Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 26, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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Go to Church Sunday
Subjects of Sermons and Where They
Will Be Delivered in Salem Houses
of Worship, Tomorrow
First Methodist Episcopal Church.
State aud Church streets. Mr. Cluu-
.ill ...., t... J. . 1
s;vh: w:T.;in ::;oZrning tovie iU be-The Law of
tranters and visitor to the Sunday J ""ness, or Merer Divine and Human.
hool at :45 a. m. The pastor will! The evening service now begins at 8
peak at 11 a. iu. oa 'A lill to Ser- o'clock. Suuday school at 9:4o a, ni.
ice." At 3 p. ni. service wilt be held ' Young Peoules rucvtin at ' p. m.
t the Old Pe(Jea Uoiue. At 7 p. ni. i Strnugcrs and visitors are aiways wel-
Ihe Epwortb. I-eajue Devotional Meet-jeunie to all these services,
ing will le held, Mr. Ralph Barnes i
-fwill lead the senior chapter iu a study f Firet Presbyterian Church
of "What we one and how to pay j Thomas S. Anderson, minister. Cora
il." Miss Ieisla Ruby will give a.iiHinioii service at the uiorniug worship,
violiu solo. Master Paul Lee will lead ill o'leock. theme of sermon. "Rchohl
the Junior League. Music morning and
evening by the chorus choir directed
ljr Prof. John R. Sites. The pastor will
speak at 8:00 p. m. on ''Service
"'" grangers wMiors ui s
welcome. K. N. Avison, pastor.
- ,. - TI"" . .
Leslie Methodist Episcopal.
Corner South Commercial nd Meyers
streets. Horace N. Aldrich. pastor. :4.-.
. 1.1. Sunday school, studying the Inter
otioiial uniform lessons. E. A. Ithoten
uperiiitendent. Mrs. Misou Bishop 111
eharge of the primaries. 11 a. ui. public
worship, with sermon by. the pastor.
...e.,e: i 1 11 11 u ess, Vi.umaue o n-
ay. w
the dir
3 p. 1.1. the Junior League, under
uection of Miss Berths In-itner.
6 p. nt. devotional meeting of the Ep-
worth league. Topic, " Stewardship.
Miss Elsie Porsev will lead the an
W....I election of nffir ers will take tdaeo '
. . .. . . 7, .. , 1 .
at this meeting. A full attendance of
the members is desired. Ivan Corner,
president. 8 p, in. soug service, and an
address by the pastor. Subject. "Things
State Institutions.
Hervices will be held at the tate
institutions Sunday a follows; a. in.
-tote hospital, bv j. fctoekerj 2: If. p. m. . ,,Vr"v" 'won ro eai.esaay
mute school, bv II . C. Stovl-r; 3 . n..1'" t"aV: .M"''V" abroad will
girl's training school, by It. W. Porter;
3:15 p. m. tuberculosis hospital, by II.
N. Aldrich.
Ministerial Association.
A special meeting of the Ministerial
Association will be held Monday morn
ing at ten o'clock, iu the Y. M. C. A.
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Sunday services are held nt 440 Che-
weketn street at 11 a. m. Subject of
iKi.i.. i..,.., i,M..,t;n an r
Death." Sunday school at 9:45. a. ni.
Wednesday evening testimonial meeting
At 8 p. m. Reading room 201 Masonic
temple open every day except Sunday
and holidays from 11:45 to !5 p. iu. All
nre invited to our services and to our
reading room.
First Congregational Church.
Liberty and Center etreet. Wl C.
Kantner, minister. 10 n. in. Sunday
mhool. W. I. Maiey, superintendent.
Classes for nil 0res. 11 a. m. "The H li
mn n Heart of Ood." 7 p. m, Christiun
Kiidcavor. 8 . in. Rev. H. C. Stover
of the Central Congregational eliureh
will preach the sermon in exchange
with the pastor. A cordial invitation
to all.
Central Congregational Church.
Corner south l!th and Ferry streets.
C. Stover, minister. A combmcd
Wttndny school and morning service fct
10 n. in. Mis. Burton Edwards, supt.
IJhiistinu Endeavor nt 7:13 p. ni. Ev
ening service at 8 p. m. Sermon by the
nstor of the First Congregational
l I, TW W P K-.ntnor Music bv
thc Girls' chorus. Praver service oil i"t'l'"t. Divine worship and preach-
Thursday at 8 p. m. ' il"nl 1 ,m""?h? "l''-:r,Who raiU'J
and Why." Christian Endeavor at 7
Court Street Christian Church. " All young people invited. Even
Corner Of north J7th and Court sts ' "'Kwoishi p and sermon at 8 p. m. by
We hud a gloriuos day lust Lord's j1'"' ,mBt?r- 1 ra-vcr niPctl" 011 Thur,i-
dav! Wonder if we can have as good ,loy t,scnl"K-
one this coming Lord 's day t No reus-1 E7angellcal Association,
tin whv we cannot. Let s try hard, by
everyone there last time coming r.nd ' tmeketa streets,
bringing some one with them. Remem-:J" " "' pB8.,Hr' ,
iM-r the contest is one nnd if you ;..,.
