Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 26, 1919, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 12

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Moore's Special
Reduction of Five
Dollars Each
Bicycle Goods FREE Given Each Month
Save Your Tickets
I . . 421 Court Street
(Continued from Page 1.)
Canyon Road Bough.
From to ami half to three hour
are normally required to tover trie roal
through the cactoa to Rock treen, but
the remaining S7 miles into iiyrtte
1'umt fn be i.-.de ia much better time.
About half of this stretch is macadam
road and it in good shape.
liood gaiage facilities and hotel ae-
I .m
jf : i It . J
Ii pi 4
Caterpillar Tires
Over the hill of Traction
Progress has come the
massive Kelly-Springfield
Caterpillar Tire for
trucks. The greatest ad
vance in solid tire con
struction since the be
ginning of the industry
Quackenbush Auto
219 N. Commercial St.
. Phone 66.
"Service Car"
When Is a Battery Abused ?
Anybody who understands batteries will tell you that
there are five things that must be avoided if your battery
is to serve you long and well.
1. Solution low, so.that water line shows on plates.
2. Battery overheated or overworked.
I!. Battery charged in reverse.
4. Battery flushed with acid.
5. Foreign substance added.
Any of these are positive abuses, and will injure
your battery permanently.
Degge & Burrell
41S Court Street
"We test, repair and re
charge storage batteries;
ami always carrv a full sup
ply of battery parts, new
batteries and rental batteries.
Thone 203
I I - W ' IT
a .- f
-fm- .. ,1.1
, - V ; -
A good used
h better than a cheap
We overhaul and guar
antee every used wheel
that we sell. See our
stuck before you buy.
(Continued from Page 1.)
1 17 S. Commercial St.
Phone C8
Tbs Journal Job Department
will print yoa anything In the
stationary line do it right and
tare you real mono.
taxable property would lo tulded to
the wealth of the state if the root of
the const region is developed in Jikc
tnnnuer. ,
Class is green in cry day of the year
mi the oeenii fide of the Const range
of mountains, mill the elimnte is so
mild that enl tie do not need to ic kept
in burns and fed, us in other dairy sec
lion, of the I'nited Mates, notably in
the middle west and on the Atlantic
seaboard, lint b has lieen stated l
ready, it has been found more profit
aide to keep the land sowed down to
elover pasturage fur the tin 1 1 v herds
than to raise hay thereon. That is
why the roast rountry will always he
a glint maikol for inlerior Oregon hav
Judge B. V. Wri-ht nt Olympia lias
sustuiiied an order of the public wt
iee eoniniinsion iuereasinn telephone
rates, in teeot dance with an order f
1'oatmaater (leueral Butleaon.
One of the largest distrtliotin( la
tiom on the eonst fr oil an, jtastdine
is leing installed at Atona. It ton
sisli of 10 eomrele tanks with a ea
piieity of i.thtt.iHH) gallons.
At Vakinm, Wash., Tued,iyt Mrs.
Andrew tleorae was found nneon
sc inns en the rme of her ruishaad
I who died two years aso. rh lad at-
tempted to rouniiit suic ide lr inhaling
William il. llatiimm, Josephine
eoonty pioneer of I1, ami a t'ivil war
veteran, is dead at Ins homo at Mur
ray, on the Applegnte. Ue waa lieu
tenant in the lltmrholi't and ltald Hill
I ii 1 n n w ars.
seven and eif;ht miles of what may eor
reetly W termed bad road and progress
, . ,, . . . " comodatKias are to be had either
eomiorrnne. i nuemmea are numerous, j Myrt,e roiu, 0f CoquiUe wllt.tt w bu,
Jetoura around deeply rutted stretches ,llne miles beyond.
