PAGE EIGHT. (T;cl)ailnHilIIouraaI SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1919. Klin IT 1 117 t o iou want to e ave irom 15 to 33$ ON EYERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND Of course you do. Everyone is looking for the place where his dollars will buy the most. A com parison of the prices below will convince you where to go. Men's good solid mule-skin shoes $2.79 Men's best Elk shoes $2.98 Boys' mule-skin shoes $1.59 to $1.89 Boys' Elk shoes $1.79 to $2.59 Men's heavy work shoes $2.98 to $3.90 Men's fine dress shoes $3.98 to $6.90 Men's Stiff el striped overalls and jumper $1.19 Men's pay day overalls and jumper, the best on the market $1.98 Work shirts, good long sleeves and tail ....98c to $1.69 Men's khaki work hats 49c to 59c This is no special sale, just the way we sell merchan dise 52 weeks in the year. Goods to be marked at special prices must first be marked up. We use the encil but once and the first marking is always the owest Everyone buys at the same price. AllAr ound Town April 27 HaiaiH Sunday. May 3 Celetrretioa at Cham poeg, 76th anniversary. Mr Laat day ra which to register for special electioa May 2 S Junior week end, WUlamette' university. May 19131. O. O. F. Grand Ledge session. June 3 Special atate tioa. i 0 I Mrs. LaMoine Clark and W. M. Smith, eounty superintendent of schools, will 'attend the session of the Parent-Tesch- OREGON THEAThE NOW 'Tip HEABT OF HUMANITY' 2.15-4 P. If. 7:15-9 P. 21 Hart M. Bhwnwajr of Hauser Bros returned this morning from a visit with relatives and friends in Eugene. "Tfce Best" la an 70a can da whea death eemee. Call Web Clough C. Pheae 120. tl 0 Phone 77 Oregon Tan and Transfer Co. for quick service. tf era aaeociatioo to be held at Hazel Green Friday evening. Both are on the program for short addresses. o Bazall one cent sals, Parry's drug tore Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 24, 23, 26. Call at store for tir uiar giving list of prices. 4-84 0 Whit k Emmett win ship all kinds or live etoek Saturday; top prices paid. Fhone 142&M. 4 84 Tsed Oar Bargains Mfl Maxwell touring t"5 1917 Maxwell touring 5.1D 1917 Maxwell touring $495 1913 StudVbaker 6, 7 passenger, real umrysin xor tot 3 Fori Form a truth 450 AU ears overhauled and in good shape. Oscar B. Gingrich Motor Tirs Co. 371 Court St. tf 1(0 Quacfcenbuah wants all his au to ss ofcile friends and customers to know . last tie has not nor doesn't expect to ell his growing business in vulcanix- ing and automobile tires. What he did sell a few days Ago was battery barging busmen, which has nothing to do with his regulur tire house. Bas ins; his service and business entirely merit, Mr. Quncketibush has estab lished one of the Urgent tire and vul aniung businesses in this part of the fate. Fruit men ars puuled as to how to account for the disease that has ap peared in certain orchards in this dis trict, and which 1ms something of the WflflED 1 5 Carloads of Used Furniture. I Will bay 1 piece or a household. 1 Oet my price before you sell. I , 1 buy for cash. F.N. WOODRY TUB AUCTIONEER Phone MO or Ml . 9 1FARMER If you can't come to ! town send your shoes 1 by parcel post to 1 ; To have them repaired ! properly at a reasonable II jiitf. j.u, ouum com p merdal Street. I N. Bruick same effects as pear thripa whieh has been fought in California. It was thot that data from the University of Cali fornln, where pathology has beon de veloped to Iho Inst degree, would give the Oregon orchsrdists a cue, but it appears that whilo comparison of ef fected tips shows some Similarity, there is enough difference to cast doubt up on the thing in Oregon. Mik Lewis, a florist of SUverton, has htd a chance to become a citizen and voter for the pnst 18 yenrs, but nover took the chance. Uecontly ho decided to become a resl American and to eventually exercise tho rights of a citizen, as he has filed his first decla ration of intention of becoming a cit izen. He was born in Luvemburg 39 yenrs ngo and came to this country in 