PAGE EIGHT. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AriilL r.O. 1013. 1 ' 18 cents a package Cam mm okl ryArt in trt-fif. MMd pacing t of 20 r jtrrtf; or ton psckMm (JOO cjrtt) in m flmina - pspmr-covm.-wJ rjirtan. Wm 9trotty rmc' otinirtf fft. s carton (far rh horn f oftc supply or wti0n you trmwmt. h v V ft11 They Win You On Quality! Your enjoyment of Camels will be very great because their refreshing flavor and fragrance and mellowness is so enticingly different. You never tasted such a cigarette I Bite is elimi nated and there is a cheerful absence of any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or any un pleasant cigaretty odor! Camels are made of an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are smooth-and mild, but have that desirable full body and certainly hand out satisfaction in generous measure. You will prefer this Camel blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! Give Camels the stiffest tryout, then compare them with any cigarette in the world at any price for quality, flavor, satisfaction. No matter how liberally you smoke Camels they will not tire your taste! IL J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N. C YANKEE BAIL ARTISTS NOT OP 10 STANDARD Promised Jump Into first Piace Fails To Material ize So Far. I (Capital Journal Sjieeial Service) ( -New ork, April 30. The Yankee punch 14 musing and the Yankees, er lected this rear to start wit rush sinl keep rushing, are floundering. The club has placed three games and has lust trfo of them. Twice they were pitted against practically unbeatable pitching ana once came out victor but yesterday they wrre sent against Jinjf Johnson, young Athletic pitcher, tut failed to make more than one run. "Ernie SJiore, a Yankee ace, was eom pelled to stand around and watch the Athletics pound him all over the lot, seven runs finally toeing allowed across. Duffy Falling Down Duffy Lewis, once princt of the Host on Red Sox outfield and expected here to be one of the heaviest gunners on the team has gleaned only one hit in his three games. Hut such ia base ball. The expected rarely happens when it seems so obvious. One would thing to take a look at the batting ar my the Yanks muster, that the one thing they could do i.s hit. Trom top to bottom the butting order presents .Him potentiality. Meanwhile the Red Six have been going strong. Thcv m ti into tneir first defeat of the year when Harry Harper jof the Senators, tamed them yesterday! I The White Six also are showing they I haven't forgot how. In the National league the Cincinnati Keds ure showing spring time form mid are loading the league through Brooklyn's loss yester day and their own difeut of the Pi rates. The Reds have lots of strength and if lat Mornn can keep down trou bles within the he hus an excel lent chance of finishing near the top. rontiituitcl by Miss I.ucile R.-ss. Miss 1 Florence Shirley and ih Mabel Stan ford, vhi'e vocal uiuuiw-rs were given bv iiiss Ycuita McKinuey, Via are t'hatburn and M:ss Margaret all of whom have been under the iustrue tiiol cf Prof. Sites in the M-nol f music. All the number were r.SiIered' j in g'snl form r.ud were lieartilv received , bv the audience. As a closing number Prof. Sites tendered as a '"cello solo the old favorite, the Berceuse from "Jore Ivn," and responding to an curate sang a characteristic arm from one of the famous French oimtha. I .liSSIfllll'S COURT O It grading larue 11 rv uo erlieck Rev do SCORES OF (Continued from page cne) Company