PAGE TEN SAL? Every returning Soldier and Sailor sho.ild have a job. We unite wish the IT. $. Employment Service of the Department i)f Labor ami the Churches of the country iu the Nationwide movement to observe Slay 4th as " Employment Sunday," ami ask employers to list their openings with the l S. Employment Service snd its Bureaus for Returning Soldiers and Sailors. All Around 1 own i fonts ami also milk ih.'i elites YOU WILL FIND US WELL STOCKED WITH A GOOD LINE OF NOTI WE WILL MAKE YOU BIG SAVINGS ON THESE LITTLE THINGS. JUST NOTE THE PRICES ON A FEW OF THEM. Darning Cotton 3c Mrcerized Mending Cotton 4c and Sc Soutache braid, 12 yards 21c Whisk brooms 29c Clothes brushes 25c and 49c Shoe laces 5c and 8c Colgates Tooth Paste 8c and 19c Colgates Talcum Powder 15c Fancy 1 1-2-in. elastic 29c Hair pins 5c, 8c, 10c, 15c and 21c Rose bath soap 8c Jap rose soap 10c Children's supporters 15c and ISc Electric hair curlers 8c and 21c Lingerie braid with self thread ing bodkin 8c NOTE THE FOLLOWING Palmolive Toilet Articles COMING EVENTS May 4 Sumlay-First play ing of Orchestral Puotepiaver Pipe Organ at Liberty Theatre. May 19-23 L 0. O. K. Uraad Lodge sessions. May 30 Memorinl l'sv. Jun 3 Special stat tion. The! tax is one cent ami it tms in handy to hand out a dime. The live cent dish, j ot ko cream et a generation ago, I which grew to 10 cents a few years1 jfciago has coittimml to grow and now! witu the ar tax ll nt 13 (..., 's. OREGON TIIEATuE NOW Soap 10c Shaving Cream 21c Shampoo 45c Talcum 21c Lip rouge 25c Vanishing cream 45c Cold Cream 45c ce Powder 25c Rouge 49c Toilet Water 89c MAKGUEKITE CLARK IN 'LITTLE MISS HOOVER' j "The best" la an you caa do when death comes. Call Webb & Oiough Co. Phone 120. tf Phone 77 Oregon Taxi and Transfer to. for qaick service, tf Prices on fish lowers Llrg cod or red cod sKeed, 13c. Whole fish IL'e a pound. Fitts Market. tf Wo buy liberty bonds. 31 1 Masonic hldjj. tf Incorporated Tie gales for the post office at Sa-1 CARD OF THANKS 1cm for the month of April are as fol-1 I want to thank the manv friends lows: Stamps and other first class for their kimlncsLS shnW'n lis in fv end matter, fi,u,9ui; receipts lor sec ond class matter $137.71; receipts for third and fourth class matter, $3S6.G0 and box rent $176. W. T. RIODON & CO. . Undertakers 252 North High Street brtroavemcnt during the fllhiess and death of our dear mother and wife. -Mary Elizabeth and 8. C. Kightling- SOCIETY CLEANERS AND DYERS Particular work for particu lar people Auto delivery 1272 State St. Phono 1681 5-29 See Miss L. E. Goodhue at 251 S. 17th St. for subscriptions to all mnir- jazuics. Phone 711M. Sat tf Dr. B. P. Pound announces reopen in? of his dental office 5;h floor U. S. National Bank bldg. Phone 169. 511 o At the meeting of the G. A. E. post of Salem held this afternoon a resolu tion was passed recommending Daniel Webster as a candidate for comman der of the O Cutout borders to match all shades of wall tmt Huron 's luiirl street. o- Why It is? Some homes are well furn ished but they do not satisfy. It's the decorative theme. Go to liuren's to day, Commercial street. Special meeting of pacific loiine Xo. 5u A. F. & A. 3d. this evening. Work in thcl C. degree. Visiting brethren welcome A The Gray Belle will serve a chicken dinner as usual Sunday noon until 8 p. m. 60c and $1. Dance at armory tonight. Miss Ethel Liston. who has w . A. 14. department of L,, n ' , r, " , " lnfl ?'ct7 Oregon for the coming year. The state morninV for tZl J1S . 'V. convention will be held in June at Tho ar0, Air u,T w'l ' h her Dnlles .Tho state commander is elect-! h, f X !' 'l,l'3i Llfto?