Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 26, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Strained vision causes headache; correct glasses af
ford needed relief.
Better Have Your Eyes Examined
204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg.
'Junior Oass Production,
! -Arrrral Of Etly- To Be
Threat For Theatre Goers
Explains Process For
Women Visitors.
; are losing out in the training for Jo
: turc public appearances. At the bet
IU!Mtinir it ..a mrAatiul tkut tha, Kj
city news
Mr. and Mrs, H. F. McClay, of Reed
Iort, Oregon, are among the Juests at
tha Marion hotel today.
Friday afternoon, at the horn of Dr.
sd Mr. Sherwood, occurred the an
utial picnic of the students of the
Kimball School of Theology, at which
dignity was laid aside and fun had the
right of way. The afternoon was large
ly devoted to starts and contents. There
i a 100 vard dash for the men la
which C. Murrsy Keefer was winner
The aame event for the women was
won by Jila Marcy. A potato race was
won by Mrs. t. O. ltanton and Goo.
A. Ablwtt. The egg race was taken by
Wm. Is'icholl, winle the pie-eating coa
test was won by Alfred Hates. To these
events were added baseball and horse
hoe games. A fine dinner was served
ii'uic stvl. with Geo. K. Abbott vre
iding. Toasts and responses were given
as follows: "'The faculty " J. W. War
rell; "The Students" i)r. K. H. Ham
mond; ''ftcmiuiscenre" Pied H. ltoys
ton; "Luella Kimball 'lub" Sydney
W. Hall; ''Our Anniuil lienie" Minnie
Hates. 'The Relation of the Theological
hchool to the I'niversity ", Win. Ni.h
oil. A vocal solo was contributed by
Alfred Itntes and an original poem by
Mrs. K. Wicrwood.
j talent of the public acjiools be enlist
ed in tha rendition of the "Hallelujah
l nor u" wboa it is produced.
Tha Commercial club of Salon la la
receipt of an invitation from the Port
land Boie iPcstival publicity commit
tee, asking the club to furnish some
statistic and cuts of the special In
dustrie of this community. Tha of
ficial liana festival booklet is to bo
of only 84 pages, with no advertising,
but will ite devoted to telling of the
special laauatriea of the state. UopiM
I In the "Arrival .f Kitty," a three-1
jact farre comedy to W presented by the
'Juuior cbsa of Wilaniette Vniversity, jQrry Qy gajrjjjg CoCipaHJ
I lif prr,it: VI . VI t. ,11 Hill W V U.tl im I " .
best productions that has beea staged
; here for some time.
I James K. Mutt, of Astoria, w.w
weil known ia Salem, will direct the
play. This in iWelf is proof tiiut the
production will be excellent. Mr. Mott
has directed a number of plays in Sa-
Um, and has an enviable reputation
along this line.
The Willamette Quartet, which is now
making an extended trip in southern
Oregon, will sing during intermissions.
The personnel of the quartet ia the same
as bust year, and they are weU knowi
to flalem audiences.
rrof. John R. Kites, Sreetor of the to'
lege of music, will direct a large oi-
ehestra. The work of I'rof. Sites has
A reevktion of the mvsteries of
wholesale bread-making was afforded
the ladies of the Aid enx-iety of the
Presbyterian church yesterday after
noon, as they were invited in a body to
the plant of the Cherry City Baking
company, where the management put
out a dcy run of broad for the special
object of demonstrating the processes.
Thia proved a most intercstta uhibi-
been very much admired in Salem, and' ,,j . .... .f '. " . , ' .
i m ,v . . presented an exhibit of the wholc.uin
the music lovers of the town remember . .. , .. . , " " J'"
v anKiruii.-uiB mm go into me various
th fine concert given ia March.
typea of bread, and also a series of re-
offered by university players.
Mr. Mott claims that the caste la the
e4uU of any he has ever woraea with.