E, Kighteentu engineers Captain Hui old W. Young; Corporal Willinm Uiehuii, Portland; Sergeant An drew J. Hollons, l.ti (Irnnilc; Sergennt Fred S. Cuss, Corporal John 11. Chutter tun, I'uttli'.iid; Sergeant Clurence H. Coo .Ncwbeigi Aluce Delano, (ilenn 1. Dirrim AU'K Donaldson Jr., Kirrill Kvniieov, hrim'inil ('liuiles A. rJvuus, Portland; i.ii'iinnl K. (iower, .Newlierg; William II. tliier, lluiold 1). Iliimaker, Reigenut Kenneth lloueviiinu, l'ottluud; Sergennt Leslie I'. Ilolliday, Mulino; Alva li. Hui'kiiiH, Portland; Kngene C. Hughes, Forest drove; Mess Hergennt l'rnnk D. Hiolat, Chnrles W. Irvine, Portland; Prank Kemp, .Monmouth) Chester Keowu, Hums; Richard A. Ruapp, Ker geant Clellan W. KreUor, Watle W. Lewis, PortlKiid; Kergeiint Ed 11. Lokon, Hriii'isburg; Will 11. .McAllister, Lexing lon; Henry MaeCaffrey, ia Ornnde; John II. McDonald, Newberg; Henry K. Doctor Tells How To Strengthen Eyesight It V h iiiipteuaeof Hn-Opro, sirs Dr. 'ifcn t ye ttc trcitf .tl.enej il)' tn wrek'i Itnicinnttnf lit hi tin nd qnUk r . 1 I . 'hmulhl to .1..H.mrl. Jiiitl. luliint. it'iftdnit, wnrk-ltrilnrd, watrrf v. Rtad lti twttr'a hilt ttatrment tntm 10 0i-ar In ilii papr. Ron-Opto u kiM tint rrcotm u,-n led everywhere by lMfflMt. Kb Mclirtiw, Utinks; Jesse K. Mc.Murren, Joaiuin McMiirren, Jerry R. Manning, Kdgar R. Maiklmui, Portb.nd; Thomas 1.. Mouteith, Creshain; David J. Mur dock, Karl I.. Murnulinn, Portlunii; Josin Nelson, Newberg; William 0, Nei meln, Anuria; Chailea A. Ulson, tfyron F, Otlius, Arthur R. McConnaughty, Portland; Herger.nt Maxwell M. fage, Wilmer ('. Page, Carl L. Ponge, Port land; (Jlenn W. Porter, Aiimnville; Hugh Ritchie, Wilbur ('live. V. Rosen thal, Portland; Charles Moss, ijrnp poose; Howard R. Salisbury, Jens K. Hand, Frank II. Snuford, (ieorge it. (mOi ford, llritton W. NeHis, Clinuncy R. Smith, Sergeant Cliirenco A. Hmilh, James H. Htafford, Portlunii; Will h. Hteunett, Portland; Will A. Tnkalo, Hliud Hlough; Hergeant Albert K. Thompson, Ivan E. Thompson, Williiim Vance, John Vidiapin, Max A, Whit tlesey, horgeant 1'red U. Wieden, Port land. Wliole Btate Repreiented. Company F, Eighteontli engineers Sergeant Jumea i, Morrell, tiergeaut James W. Foster, Heigeant Otto ('. Hart man, Sergeant William J. Morrell, John L, Anderson, Wuynti J. Andersmi, rort lund; Sergeant J. Ulake Dowland, Ore gon Cilv; Frank C., Pendleton; Alfred B. Clurk, James W. Clock, Port laud; William C. Cowgtll, t'nrvnllis; l.ueius W. Crone, Koln; l.en F. Crow, Portland; Jules V. Dustin, Eugene; Al bert E. Ford, Cortney; Edwin K. Oesch, Poillaiiil; Howard Hull, Hubbard; Chas. I., llurringloii, (ireshnm; Sergeant Rex llartmtin, Portland; .Heigeant Hovt Uuydeu, Portland; Churles h. Hill, Hood Hiver; Rich IJ. Hutchinson, Ore gon City; Jesse M. Hutsoii, Purkdale; Paul M. Lewis, Alfred 11. Lloyd, Tort Innd; (ieorge H. McClelland, North liend Wallace J. MeCord, Oregon City ; Ar- m Just A 8 3 A shipment of 2000 pairs of Men's, Women's and Children's Tennis Shoesthe largest consignment ever shipped into Salem. Watch for our Saturday ad. We are going to offer these shoes at marvelous reduction. The eoplesCashStore lSG-19. N. Commercial St., Salem tliur McMunania, Portland; Martin Mc Hue, Ilalsey; Curl Martin Salem; (ieo E. Mead, Stephen A. Mead, Oregon City; Earl L. Nichols, Seuside; Charles W. Nichols, Oregon Citv; Daniel II. Parker, Cottage Orove; Hilmer A. Pc 'lers Astorin; Hergeant Walter D Phillins. Vlctnr I. Pnrti.r hXl.m K P fro, Taleott H. Root, Portland; John