A'i.iai!.u:, T r v.v 9 A 3 77 Capita CHAELES H. FISHES Editor and Pablisher 6 Of 1 HQ OUYTICL MONDAY EVENING April 2S, 119 K5 u rublishcd Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. A3drM All Commanicationj To (TljfSaUiinlfllIIouraal ALEX 136 8. Commercial St. OREGON WHAT BOLSHEVISM MEANS. SUBSCRIPTION BATES Daily. It Carritr. net year . 5.00 Per Month.. Dally by Mail, per year.. $3.00 Per Month- 45e .-S5 FULL LEADED WIKE TELEUKAPU EEI'OKT Recently the Capital Journal received a communica tion asking for a definition of Bolshevism and the follow ing description of conditions existing in Hungary, told by refugees from that country, is being printed as about the most concise and comprehensive definition that can be of-1 fered. I Street fighting is increasing in Budapest The rattle of machine guns and rifle fire continues day and night Business is paralyzed. Shops and factories are closed ' and the banks are controlled by men who know nothing of j X tixz cots x'orxoccaxsa LAIATIVE Aged THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL If the only nowspapor in Salem whose circulation is guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulation! FOREIGJT REPRESENTATIVES W D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building. W. H. Stockwell, Chicago, People's Gas Building j ,. Ti Daily Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the : lAulrUJlg. I porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper j Crowds of Soldiers and Sailors hold UD men and la you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way I ,i , , i u j Van determine whether or not the carrier, 0 following instructions, phone j women on the streets, searching them for money and, Bl before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the) jewelry. They even invade Cafes and other public places j larrier has missed yon. rtarrmnrlinrr tVinr ci'drvnno TvrnrJnno tVim'f nm-coc TVion ! they collect half of the money on the pretext of "commun ism." Newspapers are operated under direction of the cen sor. All are obliged to print the same articles, furnished by the Soviets, with both the Hungarian and German text. The people, at first intoxicated by their new freedom, have returned to a normal soberness" of mind but are un able to throw off the red incubus. Free transportation has resulted in food trains being sidetracked for passenger traffic, and as a result the food shortage has become acute. The people are becoming despondent over present conditions and the number of suicides is growing alarm ingly. The cabinet spends five hours a day in wireless com munication with the Russian Soviets at Moscow. Great numbers of Russians are flocking to Budapest. No reports are allowed to leave Hungary by telegraph except those favorable to the Soviets. HUMANE WEEK. April 27 marked the beginning of Humane Week, and of all the many weeks set aside in this country for cele bration or observance none is more worth-while. Ministers of all denominations will preach sermons dealing with humane treatment for criminals. Societies banded together for the purpose will make extra effort to arouse public interest in this good cause. In the three years which have elapsed since this week was first observed studies have been made in eliminating avoidable cruelties to animals in harness, and even those doomed to death in the slaughter house find their declin ing and final end more mercifully conducted than did their predecessors. People in general have a better understanding of real kindness to animals than they did in the days gone by. Children as a rule are taught both at home and in pchool to care for their pets and to alleviate animal dis tress wherever they can. The starved and beaten horse of the peddler no longer drags his weary way along the streets. If he appears at all, some humane friend tele phones the authorities and Mr. Peddler receives instruc tions and horsey receives kindly care. It is all good work good for animals and good for people. Humane Week should receive especial attention as befits its value. !"rHE BANE of old age is constipation. The bow J, els become weak and unable to perform their functions without aid. For this purpose only the mildest and gentlest laxative should be used. Tho use of harsh cathartics aggravates the trouble rnd maker the constipation worse. Chamberlain's Tr.blets are c. favorite with people of middle age jj ani elder on account of their gentle