Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 26, 1919, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 13

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Days Of Juice Driren Street
Cars NumberedGas
More Feasible.
Detroit, Mich., April 2(5. The pres
ent day electrically driven street car
is on the way to the scrap heap.
The forests of poles, innumerable
' r - . t ?. ..
Motorists Urged To' Carry
JJeres wheielehdjnyJbattexy troubles -'
Why not say that to yourself svj it today ? Many a motorist before you has laid
the bugaboo of starting and lighting doubt and distrust forever by simply calling at
our 4,jxfcC" Station and getting the real "hard pan" story .of the
nd "ExlDe" Service. The "ExtCe" Battery is the
battery with thirty-one years of exclusive storage bat
tery building experience insuring the "rightness" of its
every detail. Every feature of it is practical designed
by practical men from practical knowledge, and tested
out in practical work.
Let us show you the 4ExiOe" Battery. Examine it
carefully. See how sturdily it is made. Learn just
what each part is and why it is there. The "JExlOe"
is sold not on flashy selling points, but
on real "reason-why, open-eyed" facts. If
you are convinced that it looks good,
put it in your car and prove the soundness of your
"ExiJie" Service stands back of every "ExiHe" Battery.
"JCXlDe" Service is considerably more than the mere sticking
of a hydrometer syringe into the electrolyte. "ExlOe" Serv
ice based on the big, broad principle of "solving the custo
mer's individual battery problems." 'J6X10" Service enables
you to get exacdy the battery best suited to your particular
needs; it provides for the kind of attention that will keep that
battery "on its job" season in and season out. "EXt&C"
Service knows no exception; it indude the repairing, recharg
ing and testing of all makes of starting batteries. Come in and
talk it over.
Starter Service Battery Service
171 South Commercial Street
"linite Battery MOTIBUTO!
Pointing tut the damage needlessly
dons by broken glass scattered along
the road the Vnitcd States Tire eota
panv. represented in Salem bv the
tjuackenbush Auto Supply company, is
urging all automobile and motorcycle
owners to carry a small 'broom with
them as part of thetr equipment. The
idea being that when a driver arcs
pieces of broken glass in the road he
should stop, hop out and brush the lit
tle "tire enemies'' off the highway.
If each motorist would follow such
a policy it would not be necessary
for the average man to remove glass
more than a few times a year.
When a cluster of broken bita of
glass is allowed to remain on a high
way until it has teen carried away
embedded in tares probably hundreds
of ears have their tires muie or less
injured. If it i removed by the first
aian who sees it, hundreds of other
machines arc free from danger of tire
The automobile club of Wilkpfbarrc,
Pa., is the first in the country to adopt
this suggestion. At a reeent meeting
of the club the members committed
themselves to the lass removing pro
gram. Each member of the club will
keep a careful record as to the num
ber Of times ho has to stop to remove
plana and will also try to. form a judg
merit as to how the elass came to be
on the road. Other clubs arc expected
to follow their example and enroll
their members as kninhts of the
broom. "
One thing Uncertain the person who
drops bottles on the highway for the
pleasure of hearing them break has
become very unpopular and is going
to beeome moro so.
I)r. G. E. Prime, who has just return
ed to Salem to resume Iris practice after
sevoral months service In the army, this
wek purchased an Elgin Six of Lee L.
Gilbert, Elgin distributor. Dr. Jrline is
fourth RaJem physician to solcct the El
gin for his personal nse.
This bulletin contains general infor
mation concerning road conditions ia or
noar the national forests of Oregon,
bacd on data furnished by the field
men of the forest service.
Throe Rivers, AIbch River, Kugcne
J'lorencc and Scottsmirg - Aiicniinfty
roads in the vicinity of the Kiuslaw na
tional forest are not yet open for
through travel. Little North Fork road
and the Santiam wagon road nre both
closed to travel. Because of bridges be-
SOxJ Ribbed Tread 1 1 -t0 2.3fi
SOxlHi Nnn Kkid 14.85 2.81
32x31 Non Kkid 19.00 3.00
31x4 Non Skid 24.30 3.5
32x1 Non Skid 2.-1.20 3.75
33x4 Non Kkid 2:1.50 3.8.5
31x4 Non Skid - 27.25 3.B5
30x3 Non Skid lfl.90
3(x:tV? Non Kkid - 21-75
32x3 Non Skid 24.75
32x4 Non Skid 31.00
33x4 Non Skid 33.50
34x4 Non Skid 35.00
We Carry All Sizes at Special Frices.
Goods Shipped C. O. D, Express of
Parcel Post.
Call or Write
Commercial and Court Streets, Salem,
ing burned out, it is very possible thU
Little North Fork road will not be open
until later in the season.