D. nusseii, Troiitiiuie; Adolpli It. Hacher, Silverton; Lee V, Hliniitiou, Oregon City Acme w. KKelty, l'ortlund; Earl W. Npuiilding. Hood River; August Van rooseudael, Harold V. Vilas, t int I. Vinson, Frank E. Vangroenewald, Rob ert E. Waikentiu, Portland; Dan B. Whitman. Astoria: S. Wiil..r Keasiile; Jack D. Wiggers, John F. Wor chester, (Veil F. Thompson, Porttaud. Medicnl detnchnient, lSth engineers Lieulennut Horace P. Belknap, Prhie ville. Headquarters detachment, -'413th teleirrniih battalion sk'nnl corns (:!..,, A. Smith Multnomah Cily. Cnmiinnv D. 4Uth teleirrnnh bnttnlinn nignal corns (ioorirrv E. Dnmewnnrt A. (ilea. ('ompany D, 407th telegraph Initiation signal corps George A. Atterlmry, Portland; Earl P, Conrnd, Corvallis. American aiek and wounded Oregon men Darrell W. Ingram, Eugenp. Convalescents Edison Cook, Port land; Andrew Pntterman, Corvallia; Cyril S.vkes, Corvallis; Charles L. Mor ton, Portlunii. Camp Mills units the SflSth infantry, eompnny A lohn Grunt Jr., Noith Powder: ltav N. Mninhv. Ashlnn.l ( omiiuiiy li Stanley C. Hiadshaw, Laj oianiie. I oinpany C Ray y. Light foot, Salem; Roy L. (ioble, Compnnv 1) Leo D. Kennedy, Fossil; Albert' L. Lhiuiii, La Grande; William Cyr, Port land. Company E Bruce. M. Kaniho, Merrill; Clarence H. Itoimuell, Terre bonne: Guv W. Fuii- rtk in. Company G Henry J. Bassctt, Hulf- ay, i.iison j. j.ongloy, Lafayette; Charles F. Ilutsell, Pendleton. Company ii iinrry ,i. iiuiioriau, fiiot Hock; Lilc , Edwards, Beaver. Compnnv I Roval Munson, Jess Kenney, Wilbur Joiies, Portland; John Harpe, Freewater, Com pany K David It. Cooper, Parkdnle; Dan Clark, Wallowa; (Veil E. Carlton, Oregon Cily. Company L Orien Huin bno Price, Edward Hture, Knappa; Thomas V. Alves, Pilot Rock; William A. Hayes, lone; Elmer R. Piaebe, As toria; Thomas M. Ingram HKrdman; Charles C. Blnekwell, linker, ( omnauv M - William B. MeHnth, Wallowa; John i . I'ehann, llillsilule. Infantrymen Alao Return. Three Hundred and Seventh Infautry, t'oiupanv A David M. Huthins, New burg; John A. Anderson, Diivy; wv i tt ium MucNeil, Albany; Charles F. Gray, Hillshoro; Dudlev R Taylor, Turner. Company B Elmer Barber, HiUboro; ( harles (). Woods, Hlnin. Company E Eddith Golden, Menturn; Joan L. Ot tinger, hlieridan. I uelilo nir sorvice company fo Albeit Flew. Itnkei ; Dew it t C. north. Brr.ndon: Edward F. Altrnc ledo. Il'th engineers, Company D Weldon Stone, Ebenbower. Company E Dwight L. Aldeiinuii. Aibvil 1 Bciiihaidt, Ciishinnn; Walter tujlliger, Portland; Albert Ciimmings, Baxton; Abraham J. Dnmours, Molnlla; William I j,ton, Porttaud; William Dophina, Ronald Eastham, Roy Fordyee, Portland; Gorily E. Frederickson, Aurora. Company E Willinm Hendrirk, Salem; Ralph Hen derson, 1L.1 G. Hill. Arthur Hoyle, Megr Kirchiam, Henry Lyslrup, Joe Mulholland, Reuben K. Tfesvoid, John O'Brien, William Pollock, henry A. Nehacht. ' Howard P. Sweetland, alt Portland: Ivan Jones, Prineville; Will iam W. Hiding, Aurora; Rowley M. Metcalf. Gervais; Ed Rowin, Newport; George A. Kchuld, Wren; Roy M. Sum mer, Tillamook: Wilbur Thaker, Hus ton; Carl A. Thomson, noort MTpr; Bert L. Van Cteve, Will,.mette; Guy E. Whitney, St. Helens; Howard M. Wood ward, llilsdale; Almond M. Wentz, Portland. Company F Leonard Zel wick, Portlund; John W. Walsh, Mount Angel. Medieul detachment Major James P. Graham, Portland; George C, Merrill, Baker. Engineer trivin Archie F. Pardee, En gene. Camp Dix detachment, medical de partment Curtia Stoddard, Portland. Base hosnitnl 'Ml medicnl detni'lminnt Harry R Fox, Tallintin; Russell W. Sewall. Portland. Base hospitnl 20, mpdier.l detachment ( arl J. Austin, Albany. Base hospital 19 Roy R. Tartar. 