Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 26, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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55 -- -ft-ftft
,, , . , . .. ., ....
to ait an listen that 1 all I m
aeiu. now,
lea to watch the firelight on
yrmr hair, .
1 .1 .r. i - . V
vtm 10 i you near me, uw it tu
tame rbrht somehow.
Realise you're back from Over There.
Vfcea l'ye closed the shutters an' lock
the door up tight
I'iled the fire high with wood an'
- stuff,
Prawn your chair closer underneath
the shaded light
Jew' to ait and listen that ' enough!
Won't ma Ire any dif'renre if you t;.lk
bout the war
Or the buddy that you had to leave
. ,. ,
vrnina birthlay party given bv .Mrs. John
With a white cross for his tombstone!,- v...... in hr . ihe firf -hirth-
(like you wrote to use before)
Or SmhiI the Prenchy poiln who went
Or the thing that you've been learn
in' or the way the soldiers drill
On the ship that took you over
sema to nie
That whatever yon can talk aliout the
worda will call an" thrill
Like a ingin', liltin' bit o' poetry.
to JBt an' listen, jes' to tOUl-h
you n then.
Not to aay word but jes' to know
That the horrid dream i over an
you're safe at home again
An' I'll never, never, have to let
you go!
Won't !be jea' the firelight a-shiuin'
ia your smile,
Won't be duty makes your voice so
Gum perh the angel all would
hush thiir songs awhile
Jes' to sit an' listen at your feet!
Mrs. K. M. L Fore entertained the
past matrons of the Order of the Eut
era Htnr last evening at her residence
a Korth High street. A pleasant so
cial evening was spent, sixteen ladies
feeing present.
irnniOHirs of the llliliee auxiliary
were tlhe guests of Mrs. T. C. Smith
Wednesday afternoon at her home on
(North Winter utreet. The afternoon
twas ussed in sewing for the destitute
Hiildren of Belgium and France. Dur
ing the refreshment hour the hoetewi
teas assisted by Mrs. W. L. Lytic.
Members of the auxilinry are Mrs
f litfirrd Brown, Mrs. John Roberts,
IMrs. W. H . Burghiirdt, Mrs. J. I,.
IVan Ihirii, Mrs. W. 1.. Lytic, Mrs.
AW Nitt, Mrs. Chester i'ox, Mrs.
IM, W. IMimitnn, Mrs. Walter Me
UKiunal, Mrs. William .Walton, Mrs.
ff. A. Uvoslev Mis. T. C. Hniitli.
Apple blossoms unci spring fiowern
fornu il the docnriitions for an informal
levelling at which Mr. and Mrs. W,
IW. M .ore entertained a eoterio of
friends last evening. The affair wus
in the form of ft ".WO" party. The
fiostess was awisleii in serving duinty
k-efreshments lly her daughter, Miss Lii
teilo Moore. The guest list included
Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Bu.-huer, Mr.
kind Mrs. lleruld Vulk, Mr. and Airs.
KJ. W. Laflnr, Mr. mid Mrs. M. M.
KndUittt, Mr. and Mrs. II. 8. l'oisal,
(Mr. and Mrs. T. H. .Shaw, Mrs.
ieorge Wood, Mrs. 8. H. Kast and
H. 11. Wliott.
A gwy ipost lenten affair will bo the
ftadniity dsnco given by the Young
ladict Modality of Ht. Joseph's ehun h
wi'xt Frittny evening in tho Muwmie.
ball. A committee has been npoiiited
to take care of the clii-oratinns which
will con'tWm as nenrly as possible
with the Master si-usnu. A four piece
Orchestra baa already lneu secured for
the ocnasion. For thore Rin-ats who do
not euro to dance, a curd party will be
given in connection with the dance
nd a 3(od tune ia assured for every
one. Tho Young lldirs Sodality is one of
the most alive organisation in the
parish, tiumtiering as it docs nearly
4i young girls In it9 menibership, Any
surplus In n ils reuliiU'd from the ilnnre
and card turty next Friday will go
toward eecuring the memorial window
for the late J-'n I h r Nsilxliloii .
