Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 05, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Men's Velvet and
Plush Caps
Your thots turn to one of our beautiful caps as
they will be very popular. You should see them at
once, they are going fast.
Made in the U. S. A. by American labor and full
silk lined, they are the best cap on the market today.
They are for the College Man, the man around
town who wants something different, that gives dis
tinction to the individual. "
Priced ?2.C0 and $2.50
Woolen Mills Store
"Service and Quality"
"J The plaintiff is entitled to have threo
commissioners, one "of which is to be a
i purveyor, to correct the boundary line
between the two tracts.
The Seeds
Insure the Fruits f Peace
Tho Fulls City Lumber company has
brought suit against Julius Vutfot,
Voget Bros., K. K. I'ratt and A. E. Bell
on u note for $l-."0 given Die. 31, 1U13.
Also tor tho foreclosure of a mortgage
piven to secure tho payment of (lie
note, on three lots in block 2 of twc
sun's addition to Huleni.
In the matter of the cstnto of M. I.
Ilensel, the administrator, Hoy V.
bliields, was ordered by tho court to
transfer to Esther Snyder and John H.
Hcnsel a- certain noto ryul mortgage
executed by J. II. Lautorinan Vvbruury
i, urn.
Goodly Crowd Sees University
City Players Take Long
End Of Score.
The largest erowd that ever attend
ed any event at the golf grounds was
on hand yesterday to witness the eon
test between the Eugene and Salem
While the Vuiversity town players
won with a score of 35 to 30, there was
a feeling among the Salem players that
they dtd pretty , well, considering they
were playing with a team from a town
where golfing has beea quite the thing
for many a. year , and the fact that
f?alcni players are mostly recruits of the
past year or so.
Another thing that added to the
pleasure of the day was the Johnny
Jones dinner which was entirely up to
the Johnny Jones standard.
A return match will be played with
Eugene on Sunday May IS.
The program this week at the club
includes an informal dance on Wednes
day evening. Fur the following week
there will be a dinner dance Wednes
day May 14.
The players in the contest yesterday
with their winning scores are as follows:
Eugene Inimel, 0; Tiffany, 2; Mar
tin, 3; Korer, 0; Hope, 0; Harriat, .1.
Travis, 0; Hesse 1: Goodrich, 1 G
Schaffer. 2; French, S;; I'ratt, 3; Hnpp,
I; Young 3; Gritfin, 2: Jhiodv 1; Mil
ler 2: l'amio!l 0: Carroll 2; Merrill
0: Sigwart 0; Price 3 and Bovard 2.
The ISnlem players and their winning
games are as tollows: h. . Kay, 3;
McDougal 1; Smith 0; Olinger 2; Grif
fith 3; Lerchen 0; l.ivesley 3; Baker
2; T. B. Kay 1; Thiclsen 1; Cox I;
Locke ; Burgliardt 0; Brown 2; Dyer
2. Steusloff ; Plimpton 2; Cross 1;
Lytle 3; Cusick 1; Edwards O; Percy
Young 3; Koser 0; and J. Young 2.
Jackson, Miss., May 5. (United
Press) Thre packages which postoffice
officials fear contain infernal machines
were received today at the offices of
Governor Thomas G. Bilbo, Mayor
Wulter A. Scott and Frederick Sullcns,
editor of the Jackson News.
antidote (or unrest, eaya the Na-i
tional War Garden Commission of;
Washington. . . -
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Mohama, May 6. Mehama now has
IC) National War Garden Commission. a thriving union Sunday school, forty
w A Victory Garden is the best ur attendance laat Sunday and a
W...... t t . . ! (inA unMiin. i... L.. .. I ........ ..u L1
Uur tied .ross met Wednesday and
made eleven night gowns for children.
It seems Willamette chapter has con
siderable troublo getting the work
done by tho surrounding societies. Me
hama stands ready to do her part.
Frank Kubina' mother, who is in her
SSth year has been quite ill but is im
proved at this writing. Mr. Kubin and
sons aro progressive farmers of our
locality. They formerly resided in Sa
lem, Dave Hags has sold his interests in
Alsea and is here for a visit,
Carl Winzor left for Portluiid for a
weeks stay,
lisfl Alto. Thrown, nnr efficient titneh.
Moving tho two minor children from the er and her pupils enjored a day's ont
Juruduition of the court during the;j,,g on May 1st; they were joined by
pending of the present divorce caso or , the primary grades of L-vons and they
nntil further orders. The restraining 8,H.llt tne time ideasaiilly at the Petri
order was issued on reasonable grounds, tll., Stump up thn Kantiam.
aexurding to tho decree. B. H. Champ was a business caller
, I at Auuisville Friday.
