THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY. APRIL 2S. 1919. --t-. .Ar WV SB85SB8B968SSS3BS6 3B3BS6ae9B3KB9B8S9BSSSB9BSB9B i Reduction of 10 oer a. cent and More On all graniteware and dishes in our store, for Buy in Salem Week This includes our stock of gold banded dishes as well as the plain white ones. White dinner plates are 15c apieceThis week only. The usual price is 20c. 30c Vegetable dishes, both round and oblong, are 25c now. All ten cent dishes will sell this week at 50c per set of six. The granite ware in our line is the best makes Hoosier Gray, Pyramid and Scotch Granite. It can all be obtained at a 10 per cent discount. 1 to 10 quart sizes of stew kettles, many sizes of double boilers, tea and cof fee pots, dishpans, pie pans, and milk pans. We also have granite cups and saucers that are just the thing for those camping trips this summer. 152 North Commercial Street. WILEY PRUNES Will BESEHTlFARBlSr fifty 10-?cimd Sample Boxes To Be Distributed To Oriental Firms. against international morality auJ the sanctity of treaties. : "A :: ist tribunal will be eonsti-! tutcd to trv the aeeuseil, tnerebv csur-j inj kiui the guarantee essential to the' right of defease. It will be composed; of live judges, one appointed bv each of the following five powers, namely,! the I'nited States of America, tret! Britain, France. Italv and Japan. I To Ask Extradition. 1 Tn it il.'t-i.ion th trihun:;J will be' Cuided by the highest motives of inter-i uational policy with a view to vindicat i ing the solemn obligations of Mireraa-I It v. ....4: .. D..v.. "onai umieriamnps auil me iiunv m A. G. Clurk. manager of the Aociated ''' 11 "M '? Industrie, of Oregon, through the co-uu,T ' im Pmw " joueratioa of W. T. Jenks. manager of'0' "P0?1 the Willamette Yallev Vrune associa- ' The alhed and associated powers mrin ".o. -k-.- wul Miaresa a request to the jjovoii.- irint.i r;,m. n i..,,. ii.i.i. tJmt ot the Jetherlands for ttir n.r- be interested, about 5U 10-pound boxes ! "d'r tiem ' th " '"'V or of Oregon dried prunes. Mr. Jens do- " .... . ". nates the fruit and the FaelMe Mrim Diamond CHICK FO OD t t .'I A! 7 "Article II. The German govern- SAVES LITTLE CHICKS and help them to grow into big, strong, healthy bird. A dean, wholeaom natural food no dust bo wto. Keep the chicks healthy and make then grow fast. JyLJt for tar Nanf nJ TrmJt SU'k Every Orlfinal Pmckaf OUR 1919 CATALOGUE Of "Diamond Quality" Poultry Supplies, listing rerything neireasary for the profitable productioa of poultry mailed fra on request. Ask f of Catalog No. chick , :Ii52J ship towptnv, at the instance of Frank ment 1,01 nlvlne ,B,urea I O'Connor, general ,eut, and C. D. Ken- ent of the persons accused of having! nedy ,of the shipping board, will carry eised acts in violation of laws and; it to its destination without charge. The '"toms of war, such persons will be, Shanghai packages will be addressed r(uht Wore the military tribunals. XleVS j fBUCKEYE" Incubator, and COLONY Brooder Stove ited; Alex Koss & Co., and 8hewun, laments iaia aown oy miina ry jaw. Tomes ft Co. Qnan Kai, of Hongkong, Huns Prortde Eridence. will get one box and those aent to Ma-i The German government shall hand nil. .ill h rfiiir,i tn Friici to the allied and associated row- ton Harrison, governor of the Philip-." or to such one of them as "nail so 1 J D K C If" K i present. Leonard is said to have been pines; the inavor of the eitv; tho editor ; request all persons accused of Having iv-"u.u iwvnvi a wvv of the t able News, the Fimllay Richard- ,'omnntted nn aet in violation of the i I- Cnrp FnrR1ff.1p s,.n eompanv. LaU & Co., and G. Mar- '" of re sped- V"l C UUtiiiC tlio two l Iter ui ire l)Us ness u "ul r "V namo ur uy uie runs, ui- ! t mi. I houses of the Philippine metropolis. I Ktch box will contain an explanatory Salem High Tossers Nose Out 9 To 7. Victory In Last ! good eondillon nud spiiitu; all thai wns lot of fun for the "rooters" and stir lucking for a good initial gmne with red up ihe circulation, of the players the Nilem high school bull tram Siilui-1 The two teams were apparently well r A r T : . iii i i lur """. were nen up iiunng rriiUiC UVU LUSene lCaiU " rilH' 'ree innings. Then u series a weather. However, their contestants of fumbles with the hull on tlm tier nt from Kugene wore in the same fix, and the Kugeue tossers gave the Sutem uovBjen;, h r.iui luci ..m o.i.