Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 29, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Economical, Delightful, Light Fhce
44 --
COURT house :
4tt MtttUHHH
to Trade'
J ",--: rv -- v:' :
la the case of Benjamin Bowdcn ver-
it Kiirrk K Hiiwitfn an nril.r til is-
JUu.'J that f rv ire should be b.T public
jtion, as the defendant could oat b
1 1 found in Oregon.
A decree baa bee a issued by the eir
euit court in the rase of Alice E. Page
versus Henry Fawk, wherein the plain
tiff is (riven judgment for (1112, wits
k'j attorney's fee and (31.50 costs.
The Bridge Luncheon club will be
entertained by Mrs. Henry W. .Mey
ers tomorrow afternoon . .Members of
the elub are ilr. William Boot. Mrs.
W. H..Eldridge, Mrs. John J. Rob
erts, Mrs. T. A. Uvesley, Mrs. T. C.
Smith, Jr., Mrs William Melvin Plimp
ton, Mrs. Joha H. Me.Nary, Mrs. W ai
ter Melteugal, Mrs. J. L
Van Dvren
To satisfy this judgment. It is ordered Un- Henry W. Meyers.
that eight lots in Nob Hit! aoXiiuvn ;o
I Salem and four lots in Walnut Grove
I.J.Iitin. In Knli.m k. 9nrnmA
A stunning sweater wil add variety to your wardrobe.
No ether piece of apparel will help to do it as welL
Our collection consists of all wool and sli sweaters
and sEp-on. Colors, size and styles to suit Ladies and
We Offer Extra
Special at
A?! Wool Zephyr, sleeveless ,slip-on. Colors, China
blue, turquois, buff, cherry, old rose and salmon for
$1.79. "
In the ease of John . Farris versus
J. M. Watson, a pettiion has been tiled
that the objections to the cost bill be
placed on the docket for hearing next
motion day.
B. B. Herrick, . M. I-aFore ana 4.
X. Skaife, referees appointed br the
court to divide the lund in dispute in
the suit of E. C. Xaftxger against M. L.
Jones, have rendered their derision. It
is that 10 seres of the laud in dispute
be awarded to the plaintiff ana mat
the remaining 147.52 acres be awarded
the defendant. The land is iu T. 6 8. R.
2 W. It cost (tjO.50 to have the three
referees go over the land with a surveyor.
The estate of Carl M. Anundson, who
died April 14, 1919, is valued at about
('iuOO in reHl estate and (H00 in per
sonal property. By a will, the widow,
Carrie Auundson, was appointed us ex
eeutrix to serve without (jiving bond.
The court appointed as appraisers, Toi
let Anundson, T. P. BiBtoigon and J. W.
0. W. Humphrey, E. O. Berkley and
Hugh BUycu were appointed appraisers
of the estate qf Thomas 8. May, who
died April 9, 1919. Ida M. May, the
widow we appointed administratrix.
Ia the matter of the estate of Archie
Ray Gibbons, the administrator George
W. Gibbson mado his final report to Salem, last evening from the Presidio
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Bennett were
hosts at a delightful dinner party Sun
day, ia honor of Mis, Ella Bennett of
Horningside. The table was prettily
centered with aareisn and the rooms
were decorated with white and purple
lilacs. Covers were laid for Miss Ella
Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd llairten
hein, Miss Pearl Printz, Miss Myrtle
Ireland, Mis, Birdetta Bennett, Miss
Frances Cameron. Bert Thorn-ton, Wal
lace Bennett, Carl Butte, Morris Race,
Robert Bennett, Claude Stanton, YV. J.
Kent and Mrs. and Mrs. Ellis Ben
nett. The senior music class of Sacred
eart academy will be presented in a re
cital tomorrow evening in St. Josephs
hall at 8:30 o'clock. Everyone who is
familiar with the former recitals of
the school knows that he can expect a
rare musical treat. Piano, violin, harp
and vocal solos will be featured.
Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock the
junior class will be presented. The
publie is cordially invited to attend
both recitals.
Msr. D. W. Pugh mis charming
hostess at a delightful "500" party,
Saturday evening at her home on
North Winter street, followed by a de
licious "crab supier." The table was
beautiful centered with white ana pjr
ple lilacs, the same decorative note be
ing earned out in the outer rooms.
Twelve guests enjoyed the hospitality
of the hostess.
Lieutenant F. M. Phelps arrived in
the county court. The report was ae
cepted and approved and the admiuis
trator relieve of further liability.
- 44
Blocd Purifier And Real
Springtime' Tonic.
Take it yourself and givo it to the
children, fur it's a purely vegetable
laxative tea thnt acts gently, yet ef
fectively, driving out all poisonous
waste matter and making you feel bet-
In ;..!. nivotf i. ....... ...I-
K. (I. Oeder has been nmiointed irinir- L ...! .V-s . , ,. . ,
urn .iu i i,,i ,i ,..i, -,,., ..i .1.,,,, . , ... , , ,' ', niiiiien ti'ihiii ineir yoiiinrui loose una
...A - . rJV , ""un K" ,,,r- " ""I deling by regulating their .vstem
. . ' "' """I juugeii insane, l lie guilriliun IS onlerol 1 i, ,...: w;,i, .i.:,
ia San Salvador yesterday, the stnte de-ito make n inventory of the estnto, to f,,milv rPme,lv
partment was advised tndnv. Hlight mnnnger tume and to render account lii'MsBWBswnaaBl
hocks recurred it InterviiU during the the county court from timo to 'time. ' MaWaasVaWWBMHM
San Salvador Quake KiHs
40 And Injures Many More
Tress.) Forty
April 20. (1'nited
persons were killed.
The American legation at Bun Sulvn
dor, though diimnged, is still standing.
Nn Americana so far are listed among
the casualties.
Tho final account of Olo . Loe, lA
in'inistrntor of the estate of Muthilda
Qunll, hns been approved and nccepreil
by the county rmirt ami the administra
tor relieved of liability.
safe reliuble
uy at Home Week
Build Up Your Own Community
Have you ever bought away from home and got something that was not
what you wanted, yet you kept it? If you had bought it close to home, you
would have returned it.
When you purchase your supplies near home you are building up your own
locality, paving your roads. Huying Victory bonds. Besides getting service
you are making your HOME MORE VALUABLE.
MillineryVisit our millinery department. Don't buy a hat from a pic
ture or description. You may even see a hat that you would like, yet it
would not become you. Try them on, then you make no mistake. Accommo
dating clerks at your command. Reasonable prices.
for a two wocks visit with his ff
and daughter, Margaret, who have been
visitang with Airs. I'helps' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. P. Springer, during the
lieutenant's absence. "Lieut. Phcls
was with company 11, Mst division, and
was wounded during tho heavy fight
ing in the Argonne sector. Upon re
ceiving his discharge, he and his fam
ily will go to Portland where Mr.
I'holps will resume his law practice.
MVs. Kd Welter, who has been visit
ing in California, returned to her home
bi Satoui laat Saturday.
. .
Tho Yeoman loile will sponsor a
social dunce, Wednesday even;ng April
:)0, t tho Mil sonic Temple. This will
bo tha last dance of the season and
will be in the form t a shirt waist
and middy dame.
. . .
Marshall Hooper from the state ex
aminer's office is a guest at the Im
perial hotel in Portland.
Mrs. V. L. Purvinc had as her din
ner guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Truman Northup of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pcncer, who
have tieen attending the tractor show
in Walla Walla, returned to fnlem
yesterday. luring their absence they
visited with Mrs. lencer's mother,
Mrs. J. M. Cloyd, and while in Port
land were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Skinner.
