7 MONDAY KVEMXG April a, vm CHAELE3 H. FISHEB Editor and Publisher OUYUai Editorial Page of The Capital J Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon, Address AU Communications To (The Datln jAilal Journal EALEM 138 S. Commercial St. OREGON SUBSCRIPTION BATES Ei!T, It Carrier, per year 5.00 Ter Month- Daiiy by Mail, per yeer 3.00 Per Month.. FILL LEA.SKD WIRE TELEGRAPH KEPOBT FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES ' W D. Ward. New York, Tribune Building. W. II. fctockwell, Chicago, People's Gai Building would Foch be doing in the meantime in case of menace. The Allies have more than a million men in Germany now, with millions more still under arms across the frontier. The chances are about a hundred to one that if such a force is being organized, it is organized as stage scen ery, for its effect upon the peace conference. In brief, it is a military bluff, a threat by which the Prussians hope f n eflOffl fVlO A Hint? nnrl en-fton 4-Va -rrnnr 4Arnnn ' And U 35;nll not work because it is so transparent and, even if it 1 should turn to earnest, so tutile. The world has many things to fear, but any serious resistance of the Germans now or in the near future is not one of them. Fcch has seen to that. The Peily Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the paper on the Porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses Ton, or neglect getting the paper W tod on time, kindly phono the circulation manager, ai this if the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers aro following instructions. Phone! II before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the sarrior has missed you. NO DEAD LEVEL IN AMERICA. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Is the only newspaper in Balem whoee circulation is guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulations GERMANY'S "SECRET ARMY." Czecho-Slovak delegates at Paris laid before the peace conference last week some rather startling evidence of what they are convinced is a systematic attempt to create a new Germany capable of resisting the Allies in case the peace terms prove unduly severe. The Allied observers who have been keeping an eye on Germany have failed to discover these preparations, the informers say, because they are being carried on most Iv in remote and unfreouented villages. The well known German barracks in the former military centers are empty, these new barracks, mostly barns and other build ings on the estates of junkers, are filled with recruits as sembling and drilling in secret. The recruiting is said to be under the command of Hindenburg himself. ""Not a day passes", runs the account, "but that some 500 young Germans join the ranks, for the sake of better pay and food than they can obtain elsewhere." Artillery and other military supplies have been saved from the store remaining at the end of the war, and are hidden in many places awaiting the time of uprising. This report is disquieting, to be sure. It is reason enough for the Allies to remain on guard, keeping their military forces of occupation ready to act at a moment's notice, and to avoid a too rapid demobilization of the Allied armies. It would be natural enough for the Ger mans to undertake some such plan, in order to have ready an armed force capable of malting a desperate last stand in case of extreme emergency. But it is not necessary to conclude that Germany is on the verge of renewing the war. The accounts are al most certainly exaggerated. Even if they are literally true, the recruiting of 500 soldiers a day is nothing to scare Marshal Foch. It would take nearly three years of such recruiting to- raise a force of 500,000 men. And what Secretary Daniels, when he is not running the navy, is a newspaper editor. His mind, therefore, naturally runs to editorial expression. Here are some remarks he made in a talk to some fellow Americans at Paris which serve as a pretty editorial on the Labor Question, or Socialism or Bolshevism, according to the particular angle from which the reader chooses to regard them: "The ideals of America," said Daniels, "are based first of all upon the ability of men of initiative and genius to get on in the world. We wish in America no creed, no politics, no government that denies to men of genius, char acter and skill the just returns of their brains and effort. "It is equally true that we cannot carry out these ideals if we deny to labor the bread it has earned. We are never going back to old ideas of exploitation; but neither are we going to lose ourselves to that conception of So cialism that puts every man on a dead level and denies the reward of brains and initiative." There is in this a pretty good hint of the reason why ( the United btates need have no great fear of Bolshevism or any other extreme