Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 26, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Dining Out Sunday
If so, Suudav Diuiu-r tt
The Gray Belle
Is a Treat
Beef Bouillon
4. hirkcn YeruarelU Soup or
Ripe Olivet
Choice of
Chicken Fricassee wit k Split Biscuit
Roast Veal ami Dressing
Koa 8t Beef uud Dressing
Mashed Potatoes Gravy Sweet Cora
(Shrimp Salad or Sliced Cucumbers
Bread and Butter
. Choice of
Apple, Apricot or Custard Pie
Orange Sherbert, Vanilla, Strawberry, Maple
Nut Ice Cream
Tea Coffee Milk
Served Noon until 8 p. m.
Don't forget our 60c thicken Dinner
Homer Dale Arrested For
Contributing To Delin
quency Of Grl
(Capital Journal Special SorTiee)
Dallas, April 2rt Homer Dale, a
middle aged man of this city, waa ar
rested by Sheriff John W. Orr late
Tuesday afternoon charged wits con
tributing to the delinquency of a air
teen year old Dallas high school girl.
Dale pleaded innocent of any ennia
but the circumstance under which he
waa caught with the girl were enough
evidence to cause the authorities to
lock huu up in the cjunty jail. Wed
nesday afternoon a preliminary hear
ing us held before Justice of the
Piace John R. Sibley and the accused
man was Louisd over tothc grand
jury, which meet next week. Ua
l was fixed at flow) and up to a late
.hour Dale had been unable to secure
the amount .
j Dale has been under suspicion by the
jPolk couuty officers for some time but
lit has only been lately that their sus
picions were veritied and from that
nine until his arrest there had been a
close watch on alt his movements. '.
Mrs. John R. Sibley is in Portland
this week visiting at the home of her
sister, Mrs. J. V. Morrison.
V J vi,;.
, v. i,.t . m iiriini: I pur hnn
part at least. Wo rave embodied a ; grower of the airlie ncgihipurh00J was
number of features from neutrals usingja Dallas business visitor Thuisdnv.
The Hague tribunal as a basis.". Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Blessing are
: guests at the home of their daughter
BENEFITS HTJBBAKD ALSO Mrs. Henry Ninni,. i Portland this
Those iu a position, to know, any that Miss Echo Balderrce, a student at
loganberry growers in this section will i tIle 1'uiversity of Origin, is isiting at
get a better price this year for their ,lle. n"'ie of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
product than formerly. The foundation K- Balderree, on South Main street
for this assertion is found in the locat- week.
ing of a barreling plant at Woodburn, tv Wagner returned litis week
by the Puyallup & Sumner Fruit Grow-jfrom a 8lu'rt vis't at the home of his
ers Cunning Co.. of Puvnlhin. Wnsh. I 'Uughter at Myrtle Creek. Ore,.
Our league would regii-lThis firm has ahvavs been strong ir Milsj" Wittcntuig of Portland 'vas
Versailles. We hope for acceptance in
(Conuuuwu iiuui page ono)
the same as your national government !
controls the United States. It would
abolish war by force. Hostilities of
auy kind would be an offense agt-inst
the league. Freedom of travel would be
cuntr'lled by nil international police.
'There would be no national armaments.
Would Kegulaie Xaook
"Colonies would be controlled by
anus, through a world commission ex
cept those independents like Canada
and Aiistr.'ilin.
Jate labor and guarantee minority popn- treating the growers right paving the
ations, like the tieinnuis m j o,i..iu, K,0Wers all the market would stand,
their own language and culture. sometimes this was done in the form of
"Wo propose to present our plan at BKV )uml8 t the close of the ser.sciu's
I run after the product had been aoout
e'eared up at the plant.
It was good news to Hubbard grow
ers when it became noised about that
the Puyullap firm was going to come
into this territory, and bid for berries.
Thoy had made a good record of de
veloping tlia business in Washington
r jm. J iLJi a a
This coming week is set
aside to emphasize
Watch every ad
Extra Special Bargains
The real Patriot is the
one who patronizes his
own Home Town
The merchants of Salem recognizing the fact
tha't they are thoroughly equipped to serve the pub
lie with the best merchandise made, and with the co
operative support of the public enlarge and extend
their stocks, build up a beautiful and busy city, have
set aside next week fo impress the public with the
To make this week a rousing success we shall offer
some SPECIAL BARGAINS each day, that will re
pay the "Patriotic" shopper for a daily visit to our
thoroughly equipped "SHOPPING CENTER."
