Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 05, 1919, Image 1

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-,j llT (U Audit BufB of
w finmistioai.
! Weather Report. 3
Oregon; Tonight and Tsifi-
day fair; lijifat to heavy frt
exiert near the coast; E!'.e
7 m .-.re? o
'.iii I
rev IVLv
NSK VSA hwesteriT winds.
ftp flaUg
1 -t.
iiuuin, viiuui la 1 mm u, fivlUrj TVVU UxixM To
ijl MiLtiHIlM wl iLlilLiili PiLLLW 11 0) lElllfilft
Oregon, Michigan And
Iowa Contend For Honor
Of Being First Over Top
organization For Peace
Time Work Rushed To Com
pete Program For Action
By Congress.
Vley Banks On Support Of
Jresident In Readjustments
And Cancellation Of Contracts.
By Robert J. Bender
t"aiital .Iniirunl N inl Service.)
lUslnngtou, ilay .r. Kenrgnnizr.tioii
;1ib I niteil Guiles shipping hoard and
If iioiicy fleet corporation for pence
"ik is under way.
i )iin iiutti Hurley is hurrying trio re-
'tmeiils Unit he may 'ho able to
.?nt lu congress 11 romplole program
f luUn' utiipbiiilding, disposition of
--, limit .luriiiK the war mid instru
I'Uhties fur t-tirrvinr ollt tn0 W01kr
least two changes in personnel in
li"r, official are expected in
""ifiaiiiiitiim work.
J'Ji iimlcrt,l President Wilson will
!"' Hurley both ;,, Jlis r(WKIInizIl.
",""rk '""I '"li"' course ho has pur
H I tii,(r, tnueelliiuf contracts for
''""It s,g,
JW policy uf refusing to build now
l'X countries s understood to
' i'rcsH,.t Wilson's i; ,.i ..
K ',l,.((, ,), llfti,r H,a(,c .s
'' llMnflti,,.-,. i,s decided upon
HI" year ,lk.,, Kommnta
H,, "n 'or American sliip-
i " tjk,
AVashinnton. Mav .1. (t'nited
1'ress.) Kivnlrv for the honor
of kid ne the first stale to eoni-
plete its vietorv limn quota has
resulted iu a dispute between
Orecon, Iowa and Mirhiuan. x
Oregon, aeeording to official re-
trts to the treasury todav, has
oversubscribed her quota wit a-
out the assistance of banks. Her
loan directors now accuse Iowa
and Michigan committee of hav-
iug permitted banks to uniV-r-
write the suliscrintinns in those
In a telegram to national war
loan directors, the Orriron state
committee lays formal claim to
the distinction of having finish
ed tin- job first and demands
proof ttiut Iowa and Michigan
did b t the banks carry their al
lot nt instead of distributing
it in Individual subscriptions.
Representatives Of Irish
Republic To Be Allowed
Hearing At Conference
Fiume To Be Free Port For M GUARDS AGIST
Death Takes Prominent Youa?
a ...
AptcAnd Veteran Of
War, Saturday.
Years, While Jugo-Slavs
Create New Outlet
T Streets Patrolled To Prevent
Further Disturbance
Reds In Jail.
Gary Ind., May 5. Strong guards
By Ed L. Keen
(United Press S:aff Correspondent) J
Paris, May 5.The Italian peace delegates are return
ing to Paris. '
This statement was made this afternoon hv thp Ital
ian ambassador to France. He informed Foreign Minister raduTuiX'n3t a reuvM f Ru,,d"y
Pichon that Premier Orlando and Foreign Minister Son- .J?
ninO are leavinff Rome tnnipht. and will nrrivo hero WorL 'eral authorities. Many others arrested
- - CJ "O " ' HV1V f I V-VA r . , . ... .
nesday morning
Dublin, May 5. (United
Press.) Official , represent
tives of the Irish republic will
be permitted ti go to Paris,
Frank I'. Walsh, member of the
Irikh-Amcrircn peace delegation
told the 1'nited Press today.
"Colonel House informed ns
that safe conduct to Paris will
be granted official Irish dele-
gates," said Walsh. "But first
Premier Lloyd-George desires to
interview us."
Walsh and bis colleagues, Ed-
ward F. Dunne and Michael
Ryan, were given a greet ova-
tion yesterday as thev left the
cathedral after attending mass.