,,ot there with someone your side will - iHiii n i '
' f '""" ro,,M,t'yi--''vH;.v Ti,1,; :uc m and ,cr-
nt 10 a. in. Children chorus, lesson per- , v , , ,.
iod missionary talk, report of contest ' " '
lord's Table, cermon to , ebildre. , and fw, q
jnormng rmon: W Btmi .,. b fc
Fires Burning." Benediction promptly i ;
nt 12 m. Chiistinn EndeRVor 7 p. m. Liberty Street Evangelical Church.
Bong service and sermon at 8 p. ni. (1- j,lrninR. p,tor 8lDdav
nuijeei- ny ( u ing '""'"
he Two Sides? Our new song books
nre here and we will use them oa Lord
flay, tome nn.t sing sogs or prmse nnu -
worship with us. Our mid week prayer
mooring ana lotieiicr training ciass o:i
Thursday nt 8 p. in. Let's nil go to the
Lord g house on the Lord s day
First Baptist Church.
Sunday is both devotional day and
,.,m-.P HonoNv at the First Baptist
fchurchi, Dr. G. F. Holt's morning topic
ity: a Ststenientha....Cne H....HTATA A
will be The Spirituality of Christian-
itC; ;. Stiitemctit of Hipttsf Principles.:
Th tortures and discomforts of
weak, lame and aching back, swollen
feet and limbs, weakness, diiiness,
nausea, as a rule have their origin in
kidney trouble, not "female complaints "
These general symptoms of kidney and
Madder disease are well known so ia
the remedy.
Next time you feel a twinge of uin
In the bark or are tronbled with head
Ache, indigestion, insomnia, irritation
In the blsil'ier or pain in the loins and
lower abdomen, vn will find quick and
rnre relief in COLD MEDAL ll.iarlera
SM Capsule. This old and tried rem-t-dr
for kidney trouble and allied d
rsnitements has stood the test for hun
bril of years It does the worlr.
I'ams r.nf troubles vanish and new life
nd lualth w.ll come as yon continue
llieir use when completelr restored
to your usual yiitor. continae tsikin; a
rupsol" or twu each day.
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oi.l ap
oiles are imported from the lr.tM.Mir.i
rirs at llssrlem, llnlbnd. Do not sc
oot a substitute, la sealed buses,
tbrce s.zcs.
When eompletelr restored I
of the Northern Baptist Convention
will observe the day as Devotional dav.
j How Cood and Pleasant for Brethren
to Dwell Together iu I'nitv." Sibbath.
aihool at 9:45 a. ui., and Y. P. S. C. E.
Re-'at7p.ni. Evening worship at 8 o'clock
tliome. 'N.lomon's Choice "An I'mlor-
standing Heart.'" Straueers are cor-
'dially welcome at all services.
The Scandinavian Tabernacle.
I Tne Scandinavian Tabernacle, Fif-
twnth aild Miu streets. The morning
.rviee wii, commence at 11 o'elock,
wita Tmvn by Rev. Liud, who will at-
,,, ,0 aul)Vfer ,he qufstion Bv
whom au(1 Uow sha ,(lo Wor,J
CouqueredT " Sunday school at 10 a. in,
Ulls, Allj,.r80Il Blll.rillton(out. A ,.;,
wm,u ,... wi , ,,,,, .
IH-upie s rany win i,e lieiil in me ocn
nig nt 7;:ti o'clock, when Ker. uind
will relate the wonderful store, -The
. . " " u"? """- 0111 '"."
sacrea lessons, tjome nnd he p us smir
. hMi..i i f "!,
our beautiful songst
The Free Methodist Church.
'No. 1228 North Yiuter street. Sub
bath services: Suuday school, 10 a. nt.j
preaching, 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. m.
Revival services continue duriug the
Prayer convention from Wednesday
we ijteeeiu luciuuiug one returncu nns
sionary. Piipcrs on various phases of
the subject of prayer will be presented.
W. J. Johnston, pastor.
Nazarene Church.
Nineteenth and Marion streets, one
block south of Center at Nineteenth.
Sunday services are as usual. Sunday
school at 9:4o a. m., W. B. Hardy super
intendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and
0 111 l"e evening, we
tnvite -everyone who likes the old time
kind ' mwtings where we are making
a specialty of the gospel. A. Wells,
pastor, n ml Florence Wells, deaconess.