You owe it to your
Town Pride to
New Extra Special
Every day .
Watch the Ads
If you make your money
in Salem, that's where
you should spend it.
k .
Try Musterole. See How
Quickly It Relieves
You just rub Musterole In briskly, and ,i n, ),. ,;...,, i,.. i.., 1....1..
usually the pain is gone a delicious, in(f up sincei .
a j'ltuua uusmcss visnor tn week
: . . "
"""""H "i'cr extensive real estate in
terests in this part of the county.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Chnpin of the
capital city were guests 0f Dallas rel-1 3
umes 1 lie nrsi 01 T 110 week.
Sergeant William 11 llllCS WliO rn. m1.
ly returned from franco has gone to
I Klamath Falls, where he has been
promised a job.
toothing comfort comes to take its place,
KfnotArnlA in a rlmn nrl. i f A AinlmAnf
male with oil of mustard. Use it instead u'ry .f0"0"1'1'" ailJ, Mtislnctory way
cf mustard plaster. Will not blister. 88 1w0"'1Tra,1 to bl?rro1 tho bcrr,t, 111 lt0
Many doctors and nurses use Muster- 6Ild hold tuom la cold "torage until
ole and recommend it to their patients. wanted, when they would go to the
They will gladly tell you what relief It consumer in a perfectly fresh condition,
jives from sore throat, bronchitis, croup, 1 The plant to be established at Wood
gtiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, 'burn this year is to be a bartci pi.ut
pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and and while not so many men w ill bo cm
aches of the back or joints, sprains, sora ployed as if the berries wero to bo
muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, handled as they would for a camierv,
colds of the chest (it often prevents the tonnage of berries will be received
Professor and Jjrs, II . II. Dunkel-
berger of Portland, accompanied by
their family were Dallas visitors this
week. Professor Duiikolhc l'1IT una f.if.
It was demonstrated last year that a1:.,' . JU5lr,"-'ur ' Julias H'gh
uneumonia). Always dependable.
30 and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50.
and shiped just the samo. Truly the
futuro of the berry industry looks good
at this time, and a good deal of it is
bocntise this section of Oregon is being
found out and appreciated by business
mon who are willing to sharo the profits
with the producer. Let more of such
men come in. Enterprise.
l : . L- V , ; hi
I i -1
r-H'l,' - -
Coming to The Liberty Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday
mTmmx&mm?J.!jL,m9imi .ggjer..;.IJ
DO YOU WANT your friends to avoid you? They
will certainly do so when your breath is bad.
There is no excuse for anyone having a bad
breath. It is caused by disorders of the stomach
which can be corrected by taking Chamberlain's
Tablets. Many have been permanently cured of
stomach troubles by the use of these tablets after
I years of suffering. Price 25 cents per bottle.
Jliss Vera Dunn of Portland is a
gmst of relatives in Dallas this week.
Oscar Hnyter, who has been confin
ed to his home with illness during the
past several weeks, is again aolo to be
at his oftiee iu the Ihtllas City bank
Rcbekah Convention
Held At Woodburn
The eleventh annua! Ilel.cknh ennv
tion of district o. 4 was hold in Wood
burn Inst Saturday with 1'. I). I). P,
Mabel B. Nendel of this city as chair
man of the convention. Fully 150 dele
gates and visitors from out of town
were in attendance, in addition to the
Home Keln-knh .ndKC .o. 58 the lodges
of 8i'.lem, Silverton, Aeedy, Oervaii,,
.iiiiHi.iHi, wiiits Aims, ( nnby, Aurora
and Turner being represented.
At noon a chicken pic dinner with
many accessories was served at the ar
mory, Mrs. O. C. Weler presiding at
the piano during the elaborate repast.
After dinner the Rcliekahs repaired
to the I. O. O. F. hull, where th
lowing program was carried out: Aiusic.
America," liV convention with nninim
flag feature; introduction of elective
and past elective officers of grand
lodge mid Kebekuh assembly: address
of welcome, Gertrude C. Beach. Home
No. 5S; response to address of welcome,
Helen Wri.glitmnn. Trvnhena So 3-
roll cull of officers; reading of minute.
of previous session; appointment of
c 0 in m i 1 1 e.e legislative, nuestions
thanks, ineniorinl and press; vocal solo.
