Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 28, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Infernal M
it To
Oil lfldl v v Q
Mayer Kansca Ttrcugb
Mail Fails To Expose
sag " " " 'Trr aT1 IjMlV WHWynii -y ag lef Wai , nyjifry -
I Oily 2 Days Left I
of the Joe Haines5 Stock of
Merchandise and Fixtures
This stock and fixtures must be closed out regardless of prices.
' Act Quick
If this stock is not disposed of immediately it will be moved to Portland.
Your Last Chance
Remarkable values in Arrow Dress Shirts, 49c each.
Rocking chair Union Suit (Same as B. V. D.) special, 98c.
Mixed lot of Arrow and other brands soft collars, 2 for 23c
Men's high grade Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Neck
wear, Working Men's Clothing, etc., appeals to the careful buyers.
Regular silk sox, value $1 for 49c
Buster Brown, all colors, regular
50c, for 23c
Cooper's light weight union suit,
regular $2.50 for $1.63
Heavy cotton rib union suit,
regular $2.50 for $1.73
$2.50 Straw sailors 98c
$4 Panama hats ...$2.49
$: Men's cloth hats .....$1.74
$4 and $4.50 dress hats $2.08
$2 and $2.50 wool caps $1.49
$1.00 silk and canvas hats 65c
75c leather belts 49c
A few uncalled for
Men's Tailored Suits
At very reasonable prices
75c B. V. D. shirts and drawers....39c
$1.75 B. V, D. union suits $1.34
$1.75 Derby rib union suits $1.25
75c Balbrigan shirts and drawers 39c
$3 Jersey wool sweaters $1.98
$1.25 heavy work shirts 85c
75c heavy suspenders 39c
Heavy cotton rib, 2-piece suit,
" regular $2.50 for $1.65
Cooper's regular $5 union suit $3.73
Cooper's 2-piece, $5 suit for $3.73
Hanes 2-piece suit, regular $1.50
garment for. 89c garment
$5 silk dress shirts $3.98
$2 dress shirts $1.24
$2.50 dress shirts $1.49
$3 flannel shirts $1.98
25c Arrow stiff collars 15c
75c men's neckwear 39c
25c men's neckwear 15c
A new lot of
Berg Hats
Regular $5.00 at $3.98
$2.50 khaki pants ..$1.85
$3.50 whip cord pants $2.49
$1.00 leather gloves 65c
$4.50 khaki coveralls $2.98
15c canvas gloves 10c
10c hemstitched handkerchiefs 5c
$2.25 heavy blue and blue and
white striped overalls $1.63
rVttl Wash. April An
infernal rnach;ne of surfieient
power, affording to the police,
to blow out the entire side of
the " county city building wag 4c
discovered in mail addressed to
Mayor Hanson and opened at
his offices this moriiing.lt fail-
ed to explode, although the
glass container, holding sul- 4
phuric acid designed to set off
the tomb. tiroke. The machine
was aent from New York. ae-
fording to the postmark. May-
or Hanson ta in Colorado mak-
ing a vii-tory loan campaign for
the government.
M. H. Stronse, auditor of
the (niilding department, who
handles the mayoralty wail ia
the absence of the mayor V sec-
rotary, U. A. Conklin, while
the latter is on tour with Han-
am, opened the dread pack-
It was wooden tube about
e.i;ht inches in length and on 4
and one half in diameter. The
return address wa that of Gitn-
bel Bros.. 32d and 33d streets
and Broadway, New York city
The package was sealed o
when it was opened small ,
phial of acid broke. On the in-
side and tightly packed were
three dynamite caps wrapped
together with thread '.above
about a third of a stick of dy-
namite. The caps were diseol
ored by the small drops o' acid
it reached.
Congressman Hawley returned last
night from lu sojourn in the upper
valley, where he visited a number of
points where there were matters ot
public importance to be investigated,
incidentally waking addresses on sub
jects of iiationnl interest. One event
of special interest was a visit to his
old home near Monroe, in Benton cooa
tv. where a crowd of hi8 old. friends
and neighbors cot together at the
church, called upon him for an ad-
dies and made him the guest of hunor
at an old fashioned farmers dinner.
Tomorrow Mr. Hawley loaves for Til-
jumooK anu owier "is'inus uu iv v-vooi
to lOOK 1UIO proposed naruw project a.
Quick IMerence'To Firms That Gi?o Service On Short;
Where Buyer And Seller Meet We
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salem Electric Co., Hasonie Temple, 127 North High-
Jiaia 1200
corner Commercial and Trade streets
Bill payable mental ia adranc.