Commons Mission.
There wil be the regular Sunday aft
ernoon services at the Commons Mis
sion hall, now being used by the Sal
vatiun Army, 241 State street, Sunday
tit 3 o'clock. Come and enjoy an hour
in tins different service from the com-
Ilium .tim-..li ui.i-.-li.a A IV .,11..
. , inn, Biiciiu
Church of Ooa.
J. J. Gillespie, pastor. The evaugo
listic meeting conducted by Evangelist
Lewis at the Church of Ood, 1310 North
Cliuich street, nre being well attended.
The interest is good and the messages
are timely. Sunday services: Sunday
school, 10 a. ni.; preaching at 11 a. m..
p. m. and 7:45 p. m. We extend
a curuiut nivuution to an to nttciut
these services.
United Evangelical Church,
Cotta.ge and Center siren uuiiunv
"ul ni ID a. in., It. A. PCIllllttUC SUPCr-
school at 10 a. m. Prenchi.i
a, K m y'un' j,,,, wt at
j ,,. m, teaching services at 7:45 p.
m. Mid week praver meeting Thuis
(lay, 8 p. ni.
First United Brethren Church.
Yew Park. Bible school nt 10 a. m.
Preaching nt 11 a. m. bv Charles Wes
ley Tibbet. Young People's meeting in
the evening at 7:30 o 'clock, followed by
a short sermon by Rev. Tibbet.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all who desire to come and worship with
St. Paul's Church,
i'irst Sunday after Easter: 7:30 a. in.,
holy communion ; a. m., euiirch
school; 11 a. m., rnnrnittg prnver and
sermon, "The Land of Hope"; 8 p. m.,
levelling prayer and address, "L'nivei
I sal Charity." Everybody welcome.
( hus. H. Powell, rectoi.
Sunday School and Christian Endeavor
Bible school lesson, "The Holy Spirit
Our Holjicr," John 16:7-15; Acts 2:1-18.
Christian Endeavor lesson, ' Chris
tii.nilv nnd the Toilers of America,"
Matt. 9:3."-38.
K. Y. P. r. lesson, "righting the
Drink Foe," Isa. 28:1-6.
Epworth League lesson, "What We
Owe and How to Pay It," 2 Cor. 8:1-13.
First Christian Church.
No. 544 Center street, Leland W. Por
ter, pastor. Bible school at 9:45 a. in.
Sermon and communion at 11 a. m.
C. E. at 7 p. ni. Evening worsntp at 1
o'clock. Prayer meeting ann cnoir re
hearsal Thursday at 7:30 and 8:30 p. m.
Women's Missionary society at Mrs. D.
A. White's home, P30 N. Front street,
Friday afternoon.
South Salem Friends Church.
Corner of Soma Commercial and
Washington rtreets, U. E. lVmbert-m,
pastor. Bible-school at 10 a. ill, with
rh.sm's for all. Dr. Carl Miller Un-r-intemlent.
Meeting for worship with good sing
ing ami a gospel message at 11 a. n.,
and again t S p. m.
At 7 p. m. the Christum Endeavors
tiitt in u 1,1, w, inhir.wtini ti.l hmf it . !
j able meeting.
Thursday at 8 p. hi., rhe monthly
'business meeting will be opened with j George Mitty returned home trout
j a devotional service. Yen will be inMlejMlnette to stay awhile.
'welcome. 1 Ray Ferguson was ct home all last
; j week as he was sick. He has none back
Christian and Missionary AUlauce. j to work again this week at the buy t '
Rev. J. E. Fee. pastor. Services oa straining school. -next
Thursday afternoon. May 1, at 632 Mrs. Roy Ferguson, of Riverside
South Commercial , street, at 2:13: farm, visited at B. T. Ferguson '1 a
o'clock. Revelations. 12th chapter. All; couple of dava this week.
most cordially welcome.
(Capitnl Journal Special Service)
Brush Oolloge, April 26 Jt a Mrs. Eugene Manning received a tele
nmiler of friends gathered at Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. tsmith s last Saturdy
mght, and chanvaned their son, Kl
,iuer and his bride in honor of their re-
cent marriage, rjmer nas uvea among
its for a number of years and his bride
wits raised in the "Pooeorn" riistrict:
distru't; ;
., ... , j , 7 V '
they .re well iked by all and to show
.r. .... x..ruvvmKc Ealph Harper, who has 'been in vice in the V. is. army was freed rroiu
them a beautiful gas ught . May their j. in ,hf viatiolI tor)) ,in(.e tll0 rharga of killing native pheasants
lamp of love be hept bright and '"-. b Uni of the wa u nvtttti hnmo -m Juti John E. Sibley's court Wed
wg, is thesh of their friends. Thcyia . short time hp wag dlFduU,d t0 nesday afternoon. The charge against
were married Wednesday of last week
at tne unae nome, tne relatives ot
bride and groom were present. After
short honeymoon thev will settle in
the Zena neighborhood.
