Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 01, 1919, Image 1

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    i , 525G CIRCULATION :
Only Circulation in Sales Guar- 4
aateed by the An Jit Bimi of
Circulations, s)
ii k.... .i ii.iu m
Oregon: To-iiiM prtd..:-
" ruin ro'th riien, fair wttth
portion; Frklav fair; Biedviaie
southwesterly winds.
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North Cdfalina Postmaster
Reports Infeial Machine in
Senator Overman's Mail.
Washington, May 1. The postmaster at Salisbury,
N. C, today wired postoffice officials here that he had
discovered a bomb in the mails there addressed to United
States Senator Lee Overman.
New York, Mar 1. (riiNed frees.)
Secret service ogents all over the Urn
led States today searched the mails for
bombs believed to have been sent to
prominent incu.
Discovery of 17 infernal machines
here, held up for lack of sufficient
stamps, exposed a plot which detectives
asM-i t aimed at the annihilation of snuie
of the nation's biggest financiers and
government officials in conneetiow with
u great May Day demousrrr.iion 01 ool
slievisin. Secret service nien here were In touch
with agents in scores of cities aim
towns where the mails were being care
fully inspected for inoffensive .looking
lillle packages iu department store
wrappers sent from New York. Inspec
tor Fourot's famous New York police
'bomb squad" has been hard f.t work
for hours trying to locute the factory!
where the ingeniously constructed ex
plosive engines were put together. This
place Is believed to be on the west sidoj
of New York between Twentieth and
Thiity-slxth streets. The district is thus
- fined by tuo police because the bombs,
lli-v say, were mailed in post boxes
within that area.
Mail collectors huve been questioned,
but so far none of them hits been able
to recollect having taken up the in-
fernal inuchines on his rounds.
The bombs opened by officials have
Wn found to coutain very high explo
sives and the ones received by Senator
Hnrdwick of Georgia and by Repre
sentative Burnett of Alabama exploded
with gaoling force. The bomb sent
Hmdniek injured a colored maid, while
Burnett 's was set off by a policeman
planting bullet in it.
The fact that the bombs hare been
reeciroil at the office of District Attor
ney Fickert of Sac Francisco and Mayor
Die Hr.nson of Henttle shows, police say,
that they were thoroughly circulated all
. over the nation before the May Day
pint came to light.
The mi t lire of the device caused in
vestigators to conclude the manufactur
er was a chemist who worked with the
Continued on page, two)
Logging Concern Granted
Judgment Amounting
To $1,800.
HMIns, Or., Mny 1. The Chns. K.
ulding Logging company oi 0.11pm
was awarded damages to the amount of
n.i0 by a 'my iu the Fork county cir
cuit court Tuesday, the jury being out
but a short time, the defendants in the
case being the Valley & Bieti Ri.ilvrny
company. Ihe case is the outcome of
a claim made bv the Kpnulding company I
flint the railway company while con-
cuuipuiiv nue cou-,.,A
stroctimr its.railwav through property
Of the plaintiff cut timber that wa out'-
i . .i e,., , . i. i.
side of the 60 foot rmht-of -way amonnt-
ing to rhanv thousands of feet and thnt i
the same was not shipped or AVttvcred
to tne i i in i 1 1 r m pur converted into tne
use of the defendant company.
Another ease of the Spnnlding Log
trim? eomnflnv vs. the Kiletz IjOgcing
coniiany is now occupying the atten
tion of the court.
In this action the fpnuliling people
claim that damage was done their prop
erty bv the defendant company in start
ing a fire on tin ir land last year dur
ing c hi- forest fire in the mountains
west of Black Rm k on the line of the
Vnl'ev 4 Sile'z ilwnv. The defendants
'sim that the Ire set was a back fire
and was dime to protect other property
in the vicii'ilv. I
Winters t .M, inure of Portland and
O-fir Ilnvter f this citv are attorneys
for the Spnii!dirij enmnnny and W. Lair
TVnp.on renrents the Vallcv X Pi
letz Logging a l.un.lier company.
Dr. And Mrs. C. H. Clements
Return After Seeing Much
. Of Country.
. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Clements, who
have been swinging Mound the circum
ference of the United States during the
past two mouths, havo just returned
home after covering something less than
10,000 miles of territory. They left Ore
gon bv wnv of Pan Francisco and hos
Angeles, traversed all the southern
states, stopping at all the important
cities, and then swung northward to
Baltimore and New York. At one or
two points they stopped for a visit of a
week with relatives.