They visited Glandalough (24
miles suth of Dublin) In enm-
pany with Professor Edward Do
Valera and several Sinn Fein
member of parliament. At
night they attended a reception
given by Mrs. John O'Keiley,
wife of the Irish republic's envoy
to Paris,
were patrolling the streets here today!
4.1100,00(1 tH of shil,
WllSoli is 1111,1,. ist, wvl In
u the
"" . , ' ...... iiiiiii I HIT
jl,,!,. , ,v,'ri' definitely es
4 : " .'.sKseertaied whetle
views of justice and
w .,. t, ,,' l":,,v,lil' tl,is ,oi"it-y
-t. . i "'non on foreign
i ;,!,'l,lis! nt f o
.!,. . ""' "'tention
j 1U ailviicnt
c of
of the
a trenniendous in
,n "at ion's building both
i... '.1' V(!""ls and merchant
'""I I 1(111 LI 1, ,..!.!! . 1
"r vniuuuniieii,
"incli shipbuilding
iSL Deo three)
.mst in,
Dallr.s. Or., May 5. Carl B. Fenton,
son of Mr. und Mrs. H. h, Kenton of
this city, who recently returned lo
tiouip acre alter two years of service
with company L of the. Itilst Infantry,
died Hntiirday of meningilies, following
an attack of that deadly disease, jw
had been sick for about two weks.
Fenton wr.s L'8 yenrs old at the time
of his denth. As a student In the Uni
versity of Oregon and earlier in Dallas
college, Mr. Fenton was active in ath
letics. He wus a member of the famous
all stnr basketball teum turned out by
Dallas college which toured the country,
winning all games. At Oregon lie whs
fullback four years on the football ele
ven, played first base on the baseball
(nine und was center on the Lemon Yel
low basketball team.
Young Fenton entered the University
of Oregon in 1!11 and gindunted in
1011 with hijh honors, being designated
as a Friar, the highest honor which
can be conferred upon a senior student
at the state university. He was a mem
ber of the Beta Tlietr. Pi fraternity
and during his college years took an ac
tive part in administering student af
fairs. ni V
Following his graduation from tlie
Diversity with a degree of civil engi
neer, Mr. Fenton was a n:eun.-r of the
fliellltv nf Ivllirflmt liurli a'llnril l,e!iiir
charge f the department of mechanical "'an peace treaty. These negotiations
drawing and manual training, j Kivwl '""'." "I1''118, r, ?m"
At t .utbreak of the war he enlist- miiiene ; of the arrival of the ,us nan
ed iu Company L, being ene of the first iP, teW "ow ' ' " '
recruits and aided in the enlistment of i P'itod to bo set tor M.j i-.
the company to war strength. Shortly ...
after enlisting he was made sergeant I B Vf"". ,,., v
and became first sergeant of the com- d " ? " 1
pany. While iu France he contracted , n
Spanish influenza, but did not go into a : 1elegat.on apimrently is a p W
Wlli-n- li in ......
At the same time it was learned
that the "big three'1 is considering a
plan for making Fiume a free port ,
J under the control of the league of na
tions, for a period of three years.
While the Italians ami Jugo-Slavs
thus would enjoy tqual fommeTc.ial
privileges, in the disputed city dining
this period work would be hurried on
construction of another port for the
Jugoslavs on the Dalmatian coast. At
the expiration of the three years, it is
assumed Fiume would be formally an
nexed to Italy.
While thij does not positively
assure Italy's immediate resumption of
hi r place in the pence conference, it is
believed this will follow, in view of
the apparently acceptable comprnmiso
formulated by the "hij three," to
gether with the spirit of conciliation
evinced by both the Italians and the
allies in the pnst fe wdays.
Overtures Succeed
The Italians officially announced
(heir temporary withdrawal from the
peace conference April 2'!. following
publication of the statement by lres
ident Wilson dn which he dec'ared that
he would not consent to Italy having
Fiume. inasmuch as such a concession
would be in violation of the armistice
terms and the fourteen principles.
lteturniiig to Home, Orlando laid
his case before the Italian parliament
and was given a vote ff confidence.
