Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 26, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Rat rer word New Today
Each insertion le
Oae week (6 insertions) 5e
On month (26 insertion 17
The Oapital Journal Kill not to ro-
poaaibla for mora than one insertion.
' i
for error in Classified Advertisements
Bead your advttruaenieiit the first day
it appear and notify us immediately if
rror occur.
Minimum charge, 15c.
JR SALE A good organ, 334 N.
Winter St. Phone 481M. 4 23
OOOD fire proof safe iur sale, $37.
1204 N. Cora l St. 4 28
FOR SALE Dahlia bulbs 10c. 1001
Center. 51
WANTED Bov's wagon. 1609 Cen
ter. 51
BIG fir wood for sale. Fhonc "srll.
WANTED 200 Angora goats. John
Rlio.cn, Dayton, Or. 4 -23
WANTED Couple office desks nnd
chairs. L II care Journal. 4-26
WANTED Cattle ami calves any
kind, l'hone 1576W. 5-2
BIO FIR stove wood Jor sale. Phone
64F14. 4 29
J AS. LYONS, practical painter. Phone
704. 5-18
FARM hand wanted. Call Salem 3F3,
C. C. Russell. tf
WANTED All kinds of chicken. Will
pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf
FUR plowing or orchard work with
traStor, call 17F14. 5-28
FOR SALE Pansy plant. Maruny,
211 Miller St. 4-30
BTRBETB garage, 420 3. Coral. All
kinds of repair work. 4 20
FREB BOOKLET 'Care Baby Chicks'
544 Stat St. Telephone 400
Headquarters tot baby chicks, tf
W. BEAVER, well driller phone 827J
1165 IN. 19th St, Sulem, Or. 5 5
WANTED Poultry, eggs, hides and
eal, heavy hons, 32c; light hens
Sle. Cherry City feed barn. tf
FOR RENT Clean apartments for
clean people at the Miller, 633 Fer
ry St. tf
FOR SALE Three quarter ten truck.
In first class shape, $200. Highway
garage. . , . it
FOR RENT Or sale residence at 380
N. Capitol St. one block from Cap
ital, tf
WANTED Experienced grafters at
Fraitland nursery. Phon 111F21, Sa
lem Rt. 6. tf
FOR SALE Good loganberry wire.
Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemekets,
Phone 303. tl
FOUND An umbrella on South Com
mercial street. Owner may obtain
s:nno by describing property at this
offico anil paying for ad.
FOR SALE !M acres of No. 1 land
located 6 miles from Salem, on good
road, in good location, good house
and barn and other buildings, farm
implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, 5 year
lings, 50 head of hogs, round 500
cords of wiod ready cut. all at a
bargain. Write M W care Journal.
We Buy and Sell at the Market
Tax Exempt
I A .I
r irstivionfif as e
314 Masonic Temple
Salem, Ore.
FOR SALE High clan Colli pups
Q. W. Brenner, Rt. 5, box 30. 4-..3
FOR SALE Hard red brick, eheap.
Phone 101F2. 4 Z6
YOUNG lady wishes position at elerk
or office wore. Fhon 1446. tf
I BUY young calve.
rhona are.
c. c.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 292 N.
Church St. Phone 522R. 4-28
FOR SALE 5 room modern eortage i
TOO; terms. Call room 304 Hubbard
bldg. W. H. Norria. tf
FOUND Vmjbrella, ;owner can have
same by identifying at Journal and
paying for ad. 4-26
10,000 WILSON strawberry plant for
sale. Phone 93F15 at noon or eve
ning. - 26
FOR RENT 5 feres, all in cultiva
tion, close to car line, fine vegetable
land. Socolofsky, Bayne bldg. tf
FOR SALE Modern 6 room bungalow
See Chas. Hobel 355 Cheoickcta.
'ALL PAPER 15 cents psr double roll
op ward. Buren't Furnitur Store, 179
Commercial tf
50,000 TO. 75,000 Italian prone trees
lor fall delivery, ITuitland nursery,
IV, miles east of state penitentiary.
Phone 111F21. t. 6, Salem, tf
NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 8.
Fruit trees, rosed and shrub. Special
low prices on certain lines. Phone
111F3. tf
GOOD rooming house to lease, 30 room
partly furnished; will leas very
reasonable. Inquire 506 N. Com 1
St. or phone 1549M. tf
VE PAT highest eash price for eggs,
pork, yeal and poultry. Willamette
Transfer Oo, 171 a High St. Phon
1400. tf
FOB SALE At 1260 Jefferson St
nice litUs house and lot for $325;
can give terms; act quick, for this
is a bargain. ZIP ear Journal, tf
FOR SALE Quick at sacrifice, 15
acres all cultivated, 6 acres grain,
2Va acres strawberries, 1 acre pota
toes. Write H. Crane, Aumsville,
Or. 4-28
IF YOU want to buy, sell or trade
your old auto or auto parts see
Steinboek Junk Co., (Auto Wreck
ers), 328 N. Commercial St. Phone
305. tf
HOMESTEAD in Canada for $125.
