THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL :W. 1919. PAGE NINE CO'DIISSHWEiCS COURT tCoiiiinuei f"u fig'it) Oehlhar Mai adv for trans oa a'i:il - Wcidle Fred oa grader IVui-1 Frank driving team ou Immobile Dan acting patrolman... W iiil Frank F imtrolman Road Dirtrict No. SL (-.Jn.-ll A hauling gravel IViuu-ll Allx'rt dragging etc tleurge Arthur hauling gravel l,isvll C W work in tiuibcr fat lri-lu - - Ittissoll H E do Kussoll Kennot shoveling gravel 4HiilHKfrJ Orvil sunking bridge plauks cte l,ts.ell S H patrolman Road District No. S3. I.nnbrerht G J dragging reros Theodore do Ktel Goo E do Tiete Julius do Fuel Geo A patrolman .... Road District No. S4. I.omker. John work on slide Mlliavv Frank do - IVttvjohu 1 drugging tirh:iii O S patrtdmnn Road District No. 37. il'-iv I ha do John dra:.'uij Krsemer, J .s A baufjravel etc -i Frank do Ko.h!. r, V. F haul grave) 7. Himipert. lUnrv patrolman 1. (!,! Road District Nn 71 5.00 )rv"B irain o. pi w tK.a,u etc j Bucdigheimer John dragging.... 2.50 Jr'f;1- Jak, r"l macadam .... 5.50 J ' )ll drawing 13 "I ; 1)wrfer, Geo do .. " i Downing. F. C patrolman".-'Z ;.00 Road District No. 83 -18.00 "au "l!' Powder Co. powder 12.00 l!.."if 9.00 fuo ete Road District No. 89 I ear, c .s0. U, i, s Roadmivt. loll II SO II. 12.30 , Uisl. 1h' do 2.3" Barker. U J d 17.5' Esstroni. C O jar r -2.50 Guuderson. U bounty 4.50 ! Irwin, K juror J 17.. Vi Harritt J W do Kautpf, Alfred bounty Umtuecht, Paul do 22.50 Weiuavht. Peter llo 13.73 jK'-itel. Alois do 7.50 , Schmidt. F J jjuror 3.12 Keams. Max bounty 2.30 .Tautfest. Russell do j Hottinger, Fred do ., Holmes Oliver, do "arguier, Frederiek L do Merlins. J H do t- no DunneHs J medical attend for "WL B. McKinlev j t0 Sealer of W?iiht3 and Measures. lojl Jones. J F salary and eipneses 4S.17 3 ot, j County Court and Conmu.ioEers. . "--i Riishev. W M traveling Jiienses 3-56 g't,j Hunt J T county roniiuisioner "ooUioulet. W H do' I Doti.pson, t A wt ir. ht? lie 12.06 ; II' T , ' I .l)0! V , . aaiary and esnense 23S.9t , ' Amun uounty I i. .. i ""la!l" 19.30, " ,irm- ,,u,,," hook He Auto Klretru- M,,,,,, ri.,harKe 4 31)1 ba"',fr 400 i',"ll'r- John drhi,.. truel; ""Z '"''', II I. hi V f... 1.30 Cioodenough, F J junr i.awo. l B bountv i.OOi 3..-0 3.30 Dra.' f. I (i adv ror tru. k ....4543 Farmer IH Co. Kav h re 44.00 27.00 20 ; IiiH'kum imirs --. " x "ester worked ; tru.ks 01,. 1.1.1)0 ii i , . 3.00 1 ,lr,vlnS truek 3.90 120.13 'o. X W 7-43: Kuclirino .i;t.iii,0 Bears (lleim driviiijr rwn 10.30 ; Stroud, K driving truck Tt7'" .vo. its Knit h.. COO 30.23 30.00 8.77 3.00 30.00 6.00 0.00 23.25 2H.25 20.00 30.00 ler Arthur L rutting brush Tie & Lumber Co man u.t hiuj; ete Ilovser Ceo M vatroliuan .' Road District No. 38. l'.nffalo fcteaiu Holler O0 paits for roller - Hers. 'hbueh & Sou R J repairs on roller Trney (! H wood Jh'iieor V H Rawiim wood (iiittmi W A on cruder Trk-k T T) patrolmaii Road District No. 39. Kobow T A diiiBxins; ete 4-i-ilem ('oiistruetion Co gravel frtouey Chan 1) hauling gravel Johnson F O iatroliuaii Road District No. 40. ltilyeu Chester hauling gravel N huniai hfr John shoveling gra vel ot - - Itiiliarils, Ki.l fintiolinaii Road District No. 42. fvilom Sand & Gravel Co grand Haiti (leo hauling gravel Menliand Koy do Johnston C F do ll.iiu Join) do , ("ark J D imtrolninn Road District No. 44. ll:irr Theo 11 paila luler Road DlMrict No. 43. Oruig J D dragging W ilson H H do Hiertuan Knm do lladley W J dragging J'leetwood H T iialrolinau Road District No. 46. West U drnggurn Wood )t:iker Howard plowing V-uker l'erry pieking rock Ii'oaeulinnui N fiatrlomtin Road District No. 48. Arehart I (I liuuliiig roek Feller Fred .miseel wort; .. lliift'innn K J dragging linuling roek ete Miller 1'hnnUvi jr shovel dirt Miller Chester II dragging hwartz Fred Sniveling roek cte Wilson S C drugging ll.ihn Edwin W patrolman Road District No. 49. Iloschler ('litis hauling gravel Krexkeu (icrhnrt do Ocnsen Jatnea grr.vel 13.00 King & Knngv do 18.00 Kneher H C repairing road Heoly Perry log drag work ete.. fOone Albert dragging ete Mi Kee Chas A pntrolinnn Road District no. do. ete rs. eas ftp Wilson, Otto J tias .rZZ Paving Harr, Theo M h.