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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 29. 1919. PAGE I u!iy i JLIay More my of the Joe Haines' Stock of Merchandise and Fixtures Your last chance to get these cheap. If this stock is not disposed of tomorrow it will go to Portland. The last day brings more cuts in prices unequaled even when merchandise was cheap. BUY NOW OR NEVER. We are open evenings. Remarkable values in Arrow Drass Shirts, 49c each. Rocking chair Union Suit (Same as B. V. D.) special, 98c. Mixed lot of Arrow and other brands soft collars, 2 for ...25c Men's high grade Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Neck wear, Working Men's Clothing, etc., appeals to the careful buyers. PFDfffl'J Dmpir WAJT VUl. .rill I LUI LL IliTIi nriflr 'mitrrtf urn mil inifflim Ti'.OTHERSJDO THiS IJotimaltjWant A.&G Regular silk sox, value $1 for. 49c Buster Brown, all colors, regular 50c, for 25c Cooper's light weight union suit, regular $2.50 for $1.49 Heavy cotton rib union suit, regular $2.50 for $1.75 $2.50 Straw Sailors 75c $4 Panama hats ..$2.49 $:) Men's Cloth Hats $1.49 $4 and $4.50 dress hats $2.98 $2 and $2.C0 wool caps $1.49 $1.00 Silk and Canvas Hats 49c 75c leather belts 49c A few uncalled for Men's Tailored Suits At very reasonable prices v 73c B. V. D. shirts and drawers....39c $1.75 B. V. D. union suits $1.34 $1.75 Derby rib union suits $1.25 75c Balbrigan shirts and drawers 39c $: Jersey wool sweaters $1.98 $1.25 heavy work shirts 85c 75c heavy suspenders 39c Heavy cotton rib, 2-piece suit, regular $2.50 for $1.65 Cooper's regular $3 union suits $3.24 Cooper's 2-piece, $5 suit for $3.24 Hanes 2-piece suit, regular $1.50 garment for 89c garment $5 silk dress shirts , $3.49 $2 dress shirts $1.10 $2.50 dress shirts -$1.49 $:) flannel shirts $1.98 25c Arrow stiff collars 15c g 75c men's neckwear 39c 25c men's neckwear 15c A new lot of Berg Hats Regular $5.00 at $3.98 $2.50 khaki pants ,.$1.85' $:).50 whip cord pants. $2.49 $1.00 leather gloves ... 65c $4.50 khaki coveralls $2.98 15c canvas gloves 10c 10c hemstitched handkerchiefs 5c $2.25 heavy blue and blue and white striped overalls $1.49 Him Government Worried Bj Attitude Of Populace To ward Terms. By Frank J. Taylor (Uuited Press Staff Correspondent.) Berlin, April 21. On the eve of the departure ef the ntain body of liermaa delegates for Versailles, the government today was showing alarm it the grow ing tenlency of powerful industrial and romnierei&l interests to demand imme diate peace even if the terms are nard r than anticipated. This apparent inclination of the esu- servative element to adopt the same at titude as the radicals is understood to save split the cabinet into two camps, one ia favor of signing the treaty and the other opposed to U. The luttor fae tion. headed by Foreiga Minister Wrock dorff Rsntiau, believe the allies will "back down" when confronted by the danger of bolslievimu in Germany. It is also encouraged by Ituly's withdraw al from the conference. 'I The industrials consider nolslicvwtn worse than indebtedness, and do not want their business further ruined ty continuation of the economic blockade. ' "The people demand peace, food and work immeilintely," declared Hugo ! Haas, radical leader. I E. I.. Keuiiiina to Jos Barber, lots jl to 8, block 8, J. Myers addition. Sa lem. ic! I frank Berndorfncr to J. W. Wagers, 'iot 9, Hollywood. i Meta Froelich to Maria Woltor, lot 8 I block 11, Fiirriehs addtiion B, Siilem. jllalf interest. I Mrs. Annie L. Crosier to A. W. More llitnd, lota 6 and , Kutlierford Fruit Tracts. Addie Tarvin to G. H. Patterson, 25.35 acres in Waldo Hills Fruit Farm No. 4. O. H. Patterson to Addie Parvin, part of block 20, Capital Park addition. When the Children Cough. Rub . Musterole on ltiroats and Chests No telling bow soon the symptoms may