tinny for -four years, recently 'returning from France. He has receiv ed his dischaige snd will work during the summer months. A ntw building is .iiin to be cre'l ed in this city by the Christian (-Science society on their lot on tho corner of Third' nnd L?wis streets, l iana and spei lfioalions have been diawn and this contrnct is soon to be let to tho low est bidder. Miss ISese Cowden, who is teaching in Coivallw, visited in this city the lust of the week. Mrs. Carl Anuudson was u Salem visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Florence Slater of Portland visited lust week nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Orlie Reece. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Tokstud went to Portland this week to attend a district convention of the Luthcrn church; Mr. Tokstad was a delegate to th' meeting Mesdames harles and Jacob Jacob- I son visited in Salem Tuesday. Mi . nnd .Mis. W. S. .lock returned S,"tpy f,' a visit ' to different mi rin i it Washington. Eva Miller returned to Portland Sat urday nfter 11 visit with relatives in this city. Nels Olson left Tuesday for Stan wood Wash., where he will enter the old pei pies home. Mr. Monsom super intendent of the home, arrivetTin this city and accompanied Mr, Oison on his trip. Morten Lt'ther nf Hubbard trans acted business in this city Hutnrday. Mrs. Lei Anderson is enjoying B visit from her son who has been in Portland, where he has been under nied lenl care. He i feeling much better now, and is fast gaining his health. Mits Mabel OliU of Poll la ad motor ed to this city Sunday, also visiting if. I. i tlw Mick Icson lioine on How t irajrj,.. Mr', anil Mr". Hove and oaughter, Esther, of Mi-Kce visited friends in this citv Monday. Esther and Otto Oenze! were in the Capital city Sunday. Mr. Hmde left Tuesday for Wan wood, Wash., where he will Cnjoy a short virit. Mrs. J. F. Conrad is recovering nice !v from a severe ease of erysiiielns. Sliss Vesta Conrad returned to her work at "The Shop" after an enforc ed vacation during which time she took care of her mother. A. A. Srindo went to Portland far 1r,ar wh,,r(. he spent a few days with 'relativta. He arrived h"tne Monday 1. : ...nmt.nnirrl hv hi. wife who 1 - --. had enjoyed a longer viBit in the me- tro polls. Mrs. II. Dnhl went to Portland Friday to end the week end with her daughter Mrs. Theod'tre Opsund. Miss Selma liierson visited in Salem Sunday. BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS MONMOUTH NEWS. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Monmouth, Or., May 5. Judge Me Cainant. ex-niemlier of the supreme court and one of the best known law yers of Portland, has been sec tire it lor the commencement address. Jurtge Me famant is recognized as one of Oregon's in(,st ?1-.Hkers and the 19U9 elaaa is to , eongrntulatcd upon securing aim Miss Taylor, head of the physical edu cation department, was in Sclera on Monday in attendance at a conference of phvsical directors of the state. Su- poriuteiulent Churchill after conferral with these representativce appointed a ..,,;,,.,., ,.!,ii. , n.. Ti... . ,.,,, of physical education O. A. C..C Miss Cuinmiugs, herd of physical editca ticn I of O., and Misa Taylor, head of physical training O. N. 8., to formulate a course of study to conform to the new physical education law prsscd by the lust legislature, whihe requires that twenty minutes each day be devoted to this work. Mr. Gentle, superintendent of the training schools and head of the educa tion department, nnd Miss Ida May Smith, critic of the first and aeeoud grades, were the principal siH-akera at the Beaverton institute on Inst Satur dav. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Parkca. ex stu dents of the normal, were ou the cam pus this week. Mr. Parkes has just re- turned from eighteen months' nveisea service iturini? most of which time he was at tke front. Mr. and Mrs. Parkes are planning to teach next yer.r and re turn to the normal later to complete their course. Mrs. Margaret Curran, rural super visor and institute conductor, is visit ing the high schools in Cluckaiuaa coun ty this week. Mrs. Ellen O'Dnnnell McCredie, '13. who is planning to take up teaching again was at the normal last week milk ing arrangements to continue her work nt teachers college, Columbia L'uiversity New York. Mr. Ostien, of the mathematics de partmeiit, who for the past year has been with the Y. M. C. A. in France, writes that he plans to be in his old classroom at the normal for summer school. 1 Arthur Walwvn Evans, tho well known nephew of the British Premier Llovd-George, who appeared at tho nor mal auditorium on Monday evening, is a speaker of exceptional ability. His sincere appreciation of American nnd all things American were most gratify ing to an American audience and in a do every true American register a solemn vow to more surely exemplify in his own life those ideals for which America stands and which led Mr. Evnns to say tlmt America meant fraternity to him, On account of several cases of la wrippe among the Btitdents, which it is feared may develop into influenza, the faculty havo thought it wise to take every precaution and have postponed the motion picture. "Our TotMy, which was to have been given on May 2 tn a Inter date. SOCIETY AT HUBBARD Miss Leda Henderson wius the honor ed guest at a pretty shower and lunch eon given ThurBdny of lust week lit the home of Mrs. Nora Kauffmau. Mis Henderson was the recipient of many useful and 'beauti-nl gifts, among which may be mentioned an exquisite luncheon bloth made bv Mrs. Clarence Johnson, and 11 pyrex baking dish pre sented by Miss ) Oder and Miss Jihi eph. The party was in the nature of a surprise, Miss Ileuderon believing that the guests had dropped in to call. Shortly after their arrival, a seriea of cards were presented to the guest of honor each one asking her to look in a part of the house where the gift hud been concealed. In addition, to Miss Henderson the guests were Mesdames Nora Kauffmun, C. ('. Thomasou, C. Johnson, Misses Yoder, Joseph, Hund strom, Simms. Heefey, Rosenbrutigh, KauWinan. . On Sittitrday night of last week the senior class of the Hubbard high school wtas delight fukly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mra. Waldo Brown. The Imstesaes of -the occasion were Mrs. (',. C. Tlioniason, Miss Hceley nnd Misa Sttiidstrom. Progressive "oUO played, at which Harold Mooiiuiw and r i,n Winnie Franco won prizes .. 11 ,....,. t,..;.,,. io;j was sen ca at ii, cu.i-in i-u fifteen. The table was artistically nee- orated in the senior class colors, red nnd white carnation while individual bon bun baskets in red and gold car ried out tho color scheme. To the place cards of the seniors were attached red and gold streamers nt the end of which gift booklets were tied and concealed under the table. . While courses were being removed, college songs were sung. Those pres ent were Mosdiimcs Waldo Brown, C. C. Tin isnn. Misses Heelcy, Wand strom Rena Ksuffman, Gertrude Cham beilain, Etta Lenhnrdt, Irene Ho,e, Winnie Franco- and Messrs Waldo Brown, George Fry, Bert del.espinasse, Francis Thomas, liarold Moomaw, Cecil Linhardt and Freddie Tliomns.-Hub bard Enterprise, Tlie Capital Journal Daily Market Report Grain Wheat, soft white -.10 Wheat, lower grade oa sampls Outs !t0(&8.