Mr aiwl Afr.
rMiiitll ttrn Wlrr frenermu in In tr i
treat of ice ereum and cjike, we are
nfraid that this ends tne Brush Col-
weddings tor a wnue, ana we are
all sorry, for who doesn't like iee "rn7 "r"
cream f member of the famous tn ui..-on.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Smith are re- Mf- Ji'V f" J" "r -joieiugover
the arrival of Esther Mary' terestinj souvenirs from the battlefields
Smith; the little one made her appear- t0 .hls reltv n fr'enA8-, ... .
ance the 23d of April. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Seh.n.edeke of
evt took &7Z7 wUh Mr. kdWents of 'a baby boy born April 13ts. The Jury deliberated but a
r.iTVu..r"" This is thei, second sou and ho I minutes before bringing in a ve
Mrs. W. A. Bailey and baby, On-j
lujuvov iuurs(wr nu lueu .uoiuiuu u - ' -
to ace the tank. But alus the "tank, has been named John Albert. Mrs.
has foustod" and gone. jKehmiedeke before her marriuge was
Mrs. Ed Loose was hostess for an .Miss Myreno Miller of this place.
Ko.ter .tinner Mnnilnv tn frin.l. im Frank Adclman and wife went to
7m'. ,n,gUhen,!p;r;.a;d rtV later "part of last weekj. HV Lewis farm located in one of the
ghter Emily, a senior'in the j where Mr. Adelman had i.n operation vrlviwTsoTue.0
their daughter
tsulem high school. '
The purent-teacher meeting held an
liateresting program Friday night. TheI.ast report was that ho was rocover
jladies gave the program with the help ing nicely and chances for retaining his
;f our teacher, Miss Cooki and some 'sight were good.
'little girls, then had a feed of cream! Mrs. O. J. Moisan of Gervnls, aud
'fie and coffee. Believe me, the men j Mrs. L. 8. Mochel of Woodburn, left
all came iu on the pie, good and strong Thursduy to attend the session of the
J Mrs. Agnes Thompson of Tacoma, Willamette Presbyterinl society which
upcnt several days with her brother, C. meets in Lebanon this week. Mrs. Moi
li. Smith, and family. Ralph Smith of'San has been acting secretary for sev-
'near Tacoma was a
visitor with his
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Coney of St.
John spent a week with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Asa Mniith. Mis. Coney and
Mrs. Smith were calling on old friends
and neighbors ill falein, Wednesday .
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bailey and
children weie tho dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs, Lansing Oliver Sunday;
they enjoyed tho services at, the nvorn
ing and evening hour at the first
Christian church. We understand that
Mr. aud Mrs. Paxton have losi (heir
entire prune crop. We arc very Borry
and hope their 's will be the only loss
in the neighborhood.
A. R. Kiviug'g mother and sister
of Portland spent the week end with
her son and family. Miss Bertha May
spent the week end with her parents
near Dallas.
The Easter program was fine; the
iniisie extia good. The Brush College
Helpers gave Mr. and Mis, V, A.
Park an caster lily fur Eastor.
Nathan Jones died at his home Mon
day. He had 'been a eufferer with
stomach trouble for tome time, yet the
end eame unexpectedly, lie leaves an
aged wife, one child and five grind
children and hud he lived two days
longer, one great grandchild. May God
help the loved ones in their sorrow
is our prayer.
(Capitul Journal Special Service)
Pratuin, Or., April 20. Mr. and Mrs.
Easter with Rev. and Mis. Buumgnrt-
Miss Anne Hurold spent the neea-end
with her mother near Salem.
Miss Lydiu Powell of Portland is visit
ing her parents at Pratuin.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roth visited over
Faster Sunday with their daughters,
Mrs. Ed. Leisv and Mrs. Homer Leisev
Of Portland.
xiuiuiii, vi., 41.0111 tdj. ..ii. aim 4uin.'. ... , ....
Paul Baumgartner and Mr. and Mrs.,'" "' sT I I n f a ,
1V..U !.,.. ..r Prfl,.n,l ,.ii.l ..v.., leS WBS nt tllC Sull'lll llOspilul Uutll
Mrs. Herbert Humph, ies spent the ! J c- "T'f """ ro.utl!e.'1
r.nk nA win. her Lrent. Mr. nnil!1'" ho,,,c- i-rysipelas has set in in his
I week end with her parents, Mr. and
"Mrs. V. J. Krehbel.
Miss Ansa Schroeder of Salem spent
I Easter with home folks. ,
j Both the Menonite and Methodist
j churches gave programs last' Monday
morning. Uo u were we .. at e.i.ieu
I A piny called "The DR.iglitor o T the
.Desert will be presented by the Prat-I.
urn young people on .May i, at tne om
,,, . - " - n -
v t f Air .. ;.i.i t,, wcr'' Mr MrR- J- A' K,,',lnl""' n'1
w . ff ll l 't .""'dnugliter.Mi rian.Mr.snd Mrs. Andrew
ttu .Mis. Kascr the Waldo Kills last HodjJ(J aild Mr, and Mrs. John KaUor
week . .e ........... r:, r, ..,.1 M, r. V 7J..1..
Coughing Tires the Old
Elderly people, tired out and weak
ened with coughing, will find great help
and comfort ia
Foley's HonhTah
It relieves those chronic cought, usually
bronchial ia character, and puts a
(nothing healing costing on a dry and
tickling throat. It raises phlegm eaiily.
Genrte Perry Rtnd.lt, Dsytrn, Nevta, la
Sit Hr.h y5r wrilrt ' I t?li rolry'a tloncy
-.dTtrl-rc(isSie ond tkiilit in lh throsr,
Somr'-mct lti tnfil of eot-nm would bt
trom tire In ten noiulee. I in rrry Did to tell
r-m tfasl folry'i Honey tad Tar hit ttopped
il that, sod al.9 tlie tick!' i.'t
J. C. Perry's
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
tola, Or., April 25. Mrs. Young. H'rg
ts up from Portland last weca. visit
ing frieu.li in Euia. Mrs. Youngberg
viMt.-d the Kola school alto, aa ko u
one of the directors yet, although living
in Portland.
J. Wcl.. surjervisor. and Mia AIir
Joyce. as.His.ar.t state rlub leader, visit-
!j I... i i , M- - 1 .. . I
:ed our school last Wednesday.
Mr. aud Mrs. Jarobson visited their
relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. Thacker,
also Mrs. Hnydcu and the Reeec.
Stafford, taving he had arrived at Phil
jadelphia and was leaving for home.
jog. tkheeland of Portland, Juaa
Xatllman of mem aa Jos XathmaB
of Woodburn were here Sunday to visit
'v - : c ;i -1,
.kpip familv And familv. Thn iwi.
nueir lamiiy ana uinii)
lg are gti ite lv,
arrive in New Y'ork Thursduy.
Th(J friendg of ,urm H.
tn hKr v ;, ;
a hospital in Portland recovering from
for a serious affliction
that reiiired the services of a speeial-
Chester Jefferson of Howell Prairie
: i XT V..-1. u. ....! Ki ..
iimonvn.e, Tr.oro..n, ..e ...
performed on his eye by a specialist,
who removcu a sninu piece oi cupper.
oral mouths, and Mrs. Mochel holds one
of the head offices.
Mrs. E. Foster, a sister of William
Bowley, and two children of Mobile,
Ala, arrived last Friday from Gnult,
Canada, where they had been visiting
for the past bix months. Mr. Foster,
who is now in Texas, expects to join
them soon, and they will make this their
home. Mrs. Foster finds after the ex
treme cold of the north and heat of the
south that Oregon is an ideal place.
To arouse a sluggish liver,
to relieve a distressed
ciomach, to fortify your
self against disease, use
Urntt S.lr nt Anr M!IJm in tfn WaH4.
6oU rr vwhr. la Uvam, IOc, 2m.
John Nerncss who wan so seriously
injured in the face a few weeks ago by
being" acc'identr.lly struck in tho fnro
with a pickeroon while working at the
Silverton Lumber company mill, is still
ory through tho pain trom bis injury,
, " l ,m. T . """ '
ant- n-,.t itnwn town nnd hired an auto
I r."v "
which brought him to lus home Here.
The driver who brought him over l'tiauj accumulated several thousand dol
him out down town. air. iNcrncss went
'i',to1.t.h,3 Kude, poolhall, but the swo lien
f0,,ll .",n of .,ac? "J"1 '"" "1",,l.1,,y
to talk caused him to tie unrecognized
fa-co which makes his case one doubly
hard to handle. Silverton Appeal,
One of the happy events of Easter
, wM fmi,v ,., g, thfl
Lf (if Mf 8m, Mr, j L 0!nw)n,
Hml(h Wat(,r 9trf,rt A bountifu
(,innpr waf) gt nn0 Thn RnMti
('-n"" 1 " vi
inson nnd daughter, Isesne and Floyd
Newkirk of Sulem, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
McCnskel, Louise Robinson, Recce Stan
and Miss Ola Bowan.. Afte, dinner tho
rest of the day was spent in singing
nnd music Silverton Tribune.
Winter wheat thirty inches high mayj,Yr. O. A. Moe, Marshfield. Or.; Mrs.
now be seen on the farm west of town
recently sold by B, Tinglestad. , The
wheat is of the Kinney variety and was
sown about the middle of last October
on new soil. The stalks pulled from the
field wore not the Only ones of this size,
but were a fsir sample of the entire
stand. The infant heed is alreairr form
ing in the wheat. Mr. Tinglestad, who
is a long time tiller of the soil in Ore
gon, r.iivs he never in all his experience
has seen a field of grain so far develop
ed in this or any other entiufry at this
time of the year. Grain as a rule is
looking fine in all quarters. Silverton
One of the most highly esteemed rcii-
SHOE eOMRVATllfotima
V. H. Kclley, a lumber saWsnirn, of
Omaha, found Ncoim S!es e.i lottglt
and durable that one pair of siies
terved on a serond pair of upptTs
alter the first rxtir of trrfcrs had worn
out in tea months of bird walking.
And he says, "Those same soles will
stand another ten months of constant
ti!y near."
This is unusual service even for
NeoUn Soles but Mr. Kelley's experi
ence shouid indicate to you a method
of cutting down those rising shoe bills
you have to meet. Simply make sure
the new shoes you buy are Neohn
soled and have worn shoes repaired
with these soles which are scienuikaHy
made to be comfortable, waterproof
and exceedingly lonR-wearing. Thev
are made by The Goodyear Tire &
Rubber Company. Akron, Ohio, who
also make YVingfoot Heels, guaran
teed to outwear any other heels.
neolin Soles
Dallas, Ore., April 24. Olen Keeney,
a Falls t'itv hnv who recentlv return
Falls City boy who recently return
ed from France after a two years er
Jlr. Keeney was made by dame war-
den Roy Bremmer of Salem upon in-
formation tiled bv Mrs. F. A. Wolfe, a
resident of near Falls City. Mrs. Wolf
claiuied that the alleged shooting of
the pheasants took place on her farm
on the 3(th of March and that the sol
dier when told to get off her prem
ises made a disrespectful remark to
her. Witnesses for the defendant prov
ed that the game in the possession of
tlio hunter on the above mentioned date
was a rabbit, that but one shot wns
fired and that the boy was hunting for
rabbits and squirrels and not phess-
bringing in a verdict
of "not guilty."
Dallas Ore., April 24. The 22rt aero
country near Lewisville was sold Tues
day of this wwk to Claud and Percy
Lewis. The consideration being 11,000.
The Lewis farm is one of the most pro
ductive parcels of land In tho Luckia
mute valley and contains more than
100 acres of land under cultivation.
Tho balance of tho property ia in pas
ture land and will be used by the
Lewis brothers in the stock raising
industry. The deal was made through
the agency of Brown & Hughes of this
Dallas. Ore., April 24. 11. M. Itod-
gers for a number of years engineer of
tho city of Walom was hirea ny tne
Dallas city council this week to look
after tho proposed new improvements
consisting of sewers, hard surface pave
ment and cement sidewalks which the
council contemplates building this
summer. Mr. Rodgers has begun to pre
pare plans for the sewer systems and
will soon begin on piiius for tne street
improvement work.
Dulles, Ore., April 25. Sometime late
Sunday niirht or Monday mcrning par
ties entered the confectionery store of
W. R, Ellis on North Mam street and
stole merchandise consisting of tobac
cos and cigarettes amounting to about
$100 worth. Between (i0 and (i5 was
also taken from tho money drawer in
the store. The robbers gained entrance
to the building from the back way
breaking the lock off a back door.
Police officials who aro working on the
case are of tho opinion that the theft
was committed by a gnng of boys as
severul other robberies which have
taken ulace during tho past months
have been laid at their doors. No ar
rests have as vet been made but the
purties suspected aro being closely
watched and may bo taken up by the
sheriff at any time.
.i..n. ..r tlila I'iiv. Toter Tlolland
Thompson, died at hit home in "Wood-
bum Tuesday morniuir. April !J2, aged
80 years, 7 months and 9 days.
Mr. Thompson was born at l'hrondli
ion. Norwuv. November 13. 183.2. In
',u-n i i,,.!.,,;,, n i, ..... ha vn.
10.JB UC Weill IO nuniiuuu, n uv.v mw "
cll)aKed j Ki,j mining for four years
lft-M. Thinkinir he hnd made his for-
tun0i he rcturncd to No,waVi wh(!re k,
Imurried Miss Annie Anderson Juno 14,
; 1H;. T1 ir -(i,,n w,wi,li,,I was celo
brated in Woodburn Juno 14, 1013.
Mr, and Mrs, Thompson and family
came to America in June, 1872, resided
ono year at Clinton, Wis., then coming
to Portland, Or., arriving there on May
5, 1873, and living in that city for six
vcura. Thev then moved to his rami
iUCUt Monitor, where they lived for .
years, ror the past 1.) yei;rs they linvc
resided in Woodburn. When 17 years
of age Mr. Thompson learned the puiut
... i. i i tf..ii...n.i ; ....... ..t t.i.
ri q iin.ii- nfni luiiuni;.! n invm. ui Mir
life until he was 12 years of age, Hie
W()rk ,.; ,!,.,,, i t i of the
j ,,, b)r t.h,lrdl ,,uiMillB Woodburn.
'., . ... . . .... ..
.in: was iinpi r.oii, coiiiiiuiea unu ih.m
).,, a member of the Lutliuiun cnurch
aj ( ,ja jft,.
Surviving him are his widow and a
sister, Mrs. Sivert Soiibjurg, 84 years
0f Bge, of Norway, also seven of eleven
children Mrs. Martha L. llowland, Re-
no, Novadc; Mrs. Anna C. Stinnett,
Woodburn; Mrs. Sadie Davis, Astoria;
'Henry Thompson, Phoenix, Arizona;
Edward Burke, Baker, Or., and Paul if
Thompson, with the American Expedi
tionary Forces in France. Woodburn
The Capital Journal
Daily Market Report
Wheat, soft white . - 12
Wheat, lower gradas oa sample
nta 80c
Hay, chest 124
Quick Reference To Firms That GItz Service On Short
Where Buyer And Seller Bleet We
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salem Electrio Co., Masonie Temple,
orner Commercial and Trade streeta
Bill payable monthly ia advanea.
Phtfiie 600.
Have' just listed 00 acres f iue Logaa
or strawberry land, at car line, join
ing Salem; 13 cash, balance 6 per
cent. Better buy 5 acres. 5 acres ber
rics would make you a nice income,
a great help to get started along
with your salary.
15 acres, tt acres in 8-year old cher
ries, 6 in 8-year old prunes, 4 straw
berries; house, barn well. Ouly 34
mliea from Salem, $3750.
If you pur' off buying this till the
crop is further advanced you can't
buy it at thoso figures. Get busy,
mak the advance yourself.
70 acres, 50 good tillable land, 5
acres cleared, 1,000,000 ft. saw tim
ber; 3 miles from railroad town.
Will take liberty bonds, exchange
for acreago near Salem. If you have
a mortgage you want to get rid of
the owner will assumo it or pay dif
ference, or will exchange for Salem
residence or vacant lots.
50 acres all in cultivation, good
house, barn, the best of valley loam;
5 mile from Salom, only tltiu per
acre. This is the finest of walnut
or berry land, berries growiug on
adjoining farm illustrates that.
I can not advertise everything I
have listed. Have a number of ex
rcptionally good buys for the small
investor. If the best buy is what
you want call on
Buyne buildiug
FOR SALE 120 acre of No. 1 land
located 6 miles from Salem, on good
road, in good location, good house
and barn and othor buildings, farm
implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, 0 year
lings, 50 hf ad of hogs, round 500
cords of wood readv cut, all at
bargain. Write M W care Journal.
FOR SALE A good double team har
ness, will trade for hay or grain,
or will exchange for good dry wood
Soe Square Deal Realty eompaa.1.
1'hone 470
Bay, oats
Barley, ton 48(o)50
Mill run 43(u'44c
Itutterft 5!c
Creamery butter 58(!i'5c
Fork, Vaal aad Mutton
Pork ou foot 18'jfll9c
Veal, fancy 18Wlfc
Steers 7(o)10e
Cows .-. 5S9c
Spring lambs - - 14c
Ewes..- ...43o
Lambs, yenrlings 10(130
Eggs and Poultry
Eggs, cash 2c
Hens, live - 32c
Old roosters 15e
.. 5ra)M.c
2 3 4e
Radishes, doz.
Swoet potatoes
Onions, local ..
Head lettuce ...
j Beets ....
Cauliflower, flats
Winesap apples, box ...
Celery, crate
' r
Lemons, boi
Florida grape fruit, case ............ lfeS
fllack figs lb lfl(ft18c
White figs, lb 19(v20e
Package figs per bx SO pkg 4(uj6.0
Uoncy, extracted - 80
Retail rrices
Eggs, dozen - 4fc
Creamery butter 65c
Flour, hard wheat 3. 103. 23
Portland Market,
Portland, Or.. April 25. Butter, city
creamery 6C(w'7a
Eg,;:! selected local CX 4.!oi41c.
Eggs 37fu.3So
Broilers 42fo 43c
Oocse 17(a;20e
Cheese, triplets 35(5, 37e
Keeeipts 4
Tone of market steady
Best steers (13.75m 14.75
Good to choice steers 1 1.50W 12.50
Medium to good steers 10(all
Fair to good steers (Vt) 10
Common to fair ttccrs $S(o9
Croice cows and heifers $llrtil2."t
Good to choice eows and heifen
HWi 10.25
..in. hum to good eows ana neirert
Fair to medium eows aad heifer"
fanners 3.50(f 1.50
Bulls tWi9
Calves !..')iiot 14.50
Blockers and feeders W10
Rcceipli 53
Tone of muiket steady
Prime mixed 20fu. 20.23
Medium mixed ll..)0to20
Rough heavies 181N.25
Pits 17.25fo 17.75
Bulk I .75ii 20
Receipts 8
fcrtrr ? ata mm w s
Uai 130
127 North High-
of piano, a new and logical mettMHi
for both pupil and teacher, m&kiaf
elear all basic principle necessary
to a musieal education, and giving
the "music teacher" something te
teach. 421 Court St. Phone 352.
For bargains in new aad aeendhaaa
goods for the house, furniture, rang
es, heaters and stoves, rngs, sewing
machines, graniteware, dishes, suit
cases, trunks and tools. We was
your old furniture and stores, witt
pay you highest cash price. Se u
last. Peoples Furniture Store, 27t
N. Commercial St. Phone 734.
shoes aud suits, all kinds of mu sis
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat
ing stoves, gas stoves, suit ces aa4
1000 other useful articles to sell or
trade. What have yout The Capital
Exchange, 33" Court St. Phone 493.
liard parlor is now open under new
management and it renders yon nn4
the general public a congenial placa
to past away a few leisute hours.
The basement of Oregon Eleetria
depot, eorner of State and High
Phone C28. Wm. Livock, prop.
50 years experience, Depot National
and American fence.
Sizes 2li to 58 in. high
Paints, oil and varnish, ete.
Logumberry aud hop hooka.
Salem Fence and Stove Works,
2S0 Court street. Phr! 324.
J. A. Rowland Furniture Store
Buys, sells aud exchanges new an4
2d hand furniture. All kinds ot
repnir work, Jight grinding, filing,
and brazing a specialty. Right
prices, 247 North Commercial St.
Phone 10.
refuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates..
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals re
moved. Office phone Main 107.
McCornack hull on every Tuesday
at 8. r. Andresen, C. C. F. J.
Kuntz, K. R. & S.
ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore
gon Grape camp No. 1300 meet every
Thursday evening in McCornack hat
Elevator service. Oracle, Mrt. Car
no E. Bunn, 048 Union tit; recor
der Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1413 Tf.
4th' St, Phone H30M.
Oregon Cedar camp No. 6246 meet
every Thursday evening, 8 a'clock
in McCornack hull, over Meyerf
store. Hay A. Grant, V. C; V, A.,
Turner, clerk.
bly No. 8 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in Masonic Tempie. Ole
C. Nile, M. A; C. A. Vrbbert,
secretary, 340 Owens street,
On Good Real Estate Hrtetiriiy
Tiroa. K. FORD
Over Ladd Bush bank ; Sulara Oiegos
pur,, lr t,virf TrvAVr,V. nee.
:...... p,m,.t ...vi.e S4W
I '". UI'ii.ti. ,1., l-v ,m
, . l. knn.l.
years lime, xcurrni iann nmn v
for sale. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Ma
sonic Temple, Salem, Oregon.
formation about Life Insurance sea
J. F. Hutehnson, dist. manager for
the Mutual Life of N. Y., off ice at
371 State St., Sulem, Ore. Offica
phono !, resilience l.'iOfl. It
HOP LEE, expert laundryman, 431
Kerry St. I pay top market price for
chickens and Eggs. Office phona
13,!i.l, residence 1333.F.
Our Prices nre Right
M. ZANDLER, Proprietor
1255 N. Bummer Street, eialem, Oregon
just installed a machine that wil
sharpen lawnmowers tho same as tha
factory puts them out new. Bring
all your light repair work to me. Al
vin'B. Stewart, 347 Court St. Phona
ALL kinds of auto repairing by an sf
pericn'ed workman. All wotk guar
anteed to be satisfactory. Stndiibak
er repairs a specialty. D. K. Unit,
2H3 N, Commercial.
Prime lambs HVtf 14
Fair to medium Iambs 14(315
Fair to medium lambs $15(iT16.
Yearlings 1 lfa 13
Wethers !W712.
Ewes 10.30