-nt .... "irdwell, li S grading with roll er ete 1.1.40 Kightlinger. K il repairs paving plant 0i) Milk Walter W worked . 40O I grader 6.50' "erk, H S ajiwinj WUod n.OOi'eia Sewer l'ii 4'0 "pi." " iP.OO I Southern J'aerfic Co. freight on ! uspnait to on ii'iirnin, fred W juror .. ....... I Aral, 1.0111 ,to . j I!ihop J A do 1-WlAral, I -ouis juror , Eyre. O V do - Draper, Rue do Kelley, Yemon F do Sentt, O D do Piem. Frank, do Kola ml, J A do Yergen Fred do Stevens. Tllis do 70.03 White. C. V. do I'ollinsou. .1 do 12.00 ISeholl, I. M do 4-W) Kvans, W I) do 32.97 I Clifford, D do 9-t7 j Molleueop. Jaeob F do 4S.67 Hein Cl,a.s. Ul) lkvk Frank do 13.50 .loffermm, J A do Will iieo X do 3i.(0li,.e!l, J W do Henderson, I A do 3-ll,,l.itehfield. lleo P bailiff .. I HoKtetler, John bountv 5.0- 1.S5 ;.."h 27.40 .9.' .70 1.35 1.40 1.30 30.00 13.00 ; S.00 4.00 32.00 7.40 33.20 2S.40 27.20 33.60 33.20 34.40 34.40 33.20 33.00 35.!0 33.20 37.00 37.40 33.20 33.20 33.20 33.tU) 30.00 30.20 30.20 11,-in S0 20.00 Dependant Mothers Health Officer. Barnes, l.etea M relief.- Cook, Alice do Coppoek. Lula do C.arrea, Annie AKira do Gibson (Jussie do Harper, Clara do Kliewer. Minnie Myrtle do MeOrath, Km do Mire, Myrtle Angeline do Robinson, Tessie do ... Wee so, Mrs. Myrtle do Whedbee. Emma do ' EXPENSES. Shxieff'i Office Cominereial Book Store, the Ink peueils pens, bands, cte Commereial Printing eompony, eireulara .. tireat Western tiarage, gaa le. Henry card notiees Xeedham, W 1 adv. for envelopes Xeedham, W I of auto, ete.... Portland Railway Li;ht and Power eoiii(any. gas ser- Rodger Paper company, doeket and binding receipts Shaver B A printing envelopes Western I'nion Telegraph com pany, telegram - Clerk Office. 13.00 10.00 25.t K 17.30 32.50 7."0 2tl.l 10.00 10.00 25.00 17.50 10.00 25.30 5.25 .91 .50 87.38 13.04 .60 52.O0 5.50 .30 5.00 6.43 2.40 5.95 1.90 Rover. V O adv for -stamps 9-"-'ui Commercial Book Store, the AO ! ncns 39.00 j piRSS m Prudhomme company, 1.00 i. l 9 00 ,r.mers..n. .a ii juror .a Moorcs & Coinpuny, Ross E do ... I Iretnn O do 9.20 Northwestern Long Distance Tol- 1.23 .40 30". 00 185.13 ir:n: . . . - . iiuuiiis. i.uey Haul tile ete ... 19 25 Thoaius, L L put iu culvert .... J2!oO ' ruin, ii uo Cashatt, (' K eituuiiuitions Bvrd. W 11 do ll.vrd, W H do Cashatt, C E do ltvrd, W H do W"S,rI E bounty: T w I i li U repair tern- boat 3.9flt , ; Joint Work With Linn Pn I 'a vis, l amer, Jumps do lliiggcy, K operating ferrv .... Mote, J A repair ferry boat .... Oglcslieo. E t work on ferrv boat ' Jefferson Mill Co. lbr for Jef ferson liridge t i. .. . . '' V "0U0i 1 rrallK repairs aeet J, 13 00 , bl'i,lK(' 14 00 'Fontaine nails jKahlkin. Fred work on ,l bridge . Halilkin, Henry du 0-''u t.'lemnns, Clint do 7.50 3.00 3.00 H.OO 4.00 25.00 4.00 7.00 3.S7 .80 22.S6 9.50 15.00 7.50 2.00 4.01) Hays, S R do 21.00 Slutts, J M do 16.00 7.50 3.75 22.00 Davison, David do jtiooch, iFrniik do ... ad.iell, Fred do "''Wade, D A do Wade, R () do I V, Oilils. I It, is 1. iln 11! HO 10.00, Miscellaneous Accounts Aslihy, Claude worked at tool '''"j house ete 102.00 IliniT, Theo M gal pipe etc .... 