ITicms 600.
Jellies and Jams now on sale
in prominent groceries of
Ask for PHEZ Jellies and
Jams, (Orington temporary
They - are high grade Salem
grown and preserved pro
W. O. Nicmeyer knows what It means
to be Binrooiied. Yesterday evening he
was out in a abut in tnc river anu
j found the current bo strong just north
of the ' Southern Pacific railroad
(.br.iilge.that ho found it advisnblo to
make for the island in the center of
the river. There he sent out the usual
I signs of distress which included wav
ing a lantern and his handkerchief, at-1
tached to a pole. After two or three Phnno vntif trhl nrr nf
Made from Pure Fruits and
Pure Cane Sugar.
FOB SALE 120 acre of No. 1 land
located 8 miles from Salem, aa good
road, in good location, good house
and barn and othtr buildings, farm
implements, 4 hones, 5 cow, 5 year
lings, 50 head of hogs, round 500
cords of wood ready cut, all at a
bargain. Write M W care Journal.
FOR SALE A good double team har
ness, will trad for hay or grain,
or will exchange for good dry wood
See Square Deal Realty eoinpaar
Phone 470
It is a trifle expensive not to ob
serve the city ordinencis while driving
past a street car when said ear ia tak
ing on or discharging passengers. The
new ordinance provides that the au
tomobile aiut atop and wait uutil all
passenger are on or off, if going in
the same direction as the street ear.
If on the other eide aud going in an
opposite direction, the auto must be
brought to a full stop, and then pro
ce edslowly. Three arrests were made
Sunday for violution of this, ordinance
L. K. St iff lor of 2H South 23d
street paid $5 into the city treasury
today for not being careful enough at
State and Commercial. F. L. Miller
of Kilyerton broke the ordinance at
Liberty and State and put up $5. N.
A. Webb of rural route 8 was arrest
ed for passing a street car while pass
engers were getting off. Ho appeared
before Recorder Race this morning
and waa given until 9 o'clock tomor
row morning to plead guilty or not
of piano, a new and logical sacthodi
for both pupil and teacher, making
dear all basic principle necessary
to a musical education, aud giving
the "music teacher" something to
teach. 421 Court St. Phone Zoi.
For bargains ia new and accoajfcand
goods for the house, furniture, rang
es, heaters and stoves, rugs, sewing
machines, jrranitcware, dishes, suit
cases, trunks and tools. We want
your old furniture and stoves, will
pay yon highest fash price. See us
last. Peoples Furniture Store, 71
N. Commercial St. Phone 734,
NO CASH REQUIRED Good overcoat
shoes end suits, all kinds of music
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat
ing atoves, gas stoves, suit cases and
1000 other useful articles to soil or
trade. What have yout The Capital
Exchange. 337 Court St. Phono 493.
Director & Breall
KICHTLINOKR At her home in
eoivth Sulem, Sunday April 27, 1P19,
Mrs. S. C. Kightlingcr after an ill
ness of one week.
Vor the pnst few weohs she had been
t the bedside of her mother, Mrs. A.
J'.. Tower, who died and who was bur
ied in iSnlem about a week ago. The
illness contracted during the time she
was aith her mother, wna the immedi
ate cause of her death.
Besides lier hu.linsd, she is survived
liy a daughter, Jl.iry KJiablh. The
funeral services will be held Tuesday
afternoon nt 2 o'clock from 4he l.cslie
M. E. church and will be conducted
hv the IHev. II. X. Ald'ii'h, j astor of
the church.
Mrs. Kightlitigor was 'torn in Mot
ley, iMiiiii., nnd moved with her par
ents to Washington and later to Salem.
In July of I""!? she mnrried !S. C.
She was a consistent an3 faithful
menilier of ilhe ICslie M. K. church,
having become a member of the church
in IwO.'i. She was aUo a member of
the Silver Bell Circle of the Women
burn, Walter D. , Mcdtiire of Hood
Kiver and Homer C i". McOuirc of
Cliehaw, Wn.
The body will lie in stute at the par
lors of Webb nnd Clough until Tues
day noon. Tuesday afternoon the body
will Im- forwarded to Hood Kiver lor
buriul. .
Mrs. MeGiiiro is an Oregon pioneer
coiuing to Salem in 1S.12 with her par-" j
puts who took up a donation lund
claim six miles south of Kaletu.