-iim...... ...,,.onHC(iiently the game on both sntesii chance nice one bait.-r after another was a big crowd in the grandstand ndwtl, l!llUed by a aeries of spectneular around the .liumond until thev hud run h i the ciiiiching line, the bovs were in i fiiml,l, s nml wild throw Hint made a I the score up to S. Thou the Kugene . .luinrli pulled itself together, got n line fice,or employment which they held tin-j ,.- York, April (I'nited Press) der the German authorities. Manv liets were b.'ing made here to- " Article II. Persons guilty of crim- ,lav that liennv Leonard, lightweight ments of the Willamette Valley Prune""1" 8l',s "Kainst the nationals or any j champion of the world would knock association of Oregon: the city of Port- l 1,11 u"'eu ami hssik-hucii powersiout "line Kitcliie. toriner title holder win up iirougnt netore tne. militai v tn-jivhen they meet tourght in a bout sched bunal of that power. jul.d for eight rounds at the First liejt- "All persons guilty of criminal artsjiiuent armory Newark, against the nationals of more than otic j Odds of 1 to 2 were asked by those of the allied and associated powers will (tu tting that leonard would stop his bo brought before a military tribunal J opponent, but few takers were found, composed of members of the militarv The largest crowd I hat ever witness- land, by its mayor; the Associated In dustries of Oregon, bv A. O. Clark, man ager, and through the kindly coopera tion of the Pacific Steamship company, tieorge 8. Bush ii Co., customs nouse brokers, will gratuitously fill out till ex port documents and attend to the for malities of shipment. The boxes will go, says '.Mr. t iuik, ny uie sieH-rsun V uaranteed .0.lHKi fr his end whil Ritchie is reported to receive $10,000. I The boys will enter the ring praetie- ally at catch weights. Articles of agreo meat stipulate that they shall weigh not more than 142 pounds. Ritchie, . however, already is thin and drawa while Leonard is heavy, but fast. The J poundage stipulated would eliminato any chance of Leonard's losing his ti jtle, unless Kitcliie should reduce his weight to the lightweight figure and emerge victor. IRE IS ONE THING THAT IS ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE : Rh.umalUm Ha Never Been Cured by Liniment or Lotions, and Never Will Be. Yiu never knew of Rlicumatiiin thst most painful source o( suffering being cured bv liniments, lotions or it her external applications. And you will never see anything but tern niriry relief .afforded by such make shifts. Hut why be satisfied with tempo rary relief from the pangs of pain winch are sure to return with in creased severity, when there is per ninnent relief within your reach? Science ha proven that Rhrunia tiint is i disordered conJition of the blood, I low then, can satisfactory .'results be expected from any treat ment that doei not reach the blood, the seat of the trouble, and rid the system of the cause of the disease? b. S. S. is one blood remedy that has for more than fifty years been giving relief to even the most ag gravated and stubborn cases of Rheumatism. It cleanses and puri fies the blood by routing out all traces of disease. The experience of others who have taken S. S. S. will convince you that it will promptly reach your case. You can obtain this valuable remedy at any drug store. A valuable book on Rheumatism and its treatment, together with expert medical advice about your own indi vidual case, will be sent absolutely free. Write today to Medical Depar' ment, Swift Specific Co., 250 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga,' o i hisheis' curves an. I ticked off home runs until the score was again tied in the ninth inning. Then Ashljy found the ball fiif a three-base run, sending E. (iill home iimf giving 8nlein the game by a mnrgin of one. Fisher nom me pitcher's box during the fore part of the guine, showing the lack of practice bv walking several men to first. In the bitter part of the round he wns replaced by Ashbv. Some of the best pluys of the game nre to be credited to T?iigene (iill, third base, and A. Gill, shorstop. McKittrick umpired, while