24.10 5.00 lian. f1(vo ji jepnirs for roller 10.73 Clyde Equipment Co, compress ) or, rk drill etc 1007.25 18.12 j Commercial Book .Store The L-"' safe box 3.50 Culver, Wr J adv for freight etc 14.08 2.501 Donjiyalla, 'Frank worked at 31.87 tool Ionise ete 102.00 23.02 Drnger. I) ii adv for freight on caterpiller ete 93. 3S Drnger, D U adv for freight on roller 8S.16 Farmer lldw Co, Kay L repairs for caterpillar 2.93 1.25' rarmer, Hdw ( o, Hay 1; pump 15.U0 lank ete for tool house 116.80 l.j.OOl Farmer Hdw Co, Kay I. bolts .33 3.30 Farmer lldw Co, Ray L repairs tor gas roller l'4..i Van Handel, Henry do Hammond. J L do Poor Account Luun, Mrs O C relief - Baker, W. A., relief Hulliott, 8., du Ua-rrior, Mr, and Mrs, do. - Boys' & Gills' Aid Society, do Hullis, Mrs. Florcnco L., do Baffin, W. B., do Carlson, C. Carl, do Chalifaux, Mrs., do Cleviuger, Mrs. S. E., do Dickinson, B. A., do ... Dodge, L'lyssa Ellen, do Eugelhurt, Mrs. Annu, do Foster, Mrs., do Gilchrist, Alum, do 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.73 3.00 1.55 1.80 5.50 i.OO ophone company, eall Rowland Fruiting .ot reeeipi book 8 Recorder's Office Brooks, Mildred 'K, adv for freight ete Moores & Co, Ross E, hop con tracts - Pacific Scale & Supply Co, om nibus - Ruder Paper Co, lettering records ete Shaver, B A filing lip etc.... Treasurer's Office Drager, D G adv for atnmpe.... Surveyor's Oftice Frederick Post Co, The steel Herrick B B adv for etumps.... Assessor's Office 'omniercinl Hook Store, The pens Elliott. N D listing blanks .... 10.00 20.001 10.00 45.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.001 10.00 .30 3.50 7.23 .96 80.00 13.25 3.23 5.00 3.81 1.50 1.50 37.10 Rodircra Pancr Co, assessment rolls ete 324.00 Smith Geo 1 receiver copying homestead entries 1.00 W.f Mt 'k, nilv fl,n fllMlllllM.... 3.00 Glidden, J. H., do J5.00I TMnfrlrt Attnmev Gobin, Lizetle, do 10-00 learhart, Hnxelle stenogrnpher 40.00 urosiKing, aii s. v. n., uu ' c.elilhnr, Max adv for stamps Haggard, Delia do oO.OU 1c 6.81 Hardin, Grace Ellen, do - 2o-0U! Heltzel, Jus G deputy dist 30.00 et.r.o Zell G E wnrk on fill 9.00 "" " "'" rl"".' ' Road District no. si.. u ''I'lr; "w":;. ... t. t:.. n. fffl 1(1 111 1,1 " " v,,1 M,,v nauMii pewer i ipe o pipe l)ruger L W tmtrolnian ifl.2 Rott d District No. bu. Tweed John huuling corduroy... liinnegar B C grading Haiiisdeii Ray shoveling gravel... ftiiunions Clarence hauling gra vol Iun'nan, E A Jr do etc rodmnn 30.00 HodsonJ'reenauglity Co. tun- .. dem roller 1500.00 lllolt Wfg 1C0, The caterpillar ...6111.05 J;. ilIOl.T (Manufacturing Co, The ''U links for caterpillar 21.30 Hoveu, Oscar worked at tool house I!,."0 5.00 '. '.HO ! 12.50 Dunigan M K hauling gravel ete -t7-"9-Afullwaiii. Win worked at to Dungan Edw Sr patrolman 22.75: ,,(, ,,tl, Road District No. 53. Jones Roy A drnguinff - Humphreys Orlo do Fischer Andrew do Jones Clarence C patrolman Road District No. 54. Meyer L H dragging Gopleiud John C patrolman Road District No. 65. .' i ' . i Ii inking road drug ... . . , E Jr patrolman . i District No. 68. & Gravel Co gravel.. llavnes V H patrolman .. Road District No. 69. Itctinotr Fllis liniilinir tito . talem Sewer Pipe Co pipe 12.001 Vista ferry ... 4.30 lluckestein, August envelopes.... 121.51 tool . 102.00 M.I.eod. A 11 drove caterpillar 36.00 3.75 1 Oregon Garage, repairing .Max 15.0UI well truek 15.00.IV.irce Ii ron, Lot L J'ortoia 20.00 oil ete Portland Kv L & P Co lights Will -bridge. ii. 1 ... r !..,..! 1.' .,,.. .ii-a ml 15 00 oaiuMieu inu.'ii i. i.