THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 28. 1919. PAGE FIVli DAILY CAPBTAL JOURNAL NEW TODAY WANT AD PAGE JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNIY CLASSHTED ADVERTISING KATES Bats per word wHew Today: Each, insertion lo One week (8 insertion) 5e One month (26 insertions 17e The Capital Journal will not b re sponsible. for more 4 ban one insertion, for error in Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement tha first day it appears and notify ns immediately if rror oeenrs. Minim uia charge, 15e. FOR SALE A good organ, 354 N. Winter St. Phone 4S1H. 4 28 GOOD fire proof safe if or sale, $37. 1204 N. Com! St. 4 28 FOR 8ALE-Jaklia bulbs 10c. IfiOl Center. 5-1 WANTED Bov's wagon. 1(509 Cen ter. 51 BIG fir wood for sale. Phone 7811. 428 WANTED' Cattlo and calves any kind. Phone 1576 W. 5-2 BIO FIR stove wood for sale. Fhone 64F14. 4-29 JAS. LYONS, practical painter. Phone 704. 516 FARM hnnd wanted. Call Salem 3F3, C. C. Kussell. tf WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf FOR plowing or orchard work with tractor, call 17F14. 5-28 FOB SALE Pansy plant. Maruny, 11 Miller St. 4 30 FOR SALE Good work team, $80; good hack and double harness $35. Phone 12F5. 5-1 FOR SALE Up to date ,ix room bungalow, close in, by owner. Phone 1458. 4-28 FBEE BOOKLET 'Care Baby Chicks' 544 BUte St. Telephone 400 Headquarters for baby chicks, tf W. BEAVER, well driller phone 827J 1165 IN. 19th St, Salem, Or. ' 5-5 WANTED Poultry, eggs, bidet and eal, heavy hens, 32c ) light hens , He. Cherry OHy feed barn. tf FOB BENT Clean apartment for clean people at the Miller, 633 Fer ry St. - tf FOB SALE Three quarter ten truck. In first class shape, $200. Highway garage. tf FOR B PINT Or sale residence at 360 N. Capitol St. one block from Cap " ital. tf WANTED Experienced greftert at Fruitland nursery. Phone 111F21, Sa lem Bt. 8. tf FOB SALE Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa, Fhone 308. tt FOUND An umbrella on South Com mercial street. Owner may obtain same by describing property at this office and paying for ad. FOR SAL-E.-V.flJ aer of No. 1 land located 6 miles from Salem, on good road, in good location, good house and barn and other building, farm implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, 5 year lings, 50 head of hogs, round 500 cords of wiod ready cut, nil at a bargain. Write M W care Journal. tf We Buy and Sell at the Market MUNICIPAL BONDS Tax Exempt rirstlviortgage Farm Loans INVESTMENTS HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 314 Masonic Temple Salem, Ore. - TRY THEM FOR RESULTS FOB SALE High clan Collie pups 0. W. Brenner, Bt. 5, box 30. 4-ii TO UNO lady wishes position a clerk or office wore. Dions 1446. tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 292 N. Church St. Phone 523B. 4-28 FOR SALE Overland tar, very reas onable, first class condition. Call 1S24 4th St. 4 2S FOR SALE 5 room modern cottage $700; terms. Call room 304 Hubbard bldg. W. H. Norris. tf FOR RENT 5 acres, all in cultiva tion, elose to car linek fine vegetable land. Socolofsky, Bayne bldg. tf FOR SALE Modern 6 room bungalow See Chas. llebel 355 Chemeketa. 522 TALL PAPER 15 eenti pei doable roll opward. Buren 'a Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf FOR SALE Four room bungalow, electricity, gas, toilet; lose in. 210 Mission. Price $S00. 5-1 40 ACRES good berry and prune land for gale. Will sell in email tractg or whole piece. Phone 2381J. 519 WANTED Two men to slash 50 acres shack and stove furnished. John Rhoten, Dayton, Or. 4 28 50,000 TO 75,000 Italian prune trees for fall delivery. Fruitland nursery, lVj miles east of'state penitentiary. Phone 111F21. Bt. 6, Salem. tf NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 0. Fruit trees, roses and shrubs, Special low prices on certain lines, Phone 111F3. tf 30OD rooming house to lease, 30 rooms partly furnished; will lease Terr reasonable. Inquire 506 N. Com 1 St. or phone 154911. ' tf VE PAY highest cash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Co 171 a High St, Phone 1400. tf FOB SALE At -1260 Jefferson St. a nice little house and lot for (325; can give terms; act quick, for this it a bargain. Z Y P eare Journal, tf FORD touring car for sale, equipped for distillate or gas, extra lights with dimmer, good tires, batteries, shock absorbers, 1917 model. 