of road frequent, but the sight of the' i'roui Coquille the motorist may take
beautiful C'uuias Valley is auip;e reward 'cither of two routes to reaeh iiandon,
for the few miles of hard jfuiug that where the road hits the roast and turns
have to be navigated to there, it south toward California. Either ne tan
nestles in the top of the mountaiua like (to direetly down the Ooipiillo Valley,
a beautiful reea bowl and Is one of a distivnre of 2 miles over smooth dirt
the most picturesque spots to be found roads, terribly crooked but well worn
in the state. and easily traveled, or itetour and take
Camas Valley, the village, is a rej;u-. in Marshfield, North Bend and other
hir stopping point for the Koseburg-: Coos lluv points and thenee down the
Myrtle I'oiut stages and boasts of a ho-'coast to Baudon over the SSevea Dv'vils
!tel serving meals like only a road weary 'road.
I motorist can appreciate! Has and oil I Coog Bay Detour Possiaw.
can also be secured here. During the eoming summer te Co-
Goott Horn Needed. quille Marshfield road will be quite bad
Taking the adviee of those who have fy torn up due to the constrm tioii work
been over the next lev of the trip, the but will be open and the distance be
careful driver will go over his ear piet-jtween the two cities is-only miles.
tv caretunv ix rore leaving ininas v ai- Mariug oiunie in tne morning tiie
h v. paying particular attention to the detour by way of Coos Bay can oe
condition of the brutes aa immiug ' made with plenty of time to look around
sure that his horn is iu good working j in Marshfield and North Beud and Ban
order. ) don reached in the early evening. From
The need of a horn that rau be ntard j North Bend, which is only a mile and
a considerable distance mukes itself 'a half from Marshfield, the road fol
evident before you leave Camas Valley . Ions down the bay through Empire, the
far behind, for it is just after leaving old county seat of Cous county, and in
t lie valley that you swing into the Mid- teresting to the person from the in
die Fork canyon and in the lt miles ! land in its reaemhlence to the New Kng
of twisting, turning, rising and tailing i laud fishing villages as pictured ami
road there are few places where two ! mude fumoust iu the American prose and
iniu hines can iss. Sound your horn I poetry of the late nineteenth century.
frequently and when reaching places I A well mr.rked side road to the left
where is possible fur another car to'altout three miles beyond Empire leuds
pass stop long enough to hear whether i down the coast to Baudon, but it
or not there is another car approach-1 worth while to keep to the uiain road
ing. A loud horn rau be heard for afwr about a mile further and then doub
distance of two orthrec miles in most 1 1,. tH-f, after having spent a few mm
Darts ef the canyon. Careful driving 1 utes" or hours at Kuusot Beach where
is also necessary on this stretch. The the magiiincent summer home of L. J.
mad is r.luuvs more or less rough and .Simpson, candidate fur the repuldi.ML
I he
Philadelphia Ds
Grid SMc
PHONE 413.
there are muny places w here it has been j nomination for governor at the lajt
carved out of tho mountainside, with j primary election, is located. Shore
an almost perpendicular bluff rising on I Acres, as the Hiinpson place is known,
one side nnd an unobstruci.ro. uiuu of lis the most beautiful summer home on
from 51) to 7U0 feet oil the other. This 1 the north Pacific Const.
part of tho trip, however, is perhaps j "Seven Devils" Well Named. ,
the moat beautiful of a-uy along the en- Returning to the point of detour a
tiro route. The conyon is rough and nar- mile back and resuming the drive to
row, so narrow you almost feel crowd-1 Buiulon, the motorist strikes the first
saint of the trip, out scattered pntclies
of it, more or less deep, are to bo en
countered over tho entire remaining
110 miles to the California Hue. Aud
ed by tho high virgin-covered mount
aias, and the embryo Coquillc river leap
ing and i-oiiring below you Is one of the
wildest mountain streams to be found.
