PAJE SEVEl I THE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY i THOSE WHO LET THEIR MONEY IN SALEM STAY BEAT BY FAR, THOSE WHO SEND IT AWAY fA i JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE EEST SHiLIG 3T"9 k,aJ-f goa,s- Call IIEDIUM IN MARION C0UN1Y-TRY TEEM FOR RESULTS WANTED 'Woman to do washing once a week. Phone 5J6K evenings. 4 29 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY. APRIL 29, 1919. BUY IN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Kate per word New Today: Each insertion le On week (6 insertions) 5 One month (2t5 insertion 17c The Capital Journal will not be. re- spousiuio lor more inaa one insertion, ; for errors in Classified Advertisements I Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately if j rror oceurt. Minimum charge, 15c. KALI D'ants for sale. South Capitol and Howard St. 4 30 IR SALE Loganberry tips. Phone 373. tf KINDLING wood for sale $1 per load, corner Commercial and Cheuiekcta. 429 RABBITS FOR SALE 544 State St. 51 1 A use another pood farm hand. Phone an, C. C. Russell. tf FOR SALE-aUla bulbs lOe. 1001 Center. 5 1 WANTED Bov's wagon. 1609 Cen ter. ' 51 fl"OIt KENT Furuishel housekeeping room. 1510 SStato St. 4 29 WANTED Cattle and kind. Phone 1576W. calves any 52 BIG FIR stove wood for sale. Phone 61F14. 429 COOD. stenographer and bookkeeper wants position. Phone 1140W. 4 29 JAS. LYONS, practical painter. Phono 704 . 5 16 FARM hand wanted. Call Salem SF3, t C. C. Russell. tf WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will pay top price, Phow 1339J. tf FOR plowing or orchard work with traCtor, call 17F14. 5-28 FOB SALE Pansy plant. Maruny, 211 Miller 8t. 4-30 FOR SALE Good work team, $80; good hack and double harness $35. Phono 12F5. 5-1 FOR HALTS 10 cases White Navy soap at (5.85 per 100 bars. 1601 Center. 51 FOR SALE Auburn touring ear, in first class shape. Highway garage. tf WANTED .Loan of $500 on real es tate, good security. Call at 247. N. Comineroial. tf WOULD like to find a good home for a small boy. Address A. B 26 care Journal. 4 29 WANTED To buy mohair. East Sa lem Tannery, 2ith and Oak St. I'hone 21i0M. if LOT for rent or sale, 75x150, between Miller and Owen, on Saginaw street. Phone 1415. 52 FOR RENT Two nicely furnished housekeeping apurtments. 143 Court street. i-2t DlHCTTARflED married soldier wants steady work on farm. Address II L tare Journal. 4-29 FREE BOOKLET 'Care Baby Chicks' 544 State St. Telephone 400 Headquarters for baby chicks, tf W. BEAVER, well driller phone 827J 1165 N. 19th St, Salem, Or. 5-5 WANTED Poultry, eggs, hides and veal, heavy hens, 32c; light hens 31c. Cherry City feed bam. tf FOR SALE Throe qur.rter ten truck. In first class shape, $200. Highway earaz. tf WANTED Experienced grafters at Fruitland nursery. Phons 111F21, Sa tan Rt, 6. tf FOR SALE 5 room house, coiner lot, smalt barn, chicken house end parks all in first class shape; garden all in. 1790 N. Com. Phone 1153. 4 30 FOR! SALE yi acres of No. 1 land located 6 miles from Salem, on good road, in good location, good house and barn snd other buildings, farm implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, 5 year ling, 50 hpad of hogs, round 500 cords of wood ready cut, all at a bargain. Write M W euro Journal. tf 5! WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WEAL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAYKINS AND ROBERTS J 314 Masonic Bldg. YOCXG lady wishes position as clerk or office won. Fhone 1446. tf FOR SALE 9 ifoom modem house, lj!5 Saginaw. 