develop into croup, or worse. And then j when you're glad you have k jar of Mus terole at hand to give prompt, sure re lief. It does not blister. As first aid ard a certain wiedy. Musterole ia excellent Thousands ot mothers know it. You should keep jar in the house, ready for instant use. It ia the remedy for adults, too. Re lieves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsnitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, bead ache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of back or Joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains, frosted feet and colds of the chest (it Often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $150. Staytvn lodge of Masons attended the funeral of B. F. Berringe- at Fex Valley Wednesday. J. T. Kearu has sold hi lots on Second street next the May ton Mail office, to B. F. Fresh. Mr. Hnlsigor, who has been conduct ing a store at Jordan for some time, and Win. Brotherton, who recently sold his farm on Thomas creek, l.ave chased the Trask store at Lyons Brotherton was at one time a partner of Mr. Trask. Quick Reference To Firms That Gira Service On Short Where Buyer And Seller Meet W e Recommend Our Advertisers. EVESYTHXNQ ELECTRICAL Sales Electric Co, lissome Tsinple, 127 Norta Hh- Telepkoaa Jasia 1200 WATER COMPANY ULESI WATEK onx-ANT Office corner Commercial and Trade street Bill payable monthly ia advsaea. Fkoiie tsoa. REAL ESTATE pur-Mr. t STATE HOUSE NEWS Following is the ballot title for the referendum petition itcpntly filed by the Aasncated Industrie against the oleo bill which was the cause of so much disturbance in the lust legisla tine: Referred bil) -Referred to the peo ple by the Associated Industries of Oregon, 1107 Oregon bldg., Portland, Oregon, H. C. llunfin'iton, president; II, J. Frank, first vice president; W. J. Ball, second vice president, and L. B. lfciiu Jr., secretary, all of Port land, Oregon. j Olcomnrgaiiuc blfl, purpose To teg ulnte and license t ho manufacture and ulc of oleomargarine, uut margarine, biittoi'i hp, renovated butter, process butter or any butter substitute, and to i provide license fees to Ik? paid by man i ufacturers, wholesale dealers and pro prietors of hotels, restaurants, dining I rooms and 'boarding houses; to iprevent and punish fraud and deception in such manufacture mid sale as an mutation of butter and to prescribe penalties and punishment for violations of tins net and means and methods of pro cedure for ifs enforcement. HOME WRINKLE KECIf E ASTONISHING KfcSUlia Such startling, sensational result come from a very simple, niirnuess home made wrinkle remover -there s no excuse now for anyone wearing those hateful marks of age, illness or worrv. No need fooling with worthless pastes, erenms, nor "skin foods whieh don't feed the skin. No need rubbing, massaging, steaming sense less methods which expand and loosen kin and underlying tissue, aggravat ing a wrinkled, flabby condition. Bet ter, eaner, surer, i the scientific sax olito. formula. Thousands have success fully tried it thousands freed of wrinkles enlarged jorcs, saggy cheeks double chin thousands younger look ing, happier! All you need do is to dissolve one ounce of powdered saxolite in one half pint witch hasel, and bathe your fuce in this. The effect is almost, magical. Even deepest crow's feet completely, quickly vauish. Sk.iu becomes firm, smooth, fresh looking bears no trace of treatment except that of enhanced beauty, (iot these inexpensive ingre dients at your druggist ' and try this marvelous saxolite lotion today. FOR SALE 120 acres ot No. 1 land located 6 miles from Salem, on good road, in good location, good house and barn and other buildings, farm implements, 4 horses, S cows, 4 year lings, 50 hrad of hogs, round 500 cords of wood ready cut, all at a bargain. Write M W care Journal. tf FOR SALE A good double team har ness, will trade for hay or graoa, or will exchange for good dry wood See Square Peal Realty compass?. Phono 470 DORA DEAN MeCCTCHEGN, teacher of piano, a new and logical nsthoj for both pupil and teacher, mailing elear all basic principle necessary to a musical education, and givinj the "music teacher" something to tench. 