Crescent City-Gold Beach Open and
in fuir condition between Crescent City
and Brookings. Rough between Brook
ings and Gold Bench.
Crater Lako Highway Open and in
fair condition between Medford and
Prospect. Closed on account of suow
between Prospect and Pr.rk boundary;
will probiiblv be open by July 1st. On
account of the heavy snowfall, it is
doubtful if uutos will be ablo to trnvol
through the park before July.
Barlow-Oakgiove Open, nnn in lair
condition between Portland and Twin
bridges. Closed on account of snow be
tween Twin bridges and (.'unian Prairie.
Will not be open before June 15. Aut
iiiuliiiihfs should always carry their
chit ins on this road.
Rosi buig Peel Open but in lmd con
dition between Rosebiirg nnd Peel. Mail
is hauled over thin road in a light
car. Road is lmdly rutted and cannot
be traveled with a heavy machine eas
ily. Eugene-Florence.
Open between Eugene nnd Goldson
and in fair condition. Closed between
Goldson nnd Florence by mud. No de
tours possible. Should be open June 1.
This road should not be attempted at
any sonson of the venr except by ex
perienced drivers. There are ninny nar
row, long, steep grades, sharp turns, and
few turnouts, on some of the sections.
OiK'ii nnd in fair condition between
Allegany nnd Loon Lnke. Closed be
tween Loon Lake nnd Scotsburg, due
to heavy washing by winter rains and
the rough steep nature of the roadbed.
It is now in dangerous condition for
wagon travel and should not be at
tempted by motorists.
Alsea River.
Open and in fair condition lietween
Corvallis and Alsea. Closed around
Missouri Bend and over Tidewater Hill.
No detours possible. Should be open
June 1 for light cars. Road is very
narrow and in many places there are
few detours. Should be attempted only
hy experienced drivers.
Willi amette Bead.
Open and in fair condition lietween
Eugene and Oakriilge. Closed from a
few miles above Oakridge to the sum
mit. Mackenzie Highway.
Open nnd in fair condition between
Eugene and Millikan grade. Closed be
tween Miliknn grade nnd summit.
Row River.
Open and in good condition between
Doreua and Cottagu Grove. Closed on
account of unfinished construction work
between Dorcna and Disston. Should
be open by Juno 1. Ti is is a good sum
mer road, with plentv of fishing and
hunting in season. There arc suitable
camping places with good water,
Bandon-Oold Beach
Open between Bandou and Gold
Bench and ju passable condition for
light enrs.
Grants Pass-Crescent City.
Open nnd in good condition between
Grants Pass and Kerby. Very bad con
dition Keiby to top of Oregon Moun
tain; in good condtiion for remainder
of way to Crescent City.
For a consideration of 9,000 another
of the Hoefor & Zorn estate farms at
Champoeg has been sold by oue of the
heirs of John II. Schneider, Jr., of Mt.
Angol. The laid is 389.78 acres iu one
hmlv snd lota 2. 3. 4 and 5. totalling 37
acres in the Charles Dutifey homestead
The fartn is one of several large
tracts of land which makes up the Hoe
fcr 4 Zorn esttne. Aurora Observer.
miles of "wires and cables and rower
houses are doomed.
Street railway traffic will be revolu
tionised by a aew street ear, mntivat
ed by a gasoline engine, all of its owa.
It wall carry its owu power depending
on no external ageucv.
Coit of operation will be reduced by
about one half. Waste of power will
be eliminated. There will be no 'peak
load'' to worry about.
The above is in substance the tielief
of Charles E. fciorensen, general mana
ger of Ihe Ford tractor plant in Dear
born, Mich.
"Every engineer and railwoy mana
ger knows that the present street tar
system is too imperfect to last," said
Sorensen. " Engineers condemn the
present street railway system every
where on the ground of expense. It
costs too niuch. Great dynamos capa
ble of carrying the 'peak leads' of
modern traffic are required along with
tons of cosily cables, food wires and
bonds made of copper; great numbers
of poles, eross arms and hangers.
jiesulcs tuat tne weight of the nio
tors compel more heuvilv constructed
cars than the traffic really calls for.
All this leads to street danger, the
elimination of service that lighter, but
fully as strong cars could perform and
all other conveniences of which ear
riders complain. Then the destruction
wrought on underground conduits and
pipes by electrolysis is a constant
sourco o expense and loss that every
department of public works knows."
- The niodern electric car ha been
weighed in tho balance of efficiency
and found wanting.
Surensen said his company was now
at work on a gasoline engine which
will supplant tho electric motor for
street railway transvorlntiou. "This
engine," he said, "will become the
standurd power equipinentyon etrcet
cars because, it is cheaper. The cost
of operating the electric car is 24
cents per car mile. The cost of operat
ing a gasoline propelled car of the
same capacity is 12 cents.