1675 S. Church St. 4 28 FOB SALE Quick at sacrifice, 15 acres U cultivated, 6 aores grain, 2Mi acres strawberries, 1 acre pota toes. Write H. Crane, Aumsville, Or. 428 IT YOU want to buy, sell or trade your old auto or auto parts see Stcinbock Junk Co., (Auto Wreck ers), 326 N. Commercial St. Phone 305. tf HOMESTEAD in Canada for 1125. This includes fare to Alberta; board traveling and locator's expenses. Fine mixed farming district. Partic ulars at my office, only. C. W. Nicmeyor, Masonic building. tf THE 4S0 ocres in Jefferson county ad vertised some time ago, will be tak en off the market Slay first. This is a snap at $S0uO, ns there are im provements as well s 150 acres in crop, all tillable land being under Suttle Laka irrigation project which will bo ready to irrigate the 1020 crops. More particulars can lie had bv addressing or talking to advertis ing mgr. Journal. Act quick, your time is limited. tf OF MERIT ONLY iKt Sr. South Capitol 4-30 FOR SALE Loganberrr tips. 373. Phone tf KINDLING wood for aale 1 per toad, corner Commercial and Chemeheta. 29 RABBITS FOR SALE 544 State St. 51 I CAN use another good farm hand. Phone SI'S, C. C. Kmssell. tf FOR SALE 9 ijoora modern how, '1595 Saginaw. Phone 15USR. 30 I BUY young calves. C. C. Kussell, Phone 3F3. tf WOULD like to find a good home for a smalt boy. Address A B 26 eare Journal. 4 29 WANTED To buy mohair. East Sa lem Tannerr, 25th and Oak St. Phone 21 COM. - tt LOST Dollar bill April 25th about 3 p. m. on Commercial St. Finder please return to Journal office. -26 WANTED A good gentle driving horse, 4 to 7 vears old; must be cheap. Phone 53F3. 4 28 LOT for rent or sale, 75x150, between Miller and Owen, on Saginaw street. Phono 1415. 5-2 LUST 'Wallet containing check and money on Fairground road, Friday afternoon. Return to Joureal office and receive liberul reward. 4-28 FOR SALE 5 room house, corner lot, small barn, chickea house sad parks all in first class shape; garden all in. 1790 N. Com. Phone 1153. 4 30 RABBITS for sale; if you want the best prizo winning stock in the state at a bargain; they must be sold. Call Sunduy t 326 N. 23d 8t. 4 26 MAN with wide business experience wants to invest some money and services in going business. A 26 care Journal. 4-28 HOUSE painting wanted by a pictorial decorator, city reference given. Day or contract. "Martin" phone 704. 4-2 FOR SALE 10 cases White Navy soap at $5.85 per 100 bars. 1601 Center. 31 FOR SALE Auburn touring caj, in iirst class snaps. Highway garage. tf WANTED Loan ef $500 on real es tate, good security. Call at 247 N. Commercial, tl 5 ROOM house, 2 lots, fine garden, fruit and well; clear title, on 22d street. Write Owner, box 40 or phone 1393. 4-30 PARTY leaving town for summer wants to rent furnished home to small farnilv, very reasonable. 344 X. 18th street. 4 28 iVE HAVE on hana a few tons of mill rna for sale, at a bargain Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South High St. Phone 1400. tf FARM for sale, 24 acres. 5 miles east of Salem, new buildings, 9 room bungalow. 14 ocres in ultivation, balance pasture. Write Rt. 6, box 25A for further information. tf I 1SUY junk of all kinds, rags and bottles, metals, iron, broken down antos and parts of autos. Give us a trial. Stcinbock Junk Co. ,'326 N. Com. St. Phone 305. tf Ym SALE S. C. Brown Leghorns from prize winning slock, $1.50 per setting, 15 cg;;s. Phone l)3bj. 4 28 FOR SALE J. I. Cnse threshing ma chine, 8iz, 32x54. 