421 Court St. Phone 353. FEOPLES FURNITURE STORE For bargains in new and aecoadhanl goods for the house, furniture, rang es, heaters and stoves, rues, sewing machines, graniteware, dishes, suit -cases, trunks and tools. We wan your old furniture and tovee, will pay you highest cash price. See us last. Peoples Furniture Store, 27J N. Commercial fct. I'hoas 734. Director & Breali 305 STATE STREET SALEM, OREGON. . A committee bf men from Montana, appointed by the governor of thai state .were 'in Astoria this week in specting the port's facilities for hand ling grain. Five brothers, members of the Si- guardson fumily, have sarvrd through the war with Vncle Ham's forces, and returned to their home in Warrcnton. A bnra which was beinff completed at a cost of about ijrJmiO on the John Shelton placo near Siio collapsed last Saturday, wricking a vuliiable-autonio- bile. ROLL OF HONOR The following casualties are reported lv t lie commanding general of the American Expeditionary Forces: ied from Wounds 2 Iicd of Accident and Other Causes. Iied of Disease Wounded Severely Wounded, Degree Undetermined Wounded Slightly ! rrrTPRTVNT riASTJAT.Tins Pvt Dnle L Wilson, Maysvllle Ky. Died of Accident and Other Causes. Bugler Mores Golden, Pelliam da. I'M Juke Hill, Atlanta (ia. Died of Acctdeut. 8gt Charles Reeves Hicks Jr, Cedar- 3 hurst X Y. 10 Corp Otis L Hudson, South Mount 9 Creek, Ala. Pvt Truman K Pound, Thomnston Ga. Pvt Jeremiah B Sullivan, New York Died of Disease. Corp Stanley Cox, Dundee 111. Corp Oscur 0 Gundcison, y nnd Fork N D. Corp Paul H Sherman, Hysnnis Mass. Corp Chillies W Wuler, Centralis Mo. Cook William Trctly.k, Poland, Russia. American Red Cross, zrg Moore, Totd Died of Wounds. Dugler Rudy K Sims, (iranby Mo. Died of Accident and Other Causes. Pvt Frank A Thornton, Seattle Wash. Died of Disease, l'vt Knrry Miller, Milford Del. ,13 Pvt Burt C Arbo. Oxbow Me. .02 Pvt Willituii F Conaway, AlcMechen Goldsboro N C. .W Vs. I Pvt Simon Cooperman, Brooklyn N T, .99 Pvt David Gibson, Baltimore Md. pvt Jesse Dortch, Marvell Ark. Pvt Thad Hums, heneca S C. ipvt james Clvde Jones Edneyville N C, l'vt Cnnnelo Polinfito, Brooklyn N Y.J p,- thn l. Kennev. Stark Citr Mo. These Durable Soles Cut Shoe Bills Down 'For u around cement plants and Similar places where rouph material? grind down soles quickly, I recommend Neolin Soles. They resist wear sur prisingly. After working around the clinker department long enough to wear out two pain of ordinary soles, my Neolin Soles are still as good as new," writes A. F. Miller, superintend ent of The Peninsular Portland Cement Company plant in Jackson. Michigan. It is remarkable how tough and dur able Neolin Soles are. They are mad? so by Science comfortable and water proof, bx). They come on new shoe? in many styles for men. women, and children, and are available everywhere f.jr re-i-)iing. Wear them, end cut your shoe bills down. NV,!in Soks are mad; by The Good year Tire 4 Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio, who alio make Winefoot Heds, guar anteed to outwear ail other heeli. fieolin Soles Pvt Oscar Tuvlnv, Percella Miss. l'vt Herman K Vandre, Ashland Wis. The followina; casualties arc reported! by the eommnndinjr officer of American Expeditionary Forces: Killed in Action 3 j Died from Wounds a Ohio Died of Accident and Other Causes..ll. pvt Died of Disease . 