1900. In two years timo if ho Btudios up on civil government and knows what It mentis to tie a citiren, he will be given opportunity to pass an exam ination before the court and special examiner. . "Buy at Home" week, scheduled for the week beginning next Monday in Hnlem, is not only a week of Apodal liarguins to be offered by progrossive merchants of the city, but is to be a week in which the merchants wibl show to the folks in the city and vicin ity that merchandise may be purchas ed to as good an advantage right here in ilotn as elsewhere. One of the mo tives of the week is not to not only show that Salem shires can offer goods cheaper thun elsewhere, but to also show stocks tliat arn absolutely up to date in every respect. As one mer chant put it, we are onlv about five days from New York and many lines of niercnnniliHe where stylo is to be considered aro bought in that city. Progressive merchants are also prepar ing to put 011 special window displays for next week. Old frnie buildings and shacks are gradually disappearing in ISnlem, One of the most dilapidated ones, at the corner of .North Commercial and Che mekiUa street, opposite the Y. M, t!. A. building, is about down. On the site the rttnmlnrd Oil ronipnuy will erect one of its Intent filling plants and otherwise beautifv the corner Another old .frame that -disappeared last week was on 1 rout street on the property owned by Jos lluirugartner. There is now going up a modern ware house. The old Skipton 1mm on Ferry street just west of the Budgets Taper company building is being torn down, to bo replaced by a brick building to be erected by 11. 1'olile Hon. All of these old frames were in the fire (lis t.iicl. Adjoining buildings will now come under a schedule of lower' tire insurance rnteB with the erection of brick buildings. Prices on fish Vewers Ling cod or red cod shced, 1S. .Whole fish lHe a pound. YUXm .Market. tf 0 ' Prescott W. Oooxlngham, renerX counsel for the Ladd k Tilton bank of Portland, was in the city Tester dnv having a case before the supreme We buy liberty bonOa. 314 Masonic 'ldg. f Dr. a B. O'Ketll. optometrlst-opO- Kinn, has resumed his practice over Add ft Bush bank bldg. Office hours 9 to 5 p. m, Sundays by appointment. Phone S35. H Dr. B. F. Found arm ounces reopen ing of his dental office 5th floor U. 8. Katioual Bank bldg. Phone KW. 6-11 0 Harry Brassfield, who has been in tho service for the naxt voar arrivH in Salem yesterday. He will be nero for an indofinito visit with his ulsters, Mrs. Emory Thompson and Mies Ma bul Brassfield. Artificial teeth, have expert plate man, with over 89 years experience. at my office. Dr. D. X. Beeichler, den tist, 302 D. S. Nat, Bank bldg. . tf e Dr. Mott offices moved to Bank of Commerco building, rooms 407 8. tf 0 Fatten Plumbing company are now able to take care of your plumbing wnnts in their new locution 220 N. Commercial street. Phone l'ios. tf . 0 Lee L Gilbert, Elgin districutor, left this afternoon for Boattlc where ho was called by wiro to be present aa conference of a number of the head men of the Mgin factory plant, who are touring the west. Labor Commissioner Gramm return ed this morning from a trip to Portland and The Dalles, where he was in con ference with eastern Oregon deputies with regard to labor matters. Daac Moose hH Sat. night 0 Dr. Can E. Miller has opened his dental office at 510-511 U. a. ban bldg. Phone 341. The ouoila who axe cooperating with Ben B. Perkins in correspondence sciool work wiil meet. Friday evening lor a business and soeisl evening. The meet init will be in the Gray building, room 211. The officers of the organization ire G. C. Xewirent. president: J. Ruble, vice-president; Eva H. White, secretary and Carl F. Smith, treasurer. Dance M. B. A. hall near Chemaw everr Sat. night. AU the latest dance hits of the season. .4 w Dance Moose hU Sat night E. H. Kennedy is back at The City Cloaninir works. 1261 State St. Phone 703. tf Wanted To rent five or tlx room modern house or bungalow by perma nent tenent. 