1'hone 15SISR. 30 I BUY young calves. C. C. Buasell, Phone 5W. tf SALE 5 loom noder cottage 1 $.00; terms. Call room 304 Hubbard bldg. W. H., Morris. f FOR RENT 4 acTca, all la cultiva tion, ciose to car uno, una egetaoie land. Socolofsky, liayne bldg. tf FOR SALE Modern fl room bungalow See C'has. llebel 355 Chsinoketa. 522 VALL PAPER 15 eents pei double roU upward. Buren's Furniture, Store, 179 Commercial. tf FOR SALE Four room bungalow, electricity, gas, toilet; close in. 210 Mis?ion. Price $300. 51 CHRISTIAN woman for very light housework, good wages. Phone 453, call for 5. 4-29 WANTED Ciiil for housework in family of 3 Apply 1570 South Coin mere iul. tf WANTED To trade 25 acres of rich iMittom land for modern house in Sa lem. Box 223, Turner, Or. 4 29 40 ACRES good berry and pruLe land for sale. Will m'll in small tracts or whole piece. Phone 2381J. 5-19 50,000 TO 75,000 Italian prone trees for fall delivery, Fruitland nursery, l'-j miles east of state penitentiary. Phone 111F21. fit. 6, Salem. tf .S'ORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt, . Fruit trocs, roses and shrubs. Special tow prices on certain lines. Phone 111F3. tf 5 ROOM house, 2 lots, fine garden, fruit and well; clear title, on 22d street. Writo Owner, box 40 or phone 1393. - 4 30 fffi HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at a tmrgam Willam ette Yalley Transfer Co, '171 South High St. Phons 1400. tf SOOD rooming house to lease, 30 rooms partly furnished; will lease very reasonable. Inquire 500 N. Com 1 St. or phone 1549M. tf IE PAY highest eash pries for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Oo, 171 8. High St, Phone 1400. tf IF YOU want to bny, sell or trade your old auto or auto parts see Steiubock Junk Co., (Auto Wreck ers), 326 N. Commercial St. Phone 305. tf HOMESTEAD in Canada for $125. This includes fare to Alberta; board traveling and locator's expenses. Fine mixed farming district. Partic ulars at my office, only. C. W. Niemeyer, Masonic building. tf THE 480 seres in Jefferson county ad vertised some time ago, will be tak en off the market May first. This is a snap at $V000, as thero arc im provements as -well as 150 acres in crop, all tillable land boiug under Suttlo Lako irrigation project which will bo reedy to irrigate the 1920 crops. More particulars can be had by addressing or talking to advertis ing mgr. Journal. Act quick, your timo is limited. tf MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PA PER MILLS 42e HOUR, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR.F.T. BARLOW AT nOTEL ACROSS BIVER FROM ORBOON CITY. CLEAN BEDS 20c IslOIIT; BEST MEALS 85e. -5 2 ANYONE looking for a place all ready to set up housekeeping couldn't do better than buy the following: 10 acres good fruit land, 3 room house, good well, barn and wagon shed, wood house, chick house and park"; shads trees around house and barn, good garden in and fences in neces sary plaees, 1V4 acres strawberries, some logans, gooseberries, raspber ries, blackberries, pears, plums, ap ples and cherries. Everything is in first class condition and 3 Mi miles south of Salem. No incumbrances and can give possession at once. $200. Terms if desired. 3 XIV care Jenrnal. tf LOANS-6 Salem, Ore. DRESSMAKING apprentice girl want ed at room 10 lieCvruaek bldg. tt GARDENS plowed and harrowed. Phone 1601. 5 3 EOR RENT Modern 5 room house, with sleeping porch, l'houe 102OJ or call 465 N. 12th. 4 26 i)R RENT One nice apartmeat part ly furnished, very State street. reasonable. 