THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OPJDGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1919. PACE TWO. .-4.444-4-4"44 SOCIETY. ' : , , I a 44-4-4-444444"4444444o ii I ,'j Betty Said She Could Bake "I knew she never had baked a cake j and I was doubtful. But I told her ;- to go ahead. "She got my treasured Royal Cook '? Book, my can of Royal Baking Pow- . der and all the fixings-and sailed in. i "Honestly, it was the best cake we ever had, and now I believe anyone who tries can bake anything with owder :oyal M angP Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar derived from gxape3 Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste The Royal Cook Book, containing over 500 recipes for all kinds of cookery, mailed free. Write for a copy to ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., Dept. H, X35 William Street, NewYork By OESTSTOE E.OBISON M 4 44 44 44 4 44 4 I 4 4 4- n 44 44. :l :x 4 44 4 4 4 u 4 :t 4 4 :t :l it 4 4 4 CELEBRATION (Continued from Page 1.) Independence, fitayton nj in fact ev- rry town or fit r in the county will b asked to not onlv come, but to partici pate in the celebration. It ia to b Uuriuu county affair with tho Salem business and profi saional nun raising the money to put it over. (Something new in the way of fire works will be rockets and signali used during the war alon- the front. The Tain firework conuinay of New York ia putting out special rockcta of thia kind nnd it waa agreed that these liould be inclmli'd in the order. Asaor- iirn ia given that K:lem will witness fireworks display of unusual t r 1 i i it ti ty. Soldier Honor Guesta. Special ronimittcs will be at mice ap pointed to take up deUila of tho day, including bands, baby paradca, funay parades, concession, river aports, nase bull, decorations and ia fact everything that will make a riorum celebration I two dar. The Salem Commercial club wit eo operate with the War Mother in the home-coming and welcome for returned soldiers, whirh ia scheduled for the Fourth and the fullowing day, Satur day. It i probable that tho War Moih era will hold a reception on tm ini ing of July 3 at Marion Hnnare or t'n armory. It i understood that the Sal vation Army, Y. M. C. A. and Knights nf Oilnmhu will erect huta in order hat the bova in uniform may be proper ly refreshed at all times. Aa the prMnm now ia outlined, the great celebration will begin Thursday evening July .1 with th reception to soldier, a glorious day on Friday the Fourth and a continuance of the pro gram over Matnrdav. July 5. japanese'question (Continued from Page 1.) FERUNAF1 THE BEST MEDICINE 1 FOR COUGHS AND COLDS i Miss Ivy Cray, Fairview, J EVCI C Kentucky, writes: q Li 3 "T hav taken reruns, and kJCl W would nay that It ta the bent nicilieln for rough ant coli I ever mw. I (.4 Ih.t it Mis Orays letter breathas rarf ewla la wr hill. H . ,,, , also airciiKlhena and build up "ope to tn ailing. It I an In- tii ayatmik" aplration to the alik and Infirm. I4 E'errwfcer l.lqal mt Tablet ! British would not support Ja-n'a 'Uims, it i now apparent that they are inclining somewhat toward th Japaneae position. The British are ani.l to hold they cau scarcely do lea, particularly a Japan kpt the s-aa .lear for the traniortation of Great Britain' eastern troops to the western front. The Japanese have not openly threat ened to retire from the peace confer ence, hare emphntized thv do "not 'oluter or bluff, but act." The upahot of the whole situation, it wna pointed out today, i that a com promise ia likely ta be effected where by .liian will retain control of the diaputed territorie tenipornrily with permanent ownership to be determined after the treaty with Germany ia ign-ed. Tennessee, Latest U. S. Dreadnaulit, Is Launched New York, April 