action. Only One Way m mm, vm mmi mnmm THE PROMOTER'S WIFE BY JANE PHELPS Those professional Irishmen who are trying to raise a row in this country because of the eternal Anglo-Irish quarrel ought to be shipped back to the Emerald Isle and told to stay there. They have no business in this country with their hyphenated Americanism. This country has no more room for Irish-Americans or Scandinavian-Americans, or any other qualified Americans, than it has for German-Americans. The man who becomes a citizen of this country in the future has got to be an American, pure and simple, or he will be anything but popular with his fellow citizens. It is not so much what country a man was born in that matters, as whether he has given up his old alliance in dead earnest in order to become an Ameri can to the core. Tltose, Irish-American politicians, most of whom were backing the kaiser, morally at least, when the nation was in peril, make us extremely tired. They ought to be kicked out into the middle of the Atlantic and told to swim for shore, and the Irish shore at that. The British government is asking employers in the United States to give employment to discharged British soldiers who are being trained along technical lines, de claring that such action would do much to cement the growing bond of friendship between the two nations. Great Britain seems to forget that we have a few dis charged soldiers of our own to take care of, although we are perfectly willing to remember the Allied soldiers next. Our. friends the I. W. W. delegates who recently held a convention in Sioux City with the approval and co-operation of the mayor of that city, announce that they will hold another session in Salt Lake City in June. And the Salt Lake mayor, sheriff and a few other officials have announced that they won't. Somehow, we are inclined to believe the officials. The average war time increase in prices on all com modities in the United States was 107 per cent, according to figures compiled by the department of labor, and our bank deposits during that time increased three fold. Considering that in France, where bank deposits only doubled during the war, prices rose 235 per cent above normal it may may be that we haven t as much to holler about as we thought. A FULL CONFESSION me 'Will t" I if it is possible." "I know you will," I replied, walk injj to the door with him, already hup with'P'er. 1 hud at least shitted my load upon nrii;'.d Moulders. (Tomorrow Harbtira Spends Die Evening Alone.) NEW RECORD SET CHAPTEH I. XX. von remain to dinn asked, as I returned to mv guest. "Mr. Forbes is not able to come home. He hud to dine with some out of town men. We wiH'ordcr the car ami take a drive through the park, so that you will not be bored. Disregarding; Nl,w Yolki Apri, Bii-A npw n.ori(1.8 my invitation Mr. rredenck asked: lrm)r,, f()r lom, vai,,s iml()llr WM ,.,,,. Does tins wouuHi w 11 you said lished in Brooklyn last night when Joie your husband vis. ted with his out of- Hav of Chicago, stepped it in 2 minutes, r ..,,. .in- ,, 25 P(,nms. Homer Baker and Jack nrr liuauauu, ims sue oner ' iler husband died a short time ago. She is received to a certain extent in good society although she always has been very unconventional. ''You aren't jealous of herf " he ask ed the question haltingly, not looking at nie. 'Xo, und yes I am not really jeal ous as one usually thinks of ieuiousy, Sellers were badlv outdistanced by Kay. Ground For Packing Plant Here Broken Yesterday Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock ground was broken for tho Valley Pa k- yet I am jealous that he spends h.s tin.o 0f Halem by Steiudoff & .Cross. About with her. ,J w'k ago the contract was awarded to I see. VV oil I do not think I shall j. F. Lennon of Portland and instruc aeeept your invitation to dinner tonight, tfons were given to push tho work at I will hunt up lorbss and so if I nnt n.. wnrUin .,.i.,. trail along with his outfit. Excuse my j, thought that the contractor will' be expression, but I too am western, you able tn rt.divnr ih tl,n w;i . know. I will drive witn you, tl.en go p,,te by December 1 of this yew and to his office Perhaps you let mo telo- that before the beginning , , ,wlr P "nr,.,'l . ti. i 1920 th0 "1,mi wi" bc in fuU l'"ation. "Certainly." The door was open. Mr. ti.,. n... i.. . . Frederick talked rather lounv. so I!f. .'