111th infantry, Camp Dix headquar ters company Archie Buir, Bay City: Peter Trini. Portlnnd. Company D Robert L. Beebc, Bend; Morris Berlint, Portland; Sr.niuel A. Pling, Wapinitia; Frank L. Marshall, Valley; Jack Kirsh ner, Satem. On the Chicago Thomas M. Rams dell. Portland, company 11, engineers. On the Cape May, fith casual company transportation corps '.Viuinm Of fett, Medford; Guv L. Main. Cochran: 10th COmnailV. - trnnsnoWntion enrna Wnlter Webb, Portland; Tom O. Max well, Grants Pass; Patrick J. O'Learv. Beagle. 84th transportation corps Chaiincey J. Butler, Scnppoose; Artie H. Jackson. Salem: Harry Lnvev. T.n Grande; Jess L. Smith, Sherwood. Com pany D, 12th engineers Harold F. Ilen- gin, Mnpleteh; Jnmes Nibley, La Grande. Comnany E Itoward Paine, Portland; Rilioney Chester Martin, Mit wnukie. Convnloacent ilitnclrnipnt oql Ted Ostman, Oregon City; John Hill- strom, Astoria: Hugh Furry, Oregon City; Frederick W. MankorK Portland. . .. v ,V - . . . .. .... . .V -.v ,V. -,,v ... ... ,' Ail I ' , i . b xi 4 I I U I If i -1 n 1 34 - ... . s The Following Is tie OSdal ntiTsliAAfann rr-nnrA AT l'r JJijawailUU UI Uiw ICWUIU Vl Armstrong John scraping . Oaiss before the Marion Chailesworth F. 1 patrolman n . p n , Road District No. 16. Lonsty lonmnssioaers to art steve, eu-.s dragging r ,i I ' T mid Stevaiis Teddie do fOr tHe Apn. lerTil, lyiy. Keen All a a a a 11 1 Kii'gatad Ed do mm the amount aUowed.!i"(,''i'jshuv''li,,'r - - ... 1 'Kennedy Abe do oiiis continued, etc, according iv..ior ovid dragging with -to the records in tie office of. F i Kueniti A E do the County Clerk, lMttL'JSinr KOADS AND HIGHWAYS Jardin John dragging gra- Road Dlatrtct No. 1. i d",.K(,e,c :- ....... , . . larrel George grading obort Loui, repa.r work l.oO Nv, AU,crt P ,,raKgiMg s 7: . A, o -J Weinman Frank rails hauling - ... v. t,ii viuiau Koad District No. Beck 4 Son, gravel Boje, Henry grading r.. Braiileii, L A gradiug etc n,.ull vTh'T- ;Tgv , "-iMatthis Willrrd dragging 16.87 iish, Iviu filling holes 1.2.. . ... I , - . (riurru ti-o uo iuu vu.-Q, wiuni sriovciiui; srravei Kester Milt dragging etc Moomaw J C grading etc ,.v4 6 00 6.00 v-tA) 3.CH 5.08 10(K lo.oa 2.;.( 1.23 1.23 ..o li.00 7.50 7.50 d.23 rails Smead Ed filliug holes etc "V-' 5 j Wheeler Wilber do S"f0 .K, .....ia Pl,.l. l,o,,li.,,r rrr.i',.1 .-tu.. ...... a.""-' ' l Holt Elmer planking 18.75 10.00 7.50 6.23 49.50 13.50 19.50 1.50 is-- t f Ljs TOM 1 MOORE v L m X I' JUST FORV ' -TntuirruT V Comiug to Ye Liberty Thursday, Fri day and Saturday ROSEDALE . Ha- L OF HUSICAYS SITES Large And Appreciative Aud ience Hears Splendid Re cital Tuesday. There were a few empty seals in the auditorium of the public library Inst evening as the program of the lecture recital began, and they might be con sidered as u direct affront to the speak er and his assistants, but as a mailer of charity let it b assume that tnerc were a few people who had not reivd the announcements of the lecture. Aa it was, the audience was larger than any drawn out by previous lectures, and it manifested high appreciation of the program features. Piof. Sites, in his address guvc a brief, illuminative snot on or tae rise and development of the French opera. from the mere ballet of the early com posers to the grand operas of the past century which have never been Riir passed bv the composer of any nation. He