30. United Tres.) The battleship Tennessee, sister ahip of the huge New Mexico, Mississippi and Idcho waa snccessfully launched at the Brooklyn navv yard at 9:43 a. m. todnv. Mis Helen Roberts, IS year old daughter of Governor nonerta of Ten nessee, shattered a bott of champagne against the aide of the yesse as she slid down the wars, . BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS AY Iy w.n opea op 'w - tttml oa. It arai ! proper. y aahrred ra with tk May ti fMOakwa) of Wu-aawtu amrsity, be ginniB with the pica:e luch.a th lawn, Fridar tool, ia wtuch U i J -oai ast atuocat or ia BaiverTuij will )rte'art. Thia w-M be lollowed hr the junior play "The Arrival of Kitty," a the Opera, house, Friday evening- Th play it under the o.e tid at Jame & Molt who has wo a. local faaa by reasoa of ki able di raeuaaa of vaxiou theatrical evcat. aa 1 promtara U torn up to the stand ard of hi former production. Satur day morning the annual May break fast will b -rved o th university eampo and JSaturJay afternoon the grand final of th celebration will take "place, when Queen Marguerite I will be crowned with due eer-'monj. Ade from th Willamette fewivilie rariou other social vent will be in order. Ta La Area club will poEXr a merry dance at the Masouw hU ThurdT nijht, and the Young La die Sodality of St. Jo church will be responsible for an equally gay affair at the ame plaoe Friday night. In eonneetioa with th latter, a card party will be piven tor laoee i not car to dance. All during the remairder of the sprine cwon, dancing parties, motor J T inn luncheon and piciuc will b in ; 4. order and a gav time i promised for all who ar looking for soeial enjoy ment . Miss Fue Compton ef Seattle arriv ed in Salem thia morning and is gueat at, the home of her brother and siater-in iaw, Mr. and Mr. U. V. CWton. Mi -omptm win remaiu ' . . - I t .! n Soim io a lew u leave for a vosit in I'taho. 1 Mr. Balph White entertained with a delightfully informal party last night at her home on South Church street. The room were made fecnutilul with hue are bouquets of white and yur pie lilacs. Ten jguest njoyd the merry affair. 4 , Mr. J. D- How of Brownsville waa the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Kirk, for a few day last week returning to her home Monday eve ning. During her visit in th eity Mrs. Kirk enterUined in her honor with an informal afternoon. The hour were passed with tewing and social ton verae, culminating with a prettily ap pointed luncneun. A wane wivm-r (NUKet of liiica, forgit-ui-nois aud maulen hair fern centered tnc tal.c. Covers were L4 for eleven suiia. Lieutenant P. G. Brown, V. S. na vy dental aurgeon, has been rclc-sed from acuv duiy, and i in eaiem via iting hii wife and parents. lr. Urown has opened hi dental otiice in the Steven building, Portland, associated with lr. .Marcellus, M. D., former officer of Portland. Thousand of tiny may basket were shipped 10 Ir, ot Oregon today to oe on hand for tne emte wide siUe which -will take place tomorrow tor the benefit uf the Christie orphan home at Oswego. Charitable organiza tion all over the state have taken tho in Salem Week Dress Offerings of Special Interest to the Women of Salem $16.48, $17.75, $24.75, $34.75 Wanted Fabrics Wanted Styles-Wanted Colors Serge, Taffeta, Combinations of Georgette and Taffeta Crepe de Chine and Georgette, all are made by skilled workmen; the materials are all good quality and you will find a good assortment of sizes to select from. $16.48, $19.75, $24.75, $34.75 Women's Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe waists in a full line of shades and sizes, some slightly crushed from display. Choice $4.98 Women's and Misses Wool Sweaters in Tuxedo and Sport Styles. This lot includes a sample line of Extraordinary