Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 28, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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An Economical, Delightful, Light
riace to Trade
The goods Salem has to offer are new and fresh and radiant with the style ideas of
the moment. Salem's goods are identical in eYery respect with those sold in lar
ger cities at much more. Salem's overhead expenses are much :ess and the ex
pense of running business mast always be added on the cost of merchandise. Trade
b Salem where values are well worth coining a long way to set.
Women's Tailored Suits, faithful cop- SHJ( DRESSES
ies of . much higher price, models visiong u and The
new dresses irt Taffeta, Crepe de
Chine, Georgette $14.93
WAISTS All wool Zephya, sleeveless slip-on,
Spring Waists, made especially at- all sizes and colors, special, $1.79
tractive by charming designs -
$1.00 to $10.00 eacn Numerous savings are here listed :
Tissue ginghams 19c yd
' Dress ginghams 23c yd
SILK DRESS SKIRTS 'f .in" f-llt
r6 in. Art cretonne ioc yd
These dress skirts are the prettiest 3G in. Fancy Marquisette 49c yd
ever. Taffeta, Satin, Poplin in plain Hope Muslins 20c yd
and plaids $4.93 White outing flannels .....19c yd
State Street
Canital Journal Want Ads Will Get You What Yoa Want
Buy at H
For Burning Eczema
The Solidarity and Prosperity of a town
is reflected in the complexion of its
Business Houses.
No town can have a healthy complex
ion when the channels of sustenance are
Every out-of-town purchase is a punc
ture in the artery that nourishes home
institutions and the city itself.
Barnes' Cash Store grew up in Salem.
The policies adopted in the beginning
are still in force. Giving the best mer
chandise at a fair price is only one of
the means that has made this store a
powerful factor in the mercantile field.
Barnes' Cash Store is an out-and-out
Salem institution, headquarters and alL
We have always taken part and pride in
Salem's civic advancement and welcome
every worthy enterprise.
Today, we merely ask you to come, see,
compare in all frankness, and, be con
vinced that Good, . Dependable Mer
chandise can be bought in Salem as
cheaply as like goods can be bought
A-i "E'-'-'fVi" '..'.'j. '."gar
Greasy salves and ointments should
not be applied if good dear skin is
wanted. From any drugg iu for 35c, or
$1.00 for large size, gut a bottle of Zemo.
When applied as directed it effectively
removes eczema, quickly stops itching,
and heals skin troubles, also sores,
bums, wounds and chafing. It pene
trates, cleuues and soothes. Zemo is
a clean, dependable and inexpensive,
antiseptic liquid. Try it, as we believe
nothing you have ever used is as effec
tive and satisfying.
Tbt G. W. Kom Co.. Cleveland, O.
Hpoknno, Wash., April 28. Spokane
tonight will turn out for the second time
within u wock to welccmo returning
trnopH, when 7rt3 officers and men of
the 3lilst ami 302nd regiments and field
nitfnnl corps of the 01 st division are
scheduled to pnrr.de. nt 8 p. in.
Tho first train is due at A p. in. and
the second at 8. The soldiers will be
here about four hours thence proceeding
to the const for demobilization.
Joannes K. Maniurclcs, a bootblack,
walked into Victory hall at Taeoma
Wednesday with 1M0 in silver gold
and rnrrency and exchanged it for
victory bonds.
Carbonate of Lime
Mngnosin Carbonate
Hiei.rbonato Soda
Castile Munp
Powdered Horns
Tincture Myrrh
flavoring Agent
1st (ilyrcrine keeps rreani soft.
2nd Castilo tonp is purest cleanser.
3rd Carbonate of Lime is a tooth j
Imildiiig went. I
4thTinrture of Myrrh hardens gums'
sail tends to prevent I"yrrhoea.