17 Jig, Wounded Severely , 9 Wounded, Degree Undetermined - 7A Pvt Alessio C Renucci, Chicago III Pvt John Roberts, Round ak (ia. Pvt Harris Newell, Cox Station Md. Pvt Dnniel R Hfnnfnnl Philadelnhia tuo;p: r Pvt Elmer IT Thompson, Farjro N D. Pvt Clifford J Van Frunk, Cincinnati Harold Alva Wilson, Beatrice Total ..00 Killed In Action. Pvt John 1. Conler, Lowell Muss. Pvt Jnmes T i) Jackson, Council I Bluffs Iowes I Pvt William Walton, Hartford Conn. I Died from Wounds. j Corp James J Buckley, Xew York N Y. Pvt Harold J Berrv, Colorado Spring Colo. Pvt Walter L Jones, Friinklicisville X. C. Died from Accident and Other Causes. Pvt John L Ward, Lincoln Neb. CURRENT CASUALTIES Died from Accident and Other Causes. I.ieut Harry Aakes, Hudson S D. Pvt William Bliss, -Chicago III. Pvt Frank Ray Burdick, Burlington Kau. Pvt Kupshaw Cesser, Clio Ala. Pvt John Connolly, Han Francisco Csl Pvt Charles Henderson, Hopkinsville Kv. Pvt Howard N Johnson, Citronelle Ala. Deals In Real Estate He B. C. DeT,ong to Alberta Race, lot 47, HhiisIikw Fruit Farm, F. R. Abbott to W. J. Hanser, lot Unchurch, and the other, "dates A jar STAHONNEWS NOTES (Capital Journal Special Hurvire Htnyton, April 2!). Jeb Russell, who wa with the American forces in I Franco, and who wus badly gassed, arrived home Inst woek. He is feeling quite well now and hopes to recover entirely iroin the effects of Ins meet ing with the lioche. T. H. Taylor hns gone to Deep Kivcr, Wash., where he expects to re main for some time. Frank Milhavy hn8 rented his ranch on the Little North Fork and has re turned to town to remain. Mrs. Ail- havy'g father, U. Whitney, is in quite poor health. Mi Nettie Crubtrco of Oregon City is visiting her sister, Mrs, Chas, Lainp man . I The base ball game Friday afternoon 'between Nfayton and Albany high 'school teams resulted in- victory for the visiting team. I Saturday cvming separate company A, Oregon guards, of this place, gave a dinner to tho returned soldiers of this neighborhood. 'ol. May was present and gave a very entertaining talk to the boys. Besides guard members and soldiers, the only ones present were the members of the girls honor guard The dinner was served by tho lawe of the iRebekah bulge and wag all that could have been wished for. After the dinner a dance was given, to which all ladies were invited, ut no ninle unless in uniform was allowed. Mrs. Albert S. Pnncoast died at bfr home in this city Thursday morning, fojlowing childbirth. Hhc was 41 years of age, and leave her husband, a sou and daughter and an infant child. The funeral service was held .Saturday morning in the M. E. church, conduct ed by 4 he pastor, Rev. Warren, and in terment made in the Pity cemetery. There were many beautiful flowers, two pieces receiving especial notice. One was the gift of the inilics or tae PEELS OFF CORNS BETWEEN TOES The Great Corn Loosener of the Age. Never Fails. Painless A corn mashed, squeezed and crush ed, all day long, in between two toes! You can try the desperate, "treat 'em rough " way and try to uig n out ana BEST BUYS 2 acres all cultivated, good house, lots of fruit; t-0i)Ot easy terms. 8V4 acres all in crp, on paved road, close to Sulem; tOOu, tern:, if do sired, 10 acres all cultivated, all fenced, 3 miles out, only 41300. 10 acres; good modern bouse, logans, prunes, family orchard; (3300, 13 acres all "in cultivation, 6 room house, 2 Va scres family orchard, 1 Vi miles'from JSalem; S3!00. 8 acres; 6 acres, in prunes, V, In peaches, bigans "between; 2 acres in maple timber; tho best of river bot tom, on graveled road, just the place for an investment that will bring returns; only li00, easy terms. 13 acres, 8 acres in 7 year old cher ries, 6 in 7 year old prunes, 4 straw berries; house, bars, clone in; S3730. 18 acres, 5 BcreB logans; small house; 8Vj acres timber, eloso in, $3800. 21 acres, 10 cultivated, balance tim ber pasture; house, barn, family fruit; -'I'.-iO. 20 acres, IMi miles from town, trade for alem residence net over $1500. 