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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 24. 1919. PAOE SEVEN What you get for your money is just as important as what you pay. Long Years of Experience have taught the Ford Motor Co. how to build the best automobile on earth for the least mon ey, cheaper than anyone else, and they are do ing it,;ii"imH"ummw LET US BOOK YOUR ORDER FOR ONE OUT OF THE NEXT CAR-ARRIVING SATURDAY Vallev M HIGH STREET Soil of fmwr "From Over There" General Pershing's Official Report The following disunities nrp reported ly the commanding general of the American Expeditionary Forces: Killed in Action 6 licd from Wounds ....... Jried from Acident and Other Cruises ..... 4 Died of Disease 14 Wounded Severely - 11 Wounded, Degree Undetermined 30 Wounded Nightly . . '233 Missing in Action 4 Total 311 Total number of casualties to date, iuodludiiig those reported above: Kited in Action (including 331 at sea 32,384 Died from Wounds Received in Action ... 13,435 Died of Disease . 22,(100 Died from Acicdent end Other Causes 4,248 Wounded in Action (over 8." per per cent returned i 117,574 Misting in Action (not including prisoners released and re turned) 4,5G3 Total Killed In Action. Lieut Roland H Koeh, Brthleheii l'u. Privates. Kdwnrd A Tripp, Randalia Iowa. Travis D Cook, De Kail) Texas. Kocco Tiso, Piwninglinin llciinitn Theodore Timmermua, i'urn liam .N Y. Sled from Wounds. Corp John F Weis, Mutttipnn tass. Privates. Kaleb Emanuel Liiidquist, Roseau Minn. Kay H Miller, Seattle Wash. Tluwurd 8 Rising. I.ockpoit N Y. Died from Accident and Other Causes. Corp Charles M Cooper, Moro 111. Privates. Martin M Conway, Boyers Colo. James W Tuuilinson, Rocky Ford Colo Wiliiam F Schiedcinann, BrooKivn N Y. CURRENT CAUSAL TIES ' Died of Disease. Pgt Duvid Theodore Tearce, Hancock Mich. Chester W Unwiu, Cambridge Mass. GrowWhea! in Western Canada One Crop Cllcn Pays for the Lund PHEJIW-,. !.,, Is Wi-tern Canada ofws the arestest Sfh'sntsies to home takers. (Urge pronu are assured. You can buy on Fertile Land at $15 to ZinrA imilar tn tht whch thrauch msnv twni V;l bunhels of irheat to the acre. Hundreds of Canada intft crop baa pma tne coal oi (h nnrr in nrosDer. aad rxtend every Grain Crowing and Stock Raising. Thoi!rhW(rnCanadsirTTslaid ssochtnwfiurr, the high price o( iiiiin, cattle, sheep and boca will remain. Loans forhe porchase of stnek may be hid st low bitercsr; there re pytod shippine raritttics; best of markets: free achocts; churrbea; aoiencbd ciunare; tow taxation (none oil rmprowemental, tw pin ten aa hknl w of tanri.farwifc, nu. tHaffrat4t !:trtur, aeducwiev'war tf . apply ton-pt. rf iaasiarMioa, ituwa, Caa r I L ParM, Cm. 1st sa fatt JU, Steiaae, Wash. ra4UnCveeinent Aaeni. Ford The Universal Car .2 or in otor tompany FORMERLY VICK BROS. Corporals. Fred P Jones, Logan Ohio. I Albert Snmiiclsoii, Woodcliff on Hun 6 son, SJ, 41 Meeliunie Willia ruF Dev, Oldawin (Mich. Cook Hubert Lee Smith, Gaystore Tex Privates. . Lethy Fimis, Foulcg La. Carl Reedy, Front Royal Va. Harry L-Campbell, Mew Brunswick X J. Joseph Jones, Wecmg, Va, Henry MeCall, Slidell La. Clarenco W March, Dover Pa. Marco Snlvino, Louderdale Fla. Fred Lee Toal, Lake City 8 C. CHANGES IN STATUS Died of Disease, Previously Eeported Died of Wounds. Pvt Lee R Montague, Jefferson 8 D. Killed In Action, Previously Reported Died. Corp Andrew Kiryczvnski, Dedhnm Wis. I'vt Carl Htewart, Jasper N Y. I'vt Raymond Straus. New York N Y Died of Wounds, Previously Reported Died. .27-l,8tWniK K " A Wanks. Moolville Va. uied of Wounds, Previously Reported Missing in Action. Corp David J Conlev, I.ockpoit N Y Died, Previously Reported Missing in Action. Corp Peter Jensen, Sunk WasV I'vt Walter Atwood, Philadelphia Ta. I'vt AI011.0 W Cross, Wolcott Ind. I'vt .iumes Leavitt, Boston Mass. Pvt Hurry Raymond, Kosario, Argen-.honic tinrt. Pvt Steve W Tortella. Ernest Pa. I'vt James Cmhrino. New York N Y. MARION NEWS. (i apital Journal Special Service.) I Marion, Or., April 24. Mrs. J. B. Mc- Fall and Miss S. Baley from. Eugene ' wre