An eiyoyuble "."iHi" party was giv
en last Thursday at the home of Mr.
ml Mrs. Andrew 1.. Johnson, 744
Cottage strcct,in honor of Mr. Johnson
who lenvis in the near future .for
Korth llakota, where he wili hold an
Th Bautf
f The Lily
can be yourt. Its
wonderfully wire,
oft, pearly white ap
pearance, free from all
blemishes, will be com
sarahle to the perfect
beauty of ynur skin and
complexion if you will ui
May 2
8:15 P. M.
" . ,
important position as cashier of the
; Johnson Fuel eomny in that atate.
ard pLaving oeeuoted the greater part
f the evening, ilra. 0. P. Hoff r -
.. "7 . ... .
reiving ine prue lor fiiga eeore ana
Mrs. Walter Bu.-hner receiving the
ri- twi:..;,.,,. .....I.........
ning. Those present were Mr. nd,,, 11 hof1 tlier te "PrM
Mre. Andrew L. Johnson, Mr. and ' Ert Goodwill toward Men.
Mrs. Prank Shafer. Mr. and Mnt.
Walter Jim-oner, Ir. and Mrs. C. E.
Cashart, -Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hoff,
jlrs. H. II. Corey and Mrs. Lee UU-
A ha,.y groun of little belles and
'. " . ' jvs, Sun(ay
. or aux niaue. merry mstt r cunua.r ai
nay anniversary oi ner mue aaugn -
ii-r, ., .iiu iur v. "
(Utuvu-M-r. -uariiB'. 1UVIT JVIUJ.
land white color scheme was carried out
in tho docoratioM of ninrguerites and
i:i .. i . i..i;. a.;. ,i..in ..Li,.
!. n. i uiiu. ....... ...j .v. honl( Jt4 (-ottllKe gtreet, this after-
with white frosting and yellow n- uon in honor of the fifth birthtlay m
dles, reprewin.ng the respective ages. iy . h daill!hte, kuth.' aud
of the little guests of honor, added U
the effeei. The afternoon was spent
in nluvniier vnm.ta Th eliilitrpn tliil-
,i .p i..:. Milti.r. Mrsaret Helt-
Mildred Shields, Leah Kvuns, ilil-
j MDaui,,! Kdwin Cross, (irover
le Itellinger, Frank Cross, Sammy
Huunders aud J"hn Kvani.
With twenty seven couples forming
tho receiving line, a group ot the Til-
Ucum dancing cli.b members were en
tertaincd wrth an informal dancinjf
jarty lust evening in the Masonic nnlt
A four piece orchestra rurnuneu music
for the dancing and a Johnny Jonea
siipHT was served during the evening
Au irtnqiit fiaturo was the arrange
ment of the programs, on which tho va
rious iluncca were named after the
The members entertained were Mr.
fid Mrs. K. y. Carletnn Mr. and
Mrs. P. E. Fullerton, Mr. aud Mrs.
Lester Davis, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0.
lielano, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Perry,
Mr. aud Mrs. K. A. Kurtz, Mr. und
Mrs. Klmer I Hi ne and Dr. and Mrs.
O. A. Olson.
The Yoleta club of Shaw met Thnrs
ilv afternoon with Mrs. Cliuiiiberluiu,
nearly a full membership and several
additional guests being present. After a
aociul huur a miscellaneous progiain
was given and an elaborate luncheon
was served bv the hostess assisted by
Mrs. McAllister, Miss Wells and Miss
Matthews. A most enjoyuhlo timo wns
spent by all present. Tho club will
meet on May Nth with Mrs. Kir.
Xixt Tuesday .will be "Ladies
lav" at the Iliihee Country club. Tho
ladies' oiitertiiinnient committee will
serve tea at 1!:.'I0 to all lady members
,f the club and a social afternoon will
lie iasscd. Hereafter this will bo an
.Hstitblislicil day, the Indies meeting ev-
iry other Tuesday and hostosscs being1
ipMiinted for each occasion.
The Illiheo Country club is one of
Salem's timet iinportunt social organ
izations nnd the establishing of a reg
ular "ladies day" will add grently to
its popularity.
