Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 28, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Sore Threat- Golds
QukkJy Relieved By Hamlin'
Hamlin's Wizard Oil is simple
tad enective treatment for tore
throat and chest colds. Used as a
garble for sore throat it brings quick
relief. Rubbed on the chest it will
often loosen tip a hard, deep seated
cold in one night
How often sprains, bruises, cuts
and burns occur in every family, as
well as little troubles like earache,
toothache, cold sores, canker sores,
tiff neck, and tired aching feet
Soothing, healing Wizard Oil will al
ways bring quick relief.
Get it from druggists for 30 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottle and
get your money back,
Ever constipated or have sick
headache? Just try Wizard Liver
Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30
cents. Guaranteed,
Ton must clean the stomach and
bowels, purify the blood, each spring,
or you leave winter's germs and un
pur lies in your blood and system.
Drive them away, clean out the stom
ach and bowels Dike Hollister's
Rocky Mountai Tea, a spring cleanser
purifier. 33c. Tea or Tablets.
'Continued from page cne)
of the gerat sacrifices made by Ameri
can boys in France.
Although Governor Lynch uIauvs had
Lecture Recital By Prof. .
Sites Scheduled For Tuesday
Next Tuesday evening. April 19. in
th auditorium of the public library
will oeeur the last number of the 1919
lecture course a lecture recital bv
jPr.'f. John R. Sites. M. 1h, of Wil
jlanimette I'niversity, in which he will
be assisted by some of the1 best musical
I talent of the institution. It need not
jbe said that this will be an event of
I exceptional interest and cultural value
and it should Eave a good attendance.
! Following is the program to be pre
'The Development of French Opera"
lecture by Ir. John R. Sites.
Amour, que veux tu (le moi, Jean
Bfmtiste Lulli, Miss Venita Mr Kinney.
Mazurka. Camilla SaintSaens;
Searfe Dance, Mine. Cecil Chaminadi
Miss Lucille Ross.
Open Thy Blue Eyes Jules Massinet
Miss Kate Chatburn.
Babillage, Francois Thome;
Valse Bignonne- Edoutrd Sehuett,
Miss Florence Shirley.
SSerenado, Charles Gounod, Miss Mar
guerite Wible.
Pas des amphores, Mm. (Veil Cham
inade. Miss Mabel Stanford.
Berceuse (from "Jocelyn"), Benja
min Godard Cello solo by Dr. John R.
Sites. f
I j. n. a.
Karl IS
Phumway of the Ifanser
been eager to wiitch military parades, llntiay
be refused to see the parade of Argonnef1, ... . p,t,,, .a in ,
city ovr Sunday. He is in one of the
ship yards.
F.M. Phelps, first lieutenant of Co.
G, 91st division, arrived in Salem last
evening from the Presidio.
Mis9 Leonore Staley, who has been
visiting her parents at La Grande, re
turned to Salem yesterday. She has
temporarily taken up her former po
sition with the Portland Railway Light
and Power company.
Waldo O. Mills, formerly of Hood
River, arrived in the city yesterday.
He will bo with tho 'Barnes, easli 9tore
during tho absence of Mr. Barnes and
family in the east.
Frank Fnrrington. formerly in (he
market l)iminess in Salem, was in the
city over Sunday. Ho is now with the
Cascade market in Portland.
Scott Ward of Albany, father of
.Frank Ward, druggist, was in the city
yesterday. Ho was on his way to Port
land where he is serving on the fed
eral grnnd jury.
Justice A. S. Bennett and family
were in Portland yesterday registered
at the Imperial.
Chas. H. Schomaker, who is em
ployed n a shoe salesman with the
Olds Wortinan and King Oo. of Port
land, was in the city Sunday visiting
his parents on ' .South ,(.,'iimniercial
street .
veterans lust Tuesday, declaring
could not watch it.
Bccently when a Victory loan dinner
Wf.s given, a tribute was paid in his
presence to his son who died in tho Ar
gonne. .Lynch arose with tears in his
eyes and accepted the tributo for His
son. "Ho was a better men than I can
ever be," Lynch said. Then ho added,
"I think we had better go home." The
guests loft at once.
Banking Carer long.
Lynch was approaching the ago of 61.
Bcforo ho became governor of federal
reserve bank he was a director of that
institution and was vice-president of
tho First National bunk hero, lie was
connected with the First Kutionul bank
for 40 years.
His homo Is in Alameda.