To retain the old low rate of car
fares, cars must be operated at a lower
cost and tho gasoline driven ear solv
es the problem, Sorensen said.
uZcfs (ro'D&ifs
When summer days and winding
roads call you into the outdoorst
travel the pleasant way with a
Here is the mount of the real nature
lover dependable, sturdy, speedy.
By-ways are highways to a Harley
Davidson and it is the cheapest
method of quick, sure transportation,
Ask your dealer to show you the
new models of the motorcycle that
is bein& talked about.
Harley-Davidson Motor Co.
Milwaukee, Wis.
Harry W. Scott
Harley-Davidson Distributor
147 S. Com'l. St. Phone G8
Irving Baldorree and Robert Muscott,
former compnny I, both of whom wore
wounded in action last sumineT, return
ed to their homes in this city last week.
Both of these young men were in hos
pitals for nmny months, but have fully
recovered from their injuries. Dallas
Observer. ''
New State Lighting
- Law Is Simplified
Are real rubber, real Sea Island cotton plus real ex
pert workmanship and do stand the severest tests.
Quality unexcelled. "Motorlife" saves you engine
trouble. -l.I.&M
319 N. Commercial St.
Automobile lighting regulations in,
tho new Oregon motor code, passed by I
the Inst legislature, are very simple. !
There are no involved restiictions on
the kind of lights that may He used, no j
Innu technical discussions of "reflected j
light" and "diffused light," as In the:
new Washington luw. j
About the onlv worry the Oregon j
torist need give to his lights is to see)
Unit he has a white tail light and twoj
white headlights, visible for at least j
2UU feet ahead, and to bo dimmed on j
meeting approaching vehicles.
Jf the car is not equipped with it dim-1
miiia device, then the law inukes it ;
compulsory on the car owner to have I
a spotlight, so adjusted as to throw lis
light to 'ho right side of tho highwny I
downward and so adjusted as not tol
blind occupants of an approuehing ve-1
hide. This spotlight, where the Jiguts
have dimmers, is to be substituted for
tho lights when approaching and puss
ing other vehicles.
About the only cars nowadays thut do
not havo dimming devices arc i'ords
mare prior to 1W18 and older cars of
other makes. Their owners must obtain
Old Oas Lights Not Dimmed.
The law exempts cars not equipped
with electric light from the spotlight
requirement, and owners of such cars
do hot have to dim hccdlights in pais
ing another car.
This lighting provision of the new
law was written by M. O. Wilkins, pub
lisher of the Automobile Hecord nnd
president of the Dealers' Motor t'ar
association of Oregon.
Contrary to the supposition of many
motorists, this new motor code is right
now in effect. The reason therefore
is that it was passed hy the legisltfure
with an emergency clause, which made
it effective as soon as approvca y the
(,'onseqnently, 30 miles an hoar in
stead of the old 25 is now the legal
speed limit on Oregon highways, une
of the provisions of the new rode in
cerasos the sped limit from 25 to 30
miles, thus conforming to requirements
in California and most other states.
Another interesting provision of the
new law gives state, county or ei'y au
thorities having jurisdiction the power
to authorize speed contests. Xo such
contests may bo held without permits
from the proper authorities, however,
and the. course must be fully and effi
ciently patrolled for its entire distcnee.
t J "-'
A New Rubber oompounu Tnat
Resists Them
Crolide Compound Casings
(Ford Bize 7500)
The Most Costly Built Casing
at a
Reasonable Pii
Cost Less Per Mile
Than Any Fire BaHt
Mileage In ar.y Tire ia the
Keynote of Its Worth
. J. B.
Gasoline and Oils, Tires, Auto
Accessories and Vulcanizing
291 N. Commercial St., Salem, Or.
Something moHe than jncchanical
genius is responsible for tho thirty six
improvements and refinements in the
new Elgin Six scries U, which is at
tracting much attention.
"Ordinarily it is up to the design
ers and engineers iu the big factories
of tho nation to produce new body and
engine effects and to them usually goes
the credit for every new departure in
motor car building," says Lee L. Oil
bert, Elgin fix distributor. "Hut in
the cusc of the 'far of tho Hour,' ns
the new HI gin six is known tho 3(1
I improvements aro the result of what
;'Klgiii dealers from the Atlantic to the,
, Canadian border nnd to the gulf havo
suggested to the Elgin Motor Car cor
poration. "Only n few ,lnys ago Ibmvin Hatch,
editor of the -Motor Age, during n visit
to the Elgin factory in Chicago, mar
veled at the new features embodied in
the six. He expressed s desire to know
how the changes hrid 'been made, and
in a conversation with K. Keitnnn,
'president ami general mnnager of the
Kl;:in company, declared it nil her ro
niurliaiile that the Elgin engineers were
alile to work out so many improve
ments in a car which ulrcmly had es
tablished records for cconotuv. speed
and slnniina.