form of Socialism. Such systems appeal only to nations in which there are great classes IV 1 1 1 M i 1 . f 1 living in virtual slavery, witnout nope oi rising aDove it. From being a "dead level" of economic mastery, not see ing that when they become the master class they will be little, if any, better off, because the individual will still be unable to rise above his surroundings to the height he is fitted for. The glory and hope of American life is its flexibility or rather, its mobility. The individual is free to move around, and sink or rise, until he finds the place where he belongs. Thus, so far as we have classes men are always passing by thousands from one to another. Some times they sink lower in the scale. Usually they rise. And there is no limit to the height to which any man or woman, starting at the bottom among the unskilled labor ers, may ascend. Our "working classes," with the exception of the un intelligent, the hopelessly prejudiced and the immigrants not yet acquainted with our institutions, knows this. There are agitators who deny such individual freedom, but facts all around give them the lie. Tomorrow and Thursday SHIRLEY MASON f : a i f . - nv .v v . j. h I- in "The Winning Girl" She's tiny in stature, but she full of WHIZZ, BANG, PUNCH! That one moment when she corners the "Human Snake"--That'll satisfy your desire for thrills. THE REGO N serve all you say. I would often em barrass you, auv society woman by my ignorance of the sociul code of man ners." "But you are not common, vulgur! don't yon see," I spoke cxeiteory. I to have some one to teach the new men was distressed that I had mentioned jund it fell to me. anything about these western men, 'T will set niv discharge here nnd anfi so N'i imps then direct home without going to any other camp. I'll sure be home by the was there. I'm awfully Borry to say fine qualities of body and mind which that 1 will have to stay aiioinor montu. he has acquired or developed in the niili Mr lieutenant litis held me to break in turv service, llo returns to you a bet some civilian workers as you know 1 am tcr man." in charge of a landing gear. They had' RIPPLING RHYMES By iWa!t Mason DAYS TO COME. The idle rich, in ten years more, will make their jour neys in the air; the man on foot will watch them soar, and shed a line of tears, and swear. The man on foot's a busy jay, he's dudging autos all the time; some crazy jitney every day attempts his wayworn frame to climb. And there'll be thrice as many cars in days to come, the seers opine; though aeroplanes may graze the stars, the autos won't take in their sign. The man on foot's a busy gent, he hustles wildly through the town, and when he's out to earn a cent, some auto tries to run him down. He's always climbing trees and poles, pursued by crazy choo honk carts, and crawling into drains and holes, to save his divers vital parts. What will it be in vears to come, with castings falling from on high, where dizzy airships whiz and hum? The man on foot Can only die. What profit, if he dodge a boat, and save a highly valued limb, if then some airship gets his goat, by dropping rusty junk on him? There'll be collisions overhead, of accidents there'll be no dearth, and airship chuffers, quick and dead, will come kerflopping to the earth. The man on foot can't dodge them all, the autos and the airship freight, and so he'll jump this mundane ball, and try to keep his shroud on straight. The treaty of peace that will be signed in Paris in the next few days will not bear the ''made in Germany" I rand. The latest ship launched at Hog Island is named Kishacoquillas, and we complain about foreign names. This is humane week and the merciful driver will be especially kind to his machine. Buy it at home this weekand every other week. THE PROMOTER'S WIFE BY JANE PHELPS MR. TREDERICK CANNOT GIVE EARAKARA MUCH COMFORT know they aren't truet" 'I can't seriously believo that Mr. - ; 'Forbes intends to do anything wrong; I'll AITI'.H L..XIX. 'yet inanv 1 know aren't so lenient When Mr. .Frederick spoke so kindly whon talking of him rather when talk t.i me 1 once more had to use ail the inir of his business methods. I don't If control I iHMisescd to rcfruiu from mean to bo cruel dear Indv," I had rying. 