Friends found Lynch at his desk with
bis houd iu his ain.s ilie day tr.c Mini
camo home. From tliut day last Tues
day Lynch failed rapidly. He remain
ed alone must of time grieving over his
Jumos Kennedy Lynch was uum uep
tembcr 7, 1857. Ho camo of pioneer
stock, his father and mother being
among the vory early settlers of Cali
fornia. His boyhood was passed on a
ranch in Sun Luis Obispo county. Ho
moved to Sun Francisco in order to con
tinue his schooling. Ho graduated from
the boys high school iu 1877.
Children in Service.
Almost immediately aftor finishing
the high school course, Lynch entered
tho employ of tho First National Gold
bank, which in 1884 became the First
National bank of Sun Francsco. He
was mado cashier of that bank In 1894,
in which capacity he served until 1914.
At that time he was advanced to the
,,,.. , ;,: . in, 7 .rt ' nere today were eurgoriy nwumug m
A wedding ceremony by long dis
tance telephone was an occurrence in
AshUitid last Sunday, when Miss Ross
Thomas became tho wife of Robert
Thome, who is located in Denver, Colo
Rt. Johns, N. F., April 28. (XJniled
..: -:....: Press.) Both trans-Atlantic aviators
ernor of the federal reserve bank, as-lu l
.,; h .Inline ,.f hot ntfina nn in. COHSl,
gnet 7 of that year.
During his long and active career as
on weather
Conditions here wero ideal for
I starting tho flight across the Atlantic.
Pilots and navigators were wn the
a banker, Lynch lined many positions , ,
M : , :..i. ..i: .i.... . I
Vl ,....... . ..g . .u x ""'" widow, a daughter, Miss Marjory
dent of tho Han Frnneisco Clearing', , , 'K ', n , , J
W.. .neintinn. Clifornii Bankers L-Vn('h- B0W j" the Cr88 5,1 FrflnfC-
association and president of the Amer
ican Bankers association.
Uo wus tt member of tho Pacific Un-1 -XT . T ,t , T , . .0
lon, Commercial and Bohemian clubs of j l U I UN bALlliM ALWAlO
xie married miss uenevieve oouio
September 3 1884 and is survived by his
and a son, Kenneth Ransom, now in the
, naval reserve.
Mrs. White Says Tanlac Over
Same Troubles After Every
thing Else Failed. Suf fered
Fifteen Years.
"Actually, a few bottles of Tanlac
did more for ine than medicines and
treatment that have cost n.e thou
sands of dollars," said Mrs. Kittie
White, who lives at 1312 Forty sec
ond street, East, Seattle. Wash.
"Fifteen years ago," she continu
ed, "1 was a strong and healthy wo
man weighing hundred and seventy
pounds. 1 contracted asthma, which
got so bad that many a time I have
had to sit up nicht after night hardly
able to get my breath and suffering
terribly. My stomach went back on
me, my food would sour and the gas
that rose up in my throat would al
most strangle me and 1 would be in so
much misery that I would go almost
distracted. My head ached like it
would split and my back hurt like it
was going to break in two. I lost over
forty pounds and was so weak and felt
so worn out that I was hardly able to
get around.
"One of my friends told me about
Tanlac. so I got me a buttle. My ap
petite is so great now that I feel
ashamed to eat enough to satisfy my
self, and my stomach is in fine condi
tion. I haven't suffered a particle
from asthma since 1 have been taking
Tanlac. I felt so fine on finishing my
first 'bottle that I-just eouldn t get an
other one quick enough. I never know
what a headache is, those awful pains
in my back are all gone, I have al
ready gained several pounds and am
training in weight and strength every
day. I can do any amount of hard work
without getting tired, and enn't remem
ler the time when I felt as fine as I
do today. "
Tanlac is sold in Salem by Dr. 8. C.
Stone, in Hubbard by Hubbard Drug
Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben Gooch in
Gervais by John Kelly, in Turner by
II. P. Cornelius, in Woodbuin by Ly
man II. Shorey, in Silvortou by Geo.
A. Kteolhatiunor, in Gates bv Mrs, J.
P. McCurdy, in Stayton by C. A.
lieauchamp, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
Store, in St. Paul by Groceteria. Stores
Co., in Donald by M. W. Johnson, in
Jefferson by Foshny & Mason, and in
Mill City by Marketeria Gro. Co.
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Hazel Green, April 8. Chas.
Knuths a brother of Mis. Joe Zeilin
ski is expected home soon from France
Ho landed in New York April 7th.
Mrs. Chas. Zeiliuski and daughter,
Rosie, went to Stockton Sunday week
to visit relatives.
Mrs. Mabel Fassett of Washington
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Chapman.