712 429 FOR SALE Big fir. 16-inch wood, end pavement, Pilvertoa road, $5 per cord. Tel. 105F12. i -29 WANTED Steady employment in city bv returned soldier. Address Sol dier, 473 N. Cottage. 4 29 FOR SALE 3 rear lease on 195 acre farm. Geo. Doerfler, Shaw, Ore., Rt. 1, box 47. 5-11 TOR SALE Tent 12x14, 2 iron cots with springs. 1195 S. Libert v. Phone 1298. 4 29 WANTED A woman for general house work for 1 or 2 -j days every week. 167 N. Coin. St. tf WILL take good team as first pay ment on 5 acres. lit. 1, box 13. Woodburn Oi. 4 29 FOR SALE Indian Runner duck eggs for hatching, line laying sirarn, 10; cents each. I'hone 72F4. 4 29, TOR SALE 6 Toom modern bunga-i low, fine location, priced right. Ad dress E-4 care Journal. 4 29 FOR SALE 9 acres, K mile east of' end of 12th street carline, Vi acre j strawberries, 1 acre loganberries, ' young orchard, 5 room house, barn, cniekcn and nog house, good well. $2000. Jas. Callahan. 5-3' WILL rent, trade or sell store build ing, fixtures, living rooms in rear; also garage, one oak delivery box for Ford, cheap and one modern 5 room house with barn for $1200. Phone 1661 W. 5 3 FOR SALE (By owner, thirty acres of land on roek road, five miles cast of Salem; twenty eight acres in rop and orchard; six room house, barn and other fcuildings, close to school church and store. Will give terms. Wm. Donaldson, Rt. 6, box 68. 53 FOR SALE 5 room platered cottage, bath, lights, east front, silghtly lo eatiou. Price $1300, $250 down, bal anco monthly payments. 4 room plastered bungalow, basement, bath, toilet, ' lights. Price $1250, $200 down, balance monthly payments. 6 room modern bungalow, price $1350, $300 down, balance monthly pay ments. W. H. Grsbenhorst ft Co., 275 State St. -2 Better Realty Buys 3X5 aero dairy farm with absolutely first, class buildings; 75 head of stock 60 hogs; all land cultivated HJid most ly in crop, for $100 an aere. Salem is tlio nearest town. Owner would take in siiine good city property. Cozy little 3 room bungalow, lot 50x 150; nil in garden; nice location $1, 8."U. $:!30 down. $15 a month. Several good farms from 30 to 500 acres . Owners will trade for good city property. 90 acres with 30 in crop; all bottom land; good buildings; $7500. Take a $3000 houso os part pay. 23 acres near Marion; fine piece of bottom land, $3000. Take a small house a part pay. 5 acres near Munro $750. Will trade with $100 cash as part payment on Sa lem house. 10 acres all plowed; goed little house barn, chicken house, fruit house and wood shed, well; all fenced. Nice shade trees. $2000, $.'!00 down, balance to suit yourself. miles out of Salem. 5 acres all in bearing cherries; just outside city for $2000. Will give good terms. .No "Buildings. 2 acres in city with a shack, chick en hosue, well, good fruit. $1000. $100 down balance as you like. 5 3 4 acres at Auinsville. fair iuild- Ings. $1100, $500 down, balance $150 a year. 6'j seres near Monmouth with fair buildings; $2000. Installments. 