Since that time unofficial reports Have
been received of overtures by both
Italy and the allies toward getting to
gether on a common basis that would
permit the Italians to come buck to
I'uriu in time for siauing of Ike Ger-
t -
N I - - ' '
Clearing Of Italian Situation
Bids Fair For Early txtra
in the battle in which it wag claimed
4000 radicals and 3000 policemen, state
militia, federal, county and state agenta
und patriotic citizens took part, were
released on their promise to get out of
town, i i '
The battle was precipitated by the at
tempts of the radicals to hold a parade
iu violation of Mayor W. H. Hodge's j
Hostilities started wlien police began
ei. king up groups of radicals meeting
in halls and on street corners. It end
ed tnree hours Inter wnen, aided liy a
heavy rain, police charged the main
body of radicals, nrresting many r.nd
driving the rost off the streets.
Russian socialists, H was - reported,
were the moving spirits in the radical
AVashington, May 5. (United Press.) ;'attle. Pictures of Leniiie and Trotsky
-The statement in Paris that the Itul-i"',? 7"'. -v !m?l
.. .. , Moris Lieberman, head of tho social-
lau situation is apparently clearing led istS) counselled against holding a pa
to the authoritative prediction hero to- rude, but was overruled by hot-headett
day that President Wilson will call an leaders.
oxtra session of congress before June 1 ' Policemen and a compnnv of militia
-possibly May 26. ,... geu ". "wecp,K me
' ' Viirltnti a nut i f thn wait II iinili-iii-i .M
, i i mil' uo vu ui nil. ti n t iiiiiuiiCMn
Information here has been that rreai- )mtriti,, citizens joined the police. The
dent Wilson would call congress about radicals were split into small dotaeh-
fune 1 and would arrive in this country ments and scattered. Citizens ripped
nut tun I in
Extension Of Shantung Prin
ciple To Rest Of Orient
Now Feared.
Completed Draft To Be Cone
Over At Secret Plenary Ses
sion Of Delegates Some
Time Tomorrow.
Peace With Germans Looms
Probable By May 2I.-Ans-triaas
Invited To Send Dele
gates At Once.
just before the day set for congress to off tho rfd ina'Kni
convene. JSow, according to later in-
formation, it is considered "probable"
he will call the session at least a week
before June 1. f
The Italian ambassador's rwnortorl ! lira I 111 II
will send her peace j
:..! .1.... . ..iHo iMimt
iiiimiii, rcinui itiiiK uh uuiy in Himu ui . ,ji.. ut,trn
ilnP,. Icertam concessions iegi"'"n ."
He returned to Camn Lewis on March t" ? I1,1PC M"11''1"'"
slalcment trnt Ital;
delegates back to Paris brought relief
in officials quarters.
It indieutes, according to belief here,
that Ambassador Celler's conference
last week with President Wilson was
sufficiently satisfactory tto warrant the
Italian representatives resuming their
place at the peace table.
Council Objects To Presence
Of "Jail Birds" Attending
iokio, May I. (United Press.) Jap
anese newspapers and politicians are
still uneasy regarding the league of na
tions and its effect upon Japan. Do
tails (if the Shantung settlement were
lacking today and nothing was .given
out by the foreign office. N'cwsimnem
call tho decision a momentous Japanese
Asnhi, however, fears recognition of
Japan's claim in the Shantung penin
sula will lend to the necessity of allied
recognition of similar claims of other
nations in the Orient and elsewhere,
ilstroying the mandatory rule prtncinJc.
Kokuniin Shimbun, organ of the bu
reaucratic element, still sees danger
ahead for Japan in the South Sea isl
and possession question. The minor
urges preparation for recession from the
leugiuv of nations conference at any
A number of editorial writers con
tinue to charge Hint Kiigluiid und Amer
ica at the peace conference are niuking
the world unsafe instead of more safe
fur democratic principles. Somo liken
these countries' efforts to Gurmaa
Statement Promised.
Tokio, May 2. (United Press.) The
foreign office today announced liaron
Makino will soon issue a statement
making clear Japan's attituuo regard
ing Shantung.
"Jnpan b only object in retaining
in return for
O.Tbmas Pioneer Of
"y m In Portland
I Yesterday.
'"n o wi
1 '. An , : '',rn 'Wianee,
""jv-fit ; V"'n tiye .v,ar ii
mi. "is Darenti t aii
111. I.... . .v fllllTll
' 2 wen , "" to Oregon
orki,' ,",a""K 'in t i'ort-
'iC"!f "urv,,- 'or
r,",Tr,J , S',nnK ,f he
"h"'" !: eftie'"' f!"k of
forty ,. , "ff"'c- fontiuuing for
'"7 I,!, " one station.
:,V,;"rripd o Miss Mary
.)!... . nt leffcr.dii Tl.l.