Mnrdock wonchod for Salem. st Muiiham, "an Oregon built vessel, ' "; '"s nw eounsei. and will be packed in Oregon boxes, of -utl,u' n- llu ticnuan gnvern-ni-..ii wnml . I. Ilieonii men nun worn-1 "'''' undertakes to furnish all (locii- I tribunal of the powers eonecmed. lned a Jersey bout, is predicted will be checks at Pendleton amounting to $100 every ease the accused will be entitled Hubert fvilyer has been anested at Spokane on a clnirse of passing bad ments and information of every kind. Tl.o nnriu.u f tl,en it'ts M r Tin rk I ' np product ion or winch may lie con explains, is to introduce one of Oiegoa ' s"lm''1 ""'essary to insure ne full super products, create a little sunshine knowledge of the incriminating nets, on the oriental side of the Pacific and,!1"1 ilweovery of the offenders and the good will toward the splendid new skiaj 'llst appiecu-.ti.m of the responsibility." t ROUND COAST LEAGUE BASES (By United Press.) Yesterdav's winners Healtle, Port land, Snn Francisco. Haeramento. Halt - TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtttttttttttttttV I Public Cordially Invited To an Illustrated 'Tnnw t iLECTU .Ilia n ON ! Hi! M III if - J 1 1 1 ... 1 J BY x X: X: : t ii it XX XX xl XX x li COMMITTEE ON POPULAR LECTURES OF 1 F- 1 : ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING SOCIETY TO BE PRESENTED BY COURTESY OF Portland Railway ower Co. I Light & P AT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Tuesday, April 29, 1919 xx and its efficient and smiling officers as it anchors on those distant shores. The Muiihuiii will sail for the Orient on Hun day. Willamette MU" Quartet Returns From Successful Southern Oregon Jaunt After completing a week's totir of southern Oregon towns, the Wilamette I'niversity quartet returned to rulem Kutunlny. tlustav Anderson, first tenor and 'lnunnger, announces that it was a very successful trip. Large nud appre ciative audiences met the quartet In ev ery town. The other members of the club arc Harry Bowers, second bass; Paul Ster ling, baritone, and Floyd Mclntire, sec ond tenor. Bowers and Andersons are well known in Huleni and have sung on the Wilamette quartet together for four years. Sterling and Mclntire are both well known in solo work. Miss 1'lorcne.e Kherliy, who accompa nied the Salem Symphony orchestra in AMENDED COVENANTS (Continued from page oue) this afternoon. President Wilson, addressing the con ference, explained the nnicininivma to the lei.gue of nutioas covenant. He did not read the entire revised text. Is speaking of the amendment recog nizing the Monroe doctrine, the presi dent merely referred to it as a new ar ticle. The 'president nominated Sir Kric Druminoinl as the first secretary-general of the league. He also moved that tVl gium, rnBzil, Oreeee and Spain be rep resented on the council, togernnr witn the "big five" (America, Oreat Brit ain, trance, Italy and Japan) nondiiijr its permanent organization. Viscount Chimin, representing .ip:i, was scheduled to speak in favor of ihe racial equality amendment, asking the conference to adopt it, ulthoiigh the league commission refused to include it in the new constitution. French Ask Guarantees. Tho French, despite rumors of an agreement with Great Britain and .he ln.f nnncart wo. npnninnniat nil "K'H'lUIll W1I a i ignited States to provide further inili the trip. Mrs. A. A. Schramm also went tary guarantes for France introduced .i ..,.,. l. ... ,i .i . . . The vnrsitv ouartet en ovs an envi-l.. ... ucsigucu io stmngnicn For a nuiii- with the quartet. iHiltri rnjoo in cuti-.-i T. ..i.i. .. lji ,.,. iiuiuu'iY iiiuvisious oi t lie covenant. befor of years thev have alwavs been L Mbniittcd an addition to a. hue gladly received. Their first apearanee!;' P'oviaiK fr 6PH'ntnie..t of a before a Suleni audience this year will be at the presentation of "The Arrival of Kitty," the junior class ph;y of Wil Inmetto University. The trip was cut short because Ander son tnkes an important rote In the jun ior piny. Lake, Los Angeles. Home run Crawford, Los Angeles. Murphy scored for Seattle in the third, anil scored One run. The Ohks, unable to do likewise, lost. 1 to 0, Carrull Jones, ex Detroiter, w six Tigers. However, tho Pucks waded in in the sixth and took tho