This includes fsre to Alberta; board
traveling and locator's expenses.
Fine mixed farming district. Partic
ulars at my offico, only. C. W.
Niemeyor, Masonic building. , tf
A SNAP I have a nice 5 a;ro tract,
well improved at city limits, good
now houee and barn, young orchard,
loTnnberries and other fruit. Will
take good trade. Price $:io00. Big
discount for cash, d. W. Lalar,
505-6 Hubbard bldg. tf
THE 4S0 acres in Jefferson county ad--vertised
some time ago, will bo tak
en off the market May first. This is
a snap at $8000, n there are im
provements as well es 150 acres in
crop, all tillable lnnd being tinder
Suttlo Lako irrigation project which
will bo ready to irrignto tho 1920
crops. More particulars can lie had
by addressing or tnlkinfj to advertis
ing mgr. Journal. Act quick, your
time is limited. if
""KALE plants for eale. South Capitol
and Howard St.
fJllVR SALE loganberry tips. Phone
KINDLING wood for sale 1 per bad,
corner Commercial and Chemcketa.
I CAN use another good farm kaad.
Phoue 3F3, C. C. Kuseell. tf
FOR SALE 9 H-Him modern houee,
1595 Saginaw. Phone 1598R. 1-30
WANTED A woman to do washing,
1 day ;th week. Phone 1653 . 4 30
LOST Lady's hat on road to Salem.
Return to Bligh hotel, proper re
ward. 4 26
WANTED 'By lady, room close in,
without board. Use of piano. V-40
eare Journal. 4 26
FOR SALE Good work team, $S0;
good hack and double harness $35.
Phone 12F3. 5-1
FOR SALE Up to date ix room
bungalow, close in, by owner. Phoue
145s. 4 28
WANTED Cook and waitress, 481
State St. No experience necessary.
Apply after 8 o'clock p. m. 4-26
FOR SALE Four room bungalow,
electricity, gas, toilet; Hose in. 210
Mission. Price $800. . 5-1
ALBERTA wheat farm, 320 acres, to
exchange for residence in Salem
Phone 1155, 439 State St. 4-2
10 ACRES good berry and prute land
for sale. Will sell in email tracts or
whole piece. Phone 2381J. 519
WANTED Two men to slash 50 acres
shack and stove furnished. John
Khoten, Dayton, Or. 4 28
FOR SALE Overland ear, very reas
onable first class condition, tall
1824 4th St. 4 28
FOR SALE 10 ces White ffavy soap
at $o.85 per 100 Dars. 1601 Center.
FOR SALE Auburn touring car, in
first class shape. Highway garage.
WANTED Loan of $500 on real es
tate, eood security. Call at 247 N
Commercial. tf
1 vrwrvn nnuin r.,.,. --
fresh eight weeks, price $65. (Ul
70F31. , ,4-25
WILSON strawberry plants for sale
O. L. Martin, Macleny, Oregon
Phone 26F4. 4-26
FOR RENT Cottage and one acre
bearing orchard, wood; close to car
line; $j month. C E care Journal.
5 ROOM house, 2 lots, fine garden,
fruit and well; clear title, on 22d
street. Write Owner, box 40 or
phone 1.193. 4-30
MODERATELY furnished house, with
barn, on pavement, N. 21st St. $12
per month. Ivan G. Martin, Masonic
Temple. 4 26
ROOM and board in private family,
most desirable location, reasonable
rates. 495 X. Com'l. Phone 1446.
WANTED Somebody with stump pull
er to pull two or three acres of oak
grub. Acreage is uer Salem Heights
school house. W. A. Liston. 4-26
WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill
run for sale, at a bargain Willam
ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South
High St. Phone 1-100. tf
YOUNG lady living in Euecne wihes
room and board within reasonable
distance of Salem business college;
in respectable family. Write nt onco
stating location and price per month
Address 1095 7th Ave, West, Eugene
Oregon. 420
FARM for salo, 24 acres, 5 miles cost
of Salem, new buildings, 9 room
bungalow. 14 ocres in cultivation,
balance pasture. Write Rt. 6, box
23A for further information. tf
FOR EXCHANGE 295 acres in Doug
las county, Oregon, about 12 miles
from Roseburg, with good farm
buildings; 125 acre of creek bottom
now in crop, balance upland pasture
and timber, watered by creek and
wells; will trade for land in Kansas,
Oklahoma or Colorado, must be well
improved. Price $20,000. W. A.