Those who have heard Madame
Schumann lleitik sing and have grown
to love the famous prima donna be
cause of her wonderful voice and
friendly personality, will be interested
to know that her son, Henry Schumann
lleink, is nmnng the officers of the
II. 8. S. Oregon, who are visiting in
Portland. Knsign Schuniann-lleink is
domiciled at the Multnomah during the
battleship's stay in the Portland hnr-bor.
T '
T ' '
T ' '
T ' k
T ' '
T ' '
in Salem Week
Dress Offerings of Special Interest to the Women
of Salem
$16.4S, $17.73, $24.75, $31.73
Wanted FabricsWanted Styles Wanted Colors
Serge, Taffeta, Combinations of Georgette and Taffeta
Crepe de Chine and Georgette, all are made by skilled
workmen; the materials are all good quality and you will
find a good assortment of sizes to select from.
$16.48, $19.75, $24.73, $34.73
Women's Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe waists in' J
a full line of shades and sizes, some slightly crushed from
display. Choice $4.98
Women's and Misses Wool Sweaters in Tuxedo and Sport
Styles. This lot includes a sample line of Extraordinary
values, $8.98.
Ed. &irtiilnt (Eo.
Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon.
t-4 444 44444
I 1 or Headache
Rub the forehead
icmpies wiin
iuuk 0OY6UARD"-30'.60c7ir2O
With this added weighty rcuBon for the I the principle laid down in tho histor
observance of Memorial dR.v, no com
niunity should let the day puss without
fitting recognition. And I can conceive
of no recognition nioro fit than the for
mal observance of it in the school
Engineer Cupper left toduv for Cen
tral Oregon, where he will visit a num
ber of big irrigation projects within a
75 mile radius of Bend. Among others
will be the Squaw Creek bsin where
the farmers nre organizing an irrigation
district and have requested the certifi
case of Marbiiiv vs. Madison, with
decision by Chief Justice Marshall, in
which the eminent jurist ceted rather
upon the urgent ned and public import
of the mutter in hand rather than upon
the subtle teachnicul'itics of the enso
and thereby established for all time it
precedent and principle in interpreta
tion aiming at the intent nnd uuiiiir.to
effect in pubjic policy. This brief also
follows the line of that of Judge Lowell
in the contention thut Mr. Olcott is gov
ernor of Oregon in fact and in person
not a mere functionary upon whom
showered congratulations upon the hnp
y pair. Those present were Rev. and
Mrs. S. S. Mumey, Rev. and Mrs.
. L. Lovell, Mr. ami Mrs. P. .1.
!arsen, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Beers 'ion of fL'n.Oon worth of bonds for lils mporniily placed tho duties of tl
.... . nun .uia, ,1 . nemn eriin. Air. fiiwl , bhiuii iiiiKtiiiuii urn eci. Jic will U SA u,l,""
Mrs. Jlasmnsseii, Mrs. ti. a. Thomp- jstop at the Ocochee project iu the Prine
son, Mrs. ttuth Hair and bnby Doro- vlllp region
thy Marie. Mrs Aspinwall, Mrs. S. E.
Oliver, Mrs. Bays, Mrs. J. W. Car
ver, Mrs. tHto Busch, Mrs. Roscoc
liallantyne, Mrs. Bnrham. .Miss Paul
ine Keuungton, Freddie
The prominent legal firm of Wood,
Montague & Mnttlieisen, uf Portland,
hfLVM lil.lllV fil..l livinf I.. -
N'ewton M..m.v Iw T...ii ..-.'!-. "on, in willed there 18 tin
lJf ' JWIIJI, .1119, 11 ,
II. Hark, Mrs. Frank Shedeck. Mr.
and Mrs. Fj-ncst Bnshner of Portland
and tho hosts.