, i 'tis itiuon
ed with 41...... i -i i
ti i. '"" - cuiiuren,
"rmas. IHa lie
S5R rKlT Of Umt From Active Duty 1
In rcrward Area.
Chicago, May fi. (United Press.)
Detectives and federad onerative were
the only spectators todav when the nn- control,of the penimium is preservation
tional I. W. W. convention organized!01 P('H,'C " Asia," a foreign office of
here. One hundred delegates showed ! f"'illl llared. "Baron Kakino wishes
their red cards at the convention li!;llj, thoroughly disperse any doubts of
and were admitted to help in discussing iChina or any other nation regarding
plans for inducing the American Fed- -'apanese jusnec una numuimy, japan
Labor to bodilv become I. W.
acutely ill several weeks ago. government s origin... m
He wr.s the only child of Mr. and MM. i lume,
II. L. Fenton and a grandson of Mr.
Pa.ee and OrUi.io Confor.
and Mrs. Frank Collins, well known pio-, American """ '
I nr lh ITPlllHT .llllV l"
ti, moot ns asteil an nour. r-iu
neers, who also live in Dallas.
Fans Turn' Out Strong For
First Sunday Ball Games; In,
,,,,,,. nient was made regarding
suit. Other meetings have taken place
ween American and ainea represeni,-
' hcr0- , . .it..
Tt.o Pun enrresponueni or rnw mm-
(United Press.) inale D 'Italia warns tne iianan ue.eKu
X'... V... 1. f.
Al I U. ft, illHV u. lllllill l t. lie. .v - -
Big league Sunday baseball was wel-jtion not to return to the peace confer
coined' to New York bv 60,000 fans.; once because of the r.sK or encoumer
The Sabbath game was greeted bv :io,-:ii.g further opposition from 1 resident
000 at the Polo Grounds, where the! Wilson which would necess.tate another
Giants lost to the Thillics; and 23.000 land final withdrawal. To return now
made the pilgrimage to Flat bush to see would inflict gret humiliation on the
the Dodgers trim the Braves at Ebbetsl Italian nation, the correspondent said.
FipH j He declared the word calling the dele-
In "addition to the gathering at the'gates back must come from the confer-
big league parks, semi-pro games were.ence.
largely patronized and it was esnmnwi, imum.r .. .-. - . ,
Washington, May 5. (United Press.)
The Eighty-first national army nii-
so an-1 ion was released Friday to prcparo for
the re-j its return to the United States, General
Pershing cabled the war department to
day. The division was released o It ciW
withdraw from the forward areas in
France. The order does not change the
announced order of departure of di
visions from France,
Other Units Asstgno$
Washington, May 5. (United Press.)
The following organizations have
been assigned to early convoy:
Two Hundredth Seventy-second, 274th
and 294th military police companies;
base hospitals 64 and 1.1 ; sanitary
r;..lnlele 1) Annunzio was promoted i squads 14 and 17, advance veterinary
!.. Kinmui -f;,.na,,1 (ho nn-lto lelltCliaill CUJOliei wun """S , nob,oiu.s 4 l miu - -n, .uuoi.e iru-ri-
' B-iilMi. the'a.ldressed a large audience rr roday.hiary sections 102. 103 and 109; mobile..
""n J.I...
" " carl
, p Clifford Ho , Thorn. ! , . i Wilson the 'Crostianized preacher who hospitals 7 and 10; veterinary hospital
. ,riland. T,loma'' J' , n,(.riU orthrM ropoWd to heal humanity's g; company 1), 510th engineers service
'.... '!'"" Mr. Ti,n.. . . i. .w.rl wnntid with his fourteen points and battalion: and headquarters medical de-
;'t t:rtn! nnd ;b e k; ; n, T r -.''(tachment sixth
1' f Ti,,,'' "ff"irs f ,he little! was the first time in history that all, The crowd cheered D Ann unzio , d. - nce. f
for ii ,p . nd ported; eight clubs took part in Sunday pas-; iincnon n.i
'Koqioration of Tur- times. Eiifhteen thousand saw the con-, ican peopie. .. .. ......
in tne io"ir "i nn.,' " K.v.,..
the lwinle of Washington and Lincoln
iaie giving evidence that thev wiil not
will send a float , permit the sacrifice of their ally." he
for a ten day gntheiing, there
ications the meeting will end
sooner. The city council expected lute
today to consider resolutions against
continuing thu convention. Alleged
jail records of some of the delegates,
with '.' consequent danger to the com
munity," were reasons councilmen ad
vanced. The first session, an executive affair
save for the police, was devoted to or
ganization. Detectives present yawned
through an idle morning. Keservc po
lice were in readiness at central points.