Thursday evening at 8:15, a quiet
wedding was solemnized, when Miss
Helen Francos Fulmer of Hulem, be-i-ttiiie
the bride of Kit Walter MeCliirc
of Kansas City, Missouri. The wedding
took place at the home of the bride's
usler, Mrs. C. D. Dewey, 1205 South
14th street, Heverend Putnam of the
Court street church of Christ officiat
ing. The beautiful ring ceremony wns
used and only a few of the hridu
immediate relatives were present,
With the organization of the Snlcm
I'ci.ple's clnirui. lust February there
as created in 1-lii. eoi inity an as
sociation of loi'al people devoted to
the development of voi-hI music that
promises to be permanent addition
to musical circles in the Capital city.
The chorus has all of the accessories
of a live organization with a stable
mil well jimmied future. A constitu
tion and by laws have been adopted,
I lie usual officers chosen, and a mem
bership reaching near the two hundred
murk attained and it is (till growing,
Auv person who can sing and bus a
hent for vocal music, of either sex,
may become a member of the chorus
without wymeiit of any fees or dues,
i'ersons who do not sing but wish to
enjoy the entertainments and teliears-
ui of tho chorus may become associate
members upon I'syiug a nominal fee.
The chi rus is under the able direc
tion of I'rof. John R. riites, whose
wonderful iniisie pmgiams have beeu
i source of much pleasure and Instruc
tion to lovers of music during the past
winter. Wader hall on the campus of
the Willn'iirtti- university lima been
the plw-e where the chorus has been
assembling iivci its organisation.
Monday evening of each week from
October until June the association is
to meet for rehearsals al 7:1)0 p. in.
noil frnm time to time it is expected
lint public concerts will lie given. In
the mar future an unusual treat will be
tfiven the pulilw- in the way of a May
Festival of Music, ly the eti irua, and
Tickets on Sale
. ...
, then in July a latriotie program in
hoBor of the tviunei wUi s
... . ... .
. - '"n - "
a number or programs and at Uhnat
l ft J
yrugiwim nu i varum
, mas time will put on a stunendoua Pro
... ..
.gram appropriate to the yuletido when
Mrs- A. X. Moore was charming
tastees at a pretty afternoon tea yes
.r,t.T ; ,-. f j,,,h., xtr.
' Rtdert Kinnev of Astoria, who has
I,er ,or ?he P" ,.tB.df"-
prraom nawam ocautuui ueeo-
rationiL th liit tiemv ei-nteroit with
i a magnificent liowl of flowers in which
yellow tulips were the chief feature.
1 About aixteeu ved an ex
treniely pleasumble afternoon
Mrs. Andrew Johnson entertained
ith m H.nrtMa hirthiliiv luipiv at tijir
. -' y.
the sixth birthday anniversary of lit
tlo Miss Mildred Shields. The decora
tive note of red and white wag carried
ou tin both the uiloriimen.s of the
rooms and in the refreshments, of
which two birthilay cakes with the
proper number of can.Ues were Ihe
chief features, (hit door and indoor
games helped to make the afternoon
firry one. The little guests who were
present were liobart Bavier, Gwendo
lyn Jarman, Dorothy Corey, Catherine
Corev, Catherine Hheldoa, Julia John
son. Mildred JShielils, Dorothy Hewitt,
., . ii t,,- K.ii..U,.,.i. .. 4i, ti.,;.i ...,. ..t
' llbaum and Evelyn 8nd Ade-
lyn llolberta Shields.
vwtn oniy a tew immediate irienas
and relatives witnessing the ceremony,
.Miss Nettie C. Gibson became the
brido of Dr. Floyd B. Stringer last
Wednesday morning at the parsonage
Hf the First Presbyterian church. The
Hmpresaive Ting ceremony wns ustd,
IKoverend T. K. Anderson officiating.
The bride, who is a member of the
I'G-ilbson millinery firm, is a daughter
inf Mr. and Mrs. Cass Gibson of 141;
'South Co in mere i al street. Tho groom
inns formerly a practicing physician in
ll'nrtland and will cpen an office in
iSulem in the near future, lb-, and Mrs.
