Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 01, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Marguerite Clark
Court House Notes
No tebs Discovered la
! Northwest, Say Officials
tf )
I amfonCTT
1 l.liwiiiwir a
"Little Miss over
i. ... K. II. Avana versus
('. IHinhaiu et a!, the defendants de -a
Diurrer wa sustained and the pia.ntitt
nea until May 10. to tile- aa amended
eoicploint. Then the defendpru will be
a!led until May 20 to answer.
,. . im .uuniau
' In the matter of the guardianship . any bombs had ppre, in any f
of Orville and Norviile 01., son. the! these state or territory th j cffie,
guardian Iola Glenson. a.ks the court , would 1 immediately ipFiwl of the
tor an order permitting her to erpentl , fact, it was said.
i0 a month for both of the children. 1 '
S;!-;ane Wash. M:.y 1. 'e tomb
have come to iirht in the northwester
district under the sui crvisioa of the
post office inspector berc. itb the ci-
............ nf tk hnmh nt fn Mi.n. ttl
Ilausoa of ivattle according to tttkia'a
at the office tvlay.
This office covers Oregon. Washing,
ton, Montana. Idaho and Ajtfha. If
The petition was granted.
In the office of the count. clerk at BM,.bu 0r- Apfi) 30.-ttiatinf
the court house, the registration books r0Bl,,ie(l prulH. cru u,
will be ker.t oi-!! until J 0 clock Sat- U:mmm pounds. 13 pronu-
urday evening. In order to vote at , , count, bav.
JS? 1T1ZL "T "'o-l . -.-a. whereby , hey contract .
mtr n-jjii. it, ... ...... , j
take the trouble of bringing in two!""''11
freeholders to swear in the vote.
of their orcaarua far
1919 to the P. S. tide company at 13
I cents for Italians 30-3." and 14 eeata
, . ...i ,,., f i ;for Petites. Other firms had represent
In the .natter of the estate of AoU
Uuabeth Morns, the cour has con-
firmed the su e of pernal propertv
amout,Us! to J241.2,. John ri.uu.ui .t, P ' mli,v of .. f ,h
the duun.atrutur. - ;;0 3.v i,,. ,he
This iH.ol represents approximately
SHO.nOll jKiuiidi of tlalians and WO.000
muiiids of 1'etites. and W the largest
Florence K Esch has filed suit
ajjuiiist the I'uiversal ( onstruetiou com-
f . ..11 .1... ..1... :.. .I, lwj.l
I'lilit. Ciie Hiie-es mill sue la lur uviu- , . . .
' , ,: ..... .. . . .'liieiifer of fruit erowers in the Bistor
1 1.. :.. mi j Ti,.,. ch.. i.m of the industry here.
L ; V . 1... u.i 1. i,,t in ' that these prices will govern
of Smith.-; Fruit Far...; ever aiHcethai t!,p 1!M9 ',r"ne "op of ,h8
.hue and the t"t:il is 71.4"i. She a-ks
vn! lev.
foreclosure uf the proerty as the three;
yur redeemina perioa mis ixptivd. I
a imcka from Oiiubel Brothers todav. the Seraphs. governor UJcott was a j;uest ana OM t
I'randaU'a error iu the 12th imiiutr is IVnuer of the Heavers held the Oaks of the speakera at the noou uieetinu of cd Ms follows:
.admitted to be the uiispluy that gave to three scattered hits. Blues hoiuerthe 1'ortluud AU club yesterday, tt .iiiii,(iuu lur a new state penitentiary
the Bees another victory over the Seals,' in the sixth with one man 011 base aided
3 to 1. the Heavers in their .'I to 1 win.
A luckr litflith brought joy and five; 1 1
I rum to the Titers after Mails hr.d held' Do Yon Enjoy Life?
(By Vnited Tress.) them seoroless fur seven innii.KS. Seat- A man in g oi, .pi; -al i'"iid'tion is
Yeslerday ' w inners: Salt Lake, t!e unt one run in the first. almost certain to enjov life, while the
I'lirtiand, Siicra.neuto, Vermin. ) One run in the second inninu nave ' biliuus and dyspepti;- are ileipundent.
Home run: Blui', I'orl l.iiut. 1 Sacramento just ciMiuijh to down thel.ln not enjoy their meal and feel mis-
t'ai l Crandi.ll is scheduled to receive , mki I-. tinidner. Sul.:.i urler. blanked .erable a )""' sluire of the time. This
ill teeliu is nearly nlvvnys unneees
siiiv. A few ibises uf ( 'hauiber'ain 's
Taidets to tone up the stomach, im
pruve the dielion and regulate the
bowel is all that U needed. Trv it.
fif -if
i r . 11
' V I f K f'.h J
Tamil y jays:
for con3Ti?vnof
il 1 1 4
i'Jl! 4.(1)1
I'eplviiiif to a question from Superin
tendent Churchill with regard to the re-
pimal of school directors from a school
district. Attorney (leneiul B.own calls
attention to section 173 of the Oregon
school liiws. which provides that when
ever a dircetnr removes from a district,
hi ritfht of residence for 30 days does
not applr, but his office terminates im
mediately and the hon.d is authorized
to appoint a successor.