In the case of Charles Maxwell versus! A. Mallard has a fine sorrel teem
Court House Notes
An order has been issued by Judge
George G Bingham restraining the de
fendant in the case of Edith l'.'yte
Whito versus Dr. B. H. White from re-
Berne, Muv 5. According to German
newspapers, the former kaiser has asked
the government for permission to retnrn
to Germany and live on estate near
Will Iters Thrcvs His
Lariat Without a Word
Will Rogers, wit and lariat thrower
of "Follies" fame and featured player
of tho Bex Beaeh-GoTdwyn Ticturc,
'I.atighiu Bill Hyde," gives a clever
exhibition with tho lasso, but without
his fumous witticisms, in one of the
thrilling scenes of tho production which
comes to the Liberty theatre kegluning
next Thursday.
Bill Hydo (plnyed by Will Sogers) is
a convict in a western pennenuury
when the story opens. After weeks plan
nine his escape Bill begins his opera
tious by sawing at the bars of the cell.
Ssuccessful in removing two of them,
MarshiUl L Waring regarding a
rtUnnte wlncn he purchased near chaw. Mr.
In the boundary of a five-acre tract. ' Hallnrd has a fine garden on Us place
The court decreed that the fence was.""6"
it 30 feet over on the Maxwell land , m ,
nuu mm ii Hiioiiui ije sci one iu con- fTfr tt nit nif a t iir a trn
iform to the old fence of June 8, 1913. iL)l liN bALLM ALWAYS
lake ones each
it nec
essary Corn Flakes
You 11 Like
to p
1 aLi
V s - i
m 1 ! I 1 f
ey neat woere Goiers rani
On many stormy days last
winter you would gladly have
given $100 more if you could
instantly have exchanged your
old-fashioned, tried-and-found-wanting
heating device for the
genuine, guaranteed comfort
giving, fuel-economizing do
mestic labor-saving outfit of
il Radiators
x Ideal
It pays big to give S
more rental for an
IDEAL-heated building
"Never agafai, Jiml Here'i where I buy radiator heating!"
IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators soon repay their cost in fuel
economies and absence of repairs. Made throughout of high-grade iron;
nothing to wear out or rust out. Every feature of their construction
has been tested and its value and efficiency definitely established in
our laboratories, here and abroad. No "cold -side" to the house no
drafty floors or chill corners.
No need to burn high priced fuels
Radiator, cbaai. Mr bouat lato
torn.. Comfort at turn oi to.
Sold by all dealer
No exQusive scents
You don't have to buy washed, hand-picked, high
priced coal you can burn the cheapest fuel and get
out of it the full heating power it contains. IDEAL
Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators can be put in old buildings as
well as new, large or small, farm or city; no tearing up.
If weary of blackening, repairing, and scuttle-lugging, our free book
"Ideal Heating Investment" tell much that it will pay you big to know.
We announce 25 price reduction to stimulate building and remodeling,
and to aid in employing demobilized men. Act now, while you get the
service! of skilled fitters and before the big building wave is here!
uum Cleaner ia cellar-tet
and piped from door to
floor. Put lo any new or
old homt,
r D f t
ft mtntt,
i . hotels, of
fl l fice build-
jBkF-Xput tear-
In up
Fully guaranteed. Last
for yean. Sold on Eaiy
Payment!. Price reduced
20. Send for catalog.
Write Department S-48
1219-1221 Fourth Ave
Public them rooms at Clitcaao, N.w York, Boatoa, Provideacv, Worcctfter. Philadelphia, HarrUbura. Newark, WMkMbarra, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond. Albany, ejrracuat, Reclieetar,
Buffalo, PitUburlh, Cleveland, Detroit, Oraiid R.pidt, ladianepoiM. Cincinnati, LouieeiUe, Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orlean., Milwaukee, Minneanoiia, St. Paul,
St. Louia, Kaaau Cltr, Dai Moinca, Omaha. Dearer. San FrancMco, Loe Aogeiea, Seattle, Spokane, Portland, Toronto, Brentford (Ont.)
t' 1
a hoard of cbout two wncks growth,
rnthcr sandy and gray. In on pocknt!
knife. Whon found, the uVby hat was ""' '"',' ' nair
still on his h..afl and in or.lcr to make It ""' l""'v arnica uy two consul
hit. h hart tucked inxido tho hut band,; ' !,e .
The man who discovered him
M Mwiniiww. mmm-.mmnftr. k lit. utM - K.
Bill drops a rope, niaile from blankets
and bed coverings, from the window
and a minute later makes his way down.
Bill then signals Danny Dorgan, bis
put, that the road is cM:r ana ine alter
makes the descent.
Bill looks about and spies one of the
"uards. Having made a horsehair lariat
for just such an octasiou, Bill unties it
from around his body and coils it. As
the gntrd aprouches the pair, BUI lets
fly and the lariat diops over the
guard's head, causing him to lull a dis
tance of twelve feet.