- ed for one year. , there are two other An tamilv who are also engaged in the campaign , GENERAL PUBLIC If you have any Junk, Hides, Rubber, Metal, Machi nery or Old Autos or Parts of Autos CALL 305 Wo pay highest cash prices and guarantee satisfaction to ev eryone. Don't make a mistake. - PHONE 305 STEINBOCK JUNK AND AUTO WRECKING CO. 326 N. COM! ST. SALEM, ORE. L.M.HUM care of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Oo. IIhs medicine which will cure any known disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. m. until 8 p. m. 153 South High St. Salem, Oregon Phone 282 I The Gray Betfe will serve a chicken 4 ninTioi- nu -..uni e,..i ... - "unuujf noon until I p. m. (Jtic and $1. I i ! i I ; WELCH ELECTRIC CO. FOE ELECTRIC IRONS ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS Phone 953 379 BUtC St. 4 Dance at armory tonight. Fleming sales The following sales in realty of recent date arc reported T the IlemniR Realty Co. as made thru their office. Otto Headiick resi dence to Onin C. Watkins who takes possession today, also a fine 10 ncres of land on the avlum road to Burt Kook from H. P. IW.cll f Kittatns, Wash., and a 5 room bungalow dn Nob Hill annex to T. D. MK'lain, formerly of Buena Vista, in Polk county. o Congressman Hawley. who recently returned from a tour of inspection at Tillamook and other points, left this afternoon for Dallas to look sfter some matters at that point. Hornby ho will close up his office and return to Washington. In a somewhat ragged gan'c of ball on the Willamette diamond vosterdav afternoon the university team won from I'hemawa, with a score of 8 to 2. The university battery was Ditnick and Busier, with Urrgg, of the high school, as umpire. Willamette scored 8 hits as against 4 for the Indians. Dr. O. B, O'Neill, optometilst-optl-ciiin. has resumed his practice over Ladd & Bush bank bldg. OffKie hours 9 to 9 p. . Sundays by appointment. Phone 625. x 5.1 0 Warner's corsets are really better, tl.00 up. Gale & Co. Commercial end Court streets. tf 0 Dance M. B. A. hall Sat. night Mav 3. a-3 Ice cream sida is worth 13 feats, plus two cents war tax. Even ur home product of Uijn fools -war conditions and the drink now separates one from l"i cents. A niilk shnkp i jjoihI for 13 plus . and the lemonade, that came into the world via the circus at 5 cents, is handed over th counter for 13 plus two rent. A the coufoction aries in JSaleiu have figured it out, no one but tho youngster with a hunker ing for an ice cream cone need carry any pennies. .. Artificial teeth, have expert plate man, with over 35 years cspcriencc, at my office. Dr. 1). X. Ueechler, den tiet, 302 V. S. Nat. Bank bldg. tf E. H. Kennedy is back at The City Cleaning works, 1261 State St. Phone 703. tf 0 Dance at armory tonight. Harry Plant, a returned soldier has been placed in charge f the armory.1 Ite will succeed Lute Mavjigp, who held the job down while Mr. Platit was in the service. Dr. Carl E. Miller has opened his dental office at 510 511 V. S. bank bldg. Phoue 311. tf Dr. Mott offices moved to Bank of Coaimereo building, rooms 407 8. tf Patton Plumbing company are now able to take care of your plumbing wants in their new location 2-0 N. Commercial street. Phone l')6S. tf II V P 1 1. . - u luur ooiaier is Still ia fp,. Sukcri',tiVic,(,l(t;!, VeilHalkoyursulscrip!.si CAPITAL NATIONAL BAM J. II. Albert, President j. D ., to It i tiatsi iiii1itt. j . . t k,: T 'iien-al style. A -After bein.n true phewites Md'n- VXm (W titled ta wear tii i.Unl 0ul "jt, initiattMl drank to the health of SaPm! and to the officers of the PI,,. tom. ' 1UI1V. Thc are two wy, for the young. T"" T "V ,0 bllv n 'ce cream cone and corn- I . ,mwBt, Jt1 ply with the new war tai. One is to ' V A"'w K7 ' stay on the inside where the purchase " f.U C', is made, enjoy the artistic surroun I 'lT' J " ing and pay an extra ouo cent war ",'fhcstral phot,,., just bee: tax. The. other is to make the pur- , ', ""b11" U tL .'' chase and it for tho sidewalk , y ,y "''a,rf There euis to be a ruling that if the'. V1" v cone js ronsiii..e.l . " eu j , beloved if a rrrtiin wUhiu Uie ttore, the war tnx must be !'"',"l"1!s ,i,,,urtiu J i-uiu. j 1 uii mu aiucwaiK, no tax is necessary. -o- After one year In the service, A. J. nciiiior urriveil in tno eilv. hhmuiui 7. -w, , "-fuy in "The I'liu" Hit en iiartshv tu -n,... . . " direct from l!amp Humphries, Virgiiiiallj,. ;, 1B """twa itkft, - ''" C'veaffw,Dwl,l-Lr" He was a member of the old Ori heus chorus. Plans have abont been completed for W. O. W. attention, big class initia tion -and feed tomorrow night, Friday, .May 2d, MoComnek hall over Meyers storo. 