visiting Loretz' over Sunday, i J. H t olgan purchased a new horse and buggy last week, Tho Presbyterian Christian Endeavor soci;.l was held at tho E. Hengs home last Friday afternoon. R. L. Minch and fnmily spent the Easter holidays with J. L Colgan. llert Pr.'snitl is tlte owner nf n Mnx- I easy payment term. $30 per Acre hH AYvrsitrd from 20 to 49 ewes are on record mhere in W.?crn ; lana mna proa uci ion. i ne ucrvvm- v - DoMi'nle emcottraiieaient uwl heiu to f 'A av'--- ' St ff L-ffi iff A . Vsf: If. i I? I They have stoo'd the test of years and to day are better than ever. OPPOSITE CITY HALL Real -Fruit Desserts Jiffy-Jell is flavored with fruit juice essences in liquid form, in vials. A wealth of fruit juice is condensed to flavor each dessert. So it brings you true fruit dainties, healthful and delicious, at a trifling cost Simply add boiling water. Compare it with the old-style gelatine desserts. It will be a delightful rev elation. Get the right kind tO Ftavon, at four Crocr't 2 Packagu for 23 Cent 1U. well car now. Viola Bouch spent Easter huiidny with her parents C. B. Bouch. Mrs. 8. C. Webb went to Portland li.t Friday and is expecting to be gone about six week. She is staying with Roy Ilollowify. . The Jefferson district Sunday school convention is to be held at tvynnm in the Presbyterian church next Sunday. It is to be an alt duy meeting and a basket lunch ivt noon. Everyone in vited. G. W. Smith has been visiting his par ents in Murion and has returned to his in Portland. Superintendent W. H. Smith visited the Marion school last Thursday. Mrs. Daniels' son, who Mis ihaii fighting in France, is now visiting in Marion. John Fast and family have moved to Salem. . . N. C. Hubbs had a sale last W'odnes-' dnv and old 20 cows. F. E. Westenburg just received word Tuesday morning that his hrother in .France hud been killed during the lust fighting. Marion. Mrs. Patton is back to her home In Mr. Brower was a Donald visitor last Friday. Viola Kephart is worK.-:g 'r Airs. McFarland in Albany. D. A. Hoag was a Salem visitor last Saturday. Word Iiks been received that throe more of our hoys have returned to New Yolk from France, Slike Mutt, liiry Kephart and Jim Morrow. Andrew Currie. Mrs. Daniels' son. who was an aviator, was killed while taking a student up in his plane last week. He lived just long omi..Ku i tell how the piano happened to fall. They fell 6OO0 feet ss reported here. Marion friends 'vtend sympathy to bis bereaved mother. WOOL BEINGS 48c AT ONTARIO Forty-eight cents was the price at which the first wool clip o1d during the past 10 days brought in the Vale Ontario section. This price wns paid by Boston firms to Lester Keawell who eheared his sheep at Ontario and on LVad Ox Flat. Several other sheepmen of that see- tin., -a rrr'- ' ' , !..( n lhaf fifftiro whilu others refused that price, believing that higher quota - tions will be offered. It is generally admitted, however, that tse mm inns for wool are hirher anf irinated. nnd norne of the local wool raisers in doubt s tn the trend of prices. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JwJ! CLUB Wi PLANS FOE JULY 4 CELEBRATION As the Fourth of July nd homecom ing celebration is to be one of the big- Ust affairs ever held in the eity, tt the jfonw; evacuation hospital No. 33; eo meeting last evening oi the civia de- meni mill companies numbers S and 6; Dartment of the Commercial club, it ordnance casual company number 14; waa decided to appoint committee in raanal eomrany A, tank corps; ' casual order that the ball might be started company 528. rolling for the three days of JoiirXk- Cruiser Frederick, Brest to New York tion. jaue May 4 with 119tk field artillery i Aa. finances and concessions are of 'complete; casual companies numliers jnriuiary importance in putting on genu-i3348, Kentucky; 3438, Missouri; 39S0, ine ret.1 Fourth of Julv events, it waslsonfl Montana: 24-20.'sn: 24'12. ' (voted that P. E. Fullerton, at present King liing of the llierrians, should bo ! i named as chairman of this committee with the two live wires, William lie