Dr. Clements made this tour va'tiy
with a view to visiting witlrgreat med
ical institutions and clinics of the coun
try, and along with some very pleasant
sight seeie- he devoted a large part of
Ihe time to close observation of what
the medical and surgical sciences were
doing in the way of modern methods.
Among other institutions he stopped
at Johns Hopkins university and at tht
Mayo Brothers institute at Rochester,
Minnesota. Questioned as to the merits
of this institution, tl' doctor was
guarded. It is unouostionifbly the great
est thing of its kind in the world. In
the matter of efficiency, system and
orgu nidation it is magnificent and mar
velous. He found that every appliance
and equipment know to the profession
was being utilized with a view to hand
ling the greatest number of pr.tients in
a given time. The four great hospitals
and the grounds and the city itself is
constructed to this end. But when his
attention was called to the world-idea
thnt the Muvo Brothers hud a mairic of
surgery and therapeutics unknown to!
the profession generally, he expressed !
the opinion that there is no gruuter!
opinion that there is no greater
-kill or knowledge at Rochester than 01 ,m" J""'s Dr t,ie WHinage
can be found at other institutions of the!ca"t','T1""1 wri expressed.
countrv. Thev sinHv had te afKnn- """"w t 'i'M
tage of an infallible pnthalofv, devel w,,h ,1,t' -'vUegc of selling our sur
oped thrmnh dealing with innumerable I ")lu8- ralll0r than scranping the work'
eases of everv known disease. Hundreds i""1" fMr ,1""e' 1 "'z 8uld
of cases file through the examination i ."J'",ur! w will demand tho en
rooins everv dav. Their experts detect ,lro rebuilding of the shipyard facilities
and casiifv disease svmptoms almost atl,llut "'" l,e oHt Ul"l,'r ,u'11 11 policy,"
a gliuice. Moreover, thev detect houe-!l,e '''' "To replace what we arc
less cases at a ulaue, and there are In-J ?"ttlitiK now will mean au expenditure
variel.lv turned awnv. Consenuentlv ' 1,1 ,ll1 f "tu"-' f 18,1100,000,000. It will
their death rate is kept down to tho ! pMt us mo,p in ",p "'"'ng year to can
mininuim. j1'0' ol'r cohtri-.ets than we will save.''
Dr. Clemeets found industrial Condi-
tions generally good, though sagging niHirCr mPfiir(t lit AflArl
little from the high pitch of the war
Weather conditions were good in mnsf i
sections and crop outlook verv fair. On
the war westward thev sto-med at the
iTwin r'ilii.a returning tn llrnnn A.-n.i
V-,l T -i"
, - ,e,.,ng u
'""'' ,0 bc '"" k
in Oregon and S.i em.
, m ,
w, i. T 1 , f I ,
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Return To Paris Sessions
Rome, April .10. (United Press)
The Italian peace delegation held a
conference here tonight lasting more
than an hour. It was understood a de
cision was reached as to whether the
dentation will return to Paris.
London. May I. CiiiU-tl Press) A
new ngencv dispatch from Homo to-
day quote, 1 the Kpora as declaring that
Premier Orlando and Foreign Minister
?n; no will remain there "until the
alii, s are officially disposed to eon-
for with Itrnv on a new basis
Fifteen per cent of the teachers in
th? V" kin .a public srhools hi:ve failed
to siin their contracts fjr next year.
Oregon Base Hospital Unit
Among Troops Returning
Oa Transport Finland
iNew York, May 1. The
transport Finland docked at
Hilboken today bringing head
quarters troops of the -Hth dil
vision and companies A" to K,
inclusive of the 10.! d engin
eers; the 40th base hospital for
Camp Lewis; With ibase hospital
for Camps Kearny and Lewis
and scattered casuals.
The -lltth base hospital, men
tioned in the foregoing" dis
patch, is the unit which was
formerly known as the Univer
sity of Oregon 1ase hospital
corps, dt w:is recruited during
the first weeks of the war
tfrom among the students and
former students of the I'ni-.
versity of Oregon at Kugo.no.''
A number of PorWand boys are
also included in its member
ship. After more than a year of
training at Oamp Lewis the
unit went overseas with the
91st division and saw service
with that unii in the Argonne,
as well as in Belgium and
other parts of the western
front. Its commander, Captain
Kberle Kuykenriall ef Kirgone,
died of disease la Franco lust
Director General Of Fleet
Corporation Takes Part
ing Shot At Policy.