values, $8.98. Quality Merchandise 11 & Mwk jj' Ok Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon. Topular Prices ,,,,..,..,,.,........H 444 444444-44444 44444444 4 -444444444444-4444444-4444 4444-4 -4-444 Friday, enjoying a few hour with for mer schoolmates. Mrs. Holt Miles and children of Turn er spent Sunday with Mr. and Mia. F. A. Wood. G. W. Farris and family were trading in Salem Saturday. F. A. Wood and family visited S&lem Saturday. H. Fleetwood waa seen among tho Sa lem visitor Saturday. Kay Farris arrived home from the en campuient in Virginia last Thursday aud many of his friends weiconitm hi home eominp. Walter Miller surprised his folks on Friday, having arrived home that day! from over seas. j Kay Farris left Friday for Florence1 to visit with old friends onee more. ! PBUJTE PRICES BOOK IN DOUGLAS COUNTY McCEZDIE RELEASES TWO Lewis, who reverts to the Dallas club of j f he Teniis league. Portland, Or., April 30. In order to i '' bring his Portland team within the limit, BUY IN SALEM ALWAlO of 16 men. Jtanngo, MeCredie ha, , j BTJY IN SALEM ALWAYS leased outright O. K. ("Wlutey") Hen- j TTV. lvr a -rim a r vc sling .third baseman, who has been rc-iliUl 1IN bALlYM ALHAIO Placed by George Westcrzil, formerly of j glJY L SxLEM ALWAYS MeCredie also gave up Titiher Sam' BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS 44"44"444-44-444444444i 444-444 444 (Roseburg News) YT ; 1, , It a n :M , . : 7 matter up to push the sale on to j boTprs rtmMitMY o(fetei j,ri(.es' from 144 to 15 cents for 30 3's in an cess. Jn iwieni tne saie wi.i oe cou ducted under the supervision of the Daughter of Isabella. 444 4 44 4 444 f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444-4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4"44"4-44"4 44444444444444444 44 44 44 4444444 Mr. W. G. Pruuk left today for Newport to spend a two weeks' it witi her daujfhter, Mrs. H. 11. Sa Mr. and Mri. J. T. Biekwiek Sidney were hosts at a delightful din ner Nunday. H'ring flower formed 'lie pretty table decorations. Covert were d for Judfc'c ana -Mrs. Juney v. s, Mr. ana Jrs. 1. and daughter Mis Helen, and iir. and Mrs. J. T. Hickwick. 5 BUY AT HOME The Solidarity and Prosperity of a town is reflected in the complexion of its Business Houses. No town can have a healthy complexion when the chan nels of sustenance are leaking. Every out-of-town purchase is a puncture in the artery that nourishes home institutions and the city itself. Barnes' Cash Store grew up in Salem, The policies adopted in the begin ning are still in force. . Giving the best merchandise at a fair price is only one of the means that has made this store a powerful factor in the mercantile field. Barnes' Cash Store is an out-and-o ut Salem institution, headquarters and all. We have always taken part and pride in Salem's civij advancement and welcome every worthy enterprise. ' Today, we merely ask you to com e, see, compare in all frankness, and, be convinced that Good, Dependable Merchandise can be bought in Salem as cheaply as like goods can be bought anywhere. "Liberty Bills" for QM-ren. Doaeii of prominent Portlander; ar eager for the concert and dance to, jbe givea thia evening at tee Jsaiiory , hou-l when the management will pre- j sent Joha Claire Mouleith, well kuown j baritone, iu n artistic concert. The concert will commence at S.