Gilchrist, Jr., and C. B. Clanccy. It will be their pleasant duty to collect unough money to underwrite the affair. Fur speakers and such, Chas. V. Gal loway was appointed as chairman of the committee and with him George E. Brown and A. W. Lawrence, Music for the occasion which is to in clude several bauds will be in charge of a committee with Dr. II. C. Epley us chairman, assisted by Johu vt". Todd and Frank 8. Barton. Parades and such will be in chargo of a committee, with M. I- Meyers as chair man and with him will be Col. A. T. Woolpert, Harold Cook aud P. E. Ful leitoii. Automobiles and automobile parade will be cared for by Lee L. Gilbert as cliairmau, F. G. Delnno and Oscar B. Gingrich. KortB, of which there is to be a num ber, esiiecially baseball, was assigned to a comittee with Watt Skipp as chair man, Paul Hauser aud I.I'inc::ni ,j8w is B. Couipton, secretary of the Y. M. C. A. Decoration 10 include the business section as well as residences will be un der the diroetiou of E. L. Kappalian, (!. (!. Quackeubush and Herbert L. Stiff. Program and such wero assigned to C. E. Knowluud as chairman of the com mittee aud with him, Fred E. Mangis and Lee Canfield. The chairman of these committee are called to meet at the ttommercinl club Friday evenirrg of this week. The War Mothers will devoto their energies in the celebration to earing for returned soldiers and operating the several huts wherein coffco and Dough nuts are to be served at all times to men in uniform or who were in tho service in any way. The celebration will legin Thursday evening July 3 with a program in Mar ion Square. Tho banpuet to soldiers, sailors and marines is scheduled for Fri day evening of tho Fourth, under the direction of the War Mothers. It was officially decided to invite all towns and cities in the county to take part, in the general celebration and to be represented by an appropriate float. Other plans wero talked over lust even W. but Definite action as to each will not be taken until another meeting of tho civic department and committees appointed last evoning. . Thieves Rob Monmouth Store Of MerchaadiseWorth $300 (Capital Journal Special Service.) Monmouth, Or., April 23. Tho store of the Miller Mercantile company was broken into Inst Tuesday night and goods to the value of about $300 were stolen. Tho thieves evidently traveled in an automobile, driving through the alley to tho rear door, through which they gained entrance by breaking out a pane of glass and reaching in removed the bur. Ladies shoes, silk dress goods nnd men's lints were the principal arti cles taken. So far no cluo has present ed itself. TRANSPORT BRINGS (Continued from Pago 1.) charges; 3!).'(i, furloughs; 39."8, dis charges; 3fl."ii), discharges; 3B60, fur loughs; 31M12, colored, discharges. Transport Mauri, St. Nnznirc to New York duo May 3 with headquarters SSth infuntrv brigudo 10lth infantry; regi mental headquarters, headquarters first battalion, sanitary itcrac itieut itrst battalion, headquarters aiuf'sanitary de tachments; mnchino gun companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K and L, detach ment 110th infantry. Transport Scwall Point, Pnuillacc to Newport News, no date due, with casual "DANDERINE" FOR FALLING HAIR Stop dandruff and double; . beauty of your hair for few cents. Dandruff causes a feverish irritnti of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, iuos !n and then the hair come out fast, To stop falling hair at onco and rid j the tcalp of every pirtu le of dandruff 'K"t small bottle of "Danderine" at ny drug store for a few ecnts, pour little iu your hand and tul it inio , :mc saip. AJier several appuraiiuna .the hair stops eomin; out and you can't find any dandruff, lour hair appears soft, glossy and twice as thick aud abundant. Try itl I detachment of tea saeii. j Transimrt Ah honso XIIT, Bordeaux jto New York, due April 30, with S-nd division detachment of headquarters and headquarters troops, ociaenment 3u7th mobile veterinary section; 307th train headquarters, quartermaster de tachment; S.Kith battalion, tank