13 r ST1CTI0W BUM IlilWt of.di fll iwiw yppyyucp and ii ' I, 1 sir TtfE UNIVERSAL CAR There is no Argu ment as to the STRENGTH and DURABILITY Of FORD automobiles. For business or pleasure they have proven their true worth. Can book a few more orders for cars in transit. Better place your or der before it is too late. Don't forget all cars not blocked for self starter and generator, which will be furnished in about GO days. Mi to. G. QUALITY IS TAKEN FOR GRANTED, YEARS OF SERVICE HAVE WON REPUTATION FOR DURABILITY AND ECONOMY BEYOND QUESTION. ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE ALL CAPACITIES 3-4 TON TO 5 TON Fotdson THE UNIVERSAL TRACTOR LAST WEEK WE ADDED TO OUR LIST OF SATISFIED OWNERS DOUGLAS MINTO, Salem, Ore. GEO. CLAXTON, Shaw, Ore. GEO. McCARTER, Salem, Ore. The day of power farming is at hand. . It means economy, better tilled soil and great er crops. Drop in and see the Fordson, or let us hear from you and we will send our salesman out to see you. I Ford SALES AND SERVICE HIGH STREET OPPOSITE CITY HALL cnr irrv 4 dUVIt.ll. (Continue! from Page 2.) tin service in the ComilHg churches iiid in the afternoon "open hous" it all of the fraternity and sorority him. Many Kalciii young folk have Won bidden ' for the four day festivi ties. Mr. ami Mrs. K. T. Barnes and daughter, Kuth, left Tuesday on, an ex tensive tour of 1 ho middle and eastern lata. A mat deal of thoir time will be puss in Pittsburg and Boston, Mil He chief place of scenic interest be included in the trip. , Corporal Andrew M. Vincent, after H'tiea month in overseas service, Pit of which was spent with the. ar J of owtrpation along the Uhiue, is ij;in. Corporal Vincent was orig with Company M but wns trnns "d during the early stages of the tar, C. C. Chaffee entertained re- with a "iM" party in honor of her husband. The house was nrtis ticnlltf decorated with cherry " blos soms and the evening was passed with card playing and music followed by the serving of dainty ref ishments. Kity'en guests were present. The Young Ladies Sodality of St. Joseph's ehureh will hold their usual monthly meeting tomorrow moining af ter early services. Mrs. Charles A. Gray of Camp Uw is was a guest last week at the Hen ry W. Meyers residence. At. the last meeting of the Monday niniit inniinu club the f ollow ing offi cers were elected for the coming year Dr. VV. 11. 1'aroy, presiueui, i . . Kirk, secretary, and Henry Compton, treasurer. Mrs. William drier has gone to Portland to bo the week end guest of her sister. Miss I Verne Kantner returned Wednesday from Seattle where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas. - Miss Johanna James and Miss Lu cille Jaskoski are the house guests of Miss Bertha Doerfler over the week end. Mrs. Ben Jones, who has been vis- The Only Shade Made With a Ventilator r -rl t n ft r Ventilatory forcn J iting In Portland, has returned to her home in Salem. Her daughter, Miss Alta Jones, has remained as the gnest of friends. Mrs. C. M. Walker has returned from a weeks visit in Portland. , Members of the young ladies' So dality of St. Joseph's church were l n. ilmuiuiff nnrtv fLf. ill. a J.i 1 1 i vim... n f J the Masonic hall last evening. It was the firet jiost-lenten affair sponsored by tho Sodality and every means was taken to make it a success. Bowers ol scotch broom and huge art baskets of lilacs were used in docorafing and Hunt's orchestra furnished the music. About seventy five eouplee attended. Mrs. C. Grimm gave a farewell sur prise party at her home at liickey, Wednesday evening in honor of Myr tle and Gertrude Knnio, who have made their home with Mrs. Grimm for the past to years and who will leave shortly for Ooquillc to live with their aunt, Mrs. E. B. Finlcy. mrn, Y 1 Jill ii ' io mv. via - r ing pleasant Surprised to the little i ...x iL. i:.tl ;Pta 9nr an nntrt le(pte, wot wie unit- j-ii - ride and when they returned the house was full to the brim with their young friends. Only the children themselves are capable of expressing the happy Those present were Mr. nd Mrs. Grimm, Mr. and Mrs. Ennis, Gola uri....i l.f;n;a M.)iAltni lnrthfl. -Tu- wneeier, jhiic ....., - leia .Ella Grimm, Theo Killian, How- ard Unmm, t nui inrnmu, " Yolanda I)cSanti, John and Gladys Wheeler, Allen Wallace, Bobbie Lewis, Roland ond Ivan ifuster, Theo and Anna rmejn, jiargnrn amn.ui, leen Fitspatrick, Claude Grimm, Myr tle and Gertrude Ennis, Louise, An na and Herman Larrkc. a dispute over the income from prop erty, following a divorce suit. -31 SOLD BY C. S. Hamilton HOME FURNISHER 140 Court Street Salem, Oregon. Accounts in the corporation depart ment show that during the month of April a total of 210 documents passed through the offie. including articles of incorporation, dissolutions and 'Sup plementary articles. Thero were 21 new manufacturing concerns recorded, 9 lumbering companies and 2 mining companies in the list, while 19 firms were sent to oblivion toy dissolution. The' companies incorporated during the past week are Kickapoo (Jooperative Telephone Co, Colton, i00; Glenada Milling, Light & Powor Co., Glenada, $o0(K); Reedsport Fish Co, Keedsport, increased capital from J.U,0U0 to floO, 0(H); Carbolinum Wood Preserving Co, Portland, $5000; War Eng'e Mining Co., Medford, $000,000; Williipa Lum ber