ini.ile it to appear that not Italy or (termany, but France had been the home and School of the great musical gen iuses. In fact, a number of the emi nent composers of German birth owed their culture and fame to the schools of France. He read list of the lead ! ing musical lights of France, together! with a list of the operas that have! gone to make up the world's repertoire of choice music, and beyond which it is not possible for musical genius to pass. Among the entire galaxy of peers he pointed to (.iotiuod as being most in the world's thought today, and i ouituy of the world's deepest homage because of what he baa contributed to its wealth of harmony. In closing he read a list of leser and more modem French composers, ending with the fasciimting. mystic genius, Mine. Chaminade, the most noted of alt the world's woman composers. Roiiudiug out and illustiatiug the lec ture of Prof, sites, piano numbers were (Cairital Journal Special Service.) Kosedale, Or., April 30. Lewis I. Hudley and wife of Portland spent the week-end with their Bon, v. a., nudiey. The former occupied the pulpit at the Vriends church Sunday morning. B. K. Cook was a business isitor in our community Friday. K. M. Cammnck is spending a few days at Portland, Seattle and Tacoma. Mrs. Taniplin of Lents, Oregon, visit ed lur sister, Mrs. Gardner, Bundny eve. lleore Alexander is again at home. Mrs. Kemp cume home Vv'ednesday from a two weeks' visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Kiser and family visited the B. Canimaek home Friday evening. Sam Chgndler gave a talk Punduy evening at the church, reviewing ma ex periences of the past IS menths in France. A kige and interested audi ence heard him. A. M. Winston is visiting his daugh ter, Mis. Sterling, at Lebanon. Miss Franer spent the week-end at home. Mrs. Liielln Etraud of Newberg visit ed her cousin, Lama Cunimack, .Satur day and Sunday. Get at the Real Cause Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That's what thousands of stomach sufferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a poor digestion, they ere attacking the real cause ol the niimect ctoggea Jiver and disordered bowels. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are performing their natural functions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. If you have a bad taste in your mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor, lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or energy, troubled with undigested foods, you should take Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. l ane one or two at Decmme tor quick relief, 80 you can eat what you like. At 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. Ott, P J filling holes etc ... Trotnlt, Adam grubbing .' Troudt, Wibie hauling gravel Troudt, C D patrolman Road DiLtrict No. 3. Kuensting F (i grading dn.gging etc Mason, Anton urubbinir .dH 27.o0 7.00! 1 1.23 i ; b.UO ! 4j.73 ; Hover Chas do ,. 3.00 liouley Romeo patrolman t0. Q0 Soad District No. Livesley & Co T A man hauling gravel 14.73 Salem Construction Co gravel.... 57.52 Darlinir W D hnulinu snivel 63.0(1 I Darling O H do 03.00 I Smith Frank do 42.UU 31.23 Savuge W E drugging tf.00 O.00 i Hi.1k I'url .1,. 7. -.n Minor J 11 drugging 13.00 Halt B C foreman ?S:i3 Olson Lars spread gravel etc ti.25 Road District No. 20. Phillips H W grubl,.x 2.50 ! Salem Sand & Gravel Co gravel 3.l lergen b G drugging etc H I'! i: t-i-.te i..,i; - ..i Yergen Fred scraping etc 3.75 jownby Jim do Z"'Z 1X75 lergen vt A shoveling eravel 2.S0' ii,..