15 acre, all cultivated, family orch ard,, iy, acres strawberries, 6 acres grain, i acre potatoes, family gar den. 5 room houso. tiarn with hay fork, fruit house, wood shed, chick en house: best black gravel soil; close to school; equipped with stock and tools and all household furniture, siuun. 70 acres, 50 tillable, 1,0110,000 feet saw timber; will trade for acreage or Snlem resilience and assume mort gage or pay cash difference. For best buv, see BOCOLOrSKT Bnyno building SECOND-HAND GOODS NO CASH KKQUlHKD-uGood overcoat shoes and suits, all kinds of nrn na si instruments, shotguns, rifled heat ing stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000 other useful articles to sell or trade. What have vouf The Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. rhono 4l3. .u THE SOLDIER BOYS Pool and bil liard parlor is aow open under new management and it renders you anil the general public a congenial placa ts pass away a few leisuis- hours. Tho basement of Oregon Elect ria depot, corner of State and Higk, Phone 628. Wm. Livock, frop. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience, Depot National and American fence. Sizes 20 to 58 in. high Paints, ail and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fenco and Stove Works, 850 Court street. Phone 124. J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, sells and exchanges new and 2d hand furniture. All kinds ot repair -work, light grinding, tilinfc, and brazing a specialty. Bight prices. 247 North Commercial St.. Phone 10. 1 SCAVENGER 3ALEM SCAVENGER Carhage anil refuse of all kinds removed on monta . ly contracts at reasonable rates.i Cess pools aleatiod. Dend animalj re moved. Office phone Main 107. Butterft 59c f "7 --JBBilaMSB8MMBBsssaannaBBia Creamery butter joiii j Pork, sai and Mutton Pork on foot - la'ACj Vr Veal, fancy 18(f01c Hteers If9'' Cows 6(' Hpring lambs 4o Hheep, yearlings 10(u'l2c tigs' aua roiuvrj p... ...I, 37c 11(118, llVO (Hit roasters .. Cnekerel. S-ttfeMc Veaetames Radishes, dot. 3wet nuiaUies 6(ii0'A Potatoes tl.Zrm.15 Onions, local 3W4 Cabbage . - Sfetio Turnip, 2 '"J Head lettuce - W-25(o4J5 Parsnina " - - 3'c Hull Home Tracts; '.'"i(i. Blanche Vie Theer to W. J. Mauser, lot 6, Hulls Home Tract addtiion, UTood burn. Fred Shoen to John Boyer, lots 5 and 6, Brooklyn Rddtiion, Haiem; 'iu"'. Wm. Young to W. C. NaMiger, 10 acres in Towner Ravage claim, 7 2 s-nd 3 W. North Pide Investment Co. to J. E. Sullivan, lot fi. block M, North Hide addition, Hilverton. F. L. Hannon to D. H. Ferrell, lot 9, block 6, Fri key's addition, Patcm; $;:y1 A. J. Edwards to Mary A. Campbell, lot 9. block 7, Yew Yark annus; Ai0. J. W. Willson to 8nrnh E. Jones, lot 3, block 4. North Salem. presented by the rlassmates of the son of the deceased. This last was the handiwork of Mrs. Alexander. Mrs. Patic.osst came here several years ago with hrr hu'and from Pennsylvania, mid during her residence here made many friends who will feel deep sor row at her pasting and whosr sympathy will go out to thf bereaved husband and children. The three act comedy, "lost a hap erone, " given by the senior e!as of the high school Friday evening, wss played to a crowded house, and wa? very well put on and much enjoyed by the audience, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dny of Albany and r. L. tstewart of Lebanon, were Tvr Uly St .eU-It', '! ' A1II" fail. Or, yon can try the sensible, peaceful, painless, easy way and use "(lets-It. "it's easy for "Get It" to remove corn in hard to get at plnces. It's a liquid a wonderful painless for mula it has never been successfully imitated. It settles on the corn, and dries immediately . Distend of digging out the corn vou peel it out painless ly. There's no sticky plaster that doesn't stay "put", no salve that irri tates or rubs off. You