rot;' compute; ''itith battalion, tank rorp complete; 379th, 2S0th and 3slst train inir and replacement eomoauics tank Ohio: ordnance casual company 3i7, scattered; 464th acre squadron. ADMINISTRATE IX ' S NOTICE Notice i hereby given that the un dersigned, by order of the county court of Marion county, Oregon, nas been duly appointed as administratrix of the estate of Ernest B. Bennett, de ceased. All person having claims against such estate are required to present them within six months from the date of this notice, with the prop er vouchers, to the undersigned, at fca lem, Oregon. Dated this 31st day ef March 1919. SCSAN H. KARL, Administratrix. W. C. Winslow, , Attorney for estate. "5 2 FIRST NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Marlon In thomatter of the estato of Frank Harding, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator with tho will annexed of the above, entitled estate, upon ancillary letters of administration having been issued and as such administrator has duly qualified, according to law. All persons having claims against the es tate are hereby notified to present same luly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at 503 Gerlinger building, Portland, Oregon, or at 306 U. . bank building, r-alem, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated and first published this 17th day of April, 191!). CLARE C. HAKDLSU, Administrator with the will annex ed, of the estate of Frank Harding, deceased. . . John C. Shillook, Attorney, 503 Gerlinger lildg., Tort laud, Oregon." 5-16 SUMMONS NO. 14373 In the Circuit Court of the Bute f Oregon, For Marion County Joseph Schmid, plaintiff vs Henry Krebg and Sophie Krebs defendants, Summons. To Henry Krebs and Sophie Krebs, ifl the name, of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit oa or before tho 22d day of Muy, 1919, aud if you fail so to appear and anbwer tho said complaint for want thereof tie plain tiff will nrply to the eourt for the re lief prayed for in his complaint, a sub stantial statement of which is as fol lows, towit. First: For the sum of $114.75 and interest thereon at the rafo of eight per cent per annum, from the 1st day of November 1117, and tno s'.un or soecial attorney 'a fees and the costs and disbursements of this suit. Second: That tile UMinl decree may be mnde for tho sale of said premises, towit: Beginning at a point on tha east lino oJ l.rith street in the city of Salem in Marion county, Oregon, which said point i 185.5 feet south of the south line of Nebraska street in said city and running thence easterly and parallel to Nebraska street l.rH).UI feet to the alley; thence northerly nlong tho west line of said alley 73.5 feet: thence westerly and parallel to Nebraska street l.r.2 feet to the east line of 15th street; thence southerly along the east line of 15th atroet 73.5 feet to tho placo of beginning) by the sheriff of Marion county, Oregon, ac cording to law and the practice of this court. That tho proceeds of said sale may be applied to the payment of the amount due the plaintiff and that said defendants and all persons claiming under them subsequent to the execution of said mortgage on said premises, either aa purchasers, incum brancers, or otherwise, may 4ie barred and foreclosed of nil right, claim or equity of redemption In said premises and every part thereof, and that the plaintiff may have judgement and ex ecution against said defendants and each of them for any deficiency which may remain after applying all of the proceeds of the sole of said property or premises properly applicable to the satisfaction of this decree. Third: That the plaintiff Lave such other and further relief In tho preis cs as to the court may seem meet and equitable. That you aro further notified that this summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Capital Journal, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of Halem, Mariun county, Oregon and that the date of the first publication of this summons ia tho 10th day of April, 1 010, and the last day of publication thereof Kill bo the 22d day of May, 1019. This service is so oublished and serv ed upon you pursuant to the order of Honorahlo Percy K. Kelly of said court, whieh order was made and en tered of record in said cause on the 3d day of April, 1019. KOHIN D. DAY, Attorney for plaintiff, Salem, Ore gon. . 5 22 The Capital Journal Daily Market Report Oram Wheat, soft white 2 Whtat, lower grades oa sample Onts - 80c Hay, cheat $24 Ftay, oats . .. t'l' Barley, ton 4Ste50 Mill run 43(u44e Bnttetfat Butterfat .. 60c TotimaWant Ada Quick Reference To Finns That G:?a Service On Short Where Buyer And Seller Meet We Recommend Our Advertisers. EVEBTTHDIQ Salea Electric Co., Masonie Temple, WATER C03LPANY 1 iALEM WATER fjLTAJTY Office eorner Commercial and Trade street Bills payable monthly la adanc. Phono 600. SUE A REPAIRS all kinds oi furni ture if broken or out of repair; up holster repair made. Shop 353 Cho meketn St. between Commercial and Liberty. Phone 1S1. . 4 20 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS Have just listed t0 acres fine Logan or Btrawberry land, at car line, join ing &tloiu; 13 rash, balance 6 per cent, lletter buy 5 acre. 5 acres iber ries would make you a nice income, a great help to get started along with your sulary, 15 acres, 6 acres in 8 year old cher ries, 6 in 8-year old prunes, 4 straw berries; house, tarn well. Only 3& mlies from Salem, $3750. If you put off buying this till the crop is further advauccd you can't buy it at those figures, (let busy, make the advance yourself. 70 acres, 50 good tillable land, 6 acres cleared, 1,000,000 ft. saw tim ber; 3 miles from railroad town. Will take liberty bonds, exchange for acreage near Shalom. If you have a niortguge you want to get rid of tho owner will assume it or pay dif ference, or will exchange foi Salem residenco or vacant lots. 50 acres all in cultivation, good house, barn, the best of valley loam; 5 uiilcw from Salom, only $160 per acre. This is the finest of walnut or berry land, berries growing on adioiniiur farm illustrates that. I an not advertise everything I have listed. Have a number of ex ceptionally good buys for tho small investor. If the best buy is what you want call on BOOOLOFS5Y llnyne building FOtt SALE 120 acres of No. 1 land located 8 miles from Salem, on good road, in gogd location, good house and barn ami othar Diriidings, larm implements, 4 horses, 6 eows, 6 year lings, 50 head of hogs, round 500 cords of wood ready cut, ait at barcain. Write M W care Journal tf van SALE A irnod double team bar ness, will trade for hay or grain, or will exchango for good dry wood 8co Square Deal Realty compaV. Phono 470 Creamery butter 5960c Pork. Veal and Mutton Pork on foot ibV418c Veal, luncy Steers 710e rin. . 5(i9c Spring lambs He Ewes.-- M Lambs, yearlings - - 10(o;13c Bggi and Poultry Efrps, cash 1 Hens, llvo 2830c Old roosters 15c Cockerels , 22c . vegetamet Radishes, dox. . 35c Sweet prrtntoes - 6(nV4 Potatoes $1.255?1.75 Onions, local Palbhago Turnips .- Head lettuce Beets ZZ.'.'.Z. $3f'!? 5to6'aC 2 8 4c $4.25(0)4.75 V4 Parsnips - 8c Cauliflower,' flats $2(ffi2.25 Winesap apples, box $46 Celery, crate $10 trait Oranges $56.75 Lemons, boi 5 Bananas Florida grape fruit, case $7()8 Black figs lb. lCCrOl White figs, lb. 19(i20e Package figs per bx SO pkg $4(a,6.!0 Honey, extracted ..- - 20e Retail mees , Eggs, - 45e Creamery butter 65c Flour, hard wheat $3.15(a;3.25 Portland Market Portland, Or., AprU 24. Butter, city creium-ry j?fc.i lis api"rt local ex. 44(ff46c E 3765339 .ittti ltroiieis 4i(rt'43e Gocse l'foiiOa Cheese, triplets 3'Cu.37e DAILY LTVB STOCK MAS EXT Cattle Jtccoipti 39 ? jl I'll 'lone v' market steady Best steer $Kt.7j(i 14.75 Good to choice steers $11.50frf 12.50 Medium to good steers $11 U Fair to good steers $9fuil0 Common to fair steers $8'i-9 Choice cows and heifers $10.50 12.25 Good to choice cows and heifers W 10.50 Medium to good cowj and heifers $7(5.8 r'air to medium eows and heifers $5fri0 . Canners $.1.. "Writ. 50 Hulls ;r 1.50 ' Calves $!.50ii.l4 Stockers and feeders $710 Hogs Receipts 59 Tone of markot hlghef Prime mixed $20 20.50 Medium tiiixcd l!.o" 21) Hough heavies $iXIS.25 Pigs $17.2.V 17.70 Bulk $19.75fr2(t Bneep Receipts 70 L Telephoao .Main ISO ELECTRICAL 127 North High- DORA DEAX MoCVTClLEON, teacher of piano, a new and logical method for both pupil and teacher, making dear all basic principles necessary, to a musWal education, and giving tho "mnsie teacher" something teach.. 