Mrs. John Piotroek and infant son
from Stnyton, are spending a few days
with her parents, Mr. and Mre. Pete
Fred Barnick, who has been with the
U. 8, troops in Siberia and is now in
the hospital at San Francisco, is ex
pected hom in a couple of weeks.
Frank Zeilinski, who recently re
turned from France, visited relatives
The Original
' Halted Milk
For Infants and Invalids
w ' w n
Buy m d
This admonition is especially good now that you can "buy for less" money in
Salem. The good things, very latest styles, etc. We think this especially true
in Shoes. We can give you the very newest styles, the highest qualities and
all size3 from "0" in baby shoes to 12 in men's and from AAA to EEE wide.
And all at
Less for Cash
Ladies White Pumps in Nile cloth, Reignskin, Nubuck or Canvas new
shapes, heels, etc., at from $7.50 on down to $1.95. In Oxfords from $6.50
down to $2.o5.
Ladies White lace shoes in all kid, Reignskin, Nile cloth, Nubuck or can
vas. New shapes, all the heels with oak leather, white ivory leather, Neolin
or rubber soles from $10.00 down to $1.95.
Misses and Children's White Shoes. Also Oxfords, pumps and slippers in
all grades from $3.50 on down to 80c. r '
You should see the new black kid pumps for misses and children in the
English toe, no straps. "Just like Mothers."
We have the largest line of children's shoes in the city.
We Can Please You
Buy in Salem First Buy in SalemFirst
This coming week is set y You owe it to your .
aside to emphasize i OtTlOrrOW S OpCCial Town Pride to
"M fancy silks BUY Hi SALEM
Watch every ad In this lot you wull find the most beautiful silks in "
for- PLAIDS, STRIPES and the accepted shades. New Extra Special
Extra Special Bargains tomorrow only Everydav
, Watch 4the Ads
The real Patriot is the KOTOR WEAVE AUTO ROBES
ine reai ramot is tne If you make your money
one who patronizes his Nationally known and advertised at $7.95. -n that,s where
own Home Town BUY LV SALEM. you should spend it.
Featuring 3 Charming Dresses at "Extra Special Price"
This sketch
shows one of
No. 9490.
It is made of
rich quality
Black Satin,
with heavily
embroi d e r e d
tunic, knife
pleated skirt.
Sold for $48.50.
This sketch
shows No. 135
A. Crepe Meteor
With front
Jrape, embroid
ered and
Beaded Vest
Royal Purple
Sold for $42.50
This sketch
Shows No. 409
fringed side
Panels, with a
crushed messa
" line girdle. Sold
for $55.00.
The models in this showing are over-skirt effects;
embroidered and braided tunics; plainer models in
For street and afternoon wear
$18.85, $24.85
In these lots will be found Serges ranging in price
up to $37.50. They come in
Hi very garment neat, ana Strictly Dependable m
The new Dentifrice en
dorsed by all leading
dentists. Introductory
Sale, 39c.
You can always do better at
Li v ilcCOLilCCODS
The newly 'discovered
Sanitary Napkin. Pack
age of six. Special 19c.
in this diMrift lant wo-k accompanii'd
by hi father, George Z'ilinlii, and
brother, Henry, of Oregon City.
Mrs. W. 1. MirCormack ond danijh
ter, Ruby, Leonn and Edilh, from
Anmsvillc recently nfient few days
with the former's daughter, .Mrs. l'e
ter Woelke. ,
The parent techer snnociation had a
full home Kridny eve and an excellent
program. The whistling olo of M-.
La Mnin? Clark were much appreci
ated. Several dollars were netted for
I the gehool from the Mile cf ice eream,
I Konnld Montgomery of Cuinar,y ma
a giwst at the I", B. parsonage i'ridny
.MisHe, Troxcll and Tavamer retnrn
,ed from Astoria last week.
' Mrs. Alice I'armenter ha gone to
! .Salem to work in dreiinmaking parlers.
Alton, III. The free and independ
ent iirdi r of holmes has net a forty
cut an hour minimum, according to
members pan-ing through here. Luh.ir
reinaini, optiinnl with the individual.
Chicago leep may lirinjf health,
hut it does not retain weultli, accord
ing to Jke Smith, Chicago daloonkeep
er. His reat wag nnbroken by robbers
who Kicked his aafe of .WO.
Chicago iFrank Harris, in jail for
burglary, receive no more friendly vis
it. Two friends came to synipalhio
and Loth were arrested, one. for non
upport, the other for violating hi pa
role. New York The movie mnt b
growing nhoiking. Movie maiuifactiir
er have decided Hiey cannot tolerate
luimiiTul and salacious productions and
have landed together to keep Ym
dark .
; :-b