-...B I inotorcvcle Rtiswdl Grader Mfg Co, mogul 33.50 17.23 12.35 10.00, scarifier ...12(10.00 Savage, R H chainmnn and rod I man 7.80 Schineiser Manufacturing Co. 28.5o giant land leveler 117 iSilverton Lumber o. shingles 2.75 Snviler, liert A rn-ining liiiena 36.00 5.00 .75 i.OO Road District No. 60 l'attou, Ernet V dragging .... 13.30 Koch, Herman Jr do 8.00 Tnylor. Harvey ) do 12.0" Vmirg ieurge haul rock 5.50 Young, Henry shovel rock ete 3.00 H'ualley, George liuiil rock .... 5.50 l'attou, A J patrolman 8.75 Road District No. 01 l!iiserie, Joseph dragging 12.25 Road District No. 02 liockner. C I. hsiii L'ravel etc . .. 17.50 Kelly, James ditching etc .... Heekner. A L patrolman Road Diftrict No. 64 Wnrguier, W J sharp grader blade Itourber, ,F W grading I.'uliens, Al haul gravel Vamlerlieck A L do Unbens, Joseph patrolman .... Road District No. 65 l!uM'll, Ward C team on drag 1'aitfrson, Kichnrd pntrolmart .. Road District No. 66 Ilenin. H P sharpen grader bln.le Oregon Grain Co. bolts . fcpoer S. i o. A P grease 'evens. P A dragging etf .... leslice, E S do - Ashford. G B running dra .... Anderson, Fred do Lalhrup. Frank do iUKinnev. E E act patrolman Road District No. 68 loop W H pattijlman Road Dirtrict No. 69 llnffer, William haul gravel et; .Spaulding Logging Co, The ( has K Jumiier ior uiog m tool hnuso 287. M Swart, H surveying making maps ete - HO.0' Vick Brothers kerosene ' Vamhill Electric o, Xewbers bridge lignts H(.rrick. W R do .... Hnrdwick, Charles, do.... Huyncs, Mrs. Caroline, do Henry, Mrs. Olive E., do Hiug, Mrs. Ora, do liulay, Mrs. Francis, nft Ketehuin, M. B., do... 10.00 10.00 ju.oO 25.00 32.50 10.00 12.00 20.00 8.00 10.00 25.00 5.00 12.00 iO.UO . 6.45 2.10 1.00 18.33 14.50 4.70 4.70 4.70 4.70 4.J0 4.70 4.70 4.70 4.70 1.00 1.00 ., l.Ot) 1.00 1.00 1.00 (S.45 2.1H) 3.20 5.30 5.00 10.9 6.50 2.00 33.60 10.14 44.23 9.00 9.00 2.00 29.SH 30.93 137.50 Knott, Mrs. Melvina, do.. La Chupelle, Mrs. A., do Lantz, Catherine, do ..... Lawrence, Charles, do. Leo, C'larah Muc, do Lucier, Stephen, Sr., do Mack, E. A., do.....: Mulier, Mrs. Mary, do McDunicl, Mrs. Blanche, do 20.00 McDonald, John, do 10.00 McLcod, Mrs. Ella, do 10.00 Miller. Mrs. Vina H.. do 10.00 Miracle, Mrs. A., do - Newton, O. l).,do Old People's Homo, for Mrs. Ju lia 1). Hurtel Quull, John J., relief Keinhart, Rosalia, do . Ronick, W. M., do - Rogers. Joseph W ., do Salem Deaconess hospital r.'liof for W. S. Mitchell - Schmidt. Katherinc relief . Schmidt, Peter do Skoog, Mrs Albert do Smith, A li do Snoddorly, Flora do Stevenson, Mrs Bonnie do Stripling, Hula do Thompson, Mrs S do Wolls, H A do Whit Mrs J F do .- Williams, Alice do 10.00 10.00 15.20 10.00 8.00 13.00 9.00 40.00 15.00 10.00 12.50 SALARIES. 95.80 Concrete l'ine Co. culvert pipe Road District No. 28 Cont'd Browning. Mrs Fred damages nn ncct of alteration i road 15.. 00 11.20 Howard, Miss Lota do 30.00 ioiaves. E B do j Sawvc C W do GTNERAL FUND. 2.50 1 Miscellaneous Accounts. 60.00 j Hallov. R c bniliff 20.00 j filler, Henry bounty 15.00 : ltrenner Geo bounty 31 .30 j winlerniantK', Freddie do .. I Lucier, Stephen Sr., relief 5.00 . lrris. W C bounty 12.00 istauffer. William do St.iuffer, Eliwibeth do ..... Armstrong. Geortre W relief .... 3-fM',Kape, F E bounty 3 ! I.amb F It bounty - .25 Shepherd, Carl do . 10."f'jKnauf, J T bounty 6.25 (iile, H H juror ... : 12.50 ,steitliff. V.' H do 7.50 Hall, .las. J do S . 90 Schwab. Arthur A do 15.75 Macee. M M do - I Will Geo C do 5.11 Baniiek. Leonard d" Bogus G W relief 13.73jMaulding. J 11 bounty - 20.00 40.00 Sheriffs Office. Paulus, Geo B deputy Bower, O D do '. 