.,t ' ' " T . L. touldnot help overhearing his conversa- be of cement and steel as well n. rl.n iMU w" ramo 10 1110 we-1 main building, and the outlay for these """" ""- t irci .11 I Lira ueuu, mi is rreoeruK. Arc you $112 000 Kuing ro lie uisengngeu tins evening? i eei anyone i Know vou don't why yes, if you are suro I miHin,. in 41m n.,il. -I., tl. . .1 . . , i in ii.iilition to the basement. Jm the (iood bye. amount to ubout With working muchinerv in stalled, the plant will represent an im- say vestment of 130.000. won't be Tl,B main hnililmo U f l, Ill I 1 1 mil tn . in I, no. ,,... SUItS me 1 11 tie UlOinilt. i.lrnn ; f l.. I ::.... ,. uviiiB jicssrs. Meusioif & Cross called In spe I'llil n h 1 1 nit a nh., I.... I f . Nothing like fishing," he lr.ughed , mour mm! for Swift. After nil contrncts i-oriit'H nil. with me. as h However long that peace treaty may be, it won't be as long as the speeches of the United States senators, when they come to discuss it. RIPPLING RHYMES By Walt Mason MY GARDEN. My garden sass begins to grow, with ring-tailed squashes in a Tow, and onion sets in line; the valued plants are looking pale, the Brussels sprouts, the luscious kale, but weeds are doing fine. If weeds were only good to eat, my garden plot would be a treat, a sight for jaded eyes; if jimpson weeds were good to boil, and didn't taste like castor oil, my crop would be a prize. If beans would grow like cockleburs my girls would all be wearing furs, and loaded with long green; and 'Id be strictly up to date and ride around the town in state in my own limousine. If cabbageheads would only thrive, as thistles do, and keep alive in time of drouth or flood, I might enjoy this sowing feeds, and wrestling with the husky weeds, and clawing in the mud. I have to coax tcmato plants, protect them from the bugs and ants, and shield them from the sun; I have to nurse them day by day, and then they wilt and fade sway, their course too quickly run. My beans have gone to kingdom come, the radishes are on the bum, they shriv eled in two days; but gorgeously the milkweeds grow; if they were worth two cents a throw they'd be blamed hard to raise. Buy at home this week and next week, and the week after. Loyalty to your community and the neonle amonc whom you live will go far toward giving you standing and influence among your fellows. The community that is good enough to make money in should be good enough to pend it in. When May Day has passed safely and the Germans have signed the peace treaty then the era of prosperity is due to begin. The millionaires must have taken a liking for prunes the way the prices are soaring. Wilson seems to have made Rome howl. I have something t (lid something while Iliad been conimmwl it wna f....,..) !... to tell you. western architects were better posted il was aw.iv ! .,.n.i;t;..,. i... . ... that .inured him. I l,v,.'. y, n, ,;'". ' " u"u " " Jm to ell him just why I did it ; that it j One of the features of the plant of in no lack of faith in bun that urged mo,, crest t0 the farmer is the nmmuu'e- " "gui uerore ment that part of .... in. nu.-, hiiu ins or rnoso win lire- l.o ........ A . t .1... 1 went eoiildu 't wh;.t I nis pri-1 tend to be friendly to him down to his office to see if I find something to refiiute thought, still think, were lies, ..lit' oiiu-e as iuckimi, niio so or course1 I failed. I told him I had gone down ! there, and niv reason, so far as he' would yet. But he was very angry. " j "1 ilii't really w.iml, r. Vou see 1 1 kind: id stockyard will ilisposal of the farmer a week for the sale of slock of nil Major fienernl William II. .lohuslon formerly cimiinandiug thf !lst division in France, has been assigned to the cuiiinnnd of Camp Lewis. Tac ma police are of tlm am honest wtih you. Vo maa wanlslthal the death of Orville Billings kist anyone, even his wife. TH"m.ngtnjj ' Tuesday night s caused by "a 8lu,t among ins nusiness jiapers. it would, trom a gun held in his own hnnts tempers their Constipated Children Gladly Take California Syrup of Figs" For the Liver and Bowels Tell your dniggist you OiKfrnia Syrup of Figs." want genuine Full directions and dose for babies and children of all ages who arc constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue toated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on Hie bottle. Look for the name "California" and accept no other "Fig Syrup." cause most rucn to loso if it were dune." "You also blame met" "Yes. You should have waited and told him what yon had