52 Druggists, drygoods stores ard oth ers selling drug sundries mav now tmr- chase their revenue stamps at tho post office. The law makers who drew un the revenue bills decided that drug store articles could be sold best with revenue stamp attached, rather than to have the purchaser make the penny change. Macleay will have ft basket social May 3. All welcome. 5 3 M. p. Irwin was a little careless about (1:30 r'ridnv evening end paused in his Rutoninbile, a street car at JState and Commercial streets, takinc on and discharging passenger. He put up 11 for bin appearance before the city re corder this illuming. He failed to np- ti. ... - : 11..,:'"" I'v l . lit III IV t I 1 i I llil Ill 1- llll't'illSl IU." I o . I, -'It' . 1 .. . .1. ,'refiM to Walliiim mi. vi im un iiiiiu hi Miifi riMin-iv 111111 stay slopped if the nuto is on the side' of the street car where passengers get on and off. If on the other side, go ing in the opposite direction of the car, the top need be but temporary 0 Dr. B. F. Pound, Jnst returned from service, announces reopening of his dental office Hlh floor LT. H. Nationnl bank bldg. Phone 109. 5 11 "The Funeral Beautitul" Webb Clouh Co. tf See us for used pianos. ; Son . E. L. surf S3 "- t m .4.444.f.4.4f ROUTE YOUR FREIGHT YIA Willamette Valley Transfer Co. Express Service at Freight Rates Long Distance Hauling Only PHONE 1400 --. DH C. B. O'NEILL Optometrist Optician Complete Grinding Plant on the Premises Bush Bank Bldg. Phonfl Better Have Your Eyes Examined I 1 1 f liifiii'iYtiK ' imwInA . yn I - I! 7. 11 You can depend upon our sincerity of purpose to administer to your eye needs and to pre scribe glasses only when necessary. Our work is guaranteed DR. A. McCULLOCH Optometrist 204-5 Salem Bank Of Commerce Bldg. Eramett & White will shin all kinds of cattle and hogs next week; top pric es paid. Phono 1425M. 53 0 Members of the Iilihee cottntrv rinh are looking for a largo attendance at tho Karnes to !, played Sunday with the Eugene chamiuon solf nlnvnm 1. this is tho first contest of the season oetween these two clubs, each has se lected iis best aulfers 'for tlio firt n. test. According to the program, the tugene players will arrivo 011 an Ore gon Kleetrie siecial at Liveslev sta tion at 9:1.1 o'clock Sunday morning. Salem members are asked in be on inrid to carry the players to tho golf links. Homer II. Smith savs that the grounds were never in finer shape as they have recently been mowed and rolled. The Johnny Worn luncheon will be served about 12 o'clock. An nouncement is lsn mmlo IW !, dance for next Wednesday evening is to be an informal nffnir 0 Oswald Empcy transfer. Day phone in'H pnono eyj. Kpecial prices on out of town trips. Stand, 124 South .ueriy. jg Dance at armory tonight. o Trade In your old piano as part pay mcnt on a new. We carry the Sherman Way brie. E. L. Stiff & Son. 5.3 Wednesday. May 14. ha. j. j elded on as the .Into for the annual play to bo given by the Oregon state school for the liliml Tl,i. ,.. : :i. !. . i n win "e given at the auditorium of the 8a , lem hiah sclmnl Dance at armory tonight. 0 The pupils of the Oregon state school for the blind will give a pro gram and play on May 14, at the high school auditorium. The object of the enrertainment is to raise money to pnrelmHe record for i,l,n;...i. which has jut been presented to the , school by Father Bruennirnl nf r.-i.. jm. Tickets will be on sale, beginnins Monday next, nt Cherrincrtnn ,.; ior, 11,) uourt St.. and at. Will'. Blre, i.y state Ht. From the rtandpolnt of the woman who does shopping in the dry goods store, the luxury tax now in effect need cause no worry- An the tax is un derstood here, the ten per cent is not on tho price of certain articles, but on tho excess over a certain price i''or .instance, nnv imir of lailfes' silk iose costing more than $2 a pair, is stin.iect. to 1 lie luxury tax. If the price is na.oo, more is the hi per cent tax not 011 the whole $2.50, but on the 50 cents, and this would amount to only nvo cents extra. In other words, .the $2."i() pair of silk hose would cost $2.i").J On pajamas, anything over $."1 a pair is considered