Yesterday was a great day at the
golf links, with an attendance of about
SO. More than usual interest was
shown in the contest for the Watt
morning service ho apoko briefly and
appropriately in connection with the
solemnity of the communion and re
ception of new member and in the
evening occupied the .pulpit, deliver
ing a most stirring address on the re
sults of the world war in the near cast.
Dr. Conn ia a man who speaks with
.profound force and conviction on this
topic, and in the course of his ad
dress he not only denounced the Ger
man nation for it unpardonable du
plicity nnd ruthlessncss in Armenia
and Syria, but held up the civilised,
c hristian nations to condemnation gen
erally for their policy of nlcofness in
allowing the atrocities of the Turk to
go on unnoticed nnd unpunished for
decades. He attaches the greatest sig
nificance to the conquest of Palestine
bv the .British forces.
hours h mauaged to attract attention
of some nassers bv, He eallcd to u
S man on the tank to telephono for help
VP I.... .1 .... ..ni. . h lllnr. Tlkn IIH4 II
.UUl XUUUU UU BjmpiBJ ..wv. .......
said he had a cow to milk and could
give no time to marooned folks. Fin
nllv Al tieruld. ninht watchman of the
e-'piiulding mill heard of the trouble.
i The npituHung ininicii coinu noi t
Used as the only man found had no li
icenso to run a launch on the river.
lAnother man appealed to for help by
iir. Herald said no would help no man,
leven if marooned. Finally a launch
belonging to a bont house was secured
land alter five hours along on the i
iland and a chilly night cumin;; on, Mr,
Niemever was rescued.
A certain light will make a person
look old and another light in the house
will make one look young or at least
younger. V. Al. Hamilton, manager
of the t'ortinnu ituuway uigiu mm
Power company, will deliver a talk
Tuesday evening at tho high school
auditorium not only on how to light
the house, but how to light it and
thercbv improving onft'a personal ap-
iieanince. All deoends on lights and
shadows nxmtly shadows and Mr.
Hamilton will explain these. Ho will
also take up the right and wrong kind
of lighting and liow now tno cje
sight may be injured by incorrect
hunting of the home. The lecture will
b illustrated by 30 slides. All angles
of home lighting will be discussed by
Mr. Hamilton. It is free and no col
lection will bo taken.
Among other Important events In
Shino trophy wherein each plaver was : the summer calendar of the First Pres-
linntert to one club. The trophy was
won by T. L. Holier of the Will ,-.nsic
store. The remarkable part about the
score nf 4n made by Mr. Holler is the
fact that this was his second game,
nud he beat the old time plaeri. til
ler line scores were Creorge G. Brown
41. T. H. Kay 41. H
!lr. H. II. Olinger 43
byterian church is a bazaar to be held
early in the month of June. In prepa
ration for this event the ladies of the
congregation will meet with the Aid
society for an all day working 'bee'
each week, each lady to come provided
with sewing equipment and a basket
H. Smith 43, 1 of lunch. The proceeds of the bazaar
C. H. Robert- will be devoted to the fund for pav-
of Woodcraft and Hie Oregon tlrnpe i son 43 S. fc. Mwarus 4.1, t urtis , ing on ine ounganon on me new lot
camp. Modern Woodmen. She had al- ''ross l.'i, Chester G. Cox 4fl, Sain Ko-(purchased by the church.
ways been active in church work andizer 4(1, A. K. Keene 4i and rranK
fraternal woik, devoting much of heriHpears 4!t. In order that the women
time to the welfare of others. jmight have something to play for, W.
The services at tho church will be;H. I,errhen offered a special prize of
attended by members in a 'body of the ' two golf balls for playing under the
same condition as tne men. tins pn'-c
-n won bv Mrs. O. C. Locke with a
raternnl and church, circles to which
ithe belonged, and by members of the
Foresters of America and of the Mod
ern oodinen of whi'h hor husl.and is a
AIi-OriRK At the home of her son,
A. V. MeOuire, MM Saginaw street
Sunday April 27, 1H1H, M-s. Maria
Mc;uire. at the age of S7 years.
Besides her eon in Salem she is sur
vived be the following children: Mr.
data WnlschUder, Mis. Anna Lewis
of Zion City, Illinois. Mrs. Laura D.
ILildwin. ivilcm; I. H. JMhiire, Col
Wn: '. Miiuire, Spokane; A.
V. jrcGuire, C. V. McCuire. Wood-
An audience of at least 250 people
should be seated in the auditorium of
the poblie library tomorrow night
Tuesday, April 20 for the last num
ber of the library lpcturc. conrse. The
principal feature will be the lecture
scorn of 4". Mrs. Kd Baker made a It.v l'rof. John K. Sites, .Mus. U., on
euro nf 47 and Mrs. H. H. Olinuer 51 Ithe suhiect "The music of France.