j "Thru Mr. Natch called to mind the
gruelling master drivers contest ill HMIi
when ho rode in an Elgin six as offi
cial observer, during a run in which
only one other car besides the Klyin
: registered a perfect score, returning
to the citv under its own power de
spite terrible rond conditions. 'Since
you have watched the Elgin from its
start and are familiar w ith tho car and
organization, 1 am going to let you in
on a little secret, Mr. Hutch,' said
('resident dietman.
" 'The Elgin engineers did not act
ually decide upon the 30 improvements
and refinements embodied in the new
model. H was the nntomobile buying
public that made this decision for us.
lit has always been tho poliry of the
Elgin company to build the kind of a
;cnr the public wants, and we sot out
!to barn exactly what the need was.
We found this out through the only
criterion whose judgment along these
lines can be relied upon the automo
bile dealers. They are the results of
, suggestion sent to ns hv Elgin dealers
from the Atlantic to tlo I'a-ific :id
from the Canadian border to tli- gnif.
The dealers are out on the firing line
and are familiar with the performance
of the car under every conceivable
condition. Their desires ; rciTefcnt
what the final judge the automobile,
i buvers demand in a car.' ,
j "You will see. therefore, that tne
l Elgin engineering and mnuufiictnring
staffs are entitled to all thn credit for
working out the details of the 3d im
provements, but the dealers aro pri
marily responsible through their 'sug
gestions to us. "
Ford Track Smashes Way
Throat Hail Of Fire To
Rescue Of Marine Corps
During the fritter fighting in France
in September I91S, when the United
Stntes marines took tho heart out of
the Prussian guards, and in fart, out
of the wholo Clermnn army, and dur
ing the wicked fighting at Hellcau
Woods and vicinity, some twenty ma
rines captured the little French vil
lage of Bouresches. Scarce 200 yards
beyond lay the Oornian trenches. As
tho Germans were driven from the
village of Bouroschcs, their artillery
dropped a fierce barrage behind the
village to make impossible reinforce
ments being sent to our soldier boys.
Onr boys fought until their ammuni
tion was exhausted, their food w'
gone, and they had no water, and "l"
they held the village, and still - Uih
barrage fell around them, when sud
denly out of tho hull of fire of tbei
barrage a truck broke through bring
ing water, food, and munitions. Ppon
receiving this, our American "siif
dogs" proceeded to drive the Herman
out of the trenches.
It was a Kord truck that did tli(
glorious work.
Frftnt and rar mud-guards,
plash protector and it&nd
on all model.
2 Special design rear fork,
giving extra cUartnre i4
twwn whre! and fork iidci.
Flush rear fork tndt.
Drop-fortd ieat-pot
cluster, giving extra itroitg
(rip on teat-post.
4 T IisfK-gra!r padded If at Her
saddle with double action
springs. Leather tool bag
nd complete tool equipment.
J Srvrrttfrn proms erum,l
fimih ol Dayton ( iiininc.
lough and lone, t . mc.
lUay roat nl tojipcr urk'-f
all mckrl pis tin.
Dust-proof head adjnrtinK
cone. Kutra Urge E Uh
Duty hall t'snnR. (ones
tiir-rui'kmd til cyanide.
7 OtiUtdr nmt head construe
ticri. iJtvcn inner rein
forcements tn frame, J1
g Dtiublf anchored fork side
with solid steel spool be
tween plates.
9 front hub and cup of
infcial drsiRn lurntd from
solid stff I bar. fwo-poiTit
friuiwiic&t bearings.
10 Viuhc D:Lu or Kol-.o.
mo Kvrrlaiter tirei, S
lec;td maple rims.
Onft-ptrre drop forRf tj
eianki. Hobbed sprockets
Seimlcti cr.nk dinger
bracket, extri reinioKcd.
THERE are good reasons for the acknowledged supe
riority of the Dayton Bicycles. A few of them are
stated above. Study them! It is points such as these
that mark the difference between a bicycle that merely
looks good and a bicycle that actually is good.
Dayton Bicycles are designed and built with painstaking
care. They embody every known and tested feature of de
sign and construction that can makc-for beauty, simplicity,
efficiency, durability and comfort.
A Dayton Bicycle may be purchased with absolute con
fidence in the real satisfaction it will give and in the
actual economy it will effect.
;;80 C-'urt St.
Ci i iaaaaR3KgsBaBwg?aBBHEflsv.t
New Home Next to
Steusloff Bros. Market