a luxury. One. may buy a petticoat up to $15 without getting into tho luxury clans, jf the price hap pens to be $l(i. there is 10 cents aiM ed for the war tax. The limit on men's" shirts is $3 without nettin'' into a lux ury. if the young man wants a $3 shirt, he pavs 10 per cent oil the exees of 2. His I-j shirt then costs $2.20 To the average buyer in the drygoods siore, mere is nothing to trouble about ctvu if there is a luxury tax. , A prominent automobile dealer said today: "it would be worth while for every automobile dealer in tin, city to Kive part ot it is time tomorrow in urg ing his friends to register. The speciul election of June 3 is per harm tho most important, election ever culled to the automobile interests. There is not only tho proposed issue of county bonds that will put 100 miles of hind surfaced pavang in the county within five years, but there is the one mill market road tax and the iioosevelt coast military highway act to be voted on. In many respects tho coming election is a good roads election and automobile men should make it their duty tomorrow to urge their friends to register. The poHs close at 3 o'clock Saturday, May .1 . .... ' 111 men ha .!..-:.. mo erection 01 a new St. Joseph s hull! "" fcjlt,H . on iUemeKeta street, on tho property, " r. ; iiemnging to the uttholte church. The building is to bo built of concrete and will coat in the, neighborhood of 000. The building will be used lis head quarters for the Kuights of Columbus. u one of the floors will be a main assembly room with stage and all equipment for home talent affairs. The frame Emitting oil the lot to be occu pied by tho new hall will soon be torn down. Although there is a slight different in tho spelling tho names are pro nounced the iwime, mid tho men came from different parts of the world. This Neiiucycr of -e- hia-ka who recently bought the drug storo of Frank Ward, and to ('. W. Niemeyer, tho real estato dculer of Sa lem. The sale was handled bv Mr. Nie meyer. The druggist Air. Neinuyer ex poets to buy other property in the city. A marriage license has been issued to Thomas .1. Hatch, 32, a fanner of Salem and Hazel S. Fender, 22, also of Salem. Also, to John Adams James. 23, a far r of Auinsvillo and Eliza beth Alice Downey, a teacher ut Stny-ton. o Dance at armory tonight. 0 It Is the idaily ko cream conethat wiil feel the "i M me local confectionery irl,TJiB;f inl no out ot "quiring the children to dig up one penny tax ;nc a,Ulng fof te five pont co(() , loday the n.arket price is six cents and ;w II remain .so unless there is a way 'Ia a , flve ccnt mixcd ompound drink M i thc discard. Bin you lMjr buy all kinds of eodas f0r nine Acocrding to roports cominij in from all parts of the county the prune, sit uation is about as follows: The old' trecg which have produced good crops for the past two or three viars re shedding and from these orchards, there is hardly 50 per cent of a crop in prospect, Younir orchards are nhnwinp full vigor and in hut few places have they been attacked bv thrios. About the only locality that has suffered ii around the Liberty section. Even in this district the young trees will pro duce. Jn some sections, thc Conditions are thought to be due to thc fact that on account of the age of the trees and the weakened condition from th es pecially heavy crop, of one year ago, ihb sap mo. not ot up into tho trees and into the outer branches and this accounts for the falling off. 0 The first annual convention of all salesman of the I'hez company came to a close last evening with a little hilarity mixed in on the side. This was in the initiation of several nf the ''boys" ante the "Ancient Order of h'0o left for Wintcl on the Oregon the Purple PheZ. Frederick Schmidt 1 thi. morning. They w-U re opened the meeting and was just about j tmn cn the 7:53 train. to announce to the good fellows that 0 there would be a little initiation into I Finnish volunteers last Saturday cap tho new order. r. . . , V .:::.i. the White fca, tinting kind of Chsrrians tnnb ehnran ...:..,. 