The parts are taken by people of ex
Mil cost ten cents It is probable that Leptional ability, and with good coach
Members of tUe Pple'a Chorus
ahnuld hear in mind that next Monday
evening will be the regular business
meeting, with reKjrts and election of
officers. Everyone should bo present,
especially as it is desirable to have
the full chorus t work upon the ora
torio, which will be Hinged within e
row weeks. Kohenrsul of this production
is beiitjf varied by devoting a pnrt of
each evening to the Handel's "Hullc
lujah Chorus" and a number of other
bigh clues compositions. There are now
Jwl enrolled in the chorus, but uutor
tunately it is difficult to sccuro a full
attendance, which is to be regretted
fi.r those who fail to appear ara not
only missing a weekly pleasure but
the apaca allotod to Salem will bo do-
voted to the prune aud logaubcrrv in
There ia no official pamphlet or hi
erature of any kind published by th
Umimereial club or by any industry
in Milera wnoreoy itlie inquirer muj
be givea lutormation on the prune in-
Mrs. Klir.abeth Hollon, who has
been spending the winter with tor lis
ter in I'ortinnd, returned to Kale-ra this
evening. She tins 'been with her sis
ter. .Mrs. 0. A. Koctwell.
Hurry Bon no is in the city to viMt
his parents and to arrange for his
daughter to keep limine" for tim on the
Tilhtinook ranch.
hi ' k
f si i I I -,
ti.. .i... i. . ....,..M a,i - v
trantion at Willamette that was droHl J." ' '7,' " I w' 01
a rf,, , wr h. ,.,( -- " """" ra" w
" - - r ' I ruirfina Kls.l 1 TI
v l,- A 1 rv nwur. Autre w&ti aiso
finest premutations that Lai ever beeUhowii t) '
Tho Cherry City plant is equipped
with one of the largest ana most elab
orate bread mixing and moulding ma
chines in use on the eoait, demonstrat
ing how it is iHissible to sturt flour and
water at one end of the process and
take nut ttm limn-nail t. ....,.
Odell Savago ovens with vm! t, ..u v
Gus Anderson hand. Finn, ,,J .i, . :
"0''r n Jl'11" (dumped into the mechanical kneading '
K"'n Osctr Olsoa . trnnoh ;,. . no, ...i i
kimv "i'.""V"";" ----; Clirke Story worked to the proper consistence, ,
Kitty Benders tyelyn GoMm into the "hooper" 0f the mo. ..
Aunt June Blnnclie Drake nnmtn. !, ;
. . . . .. , , ; - "um. v ii is BUL-ressivciv
Aaxaet tstelle Satchwe'l eut not in r.t , u. :
This play will bo given in the Grand tene.1 nut r..ll...l .. ,.i .!.. . . 1
operho,.soHriday, May 2, at 8:15 p.! with flour hustled throng. ,',Zh
e ticket, will be on sale at the of endless curriers, and finally de,,8it-
. " . V ' 'u m lnilividiml bake tins, rea.ti
ine the result should be very good.
The cast is:
Wiliatn Winkler Xvle Bartholomew
Jane .
Bobby Baxter....
Big Reduction Sale
All during the past week we have been selling rugs to people who appre
ciate the low prices we are making. A number of rugs were sold-to Portland
people and they were loud in their praise of the stock and low prices. We will
continue the sale this week. See the prices:
The ti
tinns may bo made Wednesday morning,
diistry of Marion county. Inquiries are
utmost daily received tv the Uommer-
siul club for information regnrainig
prune tracts, cost per ai re, probable
returns from investments climate
around Salem and suih, but thero is
no printed information covering tlio
ground. The pamphlet issued by the
Commercial club five years ago says
that the growing of prunes is ouile
profitable, but when it come, down to
practical information thero is none.
Although there were several rumors
of a tong war in Chinatown, it hns
now developed that tho only troiiblo
wna a little personal Benin between
Mrs.Hing and Charlio Wong, who haii-
pen Inith to live in the center of the
Chinese slunk district, south of tho
llulilmr.l building. Mrs. lling hns a
otiple wf boy who helped make life
mimu-ahlo for hnrlie Wong and it is
nciilentully susiiected they iniuht hnve
hud aometliing to do with tho tiro that
!v for
the ovens. This machine turns out the
finished pans of dough at the rnto of
.-00 tin hour. From the mixing ma
chine after r::ising nit hour the pans
are hustled into a battery of mammoth
coke-heated ovens, where gauges are
I'm, Mini to snow i no uegree oi mat to
a fraction, and scorched bread is nn im--"Visibility.