-.e Ray, cheat -4 Hay, oats t!i Barley, ton '" Mill run 43(U4le Butterfat - '' Creamery butter 57(ii 5 He. The Journal Job Department will print you anything In the stationery line do tt right and save yau real money. oumal W ant Ac Quick Reference To Firms That Girz Service On Short Where Buyer And Seller Meet We Recommend Our Advertisers. EVEBYTHQTQ Sale Electric Co., Masonic Temple, WATER COMPANY 1ALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial aad Trade itreeta BUI payable monthly in advanee. Phoae 604. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 120 acres of No. 1 land located 8 miles from Salem, on good .road, in good locatioa. good house and barn and other buildings, farm implements, 4 horses, 3 cows, 5 year lings, SO head of hogs, round 500 cords of wood ready cut, all at bargain. Writo M W care Journal. tf FOB SALE A good double team kar nesa, will trado for hay or graia, or will exchange for good dry wood See Square Deal Realty eompaav Phone 470 BEST BUYS 2 acres all cultivated, good house, lots of fruit; $2000, easy terms. 814 acres all in crop, on paved road, close to Salem; $2000, tentj if de sired. 10 acres all cultivated, all fenced, S miles out, only $1300. 10 acres; good modem house, logans, prunes; family orchard; $."300. 12 acres all in cultivation. 6 room house, 2 Mi acres family orchard, 1 milcs'from Salem; $:tr00. 8 acre; 6 acres, Vj in prunes, In peaches, logans between; X acres ia maple timber; the best of river bot tom, on graveled road, just the place for an investment that will bring returns; only $1200, easy terms. 13 acroa, 6 acrea in 7-year old cber ries, 8 in 7-year old prune-, 4 straw, borries; house, bnrn. close in; $3730. 18 acres, 5 acre, logans; small house; 8Vj acres timber, close In, $.1N0U. 21 acres. 10 cultivated, bulanco tim her isture; house, barn, family fruit: $2250. 20 acres, l',j miles from town, trade for Salem residence not over JlriUO. 15 acre, all cultivated family orch ard, 24 acres strawberries, 6 acres grain, 1 acre potatoes, raniny gar den, 5 room house burn with hny fork, fruit house, wood shed, chick en house; beat black gravel eoil; close to Bchooi; equipped with stock and tonl and all household furniture, $1000. 70 acres, 50 tillable, 1,000,000 feet saw timber; will trade for acreage or Salem residence and assume mort gage or pay ensh difference. For best buvs see SOCOLOFSKY Bnyne building Pork, Veal and Mutton Pork on foot 18'4((i Hl',e Veal, fancy lH(t9e Steers 7ftfe. Cows - 0(fi.8c Spring lambs - - lp- Bwes.- 45S Sheep, yearlings 10(a;12c gKs ana rouiiry F.ggs, Hens, livo Old roosters Cockerels 37c 3Hc 15 2l(ri2ic Vegetables Radishes, doz 30c Rhubarb '. Se Potatoes 1.25ftiU7fi1 Onions, local $3(0)4 (Ireen anions dor. 40c M! h&lT. 1 urnipj - " Head lettuce $-'.0 Beets f Winesnn apples, box $...i0 Celery, crate lu I run Ornnges '"' j Lemons, box - - IStao Bananas California grape fruit $4fa4.2n Black figs lb. ltJtoilae White figs, lb. 19(i,20e Package figs per bx 50 pkg $i!aOM HtViey, extranted 20e Retail r rices Ki'ira. dozen - 45c ' Crcamoiy butter 05c Flour, hard wheat $3(u3.1o Portland Market, Portland, Or., May 5. Butter, pity creamery, 54(o 55c Eggs selected local ex 41(5 13c liens ;:c liroilers 40; Gocse 17(a20e Choose, triplets 35(i "7c DAILY LIVE STOCK MAE1U5I Cattle Receipts 413 Tone of market slow Beit Steers $1313.50 Oood to choice steers $ll(i( 11.50 Medium to good steers $9.50010 Fair to good steers $Sfa 9 Common to fair sters $7.50(6. 1 1.50 Choice cows and heifers $10.5la)l2 Good to choice cows and heifers 9-75 Medium to good eows and heifers Fair to medium eows and aeileri $5f 5.50 dinners $3(Tt 4 Bulls $5tu8 ''ikes 12.50 Rockers and feeders $fio S.50 HogS Receipts 2005 Tone of market higher Prime mixed $20.25to -'0.50 Medium mixed $2t(u 20.25 Rough heavies !x.25'(i 1H.S0 Pigs $1H.50ii 19.75 Bulk 2".25o 20.5U aneef Recointa 1135 I Prime iunibj $14(gl3 Telephoaa ELECTRICAL 127 North High- -alaia 120 DORA DEAN McCUTCHEON, teeher of piano, a new and logical meikod for both pupil and teacher, making clear all basic principle necessary to a musical education, and grria! the "music teacher" something to teaeh. 