Philadelphia, May 1. (United PrciB)
Charles E. I'iez, director .general of
the Emergency Fleet Corporation toa.iy
goes bsck to civil life, lffs mmiu ol of
fice as a war worker expired last night.
"I have finished my term and can
say wu..r i piense, i ic ucciurcu a
tne tareweii dinner last niKnt anenueu
by shipbuilders from all parts of the
country. With this preface, he attacked
the recently announced policy of Kd
ward is'. Hurley, chairman of the ship
mug board, which cancels contract for
mure thun a million tons of shipping.
I'iiz expressed his opinion that be
fore auch cancelations were ordered an
11 , ' """.
should be had to scH the
tonnage to the navy yards.
1 "'" "r , , ul . """""'
And German Delegates Is
Postponed To Altera
By William Philip Slmrn
(I'nited Press Htaff Correspond
Versailles, May 1. The first
meeting of allied and German
peace representatives, scheduled
for 11 o'clock this morning, was
postponed until after noon.
The meeting in the famous
Trianon Palace hotel is limited
to presentation of the enemy
delegates' credentials. Exiiniiiia-
tion and confirmation of
doenments is expected to take
at lead 'H hours. Foreign Min
sk ister Brovkdorff Rantzau heads
the German delegation, nd
ik Jules ( million is chairman of the
allied credentials committee.
Meanwhile, acseinliling of tlie
articles of the treoty was report-
ed to be progressing satisfai tor-
iiv. Confidence was expressed
that it would be ready for the
Germans by Saturday. .
Attempt of "Reds" To Holdi
Demonstration Spurs Sol
diers and Police to Shoot
Cleveland, Ohio May l.An unidentified man died
at Huron Road hospital having been shot by detectives
during the red fighting here lat today.
Cleveland, Ohio, May 1. Several persons were shot,
more than 100 iwere arrested
following the breaking u pof
meeting late today.
Among those arrested was C. E. Ruth
ernberg, formerly socialist andidate for
mayor, '
The trouble began when ono of Ihe
many red parades that were to converge
at 1'ublic Square fof the meeting, reach
ed a downtown co'ner.
A part of the procession had passed
the corner. Then came a delegation
carrying red flags and shouting.
A dozen of group of soldiers dash
ed into the street and threw themselves
at the paradera. Foliee followed.
In a moment there were s hundred
fights in progress. Men dropped on the
street, clubbed over the head.
Tajiks Are Used.
iSoldiers in tanks and army trucks
dushed up and down the street, clear
ing it of the remnants of the proces
sion. The reds went to Public ttquare where
thousands of persons were gathered for
a mass meeting. As they reacsrd the
platform two men iu rrn u-.rms
carrying red flags climbed over the
railings behind the speakers.
Rutheiiberg and fifty other men wore
taken to central ;'ttion and charged
with disorderly conduct. As inuny more
men were locked up at precinct stations.
While the police kept the public
square clenr, the parades which had
formed in other sections of the city be
gan to arrive. These were broken up
before they reached the square,
Soldiers Organise.
After all the parade had been broken
up and the police were guarding the
square to see that no meeting was held,
the reds began gathering in groups on
street corners.
Koldiers and sailors formed in emer
gency companies, paraded the streets
and rushed these groups, breaking them
up as fast as they congregated.
Boy IScouts, too, jumped into fracas.
Whenever they saw a red fin 6 they tyre
it from the hand of the man carrying
I Hundreds of civiliuns jumped onto
auto trucks that thev commandeered
and joined the soldiers in breaking up
the groups of reds.
A war tank, with g half dozen sol
diers on top, parade the streets and
w,1(11 ,,, )10n Rf thp wlp Mw crowJ
, .,., ,, .....,. .u. fnw thm
The reds lost no time in breaking up.
Socialist IlaU Wrecked.
Ono crowd of several hundred person
marched on socialists headquarters. The
insiile of the hall was wrecireo.
Police Sergeant Barrett, attempted to
perse a crowd at Kuclid avenue and
Ksst Ninth stret, was shot and serious
Iv wounded. He was rushed to a hos
disperse a crowd at Euclid avenue and
Wertz got a report that a man had been
shot at Woodland avenue and Kust
Ninth street.
Bliss Morton, federal agent, received
a report that two civilians had been
shot on Kuclid avenue.
