PAGE TWO. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 5, 1919. An Economical, Delightful, Ughi Place to Trade m A Pretty DRESS for Every Girl's Graduation Surely no girl's graduation will be marred by the lack of a new dress when we are selling mater ials so moderately priced. They will arouse in you an irresistible desire to get busy with the sewing needle without delay. We are prepared to make Graduation Day the cherished event it deserves to be in the life of every girl B7 OEETETOE EOBISON 1 Georgette Crepe de Chine Taffeta Wash Satin Nets Voiles Lawns Organdies land during the earlv part of the week " Friend of John Claire Monteith will be interested in the following account of hi roneert last week in Portland: Joan Blaire Monteith, baritone, ap peared in concert last Wednesday night at the Hallory hotel. Mr. Monteith is a specialist in program make up and the versatility of k interpretation make hint one of the most enjoyable concert soloist in the I'aeifie north west. "The recitative and aria "Vision Fugitive" from the opera "Herodiade' (Masnanet) wa sung with finished style and showed the flexible, velvet- Mike quality of his baritone voice, la iwm. bukb ami mumus -wt, ..uonieun is equally pleasing and the drnmstie " Pauper ' Drive " and the "Smug gler' tSoug'' were given with stirring effect. He included also songs by three Portland composers, known to the musical world, (Catherine Ulen, Prices 25c to $2.98 a yard. The bent way of loosening Inrgo and not be clearance between tho whculs and inaecessiliie nuts, which, arc sometimes found about tho chassis, is to line a ocked wrench of the procr sl.o, with a big atilson wrench to f urn inh the loverign. This combination will handlo almost anything. When over aized tires nre to be uscd, he ear owner should bo certain thnt there ii enough clearance ' between nil the tire and the nearest part of the ear. When tho tires are under heavy load there is danger t lit: t thero will fen lers and tho ciising. Ho certain thnt wlien tho springs nre compressed 10 wie limit by sumo extru bump, thnt tho tire will not come in contact with some part of tho chassis. Ihill, lifeless eyes, colorless lips, sallow, yellow check, give girl lit tlo chance for "man" these days. Knn't lose heart, just tnke Hullister' Kocky .Mountain Ten helps to mnko you attractive and fair. l)on't delay, begin today. 1. J. 4Vy. Nainsooks and Kindred Yardage Assortments and Qualities that will make Salem Ma chines sing. BY THE WAY, COTTON SEEMS TO HAVE TOUCHED BOTTOM AND IS AGAIN ON THE RISE. LOOK TO YOUR NEEDS NOW. Cambrics Nainsooks, Batistes, Persian Lawns, Mus lin to meet Your every requirement. NAINSOOK: In Flesh and White, .6 and 40 inches wide a very fine fabric, yard 50c and 60c LINGERIE CRINKLE: Pink and White with blue carnation or clover pattern, :50 inches wide, yard 43c LINGERIE CREPES: In plain colors of pink, blue and white, yard... 40c Another white at ...35c PLISSE CREPE : White with small, dainty figurse, IK) in., yd. .'..50c INDIA UXONS: An unbearable value in a fine cotton fabric at pre-war prices, yard 20c SUTAMA SILK: In pink, blue, light green and white a Jac quard figured material 27 inches wide, real ly wortn more 25c INVINCIBLE SUITINGS are at once recognized as Cotton Fabrics of superior qualities for Children's Creepers, Rompers and Dresses. Plain and striped, pink and blue, yard 35c Mr. and Mrs. R. Monroe Gilbert, mho hive spent the past winter in ! Portland, have reopened their beauti ful home at Hazclau and will pau the summer there. I , Mrs. 4'harlc A. Butx (Alire Blake) who ha been a gnest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr. William Blake, for the past few weeks, wa joined this morning by her husband, prominent business maa of Modesta, ; California. The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Bull, which was an event of late I winter, came a a surprise to the many : Salem friends of the bride. j During their visit in Oregon they ill be entertained at the Blake resi dence at Willow Lake. ... Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Vigars, who have recently eoi to Kalein to reside, motored to Black Kock yesterday. Mr. Vignrs is connected with the state high way com mission. ... Miss Fulrence Cartwright was a week end visitor in Purest Grove, where she wa the guest of her sister, Miss Constance lartwright, ho is an instructor in the Pacific university ... Friends of A. K. Iluckestein will be interested in learning that ho las been transferred from Independence to Vancouver where he will hold the posi tion of manager of the standard Oil eompany of that citv. At the meeting of the young ladies Sodality of St. Joseph' church yester day plans were made for I farewell breakfast to be given the eighth of June. This will lie the last meeting of tho season and the officers request all the socialist who can be present, to leave their names with the socretnry so that proper arrangements can be made for tho breakfast. ... Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Campbell were guests at a delightful surprise party Saturday evening when a coterie of heir friends cUUed ' unexpectedly. Those present were Mr. and Mr. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Delano and Miss Cynthia, Mr. and Mrs. Low is Mishler, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McKIvain, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pox. Mr. and Mrs. Krnest liowen, Mr. and Mrs. Tom (Inlliiway, Mrs. Burton A. My. ers, and Dorothy and Liicile Moore. "... Mis Ethol Liston, Jfto H Imp'' at the victory luu.i uemupiurtcrs in Portland, was the week end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Lis- 1 ton. thnt radical propaganda is rife every- A wedding that camo as a surprise where. More ecinlly is it to be found to many Marion nnd I'ulk county .peo- I among the younger business women, pie was that of Miss Ava Cond of Dal- 'many of them aollege women, who las to Julius llerzng of Portland. The 'have become infected with ultraradical wedding took place on Kuster Monday ideas, nnder the mistaken iilea that, at Spokane, Washington. The bride ithey are thereby expressing their in was formerly a student of the Capital dividuality. MRS. LARSEN HAS GAINEDJ4 POUNDS Says The Way Tanlac Helped Her Is Nothing Short Of WonderfuL According to the testimony of multi plied thousands who have tried it there is nothing so well adapted to the needs of run down eysteni a Tan lae, and in every ease where a fair test of its powers is made another en thusiastic witness is the invariable re sult. Recently in telling of the re markable beacfita she has derived Tom Dobson and Bainbridge-Crist. Miss from the mewino Mrs. Agnes Lar- lua May Cook was piano accompanist and the program included: destination (Vontanailles) ; The N'ine Penny Piddle (Hughes); The La dy Bug (Hainbridge Crist); Ask Noth ing More (Muriials); i lower tetters (Willeby); The Pauper's Drive (Ho mer); Twilight (Katherino Olen): The Water Lily (Grieg); Vision Fugitive (Massanet); The Birthday (Cowen); 1 Saw Ship a Sailing (Tom Pobson); The Smuggler's Song (Kdwards); Mon day, Tuesday .Irish folk song); Kyes That Used to Gaic in Mine (Lohr); A Little Winding Jtoad (Konald); 1 know Where I'm Goin' (Old song); On the Road to Mandalay (Kipling-Speaks.) Individuality In Style Miss Wilhei'mina Doerfler, -who is an instructor at Sacred Heart academy, spent the week end with her parents at Victor Point. The Federation of Business nnd Pro fessional Women, an organization which is now being formulated in this country and which will meet in its first national convention at St. Louis July 14, is seeking to gather together all waste women power this tide of intelligence which may be easily di verted to other purposes and trans form it into a powerful fadtor for bus iness integrity in the commercial world. Mrs. Florence Spencer Duryea ar rived in Portland last week and has been meeting business women of the city to present to them the plan which a committee of professional women, representing the best interest.) of busi ness industry, have been workin;; upon for months. This committee hns found Business vollcge and numbers ninny of the younger set among her friends. The time is ripe for the federation' says Mrs. Ihiryea. "We believe iu the value of properly directed energy. The Mr. and Mrs. T. I.eland Brown business woman of today must continue speuit Hunday in Poitliiinl, motoring to preserve her sanity and balance, aud lown in the morning and returning to uso the responsibilities till exigen- laxt evening. icies t'f the wr has put upon her shoul- (ders, as wjsely and as timpartiiilly as Mrs. WiU'mm BurghnTdl, Jr., was she did during the war. the guest of her mother in Portland "ur platform will not only protect during tne latter part or tne ween. sen, residing at liMS South G street, Tacoma, Washington, said: "The way Tanlac has relieved me of my suffering and built me up is nothing short of wonderful. Why, I don 't only feel like a new woman, but 1 have actually gained fourteen pounds in weight besides. I was rn an awful ly weak, run down condition for two years and so nervoo that the least little thing out of the ordinary would upset me. 1 suffered all the time with a pain across my kidneys, which as so bad at times, my back felt like it would break. I was very restless at night, up and down at all hours, un able to sleep. I also suffered a great deal with dizziness and faint feelings, and was o weak that I could not get through with my housework without stopping fever al tiinee to rest. "One day I was telling a friend of mine how 1 felt, and she advised nie to try Tanlac. Ko 1 got a bottle, and that wa one of the best things 1 ever did. My husband, who was suffering a great deal with indigestion and gas on hi stomach, commenced taking it tho same tune d did, and between us we took eight bottles, and are in splen did condition. 