Hpringer left immediately after the
icereiniiny on a houevmoon trip to Brit
ish Columbia and will return about the
fiest of May.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kmest Vigars and
smull duuightcr, Betty, have arrived
from Portland to make their homo in
Salem where Mr. Vigars is connected
with the state higliwiy commission.
They will retura to Portland for the
week end as guests of Mr. Vigars
Invitations have been received by
members of the Salem Women 's Press
elu'b fur an informal evening Sunday.
.Printed on proof sheet and under im
portant looking head lines announcing'
tho event the invitations read as fol
lows: "Members of the Salem Women's
Press club will be guests of Miss W
eile Watson and Miss Lucile Maunders
Sunday night at a feed up the river.
The gui-sts will gather at tho boat
house at tho foot of Bellevue street
at 5 o'clock and go by luiinch to the
scene of action the action consrsting
mainly of the manipulation of chewing
"dlecnuse the affair will bo) very im
properly chaperoned (the married wo
men not being averse to casting their
eye toward good looking men other
tiian their husbands) it has been
teemed advisable to return about 8
o'clock. The meal will he served la
burnt s'iek and table decorations will
consist principally of Indian bluukctk
and awentors. Members are cordially
invited to contribute to tho nonchal
ant atmosphere by bringing such robes
with them. It is hoped that inline will
lie furnished by the war widow and
uny others possessing ukclclo. A fea
ture will probably lie a well known
rendition f "The (How Worm." As
both Sister Hikes and Sister Kobison
are expected, Sister Flliott -might as
well prepare for 'Flanders Fields.'"
Dr. and Mrs. John 0. Kvans left
today for New York city. They will be
gone a month and on the return home
will stop at Great Falls, Montniin, to
visit Mrs. Kvans' sister, Mrs. A. F.
Mr. and Mrs. I.. S. Kussoll enter
tained as their guests Thursday after
noon Mrs. II. A. Kuss'll of huporior,
Wisconsin. Mrs. rtiwcll w on her
way home after a visit o' several
weeks in Los Angeles and was accom
panied by her son. Sergeant Cnrl Kus
sell, recently discharged from the ar
my. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kr! Anderson Bid-
lore.i to i-oriiaiid miring ine past wees
to attend the "air circus."
Mrs. Armin Steiner and her son,
Karl, were Portland visitors this week,
going down to see the ..air circus."
at Opera House Pharmacy Wednesday. Mornin
Last Wednesvlar evening friends and
j neighbors tieanKjf tickets of good
things arrived unannounced at the
jaoaie of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Clarke,
oa the river road, and proceeded to
make merry . The event waa ia the
j nature of a farewell to Mr. and Mrs.
! Clarke, who will hiirCy leave "tng
ilssh Walnut i'arm," taeir home lor
J twenty aix .Tears, to take up their res
idence on .North Commercial and Alar
streets ia balejn. Several of the
! guests contributed to the evening's
enterUunnient, among them little Jaux-
, in, Clark Kenneth fcchulta and Truman
iu.mm.ni . h .i i
Zru "u'rTZ
- ij faToj
-"""""l .
ifcdjy" Bunn, a lo-
- , faw,rj,c ,w. ' heri
- 1 HK Kh J..,, i j.....i..
the hostit, was the bearer erf a lacquer
ed tray, a gift from the guest. At a
late hour a delicious lunch was serv
ed, and the singing of "Auld Lang
Syne" ended the evening.
Those present were Mr. and Mm.
T. J. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Bay
Clark Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor, Mr. and
Mrs. Barry Moore, Mr. and Mrs. M.
W. Bulifson, Miss Buth Buhfson,
Mrs. J. W. I'earmine, Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. I'earmine, Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. J. JSchultx, Mrs.
Lloyd Weeks. Mrs. Nellie Knox, Mrs.
C. E. Cummin us, Arthur Cuiminga,
F. A. Myers, William Brown, Mise
Anna Lindgren, Mr. and Mrs. G. F.
Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. William Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Gorsline, Mis9
Helen Jones, Miss Kuth Jones Flovd
Jones, Lucile, Truman and Carrol Cum-
mings, Fred Kuntz, Keuncth Schultz,
Josephine Matlock, June and Janet
Weeks, Mildred and Marine Clarke
and Mildred and Wayne Weeks.