Editor Motor Service Bureau OwUnSof fJarimtJH
Copyright 1919, ; The International Bynilcato,
Realizing Fuel Economy Expectations Continued
'The ( Car, Badly Driven, Will Fall Bhort In Effleiency
M T IS ALWAYS BOSSIllLE that the failure of an Individual user to
obtain from his cur a fuel ellicloncy comparable with that shown by
Q other identical cars may not be entirely attributable to detects la
U ihu particular car nnd Its adjustment, but may be the result of the '
maimer In which the car la maintained and driven. Among operative
errors which lead to fuel waste are the following: Driving long dis
tances either at extrcmuly high or ut extremely low gpeeda. Both prac-'
Hoes are vory wasteful und a gullon of fuel goea a very little way under
tliosfl conditions, as comuarod with what It does at 20 or 25 miles per1
hour. Failure to run tho spark as much advanced as praotloahle, result
lug In tho throwing nwny of much valuable heat enorgy. Failure to
change to a lowor gear when the engine 1ms slowed down, under load,
to bulow Its cconoiiilcul speed, slipping of the clutch, for speed regulat
ing purposes, instead o( using the throttle, which results In substantial
In d loss duu to eiiKino racing. Racing the engine unuecossarlly to warm
It up, Idling It when it might better be shut down and Idling It unneces
sarily fust. Failure to take adviintngo of the cars coasting ability, by
throwing tho Bourn Into neutral nnd shutting down the engine on long
down grades. Accelerating with uncalled for rapidity, when starting
and when under wuy nnd aaeriUclng expensively attained onr momentum,
by applying the brakes while still running nt high speed, lustcad of coast
ing up to the stopping point. Failure to conserve engine boat by keep
ing the radiator fhiuld'-cl, thus Increasing the waste of fuel at eaoh start.
Failure to always employ the leanest Tuol mixture upon which the onglne
oan be successfully run, alter it Is warmed, and carelessness lu leaving
the ciirbiirotor nir supply choked, nftor starting, longer than It need be.
Kvon with a perfectly conditioned car. operaltve errors can reduce fuel
olllcieucy pretty low, but combined with a oar that Is "out of sorts," the
result of unskilled driving on fuel efficiency Is appalling.
F, II. II. asks: noes It harm an
enamo In uny way when the wntnr
boils in the radiator and around the
Answer: Hollln of the liquid In
tho cooltn svstem cannot. In Itaelf.
do any barm lo art eimlne, but the
boilhur may be an Indication of
MimtuhliiK wrong with an engine,
which may cause Injury lo It, such
as insutltelent cylinder lubrication or
a f.UlliK supply of wuter, which soon
may entirely Ulwippoar and permit
Misrintw overheating to take place.
Any unaccustomed tendency to boil
ing should be nt once Investigated.
P. A. wrttwt 1 accidentally left
out the tilling- plug of a cell of my
storage battery and later found that
o much of the acid had spilled that
I could not see tbs top of the liquid.
The lost liquid was replaced with
distilled water, as the directions
contained a warning never to put
anyoing In the cells. Blnce do
ing this, the cell does not test lip to
strength. How can I muke It do of
Answcri Tho caution against put.
ting- anything but witter Into cells
applies only to cases In which water
only and not acid has escaped. In
your case, the aold electrolyte had
escaped, In part, and putting tn pure
water diluted the remainder, so that
Its gravity was neoessarlly belowf
normal. We suggest that you draw
the liquid entirely out of this cell by'
means of a rubber tube on the end
of the battery syringe, make tip new
electrolyte and fill the eU with It.
You better tet the gravity of the
liquid In raoh of the other cells, aver
age these readings and bring the new
electrolyte to this value before put.
ting tt In, being sure that tempera
ture differences are takm care of,
Use C. K sulphuric acid and distilled
wat or In making the mixture and
pour the former Into the latter grad
ually, te avoid hes'lng effects.
8. II. H. writes i I have a number
of very old tuner tubes. How can I
tell whether or not tt pays to keep
them 7
Answers As long as a tute Is
capable of holding air and la not
stretched so badly as to form folds'
and become pinched tn servtoe, 11
may as well be kept and the utmost
possible sen-toe obtained from IV
Very little atrength Is required tn an
Inner tube and an old or thin one
may be practically as serviceable s4
a new one. Air tightness te an Inner
tube s only Important qualification.