11 i stomach is in such a good eondition that he eats just any thing and it all agrees with him fine. And as for me, it has built me up un til I feel altogether different. My nerves are so much stronger and bet ter that I can sleep all night long, and my appetite is just fine. I no longer have those weak, dizay spells and the pain has! left my back entirely. Both myself ami hiwbnnd think Tanlmc is great, and if 1 ever feci my system getting rundown again 1 shall rake more Tanlac because l Know so well what it will do. ', Tanlae is sold in Salem by Dr.' 8. C. Stone, in Hubbard by Hubbard Drug Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben Gooch, in Gervais by John Kelly, in Turner' by H, P. Cornelius, in Woodburn by Ly man K. Shoroy, in Rilverton by Geo. A. Steelhaminer, in Gates toy Mrs. J. P. McOurdy, in Stayton by U. A. Beauchamp, in Aurora by Aurora Dmb Store, in St. Paul by Groceteria Store io., in UonnJtf by M . W. Johnson in Jefferson by Foshay k Mason, and in Mill City by Marketeria Gro. Co. - Oil I ii - Mr. I the younger woman just coming into business and help them to make their Ralph White spent the week own personal adjustments toward their end iu Portland visiting with friend, 'work ami to see in it something more adopt, and utiliz their business ability to tne Dest advantage and will draw them into a closer aud more intelligent relationship with the essential princi ple of business interests. "The federation of Business and for a brief visit with fri Is in Port- will enable the older ones, as well, to .TV. S ' ml if -x 1 "s t ,4 - ' la than a temporary tiding over position Professional women will better all Mrs. C. IB. Gnbrielson will leave that means bread and butter, but dt condition both for th. rmnu,.., u.i tne employe. Business women have for too long worked in a desultory fashion it is time we learucd that the only possible degradation in honest work is the degradation resulting from hav ing it half done'or poorly done and at tacked with a half hearted attitude. If we could cler away a degree of the. hallucinations o business and arm ev ery business woman, young and old, with the power to personally adjust her own difficulties, we would have done a great work. "This federation hns been in pro gress for some time. W'c have trained orgnniw-rs working in every state and we nave Dcen greatly gratified at the intrest that i being taken in it. Bus iness women in every state have been writing this office for help and direc tions for forming a state federation. The initial step, after organizing the ousiness cluos in rafB town, is to form a state federation, which in turn, will semi dele'jntes to th aationnl conven tion at St. Louis July 14. "At this convention will be formu lated a platform that will be at the greatest possible help to nil members nf the federation nnd will have an im portant .bearing on business economic. We have already met and overcome the two greatest dangers to a federation first, the ilanger of mental apathy that 1 leads the busines woman to be vague I Iv satisfied with her awn job ami to care not at all for the conditions thnt may surround other business women, and second, the oi polite dmigcr of the radicalism that tends to defy both gov-1 ernimnt and business rules and that ' leads invariably to a resultant chaos, i out a ri character and or tmsiuess in terests.'' Choose the Model Which Best Becomes You You have that opportunity when you inspect our varied and choice assortment of Spring Dresses. They are carefully selected to meet the individual requirements of our trade. Each model is distinctive in character and pleasing in style. The little touches of trimming and the clever ideas in design will appeal to everyone. Splendidly made of quality materials in effective come in and see them for yourself. Salem, Oregon. s4 Squeaking brakes may be cured v washing the lining with kerosene ap plied with an oil gun. A drop ui m of oil on the drums is also sufficient in some cases, and soi.pstone is recom mended. None of these remeilio. mill help much, however, if the sipieaking is due to brnke lining rivets scrapinir on the drums. ASIt FOR and GET The Original Halted Milk ? For Infant and Invalid OTHERS arc IMITATIONS 2 ., t . I r.V 1 1 ; - ; n r - i' f i - j " I, J - .i I k. I a' s n ( ' ,i ' r t h s L ' HOES t For Summer t . J mm !1 You feel different the minute TOO : iae it a gentle ouihiug wiutu n.u ;t he system. It's a pleasure to take j Msillistrr Rocky Mountain Ten. jielp pnrift the blood, drive out the 'germs of winter, gets you hustling, lull or life and energy. 33c. Tea or SATIN TULLE EVENINO GOWN-J .rt arrived from Pari come tils ben Tallet. D. J. Frv. ttfui creation of Mile. Trroy, a mi t gown of fatio toll trimmod wiU ' ' ftr. rOM co!ore4 pearl.. BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS i.- (1)1 nderwood Underwood, pyy m SALE ALWAYS Are in stock now for Men and Bays frc DRESSY SHOES IN ALL LEATHERS and colors as well as a great variety of. styles and priced from $13.50 down to $4.95. Also Oxfords in the Most Desirable Styles. Wc go on Lhrouga to the Men's and Boys' Outing or E k Balsia bbek cr tan with chrome . Elk soles. Prices for men's $25; boys' $2.65. The Hi. ml society will hId a meet in iu the i onimereial cluh room tliw evening at eight o'clock. Tr sou Weed or i'ortlnnii will inve !utrntel lecture. Mrs. TVsnk Frickcv w.ll t the soloist ef the evening an Miss Helen funics will render some strunental selections. I be public is cordinllv invited. A. Y VV 1 Heavy shoes, light shoes, tennis shoes; anything you need tcr the feet. in-t t 1 I t