w hich a wave of enthusiasm was srrrrealat Salem
up over the victory Loan campaign :.ii,immi for a state reconstruct 1011
ami the amount of over S10,uou sub-; hospital to be erected on the campus cf
scribed iu a few minutes. Iu response j the I'liiversity of Oregon medical school
to his expressed desire that K. A. Booth it I'ortlund.
slwiiild be retained 01. the hiutmay com-j .'iOU,oimi for new buildini;s at the (lie
mission, the eiub unaiinueiisrv endorsed ' gnu Agricultural eoliese at t'orvnllis.
a resolution rcipiestiiiK -Mr. liuotli to ."lOd.iiini fur new buildings at the I'ni
continue with the commission. The versilv of Oregon at Kugene. '
club also emphatically pledged itself to $HKi,iluo for new buildiiii nf the
support the Oregon reconstruction pro-j state normal school at Monmouth,
gram, u presented in the aouress oft M"n,0'"i f(ir nt.w buildings at tin1
(iovernor Oleott, in the course of which eastern Oregon state hospital fur the in-
he snid in part: sane at l'endletuu.
This program provides for the issu-j 37,3ort ouch for armories nt Astoria
mice of l.i.liiio, nun of honds. the pro- Baker, Bend, La Grande nnd Medford.
ceeds of which are to be expended for; 7t),U(Hl for .the completion of the
the construction of public buildings, for armory at Murshfield.
'land settlement for soldiers unit for co-1 l'o.Immi for new buildings at the Ore
operation with the government in tho gon Soldiers' home at Roseburg.
construction of irrigation, uramage, 120,000 for a hospital at the state In
loggeil off land or otner riiiprovenie.it , stitution for Feeble Minded at Sale...
If the unemployment situation should
become acute end the bourd of control
A new figure will appear heieafter in
UlltW 'l CMII.IOl , . ' - "
should feel justUied iu currying out the ' J ""'""r"" - u,ei.t
n.v.., iitiuiii nim uaviuir
entire building program provided for in
The tax returns for trio Shell Oil com
pany, or 1 aiirornia, liav .pist Deon
made up for the month of March in the
office nf secretary of state, showing
that thev paid a total of 1171.71 tax
on a tidal of 144,260 gallon of gaso
line, and r.S22 gallons f distillate.
Diseased Skin
Pnedom at mo fraa thaafooraf
UadiHSM. tba soothlnf wash f alU.
Try D. & Dv-U's dlffsraat 19a, m ,
aadtU. WarutraatMUMOratlMtUa. '
J. 0. Perry'g.
During this BUY IN'SALEM Week
We wish to mention our new plan which we adopted a year and a half ago, that of
Standardizing Our Lines
All new lines will be Standard lines of known quality that are guaranteed to give satisfaction. We will
not handle any more of the so-called cut-price Bargain Sale Merchandise
Standard lines cost more-But you don't have to buy so often
We don't ask you to trade with us because we are friends or because we live in Salem, pay taxes here and
support the local institutions. But because we have lines that are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Lines
that we Stand Back of, and the makers stand back of us.
Levi Strauss & Co's. U. S. and Goodyear ' Rose City
Guaranteed First Quality v Lawrence Whip Cord Coats
Overalls for Men and Boys Rubber Boots and Bootees and Pants for Men
Lee's Unionalls Martha Washington Levi Strauss & Co's.
For men, women and children Mayer's , Richmond Union Suits
The best that's made Twin Sole Comfort Shoes' For Men
- in..nnnnw.unuunn mm aaaaMuik mtmmmmmmmtmimmmmtamr iiMHMttiMaMuaMMBBM
Bear Brand Washington Hardeman
Socks for Men Solid Leather Shoes Felt Hats for men
25c and GOc For Men and Boys All the new shapes
Levi Strauss & Co's. Mayer's Levi Strauss & Co's.
Sunset Shirts Honorbilt Solid Leather Shoes Koveralls '
For Men and Boys For Women and Children For Children
ostein ii Greenbaum
cepted a position of importance with tht
claims department, a position for which
he is well fitted. For several veins he
has served as the representative of the
Portland Journal at the state house and
dining legislative sessions. He is a
newspaper man of long experience, lun-
j-.-. ...... ..jiuiiiitu win. oro.ninent pic-
ceis 111 iiii.no previous to taking up
work with tho Portland Journal, with
which he has been nt work for ..1,,.,,.
: eight years, lie w recognized as one
(0t the most capable writers of the
It is not Known us to who
will aueced him in the local fiold.