-.-,.. iv-i k....i;.... .. Kuensting Chas patrolnmn JU.50 j Hoffman Theador shoveling dirt Road District No. . ' oU. Gcaiin Fled M patrolman 10.25 , s,.o(ler FrKnk re Road District No. S. Booster Herman repairing load ... Davidson Edward ditching etc.. Davidson Fred tileetc Davidson John scraping etc Davidson Kulph drugging etc Labonty Louis work on gravel road WuiU Herman tile Watt Shipo Powder Co powder caps and fuse : Wiley repair work Di.vidsou W F patrolman 4K.00 Road District No. 6. Du Kette Don B dragging Road District No. 7. Harrison Thomas corduroy Wurgnier Joseph blacksmithing . Cutsforth F H on King log drag jeiuerK Allien cutting corduroy etc Voght Charles cutting corduroy McOougal Charles do Harper John S hauling corduroy Hoover Charles on King log dn.g Pickens Frank grading Vachter Andrew do Schafer Alfred Blip sent ping Cutsforth I E on King log drag oruscti nonold grubbing Vachter Martin grading etc Vachter Adain grading Brown W H on King log drag Shields K E do Cutsforth John 11 patrolman Road District No. 8. Sowt Paul blacksmithing... 12.50 3.75 3.00 22.23 Kupliugcr Wm F patrolman 1.50 1 Road District No. 20', 2. 13.00 Cothreu J X dragging J.U0 ai.oS Cothreu Maynard laying title etc 3.00 3i.00 Sulcm Construction Co gravel 42.75 Scharf Fred hauling gravel etc.. I Van Cleave L M patrolman Road District No. at. Eryslie Irvin grader Lewis E A on grader etc Mageo M M dragging etc Road District No. 22. Hercch Fred hauling rock etc....' jllersch Admn repairing luucadam 6.00 , Ramsyer Ben dragging etc Rivmsyer Joe, shoveling . Clymer Uco drugging Cone A J do Hosteller John shoveling Kumsden V J patrolman Road District No. 23. Brown-Pet zcl Lumber Co plow beam Ditter Bell Ik Co shovels picks nails ctu Xeal Bert dragging Neal (terry dragging llouter C E patrolman Road District No. 24. Ditter Bell Cn shovels fuse etc. 22.50 1 Luu E C tile 24.00 Peterson Al hauling title 0.00 Zuber Puul opening rock pit and uitcn Denney E C opening rock pit 3.U0' 4.40 I 12.03' 1.00 8.54 6.25 21.00 31.50 13.50 13.50 7.50 P.0O 12.00 30.00 24.00 9.00 3.00 a.oo 85.30 10.60 5.83 12.(KI 21.00 5.30 8.25 23.31 3.73 2.50 7.50 1.87 13.75 12.50 8.23 10.50 2.50 26.09 5.00 5.00 3.50 5.93 35.85 7.50 17.50 5.75 Benedict Mike dragging . 5.00 Minden Theo do 5.00 Hawley D H grading 39.00 '. Highbciger Theo do 5.00 Miler M A do 3.00 Highberger Nick do 5.00 7.50 7.50 3.73 o.OO 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.23 6.00 2.75 15 SAGE TEA DARKENS HAIR TO ANY SHADE Don't Stay Gray! Here's A Sim ple Recipe That Anybody Can Supply With a Hair Brush. The use of Sage and Sulphur for re storing faded, gray hair to its natural color dates bark to grandmother's time. She used it to keep her hair beau tifully dark, glossy and attractive. Whenever her hair' took on' that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this sim pie mixture was applied with wonder ful effect. But brewing t home is mussy and out of date. Nowadays, by 'asking at any drug store for s bottle of " Wy- eth's Sage and Sulphur t'jmpound,". you will get this famous old prepara tion, improved by the sddition of oth er ingredients, which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beau ty to the hair. A well known dnnnlown druggist says it darkens the hair ao naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, it becomes beautiful ly dark and glossy. Eder Fred scraping 3 2.00 Basil Ben do Strnvens John hauling rails etc 9.00 Basil Bill do .... eiklc Joo cutting