Mrs. King, the Chinese, woman wbo
stirred things up considerably last
week in Chinatown, is now in the coun
tv inil. charged with threatening the
life of several folks. It is understood
that one of her boys went to Portland
to interest a brother or cousin in .Mrs
Ming's troubles. By the way, she has
hud her full share. Several yeurs ago
while living on a farm it seems her
bovs cot into trouble with neighbors.
Aliout two years ago her husband was
killed, being run over iy a muck ana
left her nothing for her support or
for the two boys. Her present troubles
started when the hut of WJiig, in Hi
nutown, wn, found on fire a few days
Mrs. A. E. Zabn of Carthage, N. W.,
has written for information as to prune
and fruit conditions are in the valley
and also for general information that
would help her in forming an opinion
of the Willamette valley as a desirable
-..lace to live. The only pamphlet that
has been is ned on Salem and vicinity
that of the Commercial Clul, Com
piled about five years ago.
George Patterson, an employs of the
Kay Woolen mills has purchased a
fruit tract of Z acres irom ir. .Mar
vin of Portland. The land is in the
Waldo hill and was sold at a valua
tion of b0(. The transfer was han
dled by W. H. Orabenhorst k Co.
three or four varieties now.
Buy in Salem this week.-
Use Salem-made Products.
The Phez Co.
Koth Grocery
Phone 18i"
Co. 134 X. Liberty,
Wcllcr Brothers Grocery, loo X. Com
mercial, Phone 48
('. M. Epploy,
Phone 3.
100 E. Slalo St.
W. II.
Clark, T1W Slate St. Phone
E. Rocks
Lcliold k
l.87 Center St.
Co. 1244 State
Phono 2011
St. Phono
Huberts, 4,i(l Court St. Phono
The Capital Journal
Daily Market Report
THE SULIMER BOYS Pool aid bil-
liurd parlor is now open under new
management and it renders you and
the general public a congenial placa
to puss away a few kisuie hours.
The basement of Oregon Electria
depot, comer of State and High
Phone 628. Wm. Livock, prop.
50 years experience, Depot National
and American fence.
Sizes 2(i to 58 in. high
Paints, oil and varnish, etc.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Works,
250 Court street. Phone 124.
J. A. Rowland Furniture Store
Buys, sells and exchanges new and
2d hand furniture. All kinds of
repair work, light grinding, filing,
and brazing a specialty. Kight
prices. 247 North Commercial St.
Phone 16.
8ALKM S.CAVK.VG KB Garbage and
refuse of all kinds removed on month '
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools oleaned. Dead animals '.
moved. Office phone Main 167.
No-Yarv ( nicer ,
lisa Court St. Phone
Pure Food Grocery, Commercial St,
Station, Phuno 2011,
Foster & Bilker,
Phone 'I'M
XI!) X. Commercial,
.1. L. Ilusick
Phone IKi
& Son, 45(1 .Stuto St.
Net Sunday will be the first match
with the Kugene players to lie played
in Svi'em. About 30 are expected. An
nnuncement is made that hereafter a
dance w ill be held every other Tuesday
beginning May 0.
Dr. Coan, the noted missionary who
has spent a large part of his life in
Armenia and hyria, was again a visit
or in Salem yesterday and was an un
expected addition to the services at
the First Presbyterian church. At the
The address will be eupplemented by
several musiral numliers, including a
'cello solo by Prof. Sites.
Mrs. P. . Bauer of Seattle arrived
in the. city Saturday night and will
j spend the week with her parents, Mr.
land Mrs. J. M. Garrison, 1000 N.
Xewnort News. Vn., April 8. iTni
IVins.1 Tw transports, the Nans
Kinot'd and the Aeolus arrived from
(rn'H'etoilay with approximately lono
officers r.nd men of the .'t.'ith division.
composed of Missouri and Kansas na
tionsl guardsmen.
This contingent makes a total oi l",
'omm(rcial street. Her husband was imo mpn , &u& here within two days
for a number of years pastor of the
First Congregational church of this
city, and is now with, a Congregation
al church in Seattle.
J. L. Busick & Son, 103 S. Commer
cial. Phone lMll
Busick 's Cash Grocery, 2ifl X. Com
mercial, Phone 10S
Busick s Cash Grocery, 548 Slate St
McX'ornnck hall on every Tuesday
at 8. P. Andresen, C. C. P. J.