The supreme court, in it, session (,
eastern Oregon at Pendleton, has m,..
important case in that of the StUe v
Pac.flc Livestock Co.. which involves
ract of 20.000 acres of land, claimed
to have been acquired bv the defendants
tlirouc-h systematic fraud and forterv
la the golden davs of land gvr.bbing i
Oregon it was customary to gather up
a township r tr in a quiet modest
fashion bv using dummy locatois. but it
aiiegeu mat this company adopted u
system of their own.
Judge Martin Pipe, of Portland, is an
other jurist who holds that the Oregon
constitution, in stating the transition of
the office f governor to the secretary
of stale, that the lamiuaire iumll..a 1..
the office itself and not to the "du
ties" of the office. His chief point fs
made in the following paragraph:
"It was never intended that Oregon
should ever be, and she never has tieen
without governor, charged win. all
duties, clothed with nil powe.s, entitled
to all emoluments, and endowed with
all the dignity of th office of govern
or, including the official name ami title
thereof. la other words the section pro
ides for sucession, instantaneous, and
by oieration of law. It admits of no in
terval, suffers no delay, requires no
cerenioiiv, awaits no consent, demr.nds
no action. When the governor dies, the
envernnr lives. Political power and
function comprising the office are to be
t continuous, uninterrupted and perpet-
I llnl '
Regarding the rumor that a sttccial
session of the legislature might be nee
essnry to provide funds for emergency
need, in the labor situation. Iu Mew of
I the fact tint the mi'k of urcmpiorrd
are gradually thinning out. and the fur
ther fact that the class e won w.iieh
, has ben projeeted for returned so:,;,ers
land sailors will not be generally titil
! ucd. the governor sees no immediate, de
j man,! for a special session nnd lias inti
I mated that he wifl not convene ttie hov
I unless a- critical condition ar!o, which
t the present time is not at all arpar
; ent. In the course of a statement issued
today he says: Ot frequent intervals
there seems to appear more or less agi
tation for a iecial session of the legit
lature to tr.ke car of some question
which presents itself. In a majority of
instances the, matter is comparatively
trivial. For that reason. I wish to make
mr attitude clear, so the people of the
state will know that the calling of a
spoeir.l session will tint even be serious
ly considered unless some emergency
arises which will he so grave teat no
one can doubt in imrxirtance. '
Oregon Agricultuial College, Corvullia
May 1. Tentative arrangement uve
been made by President W, J. Kerr and
the war department for the establish
ment of units of the signal corps, motor
transport corps and cavalry at tne, eot
Iege. These nrrangenionts uro depend
ant upon inspections of the college by
war department representatives and fu
ture conferences.
The signal corps would be limited to
electrical and engineering studeuts, th
court partition the land according to the: ("M'-' IO n"; "" n ,ue ln1:
.leering courses tllive putue s.ti-t. ja.ie&
subjects unit training that would pre
ps re the mfor a high class of national
sen ice iu this line.
1 A mot"- transport unit would bring
(Imago. May 1. Postotfice inspect- , ,. ....n,.,,,, .). -nr oVnartmaat
o.s received warning here today t'ro'.h. ,,,,;,',., m,h a, Uli Hhj trai.t0rs
to cover all phases of motor transport
wo-k. The cavalry unit would consist
of one or two platoons with 37 horaea
for 011,11 platoon.
J. Saueerhian of Sv.thcrlin has
just received word of the death of hit
sen Otto last August in France.
A friend!- suit to determine Interests
in 17;! acres of land iu section o, T. 8
S. K. 1 '., has been filed ill the coun'
ty clerk's office. The suit is entitled
Carl (iriffiths and others against F-u-jgene
McMahon and others. It is ul
! leged that all parties concerned own an
! undivided one-eigh'eei.th interest iu fee
'and that the plaintiffs each own a one
sixth undivided interest in fee simple.
There is a lease on the land which ex
pires this mall. It is nsked that the
respective rights of each.
New York to be on guard fur two pack-1
ages, believed to contain bombs, ad
dressed to I'lnh officials.
One was said to be addressed to
Frank N'ebi ker. Salt Lake city, who
prosecuted the 1. W. V. in Chicago.
Bw. wi Trtii 'Miii i
THERE IS NOTHING equal to Chamberlain's
Tablets for constipation. When the proper
dose is taken their action is so agreeable and so
natural that you do not realize that it is the effect
of a medicine. These tablets possess tonic proper
ties that aid in establishing a natural and regular
action of the bowels. Chamberlain's Tablets have
cured many cases, of chronic constipation.
...... . j, .js. .-.n-.. '.. . tm r ...... ,r.i ,.y trfj-'ta tfiMii
j I.. : M :J Uv-if.ii-O'it.. li-X- . Irtl'O. lV..il.t '.uv a,, ... 1 -1
JIandsome, Smiling:, Irish
I i ' r'- ' '-v
It . .
I h .
' 1 r "r 1 wi 11 toMhui km
Keep a Good
Man down.
A clean taste comedy
"Ford Educational Scenic"
"Help The Housewife" P. R. L & P. Special
NEW PIPE ORGAN we win have
the opening Sunday