With the hall crowded to the doors
during the evening, and a net profit
of loO realized from the affair the
"April 8howcr" given liy the students
of (Sacred Heart academy Thursday:
evening surpassed even its expected!
success . The "parcel poet," "country j
store," "fish pond ' and eewing
the .vening.
j The prooeoda will be used fs pur-
j chase new victrola for the recreation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson and
Miss E. Davis were Portland visitors
this week.
Although there will in all probabil
ity be no Oregon representative in at
tendance at the national convention of
the parent-teacher associations to be
held in Kansas City May o-lO, owing
to depleted finunciul coffers of the
state organization, the slate eonven
tion At Medlord, to he held in the
early fall, will be well attended, ac
cording to Mrs. Fred 0. Schilko, pres
ident of tho parent-teacher association
of Oregon. A circular letter outlining
a feasible pln for the suinmer will
soon be sent out by Mrs. Mchilke, who
"During the period of the war the
parent-teacher associations have iden
tified themselves with all forms of war
work to such lin Y'e."t ns to nearly
obliterate the etnto organization, and
we aro vory proud that our members
have been active in all service de
manded of them.
"Child welfare work and the inter
est of tho home and school have been
an integral part of the patriotic serv
ice carried on by the associations thru
out the state and, through legislation
and otherwise, we have been able to
accomplish much good for the educa
tional welfare of tho state.
"We aro now returning to normal
conditions nnd assuming our usual oc
dilutions, nnd it behoves us to more
firmly bind ourselves together and
keep our united efforts directed to the
child, the home and the community in
which we live. "
The South Circle of tho First Chris
tian church was entertained by Mrs.
P. T. Smith, 1145 ttouth High last
WednesiVuy afternoon. Mrs. iMnrtin
gave some splendid rcnilinss and Wuth
Hatch favored the ladies with a solo.
Those present were Mrs. ('has. Davis,
Mrs. Clarence Town se nil, Mrs. Clif
ford Klgin, Miss Martha Mortinson,
Mrs. V. T. Smith, Mrs. Harvey Stan
ton, Mrs. J. (1. Hull, Mrs. Cottermnn,
Mrs. John Humphreys, Mrs. Kuth
Hatch, Mrs. ltnlph Heusley, Mrs. jn ax
tin, Mrs. Martin Viesko, Mrs. W. A.
Penny, Mrs. J. F. Walker, Mrs. Wil
ila Pratt, Miss A. Aline, Mrs. K. .lory,
Mrs. Lee Canficld, Mrs. Win, Busick.
The next meeting will be May 11 at
the home of Mrs. liuth Hatch, 1075
Saginaw street.
A telegram has been received from
Kenneth Aspinwal! telling ef his safe
arrival in New York April 25 on the
North Carolina. Mr. Aspinwall is con
nected with tho headipiarters company
of the 42d (Kninbow) division which
saw such a great deal of active service
overseas. He is stationed temporarily
at Camp Merritt.
A distinct victory was won by Ore
gon during the national congress of
Ihe Daughters of the American Revo
lution nt Washington, D. C, Inst week,
when Mrs. Issue bee Patterson was
elected vice president general of the
national erder. Although she was
backed largely bv the Massachusetts
and Washington, I). C, delegations, a
STert deal of il.ffii ulty was foisecn
in securing her election as the eastern
chapli rs were under the impression
that Oregon wris loo far from the seat
f the nntional conference, to make it
practical fir a member of this state to
,.111111111 utt A--ttlltttl M Mt-M t t -"---"
I Ply I wiraj
LA. .
Salem is known throughout Oregon as the City where good quality of mer
chandise can be bought at exceedingly reasonable prices
This Store Joins with all the Merchants of Our City
in featuring
This is clean up time in our ready-to-wear departments (Just between Spring
and Summer). Many lines are broken in sizes. Some of the garments are
crushed from display. This store cleans up each season and in so doing sells
some lines of made-up garments at less than the cost of materials.
nt tend them annually. It wus at the
suggestion of Mrs. Oeorgf Thatcher
Guernsey at the state convention some
lime ago, that the Oregon delegation
derided to send a candidate for the
vice presidency and her ultimate elec
tion is a cause of rejoicing among the
western rhnpters of the organization.