-TO and; wiU be Ifollowed immediately by a! danee. All reaidents of the hotel, ana friend of the amirer are eoruially in vited to the dsnce and concert. effort to contract all of the available crop. Never before in the history of the county ha. there bee-n sueh a mad scramble to bur and sell prunea. With the price exceedingly unstable and threatening each moment to top- I pie from it high pinnacle, growers in t some instances eagerly grasped the of- 01 , I J - . t .. .i . . J irrru Jrifi wane Oliiers frsisicu uie earnest appeals of the buyers and heM out for still higher figures. Represent ative of many purchasing firnia tore over th county roads today in their car visiting the orehardi;j striving to sign them up at a figure three times in excesa of that of five year a?o. So enormous are the prosiets that grower ar literally gambling with million and the matter has rearhed such a ta that it i attracting world wide attention. DR.'pffujmmpklMo .13 emf wyp p i A .eport coniej !-oii, Kona that Tj-j-. nnese troops in a h.:ie "t near rJt'! 1 -I'i.ii 11 kd th a iO hristinns ut i'ie vi'li.ic to tb ciiaick and si'et and bay i,r'-td heT, And then the Tulip for hcr morning sup Of Heavenly vintage from the sail looks up. My Dear Mr, and Mrs, Flowerlover We wish to announce a window ar rangement of Tulips at Mr. C. B. Clan cey's, beginning May 1 and continuing throughout the week. Among those present will be Farncombe Sanders, Clara Butt, the Inglescombes, John Rus kin, Cretchen and Cardinal Man ning. Orders for bulbs will be taken by Mr. Clancey, or phone S2F14. W. C. DIBBLE, W. C. FRANKLIN. Salem, Oregon, April 30, 1919. 14444 444 4444 4 4 4 4-4444444444-4444444 - hi. C. Wileoi of Vancouver B. C, i. inirt it the U. W. lflar home on rwuth Libcrtv tre t. -Mr. Wileoi, j , who is a cousin of Mr. 1-ariar i en j rout to Lo Angeles, where his fnmily , has been wintering. ; Governor OTcoit spoke the Ad cli lun.heon tuilay at the Benson hotel in , Portland. t ' Twentv for sali men of the Phe i comparr met iu Portland yesterday I from ail vrt of the country. They I took a trip ever the 'olnmnia nigaway morii.ui r..l returncu to .-- ... fr plliew m- i ' 2 I in the j lem Us BUY IN SALEM WEEK- THIS WEEK AND EVERY OTHER WEEK Give Salem Merchants a. NVft& Mmdf WalJ LiLaCLWOC? Creepers and one-piece suits for children of 1 to 4 years new gar ments of simple yet be coming types. The ma terials are Invincible Suitings in plain colors or stripes. Made with Dutch neck, elbow, sleeves with turn back cuffs and belt Conven ient drop seat. A most sensible garment....$1.75 New SHp-On Sweaters Women's Novelty Slip On Wool Sweaters in the newest styles. Beau tiful new shades hand somely trimmed $.123 to $10.75 Children's And Misses' "KoYeraHy We carry a full line of the genuine Levi Strauss Koveralls in sizes 1 to 14 years, both with short or long sleeves. The materials are blue denim, khaki and stripes.There are cheap er make shifts a-plenty but only ONE "Kover all."" Priced according to size $1.50 to $2.23 Bargains In Taa Hose 444444 4444444 444444444444444 4-44"44-444444444t 444444 144 444 444 V44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 The Knight aud Udir of Security held their ui meeting lart evening in Hurat hall oa Stat afreet. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Belknap are guet at the huuie of Mr. Belknap s siaier, Mr. K. It. H.dlfubef i. Mr. Belknap has juft returned from more than a year service in Prance, where he held the comrus:on of first lieu tenant Tn the U'-'Sd field artillery of the famous S'!ih (Yankee) d. vision. M-. Belknap went to -New York to meet knu oa hi arrival fwm oversea a.-.d at present they are en ruute to i'.k,i,!!'t here Mr." Belknap is a rr- fesHir in phyaita at, the thregin Art cult-jral eolleve. CLOYERDALE NOTES. t Capital Journal Piweial rVrTice.1 Th tlnybil) and Leonard Grsybiil of csilcm visited the Cloverjale school Because of their,investments Ihey are entitled to all the business origin ating in this community. Salem merchants have goods equal to if not better than those which can be purchased elsewhere, their prices will compare favorably with any. HOLSUM BREAD is made in Salem. Cherry City Baking Co.