Delegates were circumspect. They
commented only gnr.rdedlv on their bo
lief that a proletariat dictatorship is
coming. "The silent defense" will be
used in all I. W. W. trails hereaitor,
one delegate said. No lawyers will be
Following a brief argument at the
first session, the convention voted to
throw the meetings "wide open."
Leaders said they had nothing to con
ceal and wanted the people fully in
formed of their doings.
is not ambitious territorially, i.s some
Chinese fear."
Attempt To Smuggle Booze
Into Oregon In Seagoing
Launch Ends In Disaster
Eureka, Cul., May S. (United Press.)
What the sole survivor declares was
an enteiprise to introduce a quantity of
whiskey into dry Oregon came to light
as a failure lute yesterday in the dis
covery of the OTisoline launch Eric foun
dering. Her enptnin and engineer were
drowned, according to A. O- Hinch, tcs
cued after being in the water two hours.
Hinch declared the 38 foot boat left
San Francisco April 20 for the north
with liquor, but states he knew nothing
of its errand at the time. Attempting
to cross the bar here to get gasoline,
the vessel was overturned by cross cur
Paris, May 5. (United Press. B
was learned this afternoon, that present
plans provide for handing the pcac
treaty to the Germans Wednesday.
By Fred S. Ferguson
United Press staff correspondent)
Puris, May 5. A secret plenary aes
sion of the peace conference will be
held tomorrow, at which the complet
ed German treaty will be discussed, it
was announced today. Tho meetinc if
expected to be brief.
The latest authoritative information
indicated the treaty will be nicsentedt
to the Germans on Thursihiv.
Credentials of the German Dcac.. del
egates have been accepted.
ine Herman envoys are empowered,
to represent the entire country, includ
ing Jinvaria, by a law enacted at .Wei
mar transferring all of the former
keiser's treaty making rights to the-
government. The Germans Iwtve also
accepted the allies' credentials includ
ing those of the Jugo-Slavs.
the treaty is understood to he com
pleted and in the hands of the printer.
Some French papers contend it wilt
not be submitted before Friday or Sat
urday. The fifteen (lav limit for ac-
eptance of the terms would require
the Germans to sij,'u the treaty not
later than May 21 .
Immediately after .presentation of
the German treaty, the "big three"
will begin assembling the articles cf
the Austrian pact, according to author
itative information. While ni official
announcement has hoe-n made to that
effect, it is generally understood a for
mal invitation has been dispatched to
the Austrian government to send its
delegates to the peace conference.
.Preparations for their reception at
St. Girniuan, near Versailles, were be
gun Saturday. Unofficial information
has been received that the Austrian
probably will arrive in St. Germain a
week from todav.
(Continued on page three)
Abe Martin
IOjufrK'toriJ -
for !!,
- inn i er .
'"ittco 7 '"airman of the . test between the Cubs nnd Reds in t in-
Mo .... . 1 1 . .
(,.,., " 1HJS1" einnati.
". 'our rears
the post .
0I page three)
Vancouver. Wah.
1 to the Portland- RoseFestival in June declared.
Dalmatian City Of Zara
Votes To Join With Italy
Marshfield, May 5. Irrfluenza in
the lower Kogue river countiy in and
around Gold Jieaeh again is becoming
serin. Two members of the family of
Alfred Miller died. At the cannery at
the Miller place it is said that there
are Hi cases of influenza. Several oth
ers are reported seriously ill in tho
Rome, Mav 5. (United Press.) The
Brussels, May 5. (I nited Press.) (population of Zara t a mass meeting, neighborhood. During the first epidiin
The Belgian crown council foted unaiii-J proclaimed anirexation of that city lie Gold Beach and vicinity suffered
monly last night to sign the peace (Dalmatian) t0 Italy, it was announced! greatly from the (Influenza, - many
treaty with Germany. 'here today, deths occuriug.
f ,?f
t . '
Rubber heels are gittin' so common
that it's no longer safe t' talk confl
deniaUy. You'd think th' girls would
git excited when new blonde milliner
hits th" town, but th' flutter Is all
among th' boys.