The efficiency of this
equipment is being attested every day
bv the f:;r-flung notoriety of the VHoi
sum "product.
Following the demonstration, the la
dies wore invited to sens ut loaded
tables where they were served with a
delicious luncheon, largely mtido up or
the products of tho plant, including h
variety of cakes, cookies.etc, of n qimb,
ity to mnke the Indies o,ue.ition their
own culinary ability. During tho lunch
eon tho manager g.ivo nn interesting
talk ns to the methods of baking nnd
the extent of tho commercial buking
Just wtiat this establishment means
as one of Salem s business factors niny
be gathered from tho fact that In the
15.00 Tapestry, 9x12 $29.50
$37.50 Tapestry, 9x12 $32.50
$42.50 Axminster, 9x12 $31.50
$48.50 Axminster, 9x12 $37.50
$52.00 Axminster, 9x12 $16.50
$72.50 Wilton, 9x12 $59.50
$76.50 Wilton, 9x12.. . $67.50
$110 Wilton, 9x12 $97.50
Wool Fibre and Grass Rugs all at reduced Rates
75c Printed linoleum. . .60c
$1.00 Printed Linoleum. .SOc
$125 Printed Linoleum . . 98c
?1.75Printed Inlaid... $U5
$225 Printed l aid... $1.75
$2.75 Printed Inlaid... $220
Special on Mattresses
$16.50 VALUE $11 85
$24.00 ?22-50. Floss Mattress JJg 5
$14.50 AH art tick and roll edge
$27.50 Floss Mattress ..
$10.50 Floss Mattresses .
atarted in Wong s hovel a few dnvs
ago. Anyhow, Mrs. lling got pretty I rrso of a month they consume 100,000 !
310 Court Street
JAtllf McCAiridFP
Vmous jmtfttlist in war relief
In France
violent yesterday afternoon aud it ro
quired a couple nf policemen to take
her to IrTo city jail. She ia still thi-..,
while the police aro awaiting some
of her frieuds from Portland. Mrs,
lling V husband was killed by a truck
ubout two yenre ago. It was ono of
her boys that was taken to a barn over
in lVlk county a few evenimrs aao
"by aovoral Halem lioys about It years
old and nangcu. The boy was left sus
pended a few seconds and was tnkeu
down by other boyg who were looking
1 1 - hi mmMm
pounds of flour, 3000 pounds of sugar,
-ouu of tuts, largo qimntitie. of syrups
and molasses, in addition to lesser in
gredients. The daily capacity of the
plant is about 1.1,000 loaves of brend
Hnd a big output of cakes and pastry.
The spread of their business in indica
ted by tho fact that thoy are shipping
products to 40 different cities of west'
em Oreeon. going as far south as Gold
Hil and over to the Coos Hay country,
on, 'without any apocJsl damage to
the Chinese boy.
Seventeen deeds for record were fil
ed yesterday in the county recorder',
office. All this besides the filing of
several satisfactions and of one sol.
dier's discharge. By the way, if a
soldier wishes to feel uro his dis
charge papers ore safe, he haj the priv
ilege of hnving it recorded in the
county recorder', office at a charge
of (iO cents. The office has a special
book for miscellaneous recording of
any instrument.
Engine knowledge 1
usic oouse
For yeais we have furnished the people of Salem and vicinity with musical
instruments and supplies, and we have done it well, too, as may be proved by
the degree our business is increasing. Do you belong to our list of satisfied
customers? We can furnish you with all the leading makes t.f
Geo. C. Wi.
4:52 State Street
SI I .