reach the corn easily with the little glass rod in the nirk nf every "(Jets-It" bottle, ll doe not hurt the true flesh. Try it, trot and smile! It's a blessing; never fails. "(let 'sit," the guaranteed, money bsck corn remover, the only Hire way, costs 1mt a trifle st any drug etore. M't'd by E. Iiawrenrc . ., Chics go, III. hold in Mnlem snd recommended as the world's bet corn remedy by J. ''. Perrv, D. J. Fry. Cauliflower, flatg Winesup apples, box ... Celery, cralo I nut Oranges Lemons, boi Bsnanss 2(ri'2.25 io LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS -OF PYTHIAS MEET AT MeCornnck hnll on every Tuesdsy at 8. P. Andresen, C. C. P. J. Kuntx, K. R. A 8. ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore gon Orape camp No. 1300 meet every Thursday evening ia MeOornaek hall Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Car rie E. Bunn, 648 Union Bt; recor oer Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 N. 4th' St. Phono 1430M. MODERN WOODMEN1 OF AMERICA Oregon No. 52(6 meets every Thursday evening, s ciocsi in JlcCornack hall, over Meyers store Buy A. Grant, V. C; I". A.. Turner, clerk. UNITED AUTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 8t meets every Thursday ad 8 p. m. in Masonie Tempie. 61ena C, Niles, M. A; C, A. Vibbert, secretnrr, 310 Owens street. MONEY TO LOAN On Oond Heal Estate Kecurity Tiros, k. Fimn Over Ladd k Bush bank; Snlem Oregon i5(ri6.75 FEDERAL FARM IOANS 5 per- He Florida grape fruit, cass '(!i) Black figs lh - J'?l Whits figs, lb 19(ii,209 Package figs per bi 50 pkg tiM Honey, extracted - Eggs, dozen Creamety butter Flour, 45c The Capital Journal DaOy Market Report 2 J. R. Worden to K. W. Br.vne, 17 sncsts at J. v.. .viavo s nunuay. acres in Dorrauce Fruit Farms. 4ite a numler of the members of Oral Wheat, soft white - Wheat, lower grades oa sample Data 8 Hay, cheat -' Hav. oats tti Barley, toa - Mill run Coc bird wheat 13.15 3. 23 Portland uaraev Portland. Or., April 21). Butter, city creamery, 54(d 53c Eggs s.dected locul CX 43(ji 44c. Eggs 37(a)38e Broilers 42f.43e Oecse 17(o;20e Cheese, triplets 33(u37c DAILY LIVE STOCK MABSIt Cattls Receipts 02 Tone of mnrket weak Iiest steers $13.oU(i 14 (lood to choice steers 1 1 fi 11.50 Medium to good steers 0.30(i 10 Knir to giMid steers 8(o 9 ('(iinmon to fair steers 7.5((i 8 Choice cows and heifers 10.,H(i7 12 Uood to choice cows and heitsrs 8(5 9.73 , v Moilium to good cow( sod toilers iKfi, 1 tair to medium sows and heifers 3(u 5.50 ( anners 3(ii'4 Bulls 3fa 8 Calves !( 13.30 Htockcrs and feeders '! Hogs Receipts 332 Tone of mnrket strong Prime, mixed 2..Wu 20.73 Medium mixed $20 20.25 Rough heavies 18.50(fi 18.73 Pigs 18.73W2U Bulk fM(n 20.75 . 4Sfa50l anel 43! 44c Receipts 143 . . . cent interest. Prompt service. AYt years time. Federal farm loan bonus for sale. A. C. Bohrnatwlt, 401 Ma sonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. INSURANCE OOUNOITj-FVir fres ia formation about Life Insuranca sea J. F. Hutchnson, dist. manages for tho Mutual Life of N. Y., offica at 371 State St., Salem. Ore. Offiea phone 99, residence 1390. LAUNDRYMAN HOP LEE, expert laundryman, 439 Perry fit. I pay top market pries for chickens and Eggs. Office pbona i:(3!t.f, residence I333J. WOOD SAW PHONE 1090E Our Prices are Right W. M, ZANDLKK, Proprietor 12.35 N. Hummer St reet, 8alem, Oregoa REPAIRING STEWART 'H diU'Aitt SHOP nva just installed a machine that will sharpen lawnmnwers the same as the factory puts them out new. Bring all your light repair work to me. Al vin B. Stewart, 347 Court St. Paona 493. AUTO REPAIRING ALL kinds of auto repairing by aa ss perienced workman. Ail work guar anteed to be satisfactory. Stdiak er repairs a specialty. D. R. Moir, 203 N. Commercial. Prime liiiuba 16(a, 16.50 Fair to medium lumbs 14(il3 Yearlings ll(Vi 13 Wethers 19(6 10 Ewes ofolO.'j'J