1'bone or write r O. bos 62. tf There win be ft meeting of the di rectors of the scout council al the of fice of rtupt. Churchill this evening ror tae discussion of a number of bus iness matters among others the ques tion or including in the council juris diction tae troops of Polk county. Dance- Moose hll Sat night Wanted To rent a five or six room modern hoose or bungalow by perma nent tenent. Phone HOW) or write P O. box 611. - tf Dance M. B. A. hall near Chemawa every Bat. night. All the latest dance hits of the season. 4-25 or tHt "The Funeral Beaotiiul.' f'lourh Co. . Webb It tf The-" publie is our reference. We refer vou to thoso whom we have served. They will convince you Of our efficien cy and of our fair ness. They will toll you that at all times we are thoroughly dependable, i -TIUeBMBSSBBBlAMeBSSBBSaBkBBBBBBBSBBlfkBaBBaBl ROUTE YOUR FREIGHT VIA Willamette Valley Transfer Co. Express Service at Freight Rates Long Distance Hauling Only rilONE 1400 Watt Bhlpp and John W Harbison filed with the county clerk todav a certificate of an nsnimed ninne to be used in business. The name is "The Valley motor company" the same used ick tiros, 111 handling the retail end of the Fordson tractor business. Complying with the low, any firm not using its own name, is required to file with the county clerk the assumed name to be used in 'business transact ions. New shipment Warner's corsets 11.50 up. Gule & Co. Coin, k Court bts. tf Big grange dance at Mac Ion y Satur day night. Good miic, good lunch, good time, 4-!!5 .-''hcMol' I .. DisOmtVltlm 1 JlMiTAlCO' -LtNStS TO THE PEOPLE OF AND AROUND SALEM. If you have anything to sell in the line of Junk or 81-mmlhand doods and Machinery of nnv kind, and if you wi.nt to irot tho highest prico for your goods, then bo sure and call 30 The Square Deal House. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa Street L.M.HUM care of Yick So Tong . Chinese Medicine and Tea Oo. lias medicine which will cure any known disease. Opca 8undays from 10 until 8 p. ni. l.')3 South High St. Salem, Crcgoa Fhone IS2 m. t .12" THE COMPARATIVE VALUE OF ORDINARY EYE LENSES AND LAUSCH cV LOMB is indicated by tho above dia grams. Tho field of clearly do fined vision through an ordinary lens of average power is repre sented by an ant;te of 32 degrees, while the scientific correction of 1TNKTAL8 increases this nngle to (i0 degrees IN ALL POWKUS. This means that ordinary lenses give trulv clear vision through the central portions only, while with 1TXKTALS such" results nre obtained from margin to mar gin. These new lejises sro worth in vestigating. Ask us for booklet 'The Eye and tho Lense." HARTMAN BROS. CO. . Jewelers and Opticians N.W. Corner Btate and Liberty Bts. - " WELCH ELECTRIC CO. FOB ELECTRIC IRONS 41 ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS Phone 953 379 State 8t Barvard Weed, the landscape artist of Portland has consented to come to Salem and deliver an address Monday evening May 5 before the r?alem Flor al society, according to an announee mcn by j. W. Maruney. He will speak on "Home Beautifying." Dance Moose hU Sat night ' All who are interested In farm trac tors should visit the Charles R. Areh- erd Imnlement Co. and see the new International four cylinder, two plow tractor. It sells for $1068 with belt, pully and mud lugs. 4-25 0 Make your furniture bring you more money. Phone 510 or 511, Woodry the auctioneer. 1 26 M. L. Stewart, who has been with the 5th marine, in France, stopped in Salem yesterday while on furlough to visit with acquaintances. He enlisted from this place in January of last year. He was in several engagements in the French sectors, among others the tattle of Bollenu Wood, where he was a victim of the deadly phosgene gas, the effects of which he can still feel in his lungs. X will buy your used furniture and pay you all it is worth. Phone 510 or ill, Woodry the auctioneer. 