brush etc. . Strnvens Frank do Sanders Charles do iNosack John do .. Stravens Joe do Dura nt L W outrolmnn Road District No. 8V1. Hrasscll Fe.denand ditching ...... Hrassell Peter shoveling dirt ...... Bra.Hsell Win hauling dirt Cnnfield H W ditching Hut Dan hauling gravel Hunt lhoa Sr dragging Kinns Fred shoveling .gravel MeCormick Joseph hauling dirt ttc Moore F B holding scraper nigilou J 1- dragging Rcollurd J C plowing etc Ccolhml Roy filling holes Vincent Chits shoveling dirt....0.. Wlieruni John dragging JScolli.rd Wm patrolman Road District No. 10. Ailanis & Co J 1) freight on Ueuiish T do blades 1.14 Jones J II patrolman 71.50 Diuln Frank lumber 4.10 j Road District No. 29. Elmer J W shovel 1.65 -MeCormick J W uinn repairing Willamette Valley 8 Ry Co road freight on gravel 63.20 Carter John repair work Horning O J hauling grnvel etc 7:50 Hampton (Jeo cutting stringers ... Duda Frank hauling gravel etc.... 47.51 Hampton High do Duda Bernard Work on bridge Harris John rennir work BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS e.OOjHottinger Fred do Wolf Frank do Van Handel J B patrolman 1T.00 Road District No. .25. Von Bchren H C patrolman 37.12 Road District No. 27. Blessing bd man with team 1-J.J0 spread gravel 2 5o "Utiker Bernhard drugging 0.O0 1 Koad District No. 23. 3.75 Farmer Ilwd Co Buy L bolts for 2.00 1 leveller 2.30 Farmer Hdw Co Ray L red iau- 1.23 terns- 4.40 I Hauser Bros powder f ic & caps 13.53 6.23 Herren J 11 chaining &. car serv 1.25 ; ice 11.25 Pearce & Son Lot L cup leathers 2.50 ' & valve 1.23 1 Road District No. 3ya. 3.75 ISalein Sewer Pipe Co pipe 3.60 Ir 1 ... . '. ' ...... ia.ia iiyuen uust repair work iy.-J, Clink E do 7.50 1.80 2.00 27.50 Harper J F do 30.00 5.00 etc 5.00 12.50 2.50 8.73 (iriesanauer Kdy hauling gravel Si hauer Joe shoveling gravel Iteming R J patrolman .. Road District No. 11. Robinson Willie dragging road. M ox ley Joe do 2.50 Ilartman C Dpatrolman . 8.37 shepherd Carl grubbing 13.75 Shepherd (ilenn do 12.30 Hogg. W T putrolman 34.75 Road District No. 13. Johnson Huns dragging 12.50 English Klvin R spreading gravel 1.25 English W O patrolman . Road District No. 11. IV Val II E hauling rock White W L shoveling rock lavis Chas plowing . .. Buell Art holding plow Harris (( II grubbing Porter J H patrolman Road District a. i. Clyde Equipment Co grader end 'eight Ames S powder fuse etc Kaser Sam V dragging Kasor John dragging k grading Kaufman Ben shoveling dirt Kaser Fred D dragging & plow ing 3.00 27.73 D.OO 3.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.30 154.13 35.20 3.75 67.50 3.75 Todd Rav do Hampton Joe do , MeCormick J W patrolnmn Road District Nor 30. 45.00 12.50 3.75 1.25 10.00 8.50 2.50 63.50 (Continued on page nine) Wenger Robbie shoveling dirt Pooler F.arl dragging Bailer Henry C patrolman 8S 50 Road District No. 15V 15.00 6.00 .t)0 ROUND COAST LEAGUE BASES (By United FreJs.) Yesterday's winners: Los Angeles, Oakland, Vernon, Salt Lake. Home rn; Rumler, Salt Lake. Eddie Herr and his swarm of Bees took the opening from thf Seats, 5 to 1. Curly Brown won the opener against the Senators for the Angels, 4 to 1. The solons were unable to find Brown' delivery. ' In the first errorless game of the sea son, the Tigers Hosed out the Rainier 3 to 2. Two runs in the eighth gave the bengals the win. Three runs in the tenth inning gavo the Oaks a 4 to 1 win over Portland. Three Beaver errors ao4 two Acorn hits put the runs across. BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS