THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, PRECOX. SATURDAY. APRIL 2S. 1019. ll XX p A u TV ' J! ill JUi'ti urn: I0R HIGH PUPiLS GIVE DEMONSTRATION If UfiUDEU j HAS NO EQUAL n WHEELCCK AND HAY Fun on a wheel TOURESn PARNELL and NEIL The Jazzerof Jazz . - Tunes All tomedy GLADYS LESLIE in "WILD PRIMROSE" A big new Vitagraph Feature r'N UIDT3 L-V-Lli; Washington School Physical Ultcre Exhibition Big Success. i a'rous of me nauiugton junior h-h school were privili-oed last nijht jio witness a very pretty exhibition and demonstration of the work being done , tue pupils 111 the line of phtneal I eiereies, under tbe diivrtiun of Miss t Helen Philips, Miss C'onifred Hurd and j Miss r.velya Jtrown. Included ia the program were military drills, gymnas- Itifs, (rallies and a variety of folk dane- Ut. which tho young people carried out 111 a vprr graceful manner The value of those exercises was at once apparent to the spectators, as was alw the evidence of careful train ing on the part of the instructors. They I nave been drilieil always with a view i ti development of muscles grace of ' iiioveiiu nt and expansion of the lungs Three periods a week have been de j voted to this work, and they have been iniako a pleasure to the children rather ihan a task, the most atractive and en I jovalde of the "stunts" being the folk 1 dances, which are accompanied by ap propriate iiui-iir an I partake of the na ture of pa-lime. I At this tiicft in si. which was attend ed bv a large number of the parents, !a frc-h impetus whs (jiven the project i of establishing separate physical train I in nuns for the gra-le s hio!s. A y THEATRE Sunday j L BASES 'ROUND COAST LEAGUE fur the Tiers allowed the Beavers nix1 hits, the Bengals winning 4 to U. C puny It win mustered into the national guard nt I ml, Tui-s-l day. i large nutnlier nf patron have nlreadv j , expressed their approval of the plan i nml are Tenth to vote extra funds for i i the purpose. A. A. Leo and F. K. ,t ' Pcckebnch spoke .briefly in behalf of lithe project, showing by figures that ..I the v,Vrk of physical training had .,.., ui .... r.i, ;t i . I ti,n ; j present restricted equipment, tney aa jvocalcd a thorough discussion of the ft . subject with the taxpayers, se that if Tj3 the project comes to a special election ' jthey will be ready to turn out nnd ; j vote on it. The belief was expressed . that if the patrons nil realized tho " "'X need and value of these additional in I -t itut ionn there would be no trouble in nrrviug through a levy sufficient for the three 'buildings proposed, which wVuhl (! -Jti the noiglilburhmoil of WMU ench. - HJV' ,---. -Tv .-ixr.rk TAPESTRIES '4 In dull rich shades that harmonize with your Spring hangings and color schemes upholster these new overstuffed davenports, chairs, and rockers that we have just received. They will give the purchaser the satisfaction that real comfort gives, as well as the knowledge that he has the newest modes in fur niture and also models that are in the best of taste. Nothing renews the atmosphere of your home like completely new drap eries. Draperies that symbolize Spring in their freshness and found in our line. newness are Patterns and colors suitable for every room are in our display and you will surely find what you want here. A New Line of Garden Hose and Lawn Mowers 1 V'rRh i ID Vi Hal I ' i!"l!'llliiHi U !'!titii1illi!t o t : C l ii iislliriiji iil 8 L Just arrived. The mowers are ball-bearing, self adjusting, with 14. 16 or 18 inch cuts. The hose are cotton, with rubber lining very durably made in 1-2 cr :;-4-inch sizes and 50 foot lengths. The makes that will give greatest satisfaction. (By Vnited l'ress.) Inquiries received .by JToud ltiver Yesterday' winners: Hun l'ninciseo, sales aj!einbs indicate one of the most Vernnn, Log Anijelea, Heattle. Home runs: l'ioui(h, 8cnntor; I .a pan, Anijclh', Meusel, Tixen. MukiiiK a homer in the fomth inning, Dill i'rouuh of the Vippera turned III 'ime over to the pietils utter the Henu tors had them, five to (I. Iti'sides knock inn I'roiiKh from the box, the Heals look the irnine, fl to 5. Aided bv Hpemer'a wild throw In the first the Bees dropped another nunw to the) A n uc Is, 10 to ft. The liaiuiers look their Beeond Ki.ine fiom the Oaks, 3 to -. A iiinlh inuinjr rally by the Acorns failed to benefit I I Ih-iii any, , I Meusel 'a homo run in the fourth in- ni ni was the. feature of the Vernon Portland (fame. Didl pitchinn , 1i"M active at raw-berry mnrkels in year. ' The annual session of the State Fed eintion of Labor has Ihmmi etilled to n t nt Hi'lliimlniin. Wn-h., on June III. Spmyed with llipiid fire from nn ex plodinu nutonioliile tank, even persons were badly burned nt Taeomii Tuea-day. 'ottaui liove has been mdectctl a hendiU!iiteis for seven locals of the Loynl lrf'(ion vf l.ojiyers nnd Lumber men. Ernest CI. Knlesoi former survey Reneral of the tate of idnli.o was elect ed mayor of lluise nt Tuesday', elec- You betlTAdacquainted with ourWint Ads-They will brin A you results nomatterwbat yottrwantmay ba: JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY You get More For Vour Money at Moore's The Home of the Victrola muutwtiUMUiiiiuiuuiAumw.i Public Cordially Invited TO A LECTURE ! it n n Tis n n i ill fill Ilfj It K n in r3 1 0 M it tt f n ox fTa n n Sj M MP XX . Portl BY COMMITTEE ON POPULAR LECTURES OF ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING SOCIETY TO RE PRESENTED RY COURTESY OF Ltgh and Railway Po wqy Co, AT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUHI Impressive Funeral Services Held For Old Resident Of County. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Mehiuna. Or.. April 2(1. The largest funeral ever held in Fox Valley was fliat of B. F. Berringer, Wednesdny aft ernoon. Key. W. J. Warren of Ktuyton Knve a short aernion, music by the Lyons quartet. Mr. Hcrriiiiier was a memer of the Masonic, Odd Fellows and Klks lodges, the Masons and Odd Fellows were in uniform and the beautiful Masonic rites were given. The high esteem in which Mr. lterriimer was held was shown in the beautiful floral pieces which banked the casket. Ho was a man of sterling qualities, one who ninde hosts of friends wherever he went, and his sudden death is mourned by the whole community, llnpt. Benjamin Franklin llerringer was born in Pittsburg, l'a., April 25, 1873. When but a baby his parents moved to Hulom, Or. His health being poor there they moved to Meliama where he grew to manhood. At the ago of eighteen he went to !San Francisco nnd started steamboating, working his way from deekhnnd to master of the boat, being with the same company 23 years. On October 14, 1913, he was married to Mrs. Sara King of Kan Francisco nnd soon after they moved to his farm at GENERAL PUBLIC ATTENTION. If you have any Junk, Hides. Rubber, Metal, Machinery or Old Autos or Farts of Autos CALL 305 We pay highest cash prices nml guaiau tee satisfaction to everyone. Pon't make a mistake. PHONE 305 STEINBCCK JUNK AND AUTO WRECKING CO. 326 N' COM'L ST. SALEM.-ORE Meiania, where they resided at the time of his denth which occurred April 20, ak Willnmette Sunitnrium, Hulem, nt the ago of it yeurs, 11 mouths and 20 days. Besides his wife and three stepsons, tirrol, Howuril and Kussell King, he is survived by his father, Frank Bcirin ger; a sister, Mrs. Lizzie Winder, nnd threo brothers, William and tiuylord of Mchauia, nnd Albert of San Francisco. Tho Scio Condensery 's represculativa was in Mehama yesterday to re-establish the cream route which they plan to start May 1. Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Champ and daugh ter, floldie, Munlcy Wone, Miss Benulnh Bnlalrd and 1. 1). Waterman weie irtay ton visitors yesterday. Mrs. Klmer HinttTif Lyons has been ill for some time witr rheumatism. Tho two sons of Mrs. O. F. Berringer, Errol nnd Howard King, arrived Wed nesday from San Francisco. AUMSVILLENEWS NOTES (Capital Journal .Special Service.) Auinsville, Or., April 2o. Alphonse Kronberg of Mt, Angel spent the week end at the Charles Hansom home re cently. Mr. Kronberg has been in the service and recently returned fiom over- sens duty. I I H. Jonsen nml fminli- ..r V.,. ........ vor. B. C, arrived Thursday in this city and for the present will be a guest of his brother, II. I Jensen, lie expects to make this city his future mom, nnd will be associated in business with his brother and besides the blacksmith busi ness they will conduct a general auto mobile repnir shop. llleu K. M tinkers, who has been visit ing at the C. F. Hein home, will leave for Nnn Francisco soon, where he will engage iu the auto truck business. The corporation of which Mr. Munkeis is a member will handle the Aeimn truck and have the agency for a huge portion of the northwest. Mrs. Munkers will join her husband Inter. I An illustrated lecture wns given Tues day eveninj nt the ii. n . lunch in the interest of the Lonisu Kes. 'lie home nf Portland. A large crowd ntlemle.ll ami a liberal collection was received. Mrs. A. 1. Spcr enioved a visit from her brother, Lieut. 0. C. Buffe of the loth cavalry division, who is home on a fifteen-day furlough. He has been stationed at Kan Antonio, Texas, tut ex pects to receive discharge from Camp irtw is soon. C. F. Hein, who recently acquired the Charles Kobinson property in this city. is redecorating the interior and when completed it will be occupied bv the l C. Jspeor family. The 100th anniversary of the I. 0. O. F. lodge will be celebrated rT Mat or ganization in this city Sntitrnirv crcn ing. Rev. Mr. Wilson of Portland will deliver an address and refreshments will be served. Mrs. A. P. Speer entertained the mem bers of the Priscilla club at her home Friday nflemoon. A social afternoon was enjoved after which refreshments were served by the hostess. George C'laxton has returned from oversens and is glad to be nt home again. Will Doughty and Claire Brock arti expected home soon. Pewey Service, ac cording to' word received here by rela tives, is with his lirother In tiresham. Arba Martin is also soon expected home and with tho many boys who have al ready returned, Aumsville will soon be; ready to give a gold "liome-comtng" j party to her boys. Harold liansnw is I still with the army of occupation in Germany nnd tho date of his return is! uncertnin. T(f e county treasurer of Chehulis has issued a call for $200,000 school war rants, the largest call for warrants ever issued in tho county. Spokane musicians have organized a marching Hinnd of nearly 200 men to give concerts and welcome returned soldiers nnd sailors. ASTHMA There is no "cure'1 but relief it often brought by Mb V I f AH Hands Point to Our Want Ads as the Result Producer! EreryDody watches tnca Xiu trjuj. timtlj. fialu WANT AIKDAV voiiH BODYGUARD" -30f.60Vi:2fl JUUIUlAL VVAWl Altt PAY WE HAVE IT! O Everything in Building Material Paints and Varnishes. KALSOMINE at our SPECIAL PRICE of only 11c per pound. Our motto is "Sen-ice to our Customers " FALLSCITY-SALEMLUMBER CO. "Everything in Building Material" A. C. KELSAY, Mgr. Phone 813 nmc, wtai,4 ieSISSS , 1 ii I" t- i li