421 Court St. Phone 302. PEOPLES FURNITURE STORE For bargains in new and secondhand goods for the house, furniture, rang es, heaters and stoves, rugs, sewing machines, graniteware, dishes, suit cases, trunks and tools. We waa your old furniture and atoves, will pay you highest cash pries. &e oa last. Peoples Furniture Store, 271 N. Commercial St. Phone 734. SECOND-HAND GOODS NO CASH KKQUlKED-iood overcoat shoos and suits, all kinds of music al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat ing stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000 other useful articles to sell or trade. What have you! Tlte Capita Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 4S)3. AMUSEMENTS THE SOLDI KR BOYS Pool and bil liard parlor is now open under noist niaungeiiiont and it renders you an! tho general public a congenial placa tn pass away a few leisuie hours. The basojnont of Oregon Electrie depot, corner of State and Higk Phoue 628. Win. Livock, prop. STOYE REPAIRING STOVES RtUtCILT AX1 ItEPAlREtt 50 years experience, Depot NstiooJ fnd American fence. Sizes 26 to 5S in. high . Paints, oil and varnish, cte. Logamberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 2"0 Court street. Phone 124. J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, sells and exchanges new en4 2d hand furniture. All kinds of repair work, light grinding, fUinfo and brazing a specialty. Right prices. 247 North Commercial St Phone It). SCAVENGER 8ALE.M SCAVENGER Garbage an! refuse of all kinds removed on month . , ly contracts at reasonable rates. i Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals re moved. Office phone Mnin lli7. LODGE DIRECTORY KN.ICHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT MoCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andrcsen, C. C. F. Kuntz, K. R.. tc S. ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore gon Grape camp No. 1300 meet every Thursday evening in MeCornack hall Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Car rio E. Bunn, 648 Union St; recor der Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 W. 4th" St. Phone 1436M. MODERN WOOD M EX OF AMEMCA Oregon Cedar camp No. 61340 meets every Thursday evening, 8 o'clock in MdCornack hall, over Meyers; atorc. Hay A. Orant, V. 0; '. Ju. Turner, clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Caeitul Assem bly No. 84 meets evory Thursday at 8 p. m, in Masonic Tempie. Ciena C. Nile, M. A; C. A. VVb'bert, secretary, 340 Owens street. MONEY TO LOAN On Oood Real Eatnto Hecnrity TILOS. K, FORD Over Ladd Bush bank j Salem Oregoa FEDERAL FARM IANS-5'j per cent interest. Promt service. 84' years time. Federnl farm loan bonds for sale. A. C. Boliriwtcdt, 401 Ma sonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. INSURANCE COUNCIL For free in formation about Life Insurance ae J. F. Hutehiison, "list, manager for the Mutual Life of N. Y., sffica a 371 Stato St., Salem, Ore. Office phono !!, residence 1390. tf Hop LEE, expert laundryman, 43i Ferry St. I pay top market prise tor chickens nnd Eggs. Office phona 1.139J, residence UXU. WOOD SAW PHONE 1090B Our Prices nro Right W. M. ZANDLEU, Proprietor 1255 N. Summer Ntrect, Salem, Oregoa REPAIRING STEWART'S IREPAIR H1IOP IU just installed a machine that wiS sharpen lawnmowers the same as thJ fnetory puts them out new. llrinf all your light repair work to me. At vin B. Stewart, 347 Court St. Phona 493. AUTO REPAIRING ALL kinds of auto repairing by an ex perienced workman. All work guar anteed to be satisfactory. Studnbak cr repairs a specialty. D. R. Mair, 203 N. Commercial. Tone of morket weak Prime lambs $l7(a 17.50 Fair to medium lambs $15u)16. Yearlings 11S13 Wethers 12. Ewes $0.50(0.11