"One Fleeting Hour, fims; roll I
call of Indues itnd rcnoits: election nf 1
officers; place of next iiiieting; report I
of lodge work, Mrs. Orn Cosier, seero
tnry of Hebekah assembly of Oregon;!
vocal solo, selected, Miss L. Onstrock;
piano solo, selected Franklin Lsuner;
examination and introduction of visi
tors, Mnlom No. 1 ; exemplification of re
instatements, TryphenaNo . 38; secret
work; study of law; questions: renorts
of committees; piano solo, selected,
Daisy Collins; recess.
During a very fine stumer served at
the armory, Miss Violette Olson sang
several popular number with Miss Daisy
Oollins as accompanist.
The evening session began at 7:31
wi!h an address by Ethel Fletcher, war
den of the Hebekah assembly, followed
by reading by Miss Ruth Koscbrnuirh ;
exemplification of Hebekah degree.
Thalia No. 1H1; in'i-l!ation of officers
by Ida Knight; closing. The conven
tion was dismissed after the sliurine
of "Stur Spangled Banner" with flag
leatnre repeated.
The newly elected officcw. me: enne
Gray, chairman. Aurora; Gertrude C
Beach, vice chairman, Woodburn; Elsie
Simeral, secretary, Hnlem; Ida Stauffer
warden, Hubbard; Ida Knight, conduc
tor. Can by; Emma Herron, I. 8. Gnard,
Turner; Lena Skirvin, 0. 8. guard,
Seotts Mills; Clara Shield, chaplain,
The next convention will be held at
Aurora next spring. Woodburn inde
A I-. t I fl 11' IT i I J I M. IJA T SI 1 i IV a 11 V Ti 11 W 1 II I II A 1
Commendng Today Special Sale Silk and Serge Dresses
J. H, N'ocf, resident encincer; J. V.
Myers, inspector; V. A. Voang. transit
ions and .1. Keaty have established of
fices in the James Powell building ana
will make this their headquarters for
several months during the work of pav-
boarding tt the hotel at present,
This , sketch
shows one of
No. 9490.
It is made of
rich quality
Black Satin,
with heavily
embroi d e r e d
tunic, knife
pleated skirt.
Sold for $48.50.
. This sketch
shows No. l:5
A. Crepe Meteor
With front
Irape, embroid
v ered and
Beaded Vest
Royal Purple
Sold for $42.50
7 A
This sketch
Shows No. 409
fringed side
Panels, with a
crushed messa
line girdle. Sold
for $55.00.
The models in this showing are over-skirt effects;
embroidered and braided tunics; plainer models in
For street and afternoon wear
$18.85, $24.85
In these lots will be found Serges ranging in price
up to $37.50. They come in
Every garment neat, and Strictly Dependal
The new Dentifrice en
dorsed by all leading
dentists. Introductory
Sale, 39c.
You can always do belter at
HgoodIcood s
The newly discovered
Sanitary Napkin. Pack
age of six. Special 19c.
two of them expect to bring their fam-j A strike affecting freight handlers atj The soviet government of Hungary fromthe army overseas were at sea en
ilies here. The work of draining off all railroiid stations and piers in New has asked for a suspension of the Rou- route to this country,
water and flatting in tho large concrete York was authorized Wednesday night '. mai offensive and tho arrangement'
tiling at low places has already begun. ! of an armistice. j Teh grnph companies refused to carry
-Uervais Star. i Permit, for ,00,000 In n-w i.u'.M-1 1 a story printed by the New York World
' " ' " i John (one. inn ol'IH with the Amen : .i:,: . ... , .... ,
. " v.meiii vi ihsi .uwnony criicisiug
can Antarctic expeditions of 1!! 1 1017, , postmaste, (leneral Burleson.
hopes to leave London soon ou a flight .
A bill ban passed the California legis-; April. The total figue for March was:
lature providing for a 10 hour i-ny for t5,000,000.
vnnw.n in ib,nift ii service. i
i It is said that the government nf Bela'" "'h l'e.
(lermanr has instructed the Argentine Kun in Hungary tins annnnncet fts
government to deliver Interned German readiness to retire in favor of a social- On April an of f icial announcement mi 1 1 miltf 1 Tn n
but steamers to the United Hutes. " '1st cabinet. by the war department mud 10,2i8 men JUtliimL linlll AVJ 1 i I