4 26 Dance Moose hU Sat night Ml sb Marvin, who is both state libra rian and state historian in the mat ter of collecting data for Oregon's war history, recently returned from a visit of several dnvs in Seattle. While there she took nains to look into tue worn of the" Washington war history, ano sne found that the project there was on a commercial basis and was going to prove very expensive, as alt tne wora of collecting data was oeing paid xor The promoters had already paid out S12.000 for this work, and they eipect ed the completed book would sell for 15 a volume. In Oregon all tne worn of collecting is practically being lono through school children ar.d teachers, so that, the cost of shot part of the m 1 "Ti It I -wsare k Rust Proof IIS I AUCTION I I SALE Horses, machinery, tools ; household furniture, etc J Friday, Apr! 25, 1 p. m. j 1 2 miles north of Salem , On River Road. Mr .Clark FHVoodry Owner The Auctioneer The one best buy you can make is a Warner Rust Proof corset. War ner's are the largest manufactur ers of corsets in the world. They carry the strongest guarantee. Not to rust, break, or tear and any corset not up to this guarantee is replaced FREE. New models now being shown Prices $1.50, $2.00 and $3.50. "Our Prices Always The Lowest" GALE & CO. Phone 1072 Commercial and Court Streets., Salem -Formerly Chicago Store We must finish the job BOY VICTORY BONDS task will be merely nominal. A large mass of fcnatcrial has already been gathered and sent in to the state li brary, some of it of tho most interest ing character. Dance Moose hall Sat night LucSle Lee Stewart, sister of Anita, will bo shown in "The Eleventh Com mni4lmojit,. . a fco-niarknble feature that has been substituted for Tarzan at ye Liberty today only. The reporter ran across a local feed store man in the railroad yards sack- ng up mi.TOO pounds of oats shinned in bulk from Minnesota. A question brouuht out the information that he had been shipping in a car like that about onco a month all winter, aloni with an eqnal amount of corn. Tho car loads cost him about 1500, and the freight amounted to $300. This gives a slight intimation as to what it costs this valley for tho idea that its land is too valuable for grain crops. President TL S. Oile. who attended the "Million dollar" banquet of the rortinml Ad dub yesterday found him self the center of an interesting and interested igroup of 'boosters, Iwhosc main idea was the nationalization of Oregon products. Tho big title m he occasion arose ifrom the fact thnt it had to do with Willamette vallev pro ducte on which a million dollar 's worth of advertising is bcine lnvisdiod. The menu, which was one of the best ever put up by the Benson hotel, consist- d of Oregon products. The speeches of the hour were mado bv soma of Portland's 15 vest wires, among them j. F. Lnngner, farm editor of the Port land Journal. Mr. Oile, as tho head of the greatest advertising industry in Oregon, was called upon for nil address s to tho results of publicity in the spread of the l'hei products. As a souvenir of the occasion each guest was presented with a bottle of loju and appl.iii from the Salem plant. AUCTION! SALE WOODRY'S AUCTION MARKET SATURDAY, APBIL 26, 1919 10:30 a.m. 2 (ood fihonts, weight about 80 , lbs. each; 1 Jersey cow, giving anout a gais. a iuy; ift wagon ana graved box; 1 hay I Rack; 1 Rood 2-Sentcd Surrey; : Horses; Wagons; Harness; Tools, ttc. Bring in what you have for sale. 1:30 p. m. Household Furniture of All ' Kinds; Rugs; Ranges; Kitchen Utensils; Home Canned Fruit; rruit Jars; Don't miss i these Sulcs every Saturday t.t , nine time and place. I buy Fur niture, Farm Machinery, Etc., for , Jnsh. F. N. WOODRY THE AUCTIONEER Phono 510 or 611 We Will Be With You Tomorrow Will be Showing 4 Days Just The Same .It's Worth Waiting Foi FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY v -s 5i-- -v. w lr " ' ; e are here to, JOTICE-On account of this picture being mis-shipped out of Portland w unable to show ,t on the days advertised We will positively have it h j ...... .v.. nm iuun ik uays - FRIDAY-SATURDAY- SUNDAY-MONDAY Ye LIBERTY THEATRE