Uiiftffons of fftnmit mfiriJl to motoritti trill 6 anHcerti tn tfiit
P'Iumn, pk jH'i miiinf. Addrts$ Albert L. Clough, care of thit cflc
tlut prompts the warning that a strip of
canvas a yard wide aud 20 or feet
long is a handy thing to have in the
ear when you get stuck in a sand hole.
The Seven Devils load between Coi.f
Bay and Baudon, however, deseivej
more than passing mention fur there are
reasons wkv it was so named: seven
good reasons iu the shape of tut ns su
sharp that muny large ears driven by
people going over the road the first tune
are forced to maneuver iji revet sc
and low to make than. To make t.'iem
r ore dangerous all cf these turns ar ?
on grades and whe:c road is nar
:ow. They all come close togetiie',
however, and the distance between the
first and the last ''devil'' is less tnau
five miles. Tho r.d reaches the Co
quille river lit I'j'laids where a feirv
is maintained.
Ike tetal dis'.uiicu between Coquillc
iiini Bandon by wav of Coos Bay u
about b' miles.
At Bandon the motorist Irom the iu
laiul gets the first real intimation that
ho is in the seaeoast country, exiept
for the few minutes he ., or umv no;
have taken to make the detour to Sur.
set Buy. Technically the city is known
as Bnndoii-by-the-.Sea und "by the sen "
it surely is. The business section of the
town is largely built on piling nnd ex
tends within a quarter of a mile of
the mouth of the Coquillo river. Al
most any day two or three lumber
schooners are to bo seen lying at the
docks and tho tang of ocean sail 1b
strong iu the air.
The bea:h at Bandon is one of tho
most picturesque to be found along the
Oregon coast. The inshore waters are
abundantly dotted with large nnq small
rocks against which the surf bents con
stantly and from the high bluff behind
the beach an unobstructed view of the
ocean for miles is to bo hu-d. The light
house and coast guard stations both
hold more than passing interest for the
nvcrajrc tourist.
Sand Is Encountered.
As Bandon is the last poiut where
good garage nnd repair facilities arc to
be had until California is reached, it is
good policy to go over the car well here,
(las and oil can be secured at frequent
intervals nlong the road, but a scrietis
mishap to the car may mean several
days delay.
With the exception of a few short
stretches the road south, of Bandon is
in good condition during the entire
summer. Sand is the chief obstacle to
be contended with, especially along the
iirst J3 miles of the route south 'of
liandnn to the Curry county line. Lang
lois, four miles from the line, is the
first town reached in Curry count v.
Three miles beyond is beautiful Floras
Crock, which offers good trout fishing
iu its upper reaches.
liakeport Worth Seeing.
An enjoyable side, trip can be made
from Denmark, a mile and a half If I
low tho Floras Creek bridge, to l.ake-l
port, known ns the deserted village of I
e Oregon const. l.akcport IS a j
"boom tortn" that boomed except inna I-i
ty lust uuring the years between Bins
and lull nnd fell fl.it in a few mouths.
The project which the promoters had
iu mind when they first started tho
town, first known as Sunset City, was
to convert the beautiful Floras Lake,
a fresh water body about five miles
long and separated from the ocean at its
northern end by only a narrow spit of
sand, into a seaport outlet for the vast
timber resources of northern Curry
county by building a canal between the
lake and the ocean. The canal project
was surveyed several times and a few
energetie citizens of the town that had
sprung up on the bluff ovcr.ooking the
lake even stinted to excuvate for the
waterway at one time. A three story
hotel, several business houses aud a
number of modern bungalows sprang up
ulenc the streets that had been cut out
of the forest to a distance of s mile
ba. k from the lake nnd a mil of good
si.e was built ou one of the arms of
the lake.