Once more Bill coils the rope and
this time is droin over one of the heavy
iron ppikes on top of the wall. Bill
then skins up the rope and, resting on
top of the wall, he pulls up his pal.
Identity Of Man Drowned
Near Wheatland Ferry Is
Still Mystery-Buried Today
N'o one has been found who en Iden
tify the man who was discovered Satur
day fn the lake at Wheatland. He was
buried this afternoon by the eonnty.
Coroner A. M. Olongh describes the man
as follows: About M yenrs Old, gray
suit, dnrk blue woolen shirt and with a
necktio of reddish black. Ho wore a
heavy sweater coat of red and black
color and a browii derby hat. The shoos
were rutlier peculiar as tliey ln,d no
heels and the inner arch supports were
rivitcd to the sole of tho shoe. They
were size number 10. Over hie trousers
he wore brown overalls. Ho had no
teth whatever, either in upper or lower
jaw. His height was about a reet. 10,
and weight about 175. On his face was
(Continued from Pago 1.)
America was to do, it was dectced to
uccept no foreign orders.
That the ban on foreign contracts will
be lifted with the ratification of the
pence treaty is accepted as certain by
officials here.
In advocating the revised construe,
tion program which has resulted in
widespread protest by shipbuilders iu
first, ho feels that we ssftinu not
I continue building ships at high war
was1,,,u,u ,lt, ,.,..,
.irron Ullill r ,i U' it II II I M 1 1 Ml B 1 1 U IHll'
Chairman Hurley today:
"I fear my stutouienta havo been mis
interpreted. V7u are rvining our pro-
cntly havo been tinder way since steps
wore taken for opening negotiatious
with Austria.
Apparently the only tiling standing
V. I r congress on $ lhe ft , tho IUialu :(.tu,u
the h atus of our shipbuilding program, I ,., overy of a formula which will
toegther with a stutoment f types brvp .mllit.r Orlando 'i faro with tho
..ccm-u Ior a--wen uaiane.en inerennnt i ytaliun pelade and at, the mme time
ninrme. in tho report that tho board l,.ave I'resident Wilson and the eon
ninses to congress iu eonnection w it U Terence gonerally in an unaltered po-
any cancellation, wo will reeo -ihI ! ,ition. No baek'down on Fiume it in-
substitution of the contract for a type tended -by the allies, it is believed in
of vessel that Is required." reliable circles, and while the re is no
Civic organizations, labor unions, etc., i intetnion at present to actually "in
ure working with the California commit-! vite" tho Italians to come to Taris,
ice on Hiiipniiiiiiing to prevent cuntiact
can cellations.
1. H i 1 -Ml Jt 1 i.
iiMiini; naiuruuy uiirruuun Him jum f,t1r,..ri..Ti fn. u,. o.on,.,,,,,,,.,
happened to look over one s do of the Utily where such ship, wi re
bor.t and saw the. body Ho " : 11()t to bo deliyered until
alarmed that he t.d not look again hut h(,
unys, "ninny of the con-
mwni am fiat nm lift fOllIfI tri tliP . ... -
itrnptH oflncfiiod wore lor Bins of a bizo
an InHihtirf anil tnlntifinnriH I Virnnitr
B-.iii .,iiwm.r , ulir type not eonimere.iiilly and econoin
f nmrli A. there lire but two or three'. .. . ..
places where one
some way will be found to "Mablo them
to rejoin the conference.
Italian officials here express tho
conviction that their delegation will
return, but declared Wilson 'a position)
on Fiiiine tends lo hinder them,
rnuwuinmntiion of peace with Bul
garia and Turkey, it is believed, will
he undertaken prueticully at the snmo
! (ill,
are our two or inree ,lv.ntaKroll8 ; tim0 of , , to th
.T-7hf:L.tk;;! i"-y ordered a complete sur- Knight Ti
A. V. & A. M.
tho Jtoynl Arch
emplar t'ommandry of Kalem,
.. . .1 i.i .1 ....I
it was necessary to row Tn0 nouy airaiir. , . , ,,,,tll ,.;,,, ls,, llir. Order r,f Felern Kt.ir of I'ort
s mile to a proper landing place
,3 tvits
Pxf TWr 5HtWi
Vaw I Mran .a
rnptf lUv to Wltmatoal lU CrUa,
Do mi antWnsta wtra a itiwMertsf 4rea41
th beautiful ent c aiidWrta. Yr '
anld d'arotifon darln poled
trela at th erll by rnan-Vr rrt
aadpntlln yeoraai la auWadfd aoiMUUM
for Ju nirwH wwnen all orer te)
-A 1. mmii 4 lifaL ha wk tor
trrer kalf a renlurT the il-fcoBflrf and
fanwos remedy, kiether
Cred to rle th
IP ah lieota. Tlx
nyiua remedy, Metber a rriri. 11 ia pr
red to rlr th aMuW-tc-M that direct
eon and rorda are auvle) and kept n
sort and
litlc Time at raja la arolded, and as a
malt mn-oiwiKM, jiwe, brliif-auwB
nd arrettMn palna "re arolded.