5th Carbonate of Magnesia overcomes
, 1 1
Some thirty odd members were ini-1 J
tia!d into the Daughters of Isabella
yesterday afternoea i the Knights of
Columbus hail. The entire afternoon
was taken op with the impressive ini
tiation teremoniea after which as elab
orate banquet waa served in tae din
ing sail of the club rooms. A beautiful
color scheme of purple and gold a
carried out in the decorations. The
lights oa the chandeliers were sub- j
dued by hug purple and gold aha ilea, !
a ad the tablee were centered with low ,
bowlj of yellow and purple violets, i
rotted plants added to the effective
ness of the decorative Bote, while tiny
nosegays formed dainty favors. A t
number of the old member answered j
the call for speeches and were ans
wered by some of the newly admitted i
The regular business meeting of the ,
uriaiHiuus win dc uriu mis vvtrmug
The Woman's relief corps Aid soci
ety met last Thursday afternoon with
Mrs. Mollie Dennison, 1475 North
Commercial street. Assistant hostesses
were Mrs. Ruth Dennison, Mrs, Julia
Hkidgett, Mrs. Chloe Barber, Miss
Edith Benedict, Mrs. Myrtle Bechtel,
Mrs. Edith Bartel aad Mrs. Anna
Bennett. A quilt waa sold and nine
dollars realized which was placed in
the general fund. The business session
waa followed by needlework and a so
cial hour after which delicious refresh
ments were served.
This meetine was marked as one of
the largest ever held by the Woman's
Relief Corps Aid society, nearly eigh
ty members being present.
TTTT, t -tltlttlttZtt
' - ssssss efT a a a t tt-t-j-t--"""' 1
tmni m PflniUMl
IT? If i II fl I' t El 1 1 FI H II El li 111 ill
II J II i IV lIMsti . II II VI lit M t f i I 1.
ipyn .him ofaLLH'u i
j -
of it
Mrs. Carlton Smith has gone to Ta-
eoma to meet her nusoanu, Major
Smith, who has recently returned from
The Aid soeietv of the Englewood
United Brethren church met with Mrs.
Aflred Fuestuiau Wednesday after
noon. As their pastor, Jiov. Frank .H
Xoff, and family have left Salem to
ake their heme in Lebanon, tnis leu
the soeiety without any president, as
Mrs. Keff has been filUng that ornce
for scvenil miinths. At the short fcus-
ness session Mrs. Puestman was elect
ed president, Mrs. H. Tartell as vice
President! and a now leommittee on
work wag appointed to eonsint of Mrs.
II. RiehnAind, Mtb. t. Jioxie n
Mrs. 1 W. Custle. The. financial re
port shows the society in a very good
condition every way.
The next meeting will be in tne wise-
ment of the church next Wednesday,
and aa there is considerable work to do
a good attendance is desired.
Governor Olcott went to Tortlaud
Sunday to greet tho battleship Orenon
on its arrival in home waters to as
sist in putting over the victory loan.
Tho Red Cro-i aultiliary of tho East
ern War will meet tomorrow in the
Musonic Temple for nn all dny sewing
... v l.
session. Alt mcmoers are r!uuij
quested to bo present.
Mrs. Xora Robertson enterlnined a
number of her friends Wednesday eve
ning in honor of the birthday of her
if,.r. Mrs. Cora Hchwoinfurth. The
house was beautifully decorated with
potted plants and flowers, and games
and music were the evening's diver
sions. A bounteous lunch was served
at midnight by the charming hostess.
Thoe bidden were Mr. ana jurs.
V. A. Wood and son Emery, Mrs. H.
H. Miles and daughter Aliuwtta, luri
Wood, Everett Wood, Jamea Wood all
of Turner; Mr. and Mrs. U. v .. hbu
rick, Misa Myrtle Ireland, Mr. and
Mrs. Adolph Jloven, trrea jreinnu,
Miss Lovellft Irfwis. Mrs. Cora Schwcin
furth, Mrs. Xora Robertson and son
tiren of fcalem.
Mrs. Claries K. Spaulding is visit-
. 1 - 1 i I
ing nor son ana nau'?nier-iu-in,
and Mrs. Clifford Spaulding, in -New-
John McCormaek, the noted tenor,
who sings at the public auditorium in
I'ortland, May 21, direction fcteers t
Cunan, wins this special letter or, ap
preciation from the navy department.