1 swallowed hard once or twice lefoie I aiiawpred: "Oh. I was just nervous, things went winced, ''but if others hnvo talked, you and I may as well look things squarely in the face. It is a terrible thing to do GOOD BUYS-USED CARS I-ton Ford truck perfect condition, must be sold at once Bargain. Second-hand, 5-passenger Doit, newly painted and overhauled, quick sale at ?G.j0. SALEM VELIE COMPANY 162 N. Commercial Phone 1604 rni ii II day yesterday ,r.nd auaiu this a voung business man an unconscious in jury. We must get nt the root of the matter if we can. Vo you niinct tell I ing me what you have heard! j "Why that men arc sr.ying Neil is dishonest that it what it means. Thnt ho gets people to put in money into schemes when he knows, or should know : if he doesn't, that there is no chance to make money, scarcely any of getting back what was put in. Then there it another thing I may as well tell yon all, now that 1 have commenced. In this perhaps I am at fault. They say .that Neil and these rich men. roars' Tulsar men. with rtotmg to rrrwuiuend i them bnt monev, go to a certain worn lan's house, drink and gamble, then pu' money into these schemes of Uetl . 1 know it isn't true, not as they tell it I but I cannot disprove it." I "Yon mid von wen perheps t blame. What did Toil meant" j "I refused to entertain these men. I Men like thnt Mr. Scnit. Neil brough jtherti home, and I was n disgurM wtt' I them I told him I would not f ntertar jthem her. That he mnst take them tc I some club or restaurant." ' "Yet I am a common man and yrn re ceive me." ! "Oh. Mr. Frederick! pVr.so do not compare ronrself with the men I have reference, trt. Yon are a gentleman in every se"" of the world. A true gen itlemn. They are boors." "Thank you. but really I do ot de- mnrmng. Like a silk little inrl 1 cried and made myself a sight. 1 : " "You couldn't do that; make your self anything but attrutiive to lue," lie said the last to wolds so low I scarcely heard. " My eves always show I have cried," I said lamely, blusliinii. "Yon haven't told me yet whether I euu help you or not. Is tliele nothing I can do to ease your mimlf" "Yes there is!" impulsively 1 re plied. "I have been told horrid things, things I do not believe. Things I won't Mieve. 1 " "What thine,?" his kind cool voice interrupted. "Things about Neil his business, I menu." 1 saw a quick change in my listener's face, then a quick a control. "You know more r.hotit business than I... ..t t ii ... . : l mi hi miiv women, lea me ii people lie about thing can t you refute ihem in Si'me way so these the public will Doctors Recommend Bon Onto For The Eves iinsiciaus ami eve er t;. :ilo lton Opto as a safe 1 Jtlv in the treatment of eve t many of whom he knew, hurt him. "Suppose we forget me, and get back to our subject. Who told you these things? Anyone of prominencet" 'Yes, one of thein a woman friend1, one of the smart set. vet a broad mind ed, kind hearted woman who would notl- repeat silly gossip for the world. She wanted to warn to help me." "I'm! in what wnyt" "Why you see I had planned to give some social affairs, just small ones at first, to be followed bv larger ones Inter. She told me people wouldn't come," my voiced trembled on the lp.et word. He laid his strong warm hand over mine as he replied: "I begin to see why you were . so distressed. Now tell me nil. I cannot help you unless I know just what youl are up against." just tneu tne telephone rang. I an swered. It wns Neil. "Don't wait for dinner. A lot of fellows arc in town, and I htve to dine with thorn." I tried to reply, but re ceived no answer. Neil once more had hung up. (Tomorrow A Full Confession.) fore purt of M:iv." Joseph Riley of Hrooks, Oregon, fa ther of Stanley Riley, received a letter a few days ago from first lieutenant J. Sauter. Referring to Stanley Ri ley, the lieutenant writes: ''As his commanding officer, I am proud of him, He has dono his duty well. I and his comrndes will bid him good bye with deep regret nnd wish him every success after he returns home that spot in cry man's heart that no other place can fill. Your son is bringing back many W. .7. Tntterson, a real estate deal er of Portland, is under arrest at Eu gene, charged' with setting fire to 80 tons of hny with intent to defraud in surance companies. AVOID COUGHS nd COUGHERifl Coughing Spreads Sh&oh I mr 30 DROPX-JTOP COUCHJ" I HALT THU PGR CHILDREN ergeant Riley Making Goad As Aviator And Likes Work Sergeant S. liiley, (if the 87rttli nonv sipiadron, is now stationed at .Mont-1 "omerv. Alali.'iii i the aviation serv ice. I'nd'T date of April 7, he writes; home as folluus: "I have j.,s( Itoiir 's spin in ' great as it was olll-l see finite come lit.vk from a half the air. It wns sure nice and clear unit one a distance. We made three loops, diil the barrel roll nnd a lit tie of everything. We got mi about lnO feet nbove the city of Montgom ery and mndo three loops. I . I'!..: : . . . . ... . rMinif is sure grenr. v e also nadi a lug rtance trulnr evening in our mess hall. Peemed as though half the town BuylheFiYePound Size and Save Money Bucarit buvBcllcr Coffee. EVERY CAFiGUARfiNIEED III WHY? 1UUA1 A pecinlists pre- liome rome- ronblcs and to strengthen eyesight. Sold under aioney refund guarantee br all druggists. REGO TOMORROW F annie Ward in " u IN c ommon Clay" COMEDY PATHE GO! 7 y -t