41.. hnlshevikl Wm Ine of the meeting, and proceeded to ini- Muruian coast. Mrs. Thomas E. Townsond, who has been associated with tho United feint' National bank at Portland since the first of the year, is 5n the city visat in;f with her many friends and attend iC to business matters. She expects to ninain in the city two or three days. 0 There Is Just a chance that every 0110 of the Marion and Polk count) men mhn nrn utill in the SCrvicC, will be able to attend the homecoming event along w5th the 1lig Fourth of July eel- dirntinn to lie belli in cateiu uck'" ninir with the reception on the evening of Thurlny July 3, and continuing until tiaturday evening July 5. One or the boys from over seas lias wrniui his friends here that he expccieu .u nnislered out and in Malem 111 nine i" .1 . 1.. t. ceuornto mo romm. c William t Webster has bought tract ioiu ni'"- .f Hnlem on the Jefferson way. The tract has two acres of loganberries with a small houso. The granior pi.t ffllha and the consnlerat ion "" " 1. ii a ,v 1H700. Tho transfer was nuu'mn W. II. ra,benliorst Wi Are corsets underwear or are they nnt This i the question innt v . turbing the drygoods stores, especial ly ns no official ruling has been made 'oy thc internal department or rev. . The Sulem stores are uim..v on the proposition, some taking we stand that corsets are not n'"wea en;! therefore honld not be tax ed luxuries. Others figure that they arc underwear and therefore come Ji ' the head of luxuries. If they are u derwear, the tnx is ten per cent f those that sell in excess of ' ".' ' xeess tax, a corse, cos.. ,K t-elves until there, is a definite ruU'itf- Frank Bligh, theater announces l e u i ",,. the new orchestral pnoi.iM,r- oan for tomorrow. Prof. b. ' " . ette, who hn made a spc-a' y " motion picture illustra ive ' t 1, Jt tinre fcv the Thotopiayir company to play for the opening. Bes'des studying theology, the stu dents of Kimball .r, ! other things. Yesterday 13 of the dent, cleaned up the rf.oo I ro ftwsrds entcrtaineil i" luncheon at the home of Dr., and urs H. J. Talbot. TheweathaaunaniledsKkv m Pinncer .i., u Kb Historical wciett taU. . , them fair weather f'o, tb, W, f milioa of rou.Hk'n'&r.tfe With thc mcmcrial hik, w . cl Inst year, mid in, tkf f voted by ,f CC, I lutmiii.eK , bow prrpirpj h ein the pioneers eves MniHjuj : 1 Arcy mid, There wm he'd fl,k premam of short talk h . 1 wuh Judge D'Arcjr, piosmtfn! ai'linjr M ircsi.lcnt of the ,ltt J,. S all wliii went from Nalea M frtf ti.mchili route a the 0r t E will but 10 tickcu to Wi!'i ii j Eevival meeting it JimUI'.' church Ktiturdiiy Mar 3, S p. 1 i-1 music aim a real tn!-s' im a-siircd. Yon are invited. As Marion county Is the Jersey w tcr of not only Orpptj but nf Is whole I'liited StaN, tbcre nil If Jeree celebration eonlbinj tm period of fivo days bojinwiig il fir liuiil and extending tv different Ic; ilics in tho valley. It it nutate several eastern prominent le breeders will attend the erlebntim. 1 is just a few mi!e from Salem be found the ntt rcmsrls' Jersey; tow la tl wtV'U ' Her butter "nt miw'V 11 rd is official nd recoghiaed u d I O. H. Taylor of Suimyslde W he has a name for Oregon p ; Khm.lil make them we" " ' ' out the world wherever Iwrtw5' ire rend. As proper i1 best Italian prune ever ifrowi iuJ that the child could remcnlw ,.t tn the corner pocery .,,,,1.1. "Orcirnn Du-kie 2 heTs willing to let it go at just "- ie Sweets. " Corporal "Nick" Brill, with the lst divwua f about 10 montin, srn. - p rian ir ruiiijow j visit with fr"'1"" M 1 ..1 YiMikH (III lilt 2 i f brief Visit Will fWS'lf ' II mg front, in i"" Walter vri ,,e selected by the !- , from Oregon to the firrt m of the Iynl Iy.i Louis May 8th. lf 0 fronl,nTn wBeki v. (Irnnt, :nptain B psi' ' I r t ... t nlnenkef s Clarence j: m 1 p Missouri, witej ' i,,. IS The EeT. Alfred BaM ' will to - . ... .4 iin Ttnllston -vi- charge or tne music - E. church Sunday evening ly of the Odd Fellows at that plac The sermon will V th pastor, the BevSydney W. Hall. For a day's UtoT ,the b, id tencners . 1 p?fl j r. then p8 Neolin So es or theff , wateroroomess. ;r,,:X Soles cf w T; mvc only ordl ra2nesinrr"''-, ,; - . And look yJLpafl!, . bt-causey'Rr ftMP0, the hor(t". isf ' t at