4 acres all in orchard; good kotisa; running, water; fenced, $1200. Make your own terms. UNLESS YOU HAVE SEEN MY LIST. You have not found where the bar gains are. CW.MEMEYER 215 216 Masonic buildinf Telephone 1000 Easy to remember This coming week is set f C I You owe it to your aside to emphasize 1 OTTlOrrOW S OpeCialS Town Pride to BOY 111 SALEM chiffon cloth BUY III SALEM 1 40 inches wide. All shades, per 4T Cy J Watch every ad ard iOC for ' " New Extra Special r . o in . BUY IN SALEM. Evervd w Extra Special Bargains - ery aay Watch the Ads 952ND WEDNESDAY SURPRISE The real Patriot is the qmi pam;pnlao QQ0 If you make your money one who patronizes his liK 101150168 in SacR1) where own Home Town THESE TWO SPECIALS TOMORROW ONLY you ghould fpend it $21.85 SILK DRESSES . Including TAFFETAS, CREPE de CHINE, CREPE METEORS, SATINS and GEORGETTES The models in this showing are over-skirt effects; embroidered and braided tunics; plainer models in SATINS and TAFFETAS For street and afternoon wear They Save Teeth Now In a New Way. They End The Film. Countless people are now cleaning their teeth in a new way, and mod ern dentists all over America are urging other people to do the seme. PEPSODENT The New Day Dentirice and be convinced INTRODUCTORY SALE 39c Agents for if NEMO S BON TON g ROYAL WORCESTER 1 CORSETS - PABM for stile, 24 seres. 5 miles east of Salem, new buildings, 9 room bungalow. 14 oeres in cultivation, balance pasture. Writs Rt. 8, boi 25A for further information. tf I BUY junk of all- kinds, ras and bottles, metals, iron broken down autos and parts t antos. Give us a trial. SteiaWk Junk Co., S20 N. Com. St. ITione 305. tf lX)n SALE-J. I. Case threshing mt chine, si' 32a54. 1 15 horirt power Case engine; 1 18i22 Sandwich bul- "PEBECO" Mere cleansing of your teeth is not enough, you must also counteract "ACID TEETH" PEBECO DOES IT "Buy in Salem" Special 33c MOTOR WEAVE AUTO ROBES - TKY IT A most dependable AUTO ROBE. XT 4V r vi n 1 1 it lrn aiitw rt f A li'A VT in AI at $7.95 It has the weight and warmth "Buy in $5.98 You can always er; 1 liiws Enehins cutter, siz 16-in-h. C. C. Tracy, Turner, Or. 4 2!) $4WO WTIii buy If sold foon modern residence property at 1 453 Court St. 4 4x-i rooni!, sleeping poich, fire plncc, funiaie, garage, garden, Kng lifth walnuts, frui, etc. 4-2i ffR 8ALHHy owner, a fine forty, good soil, sightly, anil lies well, s.I miles south; 14 seres primes, 4 acres apples and cherries, 1 Vs arrM logans, some riittiier and a f w stumps. Six room plaotcrcd boos', good barn, two 2 LOTS OF FINE SERGE DRESSES - $18.85, $24.85 ; In these lots will be found Serges ranging in price up to $:7.50. They come in PANEL DRESSES ERAID TRUED " Every garment neat, and Strictly Dependable Salem" Special do better at good spriiiK". Ail' ei lit property sell ing at $3.)it per ai're. phone 12KK or addrc a M.15 I) St. 5 4 i'OIt SALK . 1. res, 3 acres planti-d Itnlian pru-ie ; t miles from falcm. $l-iff0, owner direct. House ae(i Inrn. 15 care Journal. " 4 1;' Fuffl) automobile minted in cichanf for liinibir. II. L. Wriiht mw jni'l. Auinsville, Or. 6 1 Oil 2 I'l: A.1T horses wanted in " change for lumber. H. L. Wriglt, saw mill, Aumsville, Or. 5 1 if . i 4 i f O r KOSE DEPARTMENT The Ladies and Children's Hose Departments are running some P Money-Saving SPECIAL this $. week. All onenngs are of the MEYERS QUALITY SWEATERS A big table of strictly "HIGH GRADE" SWEATERS In all shades and colors. Values up to $20.00 S9.65 Model your figure with a Model Brassiere "Buy In Salem Special 50c SFAG-NA-KINS The newly discovered Sanitary Napkin. Pack age of six. Special 19c. g I I SALEf l AUTO EXCHANGE 229 Slats Street If you want to bny er sell a csr come and see me. Model !0 Overland $t?50 Hi If ()ver!nd ifi'.r.o 1'i ton truck t;ade for touring rr 1!H7 ford I2S5 e hare the medicine for tire trou !c Lotj of others, corns and sc lis Open till 9 evening" rhonc eC7 . 1 1 1 f if