100.00 Holmes. P II do - 100.00 Smith B R deputy sheriff 90.00 Willard, Pansy tax clerk and stenogrnpher 65.00 Pnge, V S tnx clerk 108.00 Hoover, C T do 108.00 Cochran, B G do 104.00 Wrighttuau. F T do 104.00 Richardson, W do 104.00 Clerk's Office Kloejtping, H II deputy county clerk HO.OO 90.00 I Arms, A M do I McGe e. L do ' Buyer C E registration clerk ! Recorder's Office Snvuge, Helen deputy recorder. 40.00 3.00 Rend. Gertrude Fawk do Treasurer's Office Richardson, W Y deputv treat i Assessor's Office i no I Lewis. C A clerk 1.45IHhclton, R do 1.25 ! West. E d - ".00 1 Morgan, Cal janitor V;tnj Court House. 1.251 Kirbv, A P do 1.5o School Superintendent lo.oii iReid, Cora E clerk 1.20 Smith, J W I. supervisor - 100.00 e-oo Fulkcrson, Mary L d0 - t lOO.On 4.00 Holwon. I, do Ho.00 3.05 1 Pocr Account Cnntioucd. 3 20 j Bvrd, W H count y eprsirian 3.2'tj Jackson, Hattie jl special offi .(o cer 5. so I Stock Inspector. 4.10 Morehouse ,W G county veterin 3.20 erian 4.4 Btock Inspector. .'o Caslialt, C E county healthy offi nttv -0-00 Co. Court and "CbmmisBioners Daily Capitnl Journal, The pub elim docket Oregon Sbtifinan 1 eV Court House Ashlininn. Tiuig plumbing re pairs Harr, Theo M air valves etc .... Capital City Steam Laundry ljiundi-v Central 'Pharmacy, The disin fectant etc Childs, J W splitting wood etc Draper, D O adv to Jas Keller Tor cutting wood Farmer Hdw Co, Hay L sprajer Hamilton, C 8 table Hansen, A M window light put in - Hauser Bros, key Portland By Light 1' lighting Sulem Hardware Co, door lock Salem Water L 4 P Co. water Stiff & Son, E L linoleum cte Circuit Court .Shank, M.vra witness Kelstrom, Lila do King, Alta do TmM (iolila dif J5-00jShank, Mvra do " K Kinit, Alta do Craves, C, E do ' Sweunef, Tom do 10-00 j Caldwell, Frank do ''0Hcncko h a do ........ .00,1irownell. S S do 8 00,c,ehlhnr. Max adv for witness fees Hotel Marion Co, meals- and lodging for jurors; Salem Steam & Vacuum Car pet denning works remount inir nillows and cots Justice Court- Miscellaneous Schwab, Fred assistant con- siblc Vta Continued Western I'nion Tel Co, The tel egram State vs Austin Fnruh, 0 E justice De Long, W E ennstnlile Stats ts Bronky May, Geo justice Hoiirlannios. Albert constable State vs Brown 1'nriih, C E justice 6.45 TV Ung. W E constiible 2.40 State vs Burns l'nrnh, G E justice De Long, W E constable State vs BtitscU i May, Oiorge justice Iltoiirbannias. Albert constable 0.00 Btat ti Edgar no on'rm,,,h K in't'ler -- 90-n(,,l)e Iing, W E constable 90.00 1 gtate vs Ertel 75.00 ' jfiy George justice OO.O" . BoiirHanniss. Albert constable Bute vs Eoenenburg 60.00) fny, George justice Hourlmnnias, Albert const aide 00.00' state vs Lalne Mars. f T justice Bowlov, Wrn constable 8.33 Bute vs Lyon Fiiruh, i E justice De Ixmg, W K constable Btt vs Blchter May, George justice Bourl-annins. Albert constable State vs Ritlnghour t'nruh O E justice De Long, W K constable Btate vs Schmalx I'nnih, O E justice - 70.00 65.00 7.00 80.00 80.0K 35.30 40.04 1.95! 10.00 4.70 4.45 4.00 100.00 1.00 9.00 4.75 .30 96.38 ' 5.30 8.12 72.25 2.20 1.70 16.40 2.20 4.20 16.40 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 3.00 2.20 24.70 11.5: 3.10 .67 5.70 1.90 2.60 1.70 5.95 25.18 2.10 1.00 6.23 2.40 50.00 70.00 33.00 37.00 2.10 2.10 2.10 1.00 2.00 6,45 2.00 2.10 l.oo 6.20 1.90 TV Long. W E constable 13.20 Me'.ton, R J itne-s 3.30 MiUer. W O do z .. RickarJ, S C do - nronburg, Paul do AUlru-h. Lou do Mangij, F E do Mainlis. E J do State ts Sheppard I'nruh, 11 E justice De Long. W E constable State vs Smith I'nruh, G E justice IV Long. W E constable,.... State vs Staples V'unih, (3 K justiee SUte vs Wild May, George justice .