Corporal aud Mrs. Arthur T. Toy,
who have been in Salem the past two
week have gone to Portland where
Corpora! Toy Will be connected with
the recruiting headquarters. While
here he nsnisted .Sergeant life L. Ctiu
iiiiiu in recruiting.
Prieuits of Cecil Nist are welcom
ing him on his arrival borne on a fur
lough from West Point. Mr. Nist is a
former s-tudeut of the locul high school
and was captain if Cominuy B of the
cadets while attending. He will re
main in Salem until his cla.s nt West
Point reorganiws some time in June.
Mis. B. F. Pitnoler cute tained a
"oter'.e .if young folk at a merry party
last evening at Her home ou -North ltln0f a baby daughter
sTieei in nonor or ner otiiiuier, jiiss
ilailys. A pretty pink, color scheme
was carried out in the artistic derrrn
tions of the outer rooms, spring flow
ers, gracefully arrangeit, editing a
l.lciiMiiit Kast-r note to the el feet,
The dining table was benutiillv cen
ter! d with pule p nk carnations and
lighted candles, plnred at the tour cor
ners. were su'bdiied by pink shades.
The evening was eii jovnlily spent with
games, music and iliincnig and cul
minated with the serving of dainty re
freshments, at wliieh the hostess was
U., Presents'
77 j
I ft dLs-ij
Salem week
Shopping Is a
d &Wi; (Ho.
Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon.
assisted by Miss Willa Hinkesteiti.
Invitations were issued to Miss l.eona
Wicilmer, Miss Kleanor Hiic.kestcin,
Miss Lily Wake, Miss Lena Hiickesteln
Maurice Sawyer, Joseph AhVich, Wil
liuni Blake Jr.. and John Allirich.
Miss Mar.jorie Kay is the guest of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kay
nt their resilience on North Capitol
street for a few days. Miss Kay nr
rived from Kiigene Tuesday accompan
ied by a house guest. Miss Beiilah
Smith of Pendleton. Miss Smith re
turned to Kngene Wednesday and
Miss Kay will leave Sunday evening.
Theilver tea and cooked food sale
given by the Indies of St. Paul's
church last Wednesday was a complete
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Denton were
Portland visitors Thursday,
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walsh (Jane
Fry) of Sacramento, California, are
receiving felicitations upon the arrival
he ha? been
i mimed I'riseilla.
Dr. and Mis. R. K. Lee Stciner
and son, Milton, motored to Portland
toilav and will tnke a tm on the ( o-
j lumbia highway as far as Hoed '.R
It will be a week end affair, the Mir.
ty reiurnii-g S-,nid:iy evening or Mon
dav. r,; ,, r .Ai- ml . . I
dented to l esT,, n "
s 1"' il1.. " J Zl h" . U T""''1 ,n:
term in the army. Mr. Mathews, who
.. .v. " .''
i ai
ur zx
Pleasure l
is the son of Professor arid Mrs. James'
T. Mathews, left with Company M but,
with a group of others, was; transfer
red while in France.
June iiith has been selected by Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Wilson as the ditto
for their departure on an extensivo
tour of Knropc and the for East. They
will sail from Seattle on the Princes
of Asia for Japan and conduct the tour
from that starting point.
Mrs. W. C. Ilnwley will entertain!
the Hutheteriuns at her homo next
Thursday afternoon. The Rathoterianf
society is a ci-mpa-atively new organ
ization, composed solely of former stu
dents of Willamette university and in
cludes in its personnel. some of Salem's
most prominent social figures.
The Daughters of IsuVlla will ini
tiate thirty two new members tomor
row afternoon. The order is nn auxil-
iary of the Knights of Columbus ami
a national organization.
Mis l,a Verne Kantner hes return
ed from Seattle where she has been
the guest of her sister. Mrs. Thomas.
The Vtnh Idaho Sugar company ai
making preparations to expend nboi t
f'J.'Q.Oim on two ncr factories at Top
penih and Sunnyid, "Wash.
A territorial democratic convention
' Wn " J"'u Ml
- ' to nominate a candidate for Alasklv
i . ... .i .i... I....