Man Has Miraculous Escape
"1 was told by our family uhysiciuii
mat i could not live withuut an opei
ation, as my liver and gall suck were
in such a condition. I set tho day to g
to the hospital, but then 1 saw tho ad
vertisement of Mnyr's .Wonderful
Remedy. Since taking it I am feeling
like a two year old. I am sure 1 never
could have survived an onrratiun. " l:i
qualified endorsement of the excellent
brief submitted recently by Judge Low-
en, ot I'enilleton. The same iniiin ureie-
dent ii cited, and there is a comparison
between the Oregon constitution and
tne l nited Mates constitution in the Ms a simple, harmless preparation that
inner or iransrer or otticc by the i removes the catarrhal mucin from tl''
death of the chief executive. The brut intestinal trat t and allays the inflam
states that it would be remarkable if niation nhich causes practically alt
the Oregon constiution on turn point "'mneh, liver anil intestinal ailments,
could be construed exactly opposite m including appendicitis. One dose wi'l
the intent of the Vniied Statin const i- j'onvincp or nmniy refunded. .1. C.
tut ion. It was the intent of the found ' Perry. Capital lrug tore. and drug-
coiy of the Oregon Memorial Annual ' r"K"n shollK1 h"vc a ronl Rov-lR1 eveiywhcre.
with r.. view to emphasizing the i
Superintendent Churchill is todav
uiniiiiig out to the teachers of Oregon a
siunifi- m,t a met(' 't "ffieio or acting I
canee of Memorial dav. It gives the J,ln,'!",lll,rv- if the constitution really
rules of flag etiquette, quotations from 'I T , 1 m "'"''W.v of state
Lincoln and from several famous Ameri- ."' . " mrrp loi'um tonei.s, upon
Mr. and Mr. .1 f n.r.:.. ...'a writers, and a number of poetic """'"'" iiuues. oi I e governor's of
...... . . .... lm, i,,. . .!.. i ' I ice llevn vpi l,.,r.i
entertainirt'' as their guests their
daughter, Mrs. P. E. Bauer and her
son of Seattle.
Henry W'esley, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Thielscn, who has been visiting
his grandmother, Mrs. II. H. Thiel
sen in Portland, returned home vester-
Ralph Hnvnes, who has been with
lirems thiii knv ..,,. .... ..... ..e ... "" devolved, there miilit urinn i.l
- - m . nut iii uie i - v '
world conflict, including the immortal lcl!s.f,"tr0V,1'au'" nst o his duties i;nd
verws of McCrae "In Flanders ,'"VI,'2,,- I was the evident int nf of
FirlilH," nd thc.t of Chnrle, Buxton '"nut il ntioti that the secretary of
Uoing " Red Robed France." The lit- 'J"0, 0,1 tho r(,"10vl of Ihe governor,
tie booklet will be found very helpful , " 1 h7,me Ko'fnor in every SeSe
in making up the Memorial day pro- worlJ-
gram. In his note of introduction Sn-
perintcinlent Churchill says in part: Huperiutendent Bennett, of the state
Maeren as the day hns been in onr un"i uepai tmcut, recently declined
9-4 Bleached Tepperell The Best Mohawk 9-4
Sheeting 9-4 Bleached Unbleached
Yard 5:',c Sheeting Sheeting
" Yard 6.1c Yard&?c
Long Clth :!(i.inch Nainsook founds
a'd2oc I&cYard 63c
Figured Dainty i prettv
Lawns . UJf
Neat Dimity Flaxons
Fatterns And Voile Yard
Yard Yard 20c 29c and 25c
...., iwi H.r, int. rear irs nienninff im. f " uiu anu-irn ui lnenrnnrattm,
the A. E. i for more than a year. I ,"",'n hrotdened and enriched bv our fot 8 ,n'r,l hank at St. Johns, en the
and who fought in five battles, is a 1 Participation in the world war. lt is ground flint another bank at that point
lining men, that in our observance of "ns wnrranted by the conditions,
the duy this year we give thought to T,1 """orporntors have nppcnicii lom
its widened scope, and that we render "'e order of the board, and s heurii.o u
One of the plrasnnt social eventg of tribute to the memory of that vast thul- flernnon before Governor Ol-
the past week occurred last Friday titude of men of'all nations who In the eott-
evening at tne new home of Mr. and recent war made the supreme sacrifice.