- Bourbeunias. Albert constable SUte vs. Wilson. Fnruh G E justice IV Long, W E constable Martin, Earl witness Nelson, Roy do Cubbornetm, do McLendon, E E do MeLendon. Mrs. E do '. Yates, L do Taylor, E E do .. Fuller Jas do Eddisou, J L do Fullerton, 1 E juror Prime, W F do Broadwell. John do Koon, Chas. J do Johnson, Paul V do Buchaor Walter, do .. SUte vs. Zachery I'nruh, G E justice De Long, W K constable Coroner. Clough, A M investigating death ot b Krueger dough, A M investigating death ot l.ou is Kichter dough, A M investigating death or Kockwoll Tracy School Superintendent De Vore Emily, exp and fees acct. institute Duncan, 8 S excuses acct. in stitute .. Fulkerson. Mary L adv. for stamps Fulkerson, Mary L supervisor's expenses .. Gauntt, W c exp acct institute Keid, t ora L truant of ficer, Rodgers Paper company, envel opes ..." Shaver B A printing leaflets Smith, John W L adv. for post-ape Smith, John W L supervisor' expenses Smith. W M travelling expeusta 16.67 Mmth, w Al adv. for stamps, oto, rruit Inspector. Van Trump, 8 H salary .and ex. penses Poor Account Continued. Austin's Grocery groceries for Mrs. Struth 12.00 Bowerman Mrs. L 11 room rent for J Rogers 3.00 Burger, Wm H house rent for Mrs. Donaldson v 6.00 Central Pharmacy, tho prescrip tion for Mr. Adams .. 1.80 Champ ft Son, S H groceries for Mrs. Valet . 6.00 City Trnimfer Line, wood for Mrs. Strath , 7.00 Drager, D G adv for payment , of G W Armstrong mortgage.... Drnger, X) it adv for trav exp for Geo Wilkins Roberts C M groceries for Mrs, McAfee Salem Deaconess hospital, care of Murtha Dicky Salem Deaconess Ht-spital, care of Jacob Weber Salem Hospital, care of Lixzic Honard Salem Hospital, care of Jano Caldwell Salem Hospital, euro of roster Salem Hospital, euro of Lamb E Stewnrd Sale milospital care of R II Par ker Salem Hospital, care of Joseph Kogers Salem Water Light and Power company water service ror Mrs. Donaldson Spaulding Logging company, wood for Mrs. Alberta Miller Steusloff Bros., meat for Bow man .. , Taylor, Earl E superintendent poor farm Wnbb & dough company, burial or John Vtatkms 35.00 Weller Bros, groceries for Helen Mi-Lane '. 11.87 Jail. Needliam, W 1 board of prison ers 24.06 Juvenlll Court Aspinwall, Hugh witness 4.00 Jackson, Hattie M conveying child to baby home 6.99 La Fountainc, Wilford witness 4.00 Xeedhum W I sheriff auto hire ete Dog Tax. Cooniler J S refund disallowed Gopher and Mole Bouuty, Buyer V U adv for bountv Indemnity for Diseased Cattle, Decker F B administrator of the eslute of Earl Wood deceased administrator indemnity 18.75 Johnson, Lj A do ....125.00 continued Scott John II do 18.75 Tax Rebate. Brown Emma M rebate 55.00 Jermnn () V, do 2 5 Lniiternir.n J II do 12.56 Lovre Brothers do Mack, John Ho 7.0" continued Santiam Lodgo Xo 23 A F ft A M do 14.28 Court House Account Continued. Erixon -ft .lone alterations .... 185.70 Sheriff's Office Continued. MeXnry ft McXary legul service in Trntter case 12o.00 Xeedham W I sheriff adv for cost in Trotter case 37.10 I 3.30 . 1.701 1.70 1.T0 j0k j s jot i . v ; : 9 i m , v.. l a t , t. w '3 mm ai. ii tiHwwu T t aMtrMa mm m . sv Quick Reference To Firms That Gira Service On Short Where Buyer And Seller MeetWe Recommend Our Advertisers. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electric Co., Masonic. Temple, 127 North. High.. Telcfhose -Maia 1J WATER COMPANY 1ALEM WATER fOPANT-Offiee corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills parable monthly in advance. Psoas 606. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 120 acres of No. 1 land located 6 miles from Salem, en good road, is good location, good house sad bars and othvr buildings, farm implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, 3 year liug, 50 hrad of hogs, round 500 cords of wood ready cut, all at bargain. Write M VV care Journal. tf PEOPLES FURNITURE STORE For bargains in new and secondhand goods for the house, furniture, rang es, heaters and stoves, rugs, sewing machines, granitoware, dishes, suit case's, trunks and tools. We wans your old furniture and stoves, will pay you highest cash price. See os last. Peoples Furniture Store, 271 X. Commercial St. Phone 734. FOR SALE A good double team har ness, will trade for hay or grain, or will exchange for good dry wood See Square Deal Realty eompasC. Phone 470 Mrs, Mrs. A W 61.45 5.50 4.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 23.00 8.00 1.30 3.00 .50 ...... 330.38 BEST BUYS 2 acres all cultivated, good home, lots of fruit; 20O0 easy terms. acres all in crop, on paved road, close to Salem; S200O, torn:, if de sired. . 10 acres all cultivated, all fenced, 3 nules out, only $1,100. 10 seres; good modern house, logans, prunes, family orchard; $5300. 12 seres sll in cultivation, 6 room house, 2 Vi acres family orchard, y miles 'from Salem; $3500. " 8 acre; 6 acres, V in prunes, U In peaches, logang between; li seres in manle timber; the best of river oot torn, on graveled road, just tho place for sn investment that will bring returns; only $1200, easy terms. 15 seres, 8 seres in 7-year old ehor riea, 6 in 7-year old prunes, 4 straw berries: house, barn, close in; $3i JO 18 seres, 3 acres, logans; small house; 8 acres timber, olose in, J!UO. 24 acres, 10 cultivated, balance tim ber pasture; house, barn, family fruit; $22.50. 20 acres, l'j miles from town, trade for Salem residence not over sjiauo, 13 acre, all cultivated family oroh srd, 2t4 acres strawberries, 0 acres groin, 1 acre potatoes, family gar den, 5 room house tinrn with hay fork, fruit house, wood shed, cluck en house: best bliifk gravel soil; close to school; equipped with stock and tools and all household rurnituTC: $1900. 70 acres, 50 tillable, 1,000,000 feet saw timber; will trade for acreage or Salem residence, and assume mort gage or ipay cash difference. For best buys see BOOOLOFSKT Bnyne building DORA DEAX McCTTCirEOX, taaefcsr of piano, s new sad logical method for both pupil sad teacher, making dear all basic principle, necessary to a musical education, and giving the "music teacher" something t teach. 421 Court St. Phone 35a. SECOND-HAND GOODS XO CASH RE I'lRED Good overcoat shoes and suits, all kinds of musie sl instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat ing stoves, gas stoves, suit csees and 1000 other useful articles to soil or trade. What have you! The Capital Exchange. 337 Court St. Phone 493. AMUSEMENTS THE SOLDIER BOYS Pool and bil liard parlor is now open under sew management and it renders you snd the general public s con gonial place to pass away a few lciauie hours. The basement of Oregon Electris depot, corner of Stnte snd High Phone 628. Wm. Livock, prop. , -i STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIREB 50 years experience, Depot National and American fonce. Sizes 26 to 58 in. high' Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Worktt, 250 Court street, phone 124. J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, sells snd exchanges new sad 2d hand furniture. Ail. kinds of repair work, light grinding, filing, and -brazing s specialty. Right prices. 247 North Commercial St. Phono 16. SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage sn refuse of all kinds removed on month ly contracts at ronsoneble rates. Cess pools cleaned. Deed animnl, re moved. Office phone Main 107. Butterft &? Creamery Ibutter u8U)59e fork, Veal snd Mutton Pork on foot 18 '"Vr Veal, fancy Steers - vi Cows 6&8(' Spring lambs - 14c Ewes.