I Th' dark five cent the ater la jest th'
thing fer a bashful tightwad. Whore-
members when yon couldn't taste a
I Abe Martin - t
oon fcsr-x r;;ti
adn scores were in to
May Day parade and
Complauit Charges Husband
With Securing Tiffe Thru
Fraud To Property Inherit
ed By Wife.
Kdith Kyrc White has filed suit for a
divorce from Dr. B. It. White, osteo
path, with offices In the V. 8. National
Bank building. Hhe also files a suit to
recover ft Jialf interest , in certain real
estate including the home at Sou North
Capital street, which she alleges were
bought with her money, but which
through fraud she alleges were deeded
to herself and husband as tenants in
common instoad of to herself.
In the complaint, she alleges they
were married October 81, 1906. That
shortly after their marriage, he conspir
ed to cheat and defraud her out of real
estate which site had inherited.
That she hud placed money with ii!m
to invest in rioutn Dakita and Idaho
property with the understanding that it
was to be deeded to lier enfT that
through fraud, the deds were made to
herself and husband as tenants in com
mon. Khc also alleges that sho bought with
ofn money tlm home on Capital
stret and t,wut considerable monev oa
it, but that through fraud, this property'
was also deeded to them as tcimnis iu
common instead of to herself.
That she had demanded of him that
the property purchased by her own mon
ey be deeded to herself alone and that
ho had refused. Hho alleges then when
ever she demanded this, h would bo
come sulky and treat her iu an abusive
Within tho lust few months, she ol-
I j,,K that he threatened to do her bodi
i in. in v hiiu ineir rwo ciiiiopm..
ana tlint h hud threatened to blow
them up with dwnnmite mid tlml he
would bring the "flu" into the home
and give it to them all.
Also, that when she was ill iu bed, lie
got a shotgun, rifle and revolver, loaded
them in her presence and acted in a
tlireatenin manner, so as to iniike her
believe lie would kill her. At another I
time she alleges ho did threaten- to
her and that he would leave r.mi,. , ,
In order that he might not be induct
ed into the service, sho alleges ho tried
to force her to -ivo him somo bends,
that he might make a showing to the
exemption board, that his family was
dependent upon him. Als(( that he said
he would rather spend a year for doing
sucn an inegai act uinn to serve ono
year as a private in the servtoa.
At another time he struck her while!
ill in bed, she alleges, and that he toldj
her when she was ill that she might as'
well get ready to die. That he visited
her while in a hospital in Portland and'
threatened to kill her. Tout nhcu he
returned home from Portland a few,
evenings ago, she hadto call in the chief
of police as she feared he would do her
bodily harm.
Mrs. Yi lute rurttier stated in her com-1
plaint that she had clothed herself . senators have not agreed upon any ueu
two children from her own money and! program for obstruction u inr
that her husband had only boipdit meat ! leHK'"1 ' nations as a- party issue, it
and groceries. was apparent today. Bitter opponents
Hhe asks for the custody of the two!"' ' league, like Henntors Borah and
children, a son 11 years old and diiugh-! Poindexter, evidently are planning to
ter 8 venrs of age, and an order of court
whereby she shall be deeded the full
interest in proiwrty which they now
hold as tenants in common.
Walt Lake I'ity, t'fnh, May 1.
Utah cool dropied 40 cents a ton to
retailers today. The drop, first an
nouneed try the Je.-se Knight Kprinjj
!nuyon company to encourage sum
mer toinge, was quickly accepted by
all the other companies, effective to
day. The move will stir up trade, it i
believed thus keeping the mines run
'" " ..:,ll:a.
r illlP P II liLl ll U
iitos m mmi
FIZZLE UT ilflllli!b
$ate( for
Today By Radicals Thru-
out Country Are Held la
Check By Officials.
Legitimate Labor Bodies Of
Europe Celebrate Recent
Gains Resulting From Up
heaval On lonhnenL
Paris, May 1. (United Press.)
Many soldier and civilians were in
jured iu clashes here this afternoon re
sulting from May Day nti government
Disturbance began in the Place Le
La Concorde and Place De La Kepub -
lique. Shortly afterwward a crowd at -
. . . " . .
tempted to rush the military cordon In
the Sue
line of gendarme but was stopped by
cavalry a few yards beyond. Numerous
fist fight occurred between gendarmes
and civilians when a red flag was un
furled near the Madeline.
Seattle on Guard.