Liston, agent, Salem, Ore. 4 26
ANYONE looking for a place all ready
to et op housekeeping conldn'k do
better than buy the following: 10
acres good fruit land, 3 room honse,
good well, barn and wagon shed,
wood house, chick house and park;
shads trees around house and barn,
good garden in and fence in neces
sary places, 1 acres strawberries,
some logans, gooseberries, raspber
ries, blackberries, pears, plnm, jp
pie and cherries. Everything is in
first class condition and 514 miles
oirth of Salem. No intumbranees
and can give possession at one.
$2500. Terms if desired. 3 XIV ear
Journal. tf
GOOD ttngrapher and bookkeeper
wants position. Phene 1140W . 4 29
FOR SALE 29 head of goats. Call
phone 3F4. 5 2
FOB BENT Modern 5 room house.
with sleeping porch. Phone 1020J or
call 465 N. 12th. 4 6
WAJS TED Tennis and men. Enquire
Capital City Transfer Co. Phone 933
WOULD like to find a good home for
a mall boy. Address A B "o care
Journal. . 4 29
WANTED To buy mohair. East Sa
lem Tannerv, 25th and Oak St.
Phone 216oM.
LOST Dollar bill April 25th about
3 p. m. on Commercial St. Finder
please return to Journal office. -26
WANTED A good gentle driving
horse, 4 to 7 vears old; must be
cheap. Phone 53F3. 4 28
LOT for rent or sale, 75x150, between
Miller and Owen, on Saginaw street.
Phone 1415. 52
FOR SALE 3 room house, corner lot,
small barn, chicken house end parks
all in first clas shape; gnrden all
in. 1791 Com. Phone 1153. 4-29
RAPBITS for sale; if you want the
best prize winning stock in the state
at a baranin; they must be sold.
Call Sunday at 325 N. 23d St. 4 26
MAN with wide business experience
wants to invest some money and
services in going business. A 20
care Journal. 4-28
HOUSE painting wanted by a pictorial
decorator, city reference given. Day
or contract. "Martin" phone 704.
OFFERED at about one half cost of J
construction One 5 room house,
plastered, city water; eewer in but
not connected; barn, wood shed, pav
xed street; good location. See me for
price. Terms $100 per year at 6 per
cent. 4 room plastered house, full
lot, city water, sewer to house, pav
ed street. Yon make the terms. 10
acres of land ia Liberty district to
exchange for city property, will pay
cash difference. 11. H,. Radcliff,
Bayne building. 4-28
FOB SALH Seven room bungatow,
good location, $1900; also about an
acr of fine garden land very cheap
only two blocks from car line. East
Balea. Owner, box 67. . 4 28
I HUT jnnk of all kinds, rags and
bottle, metals, iron, broken down
ante and parts of auto. Give ua
trial. Steinbock Junk Co., 328 N.
Com. St. Phone 305. tf
40 acres under cultivation, deep
black soil, would make one of the fin
est loganberry ropositiona is valley;
with this goes beautiful home with
all necessary buildings and one acri
of choice fruit and berries. You get
possesion at once. Tho crop cun be
sold for $1500 now. $10,000 takes this
nnd its on the new Pacific highway,
the beet buy in the valley.
A modern bungalow close in, large
lot, fireplace, furiiirre; all built in con
veniences. $2750, Bettor come today if
you want this.
5 lots, 5 room house, barn and chick
en house; lots of fruit and berries.
Get this and put in your garden; oae
block from hard surfuco pavement.
$1500. Half cash, balance long time 6
Bungalow, new, 5 rooms; for quick
salo $2000.
7 room house, two lots, close in;
$l!i00, $300 cash hnlancn monthly.
If you are looking for property see
us we have some excellent property
404-5 Hubbrd bldg.
Plumbing and Water Systems Installed
by GRAB EE. BROS, 141 fcouth Liberty
St, Phone 060. Also agent for Fan
banks-Mora Gas Engines.
Sealed bids, addressed to the Oregon
fitate Hoard of Control, in the Capitol
Building, Snlem, Oregon, will be re
ceived up to 2 p. m Friday, May
9th, 1919, for furnishing all labor and
material for construction of "0en
air pavillion," "Two tory sleeping
porch" and "Power elevator" at the
Oregon Wtate Tubcrcuksi Hospital,
located about six miles southeast of the
city of Salem.