game, 7 to 1. Los Angeles and Salt Lake went SO ,"i0 on Sunday 'a program, tho Hoes tak ing the forenoon game, 7 to t, Ellis' siinde scoring Fournier in the 13th in ning, broke a tie and won the afternoon game for the Angels, 3 to 2. The Sncramento Kan Francisco series went to tho capital city lads. Sacra mento took the afternoon game, i to 4. The Seals took the morning session, 3 to 2. Koerner, San Frnneisoc, lends the real hitting for the season so far, with an average of .43:1. Karl Crandatl and Sam Crawford follow him closely. The statute of limitations has no meaning to K. M. Brattan of Sum mer Lake, who arrived at llend Wed nesday to pay a 'JO debt which he had contracted with C. H. Slants Z years a go . FRENCH ASK (Continued from page one) apearance! . e-v--"'n wpuuimiuiii ui u ,L. -in "Peical committee to obtain full infor mation in connection with reduction of nrmanents. They also submitted a sub stitute for Article IX, providing imt t permanent organization shall be consti tuted for tho purpose of considering ai.d drawing up naval and military mensiin s to enforce the covenant and making them immediately operative in cases of emergency. The Jupr.neso moved insertion of n strong clause regarding racial discrimi nation in "law or infuct." lir.rou iln- alkeil; '" "P('a,tine f(,r the Japanese, urged mere no no racial discrimination, indi cating Jiipnn will continue her et forts nt recognition after formation of the league, even if no provision for this is made in the covenant. .Kakino spoke in English. Drmnmond Balfour's Aide. (Sir Kric Prumniond hns been privnte secretary to Foreign Minister Balfour since 1915. Previous to that he was pri vate secretary to the premier. He is 43 years old.) Makino declared the Japanese people "poignantly regret the fnilure to ap prove the just demand, laying down a principle aiming at adjustment of a long standing grievance." The Jnptnicsc delegate said his coun try will continue its insistence upon adoption of this principle by the league, but did not offer an amendment cover ing it. His Sieech served merely to get the Japanese attitude on record without specific request for action, M. Hyrnans, speaking for Belgium, expressed regret that Brussels was not selected as seat of the league na tions, but offered no amendment. everyone violating not ontv the laws, hut the customs of war. Whether this would reach those responsible for intro duction of deadly gas in wnrfcre, tc submarine and othei inhuman munuuc, is not apparent. i Charges Are OeneraL However, all such pereoni could be brought before military courts and thev could exict little mercy through mili tarv code. The state department 'a read: "Following are the. proposed articles regarding pennltios, for insertion m ine treaty of peace, to be considered nt pi narv session of conference toiiav, Mon dnv, at 3 o'clock p. m., Paris timer "Article I. The allied and associated power publicly arrsign William II of llohemollern, formerly German em peror. not for an sffense against crim inal law, but for supreme offense Do You Wear Shoes??? That are as nice as we can show you in our big line. We specialize in boys and children's shoes, but more particularly boys, in which we have the finest selected stock you will find outside the lar gest cities and at prices LESS FOR CASH. Boys' Brown calf, English Bal, the dress shoe for boys in sizes 1 to 2 1-2, $1.50 Sizes 15 to G ! $4.75 Black English laces, 10 to 1:5 1-2 $3.60 1 to 2 1-2 $4.25 3 to 6 $4.50 Brown round toe blucher, 10 to 13 1-2 at $3.85 1 to 2 1-2 at $4.35 3 to 6 at $4.65 lan army bluchers 12 to 13 1-2 $4.00 1 to 2 1-2 at $4.35 3 to 6 at $4.50 Black gun metal blucher round toes, solid oak soles 10 to 13 1-2 $3.00 1 to 2 1-2 $3.25 2 to 6 at $3.50 Boys' Elk bal outing shoes, Elk soles. Splendid Summer wear $2.45 Buy in Salem Week. HHUMMttlll Wit, HAVE IT! More Than Ever INSTANT POSTUM Is appealing to coffee drinkers. Its rich flavor, healthfulness. convenience and Economy are among the reasons why. o Everything in Building Material Paints and Varnishes. ivAiu.miN u at our SPECIAL PRICE of only Our motto is "Service to our Customers." FALLS GITY-SAIHILUMBER CO. "Everything in Building Material" A. B. KELSAY, Mgr. Phone 813 West Salem 414 349 South 12th Street