421 Court St. Phone 352. PEOPLES FURNITURE STORE For bargains in new and secoadhaa goods for the house, furniture, rang es, heaters aud stoves, ruc, sewing machines, graniteware, dishes, suit eases, trunks and tools. We want your old furniture and gtevas, wiU pay you highest cash price. See as Inst. Peoples Furniture Store, 271! N. Commercial St. Phone 7J4. SECOND-HAND GOODS NO CAII REQUIRED Good overcoat shoes end suits, all kinds of m usu al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat ing stoves, gas stoves, suit cases an 1000 other useful articles to sell or trade. What have youf The Capital Exchange 337 Court St. Phone 493. AMUSEMENTS THE SOLDI EH BOYS Pool aad bil liard parlor is now open under Be management aud it renders you an the general public a congenial place to pass away a few lciauie hours. Tho basement of Oregoa Fdeetrie depot, corner of State aad High Phone 828. Wm. Livock, prop. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRE 50 years experience, Depot National and American fence. Sines 20 to 58 in. high Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Worka, 250 Court street, phone 124. J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, sells and exchanges now and 2d hand furniture. All kinds o repair work, light grinding, filing, and brazing a specialty. Bight prices. - ?ortn vommtirciai ot. Phone 16. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on month ly contracts at reasonable rates.; Cess pool cleaned. Dead animals re moved. Office phone Main 167. " MONEY TO LOAN " On Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd k Bush bank ; Salem Oregon FEDERAL FARM LOANS 6y, per cent interest, Prompt service. 34! years time. Federal farm loan bonds for sale. A. C. Bohrnatedt, 401 Ma sonic Temple. Sulem, Oregon. INSlTtANCK OOUNCIL JAir free in formation about Life Insurance see J. P. Hutchnson, rlist. manages for tho Mutual Life of N. Y., office at 371 State St., Salem, Ore. Oftiee phono 99, residence 139B. tf HOP LEE, expert laundryman, 431 Ferry St. I pay top market prise for chickens and Eggs. Office phone 13.I9J, residence I333.I. . ,. - - -.-M WOOD SAW PHONE 10908 Our Prices are Right M. ZANDLKK, Proprietor , Summer Street, Salem, Oregon w. 1255 N REPAIRING STEWART'S 'REPAIR 83IOP Have just installed a machine that wit sharpen lawnmnwers the same as the factory puts them out new. Bring all your light repair work to aie. Al vin B. Stewart, 347 Court St. Phone 493. AUTO REPAIRING ALL kinds of nuto repairing by an ei pcrie.nced workman. All work goer anteed to be satisfactory, fetudobak er repairs a specialty. D. R. Moir, 203 N. Commercial. LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT MeCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andresen, C. C. T. i. Hunts. K. R. 8. ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore gon drape camp No. 1300 meet every Thursday evening in MeComeek haS Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Car rie E. Bunn, 648 1'nion St; recor der Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1413 N. 4th' St. Phone 1430M. ! MODERN" WOODMEX OP AMERICA Oregon Cedar camp o. bilo meets every Thursday evening, 8 o'clock in MeCornack hall, over Meyer store, liny A. Grant. V. C; A. Turner, clerk. UN'ITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 81 meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in Masonic Temptr. Olena C. Nilcs, M. A; C. A. Vibbert, "secretary. 340 Owens street. Fair to medium lambs $13fi 13.50 Yearlings $Ufil2 Wethers '"'"It Ewes $0(310