Plans and scifica4ions may be ob
tained from the office of Lewis Ir
vine Thompson, architect, 61 N. 10th
street, Portland, Oregon, and st the of
fice of the Oregon State Board of Con
trol, upon receipt of a certified chwf.
in the sum of $25 made payable to R.
Ooodin, eecretary.
Each bid is to be presented under
'sealed cover, and snail be accompanied
J1y a certified crick made payable to
B. B. Ooodin, secretary, Helem, Ore
gon, for an amount equal to at least
ten per cent (10 percent) of the
amount of said bid, and no bid will be
drmsidered unless ratified check is
enclosed therewith.
The board reserve the right to ac
cept or reject anv nr all proposals.
K. B. C-OOIXIN, Secretary,
Oregon Slate Brd of Control.
AprU 26 30 May 3-6
ISO acre, 54 acres 8 year old Kng
Li.sh walnuJsi &jtlnnee all cultivated, lo
cate oa autia road. Price $140 per acre
40 acre tract, 55 acres bearing prune
2H acre pears, balance pasture. Price
ii5 per acre. Terms.
15 acre tract locate on Jefferson way,
10 acres Italian prunes, 5 acres bear
ing, 5 aerea 5-ycax old. Price $tiiw).
10 acres of laud located 4 miles south
of Salon, good read, fine location.
Price $1400.
11.24 acre of first ekisa land, dark
soil, 8 room house, good barn; all cul
tivated, 6 acre in grain. Price $2400.
56 acre farm and fruit ram-h, IS
acre ia bearing Italian prunes, family
orchard, house, barn, some t ruber and
pasture. Price $15,000.
Good 5 room modern bungrlow, pav
ed street, east front lot. Price $2,
600. . .
140 acres of first class farm land,
100 acre in cultivation and in crop,
balance pasture; running water, dark
soil. Price $15 per acre.
1H2 acre grain and dairy farm, all
cultivated and ia crop; good soil;
good modern buildings, good location.
Price $125 per acre.
Strictly modern 5 room bungnloA
lorated on Kairuiouiit h.ll, two fine
lots, east front. Price $5000.
17 acre tract. 8 ai'rcs under cultiva
tion, balance timber and pasture, 5
acres of hiuioerncs iu first class con
dition. Price $3800.
If yon want to buy, trade or sell,
275 State street
TON truck to trade for touring
ear or roadster. Salem Attto Ex
change. 4-26
rX)R 8AJE S. C. Brown Leghorn
from prise wiuning stock, $1.50 per
setting, 15 eggs. Phone 1136J. 4 28
FOR KALE J. T. Case threshing ma
chine, sir 32x54. 1 15 hort power
Case engine; 1 18x23 Sandwich bal
er; 1 Rsi 'Knrhins cutter, site 18
inch. !. O. Tracy, Turner, Or. 4-28
$4000 WILii buy if sold stron modern
residence property nt 1453 Court St.
4 bed room, sleeping poich, fire
place, fnrnaee, gnrage, garden, Eng
lish walnuts, fruit, etc. 4 28
FOR SALE Modern five room bunga
low, on N, Capitol St,, excellent lo
cation; Buy direct from tho owner,
l'hone 2X7M, 4 26
FOR SALE Or exchange for farm or.
city property, 150 acre Rogue River I
vniby fruit and stock farm, 3 miles 1
to good Ry. town. 1 mile to school;
15 acres bearing orchard, mostly
peaches; 50 acres cultivated, good1
barn, fair house; woven wire fenced, j
Thin is an exceptional opportunity, j
50-A enre Journal. 4-26 ;
KEYT estate at Perrydale to bo sold;
358 acre valley farm, high grade
luud, splendidly located; all in win at
ruts, veleh ami clover but 60 acres
timber; ! j of crop delivered nt ware
house" to go with place If sold nt,
once. To be sold as a whole or wrile
.1. W. Mot van & Co., Coi-Nullis, Or.
as to subdivision. 4 28
Our Jewelry repair de
partment has beer
greatly enlarged and is
now in charge of an ex
d e r t manufacturing
jeweler. Bring us your
repairing or have your
old jewelry made over
into new artistic pieces
that you will be proud
to wear.
Jewelers & Opticians
N.W. Corner State and
Liberty Streets
William M. Hnnnum, Josephine
county pioneer of 1851, and a Civil wsr
veteran, is dead at his home at Mur
ray, on the Applcgnte. He was ft lieu
tenant in th Humboldt and Bald Hill
Indian ware.
At Yakima, Wash,, Tuesday, Mrs.