Washington, l. I:
Nvy department depaitment) of
camp music. Washington, li. C.
I'iO'iflll SUF
FinaUy Made WeU by Taking
LyJi E. Pinkham' Veg
etable Compound.
Emmitsburg, ' MJ. "I suffered for
twelve or fifteen years, and was treated
till :"".
sarw an aaveruse
ment of Lydia E.
I'mk ham's Vegeta
ble Compound iu my
newspaper, so
thought I would try
it, and itdidmemore
good than all the doc
tor's medicine. I
am a farmer's wife
land do my bouse-
ivnrk m Ins timt
acid mouth and prevents decay. I and I am better now than I have been
th Bicarbonate of 8oda neutrnliies ' for years. I am never without Lydia E.
the acids of tho stomach. i Pinkbam'i Vecetable Compound in the
th it i pliasantlv flavored, making ! house and have recommended it to ser
ifs use a pleasnre
(Price 25c)
The following prominent Bklem den
tists give it their endorsement:
vh. DAKny
'or Sale By
Salam, Ores, on
ifer-iBaw l
I (ft'-- ' (
It h
;,,. --oji
eral of my friends. You are perfectly
welcome to publish my letter for the
pood It may do other women. Mrs.
trriB Warren, Emmitsburg, Md.
Backache and nervousness are symp
tosns or nature's warnings, which in
dicate a functional disturbance or an
unhealthy condition which often devel
op into more serious ailment.
Women In this condition should not
continue to drsg along without help, but
profit by Mrs. W arren's experience, and
try this famous root and herb remedy,
Lydia E. Pinkham't Vegetable Com
poundand for special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co.,Lynn,Uasa,
Salem is known throughout Oregon as the City where good quality of mer
chandise can be bought at exceedingly reasonable prices
This Store Joins with all the Merchants of Our City
in featuring
This is clean up time in our ready-to-wear departments (Just between Spring
and Summer). Many lines are broken in sizes. Some of the garments are
crushed from display. This store cleans up each season and in so doing sells
some lines of made-up garments at less than the cost of materials.
Where Shopping Is a Pleasure
1. & iltpini do.
Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon.
a i t
Charles L. Wagner, 511 Fifth avenue,
New York city, March 1, 11)1! My
dear Mr. Wagner: It may he of somo
interest to you to leara that in my
program nt .League Island snvy yard
Inst night my audience of l."00 men
"sang'' a toast to John McCormaek
in honor of his becoming an American
I do not think that any of us will
ever forget tho great inspiration tiiat
Came with this unuhual incident. The
men stood and we snng "Mother Ma
cliree'1 (as the toys nre so familiar
wilh it), and we followed this with the
".Star Siaiig!ed Buoner" and :nrec
healthy cheers for Mr. McCormaek,
whom we all feci ha been one of the
greatest instruments for good that this
country has ever known.
This little incident was opportune
and spontaneous and breathed surli an
etni!.hcrc of good fellowship I thot
you would be glad io hear cf it.
With best wishes for his continued
sueces, as well as your own, I remain
very truly yours. Albert N. Hoxie.
Judge A. S. Bennett and family
were among the Salem folk who spent
the week end in Portland.
... ,
The management of the Midlorv ho
tel in i'orrland is presenting John
Claire Monteith in a concert Wednes
day evening for the pleasure of the res
iilcnts of the hotel nd their friends.
Following the concert, which n ill com
mence promptly at 8:111) o'clock, an
orchestra will play for dancing. A num
Vier of the patrons of the hotel have
invited their friends for dinner pre
ceding the affair, an! the evening
ironure to be niowt interesting
It's Easy-If You Know Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
pairs of shoes, the scores of pairs of I
stockings, the bolts uf muslin, ging
hams and outing flannel ami the great
quantities of food nccestary to care
for the LIT little induui girls whose
onlv home is -the Christie Home for
Orphan C! iris at Oswego. With the rap- The secret of keeping young is to feI
idly increasing cost of living it is im- young - to do this you must watch your
possible to care for the girls on the $S 'vef and bowels there's no need cf
a month for each girl which the state j having a sallow complexion dark rini "i
provides. Sme of the girls not coming i JH'der your eyes pimples a biliou i
under the provision of the law, makes ia your f tee dull eyes with nt
the problem doubly difficult of solu
lion .