Three Milo Walk.
At the height of its prosperity l.nke
port boasted of 4oo people. Today
there are oniy two or three families in
the neighborhood. The bottom simply
dropped out of the fanciful project.
The hotel and stores are fust failing
into ruins and brush nnd other wild
growth is running rampant where the
streets and yards used to be. But fur
all of its desolation, Lnkeport is as
pretty a sjmt as is to be found any
where aud the Juke beautiful beyond
description. Trout fishing of the kiud
found there is real sport.
It is not always possible to drive a
car into 1-akeport from Denmark, due
to drifting sand, and it is policy to
make the trip on foot, as it is only
about two nnd a half miles.
Another interesting side trip in this
vicinity r.nd one that can lie made byi
auto, is that to Cape Blanco, the most ,
westerly point on the mainland of the:
I'nited Rates. The detour is made ov
er a road which turns to the right at
ine lop hi roe mil just im-voik
Goodrich Tires Are the Best
in the Long Run
SALEM 1 1H vlffiS
474 Ferry St.
Phone 364
ISixes Itiver bridge, 21 miles south of
Port Orford Agates.
By leaving Bandon in the morning
and making both of the side trips sug
gested the motorist should be utile to
reach Port Orford, ucstled in cove
formed by an arm of the ocean, in
plenty of time for the evening meal.
Port Orford is famed for the agates
gathered on the nearby beaches and it
is true that they can be gathered by
the bucketfull.
From Port Orford to the California
line, about 00 miles, the scenery is cx
ceptionally beautiful. The road follows
the coast most of the distance with a
full view of the ocean, sometimes from
great heights, possibly from muny piss
es. At Wcddcrburn, 28 miles south of
I'ort Orford, a ferry transports tne traf
fic across Rogue river to Gold Beach,
tho county seat of Curry county, and a
very attractive town of tho frontier
The first 17 miles of the roar south
of Gold Beach is such as to necessitate
careful driving, for it is an almost con
stant climb. Mountain Ranch, where
the road reaches the summit and starts
oirits 1") miles of down grade to Brook
ings, the lust town in Oregon, is bet
ter than 4000 feet above level of
the ocean. The road over the greater
part of this 17 mile grade is narrow
and rough iu places aud is full of sharp
For those who make the trip as out
lined here it is filled with pleasant vir
prises and not soon forgotten.
Gilbert Advises East Side
Road To Portland Just Now
Keep to the Eust Hide road in making
the trip to Portland from Salem if yon
want to avoid a lot of grif and bad
driving. Such is tho advice of Leo L
Gilbert, sttae distributor for the Elgin
Six, who returned from a drive to the
Rose City, Tuesday.
In his round trip to Portland Mr. Gil
bert covered both the east and tho west
side routes nnd says that, wntie the
west side road can be navigated, the
going is bad, especially thiB side of
Uopeville. He reports tho road on the
east side of the river ns rough t in spots,
but says these are rapidly being smooth
ed out by crews now at work all along
the line. The drive ho savs, can easily
be mado In two and a half hours.
When you one Journal classifl-
ed ads get what yon want th
to they work fast. , ,
mm mi cars 1
We must have more cars to satisfy the demand ?
on used autos. There has been from 35 to 40 cars
turned in this place in the last month, which speaks
for itself as to the bargains we handle. Here are t
just a few of them: If
Buick roadster, 1914, $285.
- Two 1914 Studebakers, $250 and $275.
1917 Overland thoroughly overhauled, $G75.
1917 Ford, $:585.
Flanders 20, good mechanical condition, $275.
3-4 ton Michigan berry truck, $250.
Paige touring car, electric lights and starter,
1916 Maxwell, mechanically perfect, $600.
Detroit Abbott $225.
Open till 9 evenings.
PHONE 867.
If you want to buy or sell a car come to s
see us.
Salem Auto Exchange
229 State Street