Seattle, Wash., May 1. One hundred
police are being held in reserve at head-l The Japanese immediately will with
quiiiter by Chief Warren io c..t. with draw their military forces from Shau
any May Day industrial trouble. The 'tunic, which thev have occunied iia
all was issued by labor groups for a
"big May Day celebration" at Golden minis. Hafety of the mines and rail
Garden park, on the outskirts of the ways there will be assured througu tb
city for U p. in. today. Hpeaking.siiorts, Srvscucu of special Chinese police, tram-
gnmes and a dance
The call was signed
were advertised,
"Joint (.ommit-
tee." No names were signed. Four un
ions had indorsed tho celebration.
Detroit Curbs Blot.
Detroit, Mich., May 1. What might ferenco are "fully satisfied" with th
have resulted in a big "red" demon- agreement reached yesterday tn lari
strutiou win stopped by a turnout of on the rhino- Japanese territorial eon
n II the reserve force of police here to- troversy, according to a Jupanese radio
day, gi'uiu forwarded to Tokio today by the
About four thousand men gathered at
the Houses of Musses today, and ac-l
cording to the polce, were plunning a
march to the city hall. Police prevent
ed the demonstration with but little vio
lence. Heveral thousand workmen in 18 De j
troit plants are on strike unii mnori
troubles are reported daily.
I Indiana, Pa., May I.
I Armed radicals who
I!omer Citv for Indiana to hold
a May
Day celebration has been dispersed by
a detachment of slate police, it
non need here.
was an-
(Continued on page nine)
Republican Stand
On League Secret
By L. O. Martin
(I'nited Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, May 1. , Republican
continue mcir rigni lor ouirigiu rejec
tion of the covenant. Henator Lodge,
monv expect, will take the stand that
he favor a league, but that the present
covenant is still unsatisfactory.
Article Ten Target.
Article X, guaranteeing teriitorial in
tegrity of league members, is to tie the
target of the strong attack of league
Lodge in his slatcrmcn isl night
was careful in his expression on the
league covenant. He did say, however,
that "it is obvious that it will require
further amendments if it is to pro
mote pea'e snd riot endanger certain
rights of the Cr.ited State waich
Surrender Of Peninsula Ad
Port Of Kiao Chaa To CLza
Provided By Agreement h
Delegates Decide Mexico hi
f -i tv it . ft
testa tuca Must itsien
strate Stability Before Join
ing League.
By Ctrl D. Groat
(Cnitcd Press Staff Correspondent.)
Paris, May L--Detail of Japa'
moral victory in the controversy rer
her territorial claims in China will b
inserted in the peace treaty, according
j ,0 information obluiucd fiom JuuuntM
Is" 1?" . , ,
file agreement reached between the
Japanes delebatcs aad the "big threa"
vesteriliv afternoon was outJmd as luU
Japan will surrender tho Bliautung
peniusula, including the port of Kiau
Chau, to China. Whe will, however, re
tain rich economic rights on the praia-
mii li uiul wi.ll receive certuin vaioulifti
concessions in the nort or Pinnae. 23
miles southeust of Ktn Chau.
thev seized that territory from the Oer-
ed by the Jupauesc.
Both Sides Satisfied.
Hun Francisco, May 1. (United
Press.) Moth President Wilson and tk
Juuancnu dwleKHtes In the ueace ea-
United Press.
The wireless, which was sent via Baa
Francisco, originated with 8. Fjedi;,
general manager of Nippon Dempo, tlm
big Jupanese news ngom who is iu
Paris for his service. ,
By Fred 8. Ferguson
1 (United Pres Htitff Correspoui enL)
Paris. Mav 1 Mexico and Costa Rica.
(I'nited Press.) like Russia, must demonstrate, rao ia
started from liilitv of their governments, as well a
show they aro ready to accept the pin-
of the league of nut ions before
they are admitted to memoersnip, iwa
learned todnv.
(Continued on pago two)
.should never be placed in jeopardy."
This was taken as a warning that the
republican senate leaders, despite ap
proval of the league by Former Presi
dent Taft are going to continue their
opposition to the document. A move
ment is under wnv for harmony agree
ment under this program.
How far the republicans will go In op
position to the pence treaty to b
brought bnck by the president was con
jectural todav.
Lodge Supports Italy.
It was regarded as significant, how
ever, that Senator Lodge today was en
record ill support of Italy's cJaiui for'
Finnic. Answering requests uy .Massa
rhuselts Italians for his opinion, I.odje
declared that port was needed for pro
tection of the Latin nation, lie railed
attention to the citizens' demand of Fi
ll toe for union with Italy.
Jugo Kiavs, Lodge added, should take
one of the other oullets to the Adrinti
offeree them.