1 15 horst power Case engine; 1 1x22 JSandwieh bnl er; 1 Ros Kncliins cutter, size 18 inch. C. C. Tracy. Turner, Or. 4 29 $1000 WILL buy If 8M soon modern residenco property at 1453 Court St. 4 bed room-), sleeping poich, fire pltiee, furnace, garage, garden, Eng lish walnuts, fruit, etc. 4 26 OFFERED at about one half cost of construction One 5 room house, plastered, city water; sewer in but not connected; barn, wood shed, pv- xed street; good location. See me for price. Terms $100 per year at 6 per cent. 4 room plastered house, full lot, city water, sewer to house, pav ed street. You make the terms. 10 acres of land in Liberty district to exchange for city property, will pay cash difference. II. S. Itadeliff, Bayno building. 4-28 MEN WAXTED AT WEST LINN PA FEB MILLS 42e HOUR, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MB.F.T. BARLOW AT HOTEL ACROSS I! ITER FROM OREGON CITY. CLBAN BEDS 20c NIGHT; BEST MEALS 35c. 6 2 ANYONE looking for a ptare all ready to set np housekeeping couldn't do better than buy the following: 10 acres good fruit land, 3 room house, good well, barn and wagon shed, wood house, chick house and park; shade trees sronnd house and barn, good garden in and fence is neces sary places, H4 acres strawberries, some logins, gooseberries, raspber ries, blackberries, pears plum, ap ples and cherries. Everything is In first elM condition and 3'j unlet south of Salem. No incumbrances snd can give possession at onee. $2510. Terms if desired. 3 XIV care Journal. GOOD lnt TwmkkA.rur wants position. Phone 1140W. 4 29 FOB BALK 29 head of goats. Call phose 3F4. 5 2 WANTED Woman to do washing oue a week. Phone 53 dR evenings. 4 29 BRE9f AKIXO apprentice girl want ed at room 10 Mt-Cornack bldg. tf GARDENS plowed and harrowed. Phone 1601. 5-3 FOB BENT Modern 5 room house, with sleeping porch. Phone 1020J or call 465 X. 12th. 4 26 WANTED Teams and men. Enquire Capital Citv Transfer Co. Phone 933 4-28 FOR KENT One nice apartment part ly furnished, very reasonable. 712 State street. " 4 29 FOB SALE Big fir, 16-inch wood, end pavement, -Hlverton road, $5 per cord. Tel. 105F12. s-29 FOR BENT Two nicely furnished housekeeping apartments. 143 Court street. -29 FOR RALE 11 Ancona laving hens, $1.25 each. 1675 S. Church street. 4-28 DISCHARGED married soldier wants steady work on farm. Address 11 L care Journal. 4-29 WANTED Steady employment in eity by returned soldier. Address Sol dier, 473 N. Cottage. 4 29 FOR SALE 3 year lease on 195 acre farm. Geo. Doerfler, Salem, Ore., Rt. 1, box 47. 5 10 FOB SALE Tent 12x14, 2 iron cots with springs. 1493 S. Liberty. Phone 129S. 429 WANTED A woman ftff general house work for 1 or 2 Vj davs every week. 167 X. Com. St. ' tf WILL take good team as first pay ment on 5 acres. Bt. 1, box 13, Wooilbura Or. 4 29 IXIB BALE Indian Bunncr duck eggs for hatching, fine laving strain, JO sent each. Phone 72F4. 4 29 FOB SAX.E By owner, thirty acres of land on rock road, five miles east of Salem; twenty eight acres in srop and orchard; six room house, barn and other buildings, close to school ehtrrch and store. Will give terms. Win. Donaldson, Bt. 6, box 68. 5 3 FOB SATiB 5 room ' plastered cottage, bath, lights, east front, slightly lo cation.. Price $1300, $250 down, bal ance monthly payments. 4 room plastered bungalow, basement, bath, toilet, lights. Price $1250, 2l0 down, balance monthly payments. 6 room modern bungalow, price $1350, $300 down, balance monthly pay ments. W. H. Orabenhorst A Co., 275 State St. -29 Better Realty Buys 3K5 nere dfurv farm with ahsoliitelv first clas buildings; 75 head of stock W nogs; all land cultivated and most ly in crop, fur $100 an acre. Hnlem is the nearest tiwri. Owner would take, in sunie good city property. Cozy little 5 room bungalow, lot 5ex 15(1: all in 'rnnlen: nice IriiMilinn St.. 850. $350 down. $15 a month. Several good fiirms from 50 to 50O acres. Owners will trnde for good city property . 