wre. w . . riarR. 4 .North 24th
guest at the home of hi, sister, Mrs.
u. vt . rugh
Aostein & Greenbaum
2 10 and 216 Commercial Street.
m m t m4 mmf
street. Jt was in the nature of a sur
prise party and as ueh was a complete
success. The I'nited Kvangeliral
church friends met at the home of
Presiding FJdcr S. S. Mumey, and
when the hour was appropriate wend
ed their way to the home of the
(larks, singing "Blest be the tie that
binds" as thev entered and in a relied
through the vatious Toms. Rev. (1.
i i . n . ...
!. urn-it, pastor or tne rioek, in s
few wvll chosen rcnr.irkp expressed the
conlial seii .imr nts of those present,
isftcr which Kcv. Mumey conducted s
J short devotional. The ladies of the
i Woman's Heme and Pttreijn Mission
ary society then presented the Clarks
I with a beau. ful jarriinere in which
vut a largo house fern. The entire
lsrty at the invitation of the Mumcys
returned to their home where a plesi
jnnt hour of music and conversation
followed. The evening closed with re
freshments. For those who may not
'reeoirnine the nntne. lr. V tl
Clark, it might be well to say she was
formerly Mrs. lh.rsey, who served so
efficiently a few years ago as police
matroa. Since assuming her new name
scr many Waiem friend, have not had
the opportunity to pay their resjieets
enuws, as she lived until the past
month cn the fruit ranch and farm of
Mr. 'lark near Turner,
Accordingly in addition to making
the couple feel welcome the guetts
65 Loganberries
;w -V
fi'-ji, - x
Are used t? flavor one
Jiffy-Jell dessert. The juice
is condensed and scaled in
a vial.
Thi3 13 one cf our best
fruit flavors. Compare it
wiA the olj-styte quick
gclatitic desscrtr.
10 flacon, of Year Cmctr't
2 Pacttmi for 25 Cm ft
lri.ll ... ! ....I -.11 . ..
or vi ens. or t no iiirance
department, has had his attention call.
ed to the fact that there is evidence of
a combine of insurance companies in
I the state fo, the purpose of fixing of
;ine raies on nomis issued by snrety
companies to public officials. ' The ease
,of County Treasurer Lewis, of Multno-
mail, was cited, he havintr been com.
Veiled to pay 50 per cent more for his
s.iii.uiHi honit thr.n he has paid in the
The heating granted to V. A. Bass in
the governor's office yesterday att.r-
noon regarding the establishment of a
j third bank at St. Johns, was an exnaus
jtive one, and resulted only in the hank
jing board Inking the matter under ad
visement. Mr. Bas. was re inforced in
; presenting his cast-" bv Or. Mulkey, of
m. .ionn, and ( onrad P. Olson, who
ism nown pir.usihle arguments in favor
of the incorporation, while aiainst it
were representatives of the Peninsula
Shin Building company, the Peninsula
National bank, and the Firt Trust
Savings bank of St. Johns, all of w'.intn
snnported Superintendent Beimel in his
refusal t0 r.pprovc the articles of incor-
j The w-ennil brief to be filed this week
(in the case nf Olcott vs. Hoff is that
of the l-cn' firm of Cnrev & Kerr, of
Portland, who Use their argument upon
I nifiwg.il. I
Ia Shoe Service
The fit and wear of Queen
Quality famous shoes means
utmost raine at all times.
Their style and exclusive fea
tures have built a reputation
for satisfaction shared by ef
cry wearer. Make the your
first choice this season.
415 State St. 114 Liberty St.