In &ileiii the sale of the tugs ill
be under the direction of the Daugh
ters of Isabella.
A Vermont pipe organ company is
ahout to be'jin the manufacture of
what may he the largest pipe organ
ever built. Thi, organ will be placed
in the theater which is being erected
nt Jtroadway and Fifty first street,
New York and which will be the larg
est theater in the world. The organ
will have a four manual console, espe
sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety
per cert ot all r-icknrsa comes from In
active bmveh s-.i li'T.
f- Edward, n tTcli-fcicm rcim
in Ohio, perfertrd c e.Tetf.fcjs cry
pound nlcd vi:h clire c:I to ret t i
the liver an-l !;ov::'.3, which he cave t.
hn pa'bnti for vciro.
Or. Er!w?ri3' 6'ivc Tabids, (he cubst
lute for ctlomel, ere gentle in their actio? i
yet always effective. They bring aboi't.
that exuberance of spirit, that catttrrl
buoyancy uhich should be enjoVed hy
everyone, hy toning up the liver and de?r
int, the system of impurities. "
You Will know Dr. Edwards' Oliu Tab.
cially designed and nil entirely new lets by their olive color. 10c and 25c Dtl
stop called "first violins" will be a bos. All dnjjjista,
fiature. The orian will contain tiO ,
omplete registers and will escel in
point of power anything yet made in
theater organs. While fundamentally
an organ it will nlso be an orchestra,
having 11 sits of string", and will he
equipped with flutes, oboes, clarinets,
When yon arc overworked, feci list-
sleep or eat, better take Hollister 's J ' '"'"K"''
nosRv .Mountain lea, livens von up,
Chicago, April 2S. Fighting for the
right to meet Sergeant F,arl Caddoch,
world's ehnmpinn wrestler, Ed "8tai
Rler'' Lewis and Wlndek Zbysiok wi I
meet in a finih contest at the Cnliseipi
Miss Helea Pesrce was a wei-k end
guest or her mother, Mrs. tieorge
I'enrce. Miso 1'carce is connected wita
the Portland Y. W. C. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Iank Pu.bin enter
tained as week end guests Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Appcrsin of M'Minnville
and Uiear daughter, MifS Mildred Ap-
vrs.in, who attending the I'niveisity
of Oregon. F"rnnk Pun in .Ir., a stu
dent at the Oregon Agricultural col
lege waa a'iM) a guest nt the Durbin
home over Sunday .
iaies tne siomacn. iiiakc, yon eat and
sleep. A real Bpring Medicine. 35e.
Te or Tablets.
Aberdeen is planning to build a $.1,0
ilim club house for returned soldiers
and snilnrs.
Salem drusists will he prohibited in
the future from s-lling hay rum and
similar concoctions containing a gener
al supply of alcohol.
Buffalo, N Y, April 28. ic Br f
ton, the welterweight champion, and
tohnnv (iril'fith, the Akron flnh, 'o.fto
been matched for a ten-round bout hern
next Monday night.
1 or Headache
J Kub the forehead
Thousands of tiny May l'aket tags
will he offered fur sale at 10 cents
each throughout Oregon nejf Thurs
day, the entire p-eeeeiis from the n!e
nd temples with
Paris, April Kowiiw iu the fiim!
jof the eiht oared (hell race hcTu ye
terdav on the Ndnc river, the American
crew b.st hr eiuht feet to the New Zea
land ci;M in a most exciting finish.
The Americana led until the final
quarter when the New Zealanders by a
tremendous spurt, reached and passed
tliem. France finished third and Rewr
Foundland trailed.
to bo used ia buying the hundred. ofYQUR BODYCUARCT SOrOO
London. Ami 2S. By McCormick
and Kergesnt Harold Solph, will meet
here tonight in a scheduled 20 round
contest for the lichtweintit champioi
sinp of ('.rest Britain,