The ab.loa.innl varl' asaaml esitry an4
ently when baby ia barn. Katurally, pain
U laaa and tUe hours ar fewer. 1U eynUra
k arepared aod tba ClUla la oaa ot Bucbi
K- 8.nr.
and passenger on all the trade routes, j'"1"'
and this report, expected within the
next tn days, will have Hn important
bearing on changes he will recommend
in the construct iou pmgrnni con
gress. To take the place of contracts now
being cancelled, Hurley plans to let new
contracts later for "larger and faster
ships." Under tho readjustment pro
gram, he says, no such yards will bo left
idle and no employes will be left sud
denly without jobs.
Meantime, he has moved, he says, t :
Together with Mr. Thomas, they
were counted among tho most faithful
l .1... 11 ..1 1. -
in. immiii vi 11 it j rj ' 11111 cumin, j
Two years ago -Mr. lhumas retired . ., i!-"rt rrt
from aii hnsmces activities and moved People Notice ItDnvel hemUlt
lo J'oilhlii(l.
(Continued from page one)
with Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
A pimply face will not emVwase you
much longer if you get package of Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin should
Imminence of peaeo negotiations begin to clear etter yott nave laneo me
with tho Austrian" naturally has result ' tablets few nightt.
;.. ..:..,...!.. i...i;.. ... i.ieanaetneDiooa.ineDOweisBnatneiivcr
end immediately delcys iu adjustment . , f(,r( w;(h h( ,, Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the me
at shipbuilders' claims growing out rp(..,,lorl n,Krta jtay w;n , Hft-t-! cessful substitute for calomel; there i never
cancelled contracts. I ,, JtpM , A f rickness or pain eft taking thetTL
Hurley is anxious to complete his ." , ,.. ,u'nll , ih. Dr. Edwards OUve TableM do that
work of reorganization, get his recom-1 ,, , . i which calomel does, end just as etlectively.
, but their action u gentle ana saie msteau
r.' I'"r' I .r and IrritBlinrr
No one who takes Olht 1 ablets is
menibitions before congress and clean
up the loose ends of his work so thnt he
may retire from bin present post and re
sume his private affairs.
Write tb BradfleU Raerelator Company.
rcpt M, liaar Bnlillrr. Auanta, uenrfia,
Lr thrlr lelpfnl Wetherhoorf kuik, and ob
!a a bntll. of Hotlier'a Friend from tie,
droryjrt today. It I. JuaJ aa tUadtli aa
avrthiruj you eaa think or.
Atd reaimlier, thert U nn'nj a label
Bm alaca ( wtHt'l Kikk ,
Substitute Contracts Planned.
Kan Krnneisco, May 5. (I'niled
Press.) Telegrams from California or
ganizations and sttncsmrn .1 mn sn,p
ping board, protecting the wholesale
ship cancellation eontrai-t on the ground
that it would leave 7-".0'K) men unem
ployed in the state within two weeks,
brought the following answer from
(Continued from page one)
offieo being in the depot.
"R-. . " as he was known 'through
nut the entire Willnmetto valley, was I ,-,, . ),. .iil.i- ith Anuria
a charter member of I'earl lodge No, iTIu, lTnitoil Sintea will nnt tin illrecl.
, at lnrner, belong- u foiicerned in either of these trcnt-
clinptor and 1 i,,,t M Wna not at war with these two
allied nnlions.
A news agency circulated
yesterdny that the "big three" hud '
nmte.l the Itnlinns to return to the 1 . ... , . v Krnmm ,..
conference. Owing to the nature of . . , u,u . Jn ii,w "nn tmnA"
m " . " - .- . -
the alleged invilntion, the report said,
it is believed tho Italians will accept.
So confirmation f this report could
be obtained from any authoritative
A lloinn dispati'h to the Agenen b'a
d':o dilared the Italian eabinet yes
terilny sent lengthy note to the al
lied governments. The nature of this j complaints, ajmd Olive TaUste K the
tucssagr was not revealed, tmt it was , immensely etlecuve result
asurmed to lie connected with tho re
ported nr-gotiations Itstwcen the allied
and Italian govrnmonts which fc'ar-
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or pimply face.
Dr. Edwards 01ie Tablets are
purely vegetable compound mixed
with olive oil; yon will know them
by their olive color.
Dr. Edwards spent yean among pa
tients afflicted with liver tid bowel
Take one or two nightly for week.
See how much better you feel aad look.
10c awl 25c per box. All limits.
it M
'1 ;
a -.
Wj .. 1 -