Andrew George was found uncon
scious on the grave f her husband,
who died two years ago. She had at
tempted to commit suicide by inhaling
One of the largret distributing sta
tions on the ena.it for oil and gasoline
Is being installed at Astoria. It con
sists of 10 concrete tanks with a ca
pacity il 2,000,000 gallon.
I iixu piano to rnt. l'hone 1? 13. 4 iSj
FOR RENT One nice apartment part
ly furnished, very reasueabJ. 712
State street. 4-2i
FOR SALE Big fir. Irt-inck wood,
end pavement, lilverton road, $3
per cord. Tel. 105F12. 4-29
FOR BENT Two nicely furnished
housekeeping apartments. 143 Court
street. -29
FOR SALE 11 Ancona laying hens,
$1.25 each. 1675 S. Church street.
4 28
LOST jWallet containing check and
money on Fairground road, Friday
afternoon. Return to Jourral office
snd receive liberal reward. 4 -8
FORD touring car for sale, equipped
for distillate or gas, extra lights
with dimmer, good tires, batteries,
shock absorbers, 1917 model. 1675
S. Church St. 4 28
FOR SALE 5 room plastered eottuge,
bath, lights, east front, slightly lo
cation. Price $1300, $2o0 down, bal
ance monthly payments.- 4 room
plastered bunRulow, basemeut, bath,
toilet, lights. Price $12,VJ, 200
down, balance monthly payments. 6
room modern bungalow, price $1350,
$;!00 down, balance monthly pay
ments. W. H. tirnbouhorst & Co.,
275 State St. A-29
SPIBELLA corsets sold by Alie A
Miles, 1106 Leslie St. Measures tak
en, fit guaranteed. Heme Tburs. af
ternoons. Phoue 1425R.
RANCH WANTED Wanted to hear
from owner of good ranch for sale.
Stats cash price, full particulars. I).
F. Bush, Minneapolis Minn.
MARRY if lonely; for results, try me;
liest and most eucfcstful 'Minnie
Maker"; hundreds rich wish mar-
- riage soon: strictly confidential;
most reliable; year of experience;
descriptions free. "The Successful
Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, Oak
hind, Calif.
FOR EXCHANOK 2 beautiful quar
ter section wheat farms, Hod Deer
district Canada. Want acreage near
Salein.l fine half section Alberta for
acreage or city property. H. K. Do
linger, 328 Hubbard bldg. l'hone
When yon use Jdnj&al elassifi-
ed ads get what yon want thorn 4
to they work fast. )
Are You a Man
- Who Cares?
Some men don't care a whoop about their
clothes, whether they are made of good material or
how they fit. But the particular dresser does care,
and that is one reason he is always on top while the
other fellow is wondering why he can't obtain the
same position.
Now we are working like beavers to please
people who care and they are satisfied with cur work
D. II. Moslier
High Class Tailor to Men and Women.
474 Court Street
Mr. Business Man J$
As a matter of economy you
should consult the Journal's
Job Department before placing
your printing--we are satisfying
Salem's leading firms put us
on your calling list. Phone 18
3S5 acre dairy farm with absolutely
first clae buildings; 75 head of stoc-s
60 hogs; all land cultivated ami most,
ly in crop, for $100 aa acre. Salem is)
the nearest town. Owner would tasa
in some good city property.
Cozy little 5 room bungalow, lot 50s
150; all in gardes; nice location $1,
S50. $;!50 down $15 a month. -
Several good farms frcm 50 to 5t J
acres. Owners will trade for good city
I property.
90 acres with 30 in crop; all liotto 11
laud; good buildings; $7JO0. Take
$3000 house as part pay.
23 acres near Marion; fine piece if
bottom land, $:t0M). Take a siua'l
house a part pay.
5 acre mar Muiito $750. Will trnibi
with $100 cash as part payment ou Sa
lem house.
10 acres all plowed; good little houn
earn, chicken house, fruit house and
wood shed, well; nil fenced. Nice shadti
trees. $2000. $300 down, balance til
suit yourself. 4 miles out of Salem.
5 acres all in brating cherries; just
outside city for $2000. Will give gocl
terms. No building?.
2 acres in city with a shack, chicM
en hostie, well, good fruit. $1000.
$100 dow n balance as you like.
5 3-4 acre at Aumsville, fair buibi
ings. $1100, $500 down, balance $150
a year.
acres near Monmouth with fa;t;
buildings; $20Ut). Installments.
4 acres all ia orchard; good honst-j
running water; fenced, $1200. Make,
your own terms.
You have not found where the Ta
gaina are.
215-216 Masonic building
Telephone 1000 Easy tfl remember
Salem, Oregon.