Co., Portland, $913,000- Patnick- Anderson Lumber Co., Portland, $25,- 000; Northwestern i onstruction .Co., Portland, $50,000; Motor Investment Co., Portland, $50,000; Jacob Edison Co., Astoria, $50,000. Stale Engineer Cupper returned this afternoon from an extended tour of various irrigation projects in central Oregon, including the Squaw Creek, Tumalo and Teel districts. At the lat ter place he found that an attempt was being made to secure the approval of their proposed ibond issue by the land (l)oard through amendment of their articles of incorporation. Mr. Cupper found that prospects for irrigation wore very good throughout that sec tion and this fact is attracting outside capital, especially as the projects al ready developed very good results. Tho weekly report of the Industrial accident commission Bhows that during the seven day period there wera 510 accidents reported throughout tile STATU HHIKP jj, uinm sivwwu v Dr Charles C. J. Pmith of Portland and i X Tlrand nf R-oseburg. have been named by Governor Olcott as members of the staw noara or nigiu-r curricula. The other members of the board are B-ev. Jonah a. wise or PortJand, A. . Beals of Tillamook, J. E. Hedges of Oregon City. Mr. D.nnr1 arm flu At a fif Oherlin eol- lege a man who is thoroughly capable and 'who is interested in educational matters. Mr. Smith who is reappoint ed, is well known as a man of a&aiity and ibreadth. The supreme court leave tomorrow for Pendleton to enter uS.on session for eastern Oregon which begins Monday. A number of minor caws. await the body but only one case of wide import ance, involving title to a vast tractof grazing land alleged to have been ob tained bv fraud. In order to clear the docket "of all business here before leaving, two decisions have been hand ed down. Jr the case of R. L. Kay vs .Standard American Dredging company an action to recover 15,000 alleged to v.. A.ta nn a eonstruetion contract, Jtidze Gantenbein is reversed and the icase rri"i"t" " - , - ; ! m., -- Tfci.i vs John Jaeoss. lease o' - InnuKiled from Linn county the decln- ion of ne lower court """"- IF HAIR IS TURNING, GRAYJIJSE SAGE TEA Don't Look Old! Try Grand mother's Recipe To Dark en And Beautify Faded, Streaked Hair. That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only be had by brew ina a mixture of Bage Tea and 8ul Dhur. Your hair U your charm. It makes or mars the face. When it fade, turns fray r streaked, just an application or two of Sage and Sul phur enhanee it appearance a nun dredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mix ture; you can get this famous old recipe improved by the addition of oth er ingredients at a small cost, all ready for use. It is called Wyeth 's Sage and Snlphur Compound. This can always be depended ujon to Dnng oacx tne natural color and lustre of your hair. Everybody uses 'Wyeth V Sago and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply -dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and ancr anotner appu eKfion it becomes aeautifully dark an jjppeaS glossy ana lustrous. ttfttc, three of them termihntSng in death. These were Roy I. Mopes, lum berman, Tillamook; Sam Kasnaissen, lumbering, datskanie; Thornton Urn phrey, trespasser, Springfield; tho hit ter electrocuted while attempting to vwilk a girder on a county bridge, and coming in contact with high power electric wires. Of the total number of cases, 4SS were subject to the provis ions of the compensation act. The state bonking board, who grant ed a hearing recently to Mr. Bass and other St. Johns parties in their appeal in behalf of the organization of a third bank at that point, decided after due deliberation to sustain Supt. Bennett in liisi refusal to approve of such or ganization, his ground being that the coniHitions did not warrant tho open ing of a third bank. Mr. Bennett an nounces that the First Trust. & Savings bank of Ht. Johns, which was tempo rarily closed on account of embarrass ment, has filed supplementary articles Fordson TRACTORS and TRUCKS Corner State and Front Streets f organization, changing itu name to the Bank of Commerce. Jt ha also re organized its directorate and has mov ed to new quarters, thus starting lit'o over again. BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS M Ik. New Silk Shirts Have Just Arrived The material of which these shirts are made, is renowned for Service and quality, as well as handsome appearance. These shirts are shown in spring patterns, and colorings featur ing fine woven silk stripes in beautiful designs. ' Some clothes wearers seem to feel that "Style" means origin alityand nothing else. But in our dictionary "Style" means, originality PLUS "Good Taste." Many who strive for style succeed simply in achieving con spicuous oddity. You will never see that mistake made in the Salem Woolen Mills Store. Their large number of patrons and friends have found that BISHOP gives you more real value in style, quality and service than can be found elsewhere. Their close connection with their several large mills gives them tremendous buying advantages enjoyed by no one but themselves. They come in Japanese silk, Tub silk; also Fiber silk. Make your selection early as they are going fast. Salem Woolen Mills Store . ! ri' t -";1 - "tit 1, .it,, - W ' -:; .-V l- A