Kuntz, K. R. & 6.
HOYAL Neighbors of America, Ore
gon Grape camp Xo. 1360 meet every
Thursday evening In MeCornack hall
Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Car
rio E, Bunn, 64S Union St; recor
der Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1413 N.
4th' St. Phone 1436M.
Wheat, soft white 2
Wheat, lower gradss on sample
Outs 80c
Hay, cheat 2t
Hay, oats , 123 ;
Barley, ton 48(a50
Mill run - - 43a'44c
Hutterft 59c
Creamery butter SSfo'OBe
Pork, Veal and Mutton
Pork on foot 18i(?Ttac
Veal, fancy 18(fil9c
Steers - 7(il0c
Cows OfiiOc
Spring lambs 14c
Ewes.- 4r,?ft
Lambs, yearlings - 10i?13
Eggs and rouitry
Eggs, cash 20c
Hens, live 32c
Old roosters - IS
Radishes, doz 35c
Sweet potatoes 6(a6We
Potatoes 1.25((M.7B
Onions, local m
Cabbago 5Mi(VMiC
Turiiin, . 2 8 4c
Head lettuce fi.JSutius.YO
I'arsnips 3e
Cauliflower, flats 2(ffi2.25
Winesnp nnplos. box
Celery, crale '0
Oranges .. 5f'"tFEDKltAL FARM LOANS-5',
Liemons, ooa ...- ww
Bananas ...... . Dc
Oregon Cedar camp No. 5248 meets
e every Thursday evening, 8 o'clock
'ia McX'oriiack hall, over Meyers
store. Ray A. Grant, V. C; P. A.
Turner, clerk.
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at)
8 p. m. in Masonic Tcmpie. Glenn
C. Nile, M. A; C. A. Vrbfoert,
secretary, .140 Owens street.
On Good Heal Estate SecurUy
Over La dd Hush bank; Salem Oregon
Florida grape fruit, case - .. 7(fe8
Black figs lb 16C'i)18e
White figs, lb. 19('V20
Package fig per tx BO pkg WUJO.hu
Honey, extrsoted - 20
uetau races.
Eggs, dozen - 45c
Creamery butter 65c
Flour, bird wheat $3.13((J3.1
roniana manei
Portlund, Or., April 28. Butter, city
creamery 4!i(o 5."ie
Eggs selected locul cx 4:!C(i 44c.
Kggi 8738e'
Broilers 42fe43c
Geese 17(u)20e
Cheese, triplets 3."ra;)7c
Receipts lfifiO
Tone of market weak
Best slers si 4 14.40
Good to choice steers $11. SOW 12.50
Medium to good steers IIUU
Fair to good steers ( 10
Common to fair steers tSfo9
Croice cows and heifers ll(i I2.!fr
Good to choice eowi and heifers
m 10.25
Medium to good eowt and heiier
Fair to medium cow and he if en
Canncrs 3.50(54.50
Bulls f'('i9
Calves .r,il(fi U.'iO
Stockers and feeder. 17(210
Receipts 1800
Tone of market strong
Prime mixed 20ft 20.2."i
Medium mixed I.5'a 20
Rough heavies tl8la.2fi
Pics il7.2-.(a 17.75
Bulk 19.75ra20
Receipts 356
cent interest. Prompt service. 34'
years time. Federal farm loan fconds
for sale. A. C. Bohmstedt, 401 Ma
sonic Templo. Salem, Oregon.
IN'Sl'RANCE WCNCIL For free in
formation about Life Insurance sea
J. F. Hutchiuson. diist. manager for
the Mutual Life of N. Y., off tee at
371 Stato St., Salem, Ore. Olfic
phone 09, residence 1396. tf
IfOP LEE, expert laundryman, 439
Perry St. I per fop market price for
chickens and Eggs. Office phone
Flim.l, residence 1 :13:U
I2rr N
Our Prices are Right
M. ZANDLER, Proprietor
. Summer Street, Salem, Oregon
just installed a machine that will
sharpen lawnmnwerj the same as the
factory puts them out new. Bring
all vour light repair work to me. Al
vin B. Stewart, 347 Court St. Pbona
ALL kinds of auto repairing by an ex
perienced workman. All work guar
anteed to be satisfactory. SiuJobak
er repairs a specially. D. II. Moir,
263 N. Commercial.
Prime lambs 16(i714
Fair to medium lambs tl4iiil5
Fair to medium lambs $15(al6.
Yearlings 11?S 13
Wethers 9fi 12.
Ewes i(u 10.30