-- vi6 Sheep, yearlings 10(u 12c fcgki sua jtouiut Pirira ki.hIi 7c nlj Hi us, live -c DM roosters 15 Cockerels VegetsDies Radishes, dos. - Sweet potatoes Potatoes ... 24 (a 23c 35e 6(o0V4e $1.25(iil.75 $3W4 2 3 4c 6.45 2.70 .30 0.65 Onions, locsl Cabbage Tiiriiifi. Head lettuce $4.254.75 Beets M Parsnips Cauliflower, flats "?i'2 Winesap apples, box - W-'J Celery, cralo I nut Oranges - Wfti Lemons, box . 5'.)9 Bsnanas Florida grape fruit, case : 708 Black figs lb 16(ol! White figs, lb 19fv20e Package figs per bx 50 pkg $4(3,6.90 Uoney, extracted ReUU meet 45c 65c LODGE DIRECTORY KXIGHT8 OF PYTHIAS MEET AT MoCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. AndrcBen, C. C. T. J. Kuntz, K. R, & 6. ROYAL Neighbors of Ameries, Ore gon Grape camp No. 1360 meet every Thursday evening in McCornack hsB Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Car rie E. Btinn, 648 Union St; recor der Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 N. 4th' St. Phone 1436M. MODERN WOODM15N OF AMERICA, Oregon Cedar camp No. 6246 meets everv Thnrsdny evening, 8 o'clock in MeComaek hull, ovor .Meyer store. Hay A. Grant, V. Cj V. A. Turner, clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly iNo. 84 meets ovcry Thursday at 8 p. m. in Mason in Temple. Olonn C. Niles, M. A; C. A. VSbbert, secretary, 341) Owens street. MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate BecurHy TILOS. K. FOK.D Over Ladd ft Bush bank; Salem Oreges The Capital Journal Daily Market Report 14. Oraln Wheat, soft whito $2 Wheat, lower grades os sample Oats 80c iuy, cheat . W Hsv. cats $25 .Barley, ton 0 Mill run Eggs, down - ' llllltur .... Flour, bird whsat Portland Market Portland. Or., April 30. Butter, city creamery, 54( 05e Cggs )!). -d local ex 43(i44c. Hens 37(n.18e. Broilers 42(43c Geese 17fe20e Cheese, triplets 35(S.37c DAILY LTVB STOCK MAE KIT Cattle Receipts 44 Tone of market lowor ' -ua. Best steers $1313.50 Good to choice steers tllfi 11.50 Medium to good steers $9.3o('J 10 Fair to good steers $S(o.9 Common to fair steers $7.30(fi8 Choice cows and heifers $l0.3"lu 12 Good to cbuice com snd huifen $r.9.75 , . ., Medium to good eow snd heifers $fifn7. . . , ' Fair to medium cows snd he if en 1 $3fti 5.50 ( miners $3rti 4 Bulls $3 8 Calves $9f. 13.50 Stockcrs tnd feeders $6(5.8.30 Hogs Beecipts 396 Tone of market lower prime mixed $20fri 20.25 Medium mixed $19.5020 Rough heavi.-s $181-18.25 Pigs $l8.2'ifn 19.30 Bulk $20f.i 20.25 $4M(a'50 sneef ... 43ftt44e Receipts 742 1'HDITRAL FARM 1AN8 5 per cent interest. Promit service. 34'4 years time. Federnl farm loan bonds for sale. A. C. Bohrnstodt, 401 Ma sonic Templo. Salem, Oregon. INSCRANCE COUNCIL J'or free In formation ahout Life Insnrancs ses J. F. Htitrhnson, dist. manages for the Mutual Life of N. Y., office et 371 Stale St.. Salem, Ore. Oflies IT phono 99, residence 1396. LAUNDRYMAN HOP LEE, expert laundryman, 43$ Ferrv St. I pay top market price for chickens and Eggs. Office phon 1339.1, residence 1333J. WOOD SAW PHONE 1090R Our Prices are Right W. M. 7.ANDLER, Proprietor 1255 X. Summer Street, Salem, Oregos STEWART'S 'REPAIR sniOP Tiavs just installed s machine that wiB sharpen lawninowerj the same as the factory puts them out new. Bring all vour light repair work to me. Al vin B. Stewart, 347 Court St. Toons 493. AUTO REPAIRING ALL kinds of auto repairing by aa ex perienced workman . All work guar anteed to be satisfactory. Studk er repairs a specialty. D. B. Moir, 203 X. Commercial. l'ritne lumbs $l6fi 10.30 Fair to medium lambs $14(T13 Yenrlmgi !1(fi l3 Wethers ""'ill Ewes $!& 10.1)0