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I'M Ui r.f- , , U i
1 . :
I5. :.l ?s - ' S,
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'-it 3f.
a-i J)r -J2f
lnaoi w
. H Vy
opted by the last legislature, beforo the
voters of Oregon. This caso has at
tracted wido attention throughout tho
country, and the attorney general has
received eominunicatiirns regarding it
fro mull parts of the United Status.
Among other littlo lenl operation
that will occupy tho time ond atten
tion of Attorney General Brown next
month is tho notorious Wilbur boot
'truing case, which will take the at
torney general to Washington, m the
case must bo argued before tho U. S.
supreme court. Julius Wilbur, whose
base of operations la. been in Port
land for several years, ha. a number
of counts a.'suinst him for bootlegging.
Some time last year ho was convicted
by the t mekamas eounty court, appeal
ed to (lie state supremo court which
sustained thn lowor court, and ho now
appeals to the highest tribunal.
Gilbert Advises East Side
Road To Portland Just Now
Keep to the Eust Sido road in mukind
tho trip to Portland from Raleni if you
want to avoid a lot of grif and bail
driving. Such is tho advice of I.ee L.
Gilbert, sttno distributor for tho Elgin
Six, who returned from a drive In (tin
Rose City, Tuesday.
In his round trip t0 Portland Mr. Gil
bert covered both tho east and the west
sido route, nnd sny. that, wane tho
wesf side road can be navigated, tha
going is bad, especially this ijo of
Hopeville. Ho reports the rond on tha
east side of the rivor ns rought in spots,
but says theso aro rapidly being smooth
fd out by crews now nt work all nlon
the line. Tho drive ho says, can easily'
be made in two and a half hours.
Miks Louise Gilman. ,
Mis3 Louise Gilmnn has bean an. '
pointed by the Y. W. C. A. to tour i
New York state for the purpose of i
explaining the bills cgncerning worn- i
en which are before the legislature. ,
,Misa Gilman will meei members of
.the Roverning boards of Y. W. C.
A. '8 in the cities which she visits, as ;
well as members of industrial girls' '
clubs or any other groups which de- ;
.sire to be informed on the bills. She ;
will give the arguments for find i
against the bills with a view to help- 1
ing the women to an intelligent un- !
deistunding of them. j
The Brunswick
17. 1
Ralph Mulford.
Natural antitml. tn iii.,I.Mi.nJ . J
i rL ; ..v. ...
ji-iiiui lomousiion engine made a
wtar racing driver of Kalph Mulfordj
, (Who Will drive a Frnntenne in thJ
I 5tX)-miIe Liberty SweensLoVoa
1 .lndinniipolis Speed-vay on May 81J
I .Mulford cr.mes from a littlo town
(near Portland. Me. From his rliJ
est days he was fascinated by en-
j m Ko.'.ier iariory wncn ic was uH
ftedinraUlBrg, N. Y. J
Business 1ms been vcrv lii'hi hi tlie
j CurHration Depaitinent during the past
i week, there being no new ecneerm nf
gre.-t imporiance inc.ir;otnted. The
list is as follows; Sweetlnnd 4 Sin if
Portland, aiiorrt; ( lark l'.i;i. t o..
Portland, $j"i,(ltii; Wagner Rn .or Strip
Co.. Portland. 7i'rtfl; WasM-ll ll.-igreu
Co. Portland, J.'iOnOj Wcsiern tioil Co.
Medford. .iii0; Cl.avcr Apple Svrnp
Co.. Portland, $V.Pofl.
It is exctcd that a deei-i..n will
be handed down by the supremo cunrt
next Tuesday in the cae in which
Portland well ss California iiipmr
interests are seel; ing to rmci-el Att. r-
General Itrown by n.siiu.imus
o write a ballot title for a r-'ti'iim
whereby to bring Rwlutivn 1, ad-
How this wonderful instrument has blazed the
way into the hearts of every lover of good music
can be well understood when you hear it. Bring
your favorite record of any make and let us play it
on the Brunswick. Tones hitherto lost are brought
out clear and distinct on the Brunswick. Words
lest on other machines are produced in a natural
human-like manner.
We take your old machine in exchange.
Easy terms.