heard, and given him a chnnce to explain or not as he chose." ''But I couldn't ber.r to wait. Mr. rowers told Lorraine's father not to DAILY HEALTH TALKS What 18 The Cause of Backache? (By I KM TOH (1U KLL) Backache is perhaps the most com inon ailment from which women suf fer. Rarely do you find anybody free from it. Sometimes the cause i. ob- put any money into his, Neil's schemes, re, but Dr. fierce, of Buffalo, X. warned him that he would lose it if hol " a niKn medical authority, says the did, adding that he, Neil was doing fauso '9 very often a form 'of catarrh crooked work. ' f the feminine organs. When these 'l'owers urn that's too bad. He's nrKan" sro inflamed, the first symp a pretty, big man, not tin.iow one'!01" 's backache, accompanied by bear either." , jing.town sensations, weakness, nn "Yes, nnd I so wanted Mrs. rowers ' wealthy discharges, irregularity, ptiin to be s,t my afafirs." , fu' periods, irritation headache nnd a "I'm 1 see. A wheel within a wheel, funeral rundown condition. Any wo Tlmt was why your friend advised jrotiiman in condition is to be pitied. to give up tee Men ot doing the society . "' " ""s noi cure, the trouble but pitv-(.es cuis ior nr. rierce s Favorite Tre scription, which is a separate and dis tinct medicine for women. It i, made of roots and herbs nut itn without !. or opiate of anv kind, for Dr. nothinff else in his tiro. cohol rierce net at present f ' "Yes 1 am so mortified." "Had vo.i sent out invitations?" "No but intended to this week." "Oon't!" Then: "I don't know much .mitt society, hut T know rnn xnA ' 'or"' ,r,es . . . ... ... r..,tmn X'.. . T. . 1 rton t want you to tie fturt. II rowers i rcscnption is a is slamming Tour husband be sure Mrs. I """""I remcdv for women, for the Powers will slara vou. Just put off this vcg0,i,l'I; Erow'n of which it is made tinrtv idea until I have hsd a look ln'?"''VC hnve hen intended by nature and see what I can do if nnvthiep 1 ft?r, 1 f'? rTO'e- Thousands of to set Forbes right. He probably CJfT" womPn' y"" and old, have been foolish, and given people "some ' ,,. 8,1,1 noHsands have written cause to talk. I shall known more after P."""1 1',''rs o Vt. Tierce saying I have dined with that bunch tonight." m"rte "l0 wpl1- In ,aki"X Favor "Arevoa going to Mrs. Orton'sl" V" 1 ""'P'"n, it is reassuring to "1 judge thev niav be going to as 1 7 ,raiKnt to the cause vour husband told me to meet him at ' C trou,.'1'- There is but one way to the club. Now don't worrv. I goes, on l"v"fon'' "'"Des, and that is to over seeon.1 thought I won't drive with vou.jtZ p' Tlnt U. t might make it convenient to nr l1 Prwription i, intended some business with Towers before; a , , . . . . . . nil.t. You o. .. rv ,v I,, . " T r"K- r lamer. lour big brother has it in charge. Re sure I shall find some war to help yon not to wor"'-' Addresg Invali Y. ds' Hotel, Buffalo, N. j Constipated women, as well as men, inre advised by Pr. Fierce to take his jFleasant Pellets. Thcr ,re just aplen- Not only this, but every week should be "Buy in Salem" week. There is only one way to build up a town, and make it what it should be, and that is to be loyal to it in every way. And how in the world can we be loyal when one is spending his or her money elsewhere. Those "Bee" Electric Vac uum Cleaners do the work required of them. The manu facturers of this cleaner have for ten years specializ ed on electric vacuum clean ers and can truthfully say they have learned how to produce the best. They stand back of this cleaner with their absolute guarantee against any defect of either material or workmanship, and they "make good". It is not necessary to pay $45 to $60 for an electric cleaner, when you can get one to do the work for $37.50. All we ask is to get one of those high priced cleaners. Then have us send you a "Bee" in competition, and af ter giving them a good trial if the "Bee" does not please you better, we will gladly take it away and no ques tions asked. The motor to this cleaner has a powerful specially de signed suction and a brush that will pick up the cling ing lint, litter and threads, so that it is not necessary to I stoop and pick them up after wards. The inter-gear driv en brush is also more dur able and will not injure the most delicate rug or fabric, and the price is only $37.50. FOR FURNITURE OR FLOOR COVERINGS SEE US FIRST- Chambers Chambers 467 Court St. BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS r4 for