00 acres with 30 in crop; all bottom land; good buildings; $7500. Take a $3000 house as part pay. 2.1 teres near Marion: fine niere of bottom land, $.I(HH). Take a small house as part pay. . 5 aereg near Munro $750. Will trndo with $UK) cash at part payment on S lem house. 10 acres all plowed; gosd little house barn, chicken house, fruit house and wood shed, well; all fenced. Nice shade trees. 2000, $.300 down, balance to stilt yourself. 4 miles out of Salem, j 5 acres all In bearing cherries; just outside city for $2000, Will give good terms. No buildings. 2 acres in city with a shack, chick j en hosuc, well, good fruit. $11)00.: $100 down balance as you like. ! 5 3-4 acres at Aumsville fair builil-! logs. $1100, $5u0 down, balance $150 a year. j 6'4 acre near Monmouth with fair' buildings; $2100. Installments. ( 4 acres all is orchard; rood h'ims ; running water; fenced, $1200. Mnkei your own terms. UNLESS YOU HAVE SEEN S MY LIST. Yon fcaTe not found where the bar- , gaint are. C W. NIEKEYER ; 215 216 Masonic building ! Telephone IftO Easy to remember j 2-U R lT setting next to the fact that properties you wanted two aionths ago have been sold and are now worth a third more than henf C will be more surprised in six aionths from now, when it will be np to you to build. The snaps now offered will be gone, dietter Kt loose, of your cash while the buying ig good. ' It 's just one block off the hard sur face street, that 7 room house with five lota and plenty of fruit and ber ries at $15M). Half cash. 7 rooms, 2 lots, some, fruit, a good one; $300 cash, balance monthly. 4 room cottage, nicely located large lot. all kinds of fruit and Anglian walnuts; quick, $1200. Here's a dream. New, strictly mod ern 8 room bungalow, full basesurt, large ehickeu houte, 2 seres of fruit, mostly apples; right in the city, $;W00 We sold 3 of the 7 houses advertis ed last week . JOHN RSCOTT REAALTY CO. 404-5 Hul. bard building BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS SALE!.! AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State Street If you waut to buy or tell a ear come and see me. Model 90 therland $050 . 1!MS Overland $650 . 1',-j ton truck trade for touring car 1917 Ford $285 e have the medicine for tire trou ble Lot9 of others, eome and see us Open till 9 evening' Phono 867 KEYT estate at Perrydalo to be sold; 356 acre valley furm, high grade land, splendidly located: all in wheat eats, vetch and clover but 66 acres timber; Hi of crop delivered at ware house to go with place if sold at once. To be sold as a whole or write J. W. Morgan t Co., Corvallis, Or. as to subdivisions. 4-28 BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS 10 ACJIBS 8 acres In loganberries, 2 acres full bearing, iNo. 1 buildings and seven room house, 3 miles on Jefferson road 80 rods east. See owner, (F. B. 8tarh. 4 28 BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS WILL rent, trads or sell store build ing, fixtures, living rooms in rear; also garage, one oak delivery box for Ford, cheap and one modern 5 room house with arn for $1200. Phoue ltHSLW. 5 3 BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS BEST BUYS 2 acres all cultivated, good house, lots of fruit; $2000. easy terms. 81,4 acres all in ero, on paved road, close to Salem; $2000, terms it do sired. 10 acres, alt cultivated, all fenced, 3 miles out, only $1310. 10 acres; good modem house, logun', prunes, family orchard; $5300. 12 seres all in cultivation, fl room hnuso, 2Vj acres, family orchard, l'j miles 'from alem; $35(10, 8 acre; 6 acres, la in prunes, y. In peaches, lo;ana "between; 1 acres in maple timber; the best of river bot tom, on graveled road, just the place fur an investment that will bring returns; only $1200, easy terms. 15 acres, 6 acres in 7-year old cher ries, ti in 7 year old prunes, 4 straw berries; hnuso, burn, close in; 37-"0. 18 acres, 5 nercs loguiis; small house; H'4 acres limber, close in,.$380u. 24 acres, 10 cultivated, balance tim ber pasture; house, barn, family fruit; $2250. 0 acres, l'j miles from town, trade for Salem residence nut over $15iM. 15 acres all cultivated, family orch ard, 21,4 acres strawberries, 0 lures grain, 1 acre potatoes, family gar den, 5 room house burn wilh liny fork, fruit house, wmil shed, chick en hems.!; best black gravel soil; close to school; equipped with stock and tool and all household furniture, $l!HMl. 70 acres, 50 tillablo, 1,0(10,000 feet saw timber; will trade for acreage! or Salem resilience and as'inne mon tage or ;iay caMi difference. For licst buys see BQCOLOFSKY Bayne building BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS JEWELRY Our Jewelry repair de partment has been greatly enlarged and is now in charge of an ex p e r t manufacturing jeweler. Bring us your repairing or have your old jewelry made over into new artistic pieces that you will be proud to wear. HARBIAN EROS. CO. Jewelers & Opticians N.W. Corner State and Liberty Streets ALL THROUGH HANG IT ALL Our new and exclusive cloth effects in wall paper, are so perfectly made and evenly toned that you can HANG IT ALL Come here for everything that's good and cheap in WALL PAPER I BW'S f IBBBE STORE j FOR BENT Furnished housekeeping room. 1510 Mate St. 4 29 CHOICE flower seeds, bulbs, etc; tlso chesp housekeeping rooms. Phone 2357J. 257 X. Church St. 4 28 OHRiISTfAN woman for very light housework, good wages. Phone 453, call for 5. 4 29 WANTED -T- Cirl for housework in family of 3 Apply 1570 South Com mercial, tf WAXTED To trade 25 acres of rich bottom land for modern house in Sa lem. Box 223, Turner, Or. 4 29 FOR SALE 6 room modern bunga low, fino locution, priced right. Ad dress K 4 care Journal. 4 20 FOR HALE 9 acres, '1 mile rnst of end of 12th street carline, acre si ra wherries, l acre logan hurries, young orchard, 3 room house, barn, chicken and hog house, good well. $2000. Jus. t'alluliiiii. 5 3 FOR tALF lly owner, n fine forty, good soil, sightly, mid lies well, six miles south; 14 acres prunes, 4 acres apples and cherries, 1 14 seres logans, soino timber and a few stumps. Six room plastered house, good burn, two good springs. Adjacent, pr ipi.ity sell iir,r nt $35i per acre. Call phone 12ICR or address 835 I) St. 5 4 Polk Circuit Court, Twice Postponed, Convenes Today Dallas, April 28 After two post none infills, dun to illness of one of the loenl attorneys, the spring term of the circuit court will coiiveno in this county this Announcement W eare pleased to announce the opening of our new grocery store at Court street. Our stock will always consist of the best quality of clean goods and our prices will be the lowest possible. No order is too small to deliver. Watch this space. No-Vary Grocers 383 Court Street "The Store 11 Ff kill x t afternoon with Judge H. H. Belt pre siding. The grand jsry probably will be in session several days, as there are a number of criminal matters to be considered including those of Albert Encs, and Homer Dale, in Jail awaiting trial. The civil cases to be heard in clude scvenil damage cases brought by the Spaulding Lumber A Logging com pany ngainst tho SiletK Logging com pany and tho Valelv ft Sileti Railway company. Dale, who was arretted a few days ago, charged with a statutory crime involving a young high school girl is 11 brother of Lee Dale now serving a life senlence in the penitentiary for tt murder committed in eastern Oregon n few years ago. Clackamas county has furnished 3. 500 pounds of clothing for 'the refu gees in Europe. W It fsT .V SI sr i tHDMStIO 6 E ELL-AM S Hot water Sure Relief P.ELL-